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The Darkmoon Faire's Dirty Little Secret (Tassadar)


Nov 10, 2008
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Darkmoon: a name that instantly lights up the face of even the most dispirited person. The Darkmoon Faire has existed for as long as anyone can remember, a troupe of entertainers and merchants who travel the world, stopping once a month at one of the major cities for a few days to set up camp and ply their trade. Their games, shows, and rides delight everyone, from child to adult to elderly, and there is so much to see and do that no one can ever experience the entire carnival in the one weekend a month they are open. Tales wander far and wide of the many things one can see and do. There are even rumors of shows that only certain people are allowed to see...

One of those rumors talks about an endurance test, where one contestant enters a gauntlet to see how far they can progress before they give in to the obstacles. This is not a test of martial prowess or magical talent, but of a more lascivious nature and open only to women. Many girls whisper between embarrassed giggles about attempting to withstand the pleasures in order to claim the test's final prize: a wish from a powerful wizard, who is able to grant anything the winner desires. Of course, there are no stories of women who have actually finished the challenge and reaped the final reward. In fact, none of the women who speak in hushed tones about the gauntlet know anyone who has ever attempted the test, or even how to enter.

Inquiring about the test from those who work the Faire leads anyone who asks into a wild goose chase of red herrings and misinformation. Persistence, a bit of coin, and maybe a willingness to give more, though, may lead one to being contacted by a rather shady fellow. "Come to the Faire at midnight," he says, hiding in the shadows of one of the carnival's less opulent tavern-tents. "Stand in the clearing behind the shooting gallery. Don't bring any weapons." He reaches out a thin cloth covered hand with a necklace, plain but radiating with slight magical power, then continues, "Wear this. And as little else as possible, if you don't mind..." Though his eyes are covered by the shadows of the deep hood, it is obvious his eyes wander over the woman before him hungrily. "And don't tell anyone else..."

(OOC: This is a quest for level 0 heroines. Naughty will be tested, but combat and spirit are highly recommended, whereas explore is mostly unnecessary. Expect demons and monstrous creatures, as well as magic, spectators, and public displays.)

(Post Length: I'd like a paragraph at least, and I will generally post two or more
Post Speed: I generally can post once a day, but may post more if I can.)
Re: The Darkmoon Faire's Dirty Little Secret (Tassadar)

Natalie smiles at the man glancing over her body, changing her pose and pulling her cloak away to emphasize her curves. She wears only a black bra and a short black skirt beneath her cloak, so the cloaked man has no trouble in examining her body. "I have no problem with that. And, if you like what you see, I'm quite willing to let you.... Touch...... If you can provide me with more information about the gauntlet."

Later that evening, Natalie returns to the room she'd rented and removes her cloak, intending to leave it behind. She dons the amulet the man had given her, and sits on the bed until a half glass before midnight. Then, she rises, as prepared as she is going to be, and heads to the clearing behind the shooting gallery. She wore only her black bra, her miniskirt, and a pair of black lace panties underneath.

Name: Natalie
Description and Basic Backstory: A fairly short girl at about 5'3", with long raven-black hair, Natalie was seemingly harmless young girl, and a promising young student at a small magic academy, right up until she started delving into the dark arts. Necromancy, demon summoning, evocation, black magic... Anything the young woman could get her hands on to increase her own powers, she studied relentlessly. It wasn't long until one of the instructors discovered her midnight activities, of course, and she was forced to flee. Since then, Natalie has changed, her devotion to the dark arts only increasing. Her eyes have become dark and sunken, while the little fat that had been on her figure had melted away years ago, leaving her lean, but still pleasantly curvaceous, thanks to the aid of a succubus years ago.

Desired Posting Speed: Once a day or so, maybe a little less depending on how busy I am.
Desired Posting Length: A paragraph or two is enough.

Level - 0
Willpower - 18/18
Combat and HP - 1 and 20/20
Explore and Stam - 4 and 10/10
Spirit and Magic - 9 and 20/20
Naughty and Lewd - 6 and 20/20
Re: The Darkmoon Faire's Dirty Little Secret (Tassadar)

The shady man gladly ogles Natalie's offered flesh, his perverted grin apparent even when covered by his mask. One cloth covered hand starts to creep towards her, but stops quickly. "I'm sorry," he says, "but we find our contestants perform much more... enjoyably... when they are surprised." The shady man stands and bows, bringing his face as close to Natalie's chest as he can, before hurrying out of the tent. By the time the girl exits the tent herself, he is nowhere to be seen.


Standing behind the shooting gallery, Natalie is steadily growing more and more upset as the night passes and no sign of the shady man or his rumored gauntlet make an appearance. Then, just as she is ready to leave, the necklace pulses with magical energy, emitting a red glow. She suddenly feels compelled to walk towards an open field. A field that suddenly changes, the air shimmering in the moonlight, to reveal a large gaudily decorated tent. Before the tent stands the same shady man she had met before, his hidden eyes still obviously pouring over every curve of Natalie's body just as before.

As she steps up towards the man, his cloth covered hand reaches out to take hold of the necklace, though rather than remove it from her, he cups it, placing the back of his hand in the dip of the girl's cleavage. "A lovely necklace for a lovely girl," he says, the fabric covering his hand rubbing coarsely against her flesh. Finally, the man's hand withdraws, taking the necklace with it. "But I'm afraid it must stay with me. Perhaps if you win, you can have it back." The man laughs, then says, "Yes, you've been accepted into the Gauntlet, the most enjoyable game in the Faire." He bows, the waves his arm towards a door in the front the tent, which slowly opens on it's own. "Inside the Gauntlet, you will face many tests. Conquer them all, and you win the ultimate prize. Fail, and you become property of the Faire. If these conditions are not to your satisfaction, you may leave now." The last statement was said with an almost mocking tone, as though the man knew Natalie would not leave.

Despite any words she might have for the perverted man, Natalie knows that this is exactly what she has been searching for: the rumored Gauntlet. With the dark powers she had attained, and the countless other 'skills' she had picked up since leaving her formal training, Natalie is certain she can succeed where others have failed. Without hesitation, she strides confidently through the door, not even jumping when it slams shut behind her, plunging her into darkness. From outside the room, Natalie hears the man yell, "Excellent choice my dear, good luck!" Within moments, her eyes have adjusted to the dim light and the girl is surprised by the emptiness of the room in which she stands. The walls and floor are plain wooden planks, and in the center is a raised stand, from which a single metal pole rises to the ceiling. A closer inspection of the stand and the pole leaves little doubt as to their purpose. The stained pole and stage are for a certain kind of show, the kind that the audience is likely to enjoy physically. Tearing her eyes from the indecent spectacle before her, Natalie is surprised to find that not only is there no door opposite the one she had entered from, but that door too has disappeared. She is locked in this room!

Soon after her inspection, Natalie hears the sound of a wave crashing upon the shore. An odd sound, considering that the ocean is far from the city she is in, but she soon realizes that that it is not water, but the sound of innumerable hands clapping. Applause, from an audience. One she can not see, but she knows can see her. Without warning, the voice of the shady man intrudes over the raucous crowd, "Thank you everyone and welcome to the Gauntlet, the most enjoyable show in the world!" The sound continues to grow louder, but still Natalie can see nothing but the blank walls of the room. "Tonight's challenger is a rarity indeed. A genuine sorceress, witch, necromancer, and demonologist. She has consorted with dark powers, and partaken of evil rituals. Demons whisper her name and ask that she spare them her wrath, but tonight she will scream for mercy! Please give a warm welcome to... Natalie!" The applause is once again deafening, though interspersed with hoots and cat calls this time.

As the speech continues, Natalie notices a ball of energy materialize in the air, shimmering and undulating as it hovers in place across the room from her. The shady man picks up again, yelling, "As you know, before we get to the main event, we like to have a warm up. Let's all get a good look at our fine competitor, as she entertains some of the Faire's less usual guests!" The applause picks up again, but then begins to fade, the sound becoming hardly noticeable as the glowing ball begins to pulse and bounce, still hovering in place. With a popping sound something emerges from the ball of energy, then another, and another, and so on until fully a dozen small creatures stand chattering in high pitched voices on the bare floor.

With her extensive knowledge of demons, Natalie quickly identifies these creatures as imps: small demons well known for their mischievous nature. The group of creatures suddenly notice her as well, and all clamber over to stand at the foot of the stage, jumping up and down as they shout at the girl. The demons stand only up to Natalie's knee, and their mottled grey skin and angular features, combined with the sharp claws on each finger and horns atop their head speak of their aggressive nature. She notices that each little creature sports an erection, larger than one would think such a creature would have. As Natalie stares at the creatures, she hears the shady man whispering, almost as if he stood next to her, though she was still alone in the room with the horde of imps. "They've paid good money for a titillating dance. Give it to them, and be good about it, or they might not stop at just watching. They want to get their money's worth, after all. Hahahaha...."

Having lived as an outcast in the seediest parts of civilization for so many years due to her practice of the dark arts, Natalie knows well the kind of dance these imps were waiting for. A sensual suggestive dance that would excite the imagination is what the demons are expecting, and to deny them that might make them demand further compensation. Of course, her long years of practicing magic have gifted her with the ability to confound the senses of the weak willed. A suitable spell might mollify the little creatures, though they would be understandably angry were they to discover the ruse.

(Paths: Dance for the Imps, Naughty; Attempt to use magic to fool the Imps, Spirit(Combat))
Re: The Darkmoon Faire's Dirty Little Secret (Tassadar)

Her patience had apparently finally been rewarded, and so she gladly follows the magical stones call toward the hidden location of the tent. She smiles as she spots the man that had finally led her to the secret gauntlet, and puts an alluring swagger to her walk as she steps toward him, her nipples stiff beneath her bra from the cold, and completely on display for him to see. After her takes the magical amulet from her, she replies; "Oh, I intend to have much more than that, when I succeed. Then maybe I'll give you a little taste of what you passed up earlier, if I'm feeling generous."

She headed into the tent without hesitation and with complete confidence, not at all bothered at the proclamation that she would be the property of the Faire if she failed to complete the gauntlet. Even if she did somehow fail, she could simply escape later, after all. She doesn't let out any sound as the lights darken, the mans final words still in her ears. Her eyes take in the details of the new room, particularly the pole and the occupants that begin to appear moments later.

Natalie grins at the sight of the familiar little demons, having had some experience of the mischievous and lecherous little creatures in the past. The pole in the center of the room and the announcers words made what she meant to do obvious enough, but she briefly considered letting an illusion take the place of her real body as she put on her lewd display. It would protect her from the imps for a brief moment should they become hostile, and she knew the lesser demons could be quite aggressive should they be angered. She discarded the idea quickly, however. It would simply be better to save her magic for the later challenges.

Brimming with confidence and with a smile on her face, Natalie steps to the center of the room and rests one hand on the pole. "I'd better see you stroking those big dicks of yours...... Because I'm about to show you little demons a dance the likes of which you've not seen since your last time in the harems of the demon princes of hell itself!" She says fiercely, meaning every word.

And, with that, Natalie begins her dance. She begins slowly, walking in a circle around the pole with her hips jutted back, emphasizing her rear and letting the imps see most of the way up her skirt, and stopping as she completes a circuit. Her hands stray up to her breasts, which she squeezes together as she bends over in front of the little demons, showing them her impressive cleavage for a moment as she licks her upper lip, her eyes closed as a soft gasp escapes her luscious red lips. She rises slowly, and completes another circuit in the opposite direction, her hips swaying. She bends over again as she completes another circuit, this time her hands go down to touch her toes, and slowly slide up along the pale flesh of her legs as she looks one of the imps in the eyes, a lewd smile on her face. Her hands travel up her legs, past her knees and up her thighs into the depths of her skirt. As they reach her nethers, she half closes her eyes and emits a soft moan, her lips pouting, before suddenly straightening and walking so that she stands in front of the pole.

Her hands reach her side, where they slowly undo the binding on her skirt. She slowly pulls it apart, pausing for a few seconds as she exposes the side of one of her hips, waiting for a reaction so that she can gauge the way in which the crowd of imps were reacting so far. Then, she pulls her skirt fully apart, revealing her black lace panties, and tosses it aside into the crowd. She spins around, putting both hands on the pole as she presents her heart shaped ass for the creatures viewing pleasure. Natalie slowly sinks to her knees, her ass waving alluringly as she wiggles her hips and moans softly as though in pleasure, pressing her face against the pole and shutting her eyes as her moans rise in volume and intensity. The damp stain at the crotch of her panties was proof enough that the young wizard was starting to get worked up, if she hadn't convinced the imps yet. Natalie chews her bottom lip, her eyes shut tight, as one of her hands dives between her legs and rubs against her pussy beneath her panties, the pleasure giving her moans an earnestness as the wet spot on her panties grew. She worked herself like that for about a minute, her hand working frantically as she shook her ass and moaned like a common whore in heat, before her eyes snapped open, the whites all that were showing as they rolled up back into her head and she threw back her head, her moans rising to a scream of only half-fake orgasm.

She gives a soft pleased coo as she rises once more, sure that if she hadn't got the imps attention yet, she was dealing with a very tough crowd. Her hands snake up and grasp her tits as she once more half circles the pole, stopping as she turns to face the pole, and presses herself against it, her eyes going over the crowd of assembled demons. Her bra suddenly falls away, revealing her erect red nipples and firm pale breasts in full, and she slides forward slightly, pressing the pole between her soft orbs and sliding it between them slowly, an aroused expression on her face. She slowly drags her tongue up the surface of the pole, keeping it just a few centimeters away so as not to actually touch it while she continues to titty-fuck the pole, and one of her legs wraps around the pole.

Natalie suddenly spins, so that her back is to most of the assembled crowd of imps, and she bends over backwards, so that her face is only inches from the nearest of the demons. She begins to grind her crotch against the pole as she leans back, another soft moan escaping her lips as her tongue hangs out and she looks the nearest imp in the eyes. She keeps this up for only a short while before straightening, not wanting to risk stumbling or pulling a muscle in her back, and slides to her side and down to her hands and knees. She crawls in another circle around the pole, giving the assembled demons a perfect view of her free swinging swinging breasts and shapely ass. When she completes her movement, Natalie puts her face down onto the floor, and hooks her fingers into the waistband of her panties, the only thing she still had on. She chews her upper lip again as she closes her eyes and gasps softly, and slowly pulls her lace panties down, revealing her glistening womanhood and puckered asshole to the imps.

As soon as her panties are around her knees, one of her hands slides between her thighs and gives her clitoris a quick flick. She gasps softly, and slowly slides a finger into her wet slit, moaning once more like a needy slut. She only keeps up this part of the show for a few seconds before straightening slightly and turns, pressing her breasts once more around the pole as her fingers continue to work their way around inside her pink pussy. Her soft tits once more begin grinding up and down along the pole for the viewing pleasure of the imps as she fingers herself in front of the demons.

Once again, this doesn't last long, however, as Natalie slowly regains her feet, her face flushed and a look of lust on her face. Her lace panties stay where she'd been, having dropped off of her as she stood back up. She once more circuits around the pole, gyrating her hips and swaying her breasts as her hands stay slightly extended out to her sides with one trailing fingers along the pole. Her gaze travels over the crowd of demons, a calm smile once more on her face as she takes in their reaction to her dance so far.

After two more circuits, it was time for the finale. She suddenly swung herself toward the pole, and wrapped one of her legs around it. She jumped up suddenly, her crotch against the pole as she swung in a circle, supported only by her leg on the pole and one arm clenching it softly as her breasts hung over the imps. After two spins, she swung inward, her leg coiling around the pole like a snake as her womanhood ground against it, her back to the imps as her eyes closed and a look of supreme pleasure on her face. Her arms wrapped around the pole and kept her spinning around it, though now much slower, the foot still on the ground keeping up with her with quick hops and slow slides. She rubbed her clit and petals against the hard pole, once more moaning like a whore while she slowly circled around the pole, letting each of the imps get an eyefull of her breasts, ass, and especially her pussy working itself along the pole. She kept at it for over a minute, her moans rising to a fevered pitch as she began to spin faster and faster, until she threw back her head and screamed, pulling away from the pole so that her tits once more hung more freely, this time her orgasm honest and whole as her juices began running down the pole beneath her crotch. She remained that way for a moment after her climax passed by, her head thrown back, her breasts on full display as she leaned back, and her pussy against the pole.

She completed one more circuit of the pole like that, a look of satisfaction on her face, before sinking down to a crouch, her head slumping forward and causing her hair to cover her face. Her dance was done.

(I anticipated the dice rolling me a 1 or something, so I RPed the hell out of that one.)
Re: The Darkmoon Faire's Dirty Little Secret (Tassadar)

:)eek: Wow. Rp bonus is an understatement ;))
(Dance for the Imps, Naughty = 15)
(Natalie's Naughty is 6, RP bonus +4, Roll of 11 = 21. Natalie succeeds by 6)

As Natalie steps up to the stage and confidently poses before the demons, they grow even more excited, chattering and jumping up and down while starting to rub their erections. All the little creatures begin to cheer as she shows off her body so enthusiastically, and in the back of her mind, Natalie can hear the unseen crowd hooting and hollering as well. Her increasingly lewd actions spur the demons on even further, as she can some of them are furiously pumping their cocks as they stare at her. Obviously they were rather easy to please, but Natalie was enjoying putting her show too much to slow down now.

Natalie's skirt being removed is accompanied by frenzied howls from the demons. When she tosses it into their midst, a small brawl almost breaks out as the several of the creatures grab the piece of cloth and attempt to take it for their own. It tears apart audibly into several smaller pieces, the owners of which gladly begin to sniff and rub over themselves, before using it to help themselves in their masturbation. They continue to cheer excitedly as Natalie continues, and even the shady man seems taken aback by her performance. "Are you all seeing this?" he asks the unseen crowd incredulously, "I've never seen a contestant dance so enthusiastically before! I think we've got ourselves a prime candidate tonight" The imps continue to watch Natalie's performance, enthralled, and completely oblivious to any other onlookers as they enjoy themselves. The sounds of the perverted demons grow louder as the girl enhances her performance with a fake orgasm. "Oh my goodness!" the shady man yells, "We've got a live one folks! You all picked the right night to attend!" As she howls out, the girl can hear one of the demons crying out along with her, as well as feel a warm splatter on her feet as it sprays it's excitement onto the stage.

The continually arousing nature of Natalie's dance delights the small demons more and more. They cheer again, bouncing up and down as her breasts and tongue slide over the pole. Bending backward with her face so close to the assembled demons gives the nearest one a bit of courage as he grips the stage and pulls himself up, a clawed hand reaching for her cheek. As she straightens up however, the demon falls back, pulled down by his companions who thought what he was doing a good idea. Natalie's resumed dance, however, quickly makes them forget trying to get up on stage. The little creatures continue to enjoy her dance as she crawls around and rubs against the pole again, eagerly crying out as she teases them and removes her panties.

After spending so much time teasing the demons, Natalie quickly notices that much of the stage sports small globs of cum as the demons continue to bounce up and down, enjoying her performance. The more lewd she becomes, the more they excited they get, all of the demons pressing up against the stage, their erections covered in their juices. The girl's finale has the demons howling in pleasure, all of them jumping up and down around the circular stage as she brings herself to a real climax. Her obvious pleasure drives the demons on themselves to reach their own climaxes, and each of them cry out almost simultaneously as the girl leans back in bliss. As she remains leaning back, Natalie can feel jet after jet of cum striking her sides and back. One of the demons is even powerful enough to send a stream of spunk arcing up to land on her face, leaving a string from her forehead down to her lips, a small glob dripping into her mouth.

With her show, and herself, finished, Natalie notices that all the demons seem spent, sitting on the floor rather than bouncing up and down. Another orb of energy appears behind them, and they all bound off towards it, albeit sluggishly, and disappear into it's light. Immediately after the last demon leaves, the thunderous roar of the audience comes rushing back into the room, their cheers interspersed with whistles and cat calls. The shady man's speaks up as well, adding, "Well, I don't think there's anyone watching who didn't enjoy that show! I know I did!" The man laughs, sounding a little breathless himself, then continues, "She's obviously got some skills besides her magic, and now she'll have show those off as well." As he speaks, a doorway appears in the far wall, shimmering into view just as the tent had in the field. "Continue on, little dancer," the shady man once again whispers in Natalie's ear, "The show has just begun."

While Natalie's mini-skirt lays as cum-soaked rags on the ground around the stage, her bra and panties are both in somewhat better condition. Since she dropped her bra down next to the pole, it is still in mostly good condition, only a few small splatters of demon spunk marring the fine cloth. Her lace panties, however, are soaked, both in her juices and that of the imps. Perhaps her magic can help with that, if she cares, though she has a sneaking suspicion that her underwear will be removed again before the contest is over. After taking whatever time she needs to recover, Natalie will find that the door that appeared is the only exit from the room, the original entrance still not visible, if it was even still present in the room. With no other options, she steps through the door, ready for the next challenge. As soon as she steps through, the door disappears just as the first had.

Natalie would find the next room to be much like the first. The plain wooden walls stretched across the room, but in the middle is something different. Something large, and alive. Sleeping, in fact. After taking a few steps closer, Natalie can tell that the large shape is actually that of a two-headed ogre, one of the huge muscled giants that inhabit the mountains and terrorize any who pass through their territory. The beast lay on it's side with it's back to her, it's huge form rising and falling rhythmically on the wooden floor, one head resting atop the other. A dark blue cloth was draped over the monster, though a closer inspection would reveal that this is not a blanket, but a robe, marking the ogre as one of the few of it's kind capable of working magic.

Regardless of her reaction, Natalie's thoughts are soon cut off by the shady man yelling out to the still unseen crowd. "Time for the next challenge!" he yells, though this time the sound actually resonates in the room, causing the sleeping giant to stir slightly. "I've regaled you all with stories of our contestant's accomplishments! You've seen her dance like a whore, now you will see her fight like a champion!" The ogre continues it's slumber, though it mumbles softly and brings a hand up to rub at one of it's faces. "The Gauntlet exists to show off brave, powerful, and beautiful women! Show them off as they fall to their knees begging for pleasure! Natalie has already shown us her, heh, beauty... here she will prove that she is indeed brave and powerful! Prove it by battling the mighty, the magnificent, the magical... Krod-Mok the ogre mage!

At the sound of it's name being called, the giant finally awakens, pushing itself to a sitting position. Even sitting down, the beast towers over the girl, it's huge bulk and the ease with which it moves easily displaying the muscle and power hidden behind it's fat. Even still, the beast doesn't seem fully awake, and to Natalie's surprise, the creature's right arm rises up to slap the face of the left head. "Krod, wake up. Wake up, fool!" the right head yells. The left head seems unfazed, but Natalie can hear a mumbled, "Krod sleep, Mok go night night too." Mok is insistent however, and continues to pester the his sleeping half. "That perverted human has brought another woman into his game. If we take her soul, we can break free of our cell, and destroy him!" If she looks closely, Natalie can see that around each of the ogre's heads is a collar, seemingly plain steel, but crackling with magic. Krod yawns, then says, "Soul? Mok take soul, get us outta here, right? Back home?" The ogre's left side finally seems to stir, and together with the right, pushes the ogre to a standing position. "That's right Krod, but only if you wake up and help me catch the human."

While the two ogre's have roused, they seem to argue still, each having a different strategy for how to deal with the poor, pathetic, human girl that has unwittingly delivered herself to them. As the two argue, the air to Natalie's side begins to pulse and shimmer, revealing a rack full of weapons, though all blunted. "Take a weapon and knock the ogre out. You may not be a warrior, but I'm sure you've learned some offensive magic in your studies. Or did you spend all your time grinding against poles?" The man laughs mockingly, then continues, "When the ogre is out, you can move on to some of the more enjoyable challenges..." The voice fades away with a chuckle, the unseen crowd quieting along with it.

Combat, magical or otherwise, might not be Natalie's strong suit, but that is exactly what the shady man and the audience wish to see. If she fails, however, the ogre may steal her soul, just as it threatened. On the other hand, the creature is still waking up, and is obviously more focused on it's argument with itself to pay her much mind. Perhaps she can find some way to sneak past the monster. The room is small, the creature's bulk taking up much of it, but quick wits and quicker feet may be all Natalie needs.

(Fight the Ogre-Mage, Combat(Spirit), Avoid the Ogre-Mage, Explore(Combat))

Willpower - 18/18
Combat and HP - 1 and 20/20
Explore and Stam - 4 and 10/10
Spirit and Magic - 9 and 20/20
Naughty and Lewd - 6 and 20/20
Last edited:
Re: The Darkmoon Faire's Dirty Little Secret (Tassadar)

Natalie smiles as she realizes that she is partially covered in the imps semen after her finale, and reaches up with one of her hands to wipe what was on her face into her mouth, sucking on her fingers and emitting a pleased moan despite the bitter taste. She gives the little creatures a final smile as they file into the portal and took them away, quite proud of her performance. She regains her feet as the cheers of the crowd and the voice of the announcer once more fill the air.

The imps had destroyed most of her clothing, but Natalie wasn't overly bothered by that, having figured that she would be naked by the nights end from the cloaked mans earlier suggestion that she wear as little as possible. The only salvageable part was her bra, since she'd rather not have the imps seed anywhere near her pussy, but she'd figured that having nothing on but her bra would be rather pointless, so she simply continued on naked. As she walked over to the new doorway and then continued on without anything more than a slight nod of her head, she reached behind her and wiped off more of the imps cum, licking it off of her fingers and swallowing the thick demon cum, glad to absorb its residual magic even if it had come from such lowly creatures.

Natalie watches as the ogre mage begins to rise, mild panic beginning to settle within her. She wasn't much for stand up fights, having lost most of the duels she'd been in during her time at the Academy. Even her new skills had offered little in the way of help during direct combat, leaning more toward summoning minions to do such things for her while she struck from afar. Still, the rack of weapons that appears beside her gives her a bit of an idea. She might not be able to strike hard, but perhaps the collars around the creatures neck would allow her to put the ogre back down, if she struck them hard enough. She didn't doubt that the collars were what was keeping the mage trapped here, and hoped that the collars would deliver a quick knock out to the ogre if they were tampered with.

That decided, Natalie grabbed a club in both hands, the weapon heavy and unwieldy in her untrained hands, but it was the one she was most familiar with, and much simpler and less dangerous to her in its use than a blunted sword or mace. She concentrates for a moment, shutting out the ogres two heads constant infighting, as she whispers the words of a complex illusion spell. Suddenly, four illusions of Natalie sprout of from her body, appearing as if the were standing next to one another, and each immediately sprung into action alongside the real her. Two illusions rushed straight for the ogre, club raised high, while a third rushed past the beast, heading for the door as though to flee. Meanwhile, another illusion tried to run around behind the creature to her left (the ogres right) and the real Natalie did the same to her right (its left.)

If she could, she would try to reach the ogres necks, all the illusions save the runner doing the same, and strike her club against the collar around the more intelligent heads neck. The wizardly head was obviously the more dangerous, and if she could neutralize it, the unintelligent head would fall much faster. She had carefully crafted her illusions, knowing that she faced another who was experienced in magic and likely the dark arts she favored too, and so all of them were not only completely lifelike, but would, upon a quick magical inspection, possess a soul. Having heard the monsters claim that it would consume her spirit, she had made sure that they would be more than mere images. If the ogre tried to strike any of them with strength or magic, they would try to dodge it just as she would, though with just as much unpracticed skill and dexterity. The sorceress knew that she would have to take out the mage head before her clones were recognized, or she was finished.
Re: The Darkmoon Faire's Dirty Little Secret (Tassadar)

(Fight the Ogre-Mage, Combat = 18, Spirit = x1)
(Natalie's Combat is 1, Idea bonus +2, , 1 + 2 + 8 = 11. Natalies fails by 7)
(Natalie takes 7 HP and 7 Magic damage)

As Natalie begins to work her magic, she sees the right head of the ogre-mage suddenly stop arguing with the left head, falling silent with it's head turned slightly as if it had heard something. "I sense the flows of magic," Mok says, holding up a hand that prevents further argument from the bewildered looking Krod. "If this girl is versed in magic, we may be able to do more than take revenge on that scum of a wizard who imprisoned us." Mok laughs, which prompts Krod to bellow out a guffaw of his own, though whether he understood his other head's meaning or not is anyone's guess. "Magic humie help us smash magic humie," Krod says with a childish laugh. Another raised hand from Mok, though, and the look of simple amusement is replaced by one of sadistic cruelty and malicious intent.

The ogre-mage stands still as Natalie and her illusions surround it, their clubs raising. Before any of them could strike, however, Natalie's 'runner' illusion bolts past the ogre, heading for the door. Without warning, a bolt of black magic erupts from the meaty right hand of the monster, striking the fake sorceress with amazing accuracy, and causing it's form to explode in a shower of black particles. "Illusions!", Mok yells, before swinging his eyes around to catch one of the images approaching from his side, "Krod! Destroy them a-" The mage's command is cut short just as Natalie's club connects with his collar. Just as she had suspected, the jolt to the collar has an immediate effect, and streaks of electricity erupt from the rune covered choker, striking the mage head of the ogre. Mok screams in pain, while his thick fingers paw futilely at the offending item. Krod, however, seems able to ignore the pain of his other half, and snarls in anger before turning to the swiftly circling images of the young sorceress.

"Nobody hurt my brudder!" Krod yells, swinging his massive fist in a wide arc around him. Though clumsy, the attack easily strikes one of the images, as well Natalie herself on the chin. The sudden knock causes the small girl to spin off balance and lose her concentration on maintaining her spell, sending the other two illusions fading back to nothingness. "Now you ain't got no udder yoos to hide behind girlie," Krod says ominously, just before raising his meaty fist in the air, to send it crashing back down into Natalie.

The blow nearly knocks Natalie unconscious, and as she reels drunkenly, trying to blink the stars out of her vision, she almost wishes it had. She has the sensation of being placed in a large vise, it's sides constricting on her, but not crushing her. As well, she can hear maniacal deep throated laughter bellowing out towards her, as well as a vomit inducing stench wafting into her face, before she suddenly feels a tug. Not on ehr physical body, but on her soul. The pain is excruciating, and seemingly never-ending. After what feels like an eternity, she awakens to the feel of wood against her body, and the sound of a familiar voice calling out over a crashing pulsing wave of cheers.

"A noble effort at least?" the now familiar voice of the shady man calls out, the first words she can understand fully. "Thankfully, my cantrips preventing her from suffering any external damage," he yells, sounding pleased with himself, "So we can all enjoy her luscious body, without worrying about the pain she no doubt feels throughout it!" The shady man's voice continues, sounding more and more lively and pleased as it does. "And enjoy it we all will! For now we have what has become one of the fan favorite events of the Gauntlet! The Hall of Hands!"

During the shady man's speech, Natalie had slowly been growing more and more in control of her now painfully bruised body. Just as the man finishes his announcement with his traditional flourish, the girl looks up, just in time to see a hallway, just wide enough for her to pas through shoulder to shoulder, with it's walls covered in glowing blue portals. From the portals emerge hundreds, if not thousands, of hands, as well as other appendages. Only a moment before, the vision of a doorway had been clear to her, but now she can see nothing but the sea of hands, all eagerly reaching towards her, though they can not yet reach her where she stands. Behind her is a blank wooden wall, no doubt concealing the doorway she would have exited from the ogre's room had she succeeded in knocking out her massive opponent. For now though, her only option is to make for the door she had briefly seen, past the sea of pawing, groping, molesting hands.

In her mind, the shady man whispers to Natalie once again, "Welcome to the Hall of Hands, one of our crowd favorites, as I'm sure you can guess why." The man chuckles creepily, then continues, "All you have to do is get to the next door, that's all. Don't worry, they won't try to stop you... much..." Although the door is no longer visible, Natalie knows that she must only move forward to reach it. Undoubtedly, however, the many hands will attempt to slow her down as much as possible, to do anything and everything they could with her naked body. There are simply too many for even the strongest warrior to fight off, and no other routes past them, but perhaps her skill in magic could be off some aid to her. If she can bend her magic to serve her just right, she knows she can easily pass through the hallway without any incident. The shady man has magic of his own, however, and if her spell isn't strong enough, there's no telling what the man will do to punish her for the attempt.

(Ignore the hands and forge through, Naughty; Use magic to protect herself, Spirit(Naughty))

Willpower - 18/18
Combat and HP - 1 and 13/20
Explore and Stam - 4 and 10/10
Spirit and Magic - 9 and 13/20
Naughty and Lewd - 6 and 20/20
Re: The Darkmoon Faire's Dirty Little Secret (Tassadar)

(I was taking damage on that one no matter what, methinks. At least I got it out of the way. :) )

Natalie allows herself a smile as her plan works perfectly (at least at first.) Her illusions had drawn the attention of the ogre, and allowed her to at least temporarily incapacitate the more intelligent of the two heads. She was about to move to attack the second head when the things fist slammed right into her head. Her illusion spell, requiring constant concentration, immediately fizzled, and she tried desperately to center herself enough to form some kind of defense as the less intelligent half of the ogre delivered its threat. Its second blow stops any progress on that front, however, and she just barely remains conscious as she tries, in vain it seems, to block the pain out and at least get away form the ogre before it kills her. When the spiritual pain begins, Natalie clenches her teeth, trying to keep from passing out, which has the added benefit of preventing her form biting off her own tongue as the ogre mage begins to tear out pieces of her soul.

When she awakens, her vision remains blurred for a moment as the shady mans words barely register, but the sorceress recovers after a few moments. Natalie immediately represses the memory of her defeat, burying it as deeply as she can and purposefully ignoring the fact that it had been her own overconfidence that had gotten her into the situation. She pushed it form her thoughts immediately, and searches for something positive to keep her mind on, anything, lest she go insane with the fear and revulsion at what the ogre had done to her. She settles, oddly, on her memory of how worked up she'd gotten the imps with her dirty dance, how the little demons had very nearly climbed the stage at one point, her movements had been so alluring. She allowed herself to fantasize, for a moment, what that would have been like, and found herself growing slightly aroused.

Natalie stood up, opening her eyes to find her vision unclouded once more, and examined the next challenge, the so called "Hall of Hands." She considered, for a moment, merely wrapping herself in dark armor and surrounding herself in a shield bubble, but decided that wouldn't be in the spirit of the contest. The first challenge had shown her exactly the kind of performance the Faires patrons wanted, and Natalie knew that she would have to give it to them if she wanted to win through and claim her reward. They wanted to see her perform as many lewd, degrading acts as possible, and she didn't doubt that what she would be required would only get dirtier as she progressed onward.

So, she might as well get into the spirit of things. Rather than shield herself from the groping hands, Natalie enacted only a simple spell, holding her right hand over her head and tilting her head backwards. A shower of thick, slimy oil flowed down onto her body, covering first her face, then her breasts, and then running down and between her legs. It covered her back and front in a thick, slippery liquid that shown in the light, only making her pale body that much more appealing to whoever was watching. A confident smile once more covered her face as she opened her eyes, her body now covered in oil, and she began to strut toward the gauntlet of hands, her hips gyrating to emphasize the movements of the muscles in her ass.

Natalie wouldn't try to stop any of the hands within the hall from touching her, allowing them to grope her slick form as much as they liked as she slid by them, moving slowly and steadily rather than trying to rush through. She would sigh and coo as they gave her pleasure, since many of them likely going for her pussy or nipples, as she intended to make sure that the audience would be getting their moneys worth. She wouldn't let them get her too worked up, however, as she knew that she could hardly afford to remain in place for too long. The spell was self sustaining, so that the grease wouldn't simply rub off on the first few hands and allow the further hands to get a better grip, but it would also cost her more energy as such, and the encounter with the ogre had left her slightly drained. If she didn't get through quickly enough, Natalie might find herself beginning to run low on magical energies, something she doubted that she could afford to do now, in the middle of the gauntlet.
Re: The Darkmoon Faire's Dirty Little Secret (Tassadar)

(Well, you could have taken the Explore route... )

(Use magic to protect herself, Spirit = 16, Naughty = 1.5)
(Natalie's Spirit is 9, , 9 + 2 = 11. Natalie fails by 5)
(Natalie takes 5 Magic and 7 Lewd Damage)

Natalie effortlessly applies her greasing spell, allowing the slimy liquid to cover her entire body. As she does, the unseen crowd becomes noticeably more excited in their catcalls, obviously enjoying her new look. "Well, well!" the shady man adds, "Looks like she's decided to give you all a treat! Some lubrication!"

As the sorceress confidently makes her way into the horde of hands, everything seems to be working at first, her oily body sliding effortlessly past the molesters. Just as she thought, most of the offending hands gravitate towards her breasts and crotch, eliciting slight trills of exaggerated delight from her. The attempts to grab her simply slide off her grease covered form, and she quickly makes progress through the hall. About half way through, however, she notices the oil wearing off quicker than she expected, forcing her to use more of her magical power to keep the effect going. As she attempts to compensate though, several hands find purchase on her arms and legs, slowing her down considerably.

"What's the matter?" the shady man's voice whispers in her ear, "Having a bit of trouble?" The shady man laughs as Natalie manages to break free of a new set of assaulters. Her freedom is short lived however, and she suddenly finds her feet caught on something, causing her to stumble into the grip of another multitude of hands. Wondering why she tripped, she looks down to see the oil around her feet had changed from the slimy oil into a thick gelatinous goo that clung to her feet and the floor. "Just relax and enjoy! My customers sure will!" the shady man whispers, laughing as the sorceress struggles to free herself again.

Stuck in the grip of her lascivious captors, Natalie is forced to endure what she had so confidently invited before. The hands quickly take advantage of her difficulty, forcefully rubbing over every part of her body. Her breasts are savaged, and she soon finds multiple fingers from different hands stuffed inside her pussy and ass, sliding in and out like small pistons. Her exaggerated cries quickly become very real moans. Every so often, a pair of fingers rise up to her mouth, dripping her own juices onto her tongue and not retreating until she has sucked them clean. Every so often she manages to shakily break her feet free of the floor and stumble forward, but always lands in the grip of another set of hands, each one just as eager to play with her body as the last.

It doesn't take long for the hands to bring Natalie to her first orgasm. She shudders in their grip, crying out as the crowd roars in approval. Losing control of herself in the feeling, she finds herself pulled towards one of the walls, her back thudding against the wood. Her head presses against the wall, a too close for comfort magical portal inviting a tongue to slide into her ear. Just as she is about to regain control, the hands gripping her wrists clamp down, and she feels something poking against her back from another, lower down portal. A second later she knows just what it is, as the cock is fumbled around, sliding around her slick ass before being shoved up into her anus. Her sudden cry of pain causes the crowd to cheer even more, and her unseen assailant wastes no time in pressing his advantage. The sorceress is bounces up and down, the hands pushing her against the wall, as she is repeatedly thrust into. Long arms reach across the hall to continue playing with her breasts, and one finger rubs back and forth across her clit. It isn't long before the person enjoying her hole fins his climax, and fills the sorceress with his warms juices, before a laughing crowd allows her to press off the wall and stumble further into the hall.

After her violation, Natalie surprisingly finds the going slightly easier, the goo around her feet having melted into a more liquid state again. The hands continue to grope her, however, and she finds herself caught in the throes of another small orgasm just before she is thrown to the ground in front of the door on the other side of the hall. Eager to get to the next challenge, she crawls through the door, completely unsurprised when it slams shut behind her. After a moment of regaining her strength, Natalie returns to her feet, grease and other fluids flowing down her legs as she feels the magic of both her spell and the shady man fades from her body. It doesn't take much time for the intelligent sorceress to realize that her realization about the shady man's plans for her are more than correct in this next room.

The next room is open and circular like the first two, and sports a stage in the middle much like the first room. Rather than a pole however, is a large circular bed. Red satin sheets hang down over the sides of the bed, and large pillows lie strewn about it seemingly haphazardly. The most distressing thing however, is the woman lying atop the bed, taking a seductive pose while smiling mischievously at Natalie. "Hello, sweety," the woman says in a sultry voice, "Why don't you come over here and keep me company." Looking over the woman, Natalie quickly realizes that approaching her may not be a good idea. The woman's beautiful face and curvaceous body almost draw Natalie's attention from the small leather bat-like wings folded behind her, the horns growing in between the soft, midnight black hair at her temple, and the long, thin, and barbed tail snaking back and forth over the pillows. Perhaps just as astonishing is the presence of a runed iron collar around the woman's neck, an item used only in the subjugation of demons.

"You've all seen how naughty, young Natalie can be," the shady man's voice calls out to the crowd. "Many of you got to experience it... first hand," he continues, a smirk evidence in his voice at the pun. "But now, she's going to give us a different kind of show. It's time for little Natalie to spend some quality time with one of the Faire's most popular employees...the alluring, the enchanting, the irresistible... Simone... the succubus!" "

The roar of the crowd is deafening, and even the woman before Natalie seems to be slightly annoyed at the clamor. "Don't worry about them, babe," she says, raising a hand to beckon Natalie over, "I'll make sure you don't even notice the peeping toms." The succubus pushes herself up to a kneeling position, then leans forward and stares at Natalie. "Oh, you look like a fun one!" the demoness says while clapping her hands together. "Not one to shy away from life's little pleasures, are you? The succubus leans back, passing a hand over her crotch. "That's good, because I've got something you won't find on many mortal women," she says, before revealing a large erect penis emerging from between her fingers. "Of course, if that's a little too much," she continues, her hand closing of the member again, before sliding away to reveal a perfectly normal looking female crotch again, "We can do this however you like."

"Incredible, isn't she?" the shady man's voice once again whispers in Natalie's ears. "She's voracious, both for pleasure, and for souls. Be careful of that by the way," the man continues with a chuckle. "Enjoy yourself, but don't give in to her too much, or she'll do more than show you a good time." Natalie suddenly feels her vision directed to the succubus' tail. "See that?" the man asks, and immediately Natalie recognizes what he is referring to. A small silver key is attached the demoness' barbed tail with a bit of red string, laying flat against the thick leathery growth as it whips back and forth. "If you please Simone, she'll give you the key. We have a little agreement, you see. Once you have that key, you're free to continue to the next challenge." Natalie's eyes are once again drawn across the room to another door, this one different from the others in the appearance of a small silver keyhole just under a plain wooden handle.

Just as suddenly as the shady man had taken control of her, Natalie finds herself free again. Without even be conscious of it, she finds that she has already approached to stand at the foot of the succubus' bed. The demoness looks up at her, one hand trailing down to run a finger between her nether lips, then back up to her mouth to lick it clean. Succubus' were well known for their abilities to please their lovers, and Natalie knows that she may well lose herself in the demon's company. If the shady man is telling the truth, then all she has to do is spend enough time to satisfy the demoness' lusts, though that may take quite some time. On the other hand, the string tying the key to the succubus' tail looks flimsy at best. If she can get her hand on it, one good yank is all Natalie will need to open the door, though both the shady man and the demoness will likely not be pleased.

(Spend time with the Succubus, Naughty(Spirit), Attempt to steal the key, Explore(Spirit))

Willpower - 18/18
Combat and HP - 1 and 13/20
Explore and Stam - 4 and 10/10
Spirit and Magic - 9 and 8/20
Naughty and Lewd - 6 and 13/20
Last edited:
Re: The Darkmoon Faire's Dirty Little Secret (Tassadar)

(Fail dice. And sorry it took me so long.)

Natalie smiles as the shady man issues his announcement, and slides her hand over her breasts, causing her nipples to stiffen slightly as her hands passed over them. Confidant that her slime would do its work, her smile doesn't fade even as the going becomes a little bit more difficult than she'd thought, and shunts more energy into her magic. Even when she stumbles, she keeps her confident posture going, and looks down to see that some of the slime that had sloshed off of her had partially hardened into a thick, jelly-like goo that kept her stuck in place. Her visage twists into a scowl as she glares down at the intruding sticky slime, knowing that the spell she'd used wouldn't work like that under any normal circumstances. She jumps in place as the shady mans voice whispers into her ear, and she realizes what had happened: he was cheating. Well, not cheating, per-say. He'd never said that he wouldn't attempt to make the gauntlet more difficult using his own powers, but she still felt as though this was violating the spirit of the rules of the gauntlet as they'd been explained to her. Things were hard enough as is.

Her thoughts are cut off, however, as the surge of hands pull her in and begin sliding into her pussy and ass, her magical oil providing additional lubrication for them to violate her sensitive holes as they pleased. She tried to struggle away from the hands even as she moaned like a whore from the pleasure that they were giving her. She barely managed to pull herself forward over a few feet, getting a little further down the hall before she very nearly collapsed as the hands brought her to orgasm. As she recovers, and feels the cock slide into her ass, she only moans, and moves to give it an easier angle, hoping that it will just be over sooner. Her moans continue as the cock fucks her up the ass, and very nearly orgasms as it finally fills her asshole with its semen. Once it finishes, she pulls away form the wall where she was held and finally makes her way to the opposite end of the Hall of Hands.

She nearly collapses once she is clear, letting the energy of the spell release, and the flow of oil over her body ceases as it runs down her legs along with the cum that was flowing out of her ass. The sorceress lets out a tired sigh, the repeated violations beginning to tire her in more ways than one. She keeps going mechanically until the succubus speaks up, and draws Natalies gaze to her. She waits, unmoving, throughout the shady mans words to the crowd, their reactions, and the succubus words to her, her thoughts in an uncontrolled whirl as butterflies of nervous tension dance in her belly. In fact, she barely notices that the shady man has once more taken control of her, and moved her against her will to the edge of the demons bed.

She knew that this wasn't the same succubus that she had made her dark compact with, but the memories of that night were burned forevermore into her memory, so intense had been the experience. She had obtained long lasting youth, as well as demonic magics, by the deal she'd made with the succubus, Naikrul, but in return, she'd allowed the demoness to both feed freely upon her soul, and plant her seed within Natalies womb. The night had been the most important and incredible of her life, despite the fact that it had nearly been the end of her very existence. The orgasmic pleasure that the demoness had put her through as it took its price had been beyond description, and she had wanted nothing more to give herself completely to the succubus, which would have left her a near-mindless plaything for the demon until her body finally expired. She had pulled herself back, however, and kept enough of her soul to eventually recover and make use of what the demoness had reluctantly given her once the demon-spawn that had been put into her were born.

And now she was presented with another of the wonderful creatures, with little choice but to let it attempt the same thing against her. And this time, with a crowd and a perverted magician as spectators to boot. For a brief moment, Natalie considered trying a grab for the key so that she could bypass the event entirely, but she held herself back from that desperate move. The shady mans ability to take control of her, along with the succubus magical abilities, would lock her in place long before she could even get to the next room, and extract whatever punishment they saw fit from her for her disobedience.

Her confident smile returns as her course of action becomes clear. She'd need her magic if she wanted to get through the rest of the gauntlet to claim her prize, and every piece of her soul that the succubus took from her would be one less bit of energy that she could use to reach her goal. So, she couldn't let the demon feed too much from her, but she doubted that she could get away without giving her anything.

(Option A: For lazyness.)
That in mind, Natalie joined the succubus on the bed, and lies on her side in a comfortable spot. "I hope you can deliver, demon, because this place has been doing its best to get me quite... Worked up. And I can assure you that that's hardly too much for me. I just hope you know how to use it." Natalie says, indicating the cock that Simone had magically grown. Knowing that the crowd and the shady man were watching, Natalie intended to let the succubus take the lead, and do with her as she wished.

(Option B: In case I can get a bonus from it.)
If Natalie wanted to get through this, she'd have to be dominant from the start.

"Come here, demon. And then lie back, with your legs over the side." Natalie says, her hand patting the edge of the bed where she stood, and then waited for the woman to oblige, her posture dominant and sultry. When the demoness complied, she continued; "Make yourself like a man once more. It's certainly not more than enough for me." As she spoke, she lowered herself to her knees at the side of the bed, so that her face was directly in reach of the succubus hopefully now manhood-endowed crotch. Her right hand snakes up and wraps around the base of the demons cock while her left hangs onto the edge of the bed right near where Simones pussy should be.

She began slowly stroking the demoness cock, getting used to its size and shape while she teased the woman. "I want to taste you..... And if you're good, maybe I'll give you a taste of me...." She whispered, putting as much sultry arousal into her voice as she could while remaining firm. Then, she leaned forward and wrapped her lips around the head of the demons cock, sucking gently while her tongue rubbed around the mushroom head and along the slit in the center. She lowered her head slightly along the length of the demon cock now in her mouth, keeping her eyes centered on Simones face while she stroked the woman and suck her off at the same time. Natalie teased the succubus like this for a few moments before she moaned around the cock in her mouth, her growing arousal demanding more, and closes her eyes as she forces her face down onto the cock, forcing it down her throat, until her lips meet the base of the womans dick. Her tongue runs along the sensitive underside while she sucks on the wonderful cock in her mouth, allowing the demon to rest in her tight throat for a second before she pulls back until all that's left in her is the tip, and then goes right back down. Natalie sets up a steady rhythm, taking the demons cock from tip to base with every thrust, letting her tongue slide along the bottom and lick along the slit whenever she reaches the tip, while her hand strokes up and down in time with the movements of her head. She keeps it up for as long as possible, trying to make the demon cum in her mouth, fully intent on swallowing every drop. Her left hand also slides along Simones asshole and pussy if it's still there, offering further stimulation to the demoness while she worked her cock with her mouth.

Once the demon cums in her mouth, or begins to grow restless, Natalie stands, still holding Simones cock, and turns around. Assuming the demoness hasn't done something to stop her, and isn't already spent, she bends over slightly, the butterflies in her threatening her control, and lines up Simones cock with her pussy, which is already soaking wet with arousal. Then, the sorceress steels herself against the wave of pleasure that she knows is coming, and will likely overwhelm her senses if she hasn't prepared herself, before slowly sliding down, impaling her womanhood on Simones cock. Once more she begins taking the member from hilt to tip, now moaning lewdly as she fucks the succubus for all she's worth.
(Spend some time with Simone. Dice, don't fail me this time.)
Re: The Darkmoon Faire's Dirty Little Secret (Tassadar)

(No problem on time, RJ has you beat on that anyway ;) )
(I'll go with option B)

(Spend time with the Succubus, Naughty = 18, Spirit = x1)
(Natalie's Naughty is 6. RP bonus of 2. . 6 + 2 + 14 = 22. Natalie passes by 4)

"Oooohh, a dom," Simone says, a playful smile on her lips, "It's so rare for me to find girls like that. This should be fun!" The succubus eagerly pads across the bed on all fours before sliding into position in front of Natalie. The demoness spreads her legs lewdly as her hand passes over her crotch, the large penis manifesting once more, completely erect and as large as any man Natalie has ever seen.

As soon as Natalie's mouth touches the succubus' phallus, the demoness moans excitedly, already anticipating the pleasure she would receive. "Oh yes, taste it, taste all of me," Simone moans. One of the succubus hands gently presses against the top of Natalie's head, while her other slowly gropes one of her large shapely breasts. The demoness writhes as Natalie's experienced mouth and tongue continue their relentless assault. Her legs close and rub up and down against the side of her partner's face, while her feet lock behind Natalie's back and pull on her slightly. When Natalie adds her expert fingering to the mix, Simone moans loudly, her entire body wriggling back and forth on the bed in unrestrained pleasure. Finally, she screams out as her back arches, and Natalie suddenly feels the succubus' explosive release in her mouth, the strangely sweet tasting fluid quickly flowing down the willing woman's mouth. Simone shivers each time she releases, and Natalie soon finds her fingers dripping with the demoness' juices as well. When the succubus finally finishes her intense orgasm, she weakly rests on the bed, and purrs, "I think you might be as good at that as I am."

When Natalie stands and positions herself over the demoness' cock without hesitation, Simone smiles and pushes herself to sit up. The succubus moans again as Natalie slides herself down, the reaches around to grasp the woman's chest, slowly massaging her breasts. The succubus begins to lightly kiss Natalie on the neck, before sliding her mouth up to gently bite the girl's ear. Meanwhile, one of the demoness' hands drop down to begin playing with Natalie's now engorged clitoris. Each time the woman slides up and down on the Simone's cock, the demoness gently pushes up with her hips, obviously enjoying Natalie's willingness. For Natalie's part, the demoness' penis seems to hit her in just the right spot on every thrust, and every one of Simone's touches send a trill of pleasure through her body. All of the sensations combine to send Natalie soaring towards her own orgasm. When she reaches it, so does Simone, and both women cry out as Natalie feels another thunderous explosion of cum, this time filling her womb. Simone clutches the sorceress against her body as the two exult in their bliss.

After several moments of the bring pressed against the succubus' body, Natalie soon finds herself released and feels a thump as the demoness falls back against the bed. "Oh, you are incredible," Simone says with a slight giggle. As Natalie rests on the succubus' knees, she begins to feel a squirming sensation against her now completely soaked nether lips. Looking down, she notices that it is not Simone's penis which seems to have disappeared completely, but her tail that is causing the feeling. The thin, spade-headed, fleshy appendage whips back and forth as it rubs against Natalie's pussy, and soon slides in, eagerly grinding against the woman's insides, sending small waves of pleasure through her body again. This doesn't last long however, as the tail quickly withdraws, but Natalie notices something different about it: the key is no longer tied against it. Instead Natalie can feel the hard metal sitting inside her, far enough in not to come out on its own, but not so far the girl can't reach it herself. "You've earned it," the succubus says happily. "Now about me tasting you... did I do well?"


After Natalie spends whatever amount of time she wishes with the succubus, the roar of the crowd comes crashing back into the room. "Oh, I certainly can pick fun ones, can't I?" the shady man yells over the applause. "It's been a long time since we've seen a girl handle Simone so well. But little Natalie seems to be covered in sweat, among other things." Laughter as well as catcalls burst from the crowd, but the shady man continues. "It's almost time for the finale, and before little Natalie arrives, I think she needs to spend a little time cleaning up." The man's voice contains more than a hint of laughter, and the hoots and cheers from the crowd let Natalie know that what the man said must have something to do with the next challenge.

Natalie finds that the key that Simone had given her fits perfectly in the lock of the next door, making an audible click as the it unlocks. "I'll see you later, babe," the succubus calls out as Natalie steps through. "Probably sooner than you think..." she adds, sounding a bit sad. The door once again slams shut as soon as Natalie steps through, and she immediately understands what the shady man was insinuating. She stands in another circular room, with the center holding an object of obvious attraction. From the ground rises a plain metal pole, though not shiny like the one from earlier. This one is dull, and rather than reaching to the ceiling, it bends around about seven feet up. The end of it has a circular saucer with many small holes, from which drops of water seem to drip every few seconds. The water drops down to a grate in the floor, though where the grate goes, Natalie can only guess. The shady man spoke of spending time cleaning up, and like always, he didn't mean doing so in private.

Aside from the shower built into the center of the room, across from her Natalie also sees another door, but this one is guarded, but not by a lock. Instead, before the door stands a statue, made of marble, of a huge muscular man. Natalie's magical training, however, reveal to her that it is actually a golem, animated by powerful magics to perform it's master's bidding. Luckily, the golem only seemed to be guarding the door, and not seeking to do anything else. Before she can investigate further, however, the shady man's voice rings out once again.

"Yes, friends, before the finale, we at the Gauntlet like our contestants to be in the best of shape, fit, rested... and clean." As soon as the shady man says the word 'clean', water begins to flow, falling from the shower head down to the grate. Something seems off about the water, however. It seems thicker and slower than it normally should be. In fact the drops almost seem to move of their own accord as they fall. This is obviously not a normal shower. Just as Natalie ponders this, the shady man's voice breaks into her head, whispering to her yet again. "Nothing here is simple, it's all built for pleasure, ours, and yours too, if you are willing. You've certainly proven yourself very willing in our previous challenges. It'd be so sad if you disappointed your new fans now..." The shady man chuckles, then continues, "All you have to do is enjoy a nice relaxing shower, and my golem will let you through. Some of our contestants have actually tried just forcing him out of the way, but that never ends well for them."

Obviously, the shady man wants Natalie to put on a show of bathing in the 'water.' Like everything else in this twisted show, Natalie is sure it will be more than just the simple of acting of bathing, though. The golem, on the other hand, seems like a straightforward challenge. Destroy it, and the door behind it lies clear and open. Of course, golems are popular guards for wizards specifically due to how hardy and powerful they are.

(Bathe in the strange shower, Naughty; Destroy the Golem, Combat (Explore))

Willpower - 18/18
Combat and HP - 1 and 13/20
Explore and Stam - 4 and 10/10
Spirit and Magic - 9 and 8/20
Naughty and Lewd - 6 and 13/20
Re: The Darkmoon Faire's Dirty Little Secret (Tassadar)

Natalie screamed in orgasm as she felt the succubus dick inside her erupt, filling her depths with the demons burning hot seed. Her inner walls clenched and contracted around the spurting member, squeezing out every last drop of cum, while her mind was overwhelmed with uncontrollable ecstasy. Her will collapsed completely as she hit her peak, leaving her spirit vulnerable for the succubus to feed off of, though Simone was apparently too wrapped up in her own release to take advantage of Natalies moment of weakness. The sorceress sits on the edge of the bed, panting after the succubus fell back. She issues another low moan and looks down as Simones tail slides easily into her soaking womanhood, and grins as she feels the key locked inside of her. She reaches down and draws it out of her, pleased that she'd won the challenge but not wanting the hard iron inside of her any longer than necessary.

Turning back to Simone, she smiles, and replies; "Oh, you were wonderful.... I just hope you like how I taste as much as I liked how you taste. I'm a bit short on time, I'm afraid, but I'm sure you'll have no problem in being quick about taking your fill." Then, she gives the woman a wink, and xontinues; "It shouldn't take you long to make me cum should it, Simone?" Her voice almost a challenge now, as she gets up onto the bed and lays down, her legs spread invitingly, and her soul as ready as her body for the demon to continue, and begin to feed off of her. She keeps the key clenched in her hand, however.


Once she was finished with her time with Simone, Natalie pulled herself off of the bed, exhausted but smiling, and replied only with a purr; "Perhaps...." To the demons insinuation that she would be seeing her again soon, and the implication that Natalie would fail. She slid the key into the lock and turned it, and then opened and stepped through the now unlocked door.

Natalie becomes increasingly confused as to what the trap or test in this room might be as she takes in the details. She pauses as she spots the golem, studying it for a moment, before her scan continues. She listens intently to the shady mans whispering about the room, and still she wonders what this room might be. The shower wasn't obviously harmful, and the mans whisperings contained no hint at what this might be about to do to her that she could detect. She thought of all the ways she might be attacked through water that would be in line with the sexual theme that the Faire had been keeping with so far, and comes up with only a few ideas.

Either it was a spell or chemical that would go after her mind hidden with the water, or perhaps a creature formed of the water, like a jelly or slime, or perhaps something that would come up from the grate bellow. Or, the shower might be completely harmless, and her stepping under the water might cause some other mechanism to activate. Or, it could be completely harmless, and this challenge was merely meant to instill paranoia within the contestants before the final challenge. Then, shrugging inwardly, Natalie decides that she can't prepare for everything, so she simply steps forward toward the shower.

She'd have to deal with whatever the shady man had planned when it made itself apparent, if she could. That in mind, Natalie steps beneath the spout, keeping as much of herself off of the grate as she can, and looks for a mechanism to start the water flowing, or waits until it begins to flow on its own. When it does come, she makes a show of cleaning herself, just as the people watching her go through the Gauntlet obviously desired. She paid special attention to her breasts and ass, pinching and pulling on her nipples and spreading her ass to expose her holes. She tried to keep alert for any signs of danger through her performance, but tries to put on a good show for those watching all the same.

(Take a shower.)
Re: The Darkmoon Faire's Dirty Little Secret (Tassadar)

(Sorry for the delay, minor writer's block.)

(Bathe in the strange shower, Naughty = 16)
(Natalie's Naughty is 6, , 6 + 4 = 10. Natalie fails by 6)
(Natalie takes 6 Lewd Damage)

Natalie's mind runs over the various scenarios this particular room might present, but the girl finally throws caution to the wind and steps up to the challenge. "Excellent," the shady man whispers as Natalie positions herself under the shower head. As soon as she does, the water begins to flow, warm and comforting after everything she has been through to this point. Even while taking the opportunity to relax as she washes herself clean, the girl can't help but put on a show for the invisible onlookers.

Unfortunately, in all the time she spends rubbing her hands over herself and entertaining the unseen crowd, Natalie forgets what the shady man had said: nothing here is simple. Although the water is warm and readily washes away everything Natalie has accumulated on her body so far, it seems to be mixed with a slightly sticky and thick clear liquid. Without realizing it, the sorceress has covered herself in the liquid, which clings to her body no matter how much she tries to wipe it off. As she continues her show for the audience, Natalie soon begins to feel an odd sensation across her body, almost as if a hundred tiny tongues were passing over every inch of her skin. At first, the feeling is slight and almost easy to ignore, but as she spends more time under the flowing liquid, the feeling builds and builds, turning the licking tongues into kisses, lips suckling her naked form, and fingers groping and massaging every inch of her.

It isn't long before the young woman realizes that the heat she feels across her body is not that of the warm water, but her own reaction to the pleasurable feelings. But even with her whole body receiving this strange treatment, she finds it to be nothing more than a tease. She slowly sinks to her knees as her hands change from simply rubbing herself to show off her body to the audience, to attempts to help bring along her own growing desire for release. Something is wrong though. Even with her own attentions, she finds herself unable to progress past a certain point in bringing herself pleasure. In her state of close but unreachable bliss, the girl has no idea how much time she spends playing with herself, but she knows it's much longer than normal.

"Your moans are certainly lovely," the shady man's voice whispers into her mind. "I love hearing them, as do your admirers. But I think you're starting to feel the effects of my specially created slime." Even without seeing him, Natalie can't help but imagine him grinning maliciously. "It brings you a bit of pleasure, but denies you any form of release," he continues, "Unless I allow it." For several long agonizing moments, the man's voice is gone, and Natalie is left to continue to struggle with finding her own release. The man's words seem correct, however, and no matter what she tries, the girl cannot bring herself to orgasm. SHe falls to the ground, writhing in desire as more and more of the water and slime fall down onto her, merely increasing the pleasurable torment.

Finally, the shady man's voice returns. "Do you want me to let you orgasm?" he asks, his voice once again laced with mocking laughter. "All you have to do... is ask nicely," he says, his coming slowly, in an obvious attempt to draw out Natalie's continuing pleasure. He continues, though, "Don't just ask me, though, you need to ask your fans. Ask them to let you orgasm. Beg them, plead with them, let them know how badly you want it." The unseen crowd howls in obvious enjoyment as Natalie continues to attempt to pleasure herself, still unable to find release. "They want to know just how much you enjoy performing for them. How you love everything that's happened so far, and how ready you are to do anything they want. Anything." The ongoing denial of pleasure is simply too much for Natalie. No matter how hard she tries to resist, she cannot help but give in, desperate for release. She cries out, her voice straining as she struggles against the pleasure, begging the crowd to allow her to orgasm. As she does, she can hear the audience making lewd demands of her, which she readily complies with, showing off her body, rubbing and licking herself, and sucking her own juices, whatever the crowd demands.

Natalie has no idea how long she spends performing for the crowd, eagerly acceding to any demand they make. Finally, she hears the sound of a finger snapping, and whatever was restraining her from reaching orgasm disappears. She screams out as she almost immediately finds release, her body convulsing in the extreme force of the built up pleasure. The crowd roars as Natalie cries out, obviously enjoying the show as much as she did. In fact, Natalie finds herself so enraptured that she doesn't stop playing with herself, bringing herself quickly to a second orgasm as the crowd cheers in approval. As she lay on the ground, water still falling from the shower head above her, panting in slight exhaustion, she hears the shady man chuckling softly. "Incredible, isn't she, friends?" he yells to the crowd. "Let's all give her a round of applause." The unseen audience does just as the shady man asks, cheering and clapping, amid laughter, hooting, and catcalls, as Natalie recovers from the experience.

After taking her time to recover, Natalie finds that despite the time she spent writhing around on the ground and pleasuring herself, she feels genuinely clean, though not rejuvenated as the shady man had suggested. The flow of water stops, though more of the slime continues to drip from the shower head. To her surprise however, the slime that lands on her does not spark up any pleasurable feelings, but does absorb the water, quickly drying the girl off. When she looks up, she notices that the golem has moved aside, till unmoving despite it's apparent animation while she wasn't watching. The door the magical construct had been guarding lies open, and through it, she can see yet another circular room beyond. "It's time for the finale," the shady man whispers to her, "Do you think you're ready? You can always surrender and become Faire property, if you don't think you can handle it. All the men you swore to service during your show will be pleased, I'm sure." After having come this far though, the thought of giving in is insulting to the skilled sorceress, and she defiantly walks forward to meet the last and final challenge.

The room Natalie enters is the same as almost every other she has seen in this challenge: an open circular room with wooden walls and floors. Like always, the door behind her slams shut and disappears as soon as she walks through it. There's no turning back now. No objects decorate the room, and the sounds of the audience fade almost to silence as the girl waits to see what the man has in store for her. What she sees next, though is somewhat surprising. After a quick flash of light, before Natalie stands a single man, wrapped in cloth, the same man that had given her the necklace, something that seems to have taken place so long ago. He stands in the center of the room, his arms held out, and though quiet, Natalie can hear the crowd cheering and chanting a name: Ecchim, Ecchim, Ecchim.

"Thank you, thank you everyone!" the shady man yells. "Tonight, we have seen young Natalie take on challenge after challenge. Now it is time for her final test! Now she shall face me, your host, Ecchim!" The crowd continues to cheer, obviously enthused to see what the shady man has in store for her. The man turns his focus to Natalie and says, "Ecchim the perverted, they call me. Perverted! Yet they can't get enough of the shows I put on for them. And you have helped me put on quite a show tonight, my dear. But the night is finished yet." The man raises his hands again and snaps his fingers. From his hands, the bright glow of magical energy erupts, and twin streaks of lightning short forth, but not at Natalie. Instead they strike the ground in front of the shady man and a large glowing ball of energy forms in the air. From it emerges a strange floating figure. Natalie's demonic knowledge comes to her aid again as she immediately recognizes the powerful creature before her: an evil eye.

An evil eye's body is strangely simple, a single ball flesh, populated by one central eye surrounded by several smaller eyes, and a mouth filled with vicious teeth and a long thick tongue. Beneath the ball hang multiple thick tentacles, each one fully movable in any direction. Several of them even support bulbous heads that quickly bring to mind the lewd nature of the many challenges Natalie has finished so far. The strange demon floats silently in the air between the sorceress and the mage, it's form bobbing up and down slowly. It spins to face the mage, and yells angrily, "How dare you summon me, mortal!" Despite it's anger, however, the demon does not attack. Ecchim raises a hand to point at Natalie, and the demon spins again, coming to face her. Immediately, the sorceress can tell the demon knows what Ecchim wants it to do. As she takes in it's strange, other wordly form, she also knows that this will be a difficult fight.

"Your final challenge is simple. Defeat me and my minions, and you win," the shady man says with a malicious grin. His hands move from their position held out to his sides to pointing at Natalie. Almost immediately, she can feel a strange pressure on her mind, and she can feel her body reacting. Her nipples become stiff points, and her crotch begins to drip almost immediately. The mage is working his powerful magic on her, and she feels the urge to simply give in and allow the demon to do whatever it wishes to her. In fact, she feels the urge to throw herself to it, begging it to allow her to give it pleasure.

This is it, the final challenge. Natalie knows she must not only fight off the demon and send it back to its' own plane of existence, she must also fight off Ecchim's influence on her mind. If she fails at either of those tasks, she won't be able to defeat the mage. If she can, she will finally be able to reap the reward promised to her so long ago.

(Defeat the mage's minions, Combat (Naughty); Resist the mage's magic, Spirit (naughty))
(This is a boss fight. You must pass both challenges in the same round to succeed.)

Willpower - 18/18
Combat and HP - 1 and 13/20
Explore and Stam - 4 and 10/10
Spirit and Magic - 9 and 8/20
Naughty and Lewd - 6 and 7/20
Last edited:
Re: The Darkmoon Faire's Dirty Little Secret (Tassadar)

Natalie groans in pleasure, the accursed slime making her unbearably aroused, while unable to orgasm. Shame filling her mind, she quietly whimpers; "Please.... Please let me cum......" Repeating the phrase repeatedly, gradually increasing in volume as she finally feels herself drawing close to her release, gladly giving into the crowds demands, whatever they may be, until she finally screams it as she orgasms. After her first orgasm, she swiftly brings up another one, and then lies spent on the floor of the shower. She sneers at the shady mans offer of surrendering herself, inwardly cringing at the excitement the idea brought up in her despite her outward disdain. Rising she continues on to the final challenge.

Beholding the shady man, and his summoned pet, Natalie steels herself for what she knows is going to be a difficult fight. She knows the shady mans mind magics power, and her body responds to it without hesitation, once more becoming aroused, and she just barely fights off the urge to throw herself at the tentacled demon. then, however, an idea comes to her. So far, she had seemingly been a willing participant to all of the Faires challenges, doing exactly as demanded of her. If she seemed as though she were giving in, it might give her the advantage she needed to defeat the shady mans demon, and get her wish at long last. That in mind, Natalie started forward, her hips swaying sensually, as she secretly slowly gathered some of her magic. "Demon..... This mans summons must make you quite angry.... Why don't you take out that anger on me? I'd be happy to help... Relieve you..... And show you worlds of pleasure you've not imagined...." She says, her mind filled with thoughts of the things she'd done in the Faire, concentrating on the undeniable pleasure of it, rather than the shame and humiliation that had come right along with it. Hopefully, that would allow her to resist the shady mans magic. She would hold her magic until the last second, just before the Evil Eyes tentacles took hold of her, before pointing a hand at it, and uttering a spell that would send a lance of pure black magical lightning straight through its massive central eye.
Re: The Darkmoon Faire's Dirty Little Secret (Tassadar)

(I'll give you a +2 to combat and -2 to spirit for the attempt at trickery)
(Of course, after deciding that, your rolls made it unnecessary :D)

(Defeat the mage's minions, Combat = 18, Naughty = x1)
(Natalie's combat is 1. Bonus of +2. . 1 + 2 + 19 = 22. Natalie passes by 4.)
(Resist the mage's magic, Spirit = 16, Naughty = x2)
(Natalies spirit is 9. Penalty of -2. . 9 - 2 + 20 = 27. Natalie passes by 11.)

As Natalie speaks, the demonic eye slowly floats towards her, it's terrifying teeth coming into view as it grins at her offer to pleasure it. "It is rare to find a mortal that understands it's place as subservient to demon-kind," it says, adding a mocking laugh. Bobbing up and down in mid air, the evil eye slowly advances towards her, it's tentacles slowly reaching out for her.

"My, my," Ecchim says, rubbing his chin while he looks at Natalie. Her well trained magical skills can tell that even while he looks relaxed, the mage's powers have not diminished one bit, still pounding at her mind and body as she silently resists them, while working to appear as if she had succumbed. "Perhaps I've overestimated your skill, if you're already giving in." His grin widens to a malicious smile, however, and his voice raises as he yells out to the unseen audience, "Well everyone, it appears this contest will soon be over. Congratulations to everyone who placed their bet on the sixth round."

It is just as the perverted mage finishes his salute that the first of the demon's tentacles brush against Natalie's skin. The demon stares at the sorceress with hungry eyes, and it's long, thick tongue slides from between it's razor sharp, wickedly pointed, teeth to lick the edges of it's wide mouth, in a display of almost universally understood desire. "I cannot wait to feel these pleasures you promise human," the demon says, inching closer. "Should you be as talented as you are appealing, I may take you back to serve as my pet, rather than devour you whole." The evil eye is so busy gloating, that it doesn't even recognize Natalie's movement as threatening until the first pulse of magical energy flows from her outstretched hand.

With an incredibly loud bang, Natalie's magical lightning erupts from her hand, leaping out towards the demon before her. The floating demon rears back in pain as it is struck directly in it's central eye, sparks of magical energy showering out from the point of impact. It roars in agony, it's body convulsing in pain as Natalie maintains the magical assault. Flailing wildly, the creature reaches out for Natalie, but it's body cannot withstand the attack any longer. As the dark lightning continues to pour into the demon, it's form suddenly begins to bulge in different directions. Without warning, the evil eye explodes, sending a a hail of ashes scattering to the walls of the room.

Though surprised by the explosion, Natalie had managed to react in time to resist being blown back by the force. Ecchim, however, had not. The cloth wrapped mage lay on the ground, groaning and writhing, obviously too disoriented to get back up. Not too disoriented to speak, however. "A-amazing...," he says weakly, "Sh-she's done what no woman has done... in a long time...." The audience he was speaking too, Natalie realizes, had been silent since the demon's destruction. Stunned by her performance, perhaps. Slowly though, they begin to cheer, obviously impressed. The mage begins to stir, pushing himself up to a sitting position. "It seems those who bet on the sixth round lose after all. If anyone's placed their money on Natalie, you've actually won!"

The cloth wrapped mage slowly pushes himself to a standing position, dusting himself off as he looks over at Natalie. "Well, miss Natalie, you've won," he says, bowing at the waist before her, arms stretched out at his sides. "I believe a reward was mentioned. I still have that necklace, if you'd like." Though his face still remains hidden, his smirk is evident in his tone of voice. "Many women who attempt the Gauntlet ask me if it is true, that I can grant any wish their heart desires." He laughs, then continues, "That's a bit of an exaggeration, though as you've seen, I am capable of a great many things." He steps toward her slowly, then asks, "So tell me, my beautiful, young, sorceress, what can this humble and perverted wizard do for you?"


Congratulations, you win! If you'd like an epilogue, you can continue posting, but this is the end of this adventure.
Re: The Darkmoon Faire's Dirty Little Secret (Tassadar)

(Yeah! A natural 20 and a 19! Take that you sonuvvabitch! Reminds me of my last D&D session.)

Natalie smiles as the shady man rises from his stupor, having recovered from the demons demise slower than she, who had been more prepared for it. She waits to take in the crowds cheering for a few moments, basking in her triumph, and she even blows a few kisses out into the sides of the tent, before giving a low bow, that did more to emphasize her ass than show any sense of humbleness. Then, she stepped toward Ecchim, and waited until he finishes his speech before saying, a smile still on her face; "Of course... I never expected that there would be no limits to what I might ask. You can keep the necklace to remember me by. As for what I would wish for...... Hmmm..."

She pauses, and puts a finger on her bottom lip while cocking both her head and her hips in opposite directions, her eyes fixed on Ecchim as she contemplated what she'd try to get out of the wizard. Finally, after a few moments, she says; "Well.... I don't suppose it would be possible for you to increase my own magical abilities..... None so far have had any success at attempting that. So.... I would like you to teach me how you do your mind magics, if that's at all possible. That's it. I would like you to give me the ability to affect the minds of others, just as you do, within as little time as is reasonable. If that would require more than I have garnered by winning your contest, I'm sure we could work out some... Additional payment. If that is impossible, than a substantial amount of coin would do, I guess. Though that would be quite... Disappointing." As she speaks, she slowly edges closer and closer to the garbed man, until the tips of her breasts are practically touching his chest.