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The Adventures of one foxxy Mahou Shoujo - IC

Cafe Manager.jpg The manager was wearing a formal black a white suit, not quite a butler uniform, and the more Liza looked at him, the more his clothing made him look slightly like a play boy. He awaited an answer from the kitsune with eagerness as she debated on accepting his offer, all while still fantasizing about how much money he would bring in with a maid like Liza walking around his customers! Hell, if she appeared open to the inevitable wandering hands of his customers, he might even be able to rope her into some of his other side "businesses", which would get him even more money! The manager smiled brightly back to Liza as she accepted his offer! Score! "Ahaha, I can not lie when I say I look forward to seeing such a prime example of a kitsune in a maid uniform!"

"Ah, no problem. Just bring your friend over sometime today, or even right now, and then we can get your uniforms straightened out and you can start tomorrow! Dont want to intrerupt what ever big business you have over at that guild."
Mhhh, he really hoped she was open to his other businesses. A stunningly beautiful fox adventurer would make a fortune for him! Unless Liza wanted to ask more about the job or any other kinds of questions, she was free to immediatly go grab Lex or continue on to the guild!
Elysabeth.jpg Liza had heard lots of good things about this cafe so was feeling fairly trusting. She was a bit blind to the looked and thoughts that this man gave her, feeling like it was pretty normal to be put on display as any sort of waitress, and a maid cafe esepcailly she'd have to show off her charming cute side! That was the whole reason she wanted lex to join up! "That so? I hope you've already got some uniforms addapted for such a large amount of fluff," She grinned, pulling her tail around, holding it close enough that the manager would be able to touch it, if he wanted that is. "Maybe I could put a few ribbons in a as well, really sell the cute factor," She smiled happily. "I'll go grab her right away," She nodded, leaving the manager and heading back to the house.
She's return some time later with Lex in tow, provided the boi didn't offer much resistance. "This is my friend, Lex, as you can see she's neko, and a bit shy, but I hope we can both learn a lot well working here," She smiled at the manager. Still unaware of his alterior motives. She'd informed Lex before hand that she'd handle introductions, but he'd have to pretend to be a girl durring the interview. To at least sell his girlish charms before admitting to being a boy if needed.
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Lots of customers had indeed talked nicely about the cafe and had a good reputation for both service and eye candy, especially among the area bordering the slums! She had even heard some scruffy guys from the slums themselves talk good about the place, though they had grins and glints in their eyes as they talked about it, like it was some secret they were talking about. But as far as Liza's objectives were concerned, this was the best place to be able to show off her cute side and teach Lex by example on how to be a cute girl for guys! With Liza actually here as an example Lex could look up to, her training should progress even faster than Liza had first hoped!

"Well I dont know if we have one for this amount of fluff, but Im sure we can work something out and get a uniform that would fit you just right!" Hehehe, if he could modify one of the uniforms instead of getting a new one, letting it adapt to the fox's massive amount of fluff at the cost of her skirt being shorter! Win, win! With the fluffy fox tail being offered up, the manager grinned and a glint entered his eyes, hidden behind his glasses. He reached up and brushed his fingers through part of the tail, impressed with the silky soft quality. "Mhhh, I have just the thing for you if you want a ribbon for your tail. Ill have it ready when you get back with your friend!" He replied before he would suddenly stop brushing his fingers and grabbed the tail hidden beneath the fluff, giving it a squeeze before letting go and taking his hand back. He watched Liza's face for her reaction, ready to apologize if he didn't get what he wanted from her reaction. He had been with all kinds of girls, enough to know alot of the beast girls enjoyed their tails being touched!

Heading back home, Lex was still where she had left her, sleeping in Liza's bed, all curled up into a ball under she sheets without a Liza there that she could hug! Lex did have a tendency to sleep in a lot and this would be her first ever job... maybe Liza should keep her here so she could make sure her dolly shows up in time! Her womb throbs with pleasure for a moment as her tattoo forces a thought into her mind. If she kept her dolly here with her, then she could carefully watch over her transformation from a cross dressing boy into a proper girl! It would be easy to wake her dolly up and get her into a dress so she made a good first impression. Lex was obviously nervous about getting a job but didn't offer any resistance since her big sis had told her that she needed to get one!

Liza returned in less than an hour with her kitty following right behind her! "Hello! I guess it would be time for proper introductions then!" Doing what could only be considered a butler's bow, the manager finally introduced himself. "I am Xavier, owner of this fine establishment, The Parlor of Wonders! May I have your names?" Lex, standing behind Liza, gently grabbed onto her from behind, wanting her to make good on her promise to handle the introductions!
Elysabeth.jpg It wasn't as though Liza was stupid. She understood that such cafe's were generally places were girls were leered at, though generally not touched in her mind. She would assume as much from the thing's she already knew about the place otherwise she might have been more hesitant to join up here, let alone bring Lex with her. In any case she was ready, "Really, that would be great! They already look super cute, so I can't wait to see mine!" She giggled happily, smiling softly as the manager pet her tail. Though when he stopped to grab it suddenly, she felt something. A strong warm pleasure welling up inside her her, her face blushing softly as she became subtly aroused by the tail grab. She wanted to protest, but weather it was her crest, or her memories of Shawn, she wasn't able to... rather she just grew slightly moist between her legs, looking toward the manager with a conflicted expression of desire and embarrassment. Most likely exactly what he wanted to see.
Liza headed home, still feeling oddly on edge from the tail grab. But making it home, she would find her kitten still snoozing. She'd find a strange thought entering her mind though... made all the easier to embrace by her still being somewhat on edge... Lex would have to move in with them... they had another room... she's have to guide him closely, make sure he was doing well at this job.... mmmm.... Liza's arousal only grew more.... However she would wake Lex with a soft kiss, getting her trap dressed and applying some make-up to the kitty. Bringing the boi to the cafe within the hour.
"My name is Elysabeth Moonstone, and this is my friend Lex," Liza would give a curtsy, having previously instructed Lex to do the same where she did. If the manger was observant he might notice that Liza was still on edge from before...
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"And they will look even cuter with the tail ribbons! Should I ready one for your friend as well?"
The manager asked with enthusiasm as he petted her tail before he continued on to give it a nice squeeze! As the Mahou Shoujo felt that strong pleasure welling up inside of her, her meddlesome demonic womb crest activated once more, taking the opportunity to boost that already strong pleasure, turning her shiver of pleasure, into a much more visible shudder while getting her even wetter! With Liza reacting exactly as he had hoped she would, the manager confidently grinned at her, and it might have been her own imagination, or a projection of her trained desires, but the cocky confidence in the grin reminded her of Shawn. 'Heh, perfect!' He thought to himself, already starting to think up how he would introduce her to her second job down the line! "I'll have some different uniforms and ribbons for you to choose from in the back once you return. Privately... for you to try them on of course!" There was a suggestion hidden in his voice. One that held lewd promises should she go along with it!

Her kitten was easy enough to wake up with that soft kiss, getting a deliciously adorable blush from the sleepy girl in training! Taking the time to apply her makeup to Lex, going over how to do it once again as training, Lex would soon be ready to head out into the world once more, looking extremely cute with her makeup and dress!

Back at the cafe, Lex curtsied behind Liza, though it would be obvious she wasn't proficient at doing the moment, at least not yet. Xavier greeted them as well, looking pleased with how cute the bonus to getting the fox was. "Welcome once again Elysabeth and Lex! Im sure you'll both love your time here at the Parlor! I have rooms ready for you two to try out the uniforms and choose which one and color you'd like to use!" He smoothly slides next to Liza with Lex on the other side of Liza from him, wrapping an arm around the foxxo's shoulders. "Ill take you there right now!" He would lead both of them into the back, heading into a hallway with a few different closed doors in it. As they came up to the first door, he would motion to Lex and say, "You can use this changing room. Ive already got some uniforms and ribbons in different colors set out for you to try on, and Ill have one of the girls come and check up on you in a little to see which set you choose." Liza could tell he was trying to get her alone, though Lex did look nervous at the sudden revelation they wouldnt be changing together! If she allowed to this to play out, no doubt she would finally be able to deal with that itch shes had ever since she got free from Shawn~
a1d82c1b-5b48-4704-81a4-ae15ed5efebe.png "I think that she'll be more of a bow sort of girl," Liza smiled, imagining a cute bow tied onto the end of Lex's log kitty tail. She wasn't ready for how good the tail group felt though, the weakened fox shuttering as she was played with, closing her eyes and even letting a soft moan escape her... she looked toward the manager thinking of chastising him, but the look in his eyes was somehow... comforting... She wanted something deep down, and her body was telling her not to close this door just yet. So with a blush she would wrap her tail around her waist. "I can't wait to see them in that case, it's most of the fun of this job, getting to look cute~" She giggled, sensing there was more to his words, however she was still innocent as to exactly how lewd her new boss was.
When Liza returned with Lex in tow Xavier's fast talking was clearly stringing the two of them along quite nicely. Not giving the fox much time to think as the already touchy manager slid in between the two of them. Liza's desires speaking louder than her logic as they were lead toward the back room. 'It's fine... he just wants to make sure I have the best outfit' she convinced herself as they were brought to the fork which she and Lex would split at, "It's ok Lex, just make sure to get something really cute!" She assured the trappy kitty that everything would work out in the end. Letting herself head deeper in with Xavier.
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Xavier somehow seemed even more pleased and cocky as Liza moaned and blushed before wrapping her tail around her thin waist. "Oh you are definitely right about that, though I'm sure there are plenty of other things you'll lean to enjoy about this job~!" He replied to her giggling, a sparkle in his eyes. He was so going to fuck this slut. No doubt she would make him huge amounts of money as well! His grin only got wider as he thought about it and eyed the beauty in front of him.

With Liza lying to herself about what her new boss's intentions probably were, Lex gave Liza a nervous nod, "O-ok Onee, I-I'll t-try and find the c-cutest o-one, b-but I w-want you to make t-the final d-decision..." The kitten said, and once she got affirmation would nod and enter the room, closing it behind her so she could undress privately, with no one there to see her small package hidden in panties~. Meanwhile, Xavier softly chuckled and continued to lead Liza onwards with an arm still slung around her shoulder. They got to the next room down the hallway, the one that was right next to the room Lex went into and Xavier opened its door and leads Liza into the room. "Aaaaannnd here we are!" The rooms inside is covered with carpet, has a side of the room lined with a couple vanity stations, another side with what look to be closets, and in the middle of the room was a poll that connected the floor and ceiling with a large couch facing it.

As Liza steps into the room and looks around, Xavier finally lets her go and suddenly closes the door behind him with the distinct sound of a lock slipping into place. "Now why do we get you out of those clothes, hmmm?" He said as he approached the kitsune from behind, grabbing her tail while she still processed what he had just said, giving it another squeeze just like he had done earlier! His free hand went and swiftly found its way under Liza's casual shirt, and gave her breast a squeeze through her bra! At the same time, Xavier played with Liza's tail in his other hand, softly squeezing it over and over while moving up and down the length, trying to find where she was most sensitive with it! "Lets start with this shirt shall we?"
a1d82c1b-5b48-4704-81a4-ae15ed5efebe.png Liza managed to give a confident smile to the concerned Lex as she was rushed off away from him. "Ok, I look forward to it!" She said leaving Lex to pick out his outfit in peace. She would follow along with Xavier not really thinking to hard about the manager following her into the changing room. It was normal for a producer to see girls in their panties right? "Quite the station," Liza smiled softly walking ahead of Xavier. Her fox ears hearing the lock slidding into place, but assuming it was an exterior lock, meaning they wouldn't be disturbed. Which the girl foolishly felt grateful for. She noticed the pole at the far end, but didn't have any idea what it might be used for...
"Ha!" She gasped suddenly, her tail wriggling as Xavier grabbed it giving the fox girl another wave of pleasure as she was molested by the manager. She couldn't help but let out a little moan as her tail was tugged and squeezed again... her training as a slave rearing up again making her feel submissive and horny toward the man playing with her tail. "mmm, haa... y-your a-awful t-touchy" She managed blushing red as a boiled lobster. "D-Does t-this job r-require that k-kinda work?" She asked, clearly not thinking straight as she did as she was told, reaching to grab the hem of her shirt, pulling up to show off her white bra which held back her C-cup breasts. "I-I'm a-asking for my friend... b-but I-I'm not prepared to make a living on my back e-either," She said directly, though her signalling would make it clear that Xavier didn't need to worry about his wondering hands for the moment.
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"Only the best for my girls, it's part of why my businesses are so successful." He replies to the foxxo's remark before he continues to lock the door and molest the new maid from behind! "Ohhh? Am I?" He asked as he slowly and sensually massaged Liza's tail in a way that sent greater and greater blows of pleasure and submissiveness through the fox thanks to her training! "Your one of my girls now, and it's my job to look after my girls. I'm just helping you unwind and relax after seeming so wound up earlier~ Just a simple tug of the tail got you all worked up and now I gotta fix it for you!" He looked down at the heavily blushing girl, himself seeming perfectly at ease with what he was doing to her, as if he had done it hundreds of times before. He helped her take off her shirt with the hand that had been squeezing her bra, before tossing it to the other side of the room. "Not if you don't want to,” His hand briefly left the kitsune’s tail to reach up to the back of her bra... “though I only let the girls who I can tell will enjoy the work take part in this place's sister business,” With just one hand, he easily and speedily unclasped the back of her bra. “and let me tell you…” His other hand grabbed the bra and threw it away into a different part of the room, slowly scattering her clothing throughout the room! “I have great confidence you'll have fun over there being sexy as much as you'll enjoy being cute over here!" Both his hands reached around her to cup her breasts, squeezing them softly as his pointer and thumb roller her pink cherries between them!

“I’ll give you a proper offer after this, but for now I need to help one of my girls with her very pressing needs~” He pinched her nipples and gave them a light tug before he spun her around and let go of her breasts. Instead, with a confident grin on his face, her softly grabs her chin and tilts her head up, slowly leaning down to press his lips against her own soft ones, kissing her. While he does this, his other hand finds its way beneath her skirt and only rubs at the cloth covered pussy, letting it grow even wetter before her pulls it aside and continues, letting her pussy juices coat a few of his fingers! He breaks the kiss and pulls back, still petting her pussy as he does so. “Hmmm, use your hands and hold up your skirt for me and then tell me how badly you want this~” The kistune’s desires and arousal was clear to his experienced eye and he was in no way above using it to tease her before they got to the real fun!
170227b6376c7da69bff4313c6836ba6.png Liza couldn't hide her arousal as her tail was further played with, it being one of her biggest weaknesses. Making the girl moan softly, shaking her whole body as Xavier played her like a fiddle. "Ah, o-one of your girls?" Liza asked, as her breasts were the next target. The Kitsune leaning against him as he continued undressing her, throwing her clothing here and there. The words having an innocent explination, but still, it felt like having a master again... it felt nice... like this might actually be more of a safe outlet for her suppressed desires then she ever thought.... "H-ha... t-that s-sounds f-fun..." She moaned again as he bagan rubbing her nipples directly, her tail curling around his leg as she was hit with wave after wave of pleasure.
She would let out a sudden gasp as she was spun, but made no motion to fight off his dominate handling of her chin, shyly meeting his gaze, seeming like a prime candidate for the sort of training that Xavier desired. Liza was already feeling to horny to deny the kiss that was being pressed on her, she would melt into the dominate kiss. With the fingers rubbing up against her swollen snatch she couldn't help it. The pleasure and eagerness welling up inside of her, making her get nice and moist as Xavier continued to toy with her.
With the kiss broken the horny fox would loook back at Xavier, feeling hornyness and need washing over every inch of her body. "P-please," She started, taking the hem of her skirt and lifting it up, showing off her white lace lined panties with a signifigant buldge and growing moist spot, "I need you to sate my desires, I-I want you to have sex with me," She blushed still holding up her skirt showing off her panties to Xavier.
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This was indeed scratching the need for a Master for the escaped slave, though she still knew deep inside that it would never be fully sated until someone took their place as her actual Master or Mistress... that or she somehow found the will to resist and throw off her training, though with how well she took to it, that was seeming more and more unlikely to happen! "Of course it will be! I know sluts when I see them~" He replied to her moaning, squeezing her tits with each moan! His grin visibly grew wider as she wrapped her tail around one of his legs and shlyly met his gaze, letting him see all the submissive desire in her eyes!

As Liza followed through with his order, Xavier took a step back for a moment and admired the sight of the shy and heavily blushing slut hold up her skirt to reveal her lacy white panties and dripping snatch. He let out an appreciative whistle at the sight before steeping back towards her, his fingers giving her snatch one last pet before ohhhh so slowly, he started to pushing the tips of two fingers into her cunt! "Mhhhhh, good slut~ Stay like that for a little and dont move." He stood back and studied her expression as he slowly increased the intensity of his finger fucking. His other hand went to one of her cherries and played with it and after growing satisfied with the shy horniesness from the kitsune, he would lean in to begin kissing her again, all while his fingers moved faster and grew more bold in their exploration of her sensitive spots hidden in her cunt! His expert skills meant that it wasn't long before he was bringing her towards orgasm, yet right before she reached it, he slowed down to the point he was just barely keeping her close to the edge!

"Not so fast.~" He was rapidly growing more bold thanks the willing submissiveness of Lisa. He pulled his fingers out of her cunt and they were dripping wet with her love juices. "Clean them." He ordered, and once she obeyed, he added for her to, "Unbuckle my pants and get my cock ready! You can cum afterwards, but only on my cock~" There was a pretty big bulge in his pants as his cock struggled against the fabric that contained it. He had a belt she would have to unbuckle before she could pull his pants down and reach his package. While she did this, Xavier began to undo his upper clothing, tossing it around as he stripped!
a1d82c1b-5b48-4704-81a4-ae15ed5efebe.png Liza did feel that strong need to be dominated... she'd had it so well drilled into her that it was hard to fully resist. If... if it was just playing around at a job like this though, surly everything would be fine. That's at least what she told herself as she was being molested by Xavier, finding herself more turned on by it then she had any right to be. As she held her skirt up she felt Xaviers eyes devouring her. Making her feel more and more horny since she was basically auditioning her body for this side job.... why did that excite her so much!?
She would moan again as he began to finger her through her panties, "Ah! You're so rough!~" She moaned, though noticeably didn't resist or even ask for him to stop.... She eye's those fingers... feeling so submissive, being ordered around like this... it was making everything so hot! She would lean forward wrapping her mouth around the fingers, suckling them tasting her own desire for sex!~ "H-ha, y-yes master Xavier" She said after popping off his fingers, knowing that her new job as a maid would have her calling may people 'master'. She knelt down, unbuckling his pants, puling them down along with his
boxers. Exposing his excited member while she was still kneeling.
Xavier chuckled in amusement as Lisa moaned out at the start of the fingering. "Alot of you sluts just love it when I'm rough, don't you?" As he spoke, he pushed deeper in her pussy with his fingers and then became to roughly pet at Liza's G-spot, sending a shock wave of pleasure through her!

Once Liza had obeyed and took his fingers into her mouth, her taste buds were flooded with the flavor of her submission! She must have been a lot wetter than she had been expecting! Xavier grinned cockily as she did so, as if there was no question of whether Liza would do as she was told or not. He knew how to spot sluts! "Mhhh, good girl. You'll fit right in, perhaps more so than you would ever expect!" He praised her for how obedient she was and for her use of 'Master' already before telling her to get on her knees and to lower his pants. Once she had freed his rigid cock from his pants, she would be met face to face with a thick and veiny eleven inch cock! "Give me your tail." He held out a hand for her to place it in, and he nodded as she did so. "Now, you're going to give me a blow job so my cock will be ready to fuck your tight cunt, and if you do a good job, I'll have a nice reward for you at the end!" With one hand tightly gripping her tail, his other softly landed on her head and started to play with her fluffy ears, rolling them between two finger or slightly scratching them! Meanwhile his cock was twitching in front of her face as he waited with anticipation for his new slutty maid to get to work!
Xavier's skilled hands were making easy work of the fox. Her panties starting to get soaked just from him touching her. This was mostly because she'd felt so horny all afternoon, and finally was getting her satisfaction! She would pant and moan some more as he continued rubbing her, "Ha... I-it does f-feel good when your rough," She admitted.
She would fall to her knees as directed... licking her lips slightly as she unfastened his pants pulling them down and showing off that girthy 11 inch rod. "S-so big" She panted, looking up at Xavier with a bit of lust in her eyes... Her tail wagging eagerly before find it's way to her master hands. "mmm," She slid her lips forward. Giving the head a nice little kiss, tasting the salty flavor. She would than press forward taking in several inches of cock, suckling it while using her tongue to massage the base of it. Some of her slut training returning to her as she did so. Xavier's petting only encouraging her to go on! So the slut maid would do so, showing a passionate desire in her suckling taking in more and more of her masters cock with each thrust!
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Xavier chuckled demeaningly as the fox seemed so weak to his finger fucking. Just another slut to add to his rosters of girls who would make money for him, and soon she would be added to the much longer list of sluts that hes fucked before! "Ha! Its a good sign if you think that! You'll definitely love your job here then, innocent and erotic sides to it~" He sunk his fingers as deep as they could go into the fox as he spoke, wildly wiggling them deep inside of the fox!


Already, Xavier looked pleased with her as she followed his direction to fall to her knees and started to lick her lips in anticipation of what to come! "Yes, big. And all eleven inches of it are going to need plenty of attention from you before we move on~" As he spoke shifted forward, placing his cock atop the girls face, rubbing it lightly against her, letting her lick the underside of it before she got started properly if she wanted to! 6c19ed43be4b3abff07753c44c899f84.jpg

Xavier let out a quite and appreciative grunt as Lisa planted a soft kiss on the tip of cock, his rod twitching from the stimulation. He started to grunt and moan as Lisa started to give him a blow job, her body reminding her just how deeply her training had been embedded inside of her as it started to come back to her, letting her give a surprisingly proficient blowjob if Xavier's reactions to her tongue work were any indication! Each time the slutty fox swallowed more of his cock, Xavier squeezed and tugged on the fluffy tail he held in one hand as a reward and encouragement to go deeper! His fingers running across her sensitive fox ears only faltering when she found the good spots to work with her tongue along the manager's rod! "G-good slut~" He growled out as she started to get close to taking his entire cock, and just before she did, she tried to pull back to bob her head deeper down the cock but was interrupted by the hand on her head! Her grabbed her head and forcibly pushed it that last inch or two, pushing her nose up against his pubic region and letting her feel his hot ball sac against her chin! He held her there for a few second before he pulled back and started to fuck her throat!
a1d82c1b-5b48-4704-81a4-ae15ed5efebe.png Liza wasn't really thinking right. She had her face burred against that massive cock, smelling the pungent heady smell of Xavier. Her tongue eagerly licking along the shaft, kissing the head. Even greedily kissing, and smothering herself in his balls, his cock rubbing up and down the slutty foxes face as she demeaned herself so readily for him. Thoughts of the training she'd had trickling back in. Why did she like this so much, she was already getting so wet... so horny from just kissing this dominate males cock!Her eyes would look up toward him, shivering softly as she once more moved her mouth toward the head. First moving the head into her mouth, using her tongue to lick the underside, tasting the salty strong musk. She felt her tail getting squeezed and tugged, making her feel a pleasant reward for being a good slut... she would go deep, kiss rougher... all trying to pleasure her master without thinking about where she was, who she was.... Soon enough she was forced down on his cock, her head unable to move backwards... but she didn't panic! The slutty fox would just close her eye suckling now as she took in more and more of that shaft, eventually taking in the full 11 inches of man meat! Now she was in a trance! Her training kicking in as she deep throughted the cock, smelling Xaveiers manly scent, her pussy starting to leak her arousal as she willingly sucked, bobbed, and obeyed!
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Xavier let out a bestial sounding growl of pleasure as Lisa quickly adapted to the sudden and forced deepthroat, falling back on that previous training that had so effectively embedded itself inside of the slutty fox’s head! “Heh, this obviously isn't your first time deepthroating some serious cock before! What an amazing find for me~” With the hand that was still on the fox’s head, Xavier started to force her head to slowly bob along those final few inches at the base of his cock, grunting and pulling the slutty fox’s tail each time she took all of the manager’s cock!

Xavier would continue this for a few minutes, calling her demeaning names and using her like a fleshlight as he did so! It was long enough for Lisa's eyes to start watering and then have makeup ruining tears start to run down her cheeks, leaving messy makeup smears! Lisa would even be able to feel Xavier’s cock start to twitch heavily but before it could do more than a few of these throbs, the manager would suddenly stop with a heavy moan and would step back, withdrawing his now slobber covered cock from the slutty fox! “D-damn, you sure do know how to use your throat well, almost used you till I came!” He let out a bark of laughter, his cock twitching in the air, slowly backing away from the edge.

“Come on, get up. Its about time for some real fun!” He would reach down and grab one of Lisa’s arms, roughly helping her to her feet before he leaned down slightly to grab the fox’s thigh’s, right under her plump butt, before he listed her up and held her close, carrying her towards the door they had entered the room from, getting close to it before he pinned her against the wall… the wall her dressing room shared with Lex’s own! “Heh, does your pretty friend know how much of a dirty fox you are? Better hope she doesnt hear your moans if not~”

With both hands being used to hold the fox up against the wall, Xavier pokes and prods around the entrance to Lisa’s pussy a few times before he eventually finds the right angle and allows the fox to fall slightly, sinking right onto his cock!
a1d82c1b-5b48-4704-81a4-ae15ed5efebe.png Liza's pussy was soaping wet within the first minute of the sock sucking and tail pulling. The girl saying nothing, but huffing in the deep masculine scent as she went! Her tail being roughly pulled, making it easy to slip into the trance of being a slutty bed fox for this dominate male! The names floated around her, not really registering, but also not being ignored. She was a dirty slut, a toy, a fleshlight. Falling back on her training she was anything and everything her master wanted her to be! It didn't even matter that she was starting to let some of her eye liner run down her face, it would match her slutty look, and master seemed to like it! Pulling back Xavier would have rings of lipstick marks along his cock from where the fox had focused her kissing and suckling! She couldn't help but peck the tip one last time before her pulled his cock fully away. "Ha... m-m..." She almost called him master, the foxes mind still boiled in lustful trance was rendered near helpless! So horny, and willing to be a slut for Xavier, she was a wonderful find indeed.

She wouldn't fight back as she was roughtly pulled up, her pussy twitching in anticipation of the nice hard cock she was about to receive! Her nice bushy tail would even wrap around Xavier as he got the slut fox in possition for her fucking. "Ha.. mmm... n-no" She said as the cock began searching for her entrance.... though she wasn't able to actually resist moaning as she was speared by him! Sliding down easily despite her having a fairly tight pussy! "mmmm y-yes... ha... f-fuck me Xavier ~<3" She panted against the wall, willing her booty a bit as she slipped down!