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The Cat's Share (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Re: The Cat's Share (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

"Guh... hey, watch where you're going," warned one of the craftsmen right after Ichimi made her move, which on the outside looked like little more than an accidental shoulder bump. However, as with any competent thief, such an insignificant 'accident' was anything but. The momentary distraction was all she needed to successfully pick a small carving knife from his belt. It wasn't particularly large, nor was it terribly sharp, having seen a fair share of use without the proper maintenance to match. However, it would still suffice for the purpose Ichimi sought for it, and it was light enough that her first mark wouldn't even notice it missing--not until he bothered to check, anyway.

And check he did not. Higher on the woodcarver's list of concerns was his purse, which he tapped lightly to ensure the coins were still there. They were, and he heaved an audible sigh of relief. Neither of the two passerbys knew what to think of a hooded stranger colliding into them if it wasn't for the purposes of theft, so they simply exchanged a quick glance and a shrug before continuing to walk. After all, it wasn't the best neighborhood in town, so there wasn't any point making a scene, especially if they were to be next on the muggers' list. This left the Felvari free to do with her newly acquired tool as she wished.

There was little opportunity for Ichimi to get behind both of the men undetected, but she managed to find an opening from the side, regardless, staying just out of their peripheral vision. After she threw the knife charged with a notable amount of Voidic energy, the catgirl could then disappear back into the main street and make herself out to look like nothing more than a passerby.

"Uwaggh!" cried the smaller hooligan as the makeshift weapon found a spot in his upper back, near his shoulderblade. It didn't go in very deep, but it went in far enough for the 'air' to transfer itself into his system. He grimaced and clutched at it, pulling it out quickly and spinning around with heightened alertness, just as expected. When he saw that there was no one in plain sight, a look of disbelief took over his expression. "Who the fuck?!"

The larger man also paused, raising a brow. Meanwhile, the lady's eyes widened as well at the unexpected assault, but seemed to find herself unwilling to capitalize on the commotion and make a run for it. She did have a basket of groceries in her arms, and was unwilling to drop it just for the sake of running. Though she did put on an oddly suspicious look as well, unable to help but look around.

A closer look at the item in the short one's hand showed that it was a small knife... but certainly not one made for throwing. "Berto, something hit me," he warned. "Check out the main street to see who the hell did this! Uwwwhh..." Already, his vision blurred, made apparent by the intermittent squinting of his eyes. Someone of higher constitution might have been able to withstand the dosage that Ichimi applied, but this stranger didn't possess such physical gifts, leaving his cohort to do the dirty work for him. Berto, or so the large one was called, wasted no time in storming out of the alleyway to shoot accusing glances at anyone and everyone who might be out on the main road.

As the first family that passed by were down the block by now, that left only the cloaked Ichimi and the two artisans, who walked at least a dozen paces in front of her. Still, they weren't out of sight for big Berto, who frowned, waving the small, bloodied knife in the air. "WHO DID THIS, EH?!" he yelled angrily, his gaze shifting between the three potential suspects. "You wanna get clobbered?"

His threats did just enough to set the two craftsmens' nerves off, and they suddenly bolted down the street, with the large one giving chase, running right past the catgirl in the process. Ichimi was in the clear, so it seemed. And while it didn't appear that the purple-haired woman gathered the will to make a run for it, she was down a potential assailant if nothing else. It was still peculiar, in its own way, but whether the thief chose to check the alleyway once more or consider her work done there was entirely up to her.
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Re: The Cat's Share (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

For such a quickly-formulated plan, everything was going well for Ichimi. This wasn't a complete surprise though, she could move so quickly and so quietly as to glide along silently at the speed most people could jog, and had almost a sixth sense for where people's sights and attentions were focused. Lifting the knife for the first step of her plan had been easy, truthfully if she hadn't been in a hurry she probably could've taken it AND the artisan's money unnoticed without causing so much as a cautious double-check... but there was no need to spend the time and risk on such a small score. The bigger risks were yet to follow.

Hitting her target would be hard, as the weapon she had lifted wasn't made for throwing. Even harder though would be making the throw then not getting caught. Even with her speed, with only a few precious seconds to move before her assault would start a search, she couldn't put much distance between herself and any area of danger. Blending in was the only choice left...
Yet again luck was on her side, everything playing out perfect to plan. In one quick movement she had made her throw, hit her target, and had time to come to rest before being spotted. Or at least... the two thugs hadn't spotted her, and if their victim did then she did nothing to indicate it. It was foolish to expect anything to go completely to plan though, and it was here that things went off a little.
“Damn... maybe the short one isn't as smart as I thought...”
Daring to raise her ears under her hood a little, Ichimi could hear everything that was going on between the thugs, even the subtle changes in voice that confirmed her voidic airs taking effect. Unfortunately neither of them seemed to take any time to examine the weapon she had thrown and trace it's origins, instead throwing it away without a second thought. The cat girl's attempts at misdirection had been a waste. Furthermore she didn't hear the young woman the thugs had corned taking the chance to run away in the confusion. All the felvari's efforts had done was shake the hornets nest with no gain... now she had to deal with the bigger of the pair heading out into the street looking for a fight. She quickly lowered her ears again and tried to fade into the background, but prepared to run if things got bad. Luck was in a humorous mood today though.
Even though Ichimi's attempt at misdirection with her choice of weapon had failed, ultimately her ability to stay cool, among other things, would make up for it. While she was able to stay calm, the artisans nearby lost their nerve, and instantly singled themselves out as suspicious.
“Hahaha oh gods, wowwww! Thats right, go after the guys, not the lone girl off by her own. She's no threat at all. Ha, Ok, Ok, try not to laugh!”
It took a good deal of effort for Ichimi to hold back any giggling and keep from bursting out laughing as her biggest threat of the moment ran right by her, after the artisans, and a kept going a good deal out of sight. Despite everything not going perfectly, her biggest threat was out of the picture now with minimal effort, at least for the immediate moment.

“Alright, what's left?” Ichimi quietly made her way towards the alley to reevaluate things. “Small guy's hurt and poisoned, even if I do nothing, he wont last more than a minute or two. The big guy might be on his way back by then though... Stupid girl hasn't run yet, what's wrong with her? Is she new here or what? Bad enough to end up like this in the first place, but she's wasting a perfect window to get away too.” The last part felt off to Ichimi, it didn't add up and gave her an uneasy feeling. Still, she was committed to the course now and even slightly curious. “Whatever, she's weird but has no reason to attack me and doesn't look like a fighter anyway. As for the small guy, it doesn't matter what tricks he has, he can't keep up with a long chase right now, he probably can't even put up a good fight right now. He's a small little regular human guy and poisoned, I'm felvari. As long as the big guy is gone, he's about as much of a threat of Rio. Not much time left though, I better do this fast.”
Despite the caution Ichimi had shown earlier, she didn't bother making much of a plan now. Too much caution was a bad thing, sometimes improvisation and a bit of force were the best ways to get thing done. Her plans had already set everything up her way anyway, she was at the top of the foodchain in this encounter now, no need to hesitate like some scared animal.
Thinking time was over, and though there was probably little to gain out of this encounter and Ichimi knew as much, she found herself acting anyway. Perhaps it was out of curiosity, or perhaps it was out of memory for all the times she had been roughed up as a child wishing someone was there to stop it... either way she found herself quietly gliding towards the alleyway with a speed that wouldn't do her any favors for stealth if she was spotted. It didn't matter anymore though.
“Damn, don't you know how to run?” She called out to the woman as she closed distance behind the shorter thug. This would get his attention too, if he hadn't spotted her already, but either way she was already crouching a little under her cloak, getting position and building up energy for a strike. As soon as she was close she started to come up and twist her body, bringing one of her legs around with all the stored force and aiming it right at his face. The move wasn't as fancy or refined as stuff she had seen “martial artists” from foreign lands do sometimes, but between it and the voidic airs from earlier there was probably a good chance the small guy was gonna be out for awhile, or at least down for a few minutes, if she connected. Hopefully the abruptness and unexpectedness of the attack were working in her favor...
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Re: The Cat's Share (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

With the much more intimidating figure out of the equation for the time being, the window of opportunity to dispose of the smaller goon presented itself. Even if Ichimi wasn't as quick as she could be in taking it, it didn't matter, as the burly man's angry hollers could be heard fading off into the distance. A look back into the alley confirmed her suspicions; that the victim still didn't have enough nerve to make a run for it, and her attacker was still conscious enough to keep her from doing so. There they were, with the woman still frozen under her mugger's gaze, an almost confused expression upon her face. The hooligan in front of her appeared to be losing focus thanks to the noxious effect of the Voidic airs in his system, and it could easily be seen in his gradually slouching posture from behind. Anyone else might not have noticed the change, but to the Felvari, this was almost second nature, like a predator identifying the proper moment to strike. Her instincts practically pushed her forward, telling her to finish her prey. As Ichimi closed the gap between her the remaining thug, her target spun around to face her.

Unfortunately for him, his luck was such that he did so only after she spoke up, and the catgirl had already brought her rear leg into motion by that time, with her grounded foot turning into a pivot. Even then, the smaller man apparently had the reflexes to duck... or at least attempt to. As her kick reached its quickest point, Ichimi felt her shin graze the top of the ruffian's head. Despite the strike not being dead-on, she could still feel enough resistance to know that it was a good hit--it had to have done something. A quick look after her follow-through confirmed as much. The man's eyes glazed over for a moment, his nervous system short-circuiting and denying him his footing. As he stumbled a few times off to the side, he struggled to regain his stance but failed. Somehow, he was still awake, though only by a thread. A few follow-up strikes made on Ichimi's part could render him fully asleep, if the catgirl chose to, but if she chose to leave him be, the Voidic airs would help in completing the man's trip into unconsciousness--albeit at a slightly slower rate.

The purple-haired vixen looked upwards with a delayed reaction to the sudden burst of violence, giving her hooded savior a bewildered stare. She couldn't even utter her thanks, so it appeared. If there were to be any words exchanged between them, Ichimi would likely have to be the first to say anything.
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Re: The Cat's Share (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

“Tch! Quick little rat!”
As Ichimi came out of her kick, aware that it hadn't hit directly on her mark, she was already poising for a follow up shot. In fights like this the tables could turn quickly, Ichimi usually favored moving quick and relying on shock value and the lack of recovery time to keep that from happening. Besides, even though a quick glance as she came around would confirm it was close to over anyway, there was no reason to stop until it was all the way there... usually. This time was different though. This time the Felvari found herself hesitating. The hesitation wasn't from any real fear of danger or a counter attack, but more out of an awareness of the mysterious woman watching her... even though Ichimi herself knew overkill was safer than underestimation, she decided to take her chances and hold off any further attacks, relaxing her posture and taking on a less threatening presence. Such efforts did little to get her any answers though, as the woman remained quiet.

“Geeze... it's like looking after one of those kids from the merchant ships... the new cabin boys on shore leave who have no idea how life in a city works. I suppose I should be happy she's not screaming her head off at least, but standing there like a statue isn't helping much either. Why am I even wasting my time here...”
Ichimi gave a small sigh.
“Look, I don't know if you're new to Naralona, but this part of the city really isn't safe at night. You should stick to the larger streets where the guards are more likely to be around.”
Ichimi turned to walk away, this should have been the end of this little good deed of the day. What happened now was none of her concern. And yet... curiosity or some strange sense of responsibility kept her talking.
“I have to go that way anyway, you can come if you want. If you'd rather wait around here for this guy to wake or his buddy to get back though, then be my guest. I didn't kill him or anything, he'll probably be back on his feet in 20 minutes or so, but if you wana wait around and babysit him then I hope you know how to defend yourself when he's back on his feet and completely pissed off. This isn't exactly a brothel or anything where there's someone around to make sure they don't get too violent when they're blowing off their male frustrations the way they were clearly planning on doing with you.”
The truth was that the cat girl had no reason to head in that direction, she actually avoided the most busy streets most of the time particularly because of the higher guard presence. Still, she was hoping the offer would be enticing enough to get a bite. If not though, now it really WAS none of her concern. Curiosity was only worth so much trouble, and she had already been through enough already... there would be no guilt if the young woman chose not to follow her, whatever happened now was HER choice.

“Don't take too long to make up your mind.” Ichimi concluded, already on her way out of the alley. She didn't have the patience to deal with indecisiveness, and in this case it was probably dangerous anyway. Her first priority now was to slip away from this area before things got any more dangerous, whether she had a follower or not. She hoped it would be the first and not the latter, as it would give her a chance to ask what happened and why such seemingly poor choices had been made, but whatever happened now would be what happened. In the grand scope of things this day would probably slide into obscurity like so many before it, and whether her curiosity was sated or not wouldn't really matter too much either way when tomorrow came... even if the latter would be a bit disappointing in the immediate moment.
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Re: The Cat's Share (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

"What in the Void..." uttered the bewildered man, having been blindsided by Ichimi's sudden attack. He was granted a rare moment of mercy--if one could call it that--in being spared a follow-up strike or three from the nimble thief. That was all he would manage to say, however, before stumbling forward a few steps, only to crash face-first into the ground a few feet from Ichimi in a manner far less graceful than the natural movements of the cloaked assailant.

Any thoughts of retaliation on his part were thwarted by the Voidic airs running through his system. While no one had gone into explicit detail about the nature of such energy, all Ichimi knew was that when concentrated enough, it could produce effects like these, which were potent enough to supplement her trade, especially against less sturdy individuals.

The series of recent events still took a moment to sink in for the purple-haired woman, who could do little other than give Ichimi a blank look during the Felvari's cautionary explanation. Ichimi ended up finishing her speech without gaining a proper response, and so she left while the other girl was still trying to process what had just happened. She wasn't to stay there forever, though, as a few seconds after the catgirl took her leave, she would be seen leaving the alley, scampering along while nervously looking from one side to the other. No thanks were given for Ichimi's good deed, despite the fact that she had likely saved someone from a most miserable fate.

Events like these, however, were but a drop in the ocean of potential crimes committed every day in Naralona. Those who had enough sense to stick to the safer streets were often spared encounters with thieves, while those with enough money could avoid them altogether--save for groups like those Ichimi was in. She had always been told by Cedrian that their targets had deserved it in one way or another, which brought about a sense of righteousness to the job, and no one in the group bothered to question it. On the bright side, it ensured that Ichimi could afford almost anything she desired... almost.

All in all, it didn't take very long for Ichimi to bolster the supply for her emergency stash and save a complete stranger from a less than desirable fate. The larger of the two men was nowhere to be seen, likely continuing his quest to hunt down the two hapless artisans, and the would-be victim was freed of her situation. The sky had become dark, but even then, Naralona was not a city that ever really slept. Windows of the various establishments within the nearby districts lit up with candle and torchlight, as did the more affluent spires that could be seen in the distance. While Ichimi was somewhat limited in the places she could visit, casinos and taverns were two places in Naralona where few, if any, questions were asked about one's origin. After all, the city was a hub for travelers and tourists everywhere, and to see the same stranger day in and day out, save for those who ran businesses here, was a rare occurrence.
Re: The Cat's Share (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

One of Ichimi's ears gave an annoyed twitch under her hood as she heard her rescuee scurry off in the opposite direction. “Geeze, why do I even bother? All that work and I don't even get a reward, or a thank-you, or ANYTHING? Figures she'd remember how to run NOW... as if the person who saved her is a bigger threat than the two guys who corned and threatened her in the first place. Running all fast and panicked like that is just broadcasting that she's scared and an easy target and making her more likely to get attacked again... idiot.” Still, despite the catgirl's annoyance she couldn't stay spiteful for too long and gave a long sigh “Whatever, the chances of something bad happening twice in the same night are probably low anyway. Hopefully she'll at least TRY to be careful now.”

“At least it saves me the trouble of busy streets and guard patrols... I'm probably better off not tempting fate so soon after that last job...” Ichimi had no intention of following the woman, even with her curiosity nagging at her, and instead started heading back towards home. “What a bust though, here I thought something interesting was going to happen tonight, but nope, what a waste...”
Ichimi's disappointment kept nagging her on the way back, even turning to boredom. After her nap earlier, she wasn't very tired and there wasn't a whole lot to do back at the warehouse that sounded too interesting right now. While she had already finished what she set out to do, the route she took home brought her past several establishments that offered a reason to stay out later. Shops, taverns, brothels, inns... all manner of businesses open long into the the night, and in this part of the city most of them were fine with not asking a lot of questions. After all, it's not as if all their clients were exactly perfectly upstanding citizens themselves.
This was perfect for Ichimi, nobody would bother her to remove her hood here. While wearing a hood or cloak wasn't usually considered rude in this part of the country anyway because of how common rain was, some upper class establishments might still be picky about it....and even though Ichimi could make her ears lie flat and blend in with her hair, she wasn't too confident in that element of disguise alone, as even the slightest twitch of movement might be visible. Here though, in this particular part of the city, she would be far from the only one trying to hide parts of herself for other reasons.
“Just my crap luck... I didn't bring any money back with me. Oh well, it shouldn't be too hard to get enough for a quick drink. It'll probably take me all of two minutes to find someone who's already half dead with alcohol poisoning and do them a favor by making it a bit harder for them to buy any more. Not like I ever get to enjoy a good drink by myself anyway, always have the others trying to get me completely wasted and laugh at how much of “lightweight” I am. Screw that, nobody to turn things into a contest now.”

Ichimi kept walking until she found a particularly large establishment, a cross between a tavern and an inn from the looks of it. This would provide her the largest number of potential victims to choose from. Even if nobody was drunk in the front where all the entertainment was, she could always sneak into the back and see if anyone was careless enough to leave some room doors unlocked.... although pickpocketing was still her first choice of the two options.
Few people expected to be robbed indoors like this, eyes everywhere and a lot harder of a place to escape from... but none of that mattered. All the eyes only gave a false sense of security to her would-be victims, Ichimi knew none of them would be trying particularly hard to catch her specifically... and besides a good pickpocket only took a second and didn't get spotted anyway, even in plain sight. As for the escaping, if Ichimi got caught she knew there were ways out of a building besides just the front door. Right now though, the front door would be exactly how she entered, and immediately her eyes went to work scanning the crowd for an easy mark.
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Re: The Cat's Share (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

If Ichimi's goal for the time being was to find entertainment outside of the warehouse she called home, the city of Naralona would help her in making it that much easier. For most, boredom never lasted here, especially if one had sufficient coin with which to sustain their would-be entertainers, who worked day and night to satisfy nearly any paying client. Outside of the casinos that Cedrian often hopped and the 'herbal dispensaries' that Josias occasionally visited, there were no shortage of different theatres with various shows and spectacles to be seen, from live plays to circus acts and even more risque events.

These venues, only sparsely found in the capitals of Elynsor and Brevnia, were referred to as distasteful and the home of the worst kinds of people by those living in the neighboring countries.

To Grisalescans, however, they were something to take pride in, something that made their nation great. While Elynsorian nobles were content to hoard the finer things in life all to themselves and their immediate families, the saying in Naralona was that 'luck is blind'--that anyone, noble or peasant alike, had the opportunity to experience such luxury, in excess if they so pleased--provided they won it big at one of the city's many casinos. The name of Netta, the Grisalescan goddess of luck, was called upon quite often by those about to roll the dice. Owners of casinos, however, knew that even if she did exist, she favored no one based on prayers uttered. Even then, they would never doubt her presence out loud, certainly not in front of hopeful customers looking to win it big. After all, it was the ideal, not the reality, that ensured the steady flow of cash into the casinos' coffers.

Aside from those, the one type of establishment that was most common in Naralona, frequently seen in any part of town, was the bar. It wasn't rare to see several lined up in the same street, and many inebriated visitors could be seen stumbling about the streets at this time of night. So long as they stuck to the main roads and amongst the crowds and guards, the chances of an outright mugging was unlikely.

More subtle crimes, however, like pickpocketing, were still fairly frequent--much to Ichimi's advantage. It wouldn't the first time she had swiped a purse or two from underneath an unsuspecting tourist's nose indoors, so a visit to the largest tavern she could find was more routine than anything. In an environment such as this one, the Felvari felt right at home; calm, ready to make her move at a moment's notice, and to shrug the blame at another should things go wrong. Compared to the incident that occurred only minutes earlier, this really was nothing.

Not fifteen minutes after she began looking, Ichimi finally found her spot: the Vela Bel Inn. Its sign and exterior showed that it certainly was no dive bar, but on the other hand, it wasn't so rich and guarded an establishment that any particular dress code was enforced. A large, bustling bar took up the entire western wall of the main floor, while a staircase near the back lead upwards to a second level, presumably where the hotel portion of the place was located. Numerous tables were scattered about the center, and a stage sat to the east, where a dark-haired piano player was casually pounding out a fairly upbeat tune, so as to match the fairly casual atmosphere.

One look and Ichimi knew; patrons here would at least be carrying a fair amount of cash, to be sure, but most didn't look so snooty as to be suspicious of any hooded figures such as herself, as she wasn't the only one. When she entered, the catgirl would find a few others dressed like her in similar garb scattered about--she could blend in here with few issues, even push the blame to another stranger if need be. In the background was where a pickpocket preferred to stay much of the time, and here she would have no problem with that part of the operation. Or so she thought.

The immediate attention she received upon entering, however, did its part in lessening the advantage of anonymity she carried. "Greetings, and welcome to the Vela Bel," greeted a hostess in the most charming and sultry tone she could conjure. A look up at the individual told Ichimi a great deal about the first person to greet her. Even if she wasn't quite the expert at reading people like Cedrian was, she didn't need to be. The girl that stood before her was certainly a pretty one, with somewhat short orange hair framing her face and a lithe, athletic build--though it wasn't her beauty that stood out the most. More notably, two feline ears topped her head, and a tail could be seen swishing idly behind her. She was a Felvari.

No one in the tavern was alarmed by her appearance, however, and Ichimi could guess the reason as to why. Her neck was adorned with a black leather collar, which was attached to a chain of no small length, in turn attached to the bar itself and probably long enough for her to walk about the entire place comfortably, though never fully leave; the girl, roughly Ichimi's age from the looks of it, was a slave.

Not that it seemed to bother her much; the catgirl looked right at home in the joint, even with the obvious restraint setting her apart from the others inside. Slaves in Naralona were not only owned by individuals--sometimes, they were the property of companies or establishments, often as entertainers or servers. Unlike their human counterparts, however, Felvari servants enjoyed only a select few of the same privileges, subject to only the bare minimum of necessities and sometimes not even then. This one was well taken care of compared to some that Ichimi had seen in the past, but above all, she wasn't just accepting of her role as a slave. She was content to be one. The outfit she wore, a corseted affair that accentuated her bust and left little else to the imagination, didn't seem to bother her in the least, even as it drew occasional glances from several patrons in the bar.

Regardless, she had her best smile on and used it to greet the hooded Ichimi, apparently unaware of the similarities she shared with the newcomer.

"May I get you anything to drink, sir?" she inquired, tilting her head but not daring to look further beneath the shadowy hood. After all, if one chose to stay anonymous in Naralona, then most places would respect their right to do so.

"We have several very affordable selections of fine wine and liquors to choose from, sir," added the girl.

Before Ichimi could make her response, a man's voice chimed in from the nearby bar.

"I'm not sure if 'sir' would be the proper title, in this case," said the dark blue-haired stranger, with an emphasis on the cloaked catgirl's gender, so as to correct the servant's mistake, though he didn't fail to give the orange-haired waitress a polite smile before looking over to Ichimi. "Though, if I'm not wrong in my... estimation of the kind of person you might be, I certainly wouldn't mind offering you a drink, affordable or otherwise."

Dressed in a fine beige suit and appearing more 'clean' than many of the other travelers in the Vela Bel, it was fairly apparent that he was on the hunt to attract a woman that evening. On the other hand, he could actually make for quite an easy--and lucrative--mark when played correctly, as it wasn't cheap to appear the way he did. Whether the thief chose to dismiss him or try her luck at his wallet, however, was up to her.
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Re: The Cat's Share (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Even as Ichimi's eyes scanned around for easy marks, a certain kind of calm started to spread through her. The atmosphere was busy, alive... but relaxed, not overwhelming. There was plenty going on, but she wasn't at the center of it, instead she was just another face in the background, invisible and not out of place. The feeling of normalcy that came from blending in so easily was nice on it's own, but would be even nicer when helping her to pull off small acts of thievery mischief unnoticed.
“Still can't believe I even need to do this in the first place. No “Gee, thanks for saving me, Stranger. Here, get yourself something nice, on me, it's the least I could after all that.” Geeze, I should have at least given a quick look through the thug's stuff and seen if he had some extra Razettas, but nope, I just had to start walking away because I thought someone would be smart enough to take the safe option and follow-”
Ichimi's moment of mental ranting had caused her attention to wander and become unfocused. She almost gave a jump when a nearby hostess addressed her and made her aware someone was paying attention to her when only seconds before she had been plotting who would be best to steal from. That would have been the an obvious mistake of a beginner though, and instead all her experience allowed her to keep her movements calm and inconspicuous to where they wouldn't draw alarm. A quick look over the hostess from the side of her eyes would give Ichimi all new reasons to feel awkward though.

It wasn't that Ichimi had never seen other Felvari slaves before... but even so, she hadn't grown USED to it. The fact that this one was close to her own age made matters worse. A kind of deep repressed dread swirled in her thoughts for a moment before she shoved it back down, grateful that her hood was hiding her face. It was as if fate itself was messing with her, threatening her with how easily that could have been her there.
Though Ichimi was convinced she would never let herself be made into a slave, the idea still scared her on some level. How many others of her kind had thought the same thing, many of them “feral” and probably with just as much nerve, if not more. It was impossible to force-breed Felvari, not for lack of trying on the part of numerous slavers, as the “blood” behaved more like a “virus” of sorts than actual blood. When someone was born with any amount of Felvari blood, it had to be “awakened” by exposure to voidic magic in a ritual of sort performed by the clan shamans. This would cause the blood start warping it's host into the form Felvari took, a gift from their voidic gods... or something. Ichimi didn't know the specifics, only remembered hearing bits and pieces as a child, although she wasn't sure whom from. It didn't matter anyway, if the blood wasn't awakened early in life, it would “die out” and the host would just remain a normal human forever. All of this meant the only real source of Felvari slaves was capturing “feral” ones. Did Ichimi really have more willpower than most of those ferals who were now slaves?
When Ichimi was younger this entire system had helped her somewhat, everyone who caught her stealing would always assume she belonged to someone already, and that a good beating would scare her enough to send her back on her way to whoever her master might be. Now that she was older though, getting caught alone wouldn't always be as easily written off as some master who had gotten too careless with a slave child...
As Ichimi stood looking at the hostess in front of her, her mind was always scrambling to keep her from thinking about any of this too hard... from having to face it. It was easier to just categorize all the others as separate, not like her, even if looking one straight in the face made that hard to believe.
“The collar is only leather... easy enough to cut... but she'd never do it on her own. Even if I cut it right now, she probably wouldn't run off. Felvari slaves on leashes right next to their “masters” with perfect chances to fight back or run never do. There's no point anyway... she already accepted it... doesn't know how to live any other way. She'd just get herself in trouble faster than the human girl in the alleyway earlier tonight...
Why am I even worrying about this? The world sucks for a lot of people, felvari or not. No use getting sad over it or helping those who don't want to be helped. Besides, she's doesn't have any bruises, if behaving keeps her treated well and fed then it's probably a safer way to live than anything she could do on her own at this point short of leaving the city entirely... but somehow that seems even worse. She's her and I'm me and that's th-”

For a second time in only a few minutes Ichimi's would be jarred out of thought by the sudden awareness that someone was paying attention to her.

“-the fuck? What'd I do to get everyone's attention today?” Not being invisible in the crowded surprrised and irked Ichimi, but again she kept herself from jumping or making any sudden moves... she did however take a moment to moment to make sure there was nothing unusual causing this though. “Ears are down... hood's up... tail's wrapped around me like a belt, no way it stands out from the front and my cloak's got it covered in the back... yeah, everything is fine.” Only after her quick mental check did she bother to go over what this new stranger was saying to her... and find it intriguing.
“Are you just lucky, or could you really tell as much just by looking at me. I thought the cloak might make it hard to tell...” As soon as Ichimi answered, her voice make it clear to the stranger that she was female, even before she turned to look. Her voice was curious more than anything at first, but the stranger wasn't half bad looking and this might save her all the trouble of having to steal from someone when all she wanted was a quick drink anyway. When she spoke again her voice would be more playful.
Well, you're not wrong about the first part. Did your “estimation” include anything else I need to confirm, or is that enough?” she teased. “You seem like a pretty fancy guy, I'm almost surprised someone like me is your type... almost. I certainly wouldn't mind a drink though if you're offering.”
If the stranger did indeed want to keep his offer out there, Ichimi would pick something fruity that wasn't too strong or exorbitantly priced, as she actually felt bad taking too much from someone who didn't seem like they deserved to get ripped off. The cat girl did have some sense of fairness, after all her original plan had been to rip off some drunk who didn't need more to drink anyway. This was, of course, if the stranger didn't order for her.
If something about her answer or appearance had turned him off, it was no big loss. Her self esteem wasn't so fragile as to shatter from something so insignificant, and it wouldn't hinder her original plan in any way.
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Re: The Cat's Share (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

"Oh! I do apologize, ma'am," said the servant, bowing her head before moving aside to allow Ichimi some space.

The stranger replied to Ichimi's words with a knowing, yet calm smile. "Cloaks can hide a few things, yes... but when you live in a city full of them, you start to figure out little things here and there about their wearers. Most have something to hide, though in your case, I feel that's almost a bit unfortunate--as it isn't a quality that should be hidden away, ideally. Not how it works around here though, is it?"

He motioned to an empty seat next to him. Should Ichimi take his silent offer, the man would give her a quick but meaningful glance before proceeding to put on a thoughtful look. "I'm sure you could confirm a few things for me, but I'm actually just a bit curious to see how 'lucky' I can get with these guesses of mine. Care to entertain me?" he asked.

Before the catgirl could verbally make her selection as to what drink she'd have, however, the gentleman allowed himself to take yet another educated guess. "First... judging from the sound of your voice, I can't imagine you to be a very heavy whiskey drinker. Perhaps something light and sweet instead, like pillywine blend, would suit your fancy? If that is indeed the case, I'd say you certainly deserve a drink or two," he remarked, idly swishing the small glass in his hand. "Most alcoholics' tones are far less pleasant to the ear, from my experience."

"Second, something about you, be it in occupation or... something else, is ah... certainly unconventional, hence my initial curiosity. Not necessarily in a bad way. But you don't seem to be the traveling type. I'd bet that you're a local, even--not that it means much in a city as big as Naralona, where everyone may as well be a stranger to each other." He took a brief sip of his drink after Ichimi was served hers, then looked over to the chained-up slave for a second before turning his gaze back to the one next to him.

"And as a final 'estimation' on my end, I assume you might be something of a cat person?" The way he said 'cat person', however, was less suspiciously delivered and more casually spoken, the same way one would pronounce it if the person in question were a cat lover.

"So, if you wouldn't mind telling me which parts I got correct and which ones I didn't, I'd be interested to hear the details."
Re: The Cat's Share (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Ichimi had taken the offer for a seat and slowly sipped away her drink while the stranger ran down his list of “predictions”. The first few didn't really impress or bother the catgirl all that much, if anything they were common sense and compliments. If you're trying to make a good impression on someone then OF COURSE you don't call them a heavy drinker... although, as Ichimi knew, there were certain kinds of men who were into that, -most of them smelled like seawater and hardtack. Classier guys were far less often impressed by a girl that risked drinking them under the table.
More predictions followed the same suit. If someone wasn't drinking to get drunk, then of course they'd get something sweet and tasteful tasteful... and fruits and berries fit the bill, as people didn't exactly go around flavoring their drinks with vegetables or anything. Ichimi might not have been Cedrian, but even she could follow this kind of simple logic... however she was content to accept the compliments, as they were at least more creative than most guys bothered to be in conversation. Besides... it was kind of flattering, at least in the beginning.

As the second part of the predictions came, even as tactfully phrased as they were, Ichimi couldn't help but suddenly start to feel a little creeped out. These predictions were no kind of simple of simple logic that she was able to follow. Lucky guesses... maybe, but maybe not. The stranger's casual tone unnerved her now, almost like it was meant to toy with her and rub in that this stranger knew a lot more about her than she knew about him. For a brief moment her mind panicked...
“How does he!? Someone had to have had told him something, but who!? Nobody I trust, so maybe someone else, like that guy we ripped off earlier, -maybe he hired someone to track me down. Or maybe someone who was with that thug from the alley! Does that mean I'm already in trouble? I could run right now, but he'd be expecting that, right? There might even be others...!”
There was no sudden moves, Ichimi knew sudden moves were bad, predictable... panic was easy to exploit. She wasn't sure how much of it had shown on her face, but apparently not enough to cause alarm yet. She raised her drink for another small sip, buying some time to think... and trying to smell the mix for any kind of drugs.
“Useless... can't smell anything over the alcohol. No, I'd probably be feeling it already anyway with as much of a lightweight as I am. Hired hunter is a stupid idea too, any kind of bounty hunter would've attacked me already, most of them are just tough guys with a weapon... right? I'm just panicking over nothing, stupid. But if it's none of those, then how...?”
No good, Ichimi simply didn't know enough to make sense of the situation, but that didn't mean she couldn't calm herself and try to find out more.

“Good guesses. Are you really just that lucky, or is there some kind of trick to it that you're not telling about? Some kind of Cosmic magic to read my mind or something?”
Ichimi paused to finish the rest of drink while mentally going over how she sounded. Nothing too suspicious in her voice yet, it was easy to keep her tone a curious one when she really was curious. Besides, now she was starting to believe there really WAS a trick to it anyway, rather than her wild imaginings from her brief moment of being creeped out... and if there WAS a trick she was falling for it perfectly, but that didn't keep her from wanting to know how it worked... or find out more about the person playing it.
“Perhaps this isn't the best place to discuss it though, maybe we should go somewhere quieter, hmm?”
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Re: The Cat's Share (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

A yellow and red swirl of liquid filled the stylish glass that sat on the counter in front of Ichimi. This was the drink known as 'pillywine blend'. While the colors on this particular variation of the drink weren't ones she recognized, as each 'blend' was known to be specific to the bartender making them, she would find no scents that gave away hints of it being laced with drugs or poisons, certainly not ones that she knew.

And when she finally did take a sip of it, it tasted quite pleasant, containing more than just a hint of her favorite fruit, along with a few others. It was the type of beverage that was easy to forget as being alcoholic, as it carried little, if any, of the 'bite' that stronger spirits tended to have. Even a minute or two past her first sip, any lingering doubts about the makeup of the drink were gradually eased by the lack of any ill effects. However, it did give the sensation of warming her up a little and helping her relax, like any hard drink would. The only downside to the pillywine blend was that it was apparently a bit stronger than it looked.

"Heh... as much as I'd like to say that it's Cosmic magic, supernatural prophecy, or anything like that, I probably wouldn't be able to keep the truth from someone like yourself even if I tried," responded the blue-haired one with a chuckle.

Ichimi's sudden offer to find someplace more private caused him to blink a few times in surprise, though that initial reaction turned to a knowing smile. "You're right--an open bar like this is no place for revealing secrets. If I can at least learn a few that linger beneath that cloak of yours, then I can't say no to at least sharing some of my own," remarked the stranger before finishing his drink and reaching into his pocket, where the jingle of keys could be heard. "I am staying here tonight, so why don't you follow me?"

With that, he stood up and made his way towards the back of the room, leaving his empty glass and enough coins to pay both of their tabs on the counter--which the barkeeper graciously retrieved.

If Ichimi did follow him, she'd go up one flight of stairs and down a relatively long hallway, one that gave away the building's size as being larger than it initially appeared. At the end of it was a hotel room that the nameless man apparently had checked into, seeing as he had the keys to it. He first sought to give the room a bit of illumination by lighting two candles. It was a fairly nice one, well furnished with an armoire, a table and two chairs, several smaller cabinets, an area well served for preparing food, like a small kitchen of sorts, and a particularly large bed draped with red sheets. The catgirl was free to close the door behind them if she wished. Her acquaintance gave her another knowing glance, scanning her briefly and then putting on a thoughtful look as he averted his eyes once more.

"As curious as I might be, I think I'll let you disclose your secrets at your own pace. But first, allow me to reveal some of my own," he started, making eye contact and stepping closer to her, enough to get a better look at her features, but not quite enough to touch or be terribly invasive just yet.

"I could tell your gender by the figure, for one. And also by the... graceful way you move; I'll say it's not the careless plodding of a gambler down on his luck looking to drink his problems away. Provided, it's no hard and fast rule, certainly not in a place as uh... liberal as Naralona, but even the most effeminate of men around here usually don't make it a point to hide their features--if anything, they're more flashy than most real women," explained the man with a shrug. "That part was a genuine guess, sure. But I wouldn't think it to be an unreasonable one."

"Next, most travelers who arrive in Naralona, especially the inns, are carrying some sort of knapsack of reasonable size. At least one, if not two or more. You weren't carrying any, so I figured you to be from around here, as a penniless and gearless beggar would find much difficulty getting a free drink in such an establishment. Unless, of course, they were a fairly attractive--or intriguing--female, which brought me back to the guess about your gender."

He went on. "Finally... you gave the Felvari servant a bit of a long look. A tad longer than most do, which is unusual, since it's a rather niche fetish. Wasn't quite sure at first if you just felt sorry for her, or simply thought her attractive," said the stranger half-jokingly. "But as lovely as she is, most won't give her much more than a second glance... and when they do, it's usually at her chest. I didn't see your head tilt down in the obvious manner that most drunk and horny blokes do, so I imagined it to be some sort of sympathy, I guess," he added. "So... am I wrong about that part?"

"At any rate, in my line of work, I'm required to study people and their habits quite thoroughly. Call it 'abductive reasoning'. My guesses of you were just that--guesses--but I've had enough experience around these parts to know the rules, as well as a few exceptions. You could say my livelihood depends on it, so I am quite keen on being good at it. There's no use half-assing things in this city, after all, at least when it comes to professions," he explained. "But regardless of how much I've learned over time, with some rare people it feels as though I've only scratched the surface..." pondered the man aloud. "Care to sate my curiosity?"

Of course, how much Ichimi wanted to disclose from there was up to her.
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Re: The Cat's Share (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Just like that, Ichimi had gotten her free drink out of this encounter. Even better, it didn't require any of the effort or risk, however small, that pickpocketing one of the establishment's other patrons would have taken. There was more to it than that though... there was something flattering about being treated, about being found... interesting. While the catgirl wasn't exactly socially needy or desperate for attention, getting it from somewhere besides her “family” was something of a rare indulgence.
“*sigh* Shame I'm probably going to end up ruining it in a minute.”
For as much as Ichimi was enjoying the way things were going, she wasn't selfish enough to try to keeping up the facade too much longer. The time for sharing was fast approaching.

As the two reached the upstairs room, Ichimi took notice of the window inside. The window would be a way out if things went badly. Ichimi always kept a way out, getting corned while alone was dangerous, and she still wasn't completely sure what kind of reaction she'd get when the truth came out.
“That's some impressive guess work. It takes a certain mindset to go through it all that fast, one I don't have... but I know the type. “Abductive reasoning” doesn't sound as flashy as magic, but I'm kind of glad it isn't, it's less creepy that way.
I'm curious what you do that has you developing a skill like that, but I'm not being very fair if I don't share anything of my own, am I?”
Ichimi took a small hesitant pause. “Best to get this out of the way sooner than later anyway... Earlier you guessed I had sympathy of some sort for the Felvari downstairs. “Sympathy” doesn't feel like the right word... I mean maybe it IS that... I don't know... I haven't really thought about it much, but... well, maybe it will be clearer in a second.”
Another small pause, followed by a quick breath.
This wasn't how Ichimi usually went about revealing this to strangers. She usually waited longer, or took more time to guage and read the other person, usually didn't feel as much guilt over lying. Things were infuriating different this time.
“I don't hurt anyone, OK?”
With that she lowered her hood, then after another half a second of hesitating, popped her ears up.
“They're real, nothing where normal people have ears either.” she continued on, turning her head and brushing her hair out of the way to reveal that she really didn't have ears where normal humans did.
Normally Ichimi followed up a reveal with a made-up explanation about her “master” being out and her using the chance to have a day out... explanations of how said master wouldn't be happy if she was brought back and he knew she had left... how there would be no reward from him in that mood aside from seeing her get beaten. It was a lie that had worked well numerous times in the past with strangers, but with this one she wasn't sure she could pull it off convincingly. He reminded her too much of Cedrian... she NEVER had the upper hand in any discussion with Cedrian, and he was quick to spot any mistakes she made and use them against her. With this new stranger, perhaps it was better to let him draw his own conclusions than try to feed him one that might quickly be seen as a lie...
“There's something from me, if your “abduction reasoning” hadn't figured it out already... either way, I shared so now it's your turn again. Tell me... should I be worried about being up here alone with you now that you know?”
This last part was still a small deception on her part. Should his reaction be bad, should he attack her or do something to draw the attention of others in the building, she was still more than capable of making a quick escape. A drop out the window was no real danger to her. No matter how good at reading people the stranger was, she figured he'd have no way of knowing THAT about her.
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Re: The Cat's Share (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

"Thanks. I was probably reaching a bit on that last one, but it wouldn't have been the biggest gamble I've ever taken with these sorts of guesses. So, you know 'the type', huh? I suppose it can't be all that uncommon in this city. Keeping an eye on details is definitely the best way to avoid being swindled around here," said the man. "Which has been happening all too often, lately. But if you ask me, I'd still take the ability to make lucky guesses over 'real' mind-reading anyday. There's no fun in these things without the real risk of being wrong, after all."

When Ichimi began to go on about the Felvari servant she saw earlier, he cut his words short to give her his undivided attention, listening to the catgirl's words with what appeared to be sincere interest. But when the girl lowered her hood afterwards, allowing her ears to pop up just seconds later, his brow raised ever so slightly. For the first time that night, she saw a brief look of surprise on the stranger's face, showing that her revelation was perhaps not within his calculations, for once. It wasn't by much, but Ichimi wasn't so socially dense so as to miss such a detail.

However, it only lasted for a moment. The man allowed his initial reaction to fade and shift to one of further curiosity, giving her the hint of a smile as he regained his composure. "Not exactly what I meant when I asked if you were a 'cat person'... but it explains much, even if it raises more questions even after the fact," he commented, looking at her closely. "But I wouldn't have it any other way--sometimes mysteries are best uncovered a little bit at a time. At the very least, I certainly wasn't wrong about you being a beauty. That is, you still haven't made me regret buying you a drink, in any case. Or taking you to a place where I can admire you all to myself," he quipped shamelessly.

He went on, changing the tone of the conversation back just slightly. "Normally, you'd have every reason to be worried, seeing as I could just as easily be a constable or a slaver. But I'm neither of those," explained the man.

Reaching into his coat and trouser pockets, he produced several items. The first was a straight, but sharp knife; carrying such a weapon wasn't uncommon for just about anyone in Naralona. Second was a deck of playing cards, identical in appearance to the many used in casinos. Also on his person was a leather wallet, keys, and a sack of coins. One by one, he slowly turned his pockets inside-out for her, showing that he didn't carry any of the items typical of the aforementioned professions, such as manacles or a badge.

"The name's Sol, by the way. I'm something of a... consultant for the Salida Towers Casinos. I wouldn't mind exposing this much for you, since frightening you wasn't my intent in the slightest. I've shown you everything on me; don't be afraid to ask questions about any of it, if you are so inclined. Though, would it be a mistake on my part to presume you capable of doing the same for me?"
Re: The Cat's Share (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

“I don't always have the best of luck with taking gambles.” Ichimi answered, in this case the “gamble” referring to her reveal. “Chances usually says most people get angry with my deception... or hate what I am, as if I had any choice in it. It's not often that anyone uses words like “admire” with me... Well, there are a few, but they're usually not classy enough to use words like “admire”. I'm lucky enough not to be chained up all day in the harem of someone like that, at least.”

The Felvari watched intently as the conversation went on and the stranger made further efforts to put her at ease, emptying his pockets of any obvious weapons and explaining his work. Although... at the end of it all there was something of a request that she do the same. It was a stupid move and she knew it, but already this stranger, this “Sol” as he named himself, was turning out to be unique compared to the kinds of guys the cat girl normally interacted with outside of her band. Those others were usually far simpler... far more base... similar to the Rodrigo from her group's heist... that was if they didn't just get angry or want nothing to do with her at all. Still, the cat girl had needs to socialize (...and sometimes do a bit more), and none of her “family” could fill that void... nor would she want it that way. Giving up her weapons was a stupid, dangerous choice... but everything she did had some amount of risk to it, and her luck had been good so far tonight.

“Fine. My name's Ichimi. All I've got with me right now are these, probably for the same reason you had your's...” Ichimi removed her two larger knives and laid them down with Sol's stuff. The blades were bigger than on Sol's, curved and a bit more dangerous looking, but not too dissimilar to common hunting knives and the like. The Felvari was suddenly grateful she had left the rest of the smaller throwing ones with her stash earlier. A single pair of knives wern't too odd, even expected in a place like this, but a bunch of them would've been harder to explain away.
“You're a "consultant", huh? That's kinda vague, but it lets me answer the same, doesn't it? For what I do, I don't really have a lot of choices, I'm sure it's not a hard guess... I will say that I'm not one of those vicious wild child-eating cannibal-demons those Elynsor Church “holy” men say I am though." The word “holy” she said with a doubtful kind of obvious spite. “No claws or anything either, just the ears and tail. Still, it's not always enough for people. I only came up here because I was afraid of getting caught downstairs in front of everyone... you never know who's gonna be jumping to hurt you for any number of reasons when you're... different. I just wanted a night to enjoy myself a little.. break the rules a bit....”
Ichimi suddenly became aware that she talking more than she usually did... confiding too much, even if it was well disguised. She hasn't revealed that she stole for a living, or given the name of a fake "master" that might be easy to call out as a lie... but still it made her uncomfortable. With a quick change of voice, she tried to change the whole tone of the conversation.
“Anyway, forget about all that. I didn't come up here just to be sad and mopey. I've done this before, and I know how to have fun when I do it... the night is nowhere near over yet, right?”
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Re: The Cat's Share (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

"I figured as much. It's hard to be excited about taking 'gambles' when the odds aren't even remotely in your favor. But don't worry, I'm not looking to keep you," remarked Sol. "So you might count that as a win."

After having emptied his pockets, the man watched Ichimi intently as she followed suit with her own, displaying a pair of notably more intimidating weapons. He didn't allow himself to be fazed or terribly surprised with the reveal, however. Showing her a slight grin, he nodded firmly. "Yes, a consultant. I'll say a bit more if you can manage to guess it, but let's just say every casino needs one. The vagueness is just a habit due to the sensitive nature of the position. I'm sure it's the same case for you; a Felvari without a collar isn't someone the authorities would be terribly keen on, I imagine. But as for a 'child-eating cannibal demon'... well, I would hope I don't look so stupid as to even remotely believe you or your kind as anything of the sort. Then again, I've never been the church-going type. They likely wouldn't approve of me or anyone else taking a fancy to a 'demon' regardless."

As Ichimi began to ramble in turn, perhaps disclosing more than she originally intended to, Sol chuckled and shook his head. "Fair enough. As fun as it is to be a sounding board, I'm certainly not going to be the one to keep you from enjoying yourself. Admittedly, I am curious to see what your idea of 'fun' entails..." he trailed off. Moving a bit closer, he placed his hands just beneath her shoulders, checking for any signs of tension that might have lingered. "Though I -would- like it if you got a bit more comfortable," he joked before proceeding to help her out of her cloak. "Besides, I don't think you'll be needing this tonight, unless you plan on jumping out the window anytime soon," Sol added, eyeing whatever she might be wearing underneath.
Re: The Cat's Share (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

“I've lost enough card games to know that half the players cheat at them.” Ichimi remarked towards the consultant comment. Although whether members of her band actually cheated or whether she was just really bad at the games was a matter that could go either way. “I don't imagine it's too hard to cheat at other games either. Someone's gotta make sure the house always wins, right?” the felvari ventured on with another guess “Or maybe it's just for security. The town guard isn't always at their best around here... I saw a mugging on the way over here even. Though I don't imagine there have never been thieves who set their sights higher, thought a casino vault full of coin would be an easy score, huh? It's a stupid idea, sure, but I'm sure people have tried.”
Ichimi took a small pause, realizing she might be too casually talking about theif'ish subjects, but decided everything was safe so far, no huge admissions or anything yet.
“Anyway, the vagueness doesn't bother me. I wont pry if you don't. It's not as if I don't have a home, I just don't trust the guards to bring me back there, especially without a collar like I'm supposed to have. Even if I did wear one, without a “master” nearby, they'd probably just tear it off and say I didn't have it anyway, depending on how unlucky I got.”
It was more misdirection on her part. In a roundabout way she was referencing how the laws said runaways were supposed to be returned to their “masters”, usually for a small fee meant to discourage it from happening again. By making such a reference and mentioning having a home, she again implied she had a “master” of sorts and was a slave... without having to actually say it directly and risk making some kind of mistake that would give away the lie.

As the conversation continued, none of this seemed to bother Sol at all, at least as far as Ichimi could tell when he surprised her by moving in to remove her cloak. The move surprised her at first, even brought a small blush to her face and made her a little self conscious as he looked her over. Her outfit was nothing fancy or special, but she thought it looked OK. Even if the catgirl wasn't exactly a fashionista, she knew how to pick things that looked good enough to blend in... and clothes had never exactly been a hard thing to steal, either now or when she was younger... or even to buy when the money was on hand.
“Who needs all those big poofy fancy dresses anyway? They're hard to move around in and they don't show off any body ... no way Rio is right about it when he says some guys are into that...”
It wasn't uncommon for some of those wealthy enough to have felvari slaves to dress them up as expensive display pieces... but as far as Ichimi could tell, her lack of fancy clothes wasn't slowing things down at all and that helped her get over her quick bout of embarrassment.

“You want to know what my idea of fun is, then say you're not expecting me to need my cloak for the rest of the rest of the night? I can't exactly go anywhere without it... so good guess, again.” the felvari answered with a sly smile before moving in close. This wouldn't be the first time she had spent a night with someone like this. Relationships with anyone in her band would have been bad for everyone there, but that didn't mean she didn't need an escape every once in awhile. Besides it wasn't as Cedrian never did the same thing with women...
“Maybe you should get more comfortable too, huh?”
At this she started undoing a button from the outermost layer of his suit coat.
“Or was my guess on how to interpret YOUR guess wrong?”
Perhaps everything was happening too fast... or perhaps things would just keep on going this way without skipping a beat. Either way, that would be up to Sol now...
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Re: The Cat's Share (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

"Heh... well, the house always has the advantage, otherwise they wouldn't have much of a business to stand on. But you're right--there are a lot of people in Naralona who would just as soon see the scales tipped in their favor, and rarely is it ever done in a real blatant manner. So the establishments try to hire people with a bit of experience and a keen eye," said Sol. "And the city guards, as you said, tend to be anything but sharp," he quipped.

He didn't look disappointed in the slightest after setting eyes upon her relatively form-fitting outfit beneath the cloak. Though the careful scan of his calm gaze might have unnerved Ichimi just slightly if she was being self-conscious about her body, he didn't hold it for too long. Instead, he leaned a bit closer into her as his fingertips touched down upon her sides momentarily, choosing to appreciate her via more physical means.

"Hmm... I'm not quite the jealous type, but I'm starting to envy whoever your master is more and more," he commented. Sol's words gave him long enough to undo the front of Ichimi's top in the process. It was a well-timed distraction, not terribly unlike what the catgirl herself had to employ at certain points in her career, and she had been taken by it. Luckily for her, it wasn't exactly an unwanted advance in this particular scenario.

It was right afterwards that the Felvari managed to return the favor, to which Sol grinned. "Me, get comfortable? Perhaps you're right... but, I think I'm having much more fun stripping you down." Despite his relatively cool demeanor, he proved to be aggressive enough in his pursuits, moving onto the second closure, then the third, with his hands gradually moving to wander across the small of her back as his lips soon found hers. Starting off light as he tasted her, he allowed the kiss to deepen naturally, though the direction in which this was heading left the Felvari with no question as to how it would likely end.

The thought was driven home by the feel of the cool air upon her now exposed bust, which soon found itself warmed by his touch. Gently fondling her left breast, he was careful to regulate the sensations Ichimi felt, brushing against her nipples only briefly to space out the small tingles of pleasure she would feel with every point of contact. Meanwhile, he employed the other hand to slip beneath her beltline and work on removing her bottoms.

And while Sol moved at a casual enough pace, if Ichimi didn't act to match her partner's actions, she'd soon be in the nude long before her partner was.
Re: The Cat's Share (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Ichimi felt a sense of quiet satisfaction at having correctly guessed the nature of Sol's job. There was always something warm and fuzzy feeling about feeling smart for the felvari. She wasn't exactly formally educated in anything, reading was difficult and frustrating and she didn't have the patience learn the intricacies of an art like tailoring or alchemy as other in her band had... but knew the way the world really worked, and in this she could indulge in a bit of pride. Besides which, she was sick of Sol and his “guesses” seeming like the only clever thing in their exchanges, she wasn't some child that was going to be so easily toyed with in a one-sided conversation. Besides, it wasn't as if being able to match some of Sol's wit made him any less interesting... if anything, it would keep him interested in HER.

“Oh please, there's nothing to be jealous of. I wouldn't have to take nights to myself like this if I could get this kind of fun at home.” Ichimi answered at Sol's first physical advance.
His move had been fast, meant to catch her in a moment of distraction... but she didn't mind the... boldness of it; and made no efforts to stop it or even so much as a surprised or nervous flinch. This was exactly what she had wanted, after all. Now that it was under way, something most instinctual... more primal was taking over, something she could feel deep in her very blood. Everything about it, the feeling of a man's body, the smell, the taste as the kissed, the sensation of being held and desired... all of it overwhelmed her more powerfully than she would have thought it capable of only a few minutes ago.
“Fuck... I forgot how much I needed this. This is what I get for not treating myself to real sex for over a month.”
Before she realized it her partner had exposed the whole of her chest and begun fondling it, a act her body had quickly responded to. Only a few of the short tinges of the pleasure he was so carefully teasing her with were enough to make make her nipples perk and her breathing quicken. Still, she wasn't so quick to give in beyond that... not right away at least.

“No fair, you don't get have all the fun!”
At that, Ichimi made a grab for her partner's top, attempting to strip him as aggressively as he had stripped her, perhaps even a bit more since she was behind already. There was a playful, almost competitive, air to her actions though. Her advances weren’t meant to be intimidating, or even dominating, just aggressive enough to prove her a bit of a “challenge”.
“Only teenage girls and virgins lay back and give into the pleasure that easily, and I'm neither of those. It's going to take more than some fondling to win me over, so I hope you're ready to work for it. From what I've seen, that shouldn't be TOO hard for you, right?”
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Re: The Cat's Share (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

"So if you could get this kind of fun at home, would you be a shut-in?" responded Sol, his question more of a light one made in jest, rather than a serious query that required any sort of thoughtful answer.

Still, her responses apparently did well enough to aid in the task of keeping his interest in more than just her physical assets, for the most part. The Felvari's way of hiding just enough information about herself to remain an object of relative mystery, as well as her vagueness in terms of disclosing details about her master (or lack thereof) kept the well-spoken man curious even as he took it upon himself to grow more and more familiar with the contours of her body.

The playful banter did well to help ease the transition into more intimate moments as the catgirl's body let her sexual arousal be known. But while Sol did enjoy the feel of Ichimi's soft, ample mounds in his grasp, he wasn't about to be satisfied with just that. There was still so much more of her to be explored and enjoyed, and he was keen to press his existing advantage, though not with the somewhat startling haste that some of the thief's previous partners had exhibited in the past.

This handsome stranger, despite his budding desire to be inside of her, knew that experiences like these were best when savored to a degree, and so he moved along languidly, using his other hand to tease upwards along her inner thighs once her skirt had been pulled down halfway. His fingertips soon touched down upon Ichimi's crotch; only the thin fabric barrier of her panties kept his skin from making direct contact with her most sensitive region.

It didn't mean that she would miss out on any form of stimulation, however--not by far. Sol's initial touch was as light as a feather, but it did just enough to get Ichimi going. Before long his ministrations developed into broader, bolder strokes upon her lightly covered womanhood. After several more of Sol's calculated caresses, a firm press of his hand against the female thief's crevice caused her natural secretions to form a noticeable damp spot, darkening a portion of her underwear. "You seem ready," he teased, despite having little intent to move to the final stage just yet.

Yet for all the progress Sol sought to make, Ichimi was not content to simply let the man have his way. She had, in spite of the growing pleasure distracting her senses, managed to mount a 'counterattack' of sorts by hungrily stripping him in return, much to his apparent delight.

"Mm, playful, are we? You must be a handful for whoever owns you," he quipped. "If anyone does to begin with, that is. I've never met a Felvari that was so... lively."

Indeed, the uniqueness in her that he spoke of reminded her of a comparison that Ichimi had previously made between herself and the other member of her race--the collared slave girl obediently going about her tasks earlier in the bar. The differences between them were easier to feel and to see than to describe. It was like comparing a wild beast, free and true to oneself, to a domesticated animal, complacent in its subordination. Ichimi had not yet been 'tamed', nor was she about to let this stranger do anything of the sort to her, even if he did manage to have her for himself tonight. The challenge of overcoming her was one that Sol looked keen to accept, albeit with a mildly amused look.

While he made no excessive attempts to resist, taking the man's coat off wasn't particularly easy for Ichimi, as both of his hands were hard at work to distract her as much as possible. But once she managed to get it off of him for the most part, he slid his arms out to shed the garment completely before going right back to manually pleasing the defiant Felvari. The buttoned shirt he wore underneath took just as much work to get off, if not more, but Ichimi was rewarded with the sight of a physique that wouldn't disappoint her. He wasn't as outright muscular or as large as Hector, but for a gambler, Sol apparently took the time to take care of himself, or at least the sense to stay away from a poor diet--unlike the mark from earlier in the day.

Still, Ichimi having gotten her partner's top off didn't take away from the fact that she was still behind in the mock race of sorts. Sol claimed another kiss, his body pressed up against hers in such a fashion that she could still stay upright even with wobbly legs. This was not by accident, however, as he moved ahead further by sliding his right hand beneath her panties, finally getting a feel of her slick, moist cunny. Running his fingertips all the way up and down the full length of her slit, he allowed her wetness to coat much of his hand before slipping a digit in between her waiting folds. As he probed further into her depths, he gently rocked back and forth against her, allowing the kiss to break naturally and tilting his head down so that she might feel his warm, audible breaths against her neck.

And when the tip of his middle finger pressed against a spot all too familiar to Ichimi, one that she knew to have gotten her off in the past, additional ripples of pleasure traveled through her entire frame. It wasn't quite like the shallow, teasing sort of sensation that was brought about by a grope of her breasts. It was much deeper this time around, a hint of bliss that she could feel deep within her core.

All the while, Ichimi's hands remained unfettered, leaving her free to attempt to return the favor if she so pleased by undoing the front of his pants. If she chose to feel him down below, she would find that he was already fairly erect by that time, and would harden further at her touch. After all, watching her reactions was a turn on in of itself, and he was having far too much fun with it. Whether the catgirl chose to return his services and how she did it was up to her, but as things stood she would have to fight for control and position a little more.

Sol was no doubt stimulated by her attempts to get back at him, but he wasn't about to let her topple him so easily; he let her know as much by easing a second finger into her pussy. Then, he began to slide both of his digits in and out of her at a slow, yet steady pace, keeping them curled slightly inward so as to constantly rub against her G-spot in a firm and consistent manner. To make things even harder for her, his thumb found another sensitive part in her clit, only to settle upon the nub firmly and rub it down with continuous, circular motions. Her natural lubrication only helped facilitate the process, making his manual thrusts even smoother. Sol hadn't even gone all the way, but already it felt to Ichimi as though he was fucking her just the way she liked it.

For all her attempts to make it a reasonably 'competitive' affair, Ichimi would find her partner to be well ahead of her. She'd need to make a fair amount of progress in a shorter amount of time if she hoped to keep up with his vigorous attentions. If she allowed this to go on for too long, he may very well make her orgasm from a relatively shallow bout of foreplay alone.
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Re: The Cat's Share (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Ichimi's ear almost gave another annoyed flick at the “owner” comment, but by this point she was too distracted by... “other sensations” to worry about it much. Besides, on the flip side of things, she was more than delighted at how the intrigue she had created was keeping the man's interest... and she wasn't about to stop being “playful” over a minor annoyance.

“Lively is more fun, right? But if it's too much for you handle...” she teased “I'm sure you could see about having them send up the slave from downstairs. She's probably nice and tame and would obey in a second if her master told her too. Nice and easy and boring. Luckily for you, nobody has that kind of power over me.”

As if to emphasize the point she had just made, the Felvari's deft fingers quickened their pace towards getting the man's upper garments off. In this, the skills she had honed as a pickpocket proved themselves to be most useful. They would have to be, as Sol's distractions were making this a difficult task. Ichimi was used to working under distraction, her hands being able to work almost independently of any serious effort in her head... but there was a big difference between the distractions of having to stay cool, calm, and unnoticed under stress compared to having to deal with the blissful sensations of her own body as it's arousal grew. Furthermore, the sensations would only become harder to resist when she finished her task and was greeted with a toned physique that served to amplify her arousal.
“~Damn, why do men have such hot bodies sometimes?”
There was a sense of of satisfaction in her pick that pleased her on an almost instinctual level. It was here though that the catgirl would fall behind in the game she was playing with her partner.

As if spotting a momentary distraction in the Felvari's composure, her partner moved in for another kiss, and in the distraction from THAT, pulled her closer and sent his own hands down to tease her waiting folds. The anticipation his slow pace had built up for her earlier made this too much now, and her own attempts to strip him came to a halt as the sensations were too much to ignore now. She COULD have ignored it if she were willing to try harder... but why? The chance to savor the sensations was now more appealing than winning the contest she was having the gambler. Winning was a priority that could be... “postponed”for a bit.

“Mmm... thats nice... don't stop.”

The catgirl's words of encouragement seemed to move things along just as well as her stripping had been doing earlier. Only a few moments later, her partner's fingers were inside her, pressing all the right buttons to go with the teasing outside. While it was nothing she couldn't have done to herself, having someone else do it was always better... like how one trying to tickle themselves never worked but someone else doing it had some measure of unpredictability that made it did work.

For a few moments, the only sound coming from Ichimi was her heavy breathing, and small moans or gasps when Sol hit something just perfectly. It was pure bliss, her entire body was enjoying it, and if this kept up, so would no doubt get off from just that alone... that would be good, but it wasn't what she was here for. Something instinctual in the deepest parts of her mind wanted more, and the closer she came to getting off, the more that part of her climbed to the surface. It would not be denied, and it fortified her willpower towards that purpose.

“Mmm... that's enough of that for now.” gently she pulled away a bit, guiding Sol's fingers out from between her legs. “You win this round... but you shouldn't spoil me on the foreplay.” Her voice was heavy with arousal, but that might have even lent to it's persuasiveness in this situation. “After all, we're both after something more, right?”
At this she worked her hand down to the front of his crotch to get a feel of his already-formed erection...
“And I think we're both plenty ready for it. Or would you like me to take a turn being the one leading our play first?”
despite her heavy arousal, a hint of a teasing smile and tone returned to her voice...
“It's OK if you wana skip that though, I don't mind, I doubt you'd be able to last as long as I did. Men are never as good at keeping control of themselves... and I'd hate to cheat to myself out of what's coming by driving you too close to the edge before the main event. After all, playing with me seemed to do plenty already, right?"
This last line she emphasized with a gentle squeeze of the hand at his crotch, before quickly moving up to start undoing the front of his trousers.