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The Cat's Share (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Re: The Cat's Share (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Cedrian replied all too coolly to Ichimi's concerns, as if having expected such protests from her. "Have I ever gotten us 'extras' that messed the whole thing up? Of course they don't know ALL the details, but what they know is... actually, just the right amount! Don't worry, you know I've picked outside help before, and I'm always very careful about that."

"Punishment is only for slaves that misbehave, as you know, so whether or not you get the flog or the crop is up to you, now isn't it?" he teased.

"And now you're worried about how hot he is? Why, would you let him take you home if he were a '10?' Hah. Either way, I doubt anyone could be quite as fat and disgusting as our old friend Rodrigo... but no. He's not a bad-looking guy, I guess, though I'm probably not the best person to ask about that sort of thing. Risto does have ahm, specific tastes though. Which is part of why you're vital to this. If you're worried about him getting a little too invasive, don't worry--the two of you in particular will be ah, reserved, for a different customer."

Cedrian blinked in genuine surprise when Ichimi grabbed hold of him, but it didn't take long at all for him to regain his usual cool demeanor. "Hoh. That's the spirit. But yes, you're right... this isn't the most elegant role for you just yet. We'll need to find you something a little more uh, willing. Come with me?"

He motioned for her to follow him to his room, a place that Ichimi herself hadn't visited all too often. The room was fairly tidy, certainly in comparison to Josias or Rio's respective chambers, perhaps eerily so. It had an old world feel to it, with a worn globe, a screen, a chest, a bed and a desk completely made from dark, polished wood. Everything was stored away properly. The man stooped down to open the large wooden chest in one corner of his room, not too widely, but just enough to see what was in it.

After digging for a couple of seconds, he produced a garment that the catgirl could only guess was for her. It was... a decidedly skimpy outfit, made from two primary pieces. The first piece being a top that did well to cover her chest but little else in terms of her midriff and shoulders. The second was a silky loincloth of sorts. The edges of both were laced with gold filigree, and there was a pair of coiled armbands, matching anklets, and soft flats to complete the ensemble. It was certainly 'classy' in that it wasn't a cheap article by any means, but hardly so in that it was clearly meant to be used in the bedroom or for, well, a slave.

"Don't ask why I have it, just... try it on," said Cedrian. "We're not looking to show him dirty-rags kinds of slaves, 'cause those you can get for real cheap. As a company, we -are- classy, but also ah, willing to please, if you know what I mean?"
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Re: The Cat's Share (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

“Let him take me home? Tch, if he's here to try buying slaves from us, then his idea of “home” for me would probably be a nice comfy cage. No thanks, long-term relationships aren't my thing anyway. I just wanted to know how hard of a time I was going to have biting my tongue enduring this...”
Despite the felvari's protests, she didn't actually seem offended by the comments... only a bit nervous maybe. Neither one would be enough to prevent her from following along with the leader of her band though. This was something of a rare chance, Cedrian's room was always so... curious; and though not strictly off limits or anything, it was somewhere the girl never intruded in uninvited.
“Hmm? What's with this ball-thing?”
The felvari asked, her attention already being caught on the nearby globe
“It looks like a map, but the shape is all wrong... and what are these giant sailor-story tentacle fishes drawn on some of the water parts? I've seen them in restaurants before, and even eaten them, they're not THAT big. Might as well draw every little bird and shrub on it too. Rich people are into some weird art...”
Before she could ponder it more though, her attention would be brought to the main purpose of the visit with the reveal of the outfit she'd be wearing during the upcoming job.

“Oh?” The catgirl would blush for a moment upon seeing how showy the outfit was... or maybe how much it showed. And yet it wouldn't be a complete flustered embarrassed blush, in fact she'd actually turn it around only a second or two later.
“I can think of a few reason's you'd have something like that... A memento from a past conquest? A gift for a future conquest? Or maybe I'm not the only one Rio likes to play dressup with, huh?~”
A mischievous grin crossed her face with that last one... but that too lasted just long enough not to come off as too condescending or insulting.
“To be serious though... it looks pretty well sized for me. You probably knew I was going to agree to this and got it way in advance, huh? Tch, I'll have to bop the little imp for giving you my measurements... Or am I wrong? Nevermind, best not to tell me you used to be a slaver or whatever the “real” story might be.”
With that she'd gather up the outfit and it's accessories and turn towards the door.
“Anyway... I'll uhh... be right back... I'm not doing a strip show here just in time for everyone else to start knocking on your door.”
With that she would slip out of the room and glide upstairs, presumably to change... although it would be a few minutes before she came back down, and she'd be wearing one of her cloaks when she did.

“What? I wanted to make the reveal a surprise.” She answered, even if not asked, as she slipped back into Cedrian's room.
“So... surprise!”
In a swift motion she would undo her cloak and throw it off over a nearby chest. The reason for her having taken so long would be obvious, she wore the outfit well... not that there was much to wear. Even so, all the jewelry and accessories were in the right places (almost), and it even looked as if she had taken a moment to brush her hair straight, despite it normally not needing it most of the time anyway.
“I totally look like one of those stage performers from the high class casino's don't I? Like the ones you see up on stage with the “magicians” or the singers that a whole crowd comes to see, huh?”
As she spun around a bit to show off, her voice was charged with enthusiasm. For a moment anyway... before she gave a small sigh.
“I know... I know...”
"Such a waste..."
Stepping back over to her cloak she pulled out her collar, the one accessory she wasn't wearing before, and slowly put it on in a way that was almost weary, before throwing the leash end towards the swindler.
“Shall we go show the others the nice things Master buys for me?~”
Her voice still had enthusiasm as she said this... but to anyone who had just seen her moments before, the acting was obvious.
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Re: The Cat's Share (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

"Not into long-term relationships? Me neither, heh," responded Cedrian casually. "Why stop at one when you can sample all the flavors? Probably the longest one I've known is with this trade. Though even that has to come to an end at some point. But the best ones are the ones you remember, right? And I can't ever imagine myself forgetting all this," he added with a hint of melancholy in his tone.

He raised a brow at first as the catgirl noticed his globe, only to snicker at her somewhat expected reaction. "That would be a model of Arkeia, the world we live on," explained Cedrian, who would reach out and brush his fingertips along the side to give it a light spin before setting a digit upon one point near the center. "And this is Naralona, where we are. There's Elynsor, Grem, Brevnia, and the jungles of Vernia, not terribly far from us, although it would still be days, weeks, even months to get to some of these places over here. Oh, and would you believe that there are larger versions of those fish and squid you've eaten? Except these are larger than boats."

Ichimi's comment about Cedrian's ownership of the risque garment caused him to chuckle, though without any of the nervous energy that some others might have. "If Rio made this of his own free will, I'd start to get a little worried. But no, it... hasn't been worn yet. I'm not going to lie, I was actually a little surprised that you accepted, just knowing your background and all. Haha, not at all. If I were a slaver, I'd already be a little richer and we wouldn't be having this conversation... well, maybe. Either way, I know just enough about slavers to figure out how to gain their trust and work a proper job on them."

"Knocking on my door? Don't worry, it's not as if I'd let them in," he replied coolly. "It's fine, I see how it is. You can strip in front of dozens of strangers but you can't do it in front of me," added the hustler, only making a token attempt to hide his sarcasm.

When Ichimi returned, clad in a cloak, Cedrian raised a brow. "You look ready to run across a duelists' arena, only to be dragged out by security. So, is it on?"

His eyes widened for once as she threw the cover off, exposing her toned form in the outfit. Cedrian had to cover his mouth to cough, and only then did he bother to straighten his expression once more. "Surprised."

Then, the Felvari sighed. "You do, you really do," responded Cedrian. "In a perfect world. But this isn't one of them. That is to say... you still look wonderful, but it isn't for the exact kind of crowd you imagine, I think. But all I need you to do is keep up this act for long enough to convince Risto, and then whoever else we dig into if he buys into our stock. Be my star actress, won't you? But don't be a diva."

When the other members of the crew set their eyes upon Ichimi, all of them--even Hector--gawked at least a little. They hadn't seen her in an outfit like that, and although Rio might have accidentally glimpsed upon her naked form, this was... different. It was intentionally meant to entice, and it did its job well.

"W... wow," said Rio. "I um, definitely did not make that one."

"Hah," scoffed Cedrian. "Wait 'til you see what I have in store for you, miss Rio."

"You're really going to wear that?" asked Josias.

"A good kitty has no choice," quipped Augusto. "Look who's ready to go out for a walk in public!"

"I don't keep a tight leash," said Cedrian, "but a well-trained slave has some habits. You'd best not stray more than about a dozen paces from me, but preferrably half that." He took a few steps to one side and expected Ichimi to follow.
All of their eyes were undoubtedly cast upon the Felvari. Provided, these were people that she was comfortable with... but there was one thing she absolutely couldn't afford to do, that went without saying: she couldn't appear too nervous, if she was to give the illusion of being docile.
Re: The Cat's Share (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

The melancholy was contagious. Ichimi didn't like to even think about things as they were now coming to an end, let alone actually TALK about it.
“And all the flavors are nice... but sometimes I wish it were safer to have more than just a sample...”
The feeling wouldn't last though, either intentionally or unintentionally, Cedrian would seek to distract her thoughts with other things... yeah... intentionally, it had to be, the claims were too outrageous to be otherwise.
“Pfft... thanks for trying to lighten the mood, but even I'm not THAT gullible, no matter how persuasive you think you are... It would be nice though, if they really grew that big I mean. All I'd have to do is learn to fish and one of them could keep me fed forevvvvvver~!”
The felvari almost seemed to daydream for a moment thinking about it, before returning to the matter at hand.
“Anyway, don't be THAT surprised that I accepted, it's no more dangerous than anything else I do for you guys.”
“It just tempts Fate a lot more...”
and with that she'd run off to change.


“It's not the crowd I WANT, but it's probably EXACTLY the crowd I'm imagining... or worse. That's enough to keep me from being a diva. This outfit doesn't really leave me anywhere to hide a knife and a basement doesn't really leave me much room to run... so the last thing I wana do is have our guests of honor not buy into the act. It might mean more than just a lost payday for me...”

The felvari mused aloud on the way to the common room. However, despite her serious tone, her mood would lighten up immediately upon seeing the reactions she elicited. Well, most of them anyway.

“Look who's ready to tease the felvari before the job's even started. Might as well do it now, in case things go badly and there aren't any more chances in the future.” she immediately answered back to Augusto's comment. Her tone was... contained, but the sarcastic edge on it was particularly venomous. For a second it made her reconsider this whole thing... why take such a risk if it wasn't even appreciated? Was she really THAT replaceable or taken for granted, despite the danger she was putting herself in? Did someone in her “family” really care THAT little... or was she simply over-reacting?
“Tch, just... let it slide this time...”
With that she forced her expression to melt, bowed her head, and silently took a few steps behind Cedrian. She hadn't missed his instructions earlier, though she had never said anything or acknowledged them. All things considered, her performance wasn't bad... although it was easy not to be nervous in such a “safe” environment, and easier still not to feel it after having just suppressed a bitter mood. Would it actually be this easy tomorrow though?

“I did a perfect job back in the casino earlier. I've seen enough other slaves to know the basics of how this works.” The felvari complained after a short bit of subdued pacing, perhaps still venting. “Shouldn't you be testing Rio or something instead?”
Almost as soon as she started saying this, the last of her bitter mood instantly disappeared, replaced by a grin.
“Besides, he's not the ONLY one waiting to see what you have in store for him~”

Was it hypocritical for her to be teasing the same way that had just bothered her so much? Nah... her teasing wasn't AS mean... right? Unlike Augusto, she was at least in the same boat when it came to circumstances.
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Re: The Cat's Share (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

"Knife? Heh... I'd rather you not stab our marks if you can help it, especially the rich ones like these. Besides, you can trust me to keep him from doing anything particularly unwelcome towards you. Like I said, you're on special reserve," said Cedrian.

"Oh, relax! We wouldn't botch something like this," assured Augusto, his overly bright tone showing that he didn't miss the catgirl's venomous edge. He only responded as brightly during moments when he should be apologizing--it wasn't a particularly easy thing for the former clergyman to do, but he was most likely aware of his mistake if past behavior was any indicator.

"Perfect job, huh? How humble of you," teased the leader, "although thinking about it now, I really can't entirely disagree. My clients did buy it. You could probably be a fake-slave for the rest of your life and people in Naralona would be none the wiser."

For as potentially distressing as such a scenario might be for Ichimi to think about, it was then that she managed to deflect the attention towards Rio. Of course. She had a partner in all of this, one to suffer alongside her. The tailor made a face when the Felvari mentioned his name.

"Wait," whimpered Rio. "I mean, mine's not gonna be as skimpy as THAT... right? I mean, I'd prefer to pass as a girl if I could help it..."

"Have you ever seen a conservatively dressed slave in Naralona?" asked Cedrian.

"Um... well... no," replied Rio meekly, and for a moment he looked as if he were pondering something to add to his response. But before he could do so, Cedrian grabbed him and ushered him into his room.

"Alright, time to make sure that the outfit I got fits you!"

"W-Wait, what? You have it already?!"

A few minutes passed before the two emerged, this time with the most effeminate male in the group dressed similarly to Ichimi. It left very little to the imagination, and even included a top identical to that of the catgirl's, though Rio lacked the ability to fill it out. Even the bottoms were similar, and the results left the young man's face beet red.

"Just make sure you don't get too uh, excited in those," teased Augusto, who was all too happy to redirect his quips toward their shortest member. Though Rio was clearly not the largest in terms of endowment, any trace of arousal, accidental or otherwise, would clearly show thanks to his outfit.

"A-As if I'd do that!" cried Rio, covering his crotch. "Now I see why you didn't have me make these..."
Re: The Cat's Share (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

“Yeah, well, some people don't always like being told “no”, especially people like this. I like having something nice and sharp just to make sure I can drive the point in if I have to...” the felvari grumbled in response, although the way she trailed off, as if the whole thing were little more than an unpleasant annoyance, seemed to indicate she wasn't going to make a huge debate about it. Besides, there would soon be much more... "amusing" things to think about.


A huge grin broke out across the girl's face even as she bit her lip and tried to hold back from laughing too loudly. To her this was obviously one of the funniest things ever... and yet, perhaps out of some awareness of how bad it must be from Rio's perspective, she was clearly trying to show at least some amount of restraint in indulging in the urge to fall over laughing.

“Hahaha... wow...” she finally said after suppressing the strongest parts of initial wave of giggles and wiping a tear from her eye. “I think you look even more exotic than ME!”
It was too much and she turned around to try and suppress more laughing.

“Haha... gawds... hah sorry... oh man... seriously though, are you going to be OK doing this?” She asked finally getting her tone under control.
“Between me an the others, there's probably enough of us to pull off this thing convincingly, right Cedrian?”
The felvari's tone had a touch of actual concern and sympathy to it, despite having been on the verge of losing it to hilarity mere moments ago.... but this short respite would be all the tailor would get.

“Heh... that is unless you WANT to come and keep me company~ We could even put on a "show" for the customers together~”
There was probably some bit of hoping in that statement, a desire not to be doing this alone that the felvari wanted to convey, despite maybe being unaware of it herself... orrrrrr maybe she was just found the chance to tease her poor companion even more to be too irresistible. Whatever the case might have actually been, the big grin returning to her face and more snickering definitely hinted a lot more towards one of those things than the other...
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Re: The Cat's Share (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Hector raised his eyebrows ever so slightly in reaction to the peculiar scene, but said nothing.

Augusto, however, was all too happy to join in on the fun, though his initial response was directed towards Ichimi. "What, you've never seen an effeminate young male dressed in an utterly revealing slave outfit to be sold to the man with the heaviest purse and the... thickest sexual thirst?"

Josias squinted. "Did you... mean for that last part to rhyme? Weird."

"Uuuuu..." whimpered Rio. It was clear that he was already uncomfortable, but the former cleric wasn't to stop there.

"I can just see it now. Rubbing his fat, stubbly rolled chin in contemplation... fantasizing about all those juicy, ripe young bodies ready to be violated by his filthy, tubby excuse for a frame..."

"Uwaaah, stoppit!" cried the tailor, who then turned to Cedrian. "He's not actually that gross, is he? I thought we were done with Rodrigo!"

"Nah," answered the leader of the group with a shrug. "Although you and Ichimi, I swear... what difference does it make? Do the lot of you really intend on letting him get that lewd with you? You're merchandise."

Rio's mouth crinkled. "Well... no, but..."

"Heh. Besides, you aren't going to be the ONLY choices. Just the ones who know what's really going on," Cedrian went on to explain.

"Yeah, I... think I'll probably feel safer with you either way," said Rio quietly in response to Ichimi's mock proposal.

"A 'show' huh? I'd pay to see that," said Augusto, "if only to see how terrible and awkward the encounter would end up to be. Then again, I wouldn't put it past some of these guys to have one male and one female slobbin' on their knobs."

"Daaamn," said Josias. "That's really vulgar for a priest."

"Is it though? You'd be surprised by how some members of the clergy can be. Speaking of which... hey, you two, why don't you show us your moves? You're supposed to be well-trained, aren't you? We're going to see it all anyway."

Rio turned his body to the side bashfully. "Well... I-I, that's..."

Cedrian waved off Augusto's joke, but had a thoughtful look. "If you feel safer with Ichimi, then I'll allow it, but I won't have either of you blowing our cover, understand? Well, with this guy it's one thing, but when we're dealing with multiple marks at once and trying to sell them the whole deal..."
Re: The Cat's Share (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

“The acting is easier if my head isn't full of cringe while I'm doing it. It's not like I intend on getting any more lewd than necessary... but that's not really up to ME, now is it?” the Felvari replied puffing her cheeks out a little as if suppressing a huff.
“Anyway, you want me to show off my moves right now? Thanks for the vote of confidence...” she continued on with a grumpy expression, before letting her eyes falls shut... and then in a moment her grumpy expression faded and became something much more cheery and innocent-looking. Without missing a beat started to skip forward toward her group's priest.

“Oh Father~” the girl started, lightly grabbing his collar and gently pulling her body close “Master says you're a holy man... and I a creature of lust and sin~ Only one such as you can save my soul, only one such as you has what it takes to give me a safe outlet for nature without succumbing to corruption... to purify my soul little by little... from the inside out~ “ At this she spun herself around behind the priest to whisper suggestively in his ear “Master says love done right is the holiest of acts. Given what I am, holy things may make me fight a little, but it's nothing some belts on the bed can't keep under control until our communion is complete~” She paused for a moment, her eyes scanning and her ears drooping a little, before shoving herself away, her demonstration done.

“Geeze, nothing?”
she was speaking to Rio now, whom her scanning gaze had come to rest on. “I was going slow and everything, you could have jumped in at any time.” Her voice had lost the suggestive tone it had just a moment ago, sounding annoyed again... although it would soften a little when she next spoke.
“Maybe us sticking too close together is a bad idea after all. I may need to show off, and that means improvising right there in the moment. There's only so much I can do to pick up the slack if you're not into it, and even less I'm going to be able to do to actually protect you. Maybe it would be safest if instead of pretending to be part of the “merchandise” with me, you act like one of the other's personal slaves already and go for the whole “seen not heard” thing thing during this meeting.”
While she have sounded condescending, it wasn't her intention to be. This was genuine concern. Both for Rio... and for herself. After all, any mistakes here could cost everyone. Despite the felvari's usually-confident nature, the seriousness of this fact hadn't escaped her. It never did with things like this.

“So... how did I do?” It was now the leader, Cedrian, she was addressing. “Is there anything we need to work on? I have the part about looking appealing down... I've seen enough of how other “ornament” slaves act to know what to do for that part. But if there's anything else I need to know like specific high-class manners or whatever, you better teach me tonight, because I'm not as sure about those things... I'll survive a night without my usual sleep if we need to stay up practicing.”
At this she averted her gaze just a bit, as was usual whenever she needed to admit to needing help with something. Oh well, maybe at the very least the reaction would prove to Rio that she was taking this serious and not just trying to show off at his expense...

"Oh, by the way...~" She would call out over her shoulder as things wrapped up. "If you EVER try to belt me down to a bed, I'll stab you and make belts out of YOUR skin, OK?~"
It was the same suggestive tone she had used earlier... except for the words "EVER" and "YOUR", those parts were dead serious and coated in venom, just to make the point... or perhaps to disguise the felvari's own nervousness over this whole thing. Probably both.
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Re: The Cat's Share (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

"Why, did you want to be the one running this operation, with all of us as slaves?" teased Cedrian with a grin. While the thought might have been nice, Ichimi's huff did little to budge the leader from his stance.

What Ichimi did accomplish, however, was catching Augusto off-guard by selecting him of all people as a target for her mock seduction. The former priest-in-training gave her an odd, surprised look, one eye seemingly larger than the other in his gawking expression.

Rio's reaction was much the same. He could only stand there, wide-eyed, at the suddenly suggestive display. Hector gave much less of one, but the minute changes in his facial expression at least told Ichimi that there was something going on behind the stoic mask, and Josias tried to hide his budding grin.

But while Augusto almost always had some kind of retort or witty response for the catgirl, this time he had none to offer. Before he could properly formulate one, she had already finished with her brief demonstration and slid away out of reach, from both his hands and words in a sense.

"Uh... I think she just beat you," commented Hector.

Augusto shook his head several times to shake off the cobwebs spun by Ichimi's performance. "W-What? No, I just didn't expect it! I mean, it's just hard to imagine her as a sexual being, you know? And she made things super weird just now."

"It's difficult to imagine a Felvari as a sexual being?" asked Cedrian. "That's new to me, considering their usual occupations here in Naralona. Or in Grisalesca in general."

Rio snapped out of it only after Ichimi directed her next comment towards him.
"Huh? Oh, I--... uhm... hrn..." started the tailor, sliding an arm over his chest to grab at the bicep of his other. "That was just... I wasn't quite ready to see you act like that! Usually it's a little less... er." He blushed and diverted his gaze away from the catgirl. Even the suggestion that followed from Ichimi earned her no immediate complaints from the one whose abilities she questioned.

"Hrm," replied Cedrian, a hand on his chin. "You're probably right. We're looking for well-trained slaves. Being nervous is natural, but there are clearly connections between you two that we simply can't afford to show during the tour."

"Wait! I... I can do it!" stammered Rio, which caused the leader of the group to look his way.

"Well, as lovely as you look in that outfit, I probably won't be putting you together with Ichimi as a set. We just don't have enough time to practice that kind of thing right now. Rest is important, too... besides, it's already enough that this is your first time playing such a risque role. No need to make it even more difficult."

"B-But..." started Rio, but even Ichimi knew that Cedrian wouldn't be budged from his stance.

"Imagine Risto wants you to go all the way with Ichimi just to see your ah, 'functionality'. Would you do it for his sake? Could you?"

"O-Of course not! W... what kind of a question is that?!"

"Exactly," interrupted Cedrian. "I know we've gotten pretty close to each other over the past few years, but you can't let that be a thing when it comes to these jobs. So don't worry. It's going to be a convincing thing nonetheless, but you two won't share a cell."

Rio's expression drooped. He had no good response to make.

"Besides, it's not as if Ichimi is the only one capable of protecting you. I'm always the first line. Hector is here too, and Josias, and Augusto. Well, maybe not Augusto..."

"Priest jokes already? Come on," said Augusto, shaking his head.

"Too easy. Anyway, we'd better head to bed and prepare for the setup. After all, this isn't even the 'big day' in the grand scheme of things," announced Cedrian.


The next day...

The preparation came and went. It all went so fast, and before too long, Ichimi found herself in a cell, in the basement of the Tristão. Cedrian had already entered character by the time they had stepped foot in the building. There were a number of other girls that Ichimi noticed, and while some were certainly pretty, none were quite as 'exotic' as her or as unique as Rio in terms of appearance. These, she could tell by the worried, confused looks on their faces, were probably real slaves.

Luckily for her, the area that she waited in as merchandise was fairly warm, so the relative lack of clothing didn't leave her feeling too uncomfortable in terms of temperature. She heard three sets of footsteps approaching her position. One was Cedrian, the other was likely Hector, and the last was most certainly this 'Risto'--Evaristo Cabral, their customer... or more accurately, their mark. Their rhythmic footfalls worked like a countdown to the show that Ichimi would have to put on. Her sharp ears caught some details of their conversation.

"My. Quite a few specimens you have here. Quantity, if nothing else... and some pretty faces, to be sure. But have you any others? Something a little more ah, exotic?"

"We do, on occasion. They go quick, though. I can show you a few that we have on reserve."

"Oh? Are they trained?"

"Well, this one is, for the most part. She'll be meeting her future owner soon."

Then, Ichimi spotted Cedrian, Hector, and a new face arriving at her cell. The stranger peered at her curiously through the bars, an inquisitive grin growing upon his visage as he stroked his chin. This Risto, as the leader said, certainly wasn't an unattractive man by any means, but by the way he dressed and carried himself, he didn't seem all that different from the other visiting nobles that would inevitably be their marks.

"And who is this?"
Re: The Cat's Share (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

“Would you still have a hard time imagining me as a piece of eye candy now?” the felvari mentally complained to herself, remembering a comment from the previous night with a passing feeling of fondness. Something about that compliment had been nice... more reassuring than anyone else there that night was probably aware of. But the feeling would be short lived, her tension far too high right now...

“Tch... they could have at least left me something to nibble on... calm my nerves...” she continued on, subconsciously gritting her teeth, despite knowing that such a luxury wouldn't have been fitting for the role she was playing right now.

“And what's with these other girls? Damnit Cedrian, what the hell!? Real slaves!? I thought you were just going to find some courtesans who could act or something! These ones don't look like they're acting! You could have let me in on this part of the plan earlier before throwing me in a cage... I bet the lock is real too... lucky for you I'm in here, or else I might be tempted to-”
It was then the girl's ears caught voices coming down the stairs, and in an instant her thoughts stopped, her pulse quickened a little, and she swallowed quickly, preparing herself for acting.

“Hmmm?” The Felvari answered back with a mock curiosity that sounded all too convincing despite the anxiety boiling under the surface... being looked over here was a feeling all too similar to what she had felt a few nights ago in the tower casino, but worse. The cage around her was stifling, despite the open air. The lock was probably real... she probably had nowhere to run... her safety was entirely in the hands of other people... her older self was screaming discomforting disapproval, no, panic, in the depths of her mind... luckily for her, whether intentionally or not, at the moment the feelings would be focused towards sharpening her performance. This was a gamble she couldn't couldn't afford to lose, and giving in to panic likely meant an instant loss... not just for her, but for everyone.
“Trust family, Ichimi. They trust you. There's nothing to worry about... even if you ARE going to fucking kill Cedrian after this.”

“Ciari is the civilized name I was given... Master?”
For a moment Ichimi pretended to be studying back the face that was studying her, before giving a small sigh and slight frown.
“Shame... my “master-to-be” was described as a little different... I'm a bit jealous of whichever one of my sisters you decide to claim for your own in the future though~”
She answered with a wide grin, before continuing.
“Of course, they might disagree right now, but soon enough they'll learn to be just as behaved as me~”
Part of Ichimi's mind had to tone out what she was saying, even as it came up with the words. Speaking them made her want to vomit...
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Re: The Cat's Share (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Ichimi would find little in the way of things to eat or even fidget with to bring comfort to her nerves. It made sense; after all, she was a slave in this scenario. Even the other girls in their respective chambers wouldn't have access to such luxuries, but they were long past exhibiting the visible agitation that the catgirl was dealing with. Perhaps their lives up to that point were already filled with such uncertainty and stress, that they had come to accept it all as an inexorable fact of life. Clearly, Ichimi had not, but she would have to act otherwise when the mark arrived at her cell.

"Hoh..." The man's pupils grew slightly wide upon focusing on the catgirl. "Ciari, is it? Such a shame that you couldn't be mine. Perhaps I could be your master instead, if you fancy me so?" He grinned, perhaps sensing a two-sided attraction that may or may not have even been there. It only made the atmosphere more awkward when he decided to go the extra step, turning to Cedrian to make an additional inquiry. "So, you said she is on reserve, yes? Is there any way I can top that offer? I'll... I'll beat the price that whoever has paid for her made. After all, I've been wanting my own for quite some time now, but the casinos can be very protective of the ones they do have."

Cedrian didn't flinch at the offer. Perhaps he expected as much, seeing as Ichimi was the only Felvari currently in their lineup. "She is. Her future owner wanted one with her exact specifications--blue eyes, blonde hair. I don't think he would settle for less, so she is not an option at this time."

"Oh? By whom? If I know him, I'm sure I could persuade him to reconsider..."

"Matteo Ramirez. He's from the northern end of our nation."

"Huh... can't say I do, then. A shame. He glanced sideways to Ichimi before continuing. Then, can I at least sample the product? It's not as if she is untouched, is it? She has been trained properly, hasn't she?" He turned directly to Ichimi. "What say you? Surely you are as welcoming as I would imagine you to be..."

Cedrian shook his head and held firm. "Matteo also would not appreciate it. He will be in within the next four days, if you are interested in speaking with him. Besides, she is but the last of a batch. There are many more where she came from."

Risto huffed, leaning over against the bars, his gaze seemingly pinned to the false slave. There was obvious disappointment in his eyes. Hesitantly, he nodded. "...Very well. So... how much are your down payments for the next?"
Re: The Cat's Share (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

“I'm afraid who I fancy doesn't really matter...”
Ichimi answered, trying to keep the playful tone to her voice, despite rapidly increasing awkwardness of the entire situation. A feeling that only increased further with comments of a “topping offer”.

“-Ehh?! I know I can probably escape if I'm smart about it, but you're not really going to play along? Right Cedrian? Right?!”
Thoughts raced through the Felvari's head of just how much might be offered, and how tempting such an offer might be? How much had her admirer a few days offer for her when she was out with Cedrian? A few thousand razettas? And he was a normal person, the person before her now was considerably better off. An easy score if Cedrian wanted to take advantage of it... luckily he didn't, and it was all the felvari could do to not give an audible sigh of relief. It would be short lived, however...

“W-wait?! Sample?!”
Ichimi's face reddened a bit even as she tried to keep up her act. Would THIS be the moment the girl would have to do more than just stand around and look pretty? It was certain something she COULD do if she had to... her target in this case wasn't actually that bad-looking. However, the idea of being sold off to be “sampled”, like a common whore, burned the felvari's pride... and stoked some sort of deep reaction of fear. Why the fear? Was it fear of the act itself? Or fear of being betrayed by family? Luckily the latter would once again prove to unfounded... although her unease had shown on her face, and she needed to cover for it quickly.

“B-being welcoming isn't the problem. It's just that... such encounters get a little “rough” sometimes. If I have marks and bruises when I'm delivered to my new master, he'll think I haven't been trained properly... and then I'll have to be re-taught...
The pretend-slave let her voice trail off almost fearfully, as if her previous nervousness was a fear of whatever punishments misbehavior might carry... and as a signal of approval to Cedrian, a way to confirm that she did indeed not want to go any further with her act than this, just in case her acting might have given her partner the wrong impression.

“OK, you can go away now... talk business with Cedrian...”
The felvari was sorta grateful for the bars in front of her, keeping her “admirer” at a certain distance away from her as he continued to look her over... but at the same time the bars to her sides and at her back were almost claustrophobic, and the feeling of not being able to run was pure torment, even if she probably safer here than in one of her normal roles of outrunning marks and the city guard. At least in those situations she had some control over what happened...

“You owe me so much when this is over, Ced! I'm about to pass out from scares here and I'm still going to have to do it with a smile on my face like a well-behaved slave because of this plan of yours! Pillyrhine berries every day for a week! No, a whole month!”
It was a comforting thought, if she didn't think about it too deeply... or at least a distracting one that would hopefully keep her tensions at bay until this was all over.
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Re: The Cat's Share (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

With their mark soon disappearing from her sight--but not before giving her one last longing look--Ichimi was left to her own devices, expected to wait for the rest of the deal to finish. Their specific discussions seemed to fade out, the details seemingly growing less and less important as Ichimi’s stomach gave her a subdued growl. She could still catch the overall gist of what was being said thanks to the tones given by their customer, however, and some more words with an interested tone were given once Risto had arrived at Rio’s cell. The catgirl could only imagine the kind of terror that her smaller cohort might be feeling at that point. Still, Ichimi herself was in the clear, albeit a little chilly thanks to the dank, somewhat stale air of the ‘dungeon’ she found herself in and the natural skimpiness of her slave wear. The Grisalescan sun had a constant radiance about it that made it easy to miss, especially when one was underground.

After what might have felt like an eternity of dealings made between Cedrian and Evaristo, the two made their way back towards the exit, with the latter making a little wave and a grin towards the catgirl. Hector stoically followed them.

"I’m looking forward to seeing what kinds of stock we acquire in the future," remarked the aspiring entrepreneur in the slave trading business.

"Oh, you’ll see them for sure, with the amount of contributions you’re making here today. Partners of our ring get first picks," responded the false one.

"Well, if the next Felvari you get are anything like that one, then you know who to keep in mind."

Their voices faded off as they ascended the staircase in unison, leaving Ichimi, Rio, and the other slaves alone to fight the likes of boredom and possible hunger.


Some time later…

Ichimi heard only two sets of footsteps approaching her cell. This time it was just Cedrian and Hector; the former had a telltale smirk on his face. The deal had been completed. The head swindler took the jingling ring of keys from his belt and unlocked Ichimi’s cell, then followed suit for Rio, as well as the other unnamed slaves. Hector, who carried a large stack of clothes and small sacks in his massive arms, placed them down in the middle of the hall.

"As of today, you’re all free," announced Cedrian. "Grab some clothes. In those bags are some money and food to get you started or transported to wherever it is you need to go." To explain the words in a more physical sense, Hector pushed the goods towards the females.

The slave women looked at each other, wide-eyed. Cedrian had picked up quite the variety of girls. Some were of pale skin, while others were of darker note, though the majority were still of the expected Grisalescan bronze. Most of the girls from that main body wasted little time, hurrying to the goods and out of their slave garb. The garments provided weren't the fanciest, but they were certainly enough to blend in to an average Naralona street and a notable step up from the minimal wear they were stuck with earlier. Inside the sacks were simple fruits and loaves, but many of the slaves immediately bit into them ravenously.

Looking to Ichimi, Cedrian tossed her a deoricot fruit. "You must be hungry."

One of the newly freed slaves was a woman of fiery red hair and piercing green eyes, though some of the light had faded from them. "Where... to go? Where... is this?" She spoke in a noticeable accent, and was clearly not a native speaker.

"Wherever you want," replied Cedrian with a shrug. "If it were me, I'd take the next ship back to Elynsor. There's a ferry on the second dock that'll do just that." He paused, looking thoughtful for a moment, then spoke a few words in Elynsorian that Ichimi couldn't quite understand. The woman perked up slightly, apparently understanding of what he had told her.

Josias came down the stairs, and Cedrian motioned for him to lead some of the more ready girls outside. Some of them hugged him before running out, others were more single-minded about their newfound freedom and all of the places they needed to get back to.

"See? I’m capable of good things, every once in a while," commented the leader of the group. "Nothing quite as convincing as the real thing, though Felvari are pretty expensive, so I appreciate it. Apparently they're worth anywhere between 5 and 10 times that of a fit human woman. Can you believe that?"

However, three girls still remained. One, of light skin and hair, seemed silent, distant, and hadn't even bothered to approach the bag she was provided. Another was of darker skin and black hair, who seemed content to munch on the food she was given, and the third, seemingly of Vernian origin, looked to be at a loss. At the very least, she spoke fluent Grisalescan.

I… I don’t know where to go now. I’ve been a slave for as long as I can remember,” she shared with the others.

"Yeah... well, the professional in me thinks that you'll probably just go and get captured again, or swindled, or worse," said Cedrian. "But I'm also hoping that you'll prove me wrong."
Re: The Cat's Share (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Ichimi gave a relieved sigh as soon as the encounter was over and the door closed behind her partner and his mark... although it did little to sooth the awkwardness that would follow.
“Just look straight ahead and don't focus on... them.”
There was something unsettling about being surrounded by real slaves. Not something dangerous or immediately threatening, just... unsettling. The girl instead closed her eyes and tried to focus on the conversations from upstairs instead, her ears following the dull murmurs bleeding through the walls... although they were too vague to make out anything for sure.
“Bet it's locked for real too...”
The felvari's mind drifted off to thinking during the boredom that followed. A foot and gradual weight applied to the door of her cell as she leaned back against the opposite wall would confirm it.
“Tch, of course it is.”
It should have been an alarming thought, but somehow it wasn't. With nothing else to do but wait, it was merely frustrating and a bit uneasy instead.


“You would actually lock me in without a hidden emergency key of my own or anything..."

The felvari would mumble after being let out sometime later, but keep her voice low enough not to be easily overhead by the other slaves. Despite the smirk on her partner's face, Ichimi's own expression was an annoyed ear twitch and thoroughly displeased frown. She had no interest in discussing the self-evident results of the plan at the moment, and instead shoved her way by and went straight to grab her cloak instead. It was still around here somewhere, Ichimi's group hadn't made her walk over here on “full display” after all.
“Found it!”
The felvari's tone would markedly improve as she swung the garment around her. As childish as it may have appeared, something about it was reassuring, comforting. After all, her cloak was what hid her ears and tail and weapons and let her move around freely and (relatively) safely in the outside world... and besides, in her current outfit, her cloak was warm and a protection against feeling so exposed.

“Hmm... what's all this now?”
The girl would return with her prize just in time to see the apparent final step of this act, all the other slaves being freed. This was very much an unexpected development. Somehow the felvari thought all the other slaves had merely been “borrowed”, that they'd be returned to their masters afterwards, not set free. So many questions flooded into the felvari's mind. Was it safe to be doing this? Would they keep quiet about it? Would the plan require more slaves again later? Just how much did Cedrian make off one mark? …but asking any of these questions out loud felt almost inappropriate considering the slaves were still here and listening. Instead her tone would carry more concern than anything when she finally spoke in a bit of an awed voice.
“You actually bought them for this, huh? They won't be hiding trying to escape from angry masters or anything, right?”
It took a second for her brain to even catch up that she had been addressed earlier.
“-oh... yeah, thanks...”
She took the deoricot without even really even stopping to see what it was, as her attention was still glued to the events unfolding before her. Her ears didn't even twitch when she bit into it realized what it was, nor did any of the usual complaints come about how it was too sweet or a deliberate choice to annoy her. It was hard to have such accusatory thoughts in light of current events. How often had such a thing happened? How often had some of these slaves prayed with everything they had for such a thing to happen? The felvari wasn't one for going out of the way to save people or change the world, but perhaps out of so many times of fearing ending up in the same situation herself, it was hard not to feel some sense of gratitude now... At least until the very end anyway, when there were some “stragglers” left over...

“They're broken already... just like the ones in the casinos...”
Ichimi half-thought, and half-whispered out loud with a low hiss as she pulled closer to Cedrian with an obviously renewed unease, her grip tightening the longer she watched until it finally boiled over into something.

“Why even be alive then?! Don't you even realize what's going on here?! You're just going to take a miracle chance like this and give up on it?!”
The outburst had happened subconsciously, the thief herself not even being aware of what she had done until a moment afterward. It had been harsh, her voice twisted with frustration and anger, but her face would show confusion and tears forming. Was pity the cause? ...or was it fear over not understanding what she was watching right now?
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Re: The Cat's Share (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Cedrian waved off Ichimi’s initial query nonchalantly as the catgirl bit into the phallic fruit with the same degree of aloofness. “Hah. Nah, I’m not THAT careless. These were bought on the general market, ready to be sold. But at least this way, they get another chance at something instead of waiting for the next cruel master. You’d actually be surprised at how cheap some of them are to buy, given how much money the industry rakes in on the daily. Well, except the Felvari, that is...

He looked down at Ichimi sinking her claws into his arm, and then his gaze wandered up to meet hers as he gave her a slightly concerned look. However, it didn’t take long at all for him to figure out what she was fretting about; the remaining slaves, who hadn’t quite yet run through the door to freedom.

Ichimi’s outburst caused a moment of stunned silence to fall over the group, especially for the three who had no idea what her investment, what her stake was in all of this.

A chance for... what? I… don’t understand,” replied the Vernian woman. Perhaps the concept of ‘giving up’ was unknown to her, or simply not associated with anything negative. She had clearly accepted her lot in life as someone who was to serve.

The sudden moment of passion given off by Ichimi was less of a surprise to Cedrian, however, who calmly responded to the slaves’ concerns with a certain level of coldness.

Yeah, well… I’m not gonna tell you lot what to do and how to do it. Looks like you’ve had about enough of that.

This concept of freedom seemed to confound her even further. “At least… let me serve you?” asked the Vernian, leaning forward slightly as if to look somewhat more enticing. “You seem like a suitable master.

Ehheh. Tempting, but I’m going to refuse you this time. Go find a banker or a rich merchant or something, if you want to be taken care of that badly.

My last master was a banker. He... was a kind person.

Oh? Huh... doesn’t sound like any banker I know.

But, he was killed. It is how I ended up on the market.

That makes a lot more sense now. Sorry but, big business here in Grisalesca isn’t exactly a profession for the uh, kind. In fact… the main difference between them and us is just that their rules are slightly different. We're all well versed in screwing other people over.

I see, but... who do you mean by ‘us’?

You know what… nevermind. We’ll put you on that boat, which will take you to a good place--or at least a better place for refugees than Naralona--and you’ll have plenty of time to think about what you want to do with your life from there.

Unless Ichimi had anything else to say, Hector and the others would usher the slave girls out. Even the slave that hadn’t touched her bag knew some degree of compliance when the massive prizefighter urged her along. This left only Rio, Ichimi and Cedrian in the hallway lined with cells.

See, that wasn’t so hard, was it? Well… okay, seems pretty nerve-wracking for you, if the way you were squeezing my arm was any indicator.

Ced gave a thoughtful look and a pause before continuing. “I can tell you’re looking at yourself in that situation. Listen, if you really can’t do this… we can always splurge a bit to try and get a real Felvari slave, and simply free her afterwards. I’ve always just kind of ah, taken pride in the fact that we’ve done all our jobs with only the six of us. Kinda wanted to do our last set of jobs the same way, but I realize that I’m pushing you pretty hard here--it’s a lot more acting than I ever expected you to do before.
Re: The Cat's Share (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

“Me? See myself like... that? Never...
The felvari hissed the words in a half-whisper... as if afraid of jinxing herself, being loud enough for Fate to hear and be tempted. Or maybe the whole situation had simply taken her voice. After her outburst she had just stood silently, watching the scene unfolding before her, watching every moment of it but not registering half of what happening, her mind torn between wanting an answer and just wanting to block out the whole thing.

“I'm... going to watch from upstairs... make sure nobody takes notice of them leaving...”
The girl's voice was twisted again, but this time there was more to it than just a tense hiss. There were cracks, almost like whimpers... hurt, but she would shove herself away from her partner and glide up the stairs, her body language giving a clear signal that she didn't want to be followed.

Once Ichimi made her way upstairs and found a quiet corner, she sat with her back to the wall and curled up into herself. She needed a moment alone, a moment to process all this... Keeping watch had just been an excuse. An weak one at that. Of course Cedrian wouldn't have been so careless as to need her to keep watch like this... but the things he had said, and the things she had just watched...
“I... don't want to...”
The girl's breathing became rough as she started to stifle a quiet crying that surprised even herself.
“Why...? It's no worse than anything I've done before...”
It was true, despite having see the possible consequences up close, it really wasn't that much different than anything she had done before. There was always risk, she knew this. But something was different this time.
“It's... because I don't have to...”
Yes, that was it. For once in her life, someone wanted to protect her from something dangerous. To spare her from the harshnesses of the world, and the risk, and the fear. To just once not have to do something because she didn't want to, because she was afraid. To just once be cared for not because she had earned it, but because she was family, and that's what family did. Because that was how everyone else got to live and why didn't she deserve that too? ...she WANTED it. She wanted it bad.
“... … … and I'd be the absolute worst, underserving, ungrateful, traitor if I gave in and took it. Worse than dead weight, doing nothing while they take all the risk.”
The guilt bit deep... but it didn't hurt. No, instead it fueled her resolve.
“Even if everything is finished after this and the family drifts apart... I won't quit right at a critical moment like this...”
With that she'd wipe her face on her arm and slowly drift back downstairs, keeping her face low and hoping the signs of her crying wern't too obvious (and that nobody had come to check on her and heard).

“It's been a long day and I woke up early for this...”
She'd answer as she came back downstairs, her voice exhausted (for other reasons), but sounding more calm now.
“... and I'm hungry, can we go home now and call it a day?”
and as she handed Cedrian the leash to her collar, one final bit.
“By the way, don't you DARE think about replacing me for this!”
Now her tone sounded... grumpy, but not hurt anymore, not scared anymore. Was a lie? Maybe. She hope Cedrian wouldn't call her out on it though, even if he saw through it... whether that was the best thing or not for her might be an entirely different matter though.
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Re: The Cat's Share (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

"Ah... sure," said Cedrian in reply, with some tracable skepticism in his tone if Ichimi tried hard enough to find it. When she shoved him away, he would naturally take notice, but even then, he wouldn't keep her from ascending the staircase and finding a secluded corner to be alone with her thoughts or worries.

Ichimi would find the unused second floor comfortably (or perhaps uncomfortably) empty. While there were a few windows she could peer out of in order to watch the slaves make their way out, such a task looked to be one of the last things the catgirl cared about at the time. Her tears were shed alone, mingling only with her train of thought as no one cared to interrupt her.

When she returned to the lobby, she would find Cedrian and Rio there waiting for her, with the latter wrapped up in a cloak to hide their rather skimpy wear.

"It won't be the last, either. Things are going to get pretty busy," reminded the leader of the group. "But sure, I figured it might be about that time that you'd get hungry, and just one deoricot won't do," he then added, confidently taking the lead to her leash with a smile. "If you insist." While he may very well have noticed her facade, he didn't choose to call her out on it, at least not right then and there.

With that, the three of them joined the others outside. After the slaves were ushered onto their respective ferries, the group made their way back to their hideout.


Hector was the last to enter the warehouse that the group called their home, and he shut the door somewhat loudly.

"Am... am I have to going to do that again?" whimpered Rio.

"I don't want to make you any promises I can't keep," answered Cedrian, "but I think it'd help if you did based on the kinds of clients we get. Same goes for Ichimi."

"Really? Uuuu... I can't imagine there would be THAT many nobles who are into... boys..."

"You'd be surprised~" teased Augusto with a chuckle. "I was part of the Elynsorian Church after all. Some of those guys really like the uh... you know."

"Wha... nooo! Cedrian, we're not going to be dealing with that many priests or anything, are we?"

"Probably not."

"P... probably? Why can't you use more solid wording?!"

Ced simply chuckled and moved on, while Augusto headed straight for the kitchen and began to fetch some of the ingredients they had on hand for food. "So, everyone... how do ham and potato omelettes sound?"
Re: The Cat's Share (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

It would be a short walk back to the warehouse, but in her current mood, it would feel a lot longer to Ichimi. Despite the felvari's weary tone just moments ago, It didn't take long for her to become... anxious. Even under her cloak, her movements took on a kind of tense twitchy quality... as if unsettled by the world around her. However, the world around the girl seemed to be her last concern. Her face kept low with her gaze on the ground, and beneath her hood her ears were down; whatever was going on nearby seemed completely lost on the felvari, as if she were trying to shut the world out... an unusual behavior for someone who's very survival often counted on being alert and aware.
Perhaps she felt “safe” enough to allow it in the moment, perhaps it was part of pretending to play her role as a slave (or hide from it), or perhaps, just maybe, anything outside was a distraction from things inside that demanded the thief's attention... although the felvari's inexperience with being pensive or introspective was clearly showing in the way her movements were giving off a feel of barely-contained frustration.

“I'm just cramped after being in a cage for so long...”
She mumbled to nobody in particular as a half-explanation, her attention too far gone to stay alert for a reply.


“Cedrian says “probably” because the people we're trying to scam here are investing in expeditions for FELVARI slaves, not human ones. You're not the one they're going to be interested in, and if they are then they're not the right marks for this job.”
Ichimi answered Rio's concerns. Although her voice was short, as if having just explained it multiple times already, despite what she was saying being intended as re-assuring. Then again in her current mood, anything from anyone seemed like it would annoy her. Well... almost anything.

“Anything I don't have to make myself sounds amazing right now!” she responded at Augusto's mention of food.
Food was always a welcome distraction, even at a time when distractions wern't welcome. The enthusiasm in her voice was a contrast her distracted or impatient tones from earlier... and yet, despite even that, the felvari didn't waste much time in breaking off from the group and heading upstairs, rather than sticking around to sneak bites of the ingredients.
Presumably the reason was to change out of the “display” clothes she had been wearing... but even considering that, she took a good while to come back downstairs again, not coming back until the food was almost done. The time she took to herself did seem to help a little though, as her movements no longer carried the same tense quality as they did earlier. However, whether this was due to her having actually dealt with what was was actually bothering her compared to just burying it as she usually did remained to be seen... it would be hard to tell with the distraction of good food present, even if it was probably the latter.
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Re: The Cat's Share (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

"Way to take on the burden of responsibility all by yourself," commented Augusto with a sarcastic tone. "There are more ways to be exotic than being Voidic, you know. Like being a cute little--"

Rio frowned at this and huffed, wrapping his cloak tighter around himself, then stomped his way to his room to get changed.
"Oh, come on," Augusto called out. "Is it that much different from what I usually say?"

"Maybe less content and more context, Augusto. Funny you say that, though," said Cedrian. "At one point, Grisalesca was a haven for Voidic activity... back when it was a larger empire. We actually subjugated several races, but as part of the conditions of surrender after Elynsor's victory, we were required to send over the majority of them for 'purification'. Only the ones that we could prove to be docile enough and properly enslaved would remain," he went on to explain.

"They pulled out our teeth and our claws," grumbled Hector. "Only the cruelest of fighters try to ensure that their opponents will never fight again."

"Well... that's how it goes, when you have leaders who have never engaged in glorious combat and all that," said Cedrian with a shrug. "I'm not really much of a nationalist, to be honest, but many things indicate that this was a far different kind of country before that whole war. Maybe if I had been alive back then, I wouldn't have to swindle people..."

His outloud train of thought caused an awkward pause of silence from the others, before he chuckled and continued; "Don't look so shocked--I'm kidding. I was born to do this. If anything, I'm lucky that I was born in an era with so many entitled fatcats. That way I won't have to feel remotely guilty about the things we do to them."

"If it was Elynsorians..." started Hector.

"I don't mind them either, but the way I see it, people with money are the main targets, no matter what nationality they are. I'm not going to go out of my way to target an Elynsorian if the Grisalescan next to him has a wallet that's twice as fat to match his greed."

"Yeah... guess so."

"It's kind of hard to imagine you as anything else," said Josias.

"I guess I'll take that as a compliment," replied Cedrian with a shrug.

Whether or not Ichimi stuck around, she'd hear these comments being made as she went upstairs to change into something far more comfortable. She heard a knock on her door. Should the catgirl bother to open it, she'd find that it was Rio--this time, dressed in more plain clothes, a simple shirt and trousers.

"Hey... can I come in?"

He sat down on the floor, looking a bit down and thoughtful.
"I know I've always wanted to be female. I mean, you know. To be admired and looked at and wanted is... something I never really got to experience. But after being looked at like THAT today... in that 'object' sort of way, I... I'm not so sure anymore. I know what I want to be, I just don't know how well I could handle all that on a regular basis. If I was a REAL woman, and not merely fulfilling someone's weird ladyboy fetish, would it feel any less strange to me? Something deep inside tells me 'no'."

"But maybe I'm just whining too much. I bet this is what it feels like all the time for you, huh..."
Re: The Cat's Share (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Ichimi wasn't much of one for politics talk. However, if one had been paying close attention...
“Only the ones that we could prove to be docile enough and properly enslaved would remain”
Would be the point where her ear would twitch hard enough to make the hood of her cloak ruffle audibly. Although if anyone had heard it over the conversation, or noticed her soundless slipping away upstairs afterwards, nobody would act on it or try to stop her.


“Yeah, it's fine.”
The felvari would answer sometime later when Rio came to her door.
Her voice sounded a little tired, but not angry or frustrated like before. Perhaps it was just because it was Rio... or perhaps she had been doing something to calm her own mood. She too was dressed normally again, and her fingers were blackened, as if she had been drawing with her charcoal sticks (although the results of her efforts, if any, would be hard to pick out from the pile of half-completed works already strewn across the top of the table off to the side of her room). Whatever the case, she would curl up to the pile of blankets on her bed and listen to her companion's concerns... her expression dropping when he was finished, although whether out of pity, annoyance, difficult thoughtfulness, or simply anger at having the entire thing brought up would be hard to discern until she spoke... an act which in itself would take a few moments.

“What you want, what you're talking about I mean...” she started out, her voice soft with a careful concern, as if she were making an apology without any practice beforehand. “...that isn't what happened today.”
Another pause as she tried to gather her thoughts, and then turned her gaze towards the roof, her voice continuing as if describing something only she could see up there. Perhaps she just didn't want to be distracted by gauging reactions as she spoke.
“I have this dream sometimes... every once in awhile, more than once I mean. In this dream, I'm not really me. I mean, I am me, but I'm also someone else, but I know it's me. I don't know how else to explain it...”
Another pause, after that run-on of an explanation.
“Anyway, I'm being chased... but I'm not afraid. People are after me, but I'm not being shot at with crossbows, or chased with weapons, it's all just a game. I'm not out in the city, I'm inside somewhere, in a ring or stage of some kind... some show or performance put on by one of the big casinos. It's set with things to jump and climb on and I'm being chased. If I get caught, the people who are chasing me win big... but of course they won't catch me, it's me, and I'm too good at what I do. Even when there's two or three after me at once, I don't caught much... and even when I do, I'm not scared. It's... fun.”
Another pause.
“It's fun... and in the dream I know it's my job. I'm a performer and it's what I do for a living, and it makes me happy. I'm dressed to perform, and people are looking at me, but it's not like today. I have no doubt I'm eye candy, but there's something else. My performance commands awe... and respect... and admiration. People aren't just looking at me as a possession to take. Even if I'm caught, I have no fear of being “kept” or “used”... although of those that are able to catch me, the idea meeting up for a little fun later seems appealing. Not because they “own” me or anything, but because they were good enough to challenge me, to prove themselves as the best of the best~”
Her voice drifted off almost wistfully for a second, before taking an even more emotional tone, her voice cracking a little along the way, as if her eyes were welling up and about to cry.
“When the dreams don't go that way... after my performances... I leave to go home... because in the dreams I have a home... and I have parents... waiting for me... and they're so proud... and we go home, to a nice home, with nice food, and then...”
Again, another pause, and when the felvari spoke again, her voice had returned completely to normal.
“And then I wake up.”
“I wake back up to this world where I don't have any of that. Where I'll never have a chance at any of it. Sometimes the unfairness of it all makes me want to do do something stupid... to refuse this reality, and give up, and live in a fantasy until until I'm snuffed out or broken or enslaved or something that makes me not care anymore... But something makes me hang on. Always makes me hang on... Sad, isn't it?” she mused, giving a slight unsettling laugh to herself.

At this her gaze turned from ceiling. As if she were actually talking to her companion directly now instead of just reciting a story to an invisible audience.
“It's nothing to be ashamed of. Just be aware of the difference between the two, Okay? You'll make stupid desperate decisions if you aren't, and that's why I worry sometimes. Know the difference, so however close you get to the fantasy, you'll at least have gotten something real, and gotten there safely.”

A shuffling of movement and the Felvari was on her feet towards her door.
“Or who knows? Maybe I'm not making any sense at all. Living moment to moment seems to work pretty well when you're hungry. Is Augusto done cooking yet?”
The change of moods, from the story to the wrap up didn't seem deceitful or ingenious... yet there was something almost scary about how quickly it had taken place. As if there were parts in between that had been skipped... things the Felvari didn't want to talk to about for the sake of the mood, or the sake of being gentle, or simply for the sake of not having to deal with... and if her companion didn't stop her, she seemed perfectly content to leave things there.
“Hey, don't you dare tell the others this story, alright? I'll just say it's something you made up to get to me.”
She would end over her shoulder half-jokingly and half-seriously as she reached her door.
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