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The City Above: Ascalion (Universal Thread)

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Pheonix Alugere

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Nov 15, 2008
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Ascalion, once a simple seaside village now the center of mystery and adventure that calls people from all walks of life on a one-way journey to the unknown. Less than a hundred years ago the village was just a collection of small houses and a dock that made its living off of fishing. However, everything change when the doors began to appear.

At first it was just a small door that appeared from nowhere one day one wall of the mayor's study. At first, people were hesitant to open it: the door was on the inner side of the wall, but not on the outside of the building where it should have reached. Eventually, however, when nothing happened and the door just sat there, the people became curious. On the bequest of the people, the mayor opened the door revealing a cascading field of blue that covered the inside preventing him from seeing anything on the other side. Deciding that if he had opened it, he might as well see if it did anything, the mayor had one of the lengths of wood that the town used to reinforce a damaged mast brought in and prodded the door with it. Seeing that the wood went in and out of the door without any apparent damage, he asked for volunteers to enter the door. Of course, while most of the townsfolk were wary, those youths who had just come of age and wanted to prove their bravery volunteered. From them the mayor selected two and sent them into the door.

It was then that some of the truth of the door became clear. As soon as the two volunteers entered the door, it closed and faded away. Panic overcame the villagers who then called for aid from their nations capital. When the small group from the capital arrived they found that, while no one else had vanished into a door, more doors had appeared. Although the officials couldn't find any clue on the outside of the doors, the investigation of these doors soon became a prominent item in the nation's rumors causing a small flood of other adventure seekers and amateur investigators to come to the town to see the doors for themselves. Seeking to accommodate this flood of people, the town began to expand, with inns, taverns, and shops spring up as even more people arrived to take advantage of the large crowds that had begun to congregate here.

Soon the people gathered began guessing at what lay other the other side of the doors. Rumors abounded of a land of riches, or a place where all dreams came true. Of course, some rumors were the opposite, claiming that demons were on the other side trying to gather souls by tainting their curiosity. Even with the dark rumors, the temptation of wealth and pleasure that some thought lay on the other side was enough to convince many to start seeking out the doors and entering them. And seeking the doors was required now, as each time a door was used it would close and others would open up elsewhere in the city. However, the movement of the doors only heightened the attraction as many believed this meant each person would be brought to a separate land, possibly tailored to each individual's taste.

It must be said, however, that not everyone always entered the doors willingly. The easiest way to hide a victim or their body was to send them through a door, and sometimes the doors themselves seemed to try and trap individuals in such a way that they had no choice, but to go through.
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Re: The City Above: Ascalion (Universal Thread)

Rhyst sat in the local pub, as was usual for him no matter which town he went to. And it was a small wonder why. They were always full of local gossip and people with well paying jobs or interesting tales. And here was no different. The story of the doors intrigued the young elf, and since he wasn't in the middle of anything... It would at least be worth a look. Getting up from his table, he sought out one of these doors himself.
Re: The City Above: Ascalion (Universal Thread)

When one goes looking for a Door in the city of Ascalion, those who live in and around then town seem to somehow recognize it. Or at least that is how it appears to Rhyst. Less than ten minutes after he left the pub he a man walks up to him and proclaims in a loud voice, You must be looking to go through a door, eh? Well aren't you lucky, I have a map right here that will lead you to your life's dream once you cross over, and I'll sell it to you for just a single gold coin. Before Rhyst can respond, a woman comes up to him on the other side and makes her own bid for his attention, Going for a door? Don't bother with one of his maps. Just make your own path, I've got a special key right here that will allow you to choose where the door will lead you to. At only five gold, you won't find a better deal anywhere else in Ascalion! Out of the corner of his eye, Rhyst also spots a few other people starting to converge on his position.
Re: The City Above: Ascalion (Universal Thread)

Rhyst waves off the people vying for his attention. "I'm afraid I'll have to decline your offers. Not only am I short on coin, but I'm sure if that if what you offered me did what you say they do, you'd be using them yourselves instead of trying to sell them to a stranger." he sighs, trying to break away from the people, to locate a door on his own.
Re: The City Above: Ascalion (Universal Thread)

After much effort, Rhyst manages to extract himself from the growing swarm of vendors. As he wanders, he manages to avoid further meetings with vendors, but the only time he notices what he believes to be a Door in a nearby alley, a bulky-looking half-orc steps through it and it closes behind him and vanishes. However, Rhyst does notice that a few people seem to be frequently ducking into alleys before coming back out. It may be that Doors are more frequently found in slightly hidden places as opposed to on the main streets.
Re: The City Above: Ascalion (Universal Thread)

Rhyst notes the activity in the alleyways, looking up and down any he could find for one of these doors everyone kept talking such marvelous tales about, hopes high due to witnessing the half-orc go through what appeared to be one first hand.
Re: The City Above: Ascalion (Universal Thread)

Rhyst's renewed attempts at finding the Doors and attention to the alleys pays off. Less than five minutes later, he finds an oddity in one alley he peaks into. Ten feet in a small wooden door stands as if leading into one of the buildings, but where as the rest of the alley is dirty and somewhat grime encrusted, the door seems clean and is covered in what appear to be ornate carvings of vines. Given the difference between the alley and the door, the door is extremely out of place.
Re: The City Above: Ascalion (Universal Thread)

Rhyst grinned, obviously quite happy that he was able to find one so quickly. Not caring who was watching or where it would lead, he opened the door and steped inside, his curiosity outweighing any sense he would have had.
Re: The City Above: Ascalion (Universal Thread)

Zeyra crested the last rise separating herself from the bustling town of Ascalion. Looking at the sun and seeing that it was still midday, she decides to head down main street in search of one of the famed doors, instead of a tavern to spend the night.
Re: The City Above: Ascalion (Universal Thread)

Wandering the main streets Zeyra only seems to be able to find normal doors leading either to homes or establishments. Its not long, however, before a somewhat ragged looking man comes up to her. Ah, young lass, you be lookin for the Doors ain't ye? Well, now then, ave I got the deal for you. I got ere a small key that can elp ye turn any normal door into a Door, and I'll sell it to ya for jus 12 gold pieces, I will.
Re: The City Above: Ascalion (Universal Thread)

Zeyra smiles at the man kindly. She doesn't believe him, but she decides to play along for a bit. "Well, that certainly is interesting, that. How does it work?"
Re: The City Above: Ascalion (Universal Thread)

The man starts the grin slightly, Well lass, all ye be needin to do is stick the key into the door ye want ta change and the twist the handle. The key be doin the rest for ye. The 12 gold pieces and it's all yers.
Re: The City Above: Ascalion (Universal Thread)

"I'm sorry," she says apoligetically. "- guess I must have phrased my question wrong. Let me try again. If nobody has a clue about these doors, how would you have come into possession of the only item known to interact with them, and why would you be selling it off so cheaply if it was?" She pauses for a second here to let that sink in before continuing. "Yeah, I like that phrasing better. So?" She asks, the same kind smile still on her face.
Re: The City Above: Ascalion (Universal Thread)

I, ah... The man steps back before turning and hurrying off and losing himself in the throng of people moving along the street.
Re: The City Above: Ascalion (Universal Thread)

"I hope you learned something from that." She says to his fleeing back, not really expecting him to hear her, before continuing her search, wandering closer to the residential section of the town, hoping to spot something easier away from the throngs in the main street.
Re: The City Above: Ascalion (Universal Thread)

As she moves into the residential area, Zeyra notices a small cluster of children off to one side. Coming closer she sees they are gathered around a wooden door that is seemingly embedded in the pavement. She hears one of the children whisper to the others, I bet this is one of them, you know? Copper piece says Ran won't open it. Another child, presumably Ran looks at the first child, I'm not afraid of some Door, plus it's only dangerous if you go inside. He says before lifting it open to reveal a shimmering field of yellow light.
Re: The City Above: Ascalion (Universal Thread)

"Hey there, what do we have here?" Zeyra says in a playful tone of voice, kneeling down beside the children with a friendly smile. "You kids shouldn't be playing with this, you know."
Re: The City Above: Ascalion (Universal Thread)

Seeing Zeyra, the lead child stands and starts back away, his expression looking like Zeyra had caught him doing something he wasn't supposed to, An adult! Scram! Then he and the others immediately take off running, leaving Zeyra standing alone near the glowing yellow Door.
Re: The City Above: Ascalion (Universal Thread)

Zeyra seems confused for a moment, as she's been nothing but kind so far and yet everyone she talks to just runs away. She shrugs both mentally and physically, then carefully lowers herself into the door on the ground.
Re: The City Above: Ascalion (Universal Thread)

It was..just another typical day in the harem-tavern of the Red Kitten..patrons calling out for refills, and grabbing at the bottoms of barmaids - the lavishly decorated interior always soiled with patrons getting grabby and touchy-feely..of course. Some men, some women.

This Alice was not immune to such things. The girl plodded in - platform red-heels clicking against the floor - long, slender red legs running up in to a short, pleated skirt that barely came down over the well-defined back curves of her hips - red pleats decorated with white lace trim, to help match the decor, of course. Her top had a matching bustier ( like pic, only red ) , decorated in red-and-white, a heart-shape cut baring a few inches of milky white cleavage - the thing running up rather short on her form - leaving her navel bare from just below the hem of her skirt to just below the lower curves of her breasts. Amber eyes peer out gingerly from behind thick locks of mahogany hair - sauntering over to a table with a lavish wine bottle, and leaning over - as per the handbook - to bare a few inches of breast-flesh to the man and woman she was serving - as well as bare her toned little bottom to a table full of men that lingered behind her - the little red velvet undergarments dividing her hips visible to the table behind them.

"Y-yes? Did you need something else..?" She turns to another table, leaning over in much the same manner - giving refills where necessary - her neck decorated with a thin, pink ribbon attatched to a black band. There were a few waitresses skittering about - much in the same manner...and a bound girl riding some sort of..erotic torture device in a corner, presumably a waitress who made customers a bit *too* angry.
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