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The Colony

Re: The Colony

Ashley steps back from the asari, and then simply nods, not wanting to argue with her. Whether or not she was who she'd thought she was, Ashley had no urge to irritate the woman any further. So, she picked a spot somewhere close to the center of the room and sat down, waiting for the Commander to come up.
Re: The Colony

((Sorry for the long wait guys, but school and work have been kicking my ass. I think I've gotten into the groove of things though.))

Firelight Base: Barracks (North Sub-Floor 1); Kalica, Commander Winters

The Commander kept her back turned to Kalica as she got dressed, concentrating on the door in front of her; she did, however, spin around with the mention of a maid outfit, staring at the Runner's rear as she dug through the closet.

"That maid outfit is... J-Just.. uhm... ignore it, cause it's just there for..." She stammered, losing her composure as Kalica rooted around for an outfit, "J-J-just ignore it!"

The rabbit gave her approval of Kalica's outfit once she had picked it out, but was quick to urge her up to the Command Center. There was plenty they had to do, after all.

Firelight Base: Floor 2, Command Center; Circe, Hali, Reya, Cassidy Laina, Anne, Jenn, Kyle and Theresa.

The elevator door opened, with Kiera popping up in front of them, a bright smile on her face. It soon disappeared as she saw Cassidy pushed through the doors.

"Oh. You."

She looked behind the Asari to Reya and Circe, deciding not to help Cassidy's story in any way, "Where's Commander Winters? Will she be up soon? I don't want this... pirate or thief or whatever she feels like calling herself around without the Commander to reel her in." The holographic representation made a bit of a face at Cassidy, before she meandered off to another part of the control room. The rest of the time passed with relative silence...

Commander Winters and Kalica join the group.
As the elevator doors opened, Kiera popped up in front of the doors, smiling brightly at Kalica and the Commander - completely ignoring the former.

"Commander! Thank you for joining us!" She said happily, "Will you be throwing Cassidy to the wolves? Or.. Orcs?" Her cheerful voice belied her rather antagonistic actions towards Cassidy. And, scarily enough for their resident blue alien... Cassie seemed to be considering it. The rabbit just puckered her lips, looking Kiera up and down, before tilting her head.

"You changed your form?"

"Why yes! I felt this was more appropriate to our current situation, given that I now have something of free-thought-"

"She's staying," Commander Winters cut Kiera off, and, to add virtual insult to virtual injury, walked through the orange display of the AI, towards her command post. She stood at the railing of her post, leaning and looking at the computer terminals on the level below her; She didn't speak for a long time, just looking out along the windows to the abandoned courtyard below, and setting, fake sun in the skyline.

"I don't honestly know what to say. I've... technically lived for three hundred years... and nothing like this has ever happened. I don't know if we're losing, or if Humanity has lost and we're just... stuck here, fighting a losing battle. As the highest ranking officer here, it.. It leaves me stunned. I'm... I'm incapable of assessing the situation and giving you all the information you need to know, because.. Because I don't know."

With a sigh, Cassie hung her head, refusing to look back at the people who had gathered in the Command Center at her behest. Kiera looked at the Commander rather uncertainly, then at the gathered survivors, before uploading a file to everyone's HUD.

"I've assembled data on the some VIPs that could greatly help us out. Please, feel free to review it, and... I guess meet back up here at ten hundred hours? Maybe our Commander will be-"

"Yeah, meet back up here at ten hundred hours," Commander Winters echoed, standing up straight suddenly, "I'll offer a briefing then.

"You're all dismissed for the night."

With the sun setting, the first day many of the survivors could remember since the invasion came to an end. Commander Winters didn't turn around to face the survivors; she just continued to stare out the glass windows...

((And that would be end of day one. I'll give you guys two or three days to RP anything you'd like, and any interactions. I'll be keeping an eye on the thread if you feel like interacting with some of the NPCs. Day 2 will be posed in a new thread, starting with the rules in the first post and a brief synopsis. If there isn't much RPing going on soon, I'll start up Day 2 much sooner than planned.))

Firelight Supervisors:
Marcus Valarus
Role: Security Chief. Without Marcus, high-level weapons cannot be created or distributed.
Description: One of the 2000-odd hybrids on Titan, Marcus is the only other genetic hybrid to reach an officer rank (besides Commander Winter). A lion with golden fur and a dark brown mane, he dominates most other people that stand near him at a very tall 7'6''. He's built very solid, and can supposedly lift a quarter ton without a problem.
Background: There's not much information on Marcus before he came to Titan; there was some sort of scandal on the Kensley - a massive Dreadnaught that orbits Mars. There isn't anything too spectacular on his record after reaching Titan.

Tina Campton
Role: Liason. Tina has/had a vast network of both 'official' and 'unofficial' contacts across Titan; some of them survived the attack. She also knows where many supply caches are hidden.
Description: Tina happens to be the only known Human-Vekander cross. She keeps the bright red skin, mammalian ears and long tail from her Vekander mother, but has the high intellect of her father. Either from an odd mutation or a 'defect' from being part human, part Vekander, Tina has one yellow eye and one purple eye. Because of her mother, she's nearly seven feet tall.
Background: Tina was about 6 months old when she made contact with the Alliance; more specifically, her father transferred her from a Vekander Science vessel into the care of the Alliance. Her father, and the ship he joined, has not been seen near Alliance space since. After Tina hit the age of 18, the young woman disappeared from all known space, until Commander Winters arrived on Titan. Billed as an 'Assistant' to Commander Winters, Tina went about the daily activities of scheduling the Commander's events, and also granting her audiences with major gangs around the station.

Nanako Hisagawa
Role: Head Surgeon. Nanako can perform complex procedures that the medic cannot; she'll also be able to help the Medic's healing abilities.
Description: Nanako is a woman of small stature and frame, with long black hair and paper white skin. Her eyes are a piercing blue color.
Background: Nanako was born and raised in Japan; her father a former Alliance marine, and her mother a dancer. She grew up as a gymnast, performing in the Olympics, and later the Galatics, attending the First Lunar University as she did. Nanako wanted to cure diseases and make a name for herself in the medical world; instead, she ended up serving the Alliance to pay off her student debts while treating the sniffles and handing out STD cures to marines.

Ing'tin Toklin
Role: Repair Overseer. Without Ing, larger vehicles cannot be commissioned or repaired; he decreases repair time on any vehicle in the garage.
Description: Ing'Tin Toklin is from a race that's stood the test of time, having been around far longer than the Asari or Vekander...But no one can pronounce their name, so they've been dubbed the Loomi by others. Loomi resemble Gremlins from the stories of WWII pilots nearly a millennium ago; about 4 feet tall, with pale blue skin, Ing has blue fur covering most of his body. His eyes are pale and pupiless, but he can see as well as any human.
Background: Hired by Commander Winters, Ing'Tin Toklin is known across the Galaxy for his superior knowledge of vehicles, space ships, weapon systems, and also the inner workings of every known female species. How the Commander hired him to Firelight is a mystery, but his technical prowess could mean the difference between winning and losing a fight.

Kairn Broadside
Role: Resource Manager. Kiera can't relocate resources without nearly overheating and wearing down her processors; Kairn is there to make the processor as easy as possible, even helping to reduce the amount of resources the AI uses while creating items.
Description: Kairn is a Yuli, a race opposite the Asari: They all appear 'male'. He has deep blue skin with black spots running along the back of his arms, legs and torso; his frontside is a pale blue color. Kairn is a rarity among Yuli for his red eyes. The alien is 5'6'' tall, and has a long scar running from his shoulder down to his tail bone.
Background: Not much is known about Kairn. He was working at Firelight far before Commander Winters appeared, and the alien refuses to talk about the scar on his back.
Re: The Colony

"Sci-en-tist. You know. Like the people that -invented- you? Uppity AI. I swear, one mention of robotic overlords and I'm finding your logic core with a laser toothbrush. And if you think the -Commander- can put a leash on me, you're.."

In true fashion for all such outbursts, Cassidy trails off as the lapine rejoins the command center, and slowly spins her chair round, legs crossed and hands folded, to present the model of innocence. This facade darkens, and her brow furrows with the Commander's apparent indecision. As Winters finishes, the Asari's hands tighten in her lap, and it seems she's about to say something cutting.

Instead, the blue scientist swallows her bile, and pushes herself from her chair. In a rare moment of what might even be called empathy, she crosses the Command Center to stand beside the lapine Winters. For a moment, it seems one long-fingered hand might settle on the woman's shoulder, but instead, she places both on the rail, a respectful distance away.

In a voice for the Commander's ears only, she murmurs..

"Chin up, Lappy. Put that brain of yours to work. We're under attack, that's obvious.. but we're also standing in the middle of the most important strategic asset on this damned station. Weaponry, defences, sensors, we have the -works- here. If it was me taking this place, I'd have wiped Firelight off the station with directed cruiser fire. The fact that we're still alive, and holding this place? It gives us the advantage. I know you military are used to being told what to do.. but I know you can do more than that. We're a long way from the chain of command out here, so... step up. Ma'am. Oh, and your AI is cheeky. Whose personality did you base her on?"
Re: The Colony

Not to pleased with the indecision present she wouldn't say anything abbout it and she certainly couldn't blame the commander either this was afterall one hell of a situation to be in. Though with everyone dismmissed she approached the AI hoping for an answer or two to some things.
"Kiera coulld you do me a favor maybe? When I was brought in before all this happened I had a package taken from me. Do you know where that package was put? I really need it back as soon as I can. Don't worry though I won't be going anywhere when I get it I will just be more comfortable having it."
Re: The Colony

As she waited for the Commander, Circe stood near the elevator looking very much like a human statue. Her gaze however continually flicked between the two civilians in the group, a wary eye on Cassidy and a more gentle look towards Ashley, though her motives were still hidden.

After hearing Cassandra's less than inspiring speech, Circe crossed her arms in front of her as she watched Cassidy walk up to the Commander and remained that way as the other girls left the briefing room, her gaze again moving to Ashley as the civilian walked past her.

Once it was just Cassandra, Cassidy and Circe left in the room, and an observing AI, Circe walked up behind Cassidy. "Permission to speak with you privatly sir?" Circe requested, looking at Cassie with an expression that hinted she was less than pleased.
Re: The Colony

Firelight Base: Floor 2, Command Center; Circe, Kalica, Hali, Reya, Cassidy Laina, Anne, Jenn, Commander Winters Kyle and Theresa.

Kiera smiled brightly as Kalica mentioned her, the AI focusing all her attention on the Runner. At the mention of the package, the woman merely blinked, tilting her head a little.

"The package and the contents were deemed unsafe for Titan. Post Master Thule had it sent to Ackatan City, North of here, but I don't believe the package actually made it. I'm sorry if that doesn't answer your question."

Commander Winters hadn't said anything after her speech was finished; she had barely moved. Her ears, drooped lazily behind her shoulders, twitched when she heard someone stand up and move, but that was about it. Even when Cassidy walked up next to her, her teary pink eyes didn't move from the skyline. At the mention of her old pet name, the rabbit finally adverts her eyes, twisting her lips into something of a sneer. She stayed silent for a few seconds after the Asari was finished, before looking over at her with a smile.

"She chose some... Hot-shot, top-shit Alliance Fighter Pilot when she came into being. I didn't have a choice in the matter-"

She paused and turned, facing Circe wearily.

"...Whatever you have to say, you can say to me now, Vio-... Circe." The Commander said, correcting herself halfway through the word. She put her arms behind her back, squared her shoulders, and looked the biod in the eye.
Re: The Colony

*chewing on her lip some she thought about what she had been told.* "soooo um how far is the city from here? could you tell me what kinda vehicle it might be in? i really need to find that package. if i at least know how much area i have to cover i could look for it myself during some break in the action."
Re: The Colony

Circe's frown deepened once Cassandra had replied to her. Glancing over her shoulder at the other survivors who were still within earshot, they were tired from the near constant battles and the sudden, recent revelations. Circe was worn out too, but...
"Cas." Viola slapped Cassie.
"Commander." Circe turned back to Cassandra. "Soldiers look to their commander for leadership. We may be tired and low on moral, facing an unknown and superior enemy, but we never give up. For some, this is home, for others, it's our duty, but all of us, we'll fight to the end. If we do nothing, if we hide and hope we get rescued, if we let the enemy win, we may survive, but humanity won't. Rhea, Praxis, Mars, Earth itself, they will all fall if we do nothing. We may not know if there'll be anyone to take us home, but we do know if we fail here, we won't have a home.

"In order to do that, we need a leader, someone who can make decisions and keep morale up. If we stop believing we can win, then we're doomed to lose. You're our leader, and if you're despairing, how do you think that reflects on the rest of us? It doesn't matter what you're feeling inside, we need you to be strong. We need you." Circe's tone softened. "I know you have the strength to lead us. So what if we don't know what we're up against? So what if they have advanced technology? As long as we keep believing in ourselves and eachother, there's a light at the end of the tunnel. Lead us to that light Commander."

With another look back at the others, Circe straightened and saluted. "I can't speak for everyone, but I will follow you to the end Commander. Whatever it may be."
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Re: The Colony

At the approach of the bioid, Cassidy turns, a displeased frown twisting tattooed features.. and she shifts to place one shoulder fractionally in front of the Commander in what has to be a protective move. As the criticism sinks in, the frown only deepens, and the Asari growls in a manner most unlike her generally soft-spoken species..

"I don't care how many books on leadership you've been flashtaught, Miss, but you're out of line. And, quite clearly, you don't know who you're talking to. Might I remind you of Commander Winter's -extremely- distinguished record - the only reason she's not wearing more medals than I have fingers is that ninety percent of her career is hidden behind red ink. Now I suggest you take this opportunity to turn that prim little military ass around and waltz it right out of here before things need to go onto your permanent record. For a bioid, they might even request a complete re-education after a complaint from someone like La... like the Commander. We're done here."

(Yes, she's a total hypocrite. And a bitch to boot!)
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Re: The Colony

Circe's eyes flick over to Cassidy for a split second, barely ackowledging her. "Commander, I know I am overstepping my rank. I'll accept whatever punishment you deem suitable, once we've stopped this invasion."
Re: The Colony

Ashley waits in the commander center as the rest of their group goes about their business once the commander dismisses them. She didn't really know anything about military procedure that she hadn't seen in the vids, but when Cassidy and Circe went to talk to her before she could, Ashley figured that what she need to ask could wait a few moments. She doesn't move from her seat, which likely helps the rest of the assembled group from taking much notice of her, but that also allows her to hear most of the conversation between the trio of women from where they stood near the window.

She would wait as long as she had to, but unless she was noticed, she would stand up as Commander Winters moved to leave the command center. Ashley had waited long enough; now that they had a moment of peace, she intended to try and find out what had happened to her daughter. The only leads she had on her had been this base, where civilians were supposed to go in the event of an attack, and her ex-boyfriend Donny, who was supposed to be stationed here. She doubted that winters would know anything directly, but perhaps she could give her access to the computers. Ashley knew she could probably ask Kiera for the same thing, but she'd take talking to a living thing over talking to a machine any day.
Re: The Colony

Firelight Base: Floor 2, Command Center; Circe, Kalica, Hali, Reya, Cassidy Laina, Anne, Jenn, Commander Winters Kyle and Theresa.

"I'm unaware of the transport vehicle the Post Master commandeered for it; Officer Thule ran from his own system based on the Titan Network. While I can't tell you the exact vehicle used, I can provide you with the information on how many vehicles left, bound for Ackatan that day. Would this suffice, Criminal Kalica?" She asked with a cheery smile.

The Commander smiled a little as she listened to Circe - even though it was criticism. For the briefest of seconds, she felt like throwing her entire body into the Bioid's arms, hugging her close and thanking Viola for being there. Just... It wasn't Viola; it was a robot wearing her skin and her face. That, and Cassidy decided to dole out her daily allowance of hypocrisy before Commander Winters could thank Circe. Instead, she rubbed her brow, a disgusted sigh escaping her lips.

"Just... shut up," She muttered, not specifying whom she had really commanded. Flipping her hair and ears out of her face, the Commander looked to the woman that Circe looked at with a kind face before her un-inspiring speech; Ashley, her HUD told her. Cassie slipped by the dueling Alien and Robot, muttering a brief 'Excuse me', walking to meet Ashley as she stood up. While it was military edict to salute instead of shake hands, the Commander knew how most civilians were; she offered her hand to Ashley, shaking it if she was given the chance, standing at ease afterwards. She listened to the Civilian's plight, a worried look crossing her face when Ashley mentioned her daughter.

"Ah... Well, while that is a conundrum... I'm afraid I can't necessarily let you use the terminals without Kiera closely monitoring you," Cassie said, having noted Ashley's reluctance around the AI, "I don't know how much information you'll be able to pull up, seeing as how we're not really connected to the rest of Titan's network."

((Just giving you guys a heads up: Day 2 of the Colony will be up either later tonight or tomorrow after I get out of work.))
Re: The Colony

Cassidy watches the lapine avoid both her -and- the bioid, and takes the opportunity to close with Circe. The blue woman steps close, invading her personal space, cheek almost pressed to cheek, to murmur, in a voice far kinder..

"No hard feelings, kid. You're dead right. But right now, she's still reeling. If she's still like this tomorrow, you can bawl her out all you please, and I'll be right behind you. But everyone has their little moments of weakness.. and this is hers. Try not to kick a woman while she's down, hrm..?"

Without waiting for a reply, the graceful scientist eases away, and saunters off towards the elevator.

"If anyone needs me... I'll be in my lab. Or. I would be, but someone locked it down. So I'll be in my quarters. Unless Miss HotShot Kiera has put me in with the men, in which case, I'll be in the AI core. Have fun, you lot..!"

She pauses at the elevator's control panel, blue finger over the holographic interface.

"Anyone else going down..?"
Re: The Colony

*frowning some at the information Kiera was giving her she sighed and rolled her eyes some* "yeah yeahKiera give me whatever ya can..and here i thought we were starting to become frineds then ya gotta use sucha rude label like that..hurts my feelings..and after all the help i have been." she would wait for the information on the vehicles before taking off from the command center to look it over and get some rest. first chance of free time she got from this chaos she would be planning routes to go explore and look for these vehicles*
Re: The Colony

When the commander offers to shake her hand, Ashley doesn't hesitate in taking it, glad for the comforting gesture. Then, she said; "Ma'am, I know this isn't exactly the best time for this, but..... Well, when I came to this base, I was hoping to find someone. You see, my daughter, she should have evacuated here if anything happened. Her father is a soldier stationed here, at this base, named Donny...... Donny Roscowitz. I think his rank was private. Anyway, I want to check through the bases records and see if either of them are here. I know I could ask the same from Kiera, but... well, I didn't think there was a decent opportunity before now. And.... I'm not really comfortable with talking to a machine, at least not about something like that."

Ashley then waits for Commander Winters to reply, after which she says; "I don't mind if she monitors me, I just didn't want to ask her for permission. I figured you could give it to me, is all. And even if I don't find out much, at least I'll know that she isn't here, right?"
Re: The Colony

Circe said nothing as the Asari passed her, but when both her and Commander Winters were behind her, the bioid's hardened expression dropped, something only Keira would be able to see. 'I know... But we need to focus. I just hope I did the right thing.'

Putting her mask back on, Circe turned around and walked up behind Cassie and waited for her and Ashely to finish talking. "Sir, unless there's anything you, or Miss Ashely, need me for, I'll be in my room." Circe looked over to Ashely, emphasising her offer to help the civilian.
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Re: The Colony

(Commander Winters should poke Ashley in Circes direction.)

As the biod passes by them, Ashley nods to her, and says; "Unless you know where my daughter or my ex are, I don't know how you'd be able to help. Maybe if you could keep your eyes peeled when you're outside of the base? She's only 5 years old, with brown hair and brown eyes. Her name's Alysa. Here, here's a picture." She said, and brought up a picture on Circes heads up display of a skinny little girl with pigtails and an ice cream cone in her hand, with a good portion of the treat itself smeared around her mouth. "Also if you find Don, would you mind asking him about her before he convinces you to shoot him?" She continued, and a picture of a grinning man in marine uniform appeared. "As soon as he realizes that you're female, he'll probably start hitting on. The prig. Just to warn you. The only reason I'm not hoping he's rotting in a ditch is because he might know where Alysa is." It was then that Ashley realized that she was about to start ranting, and stopped speaking, an irritated glower on her face as she thought about her ex boyfriend.
Re: The Colony

With no one taking up her offer, Cassidy reaches for the controls once more.. then narrows her eyes. One, blue digit hovers just over the array of numbers.

"Kiera... what floor did you say you'd put me on..? I -do- have quarters, right? Normally, obviously, it wouldn't be an issue.. but something about being shot at, and treated like a criminal leaves me wanting a bed to myself."


"In fact.."

Finger retracted, and the Asari saunters to the back of the open elevator, before leaning against the wall.

"I'm sure you're capable of moving this metal cage on your own, Oh-Wonderful-AI. Whenever you're ready."
Re: The Colony

Posting this under Silth's orders just for appearing's sake.

Character Sheet:
Name: Xerberus, Combat Test Subject 10532367
Race: Thrull (Bio-Engineered Humanoid)
Class: Marine
Level: 1
AP: 7
FP: 7
MP: 2
Strength: 4
Dexterity: 3
Intelligence: 1
Will Power: 2
Equipment (List Below): Heavy Armor (20 Durability), Jennings SA Rifle (d2 damage, 7 rounds per clip, 5 clips), DX8 Pistol (1 damage, 5 rounds per clip, 3 clips).

A combat experiment in the way of construction by the Allience. However, with this new threat, they decided to release it out of cold storage early. Now free again, Xer's personality, though not quite human in thought, is more or less ready to take on the new threats that await her.

Details: Carpace colored a light tan, with large, dragonfly-style wings. Spikes and claws abound on her body, though oddly enough, none near the less-protective nether areas and bust carpace. She has a pair of antennai for advanced sensory imput, and her yellow eyes can see in almost complete darkness. Her legs are triple jointed, and end with three-clawed feet.



Two general appearence references standing up.

Allience stress testings make sure all units are able to handle all forms of torture. Generation X Bioengineering lent a repeater to deal the test in this case.
Re: The Colony

Bringing back Ruri for round two. ;)

Character Sheets: Pretty straight forward.
Name:*Ruri Nasegawa
Race: Altered Human
Class: Medic
Level: 1
AP: 2
FP: 3
MP: 8
EP: 6
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 2
Intelligence: 3
Will Power: 3
Equipment (List Below):
*Light Armor (10 Durability), DX8 Pistol (1 damage, 5 rounds per clip, 3 clips), Meditool (Special: Heals d4 AP/d3 FP).
You can list any sort of backstory;*
Ruri was a medic assisting in the forces of firelight before she was captured by tentacle monsters. While a captive she was fucked relentlessly and continuously, all three of her holes ravaged by tentacles for many days. Her body and mind were also altered during her tenure as a prisoner; her libido was greatly enhanced making her more sexually loose and proactive, being exposed to large amounts of the creature's aphrodisiac, which the orca use to make Aphro-darts. The tentacles' cum also altered her body makin her an hermaphrodite. She is currently being held in Abstergos base awaiting rescue from our heroes.

Ruri stands about 5'8" tall, with an attractive and shapely figure. She wears a grey sweater under her medical lab coat, with a brown mini skirt. She used to be painfully shy and quiet till the tentacles altered her body and mind. Now she is openally flirtatious outgoing, and interested in sex. She wears long tan stockings, a black garter belt and a black bra. She has long green hair, and bright aqua green eyes with pale rosy lips.