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The Bondage Room


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
The Bondage Room
This room is filled with a number of varying instruments used in subduing and pleasuring a person.

- Combatants placed into a Submission Hold can be placed into a Sexual Device as a grapple action. Once they are on a device, a character must roll a 10 or higher on a d20 in order to escape. Their opponents can still attempt foreplay or penetration on them as well, so long as the device allows for it.
- The Sexual Device is described by the player who wins the Submission contest
- A foreplay device (like an egg vibrator or a wooden horse) will cause 2d4 + 12 - Resist/2 Pleasure Damage
- A penetration device will cause 2d8 + 10 - Resist/2 Pleasure Damage
Re: The Bondage Room

Tomoe vs Tamonten!

Name: Tamonten
Class: Warrior (Tree Pruner)
Race: Part-Demon

(Total EXP Spent: 26)

Body: 62 (32 + 4 + 16 + 10)
Mind: 14 (8 + 6)
Spirit: 24 (10 + 6 + 8)

Hit Points (HP): 81
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 57
Spirit Energy (EP): 62
Speed: 25
Dodge: 50 (60 when Unarmed)
Armor: 1
Resistance: 31
Perception: 67
Stealth: 58
Grapple: 62

Foreplay: 2d4 + 16
Penetration: 2d8 + 21
Unarmed (62) [2d4 + 16]

Pheromones: -4 to Stealth checks and friendly characters are more interested in sex (xivvix)

[Gen] Strong of Body: +8 to Body Stat
[Gen] Strong of Body: +8 to Body Stat
[Gen] Strong of Spirit: +8 to Spirit Stat
[Gen] Natural Spirit (Demonologist: Lets you a Talent from the selected Classes Talent pool.
[War] Unarmed Fighter: The character deals Improved Unarmed damage when attacking without a weapon. In addition, the character gets a +10 bonus to Dodge so long as they aren't holding any weapons.

[Talent] Open Soul: The character takes an additional 4 EP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.
[Talent] Open Soul: The character takes an additional 4 EP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.
[Talent] Open Soul: The character takes an additional 4 EP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.

16 Skills (62/10 + 1 + 9 = 16.2 rounded down.

[Unarmed] Defensive Grappler (Activated) – When the character is in a grapple, they can forsake any other actions in order to make an unarmed attack against any creatures that are grappling them. This attack is treated as though the character was not grappled, and takes a -4 penalty to attack rolls and damage for each hostile creature participating in the grapple. Every creature that is hit by such an attack, and takes damage has its grapple action automatically fail. Requires Unarmed Fighter.
[Unarmed] Stunning Blow (Activated) – The character can take a -8 penalty to their attack rolls and damage on their attacks, but if they hit, their target must make a Resistance check against them or be Stunned until after your next turn . Requires Unarmed Fighter.
[Unarmed] Trip (Activated) – The character can choose not do damage on a successful attack, and instead force the creature they’re attacking to make a Resistance check against them. If the creature loses this check, they are knocked prone. Against opponents who are Stunned, an attack made with this skill automatically hits, deals damage, and the target does not get a Resistance check to resist it. Requires Unarmed Fighter.

[General] Ranger (Passive) – The character gets a +5 bonus to Perception, and can track creatures so long as they have stayed on the ground.

Spirit Ceiling: 12

Fell Might
The character's body becomes charged with powerful, but also destructive energies. granting them increased strength but also causing them pain along with the energy required to use this power.
-The character pays X EP and 1 HP. They must also pay X EP and X - 3 HP upkeep every turn.
-The character gets a +3X bonus to Dodge, melee attack rolls, melee damage, and grapple rolls so long as this power is active.

Vampiric Futanari
The character grows a penis temporarily, if female. If they already have one, they can use this to alter the shape and size of what they already have, or to temporarily grow a 2nd one. A character with this active orgasms and impregnates as normal.
-Costs 4 EP to activate and lasts until deactivated or until the character rests.
-The character also gains the Soul Eater Special Mutation while this is active, if they don't already possess it.
-Note: This power can be used at any time, even when the character is Horny, in a Submission Hold, or Bound.

Swimsuit: AV = 1, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 2

Description: Tamonten stands at 5'5" (165 cm) with a lean build from years of training in the art of the sword. Much to her disappointment, this lean build also extends to her petite breasts. Her hair is milky white and falls to her waist. Her eyes are green and she has a youthful, if somewhat average, face. Like all truly professional mud wrestlers, she has chosen to wear a modest black two piece swimsuit for this particular contest. Due to her choice of clothing, it's nearly impossible to miss that she has a pitch-black devil tail with a spaded tip.

Her skin is ghostly pale and when she's in the sun it reflects light to give her a soft glow. Odder than Tamonten's pale glow is that her left arm is an entirely different color than the rest of her skin. Her left arm is literally pitch black. Despite the color of her left arm it is still a fully healthy and mostly functioning appendage. On her left arm is a heavy cast-iron manacle with a chain that links it to a similar cast-iron cuff on her left wrist, both are fused directly to her skin. Tamonten's arm doesn't shake in the mud wrestling arena, I blame plot devices.

Massages are sooo nice. I wonder if any of the faeries know how to do this sort of thing. Tamonten groaned as the strange attendant worked on her tense muscles. The possessed swordswoman had been a little wary initially, having no experience with a massage parlor. The idea of disrobing and laying face down on a table seemed a little too lewd for the pale girl at first. After negotiating to at least retain her modest black swimsuit, she had taken the chance. I suppose the fey might take a few liberties in this position, she considered with a faint blush and a giggle.

The masseuse suddenly stopped, however, causing the white-haired woman to sigh in disappointment. She waited for a moment with some modicum of mock-patience, assuming that the man was maneuvering around her or retrieving more lotion. With the relaxing sensations of her tension melting away, Tamonten's actual patience rapidly did the same. The swordswoman took a glance around to see what had happened only to realize something; she wasn't in the massage parlor any longer. Indeed, she wasn't on a table either.


"Oof," the pale woman intoned after her surprise landing, face flat on the ground. The lithe demonic girl stood up, pale hand rubbing the back of her head as she did so simply because the ache of her crash was too widespread to truly assuage. The pale-skinned swordswoman looked around and noticed the variety of lewd machinery. "Oh, I guess it's another match," Tamonten said to nobody in particular as she searched for her opponent.
Re: The Bondage Room


Warrior (Confused Miko as per this sidegame)

Body: 62
Mind: 10

Hit Points: 74
Pleasure to Orgasm: 52
Spirit Energy: 72
Speed: 25
Dodge: 53
Armor: 11
Resistance: 41
Spirit Ceiling: 14 (Armor has no Encumberance)

EXP: 28
Corruption: 0

Strong of Body x2
Skill with Katana
Hard to Hit
Hard Hitter
(flaw)Natural Spirit (Spirit Warrior)
(flaw)Greater Energy Pool
(EXP) Heavy Weapon Expert

Open Soul

Quick Draw (Passive) - The character can draw their weapons without spending a turn.
Death from the Draw - The character can draw their weapon and swing with it in the same turn. When doing so, they get a +6 bonus to attack and damage rolls.
Knight (Passive) – The character gets a +3 bonus to AV, Dodge, attacks rolls and damage for all melee attacks.
Slay (Activated) – The character takes a -20 penalty on their attack roll, and a -10 penalty to Dodge until their next turn. They deal double damage on any attacks that hit until their next turn.
Cleave (Passive) – Whenever the character kills an opponent, they automatically take an attack on another nearby enemy, but this attack is at a -10 penalty to attack and damage rolls.
Terrify (Passive) - Whenever the character kills an enemy, all other enemies within 30 feet that have line of sight must make a Resistance check vs the character or be unable to attack that round. Failing 2 such checks in a single combat causes a creature to either retreat, or surrender. The character takes a -10 penalty on this check, but also gains a bonus to the check equal to the damage done on the killing blow /10, and multiplied by the tier of the monster.
Supreme Might (Activated) – The character can trade points from their attack roll for additional damage. These points are traded at a 1 to 1 rate, and the character cannot trade more than 20 points per round.

Battle Aura (X activation, X upkeep for 3X increased Melee Damage, To-Hit, Speed and Dodge)
Instant Transmission (10X to activate, and allows the user to teleport themselves and anyone who is touching them to anywhere they've already been or have line of sight to within X miles. In combat, the effect is delayed by 1 round, and can be interrupted if the character is unable to maintain concentration on it. The effects that interrupt this ability include: Having an orgasm or being stunned. )
Energy Blade (The character conjures a sword formed of pure energy attached to their arm. The character pays 1 + X EP. In addition, they must pay 1 EP upkeep every round. The blade can be of any color or shape that the character desires, and can range from 1-3 feet in length. Attacks with the blade deal (2d4 * X) + Spirit/4 damage that ignores armor. The character can attack in the same turn that this power is activated, but only using this power. If the character has the Duelist Talent, they can use this power as their weapon. If the character has the Two Weapon Fighting Talent, this power can be used as one of their weapons. If the character has the Unarmed Fighter Talent, this power counts as unarmed even if it is used to attack rather than that character's hands. The weapon conjured by this power counts as a one handed sword, and gets the attack bonus if the character has the Skill with X Talent.)

Kuchinawa (Tomoe's shrine katana +2, wielded in two hands) (+76)[1d12+63]{none} (Not to be used in wrasslin)
Unarmed Strike (+62) [2d4+31]
Grapple (+78)
Foreplay Damage 2d4+20 (Not likely to see this used too much, but here it is still)

Miko Robes (Battlemage's Robes: AV = 7, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 1. Or possibly normal clothes in this here derp gaem AV = 1, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 2)

Going through those things after her two battles had left Tomoe in a semi-hungry state, and she had gone to search for a food spot. It looked decent enough a place, even had some of the rice dishes she was used to eating on their lists. After a while spent on waiting, the miko was finally treated to a nice bowl of fried eel and rice. But as she was about to bite down on the munchy bit of fish, the entire deal vanished all of a sudden.

Dissappointed about the sudden change of scenery and the loss of her food, Tomoe was even more dissappointed by the fact that she seemed to be in an arena again. "Must I do this all the time... Can't a faithful priestess get their food without something interrupting...." she thought aloud as the landing was near-perfect, safely depositing her on the floor. The machinery around her intimidated the chaste miko, their lewd usages apparent to her on sight. Soon, her gaze stopped on another girl, actually taller than herself, but still slimmer in form when compared to her full body. Despite the slightly unsettling appearance of the competition's other arm, she did not flich in her brief greeting and possible preparation for the fight. If the opponent wanted to adress her first, she would wait for it.
Re: The Bondage Room

"Well met," The swordswoman greeted without a hint of dangerousness in her voice upon spotting the shrine maiden politely awaiting an address. "Besides all the, er, equipment in here," Tamonten joked nervously. Despite any height advantage, the demonic woman looked away shyly for a moment before returning her gaze to the shapely shrine maiden and continuing. "You're aware of the rules of this competition?"
Re: The Bondage Room

"Unfortunately yes... I've been to two different bouts before this." Tomoe gave a reply, pleased with the positive reply from the opposition. Somehow, she was not overtly averting her gaze away from the other competitors anymore. Maybe the two previous bouts had taught her some modicum of courage. Raising up her arms to a stance of readiness, the miko showed the other girl that she was ready. "Anytime you are ready." she said, giving yet more time for the other to prepare herself as needed. She would maintain an offensive footing for now, gauging the opposition with initial fist pokes to test how strong they could be. She would not trigger her aura until there was a good enough reason to, though the midnight arm was a possible indication that the silk-haired girl had some inner power as well.

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Re: The Bondage Room

The pale-skinned swordswoman gave a simple nod as the miko mentioned her experience. "I'm sorry that we had to meet under these circumstances. I can't just let you win though, I need this mystery prize." Tamonten dropped into a ready stance, becoming serious, or as serious as the sort of competition she had found herself in would really allow. "If I win then I'm sorry for what I had to do. If you win then I wish you good luck in future matches." She gave one last nod to signify to Tomoe that the match was about to begin in earnest. Then, without any further warning, the manacled woman launched herself at the shrine maiden, trying to wrap her arms around the bustier woman's waist.

Grapple dat miko! :3

Probable applicable stats:
62 Grapple Modifier.
60 Dodge while Unarmed.
Re: The Bondage Room

"Your cause is understandable. I won't grudge you for anything you do, since you are courteous about this whole thing." Tomoe replied in short, keeping up her stance of readiness. Seeing the taller girl move towards her, the miko aimed a testing kick against her, just to see how good a fighter she would be.

(Miko kick Tamo)
Re: The Bondage Room

Status round start
Tamonten HP 81 PP 57 EP 62
Tomoe HP 74 PP 52 EP 72

init Tamonten 19 Tomoe 8
Tamonten: 15+62=77 vs 53 Tomoe is grappled!
Tomoe: 16+62=94 vs 20+62=82 Fails!

Tamonten HP 81/81 PP 57 EP 62 Grappled
Tomoe HP 74 PP 52 EP 72 Grappled
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Re: The Bondage Room

With the shapely miko in her grasp, Tamonten felt it was time to restrain her powerful opponent. The swordswoman tried to turn Tomoe around and pull her arms behind her back. Despite what she was attempting, the white-haired woman was a little nervous. All the lewd looking implements in the room were a little intimidating. Even if they would make the road to victory a little easier, she might have been a little more comfortable if the devices hadn't been there.

Submission Hold.
62 grapple etc. etc.
Re: The Bondage Room

The kick she had thrown went awry, giving the other girl ample opportunity to step in under her guard and grab Tomoe. The opponent was aiming to bind her arms, a sound strategy to such a battle. But the shrine maiden would not simply let her have her way, and tried to fight away the submission with some manner of strike that could be pulled off in this situation.

(Smack that ass)
Re: The Bondage Room

Tamonten HP 81/81 PP 57 EP 62 Grappled
Tomoe HP 74 PP 52 EP 72 Grappled

init tam 19 tom 18

Tamonten: submission hold 2+62=64 vs 20+62=82 fail!

Tomoe 16+62=78 vs 10+62=72 success!
Hit: 14+62=76 vs 60 Hit!
Damage: 4+2+26=32 32-1=31 clothing damage 32/2=16

Tamonten HP 49/81 PP 57 EP 62 clothing 9/25 Grappled
Tomoe HP 74 PP 52 EP 72 Grappled
Re: The Bondage Room

Tamonten grunted in pain as the miko punched her. It was quite a swing, more than she had been expecting from the shrine maiden. Still, despite how her opponent intended on seizing victory, the swordswoman didn't particularly care to try and punch Tomoe into submission. Or, at least, she didn't care to try it then. The manacled woman tried to restrain the boxing maiden once again.

Submission Hold!

62 grapple etc. etc!
Re: The Bondage Room

The struggling miko managed to score a suitably hard hit on the opponent, but it was not enough to make the other girl release her. Doing her damnedest to dislodge the opposition, she switched to attempting a knee to the midsection next, even with the apparent hesitation of the other combatant to strike at her.

(Falcon kick and all that, with the usual +62 modifier thingy)
Re: The Bondage Room

Tamonten HP 49/81 PP 57 EP 62 clothing 9/25 Grappled
Tomoe HP 74 PP 52 EP 72 Grappled

init Tam 13 Tom 20

Tomoe: 20+62=82 vs 20+62=82
1+62=63 vs 60
Damage: 3+1+26=30-1=29
Clothing torn off!

Tamonten: 6+62=68 vs. 1+62=63 Tomoe is put in submission hold!

Tamonten HP 20/81 PP 57 EP 62 clothing destroyed Grappled
Tomoe HP 74 PP 52 EP 72 In submission hold
Re: The Bondage Room

The pugilistic miko didn't seem to be pulling any punches for their fight. Another hit like that and she'd go down, the swordswoman was sure. It wasn't all for naught, though, Tamonten had managed to restrain her particularly strike-happy opponent. Although in the struggle, her modest swimsuit had come undone, revealing her nudity to the kickboxing maiden. Between her new position in the grapple and her disdain for the idea of trying to punch the shrine maiden into submission before the act she intended to commit, the pale woman decided to stay the course. The possessed girl looked around, spotting a wooden triangle horse with simple wrist restraints overhead to keep its 'rider' in place. With no other suitable item in sight, she began the arduous process of attempting to drag the powerful Tomoe over to the lewd thing and locking her wrists inside it.

Place Tomoe on the triangle horse! :3

Grapple Modifier: 62
Foreplay Device: 2d4 + 12 - Resist/2 Pleasure Damage if she succeeds.
Re: The Bondage Room

Even with her strong knee smash connecting deeply into the midsection of the opponent, the struggle did not end well for Tomoe. The white-haired girl managed to hold her still, twisting the miko into a restrained position and taking her striking ability away. There was some tugging, clearly the other combatant had something in mind. But the easterner would not allow it if any opportunity to resist was given, trying to struggle herself away from the grip.

Re: The Bondage Room

Tamonten HP 20/81 PP 57 EP 62 clothing destroyed Grappled
Tomoe HP 74 PP 52 EP 72 In submission hold

init: Tam 19 Tom 14

Tamonten: 15+62 vs 1+62 Success!
Pleasure: 3+2+12-21=0!
Damage from resisting 6+2=8

Tomoe: Escape attempt! 13. Success!

Tamonten HP 20/81 PP 57 EP 62 clothing destroyed Grappled
Tomoe HP 66/74 PP 52 EP 72 Submission held
Re: The Bondage Room

Victory had been so close! Well, maybe not victory, but at least the opportunity to keep Tomoe's hands and legs restrained. The swordswoman really didn't want another knee to her stomach, that had hurt. Still, the eastern woman had managed to escape before the pale-skinned girl could even get her wrists in the overhead restraints. Tamonten wouldn't give up yet though! The possessed woman once again attempted to force her opponent into giving the lewd contraption a ride. She had to win! Or, at the very least, she had to avoid another stomach shot, lest she end up knocked out of the fight.

Place Tomoe on the triangle horse! :3

Grapple Modifier: 62
Foreplay Device: 2d4 + 12 - Resist/2 Pleasure Damage if she succeeds.
It's worth noting that Tomoe has sensitive (+4 PP damage). It wouldn't have made a difference last time though.
Re: The Bondage Room

No amount of struggle seemed enough to release Tomoe from the iron grip of the white-haired woman, who hoisted her onto a wooden, triangular device with a nasty upwards wedge. Being forced to sit on the things was hardly pleasant, and the shrine maiden fought back hard enough to prevent herself from being clamped into the overhanging manacles despite the opponent's best efforts. Soon, she was back on the ground again, but still held at bay and prevented from attacking. The eastern warrior fought against the grip once more, seeking to get herself into a situation where she could strike again.

(The whole escape submission deal.)
Re: The Bondage Room

Tamonten HP 20/81 PP 57 EP 62 clothing destroyed Grappled
Tomoe HP 66/74 PP 52 EP 72 Submission held

init Tam 19 Tom 17

Tamonten: 4+62=66 vs 13+62=75 Failure!

Tomoe: 16+62=78 vs 11+62=73 Success!

Tamonten HP 20/81 PP 57 EP 62 clothing destroyed Grappled
Tomoe HP 66/74 PP 52 EP 72 grappled