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The Adventures of one foxxy Mahou Shoujo - IC

Grace would change positions a few more times with her Pet. each time after giving Julia one or more orgasms and leaving even more ooze in Julia! It started to blur into a mushy memory of bliss and love for Julia.
The last position she fucked her now very euphoric Pet in was where she lifted Blonde up from the bed by slipping her arms under her Pet's knees and having Julia wrap her arms around her Mistress's neck. Grace's slim build hid powerful muscles for even after all this rigorous mating, she could still hold her Pet up effortlessly! She pinned Julia against the wall next to her door and started to pound her against it! The loud noises of their passionate sex would be easy to hear from out in the hallway and possibly even from other rooms! Grace whispered sweet words of how her Blonde wouldn't be able to live without her Mistress after this night as she pounded the willing slave. Both of the Mistress & Pet Lovers were approaching their next climax of the night, getting right up to that blissful cliff they had both crossed over many times already that night when Grace suddenly stopped, the head of her cock resting against the overflowing entrance to Julia's baby room. Grace leans in and briefly gives Julia a sloppy kiss. As they kiss Grace carries Julia back to the bed, leaving a small trail of the drug behind them as she moves thanks to the surprising amount that nestled in Julia. At the bed, in one movement she unsheathes herself and tosses Julia to the bed!

"T-this is the last of what I have stored in this toy." A hand reaches down to the black futa dildo and starts to pump up and down it. "I-Im going to paint your body with my cum~" Standing above Julia, Grace's hungry eyes roam her Pet's naked body. Flushed and blushing with the euphoria of their drugged sex, Julia looked beautiful and oh so vulnerable below the corruptible Gang leader! Grace started to imagine how she would one day make Julia fully join her gang and live with her, no longer having to hide her true love from that Liza. How she could show off her collar to everyone in the world!~ With that thought, hot and thick ropes of the drug like cum erupted from Grace's futa cock! Rope after rope laid claim to Julia's naked body!

Meanwhile, now that Julia finally had a break long enough from the lovemaking, she could clearly make out the heat from the many different doses of the drug packed into her womb, and threw that heat she could clearly make out the outline of her own babyroom! It was like a fire inside of her, radiating warmth and pleasure throughout the rest of her body while increasing her sensitivity to that same pleasure many times over! This overwelming pleasure, it just felt so damn right to the submissive foxxo.

Grace moaned as she worked the last of the drug from the magic futa dildo, and for the first time of the night, that dildo finally went soft. Grace crawled onto the bed, both girls tired from the fucking but Julia more so. "Mhhhh, lets get that all rubbed into you..." Grace's hands started to wander Julia's body, rubbing the cum drug into Julia's skin. At this point, Grace's touch alone was enough to set Julia squirming and moaning! Grace plants kisses starting on Julia's neck and trails her way down to her busty chest, sucking on one of her Blonde's nipple's ass she continues to play with Julia's body rub in the drug! Eventually she was satisfied and was ready to try something different on her Pet when she noticed just how tired Julia was. She was clearly not used to having sex for this long and it was taking a toll on her endurance. "Awwww, someone sleepy already?" She sits back up and smiles down at Julia. "Very well, as your loving owner, Ill let you rest for a little. Just close your eyes, and Mistress will wake you up in a little to continue our night of fun~" She plants a kiss on Julia's forehead and Julia can feel sleep starting to claim her....
; Location: Grace's Safe House; Tag: Grace; Mood: Lewd;
Core States: HP (40/40) [6 Non Lethal]; AC 13; CMD 14; Init: +3; Fort: +5; Ref: +7; Will: +3
Mahou Rounds: 12/12

Blondy started cooing and moaning ad her mistress stuffed her over and over with the drug laced cum. Making the horny little fox so very helpless and loving. She wrapped her arms around her mistress's neck she was fucked while standing up. The tag on her collar giving a soft approving jingle every time that Grace would trust. Blondie's bushy tail, now matted and soaked in sweat and semen, twitched about excited. "N-nyaa" She wrapped her legs around Mistress, pulling her deeper and deeper. The burning need for sex only being sated by this strong dominate cat.
Meeting the sloppy kiss blondy focsed on the cock that was still sheathed inside her, her trembling lips clinging tightly to the toy, not willing to stop even though her body was about ready to give out. She laid down staring up at her mistress. "P-please finish marking your p-pet n-nyaa" She purred opening her lets and arms wide, her tail curling up to tickle the underside of the black dildo's balls, ready to be coated in her mistress's magic cum. Cum that would help her remember how good it felt to be a fuck pet, how much she loved her mistress... She felt the first spurt of warmth across her chest, a second and third soon followed. The drug filling her mushy mind with desire so strong that she thought she might burst! She eventually did, orgasming while Mistress wasn't even touching her. "N-nyaa.... s-so hot m-mistresss...." She pulled her mistress down onto the bed, happily wrapping her in her tail. Mistress's hand slowly working their way over Blondy's body, making sure that she was coating in drug cum. As the lewd fox cat mewled she could feel her brain tingling a bit, the addictive drug claiming part of Julia's mind. 'So this is the true please of sex...', which Blondy knew wasn't the whole truth. This was the pleasure of Mistress, the pleasure that Julia would long for every night, but only be able to find in Grace's loving arms. She'd be back, Blondy would get to come out, let her mistress fuck her some more, and each time a little of Julia would become her pet persona, would become a proper bitch slave for Grace, willing to do anything for her only love!
For now though... it was getting late, and Blondy could feel herself slipping. "Yes mistress. Thank you for taking such good care of your sex pet," She nuzzled her body against Grace's tone form... letting sleep finally take her.
Grace giggles in her own happiness as her very vulnerably and moldable slave Pet thanked her. "Your welcome My Blonde, but your not just my sex pet now.~" She pulls the snuggling foxxo closer into her, her cat tail wrapping around Julia's fluffy fox tail once again. She leans next to Julia's ear and whispers into it as sleep take her. "Your my lover now as well~"

In the end, Grace actually let Julia sleep most of the remaining night away after having been such a loyal and good sex pet for her Mistress. Though she did wake her up with only a couple of hours left before sunrise in order to 'play' with her Pet some more before she had to send her off back to her boring life without her Mistress. The drug effects were still going strong for this newest session of love making, in fact, letting it soak fully into her womb and body seems to have made it slightly more effective! Needless to say, by the time the sun rose Julia would already had a few leg numbing climaxes under her belt, this time without any toys. Just roaming hands, intruding fingers, and sloppy kisses. A lot of kisses. A good way to start the day according to her Mistress. Eventually, the promised night of pleasure would have to come to an end though.


They stood in Grace's room, moving about to collect their clothing that had both been tossed around the night before. As Julia was about to put on her panties, her Mistress stops her. "Here, your going to wear your newest pair instead." In her hand she held the panties that went with her Pet clothing, those neko shaped string panties. "You'll take your lingire with you but Ill keep your kitten ears here. They would be too hard to explain away if they were found.... Unless you really wanna wear them my kitten?"
She grins before continuing, "Oh of course, before I forget. You were an amazingly obedient Pet last night, and good Pet's get rewards." She says as she starts to walk back over to that night stand that was full of all kinds of different dildos, opening it and reaching it, picking one out from her collection.

From out of the cabinet of many dildos comes a very realistic knotted dildo, one that somehow looks familiar... kind of like the one she tried to ignore when Ranq grew aroused! "Mhhh, I think this one will do wonderfully as your first dildo. It will keep you company when your Mistress cant be there to make you cum~." Hehehe, Grace inwardly giggled. This should open her Pet up to using her other gift, or rather, letting her other gift use her~ She offers the doggy dildo to Julia.


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; Location: Grace's Safe House; Tag: Grace; Mood: Lewd;
Core States: HP (40/40) [6 Non Lethal]; AC 13; CMD 14; Init: +3; Fort: +5; Ref: +7; Will: +3
Mahou Rounds: 12/12

Blondy couldn't help but mewl as her mistress whispered those sweet words to her. Letting them paint her mind as she continued the down the road toward sleep. She'd eventually drift off, her body curling up with Graces for warmth. By the time that she woke up again, Julia was one more aware of herself. The tingling buzz of lover extract still making her nice and ply-able, but she had a noticeable blush and hesitation with each lewd request from her mistress. She carried them out though, and the burning between her thighs seemed sated by it.
"Y-ya, they were a gift from you," She smiled taking the panties that Grace had offered her. They were quite cute as well, even if they'd be hard to explain she wondered if Liza would like seeing her in these as well? There would certainly be questions, but she could just say that she wanted to impress her new girlfriend, and not mention grace.... "M-maybe I should l-leave my other panties here.... j-just in case?" She offered, feeling in her gut that Grace wanted them, and not wanting to hold back since the Cat Leader had been so nice to her. "O-oh the ears..." She gently took the ear band in her hands, feeling it over for a few long seconds. She was ready to hand them back, but she could feel a strange fire burning in her. It had started as a tingle in her neck, and trickled down to her snatch, which began to bulge against her lingire.... "I-I kinda wanna keep them," She admitted, "I know it would be weird if Liza or Alex found them, but I can think up some excuse. I... they are part of the lingire, after all." She nodded, putting them away with her belongings.
"Oh, t-thank you!" She was a little relieved that Grace remembered... after all that wonderful night before wasn't something that Liza could really offer.... She was already starting to wonder if her girlfriend would be able to sate those desires should they arise. Seeing the rather bestial cock Julia was a little perplexed, not connecting it to Ranq's member at all. "T-this looks very interesting, I..." She bit her lip and hesitated for several second, before a dark voice within her made sure she finished the sentence, "I'll make sure to thing only of you and you're wonderful gifts every time I use it mistress!" She blushed a little and looked away from grace.
"I'll head back now... I think it's best if you don't come with me. If Liza see's you she might get jealous again... I-I'll think of some excuse if she asks too many questions... a-and I'll make sure that I'm there when you try to liberate those girls!" She gave one final afirming swish to her tail before departing for home.
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A darker part of Grace was happy to see the hesitation and embarrassment in her Pet after they woke up and continued to play. She was confident the hooks she had in Julia would absolutely bring her back again and again, and she would get to slowly break her down into being her permanent Pet and Blonde~. There was no challenge if she had fully submitted after just this.~ Already she looked forward to what she wanted to do next time she got her hands on Julia!

"Ah, a great idea Blonde! While you get one of my dildo's to help you cope without me being there, your panties will help me wait till I get you in my bed once more~" She purred, her tail flicking behind her in enjoyment from the idea. When Julia decides to take the kitty cat ears with her and declares that she will think only of her mistress when using the dildo, Grace gets her predatory grin and reaches up to give Julia's foxxo ears a nice pets while saying, "What a good girl you are~" Julia's collar activates from the phrase and Julia once again feels that unnaturally strong elation and her body tingles with a pleasurable buzz from the collar. "Ah right." Grace says as she eyes her collar around Julia's neck. "You can just repeat the passphrase and it will switch back to its innocent mode."

"Hehe, some jealousy might do her some good, but very well. I'll see you off at the door my Pet."
The lovers finish getting dressed and packing Julia's things leaving her panties laying on Grace's bed. They enter back into the underground bar and immediately knowing smiles are directed at Julia! One or two of the serving girls even look a little jealous and one of the gang girls pats Grace on her shoulder as they pass. Grace's second stands by the door, holding the leash of Ranq which she hands over to Julia as she reaches her. "Thanks for looking after him Honoka while we had our... fun." Grace was preening as she showed off the toy she made such a ruckus with last night to her gang mates. She gives Julia one last kiss before seeing her off to head back home...


BACK TO LIZA AND LEX, The prior day!

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Liza and Lexie would just barely make it back to Liza & Julia's house before the transformation of the milk would end! With a pop and an alarmed 'Eeep!' from Lexie, the two would suddenly be back in their original bodies and clothing! Liza could spot a Lexie disappointingly poking at her now very flat chest. Noticing she was being watched, Lexie boils up and turns red, "I-I, uh..." She just went quite, embarrassed that Liza had seen her disappointment. She was still holding onto the bag that had her new makeup kit inside, and her newly painted sky-blue nails still looked adorable and pretty. "T-thanks for taking me out to g-get my nails done..." Her His face gets redder as he continues, his voice getting quieter in embarrassment as well. "A-and fo-for taking me to that c-club..." The house was quite as the two entered.
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Elysabeth.jpg Under the effects of the milk still, the fox cow found herself eyeing a few of the stronger looking studs on the way home, her tail giving a few playful snaps at their thighs if they passed close enough by. One time she even gave the cow lex a squeeze on the arm, "Did you see that beef cake in who just walked by? Mmm, I bet he'd milk us for all we're worth," She didn't stop though, she lead Lex all the way home, and just in time to as both snapped back to their original forms. Liza, thinking back on the way her cow self had been acting blushded a deep red, she turned to Lex, trying to change the subject quickly, get her mind off the fact that she could still feel a tingling feeling in her nipples and between her legs.
"It's no problem at all!" Liza smiled petting Lex's hair softly, looking the pouting boy over. She debated on weather she should let him go back to his own house like this, or ask him to stay.... She'd ask Julia... tonight was suppose to be their first night together as a couple, but Lex was their friend after all... "Why don't we find Julia, we could all spend the night together, just like old times." She quickly pulled Lex into a hug, which included her fluffy tail wrapping around the cat boi.
Though, looking through the house it was soon obvious that Julia wasn't home... Liza found the note making what happened clear. "I guess she went off to handle a problem. She said she might not be back until late or early morning..." it wasn't abnormal for one of them to do solo work, but for them to know that they'd be away overnight... Julia must have been up to something urgent. "I bet she's doing some kind of stake out..." She reasoned. Wondering why Julia wasn't clearer in her letter, and having a inkling that something more was going on. "In any case, would you mind staying with me? We can have a sleepover just the two of us," She giggled grabbing Lex by the hands. They had had sleep overs before, at least the sort that were filled with games and laughter rather than Lex just sleeping on the couch after a long night. "I think I know just the thing to do too," she bounced a bit excitedly, examining the cat boi for hints at his reception to her idea.
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Being so playful and flirty with any attractive guys she sees on their way back home, a rush of excitement hits with each guy she teases. It feels taboo, dangerous, yet so fun! And of course, her demonic womb tat agrees! Once again, under her clothing, it lights up softly and Liza's body grows warmer as the tat forces some arousal upon the foxxo cow! "I could probably get any one of these guys to get in bed with me if I wanted~" It whispered in the back of her mind. Cow Lex was a little uncomfortable with all the attention Liza was bringing their way with her flirtatiousness, and let out a quite 'eeep!' when she felt Liza touch her arm, but immediately calmed down when she realized it wasn't one of the horny strangers on the street. Lex's face almost instantly boiled red at Liza's words. "I-I, wha-what do you mean? I-I-I d-dont know about t-that..." His usual stutter he had when embarrassed seemed even worse when Liza implied something so lewd to the innocent virgin!

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Back at home, when Liza thought back to how she was just acting, her womb tat acts up again! After a moment, her already hardened nipples grow slightly harder, her panties get a little wetter than a moment ago and she cant get the thought of how fun that dangerous flirting had been out of her head! Lex seems to calm down at Liza's touch, the red fading slightly from his head as a slight content smile appears from the head pets. "I-I would love that... especially after what happened, it would be good for us to go back to n-normal." He tries to put on a determined face, as if he would do his best to prevent what happened from ever happening ever again to one of his best friends, but Liza cant help but see his determination as cute. While Liza goes into the kitchen and finds Julia's note, Lex finds one of the few small and expensive mirrors in the house and looks over himself herself now that he was back into his beautiful dress. A part of him still grappling that the beautiful girl in the mirror was him!

"A-ah, well shes probably all fired up to get back at t-those guys for what they did, but Im sure she'll be back in the m-morning. E-even if shes out on a stake out, you know shell be super c-careful not to get into trouble so as not to worry you ri-right after..." Lex vigirously nods, his side pony tail cutely bobbing up and down with his movements. "O-of course! I-its been a while since our last sleep over..." A slight blush comes over his cheeks as Liza's takes his hand. His head tilts questioningly as Liza says she knows what they are going to do. "W-what do you have in mind?" His shopping bag still in his other manicured hand.
Elysabeth.jpg Liza had been mostly blind to Lex's discomfort. The magic of the milk, mixing with the arosal from her tattoo, making her fall into a hazy heat. She bit her lip as she eyed another one of the potential studs. Her nipples firming up, her tail lifting, and her snatch beginning to drool. 'So many cute boys, it's a shame I can't let them stuff me... get a nice little calf, start getting my milk flowing.... mmmm....' her mind would wonder a bit, but she kept herself grounded enough not to run off with any of the guys.
'What was I thinking...' Liza would steady herself as they went back inside. 'Trying to give myself away like that it was so dangerous' in that moment her tattoo began to glow, 'Fun!' Liza would become lost in her own little world for a short time, fantasying about one of those men grabbing her, pinning her to a bed and fucking her, dominantly..., hard..., reminding her what a good little cow slut she was... Her body began to send out signals, twitches, scents, looks. Each one signalling to the dolled up male that she was a female in need of attention. Granted with how innocent Lex was, it was likely enough only to excite him as well, rather than cause any actions....

Some time later Elizabeth pet Lex on the head, "Ya, you're right. She'll be extra careful. So lets enjoy the night. I think that first we are going to have a little makeover," She giggled taking the bag from lex. "You already look so cute in that dress, and with your pretty little nails. I was thinking that I could show you how to put on some makeup, and really complete the image. Who knows, you were already fooling so many people without the makeup you might be able to start a new life as a cafe waitress tomorrow, I bet you'd get lot's of tips from all the boys." She giggled, softly stroking Lex's slender tail that had waved by her. "Come on, I have a vanity in my room." Without waiting for Lex to agree she'd tug him along.
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Just having the thought of having a little calf being planted in Liza's cattle womb sent her womb to slightly twitching in desire. Her fantasies of being pinned to a bed and bred were strangely realistic as her tat reinforced these images in her head. She had flash backs to the bed she shared with Shawn, the bed she lost her virginity and was so thoroughly trained in. Her nipples ached for their piercings!

With both of them being part beast, Liza's pheromones did indeed have some affect on Lex though she didn't realize why she was getting aroused herself, rather thinking it had something to do with how she was looking at herself all dolled up at the time! Liza would catch him shifting around in his seat from the arousal, and if she looked hard enough, with the cat sitting down Liza could barely make out a small tent in the ruffled dress.

"A-already? I-I dont know anything about makeup yet..." Being naturally submissive and fully trusting Liza, the kitsune had no problem from the cat-trap as she lead her upstairs. Weak against compliments on her femininity, Lex blushes again before replying. "A-ah waitress job? I-I d-dont know, with our c-crime fighting and all..." She seems to have taken Liza at face value, trying to learn to take a complement as well as Liza praises how pretty she looks right now. Under Liza's touch, Lex's sensitive tail flutters and shivers. "W-will big sis help me look even prettier?" Lex nervously asks as shes dragged upstairs!
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a1d82c1b-5b48-4704-81a4-ae15ed5efebe.png "Of course already! You didn't think you got that just to look nice on a shelf did you?" Liza took the bag from Lex, once the two where upstairs in Liza's room. True to her word there was a white low table with a small chair. A large mirror and a few magical rocks which illuminated when magic was poured into them. A vanity, which Liza used only on occasions, she didn't often feel the need to put on much make up herself, but hated not having the option to. With one hand she cleared the desk of her own make-up and pulled out a chair. With the other she guided Lex to sit.
"Oh, you can be a waitress and fight crime you know," She slipped behind Lex, her tail snaking around to gently massage Lex's thighs. "You just do one durring the day, the other at night. You hear all kind's of fun gossip too." She felt her tattoo flare up again, the desire for fulfillment taking her again. She leaned in to whisper in Lex's ear, "You know, since your already wearing girls underware, your practically a girl already. It makes me happy seeing my cute little dress up doll grew up like this, you're such a good girl letting big sister help you." She pulled away, but her tail flicked up, very suggestively running up the length of Lex's rock hard member.
Liza didn't let that hand long before she opened the bag, "First things first you need a foundation. Something that the rest will stick too. You should try to make it match your skin tone for now." She had opened up the box and taken out a powder puff and a jar of light brown dust. Which she gently began dusting against Lex's face, all over.
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Lex giggled with that nervous excitement that came with trying something new! "Y-yeah, I would love to try out your gift instead of letting it sit around." She handed the bag of makeup over to Liza while still holding onto her hand. Lex is meekly looking at the vanity, impressed with how pretty it was. Liz had no problem maneuvering her doll Lex into the vanity's chair.

"Y-yeah I guess thats true." She mumbled as a fluffy tail brushed against her bare thigh. "Ma-maybe... I should probably get my own job as well, like you two." Standing behind the sitting Lex, Liza gets a good view from the mirror of Lex lighting up like a Christmas tree as a furious blush comes over her features. the happiness of being told that she was practically already a girl overshadowed any uncomfortableness or weirdness that might have come from being called a little dress up doll by her 'Big Sister'. Lex's clitty was indeed rock hard and she could even feel it twitch beneath her tail's touch! "T-t-thank you B-big Sis...I-I wanna be more like you!" Lex admits fidgeting in arousal and embarrassment!

Not knowing really anything about makeup, Lex completely submits to what ever Liza wants to do to her. Truly the best 'Dress up Doll' Liza could ask for!
a1d82c1b-5b48-4704-81a4-ae15ed5efebe.png "That's what I like to hear!" Liza giggled, nuzzling up to Lex. The feeling of rubbing her bear skin on the girl boy was plesant. It was clear the cat had taken care to keep her his skin soft, and been blessed with a naturally girlish body. Though, with the tweaks that she had in mind, it could really make Lex shine! As she brushed up and down Lex she could feel the hard memeber pressing against the girlish panties. The only true marking that Lex was indeed a boy, and something the normally Liza would be able to easily ignore, though since she'd been captured the almost invisible male sent attached to Lex did make her a bit more horny... she'd always thought that biology played no party in love, that she wanted to be with whoever was best... but she couldn't deny that the thought of being with a proper man excited her even now... Lex's memeber... well, she'd not seen it in a while but she couldn't imagine it as more than a toy, something her doll had to play with if she needed to reward her him.
Liza took her time, gently applying each layer, showing Lex the differences in color and application.

By the time she was done, Lex would see that his cheeks were practically glowing, the light eye shadow highlighted his eyes, and a thin layer of red lipstick make them seem so plush and kissable. "There we go, what do you think?" Liza giggled. Gently brushing her his hair with a comb while she wait for the kitty cat's response. Possibly sub consiously, she had kept brushing her tail against Lex's inner thigh and boy clit, making him squirm and wriggle the whole time, something she had not stopped even now. Lex would likely be on the edge of soft fluffy climax mad all the worse by Liza having been so close to him the entire time.
Alex 2.0.png From Lex's soft, clear, and white creamy colored skin, it was indeed clear she he had some kind of skin care routine in place. It was one of the small signals that Liza had picked up on over all the years she had known Lex that yelled his desire to be like his big sis and be a true girl! With each stroke of her fluffy tail against Lex's panties, Liza could feel the hidden cock twitch against the cute panties and her tail, making a wet spot grow bigger and bigger in Lex's panties! It was only making a cycle of increasing arousal for both of them as the male scent of Lex's precum was turning on Liza which fueled her Dom side even more! Being reminded of Lex's male side, that her doll had such a useless toy like this, got her all excited at the though of smothering it by playing doll with Lex! Liza's womb tattoo lights up under her clothing as it feeds into her arousal even more, pushing her to truly do what ever she wanted to do to Lex! Lex would be moaning and squirming under the tail's attentions, still bright red as from embarrassment and arousal! Though if Liza continued to toy with her doll as she showed her how to put on makeup, Lex would adorably do her best to pay attention to Liza's teachings even as she was being teased!

By the time Lex was dollified, she would have a big smile that just would not go away as she looked at how... sexy she looked with makeup on! How even she had a hard time telling that she was supposed to be a boy! As Liza looked at her Doll, a tempting thought worms its way into her mind from her tattoo. Those plush, kissable red lips... they looked so delicious when Lex was smiling like that... she completely owned her Doll so why not have a taste? Before Liza could decide to act on the impulse or not, Lex turned to her big sis and said, "Thank you O-Onee-chan," She used the traditional way to call older siblings from back in the clans. "I look a-amazing! I-I look so much like an actual girl right now..." She flutters her eye lashes, admiring how they looked fuller and how sexy her eye shadow was! "D-Do you think you could do my h-hair as well while Im like this?" Another thought come to Liza. Wouldn't she be an amazing big sis if she dolled Lex up before handing her over to a true man to make her into a full women?!
a1d82c1b-5b48-4704-81a4-ae15ed5efebe.png Liza was fully engrossed in dolling up her pet. Teaching her all about the different ways the she could apply make up, it's affects, and so on. However all throughout she continued teasing that useless male member. Making it twitch and leak into Lex's silken panties, her skilled fox tail making sure not to leave it alone for even a moment. This in turn would excite Liza even more, her desire for sex still not being sated from when she had drank the milk, the lustful crest over her womb making her think all kinds of delicious things. Like hot it was that she was burring Lex's male side, how that bright eyes boy was not her doll. How she could turn make Lex a proper girl, how she might cage up that useless little dick. Liza wouldn't hide that she was getting aroused either, leaning her breasts on Lex, lightly grinding her hips against his side. However innocent he might be, Lex's brain would tell him that a female was 'in the mood' next to him.
"Of course I can, anything for my cute little dolly" She giggled softly. The lewd crest pounding powerful suggestions into her mind. She was hot, needy, and wanted her little doll to be a proper woman. She began gently brushing Lex's medium length hair still lightly grinding against him. Began lustfully wishing she could do something, now. She wanted Lex to become a woman, she wanted to kiss him, to make him a proper girly doll, but she lacked the power. She lacked the preparation. With Lex's hair nice and soft from brushing, she gently took a bow, and tied a single tuffed of it off to the side. Giving him a girlish lovely look. His blue hair matching up to the ribbon perfectly. Then she would take out a matching red bow and tie it softly around his tail as well. "Well look at how cute you are," She giggled, helping Lex to look in the mirror her lustful desire, making her fall in love with how cute she'd dolled up the kitty. "You l-look so m-much like a girl now, ha-hmmmm" She panted softly, "So c-cute" She would lean over the dolled up kitty, needing to kiss those plush lips. Giving in to her desires as the crest directed. She would connect her lips to Lex's giving the fem boi a lovely little lustful kiss.

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There was almost certainly a shop out in the slums that would be selling what ever she needed to lock up Lex's clitty! The slums were full of depravity and she knew that from experience! Lex might have normally felt awkward and weird when her big sis started to grind her fluffy tail against her panties and what was inside of those panties, or even when her big sis was needily rubbing her hips against Lex's side, but Liza had gotten Lex way too worked up! She was really aroused right now and wasn't in her right judgement! Being made to realize that Liza shared or possibly even exceeded her own arousal was liberating and made it alot less awkward from what it could have been!

Lex would giggle with Liza as she accepted and called Lex her cute little dolly! She was so excited to be able to throw away that masculinity that always felt like it didn't belong with her and if she could get help from her Big Sis so that she looked like this all the time, she would accept being Big Sis's dolly! While Liza brushed and did her hair, putting absurdly cute bows in her hair and on her tail, Lex would have a hard time sitting still if Liza continued to use her tail to tease and pleasure the trap! Biting her lower lip and even moving onto cupping a hand over her mouth to stifle her moans! She was super careful to not mess up her lip stick when she did that though!

When Liza was finally done, Lex would gasp at her new look. There was absolutely no way anyone could tell that she had something hidden between her legs rather than what girls were supposed to have down there! It would be a frustration but she could deal with it. She didn't know of anyway to deal with that, even with that amazing potion that let her grow her own set of breasts! "Y-your the best Big Sis ever..." She would say while enchanted by her own reflection! Lex would look up, tilting her head to the side to look directly up at her Big Sis, her own breath having grown heavy with arousal as Liza slowly leaned down till their lips connected! Liza's crest began its work once the foxxo had given in, and although it didn't currently possess alot of control over Liza's body other than increasing her arousal and influencing her thoughts, it started to use what little power it did have! A thin and light corruptive magic covered her lips right before the pair kissed. Instantly the kiss turned into something neither of them had experienced before! Each of their lips tasted addictively sweet and felt silky soft, starting a make out session that both of them wished wouldn't end. Their lips met time after time, electric excitement and desire shooting through them each time they kissed! Eventually Liza would find herself sitting on Lex's lap while he held onto Lex's head, completely doming the kitty in their kiss! The magic would last a few mins but if Liza would continue to make out with her dolly even after the magic had dried up, was up to her!

Eventually, the making out would come to a stop with Lex sitting looking tired while she panted in the chair. Both the girl's make up would be smudged and messed up with lip stick kiss marks ending up every where! Liza's sensitive fox nose would detect a familiar scent from Lex's panties. The girl had managed to cum just from kissing with her Onee-chan! Lex looked tired while she was panting for air, but if Liza wasn't satisfied her self, Lex didn't look in any position to refuse Liza anything right now!
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Elysabeth.jpg This wasn't the first time that Liza had dolled up Lex like this, dressing him up in her clothing had probably been why Lex was the way she was now. Granted all that time Liza had only been having fun, enjoying how cute the kitten looked when pretending to be a girl, not actually fetishizing the act that much. Now.... Now was different. Her little dolly had worn her new dress, gone on a date with her, gotten make up, had her hair done, and was now looking at her with such a pleading gaze.... there was something else too, some darker desire that was driving her on. Driving her to toy with the trap. To make her enjoy this little session as much as possible. The more the fox was indulging in this dark the desire the more rewarding it seemed to become! The way Lex looked, how she was so grateful to her 'big sis' it felt so right.
She couldn't hold it back any more, and took that cute kitty by the chin, pulling her into a wonderful kiss. Their soft smooth lips matching like puzzle pieces, this probably being Lex's first kiss she performed quite well. Liza having a bit more practice took dominate position. Pressing her lips against the cats, spreading a thin strawberry flavor over the cat's lips. Feeling the soft plump lips caving to her desire. She knew she was smearing the make-up she's just applied, but that didn't matter, what mattered now was enjoying herself, taking ownership of her doll to do with as she pleased! She would slowly adjust her position around Lex, making sure not to break the kiss. Taking a seat in his lap, and adding a soft sensual gyration to their kiss. Her fluffy tail curling neatly around Lex's thigh as she pushed him back into the vanity chair, crushing any subconscious threads of masculine dominance in the cat, making sure he understood that good little dollies didn't need any silly boy thoughts, even the ones they didn't know they thought.
The corruptive magic that had locked the two together was entirely invisible to Liza, believing that it was nothing but her own unsated lusts finally catching up with her. She wished that she could have been this forward with her girlfriend, that they'd done more then simply kiss, making the fox feel so needy and lusty before Julia ran off. "MMMm, d-did you like Onee-chan's kiss?" She cooed softly, leaning up to nibble Lex's ear. "S-seems like you did," She whispered, "B-but I'm still feeling n-needy... w-what a naughty dolly" Liza pressed her chest into Lex. "W-why don't you take a bit of responsibility? Y-you know how girls make other girls feel good right?" She asked, wanting to see what the kittens reaction would be.
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There was indeed a long history between Liza and her Doll that had led up to this moment. There were multiple things that could have led Alex into his obsession with being more and more girly. Maybe it was how he only really ever had Liza and Julia as friends, both of them superb example of feminine beauty, or maybe it was just how Liza had at first dressed Alex up for fun, which then transitioned into helping Alex fulfill a wish of being more like his two best friends, and then finally became what it was today. That intense fetish to erase Alex and help Lex come out of her shell and blossom into a true girl and the perfect doll! As Liza fetishized this desire more and more, and it became more rewarding for the foxxo, another desire was born alongside her other darker desires. She wanted to own Lex, to be the sole Mistress of her dolly! She would eventually lend her dolly out to others to play with, but in the end Lex belonged to her and her alone!

As the kiss went on and Liza moved onto Lex’s lap to gyrate her hips against Lex, there was a pathetically small but hard pole that was poking into the side of her butt. With every rotation of her hips, she could feel Lex’s clitty twitch against her bottom. The reminder that it even existed made her all the more impatient to lock it away. Lex would whimper and mewl as Liza took control of the kiss and made it clear to the both of them that she was in charge and that if she wanted Lex to be her dolly, then Lex was going to become her dolly! The cute kitten ears on top of Lex’s head flicked and twitched constantly as she was dominated. Her kitty tail would join with Liza’s, rubbing up against the fluff of the fox tail.

With the kiss finally broken, the pair were now free from the corrupted magic but were still subject to the after effects of their actions. Lex was as red as an apple and she panted with the same need that Liza felt washing over her. “Y-y-yes O-Onee-chan, t-that was amazing…” Lex unconsciously licks her lips, getting another taste of Liza’s strawberry lipstick. She twitched and moaned as her cat ear was nipped at and teased. Lex would bite her lower lip and progressively would turn redder and redder as her ‘Onee-chan’ spoke. She shifted in place with Liza still on her lap. “I-I’ve heard a-about h-how girls are supposed to do it B-big sis…” Even after already having cummed once, Liza could feel Lex’s clitty twitching back to life against her. “W-what do you want me to do O-Onee?”
Elysabeth.jpg Lex was probably one of Elysbeth's greatest weaknesses. Ever since they were little she had always had a crush on Julia, but Lex? He was so much fun to tease, to play with. He was willing to go along with anything that Liza suggested and it made him very dear to her, even if her own heart wasn't as pure in her desires for him. Now, as she straddled him, having made him cum his panties, while smearing his make-up in a mind melting kiss, one that was in all likely hood Lex's first, Lex felt a strange new desire. She wouldn't just make Lex a girl, for any old boy to love and cuddle. He was her dolly.
With their kiss broken a stand of saliva would hold between the two of them for a moment. Liza would smile softly, seeing how cute her little dolly was, helpless in her control. "I'm glad you liked it, it's something that we can share again," She would give Lex a little wink, "For now though..." She gentle stood up, disentangling herself from Lex. She would gently grab Lex's collar and pull him up. Leading the enchanted kitty over to the bed, where she would start to undo her robes. First pulling down so that Lex could see the two grapefruit nestled under the soft white bra. "I wanna see how much you know already," Liza giggled, leaning closer, nuzzling Lex between those two breasts, letting him get a whiff of her strong excited smell. "If I want something specific, I'll ask, but why don't you just do what comes naturally. Let Alex go, your a girl now, just like me, do what you think would feel good for another girl," The fox gently wrapped her tail around Lex, pulling her into a hug, her engorged sex feeling so needy, pressing against the cloth of her panties. But it could wait, she needed to know just what sort of training her little dolly needed first.
Lex's eyes were unfocused and he she was panting as the kiss ended, one hand shakily reaching up to lighting touch her lips, a sure enough sign that even if this wasn't her first kiss, which it probably was, she was at least super inexperienced with such things! A cute gasp of surprise and uncontrollable excitement burst from Lex as her Onee confirmed they could do another kiss like that sometime, before she blushed an incredible red as she realized just how excited she was to try that again with Liza! "T-thank you O-Onee..." She says shyly!
As she was pulled up out of the chair by her Big Sis, she stared at Liza with an almost awe, like she was enchanted by the aura of command, dominance, and love that was being projected by Liza in that moment!

She was led in this trance of awe all the way over to the bed and was pushed to sit down on it while Liza started to undress which would finally snap Lex out of it and she looks away in embarrassment and shyness. Even with how close they were, it was rare for Lex to see Liza undressed like this, though that wasn't the same the other way around, as sometime Lex would need Liza's personal attentions to be dressed perfectly in the past! Lex froze as she was hugged close and her face was enveloped and Liza's moderate bust! Another round of adorable twitches from Lex's clitty ensued as she smelled the fragrant yet needy scent coming from the fox girl! She let out a nervous giggle as she encouraged to just be her inner girl and do what she thought girls... no what other girls would like! "O-Ok, Big Sis, I-Ill try..."

With Liza so close already, Lex reached up to those covered grapefruit and gave them a tentative squeeze, before reaching around Liza's back to undo her bra! It took a few moments to finally get it unclasped. She evidently didn't have that much experience with bra's unlike with her panties, probably because of her lack of anything to hold on her chest! Once the bra was finally undone and dropped next to them on the bed, Lex stopped and stared at Liza's bare breasts, lighting up with a new blush once again! She would be frozen for a few moments before she would once again softly and almost reverently squeeze Liza's breasts! Her breath became noticeably huskier as she leaned forward and started to kiss and lick the pale melons! Eventually her tongue would run over one of Liza's nipples before Lex tried to plant a kiss on the cherry.

Lex's safe and soft upbringing had left her very innocent even now and it showed with how much she still had to learn! Her attentions and efforts to Liza's breasts left much to desire and showed that Liza would have plenty of corrupting and teaching to do in the future for her precious Dolly! Lex's efforts were cuter than they were pleasurable!
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a1d82c1b-5b48-4704-81a4-ae15ed5efebe.png Seeing how bashful and cute Lex was acting was only indulging some deep, preditiory instinct in Elysabeth. She would sit on the bed, letting Lex fumble with her bra for a bit, "That's it, good girl... no need to worry." She would encourage all the while, softly petting Lex's ears. Seeing him so innocently stumble and turn red she gently rubbed her leg's together trying to keep her growing need down. Once her breasts were finally free, two ivory mounds capped with deep red nipples. She couldn't help but love how cutely Lex reacted to them. "You're doing a great job cutie. Such a good girl" She encouraged, leaning back as Lex burred his her face between them. Timidly kissing them, licking them. It certainly left a bit to be desired in the pleasure department, but that was ok. The feelings of corrupting this cutie were turning into their own form of pleasure for Liza. It wasn't a bad thing, after all. Lex was her dolly after all, even from when they were kids. He... no she wanted this just as much as Liza after all.
She began to fantasies about all the cute new tricks she could teach her little dolly. All the ways she could improve her technique, the ways that she could pleasure her mistress. "Mmmmm, lex..." She panted softly, falling backwards with her toy. She would let Lex keep going, showing her the benchmark of her current skills. Their training could start another night... though at the rate they were going it might risk leaving Liza without a climax.... "Keep going, show me what a good little girl you are. No part of me is off limits tonight."