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The Black Maze of Lewd Torment

Re: The Black Maze of Lewd Torment

Option 4.

Use Nala's druidic knowledge to harvest some plants in this room and safely grind them into a contact poison that she can smear on the top of her staff. She can remove her current clothes to have some material to safely harvest and grind the materials.

Then choose option 3 afterwards, and find an exit without tempting the alarune.
Re: The Black Maze of Lewd Torment

Option 4.

Use Nala's druidic knowledge to harvest some plants in this room and safely grind them into a contact poison that she can smear on the top of her staff. She can remove her current clothes to have some material to safely harvest and grind the materials.

Then choose option 3 afterwards, and find an exit without tempting the alarune.

I vote this.
Re: The Black Maze of Lewd Torment

Option 4.

Use Nala's druidic knowledge to harvest some plants in this room and safely grind them into a contact poison that she can smear on the top of her staff. She can remove her current clothes to have some material to safely harvest and grind the materials.
Ill vote for Blue's 4, but instead followup with option 2.
Re: The Black Maze of Lewd Torment

I'll keep it simple and go with option 2.
Re: The Black Maze of Lewd Torment

Option 4.

Use Nala's druidic knowledge to harvest some plants in this room and safely grind them into a contact poison that she can smear on the top of her staff. She can remove her current clothes to have some material to safely harvest and grind the materials.

Then choose option 3 afterwards, and find an exit without tempting the alarune.
I change my vote to this.
Re: The Black Maze of Lewd Torment

I'll go with Blue Slime 4
Re: The Black Maze of Lewd Torment

Tassadar, I'm curious - how do the character reactions and votes work?

You mentioned that those who are "running" the character get some preferences in the vote counts. What's the nature of the preference? When do they get a chance to write up the reactions of the characters to the events?
Re: The Black Maze of Lewd Torment

Tassadar, I'm curious - how do the character reactions and votes work?

You mentioned that those who are "running" the character get some preferences in the vote counts. What's the nature of the preference? When do they get a chance to write up the reactions of the characters to the events?

If there's a tie, I'll go with what the player voted for. If there's a minor difference, I might go with the player's vote even if they're the one losing. Even if they lose decisively, if they come up with something interesting like Blue generally does I'll try to include their ideas in the response somehow. They can write up responses whenever they want in response to what happened, it's mostly just an extra thing since I don't plan to go too deep into the psychology with characters that other people have made up. If I end up running any of my own, I might try to be a little more in character like a classical CYOAS.
Re: The Black Maze of Lewd Torment

Casting a vote for Blueslime's 4.

Also tossing out a character for later on a whim.

Name: Charis
Class: Martyr/Woman of Faith
Purpose: Upon seeing another about to be thrown into the Black Maze, overwhelmed by compassion she volunteered herself to take their place.

Body: 1
Mind: 3
Spirit: 5

HP: 50
PP: 60
WP: 70

A former street urchin that was once saved by pure coincidence from what seemed to be an inescapable, horrible fate. Due to the miraculous nature of her salvation, Charis fell into the belief that some higher power (though she knew not what or which) had some greater purpose in mind for her. Though she searched long and hard and found not what this purpose might be, she instead gained a compassionate heart and an iron-clad resolution to offer the hand of mercy wherever she could, and to suffer for her beliefs as was required. Thus it was that a godless woman blessed not with talent, came to possess an indomitable will and unwavering faith. At least, so one would hope...

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Re: The Black Maze of Lewd Torment

Nala: HP = 55/55, PP = 85/85, WP = 43/60, Status = Aroused, Weakened
Aroused - Take an additional d10 PP damage when taking pleasure but -5 WP damage from sex.
Weakened - Take a -5 penalty to all rolls until a rest room is entered.
Recoverable WP from sex: 17

Alraune 1: 2/2/1, 20 HP
Alraune 2: 2/2/1, 20 HP
Alraune 3: 2/2/1, 20 HP
5 votes for 2, 1 vote for 3, 1 vote for Blue's 4 into 2, 5 votes for Blue's 5 into 3. Blue being Nala's player, that vote will win.

Nala's mind check to successfully find the necessary materials: 53 vs DC 31, success.
Willpower Damage from the room: 9 vs 10, Nala takes 1 WP damage. She will recover this damage if she orgasms in this room, but take the normal sex WP damage in the process.

Nala's mind to safely harvest them: 39 vs 46, failure. Nala ends up Aroused and Weakened.
Willpower Damage from the room: 2 vs 18, Nala takes 16 WP damage. She will recover this damage if she orgasms in this room, but take the normal sex WP damage in the process.
Danger? Yes. Severity: High.

Three enemies with 2/2/1 stats appear!

Foreign though some of this transplanted flora might be to her, Nala realized she might find something of use among the plants that the demons had cultivated. It would be dangerous, but the lack of her magic left her nearly defenseless already, and there was a good chance she'd be forced to defend herself in here. As hopeless as her situation might seem, Nala wasn't going to roll over and get fucked for the first thing to come by. While she might not be much of a fighter, a poisoned weapon would make things much easier on her, and so she cautiously set off into the artificial forest keeping her eyes open for something that might be suitable, breathing shallowly to minimize the effects of the aphrodisiac pollen floating in the air.

Her efforts soon paid off with only a shallow penetration into the dense woods needed, her careful sniffs of the air detecting a familiar scent that drew her past a tangle of vines between several thick golden fronds. Several large, bell shaped plants hung from a tree, connected to each other and the tree on which they parasitized by gray mossy vines. Poacher bulbs they were called, each was about the size of her head and shaped like an upside down bell and hollow on the inside, with a cup serving multiple functions. Unlike many plants, this one drew its water from the rain and nutrients from captured prey, the "cups" collecting rain and siphoning it off while being filled with potent paralytic toxins. Insects, arachnids, frogs, lizards, even small birds or mammals often fell prey to the alluring and nutritious nectar exuded by glands at the mouth of the cup, where they were drawn in like a trap. Sensor vines on the sides signaled the trap to close, and Nala knew how to avoid them... Normally anyway. She would have to protect her hands though, and provide something she could soak in the toxins pooling in the bottoms of the plant.

Without hesitation, the night elf pulled out of her top, exposing her full, shapely breasts so she could make more effective use of the rags she'd been given. The poison worked on contact, perfect for use with her staff, but she would have to be careful. If she got any on her skin it would work on her just as well as anything else, so she tore her makeshift bra into straps and wrapped some around her hands. Reaching out to the nearest of the suspended bulbs, Nala carefully dipped them one by one into the sap, keeping them from touching the lip of the opening. It was delicate work, naturally requiring a great deal of concentration that meant she couldn't spare any to keep watch for anything that might try to creep up on her, and even in the cover offered by the dense foliage around her she was dangerously exposed.

Unfortunately, without her magics she had no way of setting up the precautions she would normally have used to protect herself. And this time it cost her. After several rags sodden with poison had been carefully laid next to her discarded staff, a soft rustling behind her in the relative quiet - for the insects and animals that would normally have populated such a place hadn't been transposed in nearly the numbers required - drove Nala to jump just as she was lifting a rag. The disturbance proved enough to make her spring the bulb she'd been harvesting from, and she found then that the plants weren't the natural variety she was accustomed to. The demons here had done something to them, mutated them, and rather than seal closed with the rage inside the whole body of the bulb squeezed inwards. Shiny golden fluid splattered upwards and rained down all around her, splattering over Nala's chest and face. The sticky, sweet smelling gunk didn't burn like she had expected, luckily, but instead it sent a strange tingling sensation spreading through her body. Sluggishness and fatigue made her limbs feel leaden mere heartbeats later, but with it came the familiar arousal that she might have expected from the constant exposure to shorn pollen. Now that inherent toxin kicked in like she'd been hit with a full burst, leaving Nala's chest suddenly heaving and the tips of her breasts hardening against the warm, damp air.

None of that prevented her from quickly turning to see what had made the disturbance, however, and unsurprisingly it wasn't good. The vines she had had to pass through had been a signal, it seemed, as no less than three nude feminine figures emerged into the small clearing in which she'd been harvesting her poison. She was familiar enough with the humanoid plants to recognize them from their green-hued skin and dark green vine-like hair, each possessing long manes of the stuff that ran almost down to their waists. The trio were almost identical, suggesting similar mothers, and possessed of lithe figures and modest assets... At least so far. From what she could tell they weren't yet full grown, suggesting a recent emergence from the ground. That didn't make them any less dangerous, however, as all three could produce a concentrated burst of shorn pollen on command and sprout numerous vines from any portion of their body with which they could ensnare her, and if they succeeded... All three gazed at her with narrowed eyes and upturned lips, the look of someone who had stumbled upon a most welcome treat, and the unarmed topless night elf likely qualified as such.

Normally the three wouldn't have served as more than an annoyance. Normally she could have sent them running with a frightful display, crippled them with pain, bound them in earth of summoned vines, or disintegrated them entirely with black chaos lightning. Normally. But this was not normally, and she had nothing of her magical arsenal to use against the tree as they advanced past the vines and towards her in an arrowhead formation. She had only her wits, her will, and what little armaments she'd been given and collected so far... But that didn't make her completely helpless. The small glade in which she stood had numerous potential exits. Directly past the poisonous bulbs, deeper into the jungle, was a muddy track leading down a slope with a steeper gradient towards an artificial stream. Another path leading up a slight hill into a stand of trees offered little undergrowth to block her way, the easiest and quickest trail and straight towards the stone spire in the center of the room. Of course, she could always try to simply force her way past her would-be attackers and go back the way she had come, but that would be a dangerous gambit.

Whatever her choice, Nala would have to make it quick, as the three young alraune didn't seem intent on dallying in securing and enjoying their prize.

1 - Try to flee. Opposed Body checks, but with a difficult Mind check to give a +10 Bonus to pick out good routes or hiding places. Choose a general direction; towards the spire, deeper into the jungle, or back towards the secret entrance.
2 - Try to intimidate the three alraune. Spirit checks, she must beat all of them to succeed.
3 - Try to fight. Choose either hold them off (Mind) or try to beat them up (Body), as well as whether or not to try and apply the poisoned rag, which will require a difficult Mind check much like the one she just failed.
4 - Other.
Nala's current room = 2. She will get bonuses in this room because of her specialization in druidic magic. However, this room is what I have termed a Pain room, one that will deal constant damage, in this case WP damage, over time unless Nala succeeds on regular Spirit checks. It's also a larger chamber, meaning it will have its own special encounters.

Current votes and such.

Nala (BlueSlime) 7 votes, in play
Angel (TentanariX) 4 votes
Haro (dragoon) 1 vote
Sierra (freeko) 0 vote
Serane (orcha) 1 vote
Charis (Keylo) 1 vote
Re: The Black Maze of Lewd Torment

Option 3. Use the Mind, Nala. Use the mind!
Re: The Black Maze of Lewd Torment

Not enough time right now to post a detailed response, so for now:

Choice 3, with the difficult mind check as well to try to apply the rag to one or more of the alarunes, to make them weakened and aroused as well and possibly willing to target each other instead of Nala.
Re: The Black Maze of Lewd Torment

Choice 3, beat 'em up. And after that effort to get the poison, not using it seems a waste.
Re: The Black Maze of Lewd Torment

As a side note, the betting/trap window on Nala's run is closing as of my next post. Get your action while it's hot.
Re: The Black Maze of Lewd Torment

Yes, bring the fight to them! I choose 3, beating them up while using the poison to help!
Re: The Black Maze of Lewd Torment

Mind's still her strongest check...so might as well? 3.
Re: The Black Maze of Lewd Torment

3 (using Mind) seems like the best choice under the circumstances.
Re: The Black Maze of Lewd Torment

3/Mind seems like the best option, but might I also suggest a 4: Nala tries to reason with the alraune. She can do this while keeping them at bay. If they help her escape, they can have all the fun they want outside of the arena, though they would probably get used as smut-shields before that happened. At the very least they can help her find a way out of this room. It also strikes me as a Nala-esque thing to do ;)
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