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The Bermuda Triangle

Re: The Bermuda Triangle

Will nodded glumly.

"That area also controls their telepathic abilities too. Probably why the connection was so messed up. To be honest ... it's a wonder Sally wasn't pulled into a catatonic state. They may very well have been broadcasting whenever this happened, and lost control of it. She probably severed contact just before they died, and then by the time she tried to contact them again, they were already gone. Let's just hope nothing and no one else was connected to them when they did perish."

They were interrupted by a ding from the mini-lab, to which Clara went over and started reading the results. After a moment, she let out a gasp, and took several steps back from the device.

"We need to get out and decon right now, dump the room and everything in it. System just finished analyzing the fluid I took from the back of her head. It seems like it's some sort of secretion from one of their glands, and it's infected with some kind of parasite. It's not dead, her death didn't kill it. Whatever it is ... it's aggressively replicating inside her body still. It has to be Cabal made, there can't be anything naturally occurring like this ... right?"
Re: The Bermuda Triangle

"Yeah... don't envy her. We should make sure she's alright when we get back, just in case..." Sarah starts to speak, but Clara soon pipes up with the full report, leading to her giving a curse and punching the wall of the ship. All it really did was make her hand hurt, but her anger was clear. "Course it's fuckin' Cabal, who or what else would make something like that on purpose?!? This was probably some sort of test fire, who the fuck knows where they may infect next with this shit?!?"
Re: The Bermuda Triangle

Clara grimaced, making her way to the decon shower. One by one they went through it, following all the long procedures. Once they had finished, about 30 minutes later, they sat in the main area of the sub with the controls, Will silently dumping the room they'd been in back into the water. Clara sighed as she looked back over at Sarah, then at Will.

"We should make sure they quarantine the area. Sarah, do you have any ideas on how to keep something like this from spreading, to keep it contained in an aquatic environment."

Will meanwhile began making preparations for them to leave the area. Really, there was nothing more they could do now. Sally's people were dead, some kind of parasite was loose, and they weren't equipped, or trained to deal with what came next.
Re: The Bermuda Triangle

Sarah is wracking her head all the way through decon, leaving her shotgun in the decon shower as the room is vented to remove the pathogen. "Honestly, no idea. Closest I've seen to a potential pandemic somehow got held back by a fence for a decade. The parasites are self-replicating, so every single one of those bodies is a threat. We don't know if they can spread into other species either. If some shark was guided here by the blood and took a nibble already, we may already be far too late. Best you could hope is some sort of huge net and hope for the best..."
Re: The Bermuda Triangle

Clara sighed unhappily, but nodded.

Will meanwhile relayed their findings to a mobile Sanctuary tanker vessel, who would arrive in thirty minutes.

"I passed that along to the Sanctuary ship coming, they'll take care of it when they arrive. In the meantime, looks like we get to head home."

He started the engines, and began their ascent. For the next few minutes at least, they sat in an almost awkward silence. That was broken eventually by Clara, who suddenly let out a groan.

"Oh god ... my head."

Almost immediately after, she dropped out of her chair, fits of pain seeming to wrack her entire body. As she dropped to the floor, her nose and ears began trickling blood.

"Oh christ, what the hell. Take us back down, something isn't right."

Will balked for a moment, seeming to be thinking about something, to which Clara snapped back to dive back down, they'd figure it out once they were back. Reluctantly, he did, and when they reached their original depth, Clara seemed to stop being wracked with pain. Will grabbed some vitals gear and began checking her over with it, blinking several times before turning to Sarah and half shrugging.

"Far as I can tell, she just had a case of the bends, a bad one at that. Her vitals are consistent with it but ... I've never heard of the symptoms vanishing that fast after returning to a deeper depth to counter it, not even with a decompression chamber."
Re: The Bermuda Triangle

Sarah sighs, having leaned back in her chair and looking crestfallen. However, she'd turn deadly-serious as Clara would be showing strange signs. "Shit, shitshitshit... We vented the room, were in full decon gear, what the hell..." she mumbled under her breath, quiet enough to only talk to herself. She speaks up louder. "Clara, were you sure your decon suit didn't have a defect? I'm not taking ANY chances here, and we've already seen the shit these things can do..."
Re: The Bermuda Triangle

Clara stood, visibly shaken up.

"The suit was fine. Sarah, get some of the testing gear from storage, test my blood. If I'm infected ... we might all be. In the meantime, while you get that ... I'm going to check something."
Re: The Bermuda Triangle

Sarah nods quickly, swiftly moving to grab the blood test, gritting her teeth. She didn't WANT to be right if that was the case. She'd quickly go to test Clara afterwards, to help make the process a bit quicker.
Re: The Bermuda Triangle

Clara meanwhile went over to where the deconned clothing and items were, poking about with several things. She also had what appeared to be some sort of portable microscope that she was using. By the time Sarah arrived with the test materials, she could hear Clara let out a soft curse.

"You can test yourself and Will after me, but I'm willing to bet neither of you is infected. I think I know how I got infected."

She held up carefully one of the gloves she had worn.

"Micro-Perforations in the gloves, enough for a microscopic parasite to get through and into me. It was the fluid, it got into my blood stream somehow, probably a micro-knick in the skin that allowed it to get inside me. I ... if I'm right, there's no way to know how much time I have. I really, really want to be wrong about being infected but ..."

She trailed off, biting her lip.
Re: The Bermuda Triangle

Sarah growls angrily. "We're NOT losing you too. Even if I have to be in the damn room with you we're getting you through this. Will, make sure you're clean. I'm gonna see what I can do to stop these little shits with what we got..." She'd move rapidly, somewhat hoping her own... oddness will help stem off the parasites but working quickly to try and save the one she couldn't guarantee a form of survival.
Re: The Bermuda Triangle

Clara shook her head.

"The serums you have won't work on me. Helen's already established those of source blood creation are immune to their effects. And I'm descended from a Source Blood creation, it runs through me too. We can try broad spectrum antibiotics, antivirals and anti parasitical medications but ... well, even if it does kill the thing, the effects won't be pretty."

Will blinked.

"That kind of cocktail could kill you Clara."

Clara nodded glumly.

"Yeah, it could, but this thing definitely will eventually, and if it has it's way, it'll make me kill both of you too. If these don't work, and we can't figure something else out ... you may have to kill me."

Will clenched his fist as he checked himself, not wanting to accept that, but knowing she was right. Several minutes or so passed, and soon Will's blood work came back clean, and he announced it. As he did, inspiration struck.

"What if Sarah modified her serums to specifically attack the parasite, but not try to alter your own makeup? Basically programmed the serums with the code of the Parasite, and designed it to seek and destroy it? Could you possibly manage something like that with what we have here Sarah?"

Clara meanwhile simply seemed to be staring off into empty space, not responding to anything Will had just said, and seated still, but now behind him where he couldn't see, only Sarah could.
Re: The Bermuda Triangle

Sarah sighs. "I'm willing to try anything to stop this. I mean, something that basically acts as an antibody could maybe work, perhaps some modification of the Revive Syringes. Those at least NecroTech got to work before everything went to shit." She nods to Will. "Let's see what we can do. Would rather Clara get through this intact but if worse come to the worse... She shouldn't have to suffer." The last bit is spoken with a grit to her teeth, boiled rage in her mind. Her hand scoops into her jacket hanging near the sonar station, pulling forth one of the few of those she had onhand out. "Really am turning into my mom, mad science and all..." she mumbles to herself as she goes to Will's side to work.
Re: The Bermuda Triangle

The two worked for a short time before suddenly it felt like they were submerging again.

"What the hell? Wait ... shit, Clara ..."

The controls had been set to dive deeper behind them, and, if Sarah turned to look, she'd notice a wad of clothing on the floor, but Clara was nowhere to be found.
Re: The Bermuda Triangle

Sarah is looking with concern. "...Clara...? Where did you go?" she asks in concern. She was getting worried...
Re: The Bermuda Triangle

There was no response at all from Clara. Finally Will sighed.

"Damn, that thing is affecting her already I bet. She stripped naked, she's gone invisible. She could be right here in this room not making a sound, or she might be anywhere on the damn sub. Keep your eyes and ears open, I'm going to try and find her before she does something I can't fix to the sub. Betting she's the one that altered our course, have to stop that before we go too deep."
Re: The Bermuda Triangle

Sarah sighs, hurrying her work with the makeshift lab. "If she is going, try to isolate and hold her back. I'm not losing you too... though I wish I didn't lose either of you," she mumbles.
Re: The Bermuda Triangle

Will nodded.

"Be careful yourself. Being able to go invisible means she could possibly circle back behind me and mess with you. We don't know enough about this parasite to know if it affects her strength or anything else, so we need to operate on the assumption she's going to be tougher than normal to stop. I'll be back as soon as I can."
Re: The Bermuda Triangle

Sarah nods slowly, hurrying her labwork and frowning as she keeps working, trying to desperately work on the modified serum to finish it. Needed to hurry, time was on the essence.
Re: The Bermuda Triangle

Will hadn't been gone for long when suddenly some instinct told her she wasn't alone anymore. It was confirmed a moment later by an evil sounding laugh, clearly from Clara.

"Did you really think I wouldn't notice Sarah? Did you really think you could pull a fast one over on me and hide it forever? I'm not stupid Sarah, I know what you're trying to do, and I won't allow it."

From the sounds of it, Clara was partially gone, or maybe fully gone. The question was, even if they could kill the parasite inside of her, was it too late?
Re: The Bermuda Triangle

Just abouuut... there? She hoped this would work. She quietly moved the serum to a palm as she did her best to move slow and careful. Clara had the advantage here, she sure as hell couldn't see invisible people.

"Clara, I don't know what you're thinking, but I'm truly being honest here. I'm trying to HELP you. Now please, reveal yourself, I may have an antidote here that can stop the parasite, maybe even regenerate some of the broken tissue. But you have to work with me, ok?"