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The basement

Re: The basement

(( Not really. I'm not really up for it. So when will my character wake up in GMT time? ))
Re: The basement

Tomoe was silently trying to continue flicking the switch as she was obligious to the other girl but to no avail. She ran up the stairs while brushing off the other girl's cries, figuring that she had bumped into a box or something.

( Sorry, I was extraordinarily tired last night so I happened to doze off.)
Re: The basement

Sekia slowly regained consciousness, and as she did, all of the memories of what happened came rushing back to her.

Shocked, Sekia looked down to find her belly round and fat, with Yoko on the other side of the room in the same condition. They both had one of those strange women on them, and were licking their pregnant bellies, almost as if worshiping them...

(Sekia and Yoko are both pregnant, and being held by the slime women.)
Re: The basement

With her memorys returned Sekia put her head back, looking up at the celing on her back. She was in a state of pure shock and disbelief, Sekia couldn't belive what happened before or what was happening now. If Sekia could belive what was happening then... She wouldn't know what to think. She had caused herself and her best friend to get used by these things. What would happen now? Would her friend hate her? Would these things keep them here? Sekia didn't know, she kept silent and motionless on her ground as the slime woman continued to lick her.
Re: The basement

While Sekia laid on the ground, she heard Yoko begin to shout,

"N-no! Let me go! What's happened to me!?!" she shouted, beginning to struggle with the slime on top of her.

The slime, getting aggravated by it's catch, mounted her, and began to forcibly kiss her, as her struggle slowly stopped...

Sekia began to feel an orgasmic feeling from inside her womb, as whatever was inside her seemed to come to life. She felt it begin to seep down her pussy walls, driving her insane with lust as she gave birth to the slime.

As it seeped out of her pussy, it began to wrap itself all over her, covering her entire body for only a second, then trailing off as it took shape... Into Sekia's exact form.

Yoko had also given birth while Sekia was, as it trailed off of her body, forming into a copy of Yoko.

The slimes then retreated off of the two girls, leaving them alone...
Re: The basement

Sekia had noticed the feeling of giving birth, while it happened she closed her eyes, trying to keep herself from crying. When it was over she kept where she was, on the ground laying on her back. Sekia felt used and dirty, she was still in shock.

Sekia continues to stay where she is, on the ground with her eyes shut.
Re: The basement

After a while, Yoko gets up, and begins to look around the room, noticing Sekia on the floor near her. She crawls over to her, and begins to shake her,

"S-Sekia!?!" she whispers in surprise, "Is that you? We have to get out of here! Wake up!" she pleads.
Re: The basement

Her eyes slowly opened as she heard her friend trying to awake her. Sekia saw her friend pleading for her to wake up. A short moment after Sekia answered, her voice almost empy and without life.

" Yoko... I'm sorry... Just leave me here..."

Sekia's mind was sill scrabled from what had happened to her but she thought Yoko getting raped was her own fault. Sekia didn't want to move, she just wanted to stay here and die.
Re: The basement

Yoko shook Sekia terribly,

"I'm not leaving without you! Come on!" she pleads.
Re: The basement

Feeling the shaking get violent and hearing what Yoko said Sekia decided she would go. She didn't feel any differn't but her best friend didn't hate her and want her to die then she planned to go.

" You don't hate me..? Ill...Ill come..."

* Sekia gets up and follows Yoko. *
Re: The basement

The slime women, who appear to be watching the two, don't make much movement at all to stop the two from leaving, as Yoko lifted Sekia, and they grabbed their clothes from the floor, slipping them on after they left...

(Sekia and Yoko have left the basement, leaving SIX slime women behind them. Their numbers are getting a little large...)
Re: The basement

Like a zombie, Sekia followed her friend, slipping her clothing on as she followed. What had just happened to her, what she had caused her friend, it was destoying her on this inside. For the first time something had sex with her, and she orgasmed. For the first time she gave birth, awake. If that wasn't enough to make Sekia want to kill herself she had caused her best friend, the only person in this world she had left, to go through the same hell as her.

" ..."

Sekia kept silent, she just followed her friend in her emotionless, or rather depressed, state.
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Re: The basement

Sera decided since the only available mission she really was useless on, she decided to explore the Inn, and as such, headed down into the basement, dressed in her t-shirt and jeans, the girl sighing in abject boredom, her swords left behind in her room, crimson eyes sweeping over the darkness from behind her everpresent glasses, locks of vivid pink hair falling over her eyes...."Hm...So why was this guarded.."
Re: The basement

After walking down some steps, Sera found herself shrouded in the darkness inside the basement of Apple Inn. With what little light was provided through the cracks of the door leading down here, she caught the shape of about six women, seeming to be laying down, sleeping on the hard, cold floor. A few of them shifted around, and perked their heads up at Sera, seeming to be interested in her.
Re: The basement

Sera blinks and walks over toward them. "What's going on, did I miss an all night drinking party again..?" she saunters over, ans smiles down at them...the girl had utterly -terrible- night vision and it was showing now...
Re: The basement

Although she could barely see in the dark room, she caught what Sera thought was a smile on one of the woman's faces, as many of them started to get up, and walked towards her after standing. Sera soon found herself surrounded by these women, the ones she could barely see were smiling at her, as she found herself trapped in the middle of the six women.