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The City Above: Ascalion (Universal Thread)

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Re: The City Above: Ascalion (Universal Thread)

One man at the table Alice is currently serving addresses her, Hey, wench. How about we move into the bathroom for a quickie? I'll give you a good tip. His companions leer in a manner suggesting that they might want the same later. The man and his friends seem to be a nobles of some sort. They are probably one of the types of customers who come here considering themselves to be 'slumming' without actually risking the dangers of an actual trip into the poorer sections of town.
Re: The City Above: Ascalion (Universal Thread)

Of course, the Red Kitten was hardly dangerous. Guard supervision stood in the back - with a watchful eye reminding the "waitresses" of their true purpose.

As Asellus finishes pouring a refill on one, delicate hands take the bottle over to the counter - hips retaining that delicate little feminine sway with each click of her heels against the floor, before she plods back to the requesting gentleman.

Lowering her head for a moment - a few loose locks of chocolatey-brown hair consuming her eyes, she whispers. "A..as you will.." ..Alice pivots onn her heel..hands smoothing down her skirt against the front of her body - as she shifts back towards the back corner of the resturant - "Men" roughly etched out on one of the doors in common - and pushes the door open...well knowing that any other men inside might try to make their move first, if there were any ...after all..

The bar's waitresses were thoroughly unarmed - and of course, that was a selling point of the resturant.
Re: The City Above: Ascalion (Universal Thread)

Inside are simply a few stalls, using water diverted from the aqueduct feeding the city to wash away any waste. From the sounds coming from the first stall and the large feet beneath it, there seems to be one other occupant. Still, the stall door is closed and the rest of the room is empty. Soon, the noble comes into the room and pulls Alice into the stall farthest from the door while loosening the ties of his pants at the same time.

Not bothering to close the stall door, the noble man presses Alice's front against the wall and lowers her panties enough to bare her asshole. Then, letting his pants drop, The man press his cock in, surging into Alice's ass in one quick thrust.
Re: The City Above: Ascalion (Universal Thread)

Alice slips inside the men's restroom - eager amber eyes peering around to make sure that there aren't going to be any others that would care to join in - before Asellus presses forwards - body bent at an angled L - and supershort skirt peeling up to show the dainty little halves of her bottom..clad in a pair of lacy red panties. Of course, they last less than a second at the noble's whim - the things turning inside out as they peel down the curves of her white, slender legs...

Her teeth bare into the flesh of her lower lip quite hard..glossy pink lips trembling as his member is unceremoniously pressed against her pert backside , without a stitch of lubricant. Her legs shudder, and hands ball up into fists against the wall as she cringes, teeth seizing up a lock of mahogany hair..

Re: The City Above: Ascalion (Universal Thread)

Don't worry wench: I got a fun little potion that'll let me go several rounds, so after the first there'll be some natural lubricant. The man says into his ear as he leans his body up against hers. The noble then proceeds to start using her ass, plunging in and out with no thought for her pleasure. The bit of warmth and fullness she feels as a touch of good is no match for the pain. As the man pumps himself in and out, his hands move up her chest to roughly grab and massage her breasts. It wouldn't be long before she felt the man press himself in balls deep and his cock start to grow and pulse slightly as she felt a warmness flow into her.

Them man then pauses as he drinks a potion before starting up again. And now that we have a little bit of lube in there, it might be a bit better for you, eh? He says mockingly, now making the second round more leisurely since he already partially sated himself. He lets his mouth and tongue begin to taste her neck as he goes.
Re: The City Above: Ascalion (Universal Thread)

Alice clloses one eye - mentally wincing at the note that this "gentleman" has the ability to last several rounds. Her taut hips tighten up a slight bit as his hips slap against her soft bottom..insides clamping roughly around the swell of his shaft - the "gentleman" getting a couple handfuls of warm breast flesh - which bulges between his fingers. Hanging her head a bit shamefully - her hips jerk forward with each thrust inside of her ..until the splurt of white hot seed is felt creaming down the fronnt edges of her labia and along her thighs.

Her head peels to the side as his tongue traces her ...cherry-flavored skin - a short little grunt falling from her lips as he pushes in and out..the wet sound of hips slapping against hips echoing out - teeth gripping a few loose bangs of mahogany tightly.. "Uhn...nnh."
Re: The City Above: Ascalion (Universal Thread)

You know you like it, wench. The noble says, repeating his thrusts as his seed slowly leaks from her ass. Soon, though, something else happens. The large form of the other person from the bathroom fills the doorway with pants nowhere in sight, they are pprobably still in his stall.

I think I share woman with you, pinky. They have several holes. The man says. When he comes closer, the man is seen to have the rough, greenish skin of a half-troll.

Eyeing the man and deciding not to pick a fight with him, the noble jerks Alice around to face him, Take the front door then, I'm just using the back.
Re: The City Above: Ascalion (Universal Thread)

Alice's hips jerk forward with each push up into her nubile body..eyes going wide as another gentleman slips out. "W..wait! D..don't..!" Alice begs as he draws near - tightening up her heart-shaped little bottom as she's rammed into - bits of white cream running down two beautifully developed - and now stained, feminine thighs...breasts wobbling with each push up into her - pink naughty bits barren before the "gentleman" in front of her..

Re: The City Above: Ascalion (Universal Thread)

Woman's mouth says no, body say yes me think. The half troll says, its massive erection jutting forward. Then, ignoring Alice's pleas, he makes a sudden forceful thrust into the woman, tearing into her with a mix of pleasure and pain. Woman good. Tight. Not loose like half-human women. It says before matching the noble with its own plunging strokes. Both men continue for a while before almost as one, they both bury hilt deep and release their seed within Alice. The noble would wait a second before starting again, while the half-troll slowly pulls out, his cock head coming free with a slight plop and a large flow of semen flecked with blood gushes from Alice.

That good, might find other human woman later.
Re: The City Above: Ascalion (Universal Thread)

Alice grunts as she's taken - toned legs shifting wide to either side, and head leaning down, pressing against the curve of her own neck as the two slap their hips against the worn Alice, front-and-back. Tiny little whimpers trickle from her glossy pink lips..her body stretches a bit to accommodate the size of the thing - her breasts pancaked against his chest - lips trembling as he pulls out - a stronger flow of white cream running down her feminine legs. Alice's little pucker squeezes around the man pushing in from behind - a slow blush growing on her cheeks with the constant thing forcing in ...teeth pressing hard into the flesh of her lower lip, as a few beads of sweat line her body..

..C..can't I go..anywhere...? Anywhere..b..but here..? I..I don't want to be..a h..harem girl any more..
Re: The City Above: Ascalion (Universal Thread)

The half-troll heads off towards the door out of the room before he comes storming back. Door block exit! Use woman as sacrifice to get rid of it. He says before yanking Alice off of the nobles cock and carrying her to the door. There, in place of the exit to the restroom, stands a fleshy door filled with an inner red light. Before Alice can look further, the Half troll hurls her in.
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