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The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

"Not exactly." Sarah sighed. "This one came to one of the healers when her belly started growing. Apparently some women missed that the invaders can impregnate humans and elves, or thought that pulling out was a good plan. We've... reminded people, so hopefully it won't happen as often in the future." She shooed the pregnant woman away.

The elf listened to Nadia's report of the situation, then responded seriously. "We could probably push harder if we had to, but we aren't going to match an army, especially not if there's a storm. And the Pass of Ghosts isn't the sort of place we want to rush through." She thought about it a little more. "If we can't beat them... could we go a different way, and hope they keep on towards wherever they're going? Or scare them into stopping? And I guess negotiating didn't really work with the orcs we've seen so far, but if you convinced some of them to stand down... I'm sure you'll think of something."

Sarah looked back at the camp. "Was there anything else you wanted to do today, or...?" she glanced towards the wood, and Nadia could see the start of a blush.
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

"Mmmm," Nadia gave a flat mumble, trying to sound disapproving despite that a slight bit of color appeared on her cheeks. She had fucked Rex, after all, and was openly considering doing it again. She could appreciate the desire to get fucked, certainly, given how badly she had needed it... And honestly still needed it, having only been able to cum once on the hunter's cock due to how much she'd used her mouth on him. She tried not to think about how much the thought of sucking the reptilian alien off some more made her mouth water.

Sarah's faith in her ability to deal with it after the dire news was comforting, even if Nadia didn't necessarily agree with her optimism. "Going another way... I think that might be best. I don't want to think about the terms we might have to agree to if forced to negotiate," the angel replied quietly, frowning darkly at the thought. "They won't be intimidated into turning around, that's for sure. I'll just have to figure out what we're going to do by morning," she continued, and then turned towards Rex and said; "I don't know what happened to those of your kin that didn't return, but... I think you should send slightly larger groups out. And if you can send out a group or two to try and find an alternative to this road, I would appreciate it."

Nadia would let the implications of that offer go unsaid and unsignaled, figuring that Rex would figure it out for himself. Sarah, in the meantime, gave signals that the angel could hardly ignore, and just barely managed to suppress a slightly dopey grin. The elf, her most regular lover, had been looking for an opportunity for a bit of personal time for a while so far, and as horny as she still was.... Even if she'd rather have cock, Nadia knew she would cum just as well on Sarah's tongue. "Yeah... Come on," she would say simply, and then walk off into the woods, in search of an appropriate place. She still wasn't sure if she was going to tell her about what she'd done with Rex, but that potentially awkward conversation could wait. She wanted to cum, and hopefully she had gotten enough of Rex's cum out of her pussy that Sarah wouldn't be able to notice it.
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

The alien regarded Nadia for a moment, eyes pausing on her hips, and again on her mouth. Then he nodded, and moved off towards the rest of the Hunters.

Sarah grinned as the angel finally expressed interest in some private time, and practically pulled Nadia into the woods. After a short time she stopped, and turned to face Nadia. The sounds of the camp were still audible, muted slightly by the dense brush the elf had circled around. She grinned, the outline of her nipples against the cloth of her light dress obvious even in the fading light, and grabbed the hem of her dress. Then hesitated. "So... is this good, or should we go a little further into the woods?"

The path the elf had used wound through a particularly dense patch of woods, making it unlikely that anyone would just stumble over them. But they were still close enough that if either woman got very vocal someone might notice.
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

Nadia was almost tempted to wink at the hunter invitingly before they left, but managed to hold herself back. She and Sarah hurried off into the woods alone, far enough that they would mostly be out of earshot.... Mostly. The angel nibbled her lower lip, her eyes settling on Sarah's hardened nipples, plainly visible through her dress. They needed to go farther, but.... She was horny now, and her clothes were getting itchy.

"I don't know," she said teasingly, allowing a pause to stretch for a moment as she reached up and let the sleeves of her dress slide slowly off of her shoulders. "They'd probably hear us," she said matter of factly, and then briefly glanced back to look over their surroundings, checking for the telltale glimmer of a hunter hiding from them.

Whether or not she saw one, Nadia then pulled her dress down so that it pooled around her ankles, leaving her bare naked once more. "Why don't we.... Get naked here," she continued as she looked back at Sarah, "and see how far we can get without any clothes on... Before I pin you against a tree.... And you suck on my tits.... And I make you cum all over my fingers."

Her nipples were rock hard and practically begging for attention, and Sarah would have long ago found out that a bit of tongue-work on her sensitive tips was more than enough to reduce her to a mewling, horny mess. She would leave her dress on a branch, to keep it at least relatively clean, and would then lead Sarah a short ways further before doing exactly as she'd threatened and pushing the elf gently against a nearby tree and engaging her in a hungry kiss. She let her tongue swirl around with Sarah's for a few minutes before breaking the kiss just as her fingers slipped between the elf's legs from their casual explorations of her lover's familiar body. She only started lightly rubbing Sarah's petals, making sure she was wet enough before slipping her middle finger up into the elf's pussy and pumping it, adding a light curve in order to rub the pad of her finger over Sarah's g-spot.
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

For better or worse, a glance around the forest didn't show the telltale shimmer of a hunter's camouflage. That didn't necessarily mean one wasn't watching, but between that and the gathering Rex had had around him when the pair had left the camp it didn't seem terribly likely.

By the time she turned back to Sarah, the elf's dress was on the forest floor. She wasn't wearing anything under it. She grudgingly stopped advancing on the angel at the suggestion that they should move further from the camp, then grinned, eyeing Nadia's naked body up and down. "If you're as horny as you look, I think we'll make it about fifty yards..."

1d100 = 42

The pair hadn't even made it that far before Sarah passed half a foot from a conveniently-wide tree. She gasped as Nadia made good on her word, pinning the elf against the tree with a kiss. She felt familiar hands running over her curves while her own hands made a more purposeful journey.

The elf moaned helplessly, one leg lifting to give Nadia's fingers easier access. Sarah clutched tight at the angel as those fingers found her most sensitive spot, and before long felt her lover cum, tensing suddenly while liquid lubrication ran down Nadia's hand.

Sarah bent then, lifting one of the taller angel's breasts to her mouth. Skilled fingers working her breasts - which the reptilian hunter had totally ignored - were enough to bring a moan or two from the angel's lips, but it wasn't until she felt a skilled tongue and even a few careful nips, first on one breast and then the other, that Nadia would feel the first bead of lust run down her own thigh. All the while, fingers continued working the elf's slit, until Sarah came a second time.

Now that the angel's promise had been properly fulfilled, Sarah gently wiggled free of her lover's arms, and dropped to her knees. She went more slowly than Nadia had, kissing the angel's thighs, running fingers and tongue over the swollen, glistening lips, pinching the clit. Then finally a finger slipped inside. And immediately pulled back out, to rub at the clit again. She continued teasing, pushing Nadia ever closer to the edge of orgasm without ever quite getting her there, using both hands, her tongue, and once even her nose. Eventually it seemed like any more attention at all must bring an orgasm... and suddenly the elf was standing, wrapping her arms around Nadia for a kiss with a hint of her own honey.
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

"We'll see."

And see they did, with Nadia pouncing on Sarah in short order. Her fingers slipped easily into the elf's sex, Sarah even lifting her leg to provide easier access, and once the angel found that tiny little rough patch against Sarah's inner walls she attacked it relentlessly. Her lover didn't take long to cum from that attention, and when she did she cradled one of the angel's breasts and brought it up to her mouth while Nadia continued her rapid fingering. Even just the elf's hands on Nadia's bosom were enough to make her moan softly, but when her lips sealed over one of Nadia's pink peaks the angel let out a much louder lewd outcry. "Ooooohhh yes!"

Her efforts to make Sarah cum were slowed somewhat as the elf licked and nipped at her sensitive tips, every touch against them driving ecstasy up Nadia's spine, and Sarah had had plenty of time to learn how best to make her squirm. Those pumping digits still moved quickly enough to get the elf off in short order, however, and when Sarah suddenly pulled away from her breasts, though it was short lived when Sarah dropped to her knees.

Soon it was Nadia's turn to feel an orgasm welling up as Sarah used every asset at her disposal against the angel's sensitive, drooling flower. Nadia let herself be quite vocal in her appreciation of Sarah's technique, her legs sliding apart and quivering while she moaned openly into the air whenever the elf's fingers or tongue found a particularly sensitive spot. She braced her hands against the tree and leaned forward, letting Sarah go at it briefly before one hand slipped down to rest on top of Sarah's head, gently pushing her up against the lewd angel's needy cunt.

Unfortunately for Nadia, Sarah wasn't as kind as she had been. Just as it felt like any more attention would have driven her over the edge, like a light breeze might be enough to make her cum and drive the knot of pressure built up in her belly to unwind in the most wonderful way imaginable, Sarah suddenly pulled away. The elf slipped up to stand again and kiss Nadia without letting her finish, and so would find Nadia barely returning the kiss with any passion while growling in frustration. "You... Nnn... Fucking tease!" she grunted, eyes closed as she shivered on the verge of a peak but not quite there.
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

The elf just smiled, then bent down again tongue running down Nadia's breast until she came to the nipple. The tip of her tongue circled it a few times, then she squeezed gently. Her tongue flicked across the peak, and then she squeezed a little harder. When she finally started sucking it again, the angel would feel a pair of finger slip into her nearly-ready snatch at the same time, and this time Sarah didn't stop until she felt the angel squeeze down in the contractions of orgasm, and gasp with pleasure.

When she was finished she stepped back, licking her fingers seductively. At which, past her shoulder, Nadia saw a telltale blur, moving past the couple from the camp. It wasn't coming right towards them, or even apparently slowing, but then it had been a few seconds since either woman had made much noise.
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

Nadia shivered as Sarah descended toward her breast, the brief period of anticipation while the elf's breath passed over her sensitive tip leaving the angel quivering in anticipation before her pink nub took its first few flicks from her lover's tongue. Then Nadia moaned softly, light shudders passing through her body with every flick at her vulnerable little nub before she shook a good bit harder when Sarah squeezed it, the pattern repeating itself once before the elf went on to start sucking on it. The redheaded angel moaned anew, her eyes closing as her pent up frustration left her shaking with need even as the stimulation sent pleasure rushing through her.

"Ooohhhh yes.... More!" she gasped softly in approval, the attention to her chest leaving Nadia shivering in appreciation even if it wasn't likely to make her cum. She nearly didn't notice the elf's fingers until they slipped inside of her as a result, however, and the highly pent up angel barely last a minute before crying out in orgasm while her folds clenched around Sarah's fingers.

She engaed her most regular lover in another kiss quite energetically following her peak, tasting some of her own honey on her tongue, but before she'd done it she hadn't missed the slight blur of motion produced by one of the hunters moving by. Had it not noticed them, or was it just going for a better place to watch from? Nadia didn't care at that point, kissing Sarah hungrily and trying to lower her towards the ground. She wanted another round, and the angel was more than willing to do whatever it took to get her lover to pleasure her, regardless of how loud they ended up being.
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

The elf seemed more than happy to comply, and soon Nadia was on top of Sarah, the latter face up on the forest floor, their lips locked together. Sarah seemed done with teasing, her burning crotch rubbing against the angel's thigh while thin fingers found their place again in Nadia's slit. Sarah's other hand was switching back and forth between each of the angel's breasts as well as her own, and within a few seconds it became impossible to maintain the kiss as both women started making passionate noises.

Sarah pulled away almost reluctantly, turning on the ground below Nadia until her dripping pussy was inches below Nadia's face, and after a moment the angel felt a warm tongue sliding down her slit, while familiar hands worked their magic on the surrounding flesh for a while before focusing on the clit. This time both women were already fairly worked up, and the elf certainly wasn't stretching things out. She started a varied rhythm, switching back and forth between quick and moderate paces, between tongue, fingers, and both, never less than arousing and sometimes downright maddening, until both she and Nadia were brought to peak at the same time.

The elf shuddered and writhed for a while, and when she had control of herself she turned lazily again until she was face to face with Nadia, shifting slightly so that she wasn't entirely under the angel. She looked contented, and practically glowing. They kissed again, exchanging a certain inevitable amount of their respective feminine juices, Sarah's hands gently rubbing at Nadia's back and the base of her wings. "Well, that was good. And I don't think we even yelled quite loudly enough for the entire camp to have heard."

The elf seemed unaware of the slight shimmer behind her, which even knowing to expect it Nadia herself could barely detect. It didn't seem to be moving any closer. But then, it had also clearly failed to move on when the pair's amorous activities had resumed, if it was the same one. And at that distance, it could hardly have missed at least the conclusion even if it wasn't.
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

The angel was all too happy to return Sarah's attention on both counts, first using her hands while kissing the elf and then replicating her lover's oral attentions on her sex. Nadia only used her tongue once they were 69ing, lapping away at her lover's folds and occasionally swirling her tongue around the other woman's clit, until they had both cum to their satisfaction. "Mmmm," Nadia murmured wordlessly once her lover had turned around once more, following yet another round of kissing.

Then she noticed the hunter, which had probably been watching them for at least part of their tryst. For a moment she wasn't sure what to do about that and simply stared at it, but then shrugged and looked back to Sarah. "Hopefully... But we ought to get back," she said, and unless the elf protested would go back to retrieve her clothes and then rejoin the group. They had a number of problems to worry about, and her lust was slated, for the moment. It was time to start trying to deal with them.
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

Sarah seemed happy to end on this note as well, though she gave no sign of having noticed the hunters. They gathered their clothes, and the elf reluctantly redressed, happily watching Nadia in the last few moments before the angel's robe went back on as well. The hunters had stayed put until Nadia was out of sight, but didn't seem to have followed the lovers any further.

In the camp, everything seemed to be going according to plan, for once. People had settled down, eating or sleeping, except a few that were maintaining some semblance of a watch. Nothing was on fire that shouldn't be, nobody was screaming about rape or incoming armies or daemons. The hunters all seemed to be gone save for two or three left where they were camping, a little ways off from most of the humans, on the other side of a cook fire.
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

Well, that was a pleasant surprise. The biggest of her concerns was that most of the hunters were gone, but given her orders to Rex and what she'd done with him earlier she was fairly sure of his loyalty at least, and hopefully he could maintain control of his kin well enough. They would have to get up extremely early tomorrow and get moving as soon as possible, but for now Nadia felt like she could actually afford to take a short rest. She would instruct Sarah to have someone wake up after midnight or if anything happened and then went off to lie down for a bit, resting her eyes for a bit.
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

Sorry about short post, not feeling especially inspired at the moment. Also going to be without internet for a while, so... double sorry about shortpost.

After a pleasant rest, Nadia awoke at the touch of one of the group's healers, shortly after midnight. Sarah still slept peacefully nearby, as did most of Petra's refugees. Nothing seemed to be unexpectedly on fire. But a moment's quick glance around the camp showed Rex shimmering into view in the woods just off to one side. His eyes met Nadia's, but he didn't move to come towards her. In fact, he took a step back, making a gesture indicating that he wanted to go further from the camp.
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

Awakened with a start, Nadia blinked up at the healer for a moment before quietly asking; "Anything happen?" Luckily there seemed to be no issues, and after a moment Nadia spotted Rex off to the side. The hunter seemed to want to speak to her about something, and so she rose and followed him, though not without a bit of caution. The hunter had seemed trustworthy, so far, but there was no guarantee that he and his kin would remain so compliant.
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

Rex led Nadia a short ways into the woods, stopping in a small clearing with one of his kin. "We scouted in pairs, looking forward for other ways to go, and back for what took the others. There is no good news."

"Ahead... we are at the start of the Pass. To either side there are only mountains. We can see that wars have been fought over this place. It is well named. There are other ways North, but only one way through the mountains."

"Behind, we found eventually the trail of our missing kin. And there are signs not of death but of capture. The orcs. They are also beginning to scout forward again even now, more carefully and slowly than before. None went so far back as to see their host, but they will not stay themselves out of fear of even you. Their scouts made no effort to hide themselves from us, and I saw no signs they were trying to take more captives. Approaching one may be possible..."

As soon as Rex had stopped in the clearing, his member had begun to harden. Now it stood at full mast, and he took a step closer to Nadia, looking at her with hungry intensity. The other hunter, so far quiet, seemed fixed on her as well, his own slightly-smaller cock perking up, though neither was making aggressive motions.
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

Nadia listened to the hunter's report with a scowl... A scowl and a growing blush as she caught sight of his growing erection and the slightly smaller one sported by his kin. "Captured?" she asked questioningly, her frown and her blush both deepening as the angel somehow found it harder and harder concentrate as her gaze kept traitorously dropping down to settle on Rex's cock, and her mind drifted to what she might be doing with it in that very moment.

'Dammit!' she thought in annoyance as she caught herself licking her lips, 'why!? It's not like I've never seen one before!' Nadia's breath started coming a bit faster, and she could feel the tips of her breasts rubbing against her robe in a very intimate manner. 'Why am I... So fucking horny!?' much as she tried to banish the lewd thoughts dominating her mind, Nadia only made them more intrusive and more intense by way of her focus.

She tried to shift her gaze to the other, tried to make herself feel embarrassed, but that only added a new dimension that made her start dripping between her legs. She saw herself naked on her knees as not one, but the entire tribe of hunter crowded around her, each waiting his turn. Her mouth bobbed hungrily on one while her hands worked two others, the seed of all those who had already enjoyed their first turn and were waiting for their second coating her face, her hair, her shoulders, and her breasts or sloshing in a mixed pool in her mouth as she worked to suck out yet another one. Rex was beneath her, thrusting in return for her wildly bucking hips, her womb already flooded with his potent release and her imposed protections not only disabled but actively reversed as she welcomed another dose of his cum, multiple twinges occurring in her belly that were just barely detectable over the pleasure of being filled as she caused herself to ovulate, ensuring that he sired a veritable brood on her. Even as she ensured that the hunter leader impregnated her, however, Nadia saw another crouch down impatiently behind her, nuzzling his length between her rear cheeks before pushing himself deep into her ass, sending her into to the throes of an orgasm even as the one enjoying her mouth exploded in unison with Rex...

By the time she shook herself from the vision, Nadia was practically panting with arousal and had closed the distance between her and the two hunters, her nipples readily apparent through her white robe and her legs shaking with need. 'I did it... Hours ago!? Twice! I don't need it... This badly! Why can't I.... I shouldn't!' Her hands had reached out without her permission, fingers gently wrapping around each hunter's rod and starting to stroke, and Nadia turned bright crimson when she realized what she'd just started doing. But she didn't stop.

"How many of your tribe have they captured?" she asked, and then glanced at the other hunter and added, "and did you... Share the terms of our agreement with any of your kin?" She had told him not to tell anyone of their liaison, and Nadia couldn't help but look back guiltily over her shoulder, back towards the camp. What would happen if someone saw her doing this? Or doing something more as her body was demanding that she do? "I am not sure if I have any other option... I'll have to go and negotiate with the orc leader," she continued, and then her slow strokes became a good bit quicker as she reached a decision. 'Fuck it... I can't go into danger like this,' she thought as she slowly lowered herself to her knees, changing the angle of her strokes while looking up at the hunter leader with her lewd hunger no longer hidden. Her mouth was open and leaning toward Rex's cock, but she stopped as her lips hovered an inch or so away, her long jerks of his rod taking her hand from base to tip on both of the aliens as she looked from one to the other, allowing both hunters to feel her breath on their heads in separate intervals as her mouth kept drifted closer to each in turn, though not touching either directly just yet.
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Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

"Yes. One of our scouts was expected back while you and I went to see the orcs... He never returned. Last night we found the place where he was taken..." The hunter sounded increasingly distant as he continued, his eyes tracking around Nadia's body as her arousal became more and more clear. His own response was much simpler. By the time he was finished talking, he was as hard as he had been when he'd fucked her by the stream, and his fellow hunter wasn't far behind. The angel could see a bead of precum.

A reptilian smile came over Rex's face as Nadia reached out and grasped his cock, immediately causing the bead of precum to fall to the earth. The other hunter looked considerably more shocked by the development, but at least as eager to continue. He stepped slightly forward, eyes intent on the little damp spot forming on the angel's thigh. Rex's scaly arm stopped him before he could push the angel over, and he let out a growl.

"Just... one... told... none..." By now Rex almost seemed to be having trouble talking, but he let out a low growl as the angel lowered herself to her knees in front of him, continuing to stroke his cock.

The second hunter looked confused, but the leader just looked frustrated. When Nadia paused, her open mouth an inch from his cock, her panting breath all over his dripping tip, it finally seemed to be too much. His hand was suddenly against the back of her head, his hips thrusting, and then the hunter's cock was firmly between her lips. Rex's slightly-smaller partner was growling slightly as well, also rock-hard and dripping pre as the angel continued to stroke him, but he had clearly not yet been introduced to the joys of blowjobs, and was still firmly fixated on the growing evidence of the angel's needy cunt.
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Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

"What became of him? Was he killed, or are you sure he was captured?" she asked with some of the last of her willpower. It was becoming harder and harder to concentrate even with how dire the hunter's report was, however, and all too soon....

All too soon Nadia was moaning around Rex's cock as he pushed it forcefully into her mouth, her lips parting only to seal around his girth as soon as he was all the way in. Her tongue cradled the underside of his shaft, lightly squirming against his firm flesh while having her throat invaded inspired light gagging that squeezed around the latter his shaft. Her cheeks dimpled as she slid back, her tongue doing a quick roll over his helmet to claim any more pre that the alien might have emitted before she pushed back down with another moan. Her eyes had closed upon his first forceful thrust, but as she pushed back down they opened again and gazed up at the hunter with a somewhat dazed look.

Her entire body shuddered with arousal as the hunter's act triggered the "training" she'd endured at the hands of her former captors, the simple act of dominating her when she'd already been in such a heightened state of arousal making the angel's mind go blank. That would give him a good thirty seconds of her mouth eagerly bobbing back and forth on his shaft, her lips sealed tightly and her tongue dancing along the underside. If Rex kept his clawed hand among her carmine locks he would get another minute of her oral attention, now with her hand steadily jerking his shaft as well in conjunction with the back and forth of her lips, as she hazily got back under a degree of control.

Once she did manage that feat, however, Nadia would realize that Rex's demand wouldn't stay his kin for long, and that we quite intently looking between her legs where her pussy was practically throbbing with its need to be filled. She had been jerking that one off since she'd dropped to her knees, but if he was left with only the steady strokes of her hand for much longer he might lose patience, the hunter's simple understanding of sex leaving him entirely single minded. Her robe protected her, but his claws or simple strength could do away with that protection with ease, and the thought of raising her ass so that he could slide his erect rod into her pussy made her practically gush even if he wasn't quite as well endowed as Rex.

And she knew that she couldn't let it happen. She was already soaking up corruption from the hunter, and perhaps more immediately if she let one of them cum inside her.... She probably wouldn't be able to protect herself. The image of riding Rex while the rest of his tribe drowned her in their cum flashed through her mind again, and even as it made her moan again she denied herself the pleasure that being filled would no doubt inspire. Nadia popped off of Rex's rod, giving him a stern look and even letting him feel her teeth if need be, and turned to the other hunter. She didn't tease him, simply bringing his cock in line and letting him watch it vanish past her lips as she gave him the same treatment that Rex had enjoyed while the other hunter would have to be content with just her hand, though even that simpler effort she would endeavor to make as pleasant as possible.

She would give the other hunter a few minutes before switching her mouth back to Rex, and would switch back and forth between sucking on the two hunters. As she worked, Nadia would begin to realize just how much she liked sucking cock, even preferring it to performing similar service on a woman. The steady build... Having her mouth filled... And then the creamy explosion at the end, each element served to build her arousal like few things could, even the comparable effect of working her tongue on Sarah's folds. With her thoughts increasingly centered on achieving that satisfying ending, Nadia would switch back and forth between the two hunters, sucking on each with ever increasing intensity in her efforts, until one or the other surrendered their gooey gift. If given the chance, she would swallow one's load entirely, taking it all in her mouth without stopping her steady bobbing motions, before the next she sucked to completion only to stroke his seed out onto her tongue, not particularly caring which ended up cumming where, though if they finished together the second would just end up coating the side of her face with his semen instead.
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

The hunters' leader seemed on the point of answering, but was too distracted by the quickly-developing blowjob to make any sort of articulate response. After pulling the redheaded angel's mouth down his cock he eased off a bit, allowing Nadia to continue at her own pace. He didn't move his hand, however, the gentle force on the back of her head reminding the angel to keep going if she seemed to flag or tease too much.

He seemed almost on the edge of orgasm when the glaze seemed to fade from her eyes, and the angel pulled back. This brought an annoyed grunt from Rex, whose hand was suddenly pushing much harder at the back of her head, but a glare and a show of her teeth was enough for him to back off. He didn't look happy about being switched back to a handjob, however, shifting in place, his gaze wandering downward with a speculative air as he finally withdrew his hand.

The other hunter seemed to be enjoying his handjob a little more than Rex and - as the other hunter had, the first time - seemed unsure about sticking his cock into Nadia's mouth. After the first couple oral caresses, licks, and tentative thrusts, however, he seemed to get into the spirit.

He got less time than Rex had before she switched back. It was clear that even so, he was closer to exploding than Rex had been, and she had to be careful with the strokes of her hand as she returned to blowing the larger hunter.

A few more increasingly quick switches back and forth, and she felt the first load of cum spill onto her tongue, from the second alien. Nadia swallowed, taking the whole thing into her mouth, filling it with the taste of hunter spunk, while she continued bobbing back and forth along his shaft. Then she shifted back to Rex, and a few more seconds of oral attention before she felt his hand lock into her hair, forcing her to keep his cock deep in her throat as he came, swallowing his cum without hardly tasting it.

She pulled back, one last, late spurt dribbling out as the hunter's cock passed her lips, dripping down her chin, and looking up at her two partners. Her hand almost reflexively grabbed Rex's cock, stroking it. At which point Nadia realized that she'd continued attending to the other hunter's cock after he'd cum. He was already rock hard and dripping pre again. And Rex wasn't far behind.

The two hunters exchanged a glance, and then they moved, until Rex was behind the angel, and his fellow was in front of her, now splitting his gaze between Nadia's mouth and crotch. His hand reached out, a claw snagging on the cloth of her robe, one swift movement from tearing it off. Another unseen pair of hands touched her shoulders.
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Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

"Mmmph! Mmmmm~" Nadia groaned as Rex's seed exploded into her mouth once again, replacing the taste of his comrade with his own. She let him hold her down, giving shallow bobs to drain him completely and swallowing down most of it, pulling back when he released her only for one last late spurt to end up going across her chin and cheek before she could catch it. It didn't remain for long, however, as her tongue quickly flicked out to first claim any leftovers on Rex's tip before lapping up what had stained her flushed cheek. Her hands kept up their work, stroking both of the alien cocks right back to full hardness, and when she spotted the bead of pre on one of them Nadia leaned in and took the tip between her lips, sucking it away while her tongue rolled over the unnamed hunter's (she refused to just call all of them Ted in her mind dammit) cock.

Nadia had been good and ready to give the two another round of sucking on them, her mind trapped in a lustborn fog, but then Rex and his companion decided that taking turns with her mouth wasn't good enough. The hunter leader slipped behind her, his cock leaving her grip, and the other placed its hands on her shoulders while Rex got behind her and they started tearing into her robe. Her face twisted into a scowl immediately, and while her pussy was practically weeping with a need to be filled the domineering act had the opposite effect as the last one, her arousal burning away as a warning flashed through her. Even ignoring the likelihood that she wouldn't be able to inhibit her fertility again if she let one of them cum inside her, the angel realized immediately that letting the aliens have their way could lead to places she decidedly didn't want to go.

She had to put a stop to this now. Tensing her legs, Nadia first pushed the hunter in front of her away with an open palmed strike to the chest, the blow not powerful enough to harm him but enough to push him off and hopefully spare her robe too much more tearing. Then she stood, pushing against the grip on her shoulders, and as she rose her body once more blazed with a golden light, her eyes flaring a bright sky blue as she rounded onto Rex with a firm scowl. "No," she said in a low growl, her flat angry tone quite clearly leaving no room for argument.