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The Beast of Helmoth (TentanariX)

Re: The Beast of Helmoth (TentanariX)

"Sister? But..." Abi seems flustered as you push further into the cave. "When the hell were you gonna tell me you're a nun?!" She continues to whine and complain the further you descend, but not once does she try to pull away from the hand holding on to hers. In fact she seems to be focused more on that touch than she does on her surroundings, her face blushing enough to be seen even in the low light of the tunnel. All it would take was a lingering look to tell you that she was quite embarrassed at being led around like a child, but even so she wasn't about to say anything. Even she could feel the darkness welling around her, and as much as she would deny it the occasional squeeze told you her fear was starting to mount.

After a few more seconds you both finally happen upon a large chamber. As it opens you notice a couple of torches on the walls throwing out a meager bit of light. As your eyes adjust you start to notice something else hanging on those same walls. Shackles. A number of them line the edge of the room, and it makes you wonder if this truly was a simple mine. "Who's there?" That sudden voice catches your attention, and it causes Abi to nearly jump out of her skin before she quickly hides behind you once more.

When you turn to a darkened corner you see the faint outline of a woman held by the wrists as she slumps against the rock at her back. "Nevermind, it doesn't matter. You should really just leave." Her voice is hoarse and strained, but as she speaks you feel a warmth wash over you. The more you focus the more you feel light and comfort pouring out of her bound form, and this leaves you no doubt that you've finally found what you have searched for. "Why do you stay? Run! Now! Before you suffer my fate!" This is when you finally notice what has become of the woman. Her body is nude, her posture unable to do anything to show any form of modesty, but that is the least of her concerns. What at first you thought was a portly body turns about to be dead wrong. Her stomach has filled out to capacity, the sudden swelling making her look as if she were coming to term with three grown triplets. The extra weight weighs her down and keeps her from moving from her spot, but she still struggles and nearly manages to pull herself to her feet before her own mass overwhelms her and causes he to fall back to the ground. Her strength leaves her for a few seconds, her head falling forward in a mix of shame and exhaustion, but she somehow manages to recover. "Why are you still here?"
Re: The Beast of Helmoth (TentanariX)

Cala holds tightly to Abis hand as the two make their way into and deeper down the cave. "Uhm, I may have eroded that wrong... I'm working for the church... But I'm not a nun myself. I'm thinking that light I'm feeling must be coming from the one I'm looking for. Priestess Corrine, the Battle Maiden. I'm... Hoping that light means she's still alive.... and hopefully well. I'm really just a new adventurer sent from the guild. But don't worry, even if you are here from the promise of payment, I'll still protect you the best I can, seeings as I dragged you into this." she saids trying to reassure the thief girl as they make their way further. As she pays notice to te shackles on the wall, she can't help but feel a creeping sensation of dread regardless of the light that what she assumed was the battle maiden was giving off.

Cala bolts up stock still as Abo hides behind her. "M-my name is C-Cala...." she saids warily at the voice, the feeling of light and comfort radiating stronger now, I am sure of it now! she thinks to herself as she looks to see the shape of a woman agains the rocks, This has to be Corrine! I hope she's alright..... "C-Corrine? Priestess Corrine!? Is that you!? Mistress Roberta hired me to find an retrieve you for the church. Please, gods, tell me that you're okay." As she moves forward Cala would soon notice Corrines state, "By te Gods! What happened to you!?" she cries. As Corrine tries to lift herself up but is pulled back down by the weight, Cala quickly runs to try to catch her and support her before gently Lyon her back down. "I cannot leave you here like this. Hold still and I'll attempt to break the shackles with magic or something." she saids before stepping back, closing her eyes, opening her mind and focusing on the shackles before trying to freeze them like the bear, hoping to make them brittle enough to break before taking her sword and slicing at them in an attempt to free the Battle Maiden.
Re: The Beast of Helmoth (TentanariX)

"Mistress Roberta? Ha, she would laugh if she heard you call her that..." The small smile she lets loose shows she at least feels a little better than she looks. "But yes, I am Corrine." The moment you rush forward to cradle her the woman starts to relax somewhat as you ease her back to a more comfortable position. When you ask about her state her head lowers in shame, but she catches herself before its fully hung in defeat. Her fists clench, and when she looks back to you her eyes hold a rather fierce determination. "I let my guard down."

For a moment she stays silent as you work on her manacles, but before anyone could ask what she meant she continues. "My sisters and I were passing through these woods when an acolyte heard a rumor. Some of the people traveling to and fro simply vanished without a trace. At first I thought it might have been you, thief." Abi shifts a little nervously at being so easily identified. "But when I stepped into these woods I felt something wrong. The land felt like it was being corrupted. So we searched, and after a few days we finally found the cause."

She pauses for a moment before she motions to her right. "Focus on one." You hadn't noticed before, but her words cause you to look and find that the metal braces keeping her hands held high are merely cold. A great deal of the energy you had poured into them seems to have simply evaporated back into the aether. "It's my fault. I tend to disrupt any magic that gets near me." When you do as she suggested and focus all your effort onto one chain finally notice the thing starting to frost over. But it's going to be a while before it's brittle enough to break.

"So...what did you find?" Abi has kept her distance for a while, but her curiosity overcomes her and begs her to ask the question. "We found a demon, a beast of lust and desire that was trying to gain a foothold in this world. We fought it and won, but a number of my girls had been violated before it died. One was my second, and that night she entered my quarters requesting...'comfort'. She had been overwhelmed and raped before everyone else, and she needed someone to show her that intimacy could still be a beautiful thing. That's why I welcomed her to my bed.

"But I was foolish. The demon that was killed had left a piece of itself within her, and once I was laid bare and open it used her. She attacked me. I tried to fight back, but I couldn't do a thing to bring her any harm. I was bound and dragged here, and once I was held by these things there was no way I could resist. The demon used her to fill me with its seed, and since then I've become an incubator for its spawn. Once it was done with me it returned to the village, and even all the way out here I could feel it spreading its influence to the other maidens. They fell one by one, and then they turned and did the same to the other women. You two are probably the only two females left that have yet to become his birthing machines."

A sudden snap catches your attention, and when you look you find Corrine's hand finally freed from those shackle's clutches. "Hurry. We need to-" A sudden spasm forces her eyes to open wide. Her body lays frozen as everyone tries to understand what just happened, but a moment later she nearly doubles over in pain as her free hand starts to clutch at her stomach. "Now?!" A moment later a scream rips through her, and she can't help but cry in agony as belly visibly starts to churn. You can see something moving under her skin, bulges pressing out at weird angles. "KILL IT!" Her body looks like its going to rip apart at any second. "KILL IT BEFORE ITS BORN!"

Corrine continues to struggle as the unborn monster fights for freedom. At this rate it'll tear her body in two. But it has yet to breach. There is nothing you can do without hurting her at the same time. Another scream pierces the air, and you can't imagine what kind of torture she's going through. As she writhes you manage to catch her eyes, and in them you can see her pleading for mercy. The agony she suffers is unbearable. "PLEASE!" That's when you hear it. She's not simply asking you to kill the demon. She's asking you to end it. She's asking you to give her the relief she can't grant herself. With your sword in your hand you realize there's only one way to stop this abomination. But would that be right? Even if she practically begged for it could you kill a holy woman? But was it right to make her suffer if all she would do was die in the end anyway? "Do something!" Abi has taken a few steps back, and she's visibly cringing in horror at what Corrine is forced to endure. You need to make a decision now. Will you do as the Priestess has asked, or will you make her wait in the hope that there may still be a way to save her life?

Option 1 - Grant the woman some mercy - Spirit
Option 2 - Wait and see what happens - Hidden

Cala Windcastle

Willpower - 18/18
Combat and HP - 6 and 20/20
Explore and Stam - 5 and 10/10
Spirit and Magic - 4 and 30/30
Naughty and Lewd - 5 and 10/10
Re: The Beast of Helmoth (TentanariX)

Cala listened intently as Corrine told her her story, "Don't blame yourself, Corrine. You did all that you possibly could do, and only wished to console and help your fellow sister. What about the other maidens? Are they........ alive still? Do you know where they might be?" She asked but before she could get an answer the battle maiden suddenly went spread eagel before doubling over clutching her belly, "NO! I CAN'T! I WOULD KILL YOU TOO!" Cala cried out as the battle maiden told her to kill the spawn, "Is there no way I can slow its birth and development enough to get you to some one who can help you? I just can't simply take your life. I came here to save you." She said as doubt and hesitation held her paralyzed for a few moments, "Corrine...... I'm...... I'm going to try to pour all my magic and some of my own spirit into your essence to try to hold the spawn at bay...... If it doesn't work..... I'll bear the consequences, but I want you to know it was no fault of yours. Abi...... If I fail...... run. As fast as you possibly can and don't look back." She then walked towards the battle maiden before leaning against her nude and stretched form before laying a hand on her belly and another one on her woman hood before softly uttering, "Gods...... be with us......." Her body then started to glow as she poured a great deal of her spirit and expended all of her magic ability into the woman before turning her head towards Abigail and simply telling the thief, "Run......... NOW!"

((Pouring all of my Magic into it and 8 willpower))
Re: The Beast of Helmoth (TentanariX)

Stage 4
Option 2 - Wait and see what happens - Hidden - Naughty (Combat) - 18 vs 21 ( + 5) - PASS


With your essence starting to pour into the woman you find your spell meeting resistance. You close your eyes to focus, your mind's eye opening only to find a raging inferno roaring all around you. A brief moment of panic nearly overtakes you, but the flames that nearly engulf you give off a heat that's almost pleasant and comforting. You focus some more, and soon enough the source comes to light as the spouts of fire all come from the priestess's astral form. It seems her very soul wants to pour out of her body, and even though she appears to have it mostly contained the bit that she can't control is suffocating. It's no wonder why the magic you send her way has trouble manifesting: it simply burns away within Corrine's presence.

But focusing so much of your own aura into a tight space lets some of your spell break through. That is when you find it. Darkness. A ball of darkness that feels like nothing more than a void. It sits within the woman's bloated form, and as you watch it you find tendrils sprouting from that empty mass that tries to reach out wrap around her spectral body. Those that make it pass the flames seem to pulse with energy, bit and pieces of Corrine's soul being sucked away before the flames of her being burn those tendrils into nothing.

With your target insight you resolve focuses on the task at hand. Your energy rushes to meet the demon-spawn's core, but most of it dissolves before it can reach its destination. To make matters worse your magic seems to have the opposite effect. The void begins to stir now that it senses another soul, and the moment one of its feelers reaches out to grasp the trail of your power you feel it suddenly rushing into that dark core almost as if it were being sucked from your body.

A sudden scream pulls you back into the world of the waking, and when your mind's eye finally closes you find your hand suddenly being wrapped in what appears to be nothing more than a vine. You trace the length to its source and find it reaching out from within the woman's cleft. Her folds spread farther as something else starts to push its way through, and before you can react another arm has breached and shot around your neck. The two tentacles stretch her even further, and soon an enormous bulb starts to press itself into the open air. The arms hold you in place as the bulb starts to split, and once it opens a number of small tentacles start to slowly reach out, the tiny tendrils reaching out for your armor and starting to worm their way underneath as they begin to writhe and explore.

Most people would probably freak out by this point, especially since the tentacles seem to be rather focused on your more erogenous zones as they begin to massage and coil around your breasts while more start to travel down your stomach, but as you struggle to gain some control you suddenly realize something. The creature has exposed itself. It can no longer hide within the safety of Corrine's body and her nearly uncontrolled aura. The hand laying on the woman's inflated belly rises to grip the thing wrapped around your neck, and the spell you started is now fed directly into the demon's body. A portion of it is simply consumed as the beast continues to try and tease you, but a greater deal starts to pool at its center. You can feel your energy spreading throughout its entirety, and a moment later you feel the tendrils starting to slow. Their movements nearly drop to a crawl, the strength of the beast itself seeming to shrink with every passing second as your magic starts to take effect. Eventually the numerous tentacles begin to recede, and everything retracts back into Corrine's body as her stomach actually begins to deflate and make her look a little less obscene.

For a moment the woman simply stares in disbelief. It's quite clear she doesn't understand what exactly just happened, but as she looks at her less filled form she manages to get one thought out. "It's...hibernating...?" Your mind's eye opens for a moment to take a better look, and you find the empty sphere collapsing on itself until it forms a dense ball that refuses to be disturbed. "Cala..." Even with her body returning to a more normal size befitting a heavily pregnant woman she still seems to hesitate over something. "I have a...request..." Her body tenses for a moment before she uses both hands to grab at the lone shackle still attached to her wrist while her legs spread as far apart as she can manage. "I want you to...reach inside me and pull it out."
Re: The Beast of Helmoth (TentanariX)

With your essence starting to pour into the woman you find your spell meeting resistance. You close your eyes to focus, your mind's eye opening only to find a raging inferno roaring all around you. A brief moment of panic nearly overtakes you, but the flames that nearly engulf you give off a heat that's almost pleasant and comforting. You focus some more, and soon enough the source comes to light as the spouts of fire all come from the priestess's astral form. It seems her very soul wants to pour out of her body, and even though she appears to have it mostly contained the bit that she can't control is suffocating. It's no wonder why the magic you send her way has trouble manifesting: it simply burns away within Corrine's presence.

What's..... Happening? Cala thinks to herself as she feels her spell being resisted by.... something.... As she closes her eyes to try to focus, she senses and sees in her mind a blazing fire consuming everything in her sight. Aaah! What in the world!? I'm going to burn up! she thinks before she realizes that the fire is more comforting and almost pleasant rather then destructive or harmful. As she focuses mire she senses the flames pouring out of Corrines astral form like a phoenix blazing through the sky, her spirit seeming to attempt to erupt out of her physical body.

But focusing so much of your own aura into a tight space lets some of your spell break through. That is when you find it. Darkness. A ball of darkness that feels like nothing more than a void. It sits within the woman's bloated form, and as you watch it you find tendrils sprouting from that empty mass that tries to reach out wrap around her spectral body. Those that make it pass the flames seem to pulse with energy, bit and pieces of Corrine's soul being sucked away before the flames of her being burn those tendrils into nothing.

With your target insight you resolve focuses on the task at hand. Your energy rushes to meet the demon-spawn's core, but most of it dissolves before it can reach its destination. To make matters worse your magic seems to have the opposite effect. The void begins to stir now that it senses another soul, and the moment one of its feelers reaches out to grasp the trail of your power you feel it suddenly rushing into that dark core almost as if it were being sucked from your body.

As Cala continues to focus and concentrate her aura and magic onto Corrines astral form she slowly begins to see what seems to bs a black hole, a mass of void forming in the woman's core. As she continues to watch it she is horrorifed to see black inky tendrils reach out for the woman's astral body fro the void and begin to draw parts of her soul from her before her spirit can burn them. "Begone, you foul curd of the void! Torment this woman no longer!" she cries out as she sends some of her magic to new the demon. But to even more surprise her magic evaporates before it can really even reach or touch the mass of darkness and she soon feels her own essence being drained from the thing as well, "GAAH, NO! STOP IT!" she cries out in panic as the thing begin slowly draining her spirit.

A sudden scream pulls you back into the world of the waking, and when your mind's eye finally closes you find your hand suddenly being wrapped in what appears to be nothing more than a vine. You trace the length to its source and find it reaching out from within the woman's cleft. Her folds spread farther as something else starts to push its way through, and before you can react another arm has breached and shot around your neck. The two tentacles stretch her even further, and soon an enormous bulb starts to press itself into the open air. The arms hold you in place as the bulb starts to split, and once it opens a number of small tentacles start to slowly reach out, the tiny tendrils reaching out for your armor and starting to worm their way underneath as they begin to writhe and explore.

Most people would probably freak out by this point, especially since the tentacles seem to be rather focused on your more erogenous zones as they begin to massage and coil around your breasts while more start to travel down your stomach, but as you struggle to gain some control you suddenly realize something. The creature has exposed itself. It can no longer hide within the safety of Corrine's body and her nearly uncontrolled aura. The hand laying on the woman's inflated belly rises to grip the thing wrapped around your neck, and the spell you started is now fed directly into the demon's body. A portion of it is simply consumed as the beast continues to try and tease you, but a greater deal starts to pool at its center. You can feel your energy spreading throughout its entirety, and a moment later you feel the tendrils starting to slow. Their movements nearly drop to a crawl, the strength of the beast itself seeming to shrink with every passing second as your magic starts to take effect. Eventually the numerous tentacles begin to recede, and everything retracts back into Corrine's body as her stomach actually begins to deflate and make her look a little less obscene.

"Corrine! WHA-!?" Cala cries out worried bout the battle maiden before she sees and feels the vine wrapping around her wrist, as she looks down she finds the plant rope coming from the woman's vagina, "Sick monstrosity! Leg go of m-GAK!" she cries out only to be cut off as she feels another one wrap around her neck. As she struggles against the vine she sees the bulb stretch it's way out of Corrine woman hood, and split open before she sees more vines reach out and start to warm thief way through her clothes underneath her armor, "N-NO! GET AWAY FROM ME, DAMN YOU!" she cries out as she soon feels a warmth star to creep through her, the vines now crawling down her smooth stomach and coiling around her generous bosoms. "N-No..... S-stop that.... I d-don't want th-this..." she moans and grits out as sh feels her self being molested by the sick thing coming from Corrines womb. She is starting to get arroused and hot from the ministrations before you see Corrine wrap a Jan around one of the tendrils and begin to pour some of her holy energy into it and weaken it, as the combined force of hers and Corrines energy proves to be too much for it as it begins to slow to a stop before finally receding into her stomach, shrinking into an inert ball.

At Corrines words Cala closes her eyes to focus and she sees the thing is in fact hibernating. As Cala and sees Corrine begin to shrink back to normal pregnant size, and hears her requests, her mouth opens as to say something before closing for a moment. She stays silent for a moment before finally answering her, "I..... I shall try..... Abi..... If you are still here, leave. Before I start. Because if I fail to kill it after pulling it out, there will be no escaping I fear. At least you'll have a head start to hopefully get somewhere far away and safe while it deals with me and Corrine." she motions to her thief companion, she places a hand Corrines belly and another to her pussy before softly uttering out a prayer, "Oh, gods..... Please...... Preserve us!" she cries out before focusing as much spirit as she can into her arm and promptly stabbing her hand into Corrines woman hood, attempting to reach into her womb before removing her other one from her belly and repeating the process before pulling with all of her spirit and strength to rip the foul being from the maidens womb and pussy. If she manages to successfully pry the demon out of Corrines body, Cala would promptly attempt to drive and pin the foul creature to the floor of the cave before drawing out her sword and try to plunge it straight through the vile creatures core hoping to seriously/gravely wound it, if not kill it out right.

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Re: The Beast of Helmoth (TentanariX)

((The only time you'll need to worry about stats is when there's an actual challenge, and those will be listed.))

Abi doesn't answer your call, and that's more than enough to tell you that she's already gone. Hopefully she managed to find a way to escape...

With your task at hand and Corrine bracing herself you prepare to plunge yourself into the priestess's womb. Your prayer is all the warning Corrine receives, and the moment you jam your hand and arm into her womanhood she lets out a pained cry. You can feel her insides barely stretching to accommodate the width of your arm, but when you pull your other hand away from her stomach and position yourself Corrine looks a bit shocked. "Hey wait, what are you-AAAAHHH!!!" With your other arm inching farther into her you almost expect something to tear. "NO! NOT TWO! I'VE NEVER TAKEN TWO!" She looks nearly frantic as she watches you delve deeper, and once you near her open cervix she groans in pain yet somehow doesn't break.

With your hands and arms as deep as they can go you reach out and find the spawn simply resting at your fingertips. It only stirs slightly as you search for a handhold, and once you feel the beast is firmly anchored in your grip your spirit weaves around it and traps it as you pull. Corrine starts to scream once more as you bring the demon into her canal, and you suddenly find yourself meeting fierce resistance as her body appears to have finally reached its limit. It refuses to open any wider to allow the stirring monster to be freed. "NO! I REFUSE TO BEAR THIS THING ANY LONGER!" Her eyes and teeth clench together, and the next moment you feel her starting to push that mass through her as if she were trying to give birth. You double your efforts, the combined forces slowly breaking past Corrine's defenses until you finally see that bud poke out once more.

Now that the creature is exposed to the air it finally decides to awaken, but by then it's too late. You can feel the bulk of its mass starting to pass through the woman's opening, and with one final mighty tug you manage to pull the abomination free and toss it into the middle of the room. A sudden screech fills the chamber, and when you look to see what kind of monstrosity you've found what awaits can only be described as a floundering sack of flesh that struggles with itself. Inhuman cries and chirps can be heard as the demon spawn's skin appears to bulge much like Corrine's did when she feared she was about to give birth, but this time a point manages to break through and causes that sack to tear. That tear grows and spreads, and in a matter of moments the bag is opened to reveal a small flood of disgusting white fluid with a hodgepodge of varying tentacles writhing uncontrollably along the ground. You begin to wonder if approaching the mess would be safe, but as you watch it you find that it can't seem to coordinate any kind of measured movement. It simply throws a tendril in a random direction before it slaps the ground and contorts itself into a knotted mess. Whatever you may have feared earlier this thing is now a helpless pile of flesh. There is nothing it can do to stop you from ending its miserable existence.
Re: The Beast of Helmoth (TentanariX)

As Cala hears Corrine scream out in pain as she buries her arms and hands deep intro her core she looks up into the battle maiden's eyes with as a reassuring and soothing look as she can, "Please, Corrine....... try to relax...... I can't imagine how this must feel, but it's for all of our own good and will be over with shortly....." She speaks to woman softly as she feels the beast wiggle at her fingers before getting a good grip on in and bonding her spirit to it, "GOT YOU!" She cries out jubilantly as she starts to tug fiercely onto the monster pulling with all of her might try to draw the beast out of Corrine. She panics slightly for a bit as Corrine's body reaches it;s limit and feel that the monster wont budge until she hears Corrine scream out once again this time trying to aide you in removing the creature as she acts as if giving birth to the monstrosity. "That's it, Corrine, don't give in! We're almost there! We CAN beat this thing!" She cries out also doubling her own efforts, until the bud once again pokes out of her body, but it wont get such an opportunity to attack her again this time, as the two women work together to remove the monster from her insides. When it finally pops out of her womanhood and splashes out onto the cave floor, Cala draws her blade as she hears the inhuman and heart curdling screech, fearing the worst until she notices the cracks forming in the creature, until the white ooze and tentacles flop out on the ground, writhing there pitifully, as Cala watches the creature solely dying, she draws out her sword before driving it into its core, piercing it all the way through till the blade digs into the earth beneath it. Once she was sure the monster was truly dead, Cala would go to break the other manacle around Corrine before holding the woman gently allowing her to recover, "Are you alright? I can wait till you are able to walk again or I can carry you, either way I say it is time to lease this place." SHe saids to the woman awaiting her answer.
Re: The Beast of Helmoth (TentanariX)

With blade drawn you step closer to the newly birthed spawn, and for some odd reason you suddenly feel as if it's attention has become a little more focused. With every step closer it lets out a chirp that gets more and more panicked, and when you're practically hovering over its form it almost sounds like the thing is crying for help. Its arms raise on instinct to try and stop the tip of your sword when it's finally thrust into mass's core, but it proves useless. Steel slices through flesh, and as you feel your weapon running through the creature it lets out a pained scream that lasts until it finally shudders and falls limp. A couple quick pokes followed by another stab gain no reaction, and you know the thing is now dead.

With that demon spawn destroyed you are free to release Corrine from her bonds, and she allows herself to be cradled and lowered. When she's finally able to fully relax she pauses for a moment before placing a hand against her still somewhat enlarged stomach. "I'll recover, but right now I still feel incredibly sore from when that thing became active. I doubt I'll be able to walk for a few hours... And I doubt you'll be able to carry me to safety. While that thing was within me I could feel a faint attachment to the demon's core, and I fear it knows that a piece of itself has already been destroyed. I can feel the darkness hovering over the village starting to churn. It's gathering all the pieces it planted together, and it's determined to keep any threats from either confronting it or escaping before it has reformed. Or maybe it just wants to feed off of us."

While she had been talking her eyes had closed tightly as if she were concentrating on something, and after a few moments she opens them and shakes her head. "But we can't just let this thing do as it pleases." Her eyes soon return to you. "Miss Cala, I know I may be asking much, but..." She turns a bit to look away as if she was ashamed, but when she turns back you can see her pleading. "Please stop the demon before it awakens! It has already been weakened once, and even if it has recovered a bit it's still nowhere near as powerful as it was when I first faced it. The fact that you managed to get here unharmed shows you have the skill to finish what I started, so please save the others and destroy that monster before it's too late!"
Re: The Beast of Helmoth (TentanariX)

Once Cala was certain the demon destroyed and had freed Corrine, she gently cradled the once mighty woman, awestruck by her still impressive constitution and willpower as she listened to her words, "I... can't just leave you here, what if it sends another piece after you? But.... I know... you're right. It...... It has to be stopped. You are asking a lot...... and It's not that I mind...... it's just...... Do you really think that I stand a chance..... by myself..... I won't deny that I was just most fortunate to be able to destroy this fragment...... I will try...... but I earnestly fear that...... I may very well end up meeting your same fate, Corrine...... I....... will do all that I can....... but I fear it may not be enough. And if I fall....... then we will all be doomed." She saids awaiting the Battle Maiden's response.
Re: The Beast of Helmoth (TentanariX)



But you're already at full strength, so it gets wasted. Sad...

"Enough!" As you had voiced your concerns and aired your doubts Corrine's expression became darker. "You cannot allow yourself to question your own skills! If you do you will stand no chance at victory!" For a couple seconds she merely stares you down, her eyes holding you still with a look of almost unconquerable confidence, but slowly she starts to relax. "The demon is more than just a beast of flesh. It will try to worm its way into your soul and tempt you with your own desires. When you face it you will need to keep your mind sharp and focused. If not it will overwhelm you, paralyze you with your own dark desires, and force you into becoming nothing more than one of its whores begging for its touch.

"Besides, I am someone who believes in Fate. Even after my defeat I held fast to my belief that I would not be abandoned. I fought with every last ounce of strength I could muster, and once I learned it would not be enough I prayed for salvation. You were the one sent to answer those prayers. You managed to overcome the corruption of this forest and saved me from a fate that would have ended in my sacrifice. I understand if you don't believe, but I've put my complete faith in Temteir, and if you are strong enough to become my salvation then you are strong enough to save the others." The priestess holds a rather somber look in her eye, and when she has finished she bows her head.

"Now please hurry. If you do not I fear we may be too late." The woman urges you to leave, and she doesn't say anything more until you do. Before you exit the chamber you hear call out one more time. "And do not worry, I won't be alone." You ponder what that could mean as you exit before a body suddenly bumps into you in the dark. "AAH! ...Oh! It's...it's you..." As she sits on the floor Abigail looks relieved, but you also get the feeling that she's a bit...hesitant to stay near. Nevertheless she pulls herself up and leads you a little further back into the mine. "We've got a problem. There are a bunch of 'things' out there. They're crowded around the mouth of the cave, but they aren't entering. But they won't let anything leave, either. Come on."

Once the thief felt a little more at ease she beckons you to follow as she slides along the wall, and once you round a bend she motions you to stop and points outside. There you see a few forest creatures patrolling the entrance, but as you look more closely you wonder why the hairs at the back of your neck are standing on end. It's only when one steps out of the direct light that you notice the thing's eyes. They're glowing. Red. With that in mind you take a closer look and find all of them staring forward as they pace back and forth, each pair glowing in the low light of dusk as they all seem to wait for anyone to step outside. "When you told me to run I ran out here, but these things were waiting and almost jumped me. Some of the vines almost caught me, but I managed to scramble back inside." At the mention of those vines you take a closer look and find them hovering in the shadows. "They didn't follow, but that means we're trapped."

Abi merely looks on while you ponder. If what Corrine said was true then the demon at Helmoth was gathering itself to be reborn. You have little time to waste if you wish to strike before it recovers its strength, but the small army waiting just outside seems intent on keeping you pinned. Most of the creatures are small and relatively harmless, but the sheer number means they could swarm you. There's no telling what would happen if you were caught. You could simply run. You notice that the animals' movements seem a bit staggered and forced, so outrunning most of everything shouldn't be too much of a hassle, but there are those vines to consider. They aren't as hindered as the fauna, and you quite clearly remember how well they gave chase.

Perhaps speed was not the answer. You need to hurry to the village, and the quickest path would be straight through the forest. All you need is a clear path. A show of force could cause the creature's to step back. Even if possessed they are still animals, and the drive to survive is strong. A sufficiently destructive spell should allow you to simply blast a path through the army at least long enough to make your escape, and from there it would be a straight shot back to the village. But you remember what Corrine said. The demon will try to overtake your mind in the coming battle, and wasting your mental strength here may cost you in the end. But so could any delay. The only question now was whether that would be worth it.

Option 1 - Clear a path - Spirit
Option 2 - Run as fast as you can - Explore

Cala Windcastle

Willpower - 18/18
Combat and HP - 6 and 20/20
Explore and Stam - 5 and 10/10
Spirit and Magic - 4 and 30/30
Naughty and Lewd - 5 and 10/10
Re: The Beast of Helmoth (TentanariX)

Cala looked deep into Corrines eyes, awestruck by he strength and unwavering faith, even through all that she had been through she remained strong and steadfast. She had fought off the thing inside of her all this time and believed she would be saved. She had said she was the answer to her prayers. She had to fight it. She would fight it, but the slightest possibility and knowledge of that possibility of her failing was still present in her mind. But, she could not fuel that weakness; or at the very least let it be shown to Corrine. She believed her to be the answer to her prayers, and a reward for her faith. She could not betray that faith or let her down.

As she tells her to hurry, Cala runs out of the cave, Dont worry, Corrine. I Shall end that abomination! And if your sisters, or other victims are in that mind too, I will come back for all of you! she thinks to herself as she hears that last part before she runs into Abi, "OOMPH! Abi, you're still here?" As she explains her presence to her, Cala ventures to look outside and see it's true. "DAMMIT! Corrine is right! That...... Thing inside of her...... The demon...... Is exuding it's influence and corruption to the flora and fauna to keep us trapped......." she said as she pondered her choices, it would be quick to to just set out a swath of fire in their direction and scare them off..... But she needed to preserve her energies and presence of mind to deal with the evil being that awaited them..... They would have to run, and pray to any diety they could think of that they would be fast enough. "Abi..... Take my hand...... Hold on for dear life...... AND RUN!!!!!!" she cried out adage made a mad dash out of the mouth and tried as hard as she could to simply plow trough the blockade of plant and animal life.

Option 2 - Run as fast as you can - Explore
Re: The Beast of Helmoth (TentanariX)

Stage 5
Option 2 - Run as fast as you can - Explore - 16 vs 22 ( + 5) - PASS


"Wait, wha..." Your hand reaches out and takes hers. "Wait a minute!" You set yourself in the ground, your legs tensing as you prepare to run straight through the army gathered near. "STOP!" But then Abi pulls back fiercely and wrenches her hand free. "I...I can't take this anymore!" She takes a couple steps deeper into the mine before she falls to her knees and sits. "I'm just a stupid thief who wants some money! I can't run around and fight possessed bears and killer vines and demons trying to knock me up! It's too much!" A few calls from outside signal that the waiting beasts had heard her little fit, and she starts crawling back until she see's that they still won't enter the cave. Her eyes hold a rather frightened look, but even after calming down a bit she still looks like she'd about to have a breakdown. "I don't even care about the money anymore... I just wanna make it through this in one piece. I can't do it out there, so... So I'm just gonna stay here. I feel safer..."

The the girl sitting there looking almost helpless you get the sense that no matter how hard you push there is no way you can ask her to join. She looks utterly defeated. Forcing her to follow you would simply be making her run into the demon's clutches. That's when you remember Corrine's final words. I won't be alone. The priestess's perceptiveness is almost frightening. With the thief staying behind and little time to waste you prepare yourself to set out once more. "You'd better not lose..." Abi at least looks up you, and in her own way she offers what little encouragement she can. "I don't wanna be stuck here forever!"

Now that you're ready you take a deep breath before you bolt. You barely notice Abi lifting herself to watch you leave before you clear the mouth of the cave and found yourself charging into these possessed creatures. Even as they begin to converge a small gap catches your attention. You change your course to take advantage of this, but as you do you notice a lumbering shape starting to barrel its way out of the forest. A bear had chosen to remain hidden, and right behind it you can barely make out the more sleek form of a wolf. Had the two been laying in ambush? It's impossible to tell, but it really doesn't matter. Your only concern is that they will cut you off, and if you don't find some way to-

Something small whips past your head, and before you know it the bear starts howling in pain and stumbles as something seems to have struck it in the eye. It comes to a crashing halt before it could overtake you, and while it's distracted you set your shield and charge forward. The wolf pauses for a moment at seeing its ally go down in pain so quickly, but it quickly recovers. Unfortunately it's just a bit too late. You charge into the creature, your shield catching it in its chest as it tries to leap and tackle you to the ground. Your combined weight and momentum overpower it and knock it to the side as your charge goes through the beast and leaves the beast dazed. Should you take the moment to look back you will find a familiar looking knife buried in the bear's eye, and further back you will spot a familiar looking hooded shadow disappear back into safety.

With your path relatively clear you dash forward once more. For a few brief seconds you hear nothing managing to give a proper chase, but a little while later the sound of rustling leaves catches your ear. You dare not turn back, the sound reminding you of the earlier escape you and Abi made from those killer vines. You push your body harder, the rush of adrenaline giving you just a bit more speed as you hear your pursuers closing the distance inch by inch. It will only be a matter of seconds before they finally manage to reach you, but just before they do the chase suddenly ends. You run a few more yards before curiosity starts to creep in, and should you turn you find that the vines that were indeed following you have appeared to reach their limit. A couple are stretched out as far as they can in an effort to somehow extend themselves even farther, but eventually they begin to relax and coil back to whatever point they started. From here on the trip should be far easier.

When you finally break into the clearing that borders the village. The sun has already started to set, but there's still enough light for you to find the village seemingly empty. Even if the inhabitants all looked like they were dead inside there were still enough women to at least appear like there was some life left in the small town, but now it looks like it's been abandoned. There's not a soul to see, not in the streets, not in the homes, not even from the few lighted windows that-

"Ah!" A voice drifts through the silence, and when you focus you can hear a few more off in the distance, muffled cries suddenly catching your attention as you try to pinpoint their location. You follow the faint noise, your path winding through the oddly placed homes and building until you break into the village center. What you find can only be called disturbing. "Mmm!" A gigantic pile of bodies welcomes you, all of the women you had seen earlier now accounted for as they continue to writhe against each other. No matter where you look you see depravity. One woman kissing another as her fingers plunge into yet another's spread legs, another more bold woman openly gripping and fondling someone as her victim lies helplessly atop her body, another unable to do anything more than shiver and cry out in tortured bliss as a number of hands and tongues take free reign over every inch of her skin. This sea of sex is beyond control, and you can't believe that they would all be so enthralled with each other that they don't even notice you staring. And that's all you can do. The orgy nearly demands your attention, and you can't pull your eyes away. It forces you to stay there as the sounds of pleasure wash over your elven ears. It forces you to remain still as all those bodies cling to each other, your own starting to become uncomfortably hot as your mind begins to wander. What would it feel like to have another woman's lips clasped around your nipple? Would your body twitch uncontrollably if you felt a tongue sliding deep into your folds? It's all so distracting, so enticing, and you can't help but feel yourself being drawn in, to join in this carnival of delights, to give in to that little voice in the back of your mind beckoning you to simply give in and Join us...
Re: The Beast of Helmoth (TentanariX)

"HUH!? What are you doing?" Cala asks as she feels Abi wrench her hand away from her before she sees her sink down into her knees and sit still in the cave, as listens to Abi's fearful and nearly broken cries, she kneels down to her and places a hand on her shoulder and gently on her face, looking softly into her eyes, Corrine is astonishingly perceptive...... she was taking about Abi....... But she's right, I can't possibly ask or make her to go out there and face these things out there..... she thinks before speaking to the thief in a gentle and understanding tone, "I understand....... You've done enough for me so far. And don't worry..... I'll vanquish this thing...... and come back for you both, I PROMISE!" She says before standing back up and preparing to make a break through the gathered animals and vines. A TRAP!? Cala thinks in alarm as she sees the bear and wolf pop out from their hiding, and try to thwart her escape, but before she can react she sees something fly past her head and strike the bear in its eye, causing to crumple to the ground in pain as she see the wolf get distracted; giving her an opportunity to break past it slamming her shield into it, bowling past it and breaking through the gathered mass.

As she manages to arrive at the clearing at the end of the village, she walks through to find it surprisingly and unsettling emptier then it was before, now it is virtually a ghost town, and she fears she may be too late until she hears the faint sound of a woman moaning. She follows the sound of moaning, gasping and sighing until she arrives at the city center only to find a disturbing sight of a tangled, packed mound of female bodies; licking, fingering, sucking and kissing all over each other completely naked. "They don't even seem to notice me........", Cala saids out softly, "I wonder if I cried at the top of my lungs, if they would even noticed, if I came through with a band or shot of a gun....... It proabbly wouldn't even phase them. THey seem so enraptured and caught up in their carnal lust and desire....." she said to herself even as she felt her insides stir, her body heat up and her loins itch, A-Ah...... N-no...... I must FOCUS! I can't give into the pleasure or the temptation! Corrine, Abi and everyone...... they're counting on me! I CAN'T let them down! she thinks to herself as she steels her mind and focuses her mind on hunting down the thing responsible for all this madness, determined to put a stop to it.
Re: The Beast of Helmoth (TentanariX)

With your mind focusing on your true task you begin to wonder where the heart of the beast may lie, but a moment later you feel a shiver run its way up your spine. It felt like something dark had taken a finger and lightly brushed it up the small of your back, the same kind of darkness that you followed feeding off of Corrine. Your concentration shifts, and soon enough you start feeling that darkness gathering at the center of the tangled bodies. Something lies buried within all those women, and it isn't a moment after you notice this that it finally reveals itself. Dozens of tentacles start to spread, most flailing out into the open air before they turn and descend on the moaning throng. The women seem overjoyed by their appearance, a number of them eagerly presenting themselves for the tentacles' use. And used they are. Demonic flesh stuffs itself into any hole it can find, and cries of passion soon turn into a chorus of pleasure as each body soon finds itself being pounded into without mercy.

You wonder what to do. The monster is obviously enjoying itself, but something doesn't feel right. That nothingness you felt is far too spread. As it stands now you would need to rush into the orgy and destroy every single tendril that lay there, and there's no doubt in your mind that you would find yourself soon buried beneath all that flesh and forced to join in this carnival no matter how much you struggled. But you can't just let things stand as they are. If something isn't done soon then the demon will be reborn...

A sudden rush of darkness blasts blows by your spiritual senses. Had it been an actual wind you're certain you would have been blown off your feet. Your soul itself feels like its reeling, and as it recovers everything comes to a sudden halt. Before you can even question this sudden turn the muffled screams of a girl catch your attention, and even though she is nowhere to be seen you can tell she has reached her peak and surrendered to her own climax. That one cry starts a chain reaction, and it isn't long before the entire pile is shuddering in release.

It begins.

But soon you feel that darkness pooling, and you can feel it pulsing with delight before it happens. You see something stir within the closest body, something that crawls beneath her skin for only a few moments before her nethers nearly explode. Waves of demon flesh pour out of her, the sudden birth not limiting itself to her womanhood as tendril after tendril sprouts from her ass, her mouth, her nose, any hole it can find to gain its freedom. And its not just that one soul. All the women are forced to expel an untold number of tentacles, and as they become buried under the demon spawn that infernal flesh starts to merge. The faintest trace of any of the humans is consumed by the growing mass that suddenly starts to spread throughout the town. Massive tentacles take to the streets and stretch themselves out, smaller buds branching away as if searching for more. One of the gigantic arms rushes past you, a well-timed dive keeping you from being caught up in its current.

By the time its growth is complete the abomination nearly smothers the village, and you find yourself surrounded. Then you hear it. A small whisper in the back of your mind. A feminine voice whining and begging in need before it finally speaks. More... The smaller buds that are still nearly as thick as your wrist start to turn. More...! As another voice joins the first those buds begin to reach out. Please, give us more! More voices join the chaos now ringing through your head, and it almost distracts you from the lengths now reaching to take hold of you. Their speed is laughable at best, their movements sluggish and uncoordinated, and it doesn't take much to avoid them, but once you take a few steps back a pair of human arms suddenly coil around you and pull your close. "Please..." A voice whispers right into your ear while a pair of hands immediately dive for your intimate areas, one rubbing between your legs while the other slides over your shoulder and works its way under your armor to tease your chest. "We only need a little more..." Surprise lets you tear yourself away before any more liberties could be taken, but it let a number of the demon tendrils approach. Behind them you can see the other women surfacing from the sea of flesh, their own arms reach out to you, their voices pleading for you to join them and give them the pleasure they so desperately want to share with you.

For all intents and purposes this appears to be a hopeless situation. The beast quite literally has you surrounded. Pieces of itself are trying to ensnare you, their intent obvious as the shapes on their end would make any woman blush. The women it captured are trying to drag you down and force you to join them, their constant cries for pleasure and release echoing through your mind and refusing to be ignored. But amidst all this you can finally feel it. A pit. A dark well. A gaping void that sits at the center of this demonic mass, the void that controls the entire thing. As hopeless as it seems you know there's still one chance. If you can reach that core and strike it down just like you did to Corrine's spawn then you are sure you can banish this Hellspawn to whatever circle from whence it came.

Final Battle: Destroy the Beast!
Part 1 - Resist the demon's temptations - Spirit (Naughty)
Part 2 - Destroy the demon's heart - Combat (Naughty)

Cala Windcastle

Willpower - 18/18
Combat and HP - 6 and 20/20
Explore and Stam - 5 and 10/10
Spirit and Magic - 4 and 30/30
Naughty and Lewd - 5 and 10/10
Re: The Beast of Helmoth (TentanariX)

As Cala clears get mind of the distraction of the mass of writhing bodies, she begins scanning the surroundings if the city center in deep thought before she a cold chill race it's way up her spine; causing her to straighten up like a board dead in her place. She instantly recognized it as the darkness that was leeching off of Corrine. She slowly turns around to look at the pile of naked female bodies, and as she does so, she breaks out into a cold sweat, saucer eyed and awestruck by the scene- dozens of thick scaly slimy tentacles writhing before beginning to plunge themselves into the womens cores.

MY GODS! she thinks in horror at the scene unfolding before her, What should I do!? There's far too many of the tentacles and bodies for me to possibly fight them off by myself! But still..... Something doesn't feel right...... Even for this....... But I have to do something............. she thinks before she feels something invisible and intangible blow right through her, bowling her over but not really touching her. She feels her knees nearly buckle under her and almost cause to her double over in nausea, if nit pain. An overwhelmingly dread feeling. She then hears an unseen woman cry out in orgasm reaching her climax before soon being joined by another, then another, the single cry becomes a cacophony, a chorus of ecstasy.

As the cries finally cease, she notices something else entirely, something that makes he far more frightened, feeling much smaller then she already did when seeing it earlier. Tentacles pouring out of every hole in her body; navel, ears, nose, mouth, anus, uterus and pussy! She feels slightly grateful they don't also come out of the women's eye sockets. But disturbingly, these tentacles soon spread out over the city, covering every square inch! The entire city is now nothing more then a giant knot of tentacles! OH MY GOD! I-I HAVE TO FIGHT THIS..... DESTROY THIS. BUT ITS JUST SO MASSIVE........ CORRINE.......IF YOU CAN HEAR MY THOUGHTS.......FEEL ME.....THEN PLEASE........ GRANT ME YOUR STRENGTH, EVEN A PORTION OF IT!

It isn't long before one of the arms lunge out towards her, but thankfully for her, it and every other one after it: are slow, sluggish, and clumsy. She is able to daily dodge everyone that flies towards her, but however she is unaware of a controlled woman coming up behind her, grabbing her and begin to immediately touch, rub, stroke and tease her soft body. Exploring her skin, and taunting her sensitive areas, Ah...... No....... I can't let myself be taken in....... she whines inwardly before crying out, "STOP! YOU ATE NOT YOURSELF!!! I DO NOT WANT THAT!!!!!!" and tear herself away from the woman's grasp.

The situation seems completely totally hopeless, the beasts members an appendages seem to be every where you turn, and it has hundreds of mind controlled women constantly tryin to grapple you and drag you down into the orgy and make you like them. But here her spiritual senses are honed, sharpened, and acute and she can pinpoint the monsters heart and she tries to steal her mind as she focuses herself and train her mind and steel her soul as she says herself a prayer to all deities who might be listening, "Please..... Be with me...... Strengthen me...... Protect me!" she cries out as she rushes the monstrous, knotted mass of writhing and wrigglin tentacles, before trying to dive into the center of the mass and strike the beasts heart; hoping against all hope that her blade strikes true.

Final Battle: Destroy the Beast!
Part 1 - Resist the demon's temptations - Spirit (Naughty)
Part 2 - Destroy the demon's heart - Combat (Naughty)
Re: The Beast of Helmoth (TentanariX)

Final Stage - Round 1

Part 1 - Resist the demon's temptations - Spirit - 19 vs 6 ( + 4) - FAIL by 13 - Take 13 Magic Damage
Tough Roll triggered

Tough Roll - Naughty - 21 vs 24 ( + 5) - PASS

Part 2 - Destroy the demon's heart - Combat - 19 vs 10 ( + 6) - FAIL by 9 - Take 9 HP Damage
Naughty x1 triggered - Take 9 Lewd Damage

Total Damage

9 HP
13 Magic
9 Lewd


You press forward, your blade carving a path through demon flesh, your shield pushing back the unwanted advances of lust-crazed women. But progress is slow. The more you cut those demonic limbs from their larger brethren more start to bud and instantly start to harass you. A couple even manage to wrap around your wrist as you swing, but thankfully their strength isn't enough to hold you down. As things stand you feel you can just bulldoze your way through this unholy tangle, the tentacles unable to match your raw physical strength.

But then it happens. The defenses within your mind falter for only a split second, and once they do the wails of dozens of voices start filling you from the inside. You can hear them all, each distinct woman pleading for release, pleading to feel a simple touch. You can almost feel your own body starting to respond to their call, their cries of ecstasy bringing a slight flush to your own cheeks. You nearly manage to push them out of your mind, but then you feel something winding around your leg. A sudden tug pulls you off balance, and you fall to the floor only to find even more tentacles starting to capture your ankles and wrists. You try to fight them, you twists your arms to wrench yourself to freedom, but those wails of lust pierce into your soul and prove a more than adequate distraction as you are gradually forced spread eagle.

With your body completely open as you're held in the air you find a couple of the possessed women reaching. Their hands start to paw at your exposed skin, their fingers pulling on your clothes and armor, some of them even managing to pull them away a bit until more tendrils appear and start weaving themselves through your garments. You feel them sliding all over you, a trail of slime or sweat or some other disgusting fluid leaving your skin tingling where they touch just before they all flex as one. The sound of fabric tearing as all you hear before everything that hid your body falls to the ground in tattered shreds.

Now that you are completely exposed you can feel the slight breeze rushing past, and the moisture that clings to your skin only enhances that feeling as your body is forced into a more excited state. The tentacles that just tore you clothes begin to crowd you once more, your body getting felt and slickened from all directions as you struggle to win your freedom. A hand wraps around your bound ankle, and it start dragging your suspended form lower so that women below you may start touching you, grope you, kiss every little inch of your exposed flesh. If you are unable to move quickly enough you fear you'll be buried under a mountain of debauchery, your body forced to experience the pleasures whispered into your mind, your will to resist crumbling bit by bit until you can struggle no longer. But as bleak as things look there is still a bit of hope. Your hands still hold onto the sword and shield they carried, and the voices plaguing you have started to die down a bit now that you appear to be trapped. If you could just manage to break your sword arm free then you are certain you could cut the rest of your body loose. Just a little more effort...

Cala Windcastle

Willpower - 18/18
Combat and HP - 6 and 11/20
Explore and Stam - 5 and 10/10
Spirit and Magic - 4 and 17/30
Naughty and Lewd - 5 and 1/10
Re: The Beast of Helmoth (TentanariX)

As Cala begins hacking and slashing her way through a practical bush if not forest, or even jungle of slimy distgusting tentacles, she begins to beam with hope and confidence as she gets closer and closer the core of the beast; but sadly her inner defenses weaken for just a split second and the moaning and begging of the mound of naked women begins to fill her head. Ringing, echoing, singing, reverberating through her mind and even the very depth of soul. In her distracted state, Cala can not detect the tentacle snake it's way aroun her ankle until it tugs on her and pulls her to ground. "WHA!?" She cries out as she falls to the ground even as she feels more tentacles wrapping the rest of her limbs, "Gah! NO! STAY OFF OF ME!!! I DO NOT WANT THAT!" she cries out defiantly as she feels the them try to spread her apart, but she is sadly distracted once again by the lustful wails penetrating her soul with the desire driven moans of the beasts thralls as she is made spread eagle.

As the women begin reaching out to her, pulling her, tugging at her armor and clothes, feeling her up; she begins to struggle some more, thrashing wildly- "STOOOOOOOOP IIIIIIIIIIIIIT!!!!!! I DON'T WANT TO BE LIKE YOU!!!!! FIGHT IT OFF!!!! WAAAAAKE UUUUUUP!!!!!" she screams desperately before she feels the tentacles snake into her clothing, latthering her body up with their filthy ickor. "Nooooo....... Ahah.....Ssssstooooooop......" she whimpers out as she feels the alike rubbed against her skin before she feels the tentacles tense up all at once before hearing the ripping if fabric and her outfit become totally destroyed leaving her as naked as the day she was born and completely open to the monstrosity, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooo!" she cried out in shame and embarrassment as it completely stripped her down to nothing, her whole form shivering from the cool breeze as it blew past her naked and moistened skin.

Cala fears this may be the end as she feels herself becoming arroused from the rubbing of hands, the slathering of tentacles, and the beast prodding at her body most likely aiming at her holes. She fears she may have failed her friends and the world until she notices her weapon and shield in her hand, but she would to get one if not both free to capitalize on it. So in a desperate gamble, she licks her lips, and pouts her lips in a sexy manner, before opening her mouth wide and letting her tongue hang out like a dog. She would invite a tentacle into her mouth, and even lick and suck on the disgusting thing for a bit, lulling the beast into a false state of security and comfort before biting down on the appendage as hard as she could, hoping to cause pain to the beast and that the pain might cause it to involuntarily loosen the grip on her sword arm.

If she was successful, she would then go to cut her shield arm free; then her legs and would proceed her hack and slash session a new, with renewed vigor and fire. She would slash wildly and furiously, not letting up for a second. She would swing her mighty shield at the women if they came to stop her or molest her more. She would continue hacking and slicing until she hopefully, eventually, reached the beasts heart. Then she would rear up with both hands clutching onto her sword with a deathgrip, and throw all of herself, her might and her weight into the blade diving down greatly and ferociously onto the heart hoping to deliver a killing blow.

(Here we go again.......... XP
Part 1 - Resist the demon's temptations - Spirit (Naughty)
Part 2 - Destroy the demon's heart - Combat (Naughty) )
Re: The Beast of Helmoth (TentanariX)

Final Stage - Round 2

Part 1 - Resist the demon's temptations - Spirit - (19 - 2) 17 vs 20 ( + 4) - PASS

Part 2 - Destroy the demon's heart - Combat - (19 - 2) 17 vs 22 ( + 4) - PASS

Goddamn you and your high rolls... XP

~~~~~~ VICTORY ~~~~~~~​

The moment you open your mouth in offering it is accepted. A tentacle approaches and barely passes by your lips before they close around it, but it doesn't push farther. It simply sits there letting you take as much or as little as you wish, the sheen across its length dribbling into your mouth, a musky sweetness dancing across your tongue until you inevitably swallow and feel your body starting to heat on its own. But there are far more than just that one tentacle nearby, and a number of them start to circle and rub against you, one even going as far as opening to show a mouth full of small nubs that wiggle back and forth before it descends to one of your tits and gladly consumes it. You immediately feel those feet starting to massage your flesh, and a small but insistent suction starts pulling your nipple, the whole thing suckling at your breast like a monstrous child begging for its mother's milk.

From below you feel a number of hands starting to roam across your body, those hands teasing your legs and thighs, spreading them apart before they dive closer and start to massage your delicate folds. A pair of lips start kissing their way up and down your calf. Another pair do the same to the opposite thigh. A tongue runs itself along the arch of your foot before your toes are suckled and tongued. A pair of hands pry open the cheeks of your ass before another tongue gleefully runs its way up and down your exposed bud, the tip of it gently poking at your rear. Your body can't help but act on its own, each pleasurable sensation forcing you to twitch uncontrollably while your arousal starts to slowly trickle and flow down the inside of your legs.

Assaulted on all sides by the pleasures of the flesh a part of you wonders if you'll be able to pull yourself free. But a much greater part steels itself, your determination allowing you to weather this sexual attack, your dignity nearly trampled to death while you bide your time and wait for the perfect moment to strike. A few moments later the women below pull back, a few tentacles dragging them away as they desperately try to cling to your flesh. A couple more demon limbs approach, and they appear to inspect every inch of you before the lower and find your unoccupied holes glistening in preparation. They slowly line themselves properly, and you barely see them rearing back.

Your mind focuses to a single point, and you use it to drive past any hesitation and force your jaw to clamp shut. Your teeth cut through flesh, and even though you can't quite sever the length in your mouth you feel it bleed a disgusting ooze that forces you to spit the damned thing out. But the damage has been done, and you hear an inhuman screech of pain echoing through your mind. The tentacles that had approached to claim their prize shoot are knocked off their course, and for a brief moment you feel your bonds relax.

A fierce tug pulls your sword arm free, and in a flash a sweeping arch severs the flesh holding your other arm. Your ankles are suddenly pulled, your body being dragged a bit to try to keep you off balance, but your body recovers quickly. A pair of flicks secure your freedom, and a couple more swipes secure an escape. The women that surround had been reeling from that monstrous shriek, but their hands soon start reaching out and lightly brush against you as you push toward the center. One gets tossed to the side as the flat of your shield catches her in the chest, and another is knocked back when you're forced to smack her in the head with your sword's hilt.


That voice rings in your head, but your mind has hardened and brushes it aside as you cut your way through.


That voice becomes more frantic, and the resistance you meet becomes more fierce as the tentacles no longer try to simply ensnare you. A number of them whip by your head, a quick duck saving you from being dazed before another molds its flesh into a point and tries to pierce you through the chest. Your shield halts it, and your sword severs it from its body before you start rushing forward once again.

I will not allow myself to be destroyed a second time!

Your opposition begins to thin as you press closer and closer to your target, but as you approach the knot at the center of the town starts to unwind. As it does the dark void that you felt so clearly intensifies, and you can almost see the very core of the beast as it seems to lay itself bare. But a moment later you find a horrible truth waiting for you.

To destroy me you will need to cut this innocent down.

At the very center of this monster you can see all the flesh sprouting form a single point, and there you find the form of a petite woman staring blankly into space. Her body is beyond violated. Every orifice she has has been penetrated by demon flesh, and you can't even begin to wonder how any being could survive being so thoroughly abused. But a moment later you see her head turning, the weight of the mass she holds making the motion slow. Her eyes start to focus, and when she finally looks at you a few tears start to well in her eyes.

I've seen what lies in your heart, woman. Your naivety refuses to allow you to take an innocent life. You can do nothing but submit...

For a few moments you take that as the only truth, but your vision starts to fade. Before you can start to panic your mind's eye is forced open through some outside force, and you can see the darkness spreading all around you, the center of it pulsing as it lies nestled within a weak light. You recognize the scene, the memory of Corrine's pregnancy reliving itself in a corner of your mind. But this is different. Unlike the priestess this soul doesn't flare in unbridled fury. There is nothing preventing the creature within from feasting on this injured spirit, but there is nothing that would hold you back, either. You could easily focus your magic and attack the beast directly.


A sudden shifting forces you back to reality. Your eyes pick up movement in the distance, and you can see the demon's flesh starting to curl around itself. It creates a wall that is quickly approaching, and the closer it gets the higher it grows. The wall itself start to curve inward, and in only a matter of moments it creates a dome that shrouds the area. But it doesn't stop there. The dome begins to collapse, and you immediately know that the thing is trying to crush you before you have a chance to strike. But there's still some time left. You only have enough for one final shot, one last ditch effort that could finish this struggle and destroy this abomination. You could call on your magics, but that would take time. You're not entirely sure whether you can manifest a power before its too late, but you can already feel energy gathering at your fingertips. Something is guiding your hand, forcing you to push forward, and the only clue is a familiar voice that drowns out the frantic bellowing that once filled your heard.

Re: The Beast of Helmoth (TentanariX)

Cala nearly gags on the slime dripping off of the tentacle as she begins to suckle on it softly, the musky sweet scent wafting into her nose, the taste of the musk of the tentacle causing her body to heat up against her will. She begins to moan out lightly as she feels the extra tentacles begin to rub against her sensitive and supple flesh, moaning out louder as the one that opens up clamps on her generous breast, and startling to suckle the milk out of her bosom. She begins panting and moaning over the tentacle in her mouth as she feels the hands of all the other women in the mound of flesh begin to roam over her naked body. The brushing fingers and hands tickling her legs and thighs beefier she feels them reach her pussy lips, the folds beginning to twitch and quiver in anticipation. The tickling and pleasurable feeling intensify as she feels tongues drag across the arch of her oft before sucking and licking her toes, the tingling sensation would soon cause her to start giggling uncontrollably into the tentacle she had been suckling, her mind starting to get hazy and drift off in her own carnal and physical needs. She feels a spike of shock and further pleasure as she feels one of the women pry her ass cheeks open and begin teasing her virgin asshole.

Mmmm.......Hahhh...... The smell...... The taste...... it makes me dizzy........ Ah.....HAHAHA!!!!!! Please stop it, it tickles! AH! P-please...... d-don't touch me there........ Aaaaah........ It feels so good........ ACK! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!! AH, NO! MY FEET! IT TICKLES! AHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! HUH!? N-no! Not m-my a-a-ass too......... Ouoooohhhuhh....... Hah.....Hah..... M-more...... I want more........ The feelings...... the pleasure........ the sensation....... Oooohhhh...... I need more of it......... She thought to herself as she felt herself losing the battle against the other women, the tentacles and even her own body. She was beginning to desirer, to crave, to NEED more of the pleasurable feelings and attentions she had be given........ But Corrine's words, A picture of her and Abi once again being stuffed full, bloated pregnant, and violated flashed through her mind and she snapped her self back into focus as she closed her eyes tightly and snapped her jaws shut on the tentacle as hard as she could, drawing the thing's foul ooze like blood into her mouth, causing her to spit it out like poison or rotten meat.

If her hands weren't tied up by the tentacles still, she would hold her ears shut to keep out the blood curdling ear piercing shriek of pain the monster had made when she had bit into it, but the pain had her given her the opportunity she needed to make her escape and start pressing towards the beast's heart once more. Her focus, her drive, and her determination steeled and her fire refueled once more with an even greater vigor, she jerked her sword arm and sliced off a tentacle that held her shield arm. She cuts through the tentacles manacling her ankles in place and makes a pressing drive towards the core, as the women that had ben trying to pleasure her before once again reach for her, she bats them away as annoying insects, slamming her shield into one's chest, sending her sprawling on to the ground; another one catching her sword's hilt square in her head, knocking her prone on the ground.

Stop. She hears ping in her mind, but she won't let the monster deter her. Stop! It rings out once again, crying in her subconscious, but she would not lose to this monstrosity, and she sees the tentacles whipping out towards her, but her mind is made up, her conscience is clear, and soul is steeled and focused, as she ducks one looking to knock back in her head, and deflects another made into a spear, hoping to pierce her heart, before she draws her blade back and drives it through the tender flesh severing it from the main body.

I will not allow myself to be destroyed a second time! "SILENCE, FIEND!" Cala cries out indigently and defiantly as she merely presses closer to the fiend, the world beginning to distort into an illusion? A nightmare? Another world? What she can only assume is where the beast truly lies.
To destroy me you will need to cut this innocent down.
In her mind, she sees a horribly beyond violated young woman lie on her back, staring into space. Her body is literally stuffed, over packed, overflowing with demon flesh. She fears it may be too late for her, but she suddenly sees the woman painfully slowly, begin to turn her head in her direction. A single tear rolling down her cheek.

I've seen what lies in your heart, woman. Your naivety refuses to allow you to take an innocent life. You can do nothing but submit...
Seeing the woman in front of you and the current situation, Cala begins to take the fiend's words as truth, until she feels a sudden pinging in her mind, and she comes to a moment of total and utter clarity........ She suddenly remembers Corrine's pregnancy. However something else lies here, the fury of the battle maiden is not present with this woman. Though the darkness seems to be............ held at bay? By the surrounding light. The light, possibly the hope, the purity, the soul of this woman; is pressing the monster's darkness down, and you see there is nothing staying your blade to keep it from piercing this foul being's heart.

"Thank you, Corrine." Cala says softly, realizing the priestess has been with her since she left the cave in her own special way. With that, Cala focuses her spiritual energy into one hand before reaching deep into the woman and wrenching the creatures core from the womans body much like she did with Corrine and grips both the other hand tightly around the hilt of her blad, raisies the weapon high above her head, closes her eyes, opens her soul, heart and mind to the Gods and issues a small silent prayer, Oh........ Any and all benevolent, righteous dieties who might hear this insgnificant mortal's pleas....... Please...... imbue in me, just a fraction of your ilght and power...... and help me slay this fiend......
And with that she snaps her eyes open once more a fierce look of hatred and determination in her green eyes before crying out as loud as she can, "BEGON YOU MOST FOUL ABOMINATION!" and throws the repulsive mound of disgusting flesh to the ground before she drives the blade of her weapon as deep and great into the monster's core as she can, up to the hilt; twisting and turning the blade into the organ violently and visciously, trying to rend it as much and horribly as possible,"DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" she cries out in a mighty roar.

She would wait till she felt the being truly die or enter into it's death throes before jerking her blade out of the organ and as quickly as she possibly could begin running faster then she has ever moved before, pouring as much of her magic as possible into her own body, empowering her natural facilities beyond what could normally be possible for any being even with magic, and would begin slashing and hacking wildly with her sword, She would swing her shield at anything that moves, be it tentacle or another woman. If she managed to escape the center of the wriggling mass of flesh, she would continue running, not looking back, not stopping, until she at least once again found her self at the mouth of the cave. She would then stop, and hunch over on the hard rocky surface of the cave entrance, heaving and breathing deeply and heavily. She was exhausted, but she felt that the being was truly dead now, and she could afford herself a small respite or rest and peace. She would stay leaned up against the cave for several minutes before finally heading into the cave to check on Abi and Corrine.
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