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The Beast of Helmoth (TentanariX)

Re: The Beast of Helmoth (TentanariX)

Your magic reaches out, those threads forming into an astral hand that sinks through the girl's body and has her crying out in surprise before your grip tightens around that mass of darkness hiding within her womb. Your power claws into the demon's flesh, a guttural cry filling your head before you clamp around the core like a vice and start pulling the thing free. You immediately feel fierce resistance, the beast anchoring itself within the trapped girl's flesh, and it causes her to let loose muffled screams of anguish, but you can feel those anchors tearing. Your grip tightens, you pull with all your might, and you can feel the demon's flesh being ripped from itself just before the core finally pops out and lays held in your hand.

The effect is immediate. The mass that was rushing to crush you earlier suddenly halts. The tentacles simply hang in the air, and you can sense the beast trying to desperately reach out to regain control of its body while it lays suspended in the air. The core itself feels much more dense than the flesh that surrounds it, and it soon forms one final limb, a last ditch attempt to free itself now that it lays so exposed. But you will have none of that, and with one mighty swing you slam the bound knot into the ground. Before it has any chance to recover your blade sinks right into its center. A screech fills the air, the sound far worse than anything you have ever heard or ever will, and it is soon joined by the wailing of countless women crying out in excruciating pain. Those screams intensify with every twist and turn.

You can almost feel your own spirit resonating with that agony, but with one final thrust your sword cuts pierces through an especially tight bundle. Those cries of pain cease at once, the mass at your feet shuddering one final time before it simply relaxes and falls silent. The suspended tentacles surrounding you fall limp as well, the result a near avalanche of dead flesh preparing to smother and crush you under its weight. You immediately start running, your sword leading a way as you attempt to clear a path, but even with your enhanced speed it isn't enough to truly escape. An especially thick one catches you and brings you to the ground, but before its weight can cause you any harm it simply dissolves into a rather putrid looking liquid that washes over your body. The rest of the demon's body does the same, and soon a flood of liquefied flesh pours through Helmoth.

The current brings you to the edge of the village before it finally calms. A layer of disgusting slush covers every inch of you as well as the buildings and the streets, and when you finally manage to bring yourself to your feet you find a few of the women nearby. You look each one over from your position, and it doesn't take long to see that they aren't breathing. Doubt starts to run through you. Were you already too late to save them? But a few seconds later one of them starts to cough. Her arms and legs flail for a bit before she manages to bring herself to her hands and knees, and as soon as she does you see her stomach lurching. A moment later she pukes, the remnants of the demon's vile flesh being purged from her body before she collapses and groans. More and more of the demon's victims pick themselves up and purge their bodies of their own corruption, and you're soon left with a horde of sick women as far as the eye can see, a sticky film of sickening sludge covering everyone and everything. It's nearly enough to make your stomach turn, but at the very least you know you were victorious. The only question now is what you would do with the mess that was left behind.
Re: The Beast of Helmoth (TentanariX)

As Cala's hand tightens around the beast's core, she hears the poor woman's muffled cries of anguish, Please, bear with me. Be strong and forgive me for the pain I may cause you. she silently pleas to the woman with her gentle eyes, before she finally manages to tear the disgusting core free from the body.
Cala flinches as she sees the avalanche of giant tentacles that would have crushed and smothered her moments earlier suddenly freeze in place in mid air. As she notices the fiend try to form one last tentacle in a last ditch effort to thwart her mission, she furiously flings it to the ground before plunging her sword's blade into the core, trying her hardest to shut out the soul chilling, blood curdling and ear piercing shrills of pain the monster and the connected women were making, resolute in her task, as continues to repeatedly stab the mound of flesh before it finally goes limp on the ground. I.........I'VE DONE IT!!!! ABI, CORRINE!!!! I DID IT!!!! IT'S FINALLY OVER! she thinks to herself jubilantly, her aflutter as she has put an end to this nightmare.

But just then she sees the suspended tentacles begin to plummet from the sky, threatening to crush her, EEEK!!! THIS IS NO TIME TO CELEBRATE! she thinks as she begins running at superhuman speeds, swinging her swords wildly. But alas, even her super speed isn't enough as an especially thick appendage falls and catches her off guard, but even as she puts her hands up in, what she believes to be, a truly futile effort to protect herself; the limb merely melts over her, covering her in a coat of ickor and liquified flesh. "EEEEEEEWWWWWWOOOUUUUGH!!!!!! GROOOOOOOOOOSSSSS!~" She cries out loud as she the rest of the demon melt as well, flooding the streets of the town in it's entrails.

As Cala gets back to her feet, surveying the chaos and damage caused by the events, she notices the women from before lying in the streets completely still and unbreathing. Doubt floods through her mind much like the liquified demon flooded the town, "No.......... Please....... Gods........ don't let this be for nothing........" She says softly in fear, afraid that all her efforts were in vain. But then suddenly she sees one of them begin to cough and flail, shortly followed by a symphony of the same sounds from the other women. Not long afterwards, the woman vomits, puking up the corruption and filth the demon had fed her. The rest of the women in the town follow suit and Cala has to steel herself to keep from joining them. However a flood of relief washes over her, as she realizes they are okay; sick to their stomachs, but ultimately okay and able to recover. However, she doesn't think she can care for these women by herself, at least not all of them.

With that in mind, she quickly rushes back out to the cave where Corrine and Abi were left. When she arrives, she rushes to the chamber where she had met the Battle Maiden and where she was fairly sure Abi would be also. "ABI! CORRINE! ARE YOU BOTH OKAY!? THE DEMON! I VANQUISHED IT! IT'S ALL OVER! I DID IT, CORRINE! THANK YOU, BOTH FOR BELIEVING IN ME!" She cries out jubilantly to her friends, "But, the women who were effected by the creature, they're all sick. They started vomiting up the remains of the monster after it melted. I need you to check them, and Abi; if you could, please run back to Corrine's church and inform the headmistress and other healers and or doctors, please? Me and Corrine will do what we can, but we must hurry!" she told her friends awaiting their response and to see if they would follow her to the city.
Re: The Beast of Helmoth (TentanariX)

Your trek through the forest is uneventful. In fact you find little sign of anything. No creatures are wandering about, nothing can be heard, not even those vile vines that tried so hard to kill you could be seen scurrying along the ground. It's only when you approach the mine's entrance that you find your first sign of life. The infected creatures that had you surrounded were now lying on the ground completely unconscious. And in the distance you can spot Abi carefully inspecting one of them, a knife use to poke and prod the unconscious body of the wolf you smashed. It doesn't take long for her to notice you running toward her, but instead of greeting you she quickly dashes into the cave, her voice echoing against the walls while you can barely hear her yelling, "She's back!"

When you enter the mine and return to the shackled chamber you find Abi pointing in your general direction. "See? We're...we're safe, right?" Corrine herself is looking far better than she did earlier, the inflation she suffered nearly gone as she forces herself to stand, but you can see that her body is still quite sore when she reaches out to the shorter thief and uses her as a crutch. The Priestess simply smiles without answering the question, and she waits as your excitement finally dies down. "It sounds like we'll be fine." She gives Abi a reassuring pat on the shoulder, and even though the girl looks a little flustered at having someone so close she does let out a sigh and relaxes a bit.

But that only lasts for a few seconds, your explanation of what had happened and what you wanted the girl to do putting her back on edge. "I doubt the church will have the immediate resources we'll need." Corrine's words seem to put her back at ease. "So you'll need to inform the guilds." But what follows has her in a near panic. "I can't do that! I've got a price on my head!" The Priestess frowns at this, her thoughts mulling over this fact. "You're right, you'll probably be arrested and ignored. Then we'll just have to do this." Corrine's hand raises to place a finger on Abi's forehead, and a moment later Abi shrieks before jumping back and covering the spot that Corrine touched. "Abigail, you are hereby charged with crimes against the Church of Temteir. Your actions are to be judged by a tribunal, and no other authorities may claim the right of trial. The mark you have been given is proof of your arrest." When Abi recovers to glare daggers at the Battle Maiden a slight burn can be seen, an image starting to form at its center that resembles what you can only guess is a cross bearing the blade of an axe. Before the thief can start yelling Corrine raises a finger to interrupt. "I will be the one to preside over your judgment as well as those who will act as jury, and until I have selected my jury no other authority may touch you. Understand?" Abi looks a little puzzled for a bit, but then she realizes what's been said. "Right! I'll be back!" "Just be sure to talk to the church, first. They will back whatever claims you make."

With Abi quickly rushing outside it leaves Corrine standing on her own, and even thought she appears to have a little trouble standing she still manages to remain on her feet. "I may not be able to do much, but I'll do what I can. Lady Cala, please lead the way." Her movements are definitely slow and measured, but at least she's moving on her own.
Re: The Beast of Helmoth (TentanariX)

Before the thief runs off, Cala speaks up, backing Corrine on her word, "Don't worry, Abi. I shall speak on your behalf as your advocate. I'll be sure to tell Lady Roberta, the authorities and any other who question you or your intents that you helped me through the forest, and helped take care of Corrine while I was dealing with the fiend." Cala reassures the thief before she dashes out of the cave to do as Corrine instructed, after Abi was a fair way out heading towards the city and the guilds Cala would turn to Corrine and speak in a concerned tone, "Are you...... okay to walk on your own now Corrine? If you need support anytime please feel free to lean on me and I'll support you on the way." She would say before turning back towards the cave entrance and through the forest, which was now surprisingly still and quiet. She would lead Corrine back to the edge of the town before pointing to it, letting the priestess take in the scene, "See? They're all terribly nauseous. They've been vomiting up demon fluids, probably since I let to inform you and Abi. Also the entire town is covered from top to bottom in the putrid liquified remains of the beast once I slew it. Until Abi arrives with healers and doctors from the guilds, I'm not sure what much we can do for them. But I think we should see if we can't find something for their stomach to help with the nausea and try to clean them up and find them some clothes." She gives Corrine her assessment of the situation.
Re: The Beast of Helmoth (TentanariX)

At your offer to help her travel Corrine smiles. "Thank you for the offer, but hopefully I won't need it." That proves true...until you get about halfway there. The woman started clutching her stomach a little tighter the farther you went, and eventually a hand reaches out and uses you to help her keep steady. "Guess I'm more sore than I want to admit. My apologies." After that she takes you up on your earlier offer, and the trip is a little faster and easier now that she has a bit of help.

Once you finally return you lead Corrine toward the edge and point out the general mess that remains. Now much has really changed in the time you were gone. The women are no longer hurling the contents of their stomachs onto the ground, but they haven't done much more than simply lie there and moan in discomfort. The Priestess takes this in, and she actually bends down to look at some of the remains of the demon before she carefully approaches one of the girls. "I don't think they're getting any worse, but they definitely aren't getting any better. This sludge needs to be cleaned, and everyone will need a bit of a purifying bath before they can fully recover. I can help with the purification, but all I can summon is some Holy Fire, and I don't feel like burning the place to the ground. Do you have any ideas?"
Re: The Beast of Helmoth (TentanariX)

"Don't apologize, Corrine. With all due respect, but after all you have been through from that monster, I don't expect you to be quite up to full strength just yet, not so soon anyways. It's my pleasure to help you out any way I can until you are." Cala said softly as she continued carrying the tired Battle Maiden the rest of the way to the village. Once she got there she was somewhat relieved and glad to see the women having stopped vomiting the way they had been, but they were still very sick and lying on the ground rather pitifully. "Erm, I can try...... Most of my magic is combat oriented. Though I guess it wouldn't too much different from how I removed the core of the demon and the seed it planted in you from your body would it? If you can assist me and guide me through it, I'll give it my full and greatest effort!" Cala said determined and sincerely.

Cala would follow Corrine around the area to as many woman as they could, laying her hands on their midsections, chanting a prayer, and focusing her magical strength in healing ways sending waves of healing light through all of their bodies in an attempt to purify them;"Oh.... Blessed Star God, Bringer of Light, Conqueror of Darkness, Light of the World..... Please send your righteous, purifying power through your humble servant and use me to help these poor violated souls and cleanse them of the sickness and suffering the remnants of the foul demon who plagued this area has inflicted upon them. Remove the impurities and was them in your light so they may once again be healthy, wholesome and clean." At the end of each prayer a bright luminous light blue aura would surround Cala and wash over and through each woman, purging the demon's influence and icky from their bodies and souls. Cala would look to Corrine after they had finished and would say, "Corrine, I will go and try to find some good clean water I can use to wash them up with. Please look after them for me until I return." And with that she would search for a river or well and a bucket and would fetch a pail of water and wash cloth to scrub the women good and clean with before hunting down some sheets or clothing to cover them up with. She would continue the process, repeating it over and over until Abi finally arrived with the guilds.
Re: The Beast of Helmoth (TentanariX)

As you set yourself preparing to try and heal the corruption on the first available woman Corrine nearly reaches out to stop you. "It won't..." But she stops herself. "Maybe it can work. Won't know unless we try." With that she stays near and watches as you work, the energy starting to gather in and through your being. The prayer that follows catches her attention. "Star God? I haven't heard anyone pray to him for quite some time." As curious as she is she still focuses on the assistance you requested, and a moment later her hand lands on your shoulder while your prayer continues. "The power you are calling for isn't just some divine blessing that comes from any form of Heaven you may believe. It's a reflection of everything that can bring life to a person, both in body and in soul. To summon that life you need to focus on your own soul and the light you can feel flowing through you. You need to call it out, use it as a medium for the energies that are gathering and surround you, let it flow from your hand and reach out to that same light you can feel in the soul you wish to touch. You need to bind your souls together. Let her feel the warmth flowing through your veins. Her spirit should reach out for you, and once you finally connect just let that light flow through you. It will spread into her body, banish the darkness that lurks within, and once she has been cleansed you both should be feeling much better."

You do as instructed, your very spirit pouring into the body at your feet as you feel divine energy starting to surge under your skin. Once you and the woman connect as Corrine said you find that you can almost feel the sludge covering the woman as well as the small bit that still remains within her. You nearly direct the energy you hold to forcefully knock it off and out of the girl, but a moment later you feel the connection failing. "Just let it work on its own." You force yourself to calm your spirit, and as it does you feel traces of holy power seeping into the girl. It spreads throughout her being, the ichor that lingers suddenly dissolving until she is finally clean.

With your work done you let the energy gathered in your palms dissipate, but as it vanishes you find it replaced by a woman's hand reaching up to take your own. When you bring you attention to the one you just healed you find her eyes tearing in gratitude, and warmest smile sitting on her face before she relaxes and nearly falls asleep. "She's exhausted but otherwise fine. Congratulations, Miss Cala. Not many who are trained in combat can summon the power of the healing arts, especially on your first try." You can still feel a small bit of that power still coursing through your body as it eases the aches and pains gathered from your struggles throughout the entire day, but even then you can feel it straining your spiritual strength. It isn't nearly enough to render you helpless, but it does raise the question of whether you have the fortitude to heal everyone or not.

Your work continues, the power starting to form more easily at your continued use of holy magics, but you can feel your spirit starting to exhaust itself. You can still manage a great deal more, but you can tell it won't be nearly enough. "Hm. You're being drained faster than I expected. You have a natural talent, but you are still a novice." Corrine takes a moment to inspect what has been done and what still awaits, and she frowns when she realizes just how little was done in the time it has taken. You suggest getting some water as originally planned, and at that she seems to lighten her mood. "If you can find a bucket and a rag I should be able to do more than just sit and watch. Can one of you give her a hand?" Her question was directed toward one of the half-dozen women you had cleansed that were now doing their best to at least comfort the others who were still quite sick.

The girl that answers is a rather mousy looking thing, and when she crosses her arms in front of herself to partially hide her nudity you can tell that she's quite the shy little thing. "I... I can show you the well... And I have a pail at home... Please, follow me..." She immediately sets off, and the first stop she makes is at her rather modest house. She heads in and leaves the door open for you to follow, and once you're inside you spy her heading over to a small dresser standing near her bed. A rather simply dress is taken and quickly thrown over her body, and once that's done she starts to relax a little. Another dress is taken, this one more tattered than the rest, and she rips a length away before she bends down and picks up the pail she mentioned earlier. "Sorry, I didn't feel right running around naked."

Your next stop is the well, and as you get closer you find that it was closer to the center of the village than you expected. The well comes into view, a rather simple thing housed under an awning to keep it protected, but it may not have been enough. The dark goo that was covering the village can also be seen sticking to the sides, and when you look into the well you can see traces of it running over the edge and down the stone wall. Your helper attaches her bucket to the rope nearby, and after dropping it down then pulling it back up you find that the water isn't as clean as it should be. It's nowhere near as bad as it could have been, but you can still see traces of the demon's remains. "I guess it's better than nothing... But there's a stream nearby. It should have some clean water. Do you want to try there?"
Re: The Beast of Helmoth (TentanariX)

Cala strains herself trying to force the slime out of the woman's body, aiming to use the holy energy to overpower it, but she finds soon, much to her dismay, that it isn't working. She begins to fear she might not be able to help these women until Corrine instructs her to relax, and let the energy flow naturally, like tears, waste or blood. And soon she feels the light energy begin to slowly seep through her body and into the woman's, the disgusting filth that had previously covered soon, evaporating into nothingness, cleansing the woman thoroughly.
She tears up as she feels a woman gingerly take her hand into her own, face in tears but bearing a bright warm and truly grateful smile, "Bless you, my dear. Rest easy, the nightmare is over. And the beast is dead and his filth excavated from your being." She says softly to the woman she finished healing, her spirits lifting higher then they had been through the ordeal. Cala felt her body begin to tingle as the holy energy continued to course through her filling with her strength and comfort, making her feel much better then when she originally began her quest. Sadly though, as she continues to go through the city cleansing many more women who were violated and dirtied by the monster she finds the energy ebbing through her being beginning to wane, and herself start to grow tired and weary, her heart sinks a little as she hears Corrine speak, "I..... I'm sorry, Corrine..... I'm trying...... but I just don;t have experience." She says rather defeated until she speaks about cleaning some of them up, "Yes! I will go right away, please watch over the others." She says enthusiastically.

Cala smiles warmly at the mousy woman who spoke up, especially when she tried to cover herself, "Thank you, miss. Lead the way." She says gratefully as she follows the mousy woman to her home, Cala giggles a little as she heads over to her dresser and slips a simple looking dress over her body, before taking the pail and tearing a piece off another dress for the rag, "That's okay, Im sorry. I don't normally go around naked either, but the monster destroyed my clothes during my confrontation and I didn't have time to worry about my appearance afterwards. Perhaps, after the guilds arrive and we take care of the rest of the village I will worry more about dressing." She says kindly to her new friend. As they arrive at the well, Cala's heart sinks a little more as she sees the monsters goo covering the walls of the well and going down the inner walls, she sees some of the demon's remains inside the pail after she draws it back up and a dark scowl forms on her features, "Damned abomination...... he continues to vex us even after his demise......" she says but her spirit is lifted slightly as the woman mentions the stream nearby, "YES! Yes, please. Lead the way. And..... If you don't mind would tell me your name, miss? Or could I just call you 'Mousy'?" She asks teasingly as she sticks her tongue out at the woman playfully awaiting her answer before following her to the stream.
Re: The Beast of Helmoth (TentanariX)

At your light teasing the girl's face turns red. "M-Minerva! My name is Minerva! But..." Before she finishes that red turns even darker. "Everyone usually calls me Minnie..." From the way she reacted you can tell that being compared to a mouse was something she's had to suffer for most of her life, and with the way people have shortened her name it could be something that she'll never escape.

"This way, please...!" Before you can tease her any further about her name she leaves her home and hurries toward the woods that surround the village. A rather well-worn path opens in the tree line, and you both head down it. For her part Minerva doesn't try to say much of anything, probably another reason she has been teased, but it doesn't stop her from trying. "I... I would have offered you a dress, but... Nothing I have would be, uh... Comfortable..." Her eyes stray to your bosom once she's done, but once she realizes what she did she turns red once more and continues walking. "Sorry!" But now that she's mentioned it you find yourself appraising her and comparing her body to yours, and it's a lesson in contrasts. Your rather buxom frame is made even more so when compared to her more petite form, and you are certain that anything she would have chosen would be a bit tight. But she's still quite an attractive little thing, what little she has well-defined as her features defy gravity and present themselves for everyone to see even under the dress she wore.

"Here we are...!" Your thoughts are interrupted by her voice, and you can hear the faint sound of running water before the path turns and reveals the stream that you've been searching for. Minerva immediately bends down and places her small bucket against the current, and in a few seconds it's finally full. She tugs it out, and after a bit of struggling she manages to cradle it with both arms. "We should have grabbed another pail from someone else's house... Do you think this will be enough?"
Re: The Beast of Helmoth (TentanariX)

Cala smiles softly and warmly, her lips curling up in the corners at Minerva's timid reaction to her question and as she quickly turned around to lead her out to the stream outside of town. She doesn't really help her case or anything by being so quiet like this. But I guess not all people can be outgoing. I'll try not to tease her anymore, though. she thinks to herself before her thought are interrupted by Minerva finally attempting to make conversation with her, "Heh, it's okay Minerva. I know they're pretty big. But there not all some people or men make them out to be, you get all kinds of lewd looks, it makes finding good fitting clothes difficult, and they can be really tiring on your back and shoulders~" she moans out in complaint holding her bosoms up with her hands before she catches the mousy like girl checking out her impressive bust, "Oh~ do you like them, Minnie?~" she decides to tease her just slightly before bouncing and jiggling her jugs playfully before modestly trying to cover up slightly with one arm and playfully pawing at the woman, "I'm just teasing~" she saids, "You have a nice body, Minerva. It's lithe and shapely with nice definition and shape. You should be confident with your body." she says as they make the rest of their way to the stream. When Minnie asks her if she thinks they would need another bucket she would reply, "That's a good idea, go through the town and see if you cant procure at least two more pails. I'll fill this one up, and when you return we will take care of the other two and then head back to Corrine and the square to begin cleaning the victims." Once she and Minerva would have the pails filled they would head back to the square to continue helping Corrine take care of the victims.
Re: The Beast of Helmoth (TentanariX)

"Maybe..." Minerva's answer to your teasing question is merely whispered as you tell her you're only teasing, but once you do she turns a bright crimson and actually squeaks in surprise. "Stop teasing me...!" Her whine is kept quiet, and she starts furiously fidgeting as a way to keep her distracted from anything else you may say. But when you compliment her she stops. Her face is still brighter than a tomato, but she still manages to answer. "Th...thank you..."

When you tell her to go find a couple more buckets she focuses herself on her task. "All right, I'll be back in a bit!" She immediately sets off and after a few moments you finally lose track of her. It takes a few minutes for her to return, but eventually you spy her trudging down the path with both hands holding their own pails. "Here we are!" In only a few seconds all three buckets are full, but Minerva looks a little puzzled. "Um...I can only take the one with me. Will you be fine taking two?"

However you decide to continue you eventually find yourself walking up to Corrine with cargo in tow. She nods in approval and places one of the buckets nearby. Following that she runs her hand along the ground and actually gathers a sizeable mess into her palm. She then holds it over the clear water, and a moment later her hand lights on fire. The remains of the demon quickly burns, and all that remains is the smell of burnt flesh and an odd ashy powder that she holds. "Normally when a demon is burned it acts the same as normal flesh, but if it's burned with a holy flame then its ashes actually produce a strong solvent that can act as a purifying salt." The powder is then dropped in the water, and she uses her hand to mix them both before she grabs another handful of the disgusting sludge that's so readily available. "Of course it doesn't provide much, but there's more than enough material to make up for it." She continues until each bucket is filled to her liking. "Now, this doesn't have any special properties on its own, but it can hold a small amount of holy energy for an extended time. It won't be enough to purify any of the women completely, but it should help them recover enough to start moving on their own." A small white fireball is dropped into each mix, and though the fire is immediately extinguished you can still see traces of light swirling through the water.

"Cala, take one and start doing what you can. I only ask that you keep your water charged. Mousey girl, start cleaning the ground. We'll need a clean area to gather everyone else." Minerva is clearly flustered at being called "mousey girl", but she does as asked. "Ladies, start gathering everyone you can find and bring them here. Once that's done go grab a bucket yourselves. It may be a while before any help arrives, so let's do what we can to make everyone at least a little better." With the orders given everyone starts getting to work.
Re: The Beast of Helmoth (TentanariX)

"It's better then nothing, Corrine. We must do all we are capable of doing for these women. At least until Abi arrives with the guilds. I hope she did as you instructed and does not have too much trouble. We need to treat this sickness as quickly as we possibly can." She says as she closes her eyes, trying to relax and allow the healing magic to flow through her body. She tries to think clam, pure and hopeful thoughts, silently praying to the gods to bless the water that Corrine had applied the holy ash to increase it's cleansing capabilities. She held her hands over the pail for several minutes allowing the holy magicks to pour into the water before moving onto the next. She would do this several times for every pail that she could, every so often she would have to stop and relax as she needed her magical reserves to recharge enough to return to charging the waters. Whenever Corrine and Minerva would arrive with victims she would await Corrine's orders for how to apply the water, if there was nothing special or specific she had to do with it she would simply take the rages they had made and soak them in the holy water before scrubbing the women thoroughly all over the best she could. She would move from woman to woman, cleansing them as best as possible. "I hope Abi arrives with the guilds before long." She said out loud, not sure how long they could keep this up and wanting to help these women the quickest they could.
Re: The Beast of Helmoth (TentanariX)

No specific instructions are given concerning how the women are best cleaned, but when you move to start charging another bucket Corrine stops you. "Just take care of your own water. I don't need you using the last of your reserves for this." She takes over and uses her own power to enchant the water, and after a couple of hours everyone who is able to move on their own is either scrubbing a woman down or helping Minerva wipe away the filth that clings to everything. It takes even more time to get everyone washed, and a number of trips were made to replenish each bucket as they were emptied, but eventually everyone was gathered in one place. The women no longer looked liked they were preparing to vomit at the slightest touch, but they still aren't ready to get up and move on their own.

With everyone looking exhausted and night fast approaching one of the helpers asked what everyone would do until morning. "We'll just have to sleep out here." A couple girls give a look that says that was the last thing on their minds. "It takes time to gather supplies for any kind of relief effort, and the nearest church isn't exactly equipped to offer any kind of extended aid. Hopefully a caravan will arrive tomorrow, but until then everyone here is under our care, and unless you plan on cleaning everyone's home inside and out we'll just have to make do with this small area that we've cleared." Those same girls are utterly disappointed, one of them even whining a small bit, but they all eventually agree to what Corrine said. "Um...how will we keep warm?" "Body heat." Minerva turns red once again at Corrine's answer. "Most everyone who is still sick is already asleep, and if you haven't already noticed they've managed to snuggle up to each other." A quick glance shows that more everyone was embracing the nearest warm body, and despite the numerous nude body pressing against one another the whole thing looked rather peaceful. That does nothing to calm Minerva's nerves, however, and she starts fidgeting while she starts whispering to herself. "I'm sure some blankets would be appreciated, but I doubt we'd be able to find enough for everyone. Like I said earlier, we'll just have to make do."

With everything said and done Corrine doesn't wait for anyone else to raise any more questions and pulls herself to her feet. A few of the other women look like they've been asked to do the impossible, but eventually they relent and start huddling closer to each other. The holy woman looks around for a bit before her eyes settle on a specific person, and when she finally lowers herself she wraps her arms around a familiar looking face. It takes a while to place, but you eventually remember that she was the one that had laid at the core of the demon just before you destroyed it. When she had been brought to be cleansed Corrine made sure she was the one who did it, and when the woman wrapped her arms around that sleeping body it made you wonder why that girl was so special.

"Um..." Minerva calls attention to herself in the quietest way she could, but it was still nice to see her actually reaching out. "You remember my home, right? Well...it wasn't as covered as everything else, and the bed was still usable. It's...it's not that big... But... I, uh..." Even in the waning light you can still see how bright her cheeks are. "I wouldn't mind sharing... O-only if you wanted!"
Re: The Beast of Helmoth (TentanariX)

"Very well, Corrine. I am just glad that I was able to help as much as I have." Cala says genuininely and kindly, as the question of what to do till morning arrives and hearing Corrine's answer, Cala also blushes, but realizes that it would take too much time and energy to clean every home individually and it really would be the most sensible thing to do until further aid manages to arrive. "It may be....... awkward..... if not even uncomfortable, for some of us here...... but there really is no way we can clean enough for everybody to do without using body heat...." she says slowly, deliberately and shyly to the crowd and Minerva as they whine and show their uneasiness with such a thing. She then sees Corrine go towards the woman who was at the demon's core and begin to cradle her, "Uhm....... Lady Corrine?...... F-forgive me if this is personal or sensitive to you...... Or if I am prying....... B-but do you know this poor woman? The one I saw in the demon's core? Is it just that she had been put through the most from it...... Or...... or is she...... your second? You know...... the one...... the one who impregnated you...... before I found you?" She asked concerned, slowly and cautiously, not wanting to upset her friend and a woman who she truly respected and looked up to, but not able to ignore her own curiosity any further. After Corrine would give her answer, she would then look towards Minerva, as she would offer her own bed to Cala, "Uhm........ if you're not uncomfortable...... that would be very nice, Minerva. I promise I wouldn't do anything to or with you, take advantage of you. But if it would present a problem, I would happily take the floor. Thank you very much." She said looking down to the ground and blushing, I...... I don't think I ever shared a bed with another female, who wasn't a dorm mate, sibling or when I was very young....... she thought to herself as she continued staring at the ground and began fidgeting with her fingers.
Re: The Beast of Helmoth (TentanariX)

"She is." A hand rises to brush a few stray hairs from the woman's pained face. Even while asleep you can tell she still suffers, but while Corrine cradles her you can see some of the pain being eased. "But she is also something more." The Priestess holds the girl even closer, and you're quite surprised to find her acting so openly. One would think a woman of the cloth would be more restrained. "Some people think it's wrong how I care for her, even within my church, but one of our tenants is to celebrate life and love in all of its forms. If mine is for another woman then so be it."

At Corrine's answer Minerva actually blushes a little before you address her. "No! It won't be a problem at all!" She seems rather happy that you agree to stay with her for the evening, but once she realizes her eagerness is making the Priestess grin in her direction she immediately starts fidgeting once more. "I-I'm just repaying her kindness! That's all!" That actually forces Corrine into a smile, and Minerva hurries off before her face can turn any brighter. She proves to be surprisingly quick, but even if you happen to lose her you still know where she's going.

Once you come across her home you find Minerva doing her best to tidy the area. In her earlier haste to get dressed she must have tossed her clothes all over the place, and now that she has company she's trying to correct her mistake. "Sorry! I know I live in a sty! It's just that...I haven't had any visitors in a while..." She busies herself for a couple more minutes, but once she feels she has done enough she grabs a piece of cloth. She flicks one end of it at the ceiling while the other stays firmly in her grasp, and a moment later it starts to wrap around an odd stone that you never really noticed until now. Once it's fully covered the room gets cast into complete darkness. A bit of rustling is heard a little later, and a few seconds later you hear Minerva call. "The bed's ready..."

When you eventually crawl in you find that the blanket has been lifted over the half that is closest, and once you're in place the blanket gets thrown over your body. The bed itself is a small thing, Minerva lays right next to you, but it proves to be quite comfortable. You also find that it's quite warm with a person so close. It's actually rather inviting for such a simple home, and after a few minutes of silence you find yourself starting to drift to sleep. "Miss... Miss Cala? Can I ask you a question?" Apparently Minerva wasn't quite ready to sleep herself. "I, uh... I remember everything... From when I was controlled, and... I was... THERE when you got caught..." The memory of the battle with the demon rears its head, and you can't quite recall seeing the girl anywhere near. Of course there were far too many hands and tongues for you to track, and you obviously had more pressing matters. "I just wanted to know... Did... Did you really like it when I licked your...you know..."
Re: The Beast of Helmoth (TentanariX)

Cala blushes a light pink, before looking down to Corrine and the woman with glossy dampening eyes, "Oh......... Corrine........" she says softly before bending down and placing a tentative hand on the battle maiden's shoulder, "I......... I don't think it's wrong at all........ In fact I think it's wonderful...... Love is beautiful in all forms, I agree..... It's just I have chosen to remain chaste throughout my training..... BUT! I am sure that once Abi arrives with the help we need, that she will get better in no time! I'm positive!" She responds beaming with a wide hopeful and optimistic smile at the priestess. She giggles a little at Minerva's answer and Corrine's light teasing, "It's okay, Minerva. I am most grateful for the offer." She says before following the lithe mousy girl to her home. As she sees her beginning to try to pick her home up she giggles softly at her, "Do not worry about it Minierva, I am sure you normally keep it rather nice and clean, though these are anything but normal times. It is fine." she says before sliding into the small bed and getting comfortable. Before she is able to fall completely asleep Cala hears Minerva issue her a question, she is unable to place the woman in her mind of the battle with the demon, but as she hears the last little bit she blushes deeper as her body heat increases, he turns to face the young woman and stares at her uncertainly and shyly for a few moments before answering, "I......... See.......... Minnie," She answers the young woman by her pet name, but to show a sign of intimacy, and endearment, not to tease or hurt her, "That time was........ very difficult...... testing....... There were many sensations the fiend bombarded me with to make me lose focus and give into it's plans..... But....... the one you speak of...... licking...... my........ my ass hole....... It felt.......... weird........ I never had any of that kind of attention...... paid to that part of my body before....... Though to answer your question...... while it was weird...... and shocked me considerably when I felt it........ it did have a hidden twinge of pleasure to it......." she answered before giving Minerva a question of her own now that she had began to think about the experience in full herself for the first time since it was over, "Uhm....... Minnie....... I didn't...... hurt you..... or too badly at least...... during my escape did I? If I did, then I am truly sorry. But I was most desperate at the point in time I fear." She said looking away rather ashamed and embarrassed at remembering the whole scenario as she awaited the woman's answer.
Re: The Beast of Helmoth (TentanariX)

When you look toward her all you can see of Minerva is the upper half of her face. Her bed sheet is held close, and she hides her mouth behind it as she stares with a bit of mischievous innocence. When you ask your question she simply shakes her head from side to side before answering. "We dd feel some pain... But it wasn't your fault. We were nothing more than parts of him at that point, so everything he felt we felt. But you didn't bite us, so it really didn't feel like our pain. Besides, you've done so much more for us. Even if I don't hear them anymore I know all the other girls are really grateful for saving us from that thing."

For a few seconds she simply lays still, but she starts shift and turn her body toward you after a bit. "I'm REALLY grateful..." Her voice is a near whisper, but even then you can hear the subtle undertones that was signaling something more. "I know you said you had to stay chaste for your training, but... Well..." Her head turns down as if she were trying to muster the courage to say what was on her mind. "I can do anything you want... Even lick you again... If you really wanted..." When she finally looks up she waits, and you can see both determination and worry in her eyes. Being so forward was obviously something she had never done before, but now that she has you get the distinct impression that she's hoping you don't push her away.
Re: The Beast of Helmoth (TentanariX)

".................." Cala was taken aback by Minnie's sudden forward and boldness...... She was glad to know she had not really hurt any of the women victimized and controled by the monster. But that Minnie would be so willing to do those type of things with and for her...... after they had really just met....... The idea of being pleased by another woman was...... tempting to her...... She needed to remain chaste...... but she could not just flatly and out right reject Minnie's request, not seeing how hard it must have been for the normally timid woman to be so bold like that..... Would it be acceptable? Okay for her to do that with her? Would it be a major violation for her to make love with another woman? Maybe...... Maybe just as long as she was not penetrated, or cum inside of? Surely....... Surely just this once....... Considering the circumstances...... She closed her eyes for several moments before opening them again slowly and nodding slowly but certainly to her new friend, "Minnie...... Would you please kiss me? With.... w-with your tongue? And....... lick and kiss me......... all over? M-my breasts.... legs..... stomach.... ears... and even my...... p-pussy..... and my..... asshole, please? And I will do the same to you? You know...... t-the...... sixty-nine?"
Re: The Beast of Helmoth (TentanariX)

The moment you give your approval Minerva looks overjoyed, so much so that she can't even speak. But actions are far louder than words, and when she closes the small distance between you her lips capture your own in the most loving and sensual kiss you have ever known. Her mouth opens a little further over the course of several seconds, and each time it does it stokes your dormant passion and urges you to relax and give in to its natural desires. Her hands roam the contours of your body, every inch of your flesh that isn't pressed to hers being explored by fingers and palms as she searches for the perfect spots to tease. She coaxes you to release your inhibitions, and once you do you find her tongue invading your mouth to wrestle with your own.

For minutes the two of you continue to delve deeper into your shared kiss. Eventually it is broken, and when it is you find Minerva's mouth kissing along your jaw, her mouth marking a trail that traces your jawline and continues to your ear. "Just relax for now..." That whisper is followed by another kiss and then some light nibbling all along your earlobe, but after a few short seconds starts to follow the curve of your neck. Your collar bone receives some attention before she starts following it toward your center, and as she comes to your sternum she starts to wedge herself into the valley between your breasts so her mouth can remain in contact with your flesh.

Once she makes it past your bosom she turns, and soon you find her kissing all around your impressive tit. Her mouth rains attention all around its form, and as it does a hand raises and starts to gently kneed and massage the other. Her lips draw tighter and tighter circles that just barely tease the borders of your areola, but once she has nowhere else to go she backs off only to catch her breath before she descends and traps your nipple between her hungry mouth. Her tongue comes into play as she suckles lightly, the tip of it rolling around its hostage before it starts to gently flick back and forth. The suction increases with each passing moment, and it isn't long before she's actually pulling your supple flesh into her mouth. Her mouth only leaves to give due attention to your other lonely nipple, and for a few minutes she simply plays with your chest, her lips and tongue worrying one tit while her hand keeps the other company.

Once she feels she's played enough with those massive puppies Minerva's skilled mouth descends once more. She lingers at your navel, the bit of teasing she gives a clear indication of what she has planned just a few more inches South, but just before she reaches your mind she diverts her path and starts to lick all along your thigh. She wastes little time in build-up, and in a few short moments she's seated at the edge of the bed with your leg in her hands. She practically worships the foot in front of her face, her tongue running along your sole a couple of times before she pops each of your toes into her mouth. She lovingly cleans each one, and once she's done she carefully drops it to the bed before she picks up your other foot and repeats the same process in reverse.

With her mouth rising once again you feel her hands massaging your legs before they gently pry them apart. Her kisses once again return to tease your flesh, and she makes it a point to hover just around your intimates without truly touching anything. But eventually she comes to a stop, and her eyes catch you before she finally says something. "Are you ready?"
Re: The Beast of Helmoth (TentanariX)

At first, Cala is surprised and caught off guard by the usually mousy girl's uncharacteristic boldness and aggressiveness. For the first few little moments she she is stiff and rather offensive until the brown haired woman begins opening her mouth a little more, and she feels her tongue relaxing and slowly inching towards Minnie's. She gasps out loudly as she feels the young svelte woman roaming her curvaceous and luscious body with eager and curious hands and fingers, the spots getting the most attention being the back of her knees, her navel and abdomen, her calfs, the small of her back and her pointy ears, and her neck. It only takes a few moments of continued exploring to finally get the young woman to let her inhibitions go and give into the svelte girl's kiss, her own tongue beginning to work the smaller woman's muscle over and actually vying for dominance. However a few moments later, Minnie breaks the kiss off, drawing out a small moan of frustration and disappointment from Cala. However the disappointment is short lived as she begins licking and kissing her face starting at her jaw and making her way upwards towards her ear, drawing out small giggles, gasps and moans of pleasure as the sensual teasing continues, she cries out softly as her ears and her neck are teased. She looks on with great expectation and hope as the smaller woman wedges her self between her impressive tits. Cala coos and moans out happily as the girl begins raining kisses all along one of her massive utters and her free hand toys with the other. She gasps and coos louder when she breaks off for a brief second to catch her breath and promptly descens her mouth around her now stiff and puffy nipple. "Oooooh....... Haaaah...... Mmmmmnnnn...... It's so gooooood Minnie~" she moans out as she begins suckling on her mammary and tracing and flicking her hard nipple with her deft tongue. Her hands automatically go to assist the smaller woman's hands with her free breasts, massaging her own large glands with vigor and force causing her to arch her back up in pleasure. She begins to fuss and complain a bit again as Minnie once again breaks away from her tits own to let out a cute little giggling fit once the woman begins kissing and playing with navel revealing it to be an erogenous and especially sensitive area of hers. As she maneuvers around cunt, Cala moans in frustration before she sees her kissing an licking around her thighs and going down her legs, she lets out further moans and giggles of pleasure as her sensitive back of her knees and feet are tickled by the woman's skilled mouth. She looks down to Minnie affectionately and adoringly as she begins cleaning her toes, a growing attachment and affection building for the young woman every passing second. As she massages her legs and moves her mouth upwards to her crotch she she looks hopeful and her anticipation increases, as she moves around her cunt she tries to squirm and arch, trying to force the young woman to get to her pussy and when Minnie asks her if she is ready, she looks to her desperately and needily, before crying out in desperate need, "YES! OH! PLEASE, MINNIE! GODS YES! PLEASE! I NEED TO BE FUCKED! I'M GOING CRAZY WITH NEED! PLEASE EAT MY PUSSY! Please...............?" She cannot bear to wait any longer and hopes her friend will grant her request very soon..........