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The "Cure"

Re: The "Cure"

After waking up sometime later that morning, Kaila found herself awake, laying right next to Sara, with her own arms wrapped around her blond friend, while Sara was sleeping soundly as the clinging Kaila awoke next to her...
Re: The "Cure"

(Alrighty, I know I must have made it painfully obvious that Sara was NOT the one doing the clinging...)

((Shh. Was tired.))

Kaila opened her eyes, staring at her friend in disbelief. How had she ended up like this?... Must have been the aphrodisiacs, Kaila thought, slowly unwrapping herself from Sara to sneak the emergency cigarette from out of her bra. She searched for a lighter then, just wanting one so she wouldn't be so jittery...
Re: The "Cure"

Sara only made small complaints about Kaila's smoking, and never tried to make full hearted attempts to stop her, as she realized that smoking helped with stress relief. And due to that, Kaila had a whole pack in her pocket, which thankfully didn't slip out after that... One night...

Drawing one from the pack, Kaila noted that she, not counting the one already in her mouth, about to be lit with the accompanying lighter, had 6 cigs left in the pack...

Suddenly, which Kaila thought was a werewolf, Sara started groggily awakening, and getting out of bed. She always woke up this way when Kaila spent some nights in Sara's bed, afraid to sleep alone, lest the wolves get her, which led to Sara claiming parts of her body hurt, while not voicing that it was because Kaila always put so much weight on her...

Once on her feet, she started marching like a mummy to the bathroom, intent on getting an awakening shower...
Re: The "Cure"

Watching her friend stand up and grumble her way to the shower, Kaila began twitching her fingers nervously. As soon as she was in the bathroom, the woman grabbed an ashtray and plopped herself by the window, lighting her cigarette.

Kaila would blow her smoke out the window, to try and keep the room from smelling horrible. As she finished her cigarette, the woman took a look outside the window finally - and saw one of the werewolves looking up at her, lips curled back in a menacing growl, glaring up at Kaila, it's obsidian claws digging into the dirt... They never came out during the day - she was always safe then!

It was enough to send her half screaming, half sobbing, into the bathroom ((Or at least to pound on the bathroom door if it were locked)), needing Sara!
Re: The "Cure"

As Sara never locked the bathroom door unless some stranger would come in, Kaila easily bursted into the bathroom, where the nude Sara looked up from her bath she was resting in without moving her head much.

"It was your imagination, Kaila," she said as if going through a boring routine, and heaving a heavy sigh after, the tips of her nipples peaking over the surface of the water.
Re: The "Cure"


"No!" Kaila shouted, rushing forward and throwing her arms about Sara's shoulders, no matter how wet she was - or how nude she was, "No! You know they don't come out during the day!" She shouted, starting to sob. "You... You know they've never come after me in the sun before.."
Re: The "Cure"

Sara suddenly blushed, and gasped when Kaila rushed towards her, and actually submerged some of her body in the water in order to hold her. Sara pushed herself out of the water a little, before trying to peel Kaila off of her.

"K-Kaila!" she shouted, "Everything will be fine! Just let me go, I'm not decent!"
Re: The "Cure"


"No!" Kaila shrieked, her tears lost among the splashing water as she refused to let go of Sara, "It's out there! They all are! Please, Sara! They'll get me!"
Re: The "Cure"

Sara could only let out an angry sigh over Kaila's refusal to respect Sara's privacy over her obsession of those wolves.

"Kaila... For God's sake... I'm naked, and you've already gotten yourself wet..." she sighed, "I'll be done in a moment... You can stay in here, if you want, just please at least let me wash myself!"
Re: The "Cure"


"Why don't you believe me?!" Kaila shouted, staring at Sara through teary eyes, "They don't come out during the day! They never have!"
Re: The "Cure"

Sara sighed in a defeated way,

"Because... I can't see them..." she sighed again, looking frustrated, "Kaila, what do you want me to do? What can I possibly do?"
Re: The "Cure"


"But.. You... You follow me all over... You have to know they exist... " Kaila's face turned to pure terror as she stared at her friend, "You wouldn't put up with this if you didn't think they were actually after me!"
Re: The "Cure"

Sara sighed, and for the moment, ignored the fact that Kaila was invading her privacy.

"I put up with it because I care about you, Kaila. I know your mind is playing tricks on you, and that it terrifies you. And it breaks my heart to know that you're constantly afraid, when you should be like any other girl, having fun, going shopping, and just... Not having to worry about these things..."
Re: The "Cure"


"They're real though!" Kaila nearly screamed, her face flushed. Her skin was wet from perspiration in a sudden flash of anger at the realization her friend thought she was crazy, "I've seen them! I hear them every where! I've even been grabbed by one, and the only thing that saved me, is you showing up just in time!"

The woman collapsed into a heap after that, sobbing hysterically. No one believed her... No one was willing to...
Re: The "Cure"

"K-Kaila!?!" Sara shouted as her friend collapsed, "Kaila, I'm sorry! I believe you! Just..." Sara sighed. She remembered that they sometimes had to take baths together due to this problem, although Sara wasn't comfortable with the idea now, after they actually had sex together... And of all the places... A library... As if a couple whores...

Sara sighed as if unsure of what to do, "Kaila... Might as well hop in the tub... Come on... As long as I'm here, they won't get you, and you're a little filthy to..." she actually managed to bring herself to giggle a little bit, just to try and lighten the mood, "C'mon, filthy girl, time to get clean..."
Re: The "Cure"

Kaila, completely misunderstanding Sara's use of 'Filthy', curled up tighter into a ball, shaking her head.


"I d-didn't mean to have s-sex with you..."
Re: The "Cure"

Sara lost her temper a little, and sighed,

"Kaila, no one's having sex. Now either get your butt in the tub, or you can watch me bathe."
Re: The "Cure"

The only sound Kaila made was a little sigh as she uncurled from her tight ball. She crawled towards the tub, stripping off her clothes when she got to the lip of it.
Re: The "Cure"

Sara didn't watch Kaila take her clothes off, she only looked straight ahead, resting back into the curve in the tub, trying to release the tension she built up as her friend gets naked, to join her in the tub.

Sara then wonders, after catching sight of Kaila's naked body in the side of her eyes, how she got such a deep tan if she's so afraid of going outside. She likely thought it was because of what she was talking about earlier, how they never came out during the day...

"I wonder if we could still find a sweet, baked potato around here..." she wonders, asking aloud.