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The Bermuda Triangle

Re: The Bermuda Triangle

The reply she got might shock her.

"Help me? Now that's laughable. It's more likely you're trying to get rid of me and kill me. I see the way you look at him, I know you want Will. It's not happening! You can't have him! I won't let this go without a fight, one way or another, one of us dies. It's going to be you bitch!"

A sudden flicker of movement became visible, Clara near one of the tables across the room. She'd picked up something, Sarah could see just the object itself. And then it was flying across the room as she lost track of Clara, what appeared to be a knife, a surgical knife came flying towards her.

((I'll leave it up to you if it grazes her or not.))
Re: The Bermuda Triangle

The hell? She sure as hell wasn't throwing anything like... oh right, her logic was going. Still, that bit of bizarre segway did allow the slightest bit of an opening.

The knife thuds in her shoulder, giving a grunt as it pierced the light t-shirt she wore. "Bloody hell-!" she cursed a bit to herself. Still, she gives a bit of an annoyed grunt. "Gonna have to try tougher than that. I ain't after your crush, and I sure as hell ain't going to just fall over if ya finish this. But I'm doing what I can to bring ya out of the clutch of that... monster, before you really do something you regret."

She then remembers something. The two handguns, taped to the table next to the radar so they'd not shake if the sub had lurched. Shit. She instantly moved to close distance, despite the pain in her shoulder. If she intercepted her, she'd hopefully be able to stop her from getting something that could harm Will and perhaps the sub. If not, well maybe she could hold her off until Will got back and use the antidote with his help?
Re: The Bermuda Triangle

"Don't try to lie to me! Monster? Oh now that's ...."

She cut off suddenly, and for a moment Sarah might wonder if she'd figured out her plan. Suddenly there was a groan of pain, and Clara became visible, dropping to one knee in the process. Before Sarah could react, Clara looked up at her, and in that moment, Sarah realized the girl wasn't completely gone yet.

"Sarah ... I can't ... I can't keep it at bay for long. The pressure ... it needs deeper water ... and higher pressure to survive. It'll ... kill me without it ... Oh god ... It's ... it's not Cabal ... Help."

A trickle of blood ran from her nose and her ears, the sub seeming to be rising. If Clara was right, going up might kill her as long as that thing was inside her. This was her best shot to try to help, while Clara had control. The question was, would it be enough?
Re: The Bermuda Triangle

Sarah pauses as Clara returns to visibility, hesitating as she spoke. She then realized why it had hurt her to start with. "Right... Clara, hold on." Moving quickly, Sarah first moved to hold onto her, ensuring she couldn't get free, and quickly moved to inject the potential antidote, stabbing it into the veins going to the brain. A hand reaches out to halt the sub's rising as well, holding it in position- it wouldn't be going back down unless it was clear the antidote hadn't stopped the parasite, but her patient's health would be to come first. "Not Cabal? What do you mean? This was natural?"
Re: The Bermuda Triangle

Clara shuddered once as the injection went in, grinding her teeth together as some form of pain crashed through her.

For a moment, it seemed like nothing had happened. Then suddenly she cried out as something liquid poured out of her ear, landing on the floor, beginning to take a shape that looked almost like a snake made of water, but it was clearly the same fluid they'd seen earlier from the Mermaid. It, whatever it was, clearly was not dead, and it began to eagerly turn towards Sarah.

Clara reacted first, managing to shove Sarah aside, lunging forward and grabbing hold of one of the fire extinguishers. Popping off the cap, she blasted the water creature full on with it, freezing it solid after a few moments of steady extinguishant. Without a word, she carefully grabbed one of the air tight sample jars off a shelf, and scooped it up inside, closing the lid before dropping back into the chair with a groan. For a long minute or two, she said nothing in reply, seeming to try and recover from what had happened to her. Finally she spoke, shakily, but unbroken.

"I ... I think that thing was a natural living creature. I can't explain it Sarah but ... I think it was trying to get home. When we started to rise again ... it was in agony, and it was putting me through it. I think it was altering my body to survive the pressure, or trying to. Whatever it was, it was alive, and seemed capable of limited communication with me. I think it's that attempt at communicating that does the damage, our brains can't handle it. I don't think it actually wanted to kill any of us ... oh god, Sarah, I'm sorry. I uh ... I'm sorry about what I said to you."
Re: The Bermuda Triangle

Sarah gave a gasp as she's shoved back, much of her focus wide-eyed on the gelatin moving along by itself as she is shoved free of Clara. She listens after the commotion, leaning against the sub and gently allowing it to go slightly lower as she speaks of it's intolerance of low-pressure. "Oookay... so it's some parasitic lifeform that can't communicate with humanoid species without fucking with them, that leads to madness and death in an entire coven of merfolk, not to mention nearly killing you. I suppose on the bright side, we may have it if it's just this specimen?" She only nodded at Clara's word. "Though honestly, it's still quite the nasty little monster if it did that to like, ALL the merfolk out there." She sighed. "Plus side, that NecroTech serum should help heal the damage it was doing, and we can keep that fucker in a pressurized container until we can find some way to communicate with it...."
Re: The Bermuda Triangle

Clara shook her head.

"I think, not entirely sure, but I think it's dead. That should have flash frozen it. It only acts on what it wants, it was going to take you as it's host. Your serum did something, made my biology too inhospitable for it. But I think there were dozens of them, it was the last one alive. I got the distinct feeling the pressures it needs to survive ... well lets just say we've no hope of getting it back home. How it ended up here though ... I have no idea. I can only guess it lives trapped between ocean floor layers, under some sort of sea cavern perhaps, so far down it'd crush us like an egg. My best guess is there was some kind of earthquake or shifting that released them. The Merfolk just happened to cross paths with them as they free rose to the surface. We should see if there's been any kind of seismic disturbances around here lately, anything that could provide answers. Much as I wanted to help it even now ... I wasn't going to let it take you. God only knows if it could infest you just what it would be capable of. Though ... I'm not sure if it's parasitic by nature or not. It may be able to act like one, but ... it might not actually be a parasite in the traditional sense. Either way, we may never know now."

As she spoke, she started getting dressed again, seeming a bit embarrassed.
Re: The Bermuda Triangle

"Much as it'd be a scientific marvel if we found out, considering things I think that's a mystery best left unsolved," Sarah shuddered a little. "Yeah, getting a host that 'survives' the conversion process to some degree, I'm not sure I'd like the outcome even if it was a scientific breakthrough."

"...Wait, we should check on Will. He went looking for you elsewhere in the sub. If there was another of those somewhere around here..." Sarah curses, moving towards the door.
Re: The Bermuda Triangle

Clara shook her head.

"That was the only one on board the sub. And yeah, I ..."

She was cut off as Will came in the door, nearly running into Sarah. Spotting Clara sitting there, he blinked.

"Uh ... OK, I'm taking it things went well while I was gone?"
Re: The Bermuda Triangle

Sarah sighs in relief but nods. "Got a little wild at the end, but yeah, you can see what's left of the... thing, over there," she remarks, gesturing towards the jar. "Seems like it's apparently sentient, Clara got a little into it's head as it was chewing on hers." She lets Clara explain from there if she so wishes.
Re: The Bermuda Triangle

Clara quickly filled Will in on what she'd learned, figured out and her best attempts at filling in the blanks.

"Jesus, so there's no telling if there are more of them out there or not. One thing's for sure, no one should bring any of the bodies out of the water. All we can hope is that this is an isolated incident, and there aren't any more floating about out there."

Clara nodded slowly.

"We should start slowly heading for home, make sure the Sanctuary vessels coming out here to quarantine the area know about the risks. By the way Sarah, just what the hell was in that stuff anyway?"
Re: The Bermuda Triangle

Sarah frowns slightly, giving a sigh. "The base syringe contents is a chemical meant to stimulate cell growth and repair. Basically a jump-start to fix dead tissue and even repair damaged sections of the body. You'll probably feel a little hungry from the body working overtime, but it was the first thing that came to my head when we learned you were infected to try." She shifts uncomfortably. "Stuff's so potent it can... resuscitate the recently dead and those under necrostasis... but the company that did it ain't around anymore. What I got I've been replicating for a while now."
Re: The Bermuda Triangle

Clara blinked slightly.

"So ... you're saying if you had needed to kill me you could have brought me back from the dead with that stuff? What's the time frame on something like that?"

((Well that could change some future plans lol))
Re: The Bermuda Triangle

Sarah blushes lightly, figiting quietly. "Well.... I dunno. Gonna assume really damn fresh to allow bloodflow to be somewhat good. I... never really had a test subject that wasn't still... moving to some degree to worry about it with," she admits. Her and her crazy past of zombie apocalypse survival, she sighs. "Look, I promised the high-ups I'd not mangle the other staff without good reason. Hell I have no idea still if the serum caused the necrostasis epidemic I lived through or if that was some other damn chemical reactions, and personally I'd not like to find out beyond that. But, well, we're in a box in the ocean and we had a time crunch. I'd rather have taken the risk and save someone still alive with it than risk testing it on a corpse that wasn't a guarenteed zombie, ok?!?"
Re: The Bermuda Triangle

Clara nodded in understanding.

"Well I'm just glad to not to have put you in position to be testing it on a fresh corpse. Will, is there even any reason to tell Magnus about the serum? I mean ... suffocating me and then doing CPR after the thing left me would be a good cover right?"

Will blinked, before realizing she was serious.

"Uh ... sure? So ... Sarah locked you in the ventable compartment and vented the air, suffocating you. Once the thing left you ... I performed CPR while Sarah froze it solid and trapped it just in case it wasn't dead. Normally I'd never agree with this but ... hell why not. Don't need Helen mad with you, and I've a feeling we're going to need your help soon based on what they were working on when I left."
Re: The Bermuda Triangle

Sarah sighs. "I suppose... Though the things that happened with Clara does need to be known if they want to keep this crap quarantined. Even if it's just to keep any of the remaining goo-monsters that may still be around deep down. I'm just worried how I'm going to explain this all to the resident merfolk..."
Re: The Bermuda Triangle

"We tell them everything save that you used a serum on me. As for what to tell Sally ... leave that to me, I think I can better describe to her what happened then either of you could thanks to what I went through."
Re: The Bermuda Triangle

Sarah nods slowly in response to Clara, giving a sigh to herself and leaning into the wall of the sub again. "Fair enough..."
Re: The Bermuda Triangle

With their minds made up, they made their way back to port, drove to the airport and began their flight back home.

((I'll let you post arrival back in Calgary Lurker, I think I had the last post there anyways, and it lets you finish up with Miranda.))