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The "Cure"

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
The night was young, the stars were bright, and the moon was full. Much of the city had gone back to their homes to rest at their homes, there was hardly a car on the street, and the city was eerily quiet. Only one car was seen, driving towards the local library.

Kaila was in Sara's car, sitting in the passenger seat, as her and Sara parked along the side of the road, in front of the library. There were still lights on inside, as it was still about an hour before closing time.

Sara turned to Kaila, sounding both concerned, and irritated as she spoke to her.

"Come on, Kaila," she tried to reason with her, "Haven't we gone through this long enough? There's no such thing as werewolves. Can't you just admit that your mind is playing tricks on you?"
Re: The "Cure"

Kaila sat as far back in her seat as possible, trying not to look into the passenger mirror. They always came out at night, especially when there was a full moon... As the car glided to the halt, she swore she saw a reflection of one in the mirror. Jumping a little, Kaila turned her head to Sara, eyes wide.


"W-What? No..." She shook her head, looking towards the dim lights inside the library, "They exist. I see them, they-" She twitched her head to the left, catching a clawed foot dodging into a bush, "... They exist.

"You don't have to come in with me though Sara," Taking a deep breath, Kaila looked to her friend with a shaky smile, "I've inconvenienced you enough by having you drive me around."
Re: The "Cure"

Sara let out a sigh of frustration.

"Forget it... Look, I'm going to get something to eat while you're in there, you want anything from Windy's? Like a baked potato, or a salad?" she asked Kaila, unlocking the door for her to get out.
Re: The "Cure"

A bright smile erupted across Kaila's face.


"Baked Potato!" She said, about to open up the door, when something made her freeze. Slowly, the woman turned back to Sara, biting her lip as she tried to look as pathetic as possible.


"...Please stay and make sure I get to the door alright?" She asked, then bolted for the library.
Re: The "Cure"

Sara growled at Kaila as she darted for the door to the library, irritated at how the girl was obsessed over the imaginary. After leaning over the middle of the car to close the door Kaila left open, Sara sat in thought for a moment. She had always been telling herself that she should get Kaila to have a CAT Scan, in hopes to possibly find some way to help her delusions go away, but kept putting it off because of money, and how much attention Kaila kept demanding Sara give her, to "protect her from the monsters"

Sara sighed, and put her car in drive, and started to pull away from the Library.

Kaila made her way straight for the library doors, and easily pushed the door open. The woman at the counter looked at Kaila strangely for a moment, seeing her dash in like a mad woman, and blinked in confusion as Kaila entered the library.

The interior of the building was very simple, with tan carpeting, and white walls. There were detectors in front of Kaila, to prevent anyone from stealing books, and beyond them, were bookcases about twice her size, standing in columns, right after several couches placed in a way so that people who just came to read the books could have plenty of space from others, as well as tables for students to lay their books down, and study.
Re: The "Cure"

Kaila rushed in, grinning nervously at the librarian, before asking where the reference section of the library was. She headed there, drumming her fingers against her pant legs while checked around every corner.
Re: The "Cure"

After the man at the desk pointed her in the right direction towards the reference section, Kaila only found books that had no relation to any kind of, 'cure' meant for her particular problem, only finding fiction books about the supernatural, also known as, "horror" books.

Finding a book that barely led Kaila to believe it might talk about werewolves, she sat down in a chair, and began to read it. It was very uninteresting, mostly being a story that related to werewolves being weak against silver, and only coming out in the moonlight, while discussing nothing about a cure for her particular problem.

Before Kaila even read 30 pages, she gave a start as the lights in the room suddenly shut off. Several other people around her gave little shouts of surprise of their own, as Kaila was left in the darkness, unable to see...
Re: The "Cure"

The book was being no help at all... but Sara wouldn't be back for a while, so Kaila decided to read it and see if there was -maybe- something that could help her out. However, as soon the building went dark, she threw her book up in the air, screaming in surprise.


"KYAAA!" She immediately curled up in the chair she had been sitting in, hugging her knees close to her chest, her mind racing at the scenario that could have happened. She hadn't seen a werewolf since before she came in the library - maybe they had all started to coordinate, and take out the power?! Closing her eyes tightly, she fumbled for the cell phone in her pocket. She had to call Sara before they got to her...
Re: The "Cure"

As Kaila fumbled in her pocket for her phone, she heard a loud scream, and some sounds of flesh ripping, causing her to drop her phone in shock. The light from the screen of the phone illuminated a horrific sight. Kaila saw before her, a reptilian monster eating the very flesh off of the man who was at the counter. It's face was covered in blood, and the man was unmoving, with blood pouring from his mouth.

(Fear check)

Although Kaila was frightened by the horrific appearance, she felt able to act as she fought through the fear. She gave a little bit more of a start, however, as the raptor suddenly turned it's head, looking at her with interest as it cocked it's head back and forth. It dropped the man's corpse, letting the lifeless body fall to the ground, as it seemed ready to approach Kaila, the man's blood dripping from it's mouth.
Re: The "Cure"

Kaila stares at the lizard her entire body shaking as she closed her eyes for a brief second, repeating the mantra Sara had taught her, hoping it would help.



As soon as her eyes open, and Kaila saw the creature still there, she immediately started to back away, screaming her head off.



((OOC note - I need to find more pictures of that mithra.x.x; ))
Re: The "Cure"

Kaila was very fortunate she was backing away from the monster, as it suddenly lashed out a tongue at her, heading straight for the opening of her mouth, only to miss by inches due to her retreat. Angry, the monster hopes quickly over the counter, and continues to stalk towards her, it's mouth opening again to try and insert it's disgusting tongue into her mouth.

Kaila suddenly heard her phone ringing, with the special ringtone she made just for when Sara was calling, as it began to vibrate on the ground...


Sara was driving full speed down the road, after the power went out, she knew Kaila would likely have a heart attack if she wasn't with her. Nearly avoiding an accident twice, she continued to drive like a maniac down the road, while picking up her phone to dial Kaila's number, getting angry after the first two rings.

"God damn it, Kaila!" she spat, "Pick up your phone!"
Re: The "Cure"

Kaila looked down at the phone, then up at the lizard, covering her mouth as she saw it's long tongue continually flicking towards it. She couldn't help it anymore; With a sudden rush of energy, Kaila dove towards her phone, hoping to pick it up and tell Sara to get the hell away from the library!

...After all, the werewolves probably weren't too far behind.
Re: The "Cure"

Kaila made a dire mistake. When she leaped for the phone, the hand covering her mouth reached for the phone, and allowed the monster's tongue to slip into her orifice. Not soon after, Kaila tasted something not sweet, but absolutely wonderful in her mouth, as she soon found her mouth not only filled with the monster's tongue, but with some other kind of juice that was released from it...

(Willpower check)

Kaila was in too much of a panic to think of swallowing something so wonderful, but she didn't know how long she could last before she accepted the ooze down her throat. Her hands met her phone, but found herself unable to answer the ringing device in her condition, as it quickly stopped ringing right in her hand, leaving her on the ground, with the raptor's tongue stuck in her mouth, driving her insane with the lust, the need, to swallow it.
Re: The "Cure"

((...I'm confused. In your post, it says she resists... but later on she gives in?))
Re: The "Cure"

( She never swallowed it, she just really wants to, and removing the tongue which is firmly in her mouth counts as an action, as it tries to seal itself inside, trying to make it's victim swallow the juices. )
Re: The "Cure"

((Sweet, thanks.))

Kaila's fear of having Sara get hurt was replaced by a much stronger emotion: Anger. She had never felt this way in the past four years - she had been much too afraid of the werewolves. She couldn't swallow the goop, no matter how delicious it was. Glaring up at the raptor, she grabbed onto the things tongue, literally trying to rip it in half, or right out of her mouth!

((Action: Rip the asshole's tongue in half! >.> ))
Re: The "Cure"

Kaila stood up, and grabbed at the tongue furiously in an effort to remove it. However, she strained a little too much, and accidentaly let a little slip down her throat, and that was all it took, as that little bit made her flush, and give in just enough for her to want more of it sliding down her tongue, as she happily swallowed the rest of it, feeling her anger flush away, replaced with the lust, the need to get fucked. Her panties grew wet as the raptor gracefully removed it's tongue from her mouth, and started to slowly walk towards her, letting her catch sight of it's cock emerging from between it's legs. Kaila suddenly knew what it wanted, and the sudden strange flush of lust in her eagerly wanted the monster's large member inside her pussy, images in her mind wanting nothing more than to have it's large cock cum inside her.
Re: The "Cure"


"Sh.. Shit... Sara..." She whimpered, the thought of her friend saving her suddenly gone from her mind as soon as her eyes laid upon the monster's cock. Groaning, she stuffed a hand down her pants, two fingers plunging into her wet sex. Kaila arched her back, trying to shimmy out of her pants. She needed that cock!
Re: The "Cure"

Removing her pants and panties, the raptor now stood directly in front of her, it's eyes shifting wildly all along her body as she continued to finger herself. The creature's cock was now rock hard, and very thick. The size of it looked like it would stretch Kaila painfully.

The monster slowly walked around Kaila, until it was behind her, and started to press against her pussy eagerly, as if wanting her to allow it entry, as it's cock brushed against her rear, and the lips of her pussy, exciting her with the desire to be fucked by this strange monster.
Re: The "Cure"

Kaila made sure her pussy was always facing the monster's cock, showing how eager she was for him. Her pussy literally dripped with juices, her fingers making noises as she fucked herself, trying to show off for the raptor. As the raptor brushed against her pussy, her back arched in absolute pleasure, a moan escaping her lips.


"Yes... Please... Fuck me..." She whimpered, shaking her ass at it, "I... I need it!"

((Edit: Math class tiem. *runs off*))
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