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The Black Forest (ToC PvE Arena)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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The trunks of massive, dark gray trees, some likely centuries old, dot the landscape here. Each are separated by wide gaps of ground left either bare or covered in scraggly grass, but even with the large gaps between trees, the sight lines are short at the best of times, and the trees seem to absorb the sound. The unfamiliar foliage and muted senses make it easy to set up an ambush here... Or fall into one.

Tilda: HP = 82, PP = 63, EP = 43, Status = Fine

Tilda had again found herself in unfamiliar territory, an all too common occurrence in the realm of the warrior goddess, but this time she was surrounded by immense trees with dark bark. It wasn't altogether different from the oak forests of her homeland, but the trees were much bigger and the sounds emanating from the woodlands - what few their were - were all totally unfamiliar to her. Where she was - or where this place was based on if it were real at all - she could at best guess at, but as she strode through the woodlands it quickly became clear that the "where" was less important than what else was present.

A canine howl sounded from just beyond a nearby tree, a sound that she had heard several times off in the distance over the last hour or so. The source came around the edge and into her vision just as the sound faded to an echo that bounced eerily through the trees, a woman bearing a spear bounding into view. Her skin was tanned but had a dull red tint to it, and out of her dark, braided hair emerged a pair of wolf-like pointed ears while behind her a similarly dark, bushy tail swished excitedly. She pointed her spear at Tilda and howled again, the sound louder than should have been able to emerge from her slight frame. Clad in little more than a loincloth and a hide chestwrap, the woman nonetheless started to stalk towards Tilda without speaking, and a moment later the sound of motion was coming from every direction; she was surrounded.
Tilda would blink her eyes and realize she was teleported into a new area. Realizing there was not much time to figure out where exactly she was, Tilda instead focused on the noises around her. One in particular came from an immediate threat to her. A female warrior with spear in hand started charging toward Tilda. Tilda had blonde hair, braided down to her waist. Tilda's leather armor was two pieces. An open faced shirt that allowed her chest to be displayed. A mere piece of threaded leather string keeping her chest inside of the shirt. The rest of the outfit consisted of a miniskirt, a belt over top of it to keep the outfit in place, and a pair of sandals.

Tilda only had a few moments to react while this new enemy charged forward. Instinctively, Tilda would raise her shield in an attempt to deflect the incoming attack from the spear. The first instinct was to try and roll with the impact, as Tilda set her feet into the ground. Taking a Defensive Stance, Tilda would focus on trying to create an opening for her own counterattack by deflecting the spear with her shield. If Tilda could overcome this attacker, then she could worry about whatever else that might be coming her way. First she needed to turn aside the imminent threat of a spear being aimed directly at her.

Giving up standard action to assume Defensive Stance.
Dodge: 14d10+9 + 2d10 (Defensive Stance)
if enemy attack misses, 13d10 +5 (sword) and 12d10 +5 (shield) to counterattack at -1d10 penalty to both attacks
--Start of Round--
Tilda: HP = 82, PP = 63, EP = 43, Status = Fine

Three huntresses will come forth and attack Hilda, using 4 dice from attack to go into their defensive fighting for more Dodge.
Attacks: 57, 77, 59 vs 67, goes down to 62, goes down to 57, she is hit twice. She had a really, really bad Dodge roll.
Damage: 30, 30, -6 each, she takes 48 damage.
Her Counters from Defensive Stance: 110 for the sword, 106 for the shield, vs 106 Dodge, so both hit.
Damage: 31 from the sword, 21 from the shield.

Two huntresses are trying to stealthily hit her with javelins.
Tilda's Perception: 0 successes vs 3 successes and 1 success, they both get sneak attacks.
Attacks: 100 and 84, both hit.
Damage: 23, 29, doubled by sneak attacks. Tilda goes down in one round. I think I may have overestimated her, these enemies weren't supposed to be that strong. I can only blame some of it on the one bad Dodge roll, but all of those first attacks were expected to miss... I dunno, I'm willing to mulligan this if you want a better fight before the smut starts.

The wolf-eared woman advanced on her, but running footsteps matching hers were coming from either side, forcing Tilda to divide her attention. As she glanced at one, the first reached her and leaped, jabbing at her with a spear and managing to catch Tilda in the shoulder despite her practiced defensive stance. The one she'd turned towards reached her next, and that one she managed to react to in time, batting aside the spear jab with her shield and replying with a stab of her own, one that left the wolf-girl reeling back in shock before Tilda knocked her on her back with a swing of her shield. She was half turned towards the next when the last of the charging ones reached her, jabbing her in the side before retreating. The two remaining began to circle around her, keeping their spears extended in order to keep her at bay; their weapons were primitive compared to the sword in her hand, but they still hurt, and the blood running down her sides was testament to their potential lethality. One couldn't actually die in the goddess's realms, at least not in the permanent sense, but if she went down she would still be at the mercy of whoever beat her for a full day.

Unfortunately for her, she hadn't noticed that there were more than three closing in on her. The howling and the immediate threat of the other three attacking women had allowed two more of them to sneak up and take aim at her back. A pair of throwing spears pierced her back, forcing the now breathless warrior to drop to her knees in pain. The last thing that she saw before her vision went dark was the two who had assaulted her up close creeping even closer, albeit still with caution even as she blacked out...

When her vision returned, Tilda was alive and unharmed. Her injuries had been healed, either by the goddess's will or by someone in the tent that she found herself in, and the pain of them was gone save for a sense of weakness permeating her muscles. Her arms had been forced to either side because her wrists were tied over her head to a wooden bar, keeping her upright on her knees and leaving her in a Y shaped pose. There was a fire pit in front of her, in the center of the tent, and some sort of herbal concoction had been added to the wood, filling the small, warm space with a mix of heady scents that made her head lighten and her vision blur at the edges.

There were seven other people in the tent, and she vaguely recognized some of them; they were the huntresses that had engaged her, and if that were the case it was possible that two of the other women were the ones who had taken her from behind. The others whom she hadn't seen before were a woman, but she was so distinct in appearance - with the sides of her head shaven with whorl patterns while the center formed one long braid, with a wide assortment of charms and beads bedecking the braid and her heavier clothing - that it was likely that she was important somehow. The last figure in the room was male, but unlike any man that Tilda had ever met; they had a body covered in black fur that had been marked with blue and red paint in patterns similar to those on the sides of the strange woman's head, digitigrade legs like those of an animal that ended in large canine paws, and a canine muzzle that was entirely at odds with his otherwise humanoid figure. It resembled nothing if not the stories that she'd heard of werewolves, but unlike the stories of mad savagery that were told of such creatures, there was a relaxed intelligence to the wolf-man that at least gave her the impression that he wasn't about to rip her limb from limb.

As she awoke, two of the huntresses were kneeling as if waiting for something, two were standing on either side of the male wolf-man. Whether they were the same race or not was hard to say, given the dimorphism between male and female specimens evident in the room, but the two near the man each had a hand on the head or hair of a third - one that Tilda would recognize as the one that she'd managed to knock out before being brought down - as they urged her to bob back and forth into the crotch of the standing man. Her head was blocking Tilda's line of sight, but from the positioning and the soft gasps and moans that the huntress was emitting, it wasn't hard to guess at what she was doing. The decorated woman was kneeling at prayer and mumbling in a language that Tilda couldn't understand, but she was still the first to notice that Tilda was awake, and when her golden eyes flicked open she smiled at Tilda and said something in a more familiar tongue, one that sounded like Badarian. Unfortunately, she had no grasp of the tongue of their Southern neighbors, and when it became clear that Tilda hadn't understood she switched to somewhat broken Crolian and said; "You wake! Surely, questions?"

The shaman's speaking had alerted the huntresses that Tilda had woken up, and the two who had been waiting gracefully slipped to their feet and approached her, leering. Once they had reached her, they slid their hands over her arms, speaking quietly in their unfamiliar tongue while seemingly admiring the feel of her skin. She was given time for a brief exchange with the shaman before they reached her shoulders, and one of them didn't hesitate further at that point; she reached down, grabbed the string holding her top together, and ripped it out. The blonde's perky bosom jiggled free of its constraints, and the wolf-woman that hadn't just exposed her bust laughed and seemingly chastised her companion for her impatience. Both stood over her, admiring Tilda's bosom for a moment, before they simultaneously crouched beside her, drawing short knives with bone handles and edges made from black volcanic glass. The impatient one said something in reply while they both set to work, cutting away the remnants of Tilda's clothing and armor despite any protests or struggles that she might attempt to make, quickly rendering her completely naked, at which point the knives were returned to their belts and they shifted to their knees beside her, slowly edging closer and now caressing her arms and shoulders with one hand and her stomach and waistline with the other.

--End of Round--
Tilda: HP = 0/82, PP = 63, EP = 43, Status = Defeated
Tilda was focused on the immediate threat when the first huntress charged her. Swatting aside the spear, Tilda would take advantage of the opening and land two solid blows. One with the sword as well as another with the shield. That was also the last of Tilda's offense as she would find that two more huntresses joined into the fight immediately after the first. Their introduction being made with the pointy end of their spears being thrust into the vulnerable sides of Tilda's body. Tilda had expected only a single adversary, though she could only try to rise to the challenge and defeat the remaining huntresses. With the constant howling making it difficult for Tilda to focus, she never saw the decisive attacks coming. Two more huntresses had taken aim at her back, and their aim was true. Already trying to overcome a lack of breath, Tilda could no longer continue this fight.

After blacking out, Tilda would find her situation not to have improved too much. Somewhat relieved that she was not dead, Tilda would take a quick inventory of herself. The sharp pain caused by the spears piercing her was gone. Tilda would try to move her arms only to realize they were bound above her head. With her vision restoring itself as she awakens, she would start to realize where she was at a basic level. Having been defeated by the huntresses, she was the catch of the day. Looking around, it was hard not to focus on the scene on the other side of the area she was in. She could not tell for certain, but it looked like the one huntress that she managed to attack cleanly was either being punished or rewarded for her role in the battle.

After removing her eyes from the two that were engaged in activity, Tilda's eyes would focus on who she figured was the leader of this group. A shaman, or an elder perhaps? Maybe a healer at the least as it was likely her doing that Tilda was in any shape to be awake and aware right now. It looked as if the shaman were either chanting something or trying to address Tilda directly but Tilda could not understand the language that was being spoken by who she assumed was the elder of this tribe. The woman then spoke very sharply in Crolian, and Tilda would immediately reply "Why not fight with honor, one on one like a real warrior should." Tilda was clearly defiant and not entirely aware of her situation just yet.

The futility of her situation would become immediately apparent as two of the huntresses would unsheathe knives and start cutting into Tilda's armor. Her armor would not take long to be rendered useless and be removed, and Tilda would start to feel their arms caressing her body. All she could think of at this point is what could they possibly have planned for her now? Still defiant, even given her position, Tilda would state "So this is how it is, still can not even try to take me one on one? It takes two of you at least to try to best me!" Tilda had a good idea of what was coming next as she lost the fight previously. Tilda however was already trying to think about how she might exact a measure of revenge on these women. If she could get her hands on them one at a time, surely she would defeat them all. This was what allowed Tilda to be so defiant right now as her mind would focus far more on the fantasy of how she would defeat every last one of them one by one instead of the reality of her situation at hand.
"One... By... One?" The shaman repeated each word slowly, seemingly trying to puzzle out what they meant before her lips split in a grin that exposed her canines. "Are you of the bear? Or the mountain tiger?" she asked, and then laughed aloud. The others didn't seem to understand the conversation, but the ones holding their companion's head were now watching Tilda with hungry smiles. "It matters not... You think yourself a mighty warrior, yes? A mighty hunter... Like the bear or the tiger... But when the wolves howl, they flee to their caves and their mountains, up their trees! We are many that hunt as one, the real apex predators of these lands! The great spirit rewards us, sends up prey like you on which to hone our skills... And then to swell our numbers!"

The shaman trailed off, grinning maliciously. In the meantime, the two wolf-women beside her were getting more... Enthusiastic in their fondling, slowly starting to glide the hands on her shoulders down Tilda's back, while the ones in front started gliding up along her belly. It wasn't too terribly long before the back hands had reached her waist, and while one of the two leaned in and sealed her lips on the side of Tilda's neck the other let their hand slip a bit further to squeeze the blonde warrior's bottom. At nearly the same time, both of the hands sliding up her belly, having taken their time just before reaching her ribs, quickly ascended the curves of Tilda's breasts. The one sucking on her neck cupped beneath and let her thumb idly twiddle up and down across Tilda's nipple, but the other was more direct and assertive; murmuring something in her strange tongue while she lifted the blonde's soft breast slightly, she then leaned down with her eyes - a deep, honeyed gold with specks of orange throughout - focused on Tilda's face as she leaned down to suckle softly on the captured warrior's chest.

The one nibbling on her neck giggled and said something, to which the one sucking on her tit simply gave a pleased murmur while drawing in her breath, applying firm pressure. Her tongue caressed the sensitive numb in much the same way that the other huntress's thumb had been doing for several seconds prior, the two together sending enticing stimulation crackling up Tilda's spine. As soon as she vocalized her pleasure, both would enhance their efforts, the one suckling starting to alternate between rapid flicks and slow rolls with her tongue while alternating the pressure with which she drew on the sensitive nub, the one twiddling instead seizing the nub between forefinger and thumb in order to squeeze and twist and tug in seemingly random patterns. Both were groping her backside by that point, squeezing and jiggling as they toyed with her glutes.

"Our hunters get to enjoy their kill first, of course..." The shamaness declared softly, "and then, the one chosen will make you swell with his seed, as the great spirit demands..."
Tilda was soemwhat confused by the mention of the animals that the presumed leader had mentioned. Though she did get the idea that was being hinted toward. Tilda relied more on her own strength to carry the day instead of these cowardly hunters that could only win through sheer numbers. Tilda kept trying to cling to the idea of how things would have gone if it were only one, maybe two, of these inferior hunters that had tried to take her on. Being entirely in the nude did not seem to faze Tilda for the time being as this thought allows her the strength to potentially overcome her situation. After a few moments Tilda's resolve started to crack, as her breasts became the first target of the two huntresses holding her bound body steady.

With the huntresses starting to work their hands over Tilda's body, the first moan from Tilda's mouth clamped shut for the most part as a thumb started to tease the areola of her breast. Tilda was still defiant, and the mention of these huntresses being apex predators was almost insulting. "How did I defeat one of them so easily? Apex predators.. you are more like hnngh.." Tilda words were cut off as another sign of her arousal escaped. Moans started to escape Tilda's mouth from the attention being shown to her chest. It was one of Tilda's weaknesses, that she yielded to those who gave attention toward her chest. Now that the foreplay had gone on for a few moments, Tilda could no longer hold her mouth shut nor her moans in.

Starting to succumb to the pleasure, Tilda started to realize the situation that she was in. With the shaman declaring that the huntresses were able to enjoy their "kill", Tilda was clearly the loser of this particular battle. Now all she could do was attempt to endure what was going to happen to her over the remains of this day. This was the goddess' realm, and the winner was able to claim the loser for a day. Having no ability to protest the situation, Tilda secretly would have preferred that only the huntress that struck the killing blow had any claim the bounty of their hunt.
With Tilda's growing excitement increasingly obvious, the pair playing with her would only grow more aggressive. Their delight at her vocalizations was clear enough even if she couldn't understand the quips that they traded while playing with her chest, and now that her sensitivity had been discovered the two huntresses would gleefully capitalize on it. The one already suckling at one of her breasts murmured pleasantly, the vibrations created by the sound thrumming through Tilda's body, and began to alternate the flicks of her tongue between rapid ones that concentrated on the nub itself and slower, more languid licks that circled over the areola. The other soon joined her, lowering herself to be level with Tilda's other breast and taking the tip that she'd hardened with her fingers between her lips. The second wolf woman was a bit more vicious, occasionally nipping at Tilda's nipple with her teeth or biting gently and tugging on it, all between bouts of flicking at it with her tongue.

The hands groping her butt kept at it while the two huntresses tasted Tilda's chest, but the her bosom was the sole source of stimulation for only so long. While the gentler of the two continued holding Tilda's breast up with the hand not squeezing one of her muscular glutes, the more domineering of the pair reached between the captured blonde warrior's legs. Try as she might to squeeze her legs together or wiggle her hips away, the wolf woman would slip her hands between Tilda's legs to begin sliding her fingers between Tilda's nether lips, sending added tingles of excitement crackling up Tilda's spine. The motions were simple at first, a light back-and-forth rubbing that ensured that her bosom being sucked on was the bigger distraction, but it was there and inspiring her to get wetter by the moment.

The shaman gave a satisfied snort, and approached to kneel directly in front of Tilda, holding a bowl of some bluish-purple fluid. Murmuring and occasionally chanting while the two huntresses competed to see which of their techniques would force Tilda's will to crumble faster, after a while she would dab her fingers into the bowl and then gently smear some of it onto Tilda's stomach. The stuff was warm, and had a pleasant tingle against her skin. The shaman drew whirling shapes on her belly, forming a symbol around her navel over the course of the next few minutes while the two on either side of Tilda continued what they were doing, trading quick remarks and searching out through experimentation the sort of attention to her breasts that most excited her and then focusing on that.

By the time the shaman had finished, the wolfman getting blown by the huntress that Tilda had knocked out was panting and giving deep, canine whimpers. As the shamaness rose, taking the bowl away and leaving the arcane mark that she'd drawn gleaming on Tilda's belly the beastman gave a low growl and tilted its head back, the sound rife with relief and pleasure even in so unfamiliar a tone. The more feminine murmurs of delight from the three huntresses around him, one still muffled, added to the chorus that her own pleasured moans were a part of. A few moments later and the one on her knees rose and turned to face Tilda, a few pearly strands of semen visible on her chin and chest. She sauntered over, followed by the other two while the wolfman was left to wait out his refractory period - and their turn with their defeated prey - and knelt down where the shaman had. Without a moment's hesitation, she leaned down and forced Tilda into an open mouthed kiss, her tongue forcibly pushing into the blonde's mouth, bringing with it the salty, potent flavor of the cum that she was essentially snowballing with Tilda.