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The Database

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Search codes:
[TER] Terrans - player race
[GAR] Garik - player race
[TEL] Telarin - player race
[NNY] Nnyarthall - hostile race
[ASH] Ashotur - hostile race
[AFO] Ardez/Space fungi - hostile race
[NPC1] Nadia Hrrthu
[SLA] Wendigo, Vakauri, Andaar - hostile races
[ORA] Marsora, Am'Arum, Ittaax, Pan Kor, Hrrshak - player races
[LAW] Galactic terminology and outlawed tech
[XYR] Xyranocapra - player race
[WEA] Weapon technology
[FTL] Subspace
[KIN] Kinetic Amplifiers, Shield Bubble Weaponry
[SUB] Subfactions
[COM] Companies
[TKL] The Klarr - player race
[TDL] The Dividing Line space station
[NPC2] Hiram Breaks-Walls
[NPC3] Vlado Brrtak
[INF1] Juris Alliance Infantry
[INF2] Ar Gora Pact Infantry
[TLP1] Terran Timeline Part 1
[MUS] The Musran - player race
[NPC4] Vigil
[INF3] Unaligned Infantry
[ARO] The Arogok - player race

Change log:
07 Sep 2014 - Added Agorok, added search code for unaligned infantry.
02 July 2014 - Overhauled search code descriptions to make them more accessible.
25 Feb 2014 - Added Vigil.
13 Nov 2013 - Added the Musran.
09 Aug 2013 - Added part one of the Terran timeline.
05 Aug 2013 - Added Ar Gora Pact Infantry.
02 Aug 2013 - Added Juris Alliance infantry units and the Hydrogen Lance in weapon technology.
26 July 2013 - Added Nnyarthall breach laser shotgun.
27 June 2013 - Added Hiram and Vlado.
08 June 2013 - Added The Dividing Line space station.
26 May 2013 - Added the Klarr on Chibi's request.
24 May 2013 - Added companies section, added search codes and change log.



The human race has reached its apex of evolution ages ago. They stand at averagely 6 feet and generally have dark hair.
The humans, even more than other races, have started to rely on cybernetic implants for medical purposes. It's not rare to meet soldiers that have their arms, legs or even part of their head replaced by robotic appendages. The Terra Prime Directorate uses rather conventional weapons, but has advanced pretty far in regards to magnetic propulsion devices - coil- and railguns.

The Terran military is the most versatile force in the known galaxy. Its ability to dominate both in space and on the ground are the backbone of its political power. While in theory the Terran President reigns over the Directorate, their power barely reaches beyond the atmosphere of Terra Prime. Beyond that, the Admiralty reigns with an iron fist. Their ships secure the trade routes, their troops keep the settlers on new planets safe. While the average citizen notices little about the oligarchy they live in, there are those that have grown aware of their power and try to rebel against it. Decried as criminals, they usually disappear into jails or work camps – some suffer much worse fates.


Dagger F7
Length: ~13 m

The Dagger deserves its name - it's slender and quick, generally used as an interceptor by the Warhammer Carriers of the Directorate. The form of the Dagger has evolved from atmospheric jets of the 20th and 21st century, and the design has barely changed, although the Dagger is a bit smaller and more compact.
When on the ground or in a spaceship's hangar the wings of the Dagger can retract almost completely into the ship's body to save space.

The Dagger carries a Rapid Fire Cannon underneath its bow. It can carry heavier weaponry under it's wings, like rockets or Coilguns - which drain the energy rather quick.
The Dagger holds weaker shields than most fighters as it's not meant for longer space battles.

Unique Technology:

Sword F72
Length: ~18 m

The Sword is the bigger brother of the Dagger. It looks much the same, but has a bigger body and wider wings. It is the standard fighter of the Terra Prime Directorate.

The bigger generators allow the Sword to carry Coilguns both under each wing and as a main gun. These guns accelerate a projectile by magnetic coils and can bring them to a higher speed, but they have a slower fire rate than the RFCs of the Daggers.
The Sword carries average shields.

Unique Technology:

Mace MAC1
Length: ~22 m

While classic weaponry has proven effective against weaker ships, the Directorate was in dire need for a weapon against the heavier cruisers and dreadnoughts of their enemies. Their engineers quickly came up with a concept: They developed a Mobile Artillery Cannon, fittingly named Mace. The Mace is basically a huge cannon with wings and a cockpit on top. A recangular funnel is carried by thick wings, the cockpit is stationed to the rear end. Two heavy gas tanks rest under each wings, close to the body.

The Mace is the first ship of the Directorate to carry a Plasma Cannon. The two tanks fill the funnel with a gas which is then ionised into plasma, ignited and launched by electrical fields as a massive fireball. Of course the two tanks are the vulnerable point of the Mace.
This weaponry leaves the Mace practically helpless against quicker ships, and as such the Mace has stronger shields. However the weaken briefly every time the Plasma Cannon is fired. Also the Plasma Cannon is still in research, so the Maces are prone to malfunction.

Unique Technology:
None - other than the Plasma Cannon.

Crossbow GS3
Length: ~60 m

The Crossbow is the successor of the Axe Gunship, developed with a thicker armor and stronger shields. On the whole the Crossbow is bulkier than the Axe, forgoing its predecessor's faster weapons for fewer, but stronger arms.
The ship itself has the topview of a kite and a slender tear form when viewed from the side. Along its top runs a vertical, angled ridge that's partly sunken into the Crossbow's main body.

Aside from a Dual Coilgun on its rear and a rocket launcher on its underside, the Crossbow's main weapon is the equivalent of a Naval Cannon running through the ridge: A massive Railgun firing high-impact calibers the size of a man. It can either carry massive bullets for massive damage at one spot or explosive charges for widespread destruction.

Unique Technology:
The Dual Coilgun is not the only means by which the Crossbow can get rid of pesky chasing ships. It can release a cluster of timed mines from a hatch in its rear. Theoretically it could use any kind of mines, but the Directorate outlaws the use of any but those.

Warhammer HC3
Width: ~6 km

The Warhammer is a heavy carrier, several dozen stories high, surpassed in size only by the humans' Paladin dreadnought. The Warhammer is based on Flying Wing aircrafts. The front of its wide wings are almost entirely occupied by the hangar, allowing to launch multiple battalions at once. While very effective the Warhammer is also very costly, and only few of them are employed by the Directorate.

The Warhammer forfeits weaponry in favor of stronger shields.

Unique Technology:

Paladin BC2
Length: ~7 km

The Paladin is the flagship of the Terra Prime Directorate. This ship has an elegant form - a long rhombus with slightly arched top and bottom as well as rounded vertices. In the center the Paladin carries a metallic sphere of substantial size, the source of it's unique ability. The dreadnought is even bigger than the Warhammer, making it the biggest ship in the TPD's entire fleet.

The Paladin carries - next to several defense turrets - an impressive amount of missiles as well as Stellar Torpedos. These heavy missiles are rather slow, but deal a high amount of damage.

Unique Technology:

Paladin Shield - The most important function of the Paladin is its special shield. When leading an attack the Paladin can modify it's shield to form an almost solid wall in front of it, reaching several hundred meters further than its original shield to protect other ships. Of course this leaves the dreadnought's sides and rear with only minimal shield power.
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Re: The Database



The Garikian sun system has lost its small sun eons ago. Now its planets are rotating around a black hole - not big enough to draw them in, but heavy enough to keep them in orbit. As such the Garik had to evolve to survive. Garik look mostly human, but are a bit taller and thinner. The quickest way to really distinguish the Garik from the humans are their hands: They only have three fingers and an opposable thumb. Their eyes are large almonds with big pupils to take in even the last scrap of light. Large fangs and pointy front teeth show that their diet is more meat-based than humans' is. The most common skin color is a dark grey with a slightly blue tinge.
Their skin reacts to even the least bit of UV radiation, and as such the Garik have to take measures to protect themselves off-world. These range from simple rags wrapped all around their body over stylized robes to complete bodysuits, and are mostly a choice of fashion. All Garik that take up interstellar travel are required to undergo ocular surgery, giving their pupils the ability to shrink into slits to even out their inherent night vision. In space combat the Garik rely on guerilla strategies; Their ships are small and quick, designed to attack and vanish.
Even though the Garik are not especially aggressive they are not that well-liked by most races, especially by humans, who are notoriously quick to judge. Names like "Shadowdwellers" follow them wherever they go. The Garik usually retort with humor or not at all. They work as mercenaries, pirates or join the Garikian Imperium as soldiers and pilots.

While there is an Imperator, a sole monarch, his role these days is mostly represantational. The real power is held by the Courtiers, a group of aristocrats that govern day-to-day life. Not that governing over Garik is a difficult task. Garik society is ruled by very few, common sense laws that nearly anybody is allowed to enforce – don't kill, don't steal, don't enslave and ALWAYS pay your taxes on time. If not, the Courtiers will send out their Enforcers. A notable exception to the Garik "fast and loose" society is the development and distribution of firearms, which is entirely in the hands of the Imperium.

In the recent years the majority of the Imperium's forces have withdrawn into their home system and shut down any communication. It seems they are working on a project so secret not even the Alliance is trusted.


TG51 "Hornet"
Length: ~3 m

The TG51 are small interceptors and not designed for deep-space travelling. They are usually launched from space stations or planetary bases.
The Hornet is a fighter that looks much like a race bike of Human 20th century, fully encased and with a toned glass roof. The G1 Jet Engine, placed where the rear wheel would be, propel the TG51 to almost unparalleled speed. Where the front wheel would be sits a rotatable disk that holds the weapon system. Due to its form the pilot has to lie rather than sit in the cockpit.

The Hornet houses a Rapid Fire Cannon on its disk, equal to a machine gun. These weapons require very little energy and thus are fitting for the small ship. The shield of the Hornet is rather weak, and the pilots have to even that out by utilizing the TG51's speed.

Unique Technology:
Stealth- The Garik are familiar with the darkness. It should come as no surprise that they are able to cloak their ships.

TG51-2 "Raider"
Length: ~3 m

This is a modified version of the Hornet. Due to its special equipment the Raider is infamous for its use by Garik pirates.

The Raider holds an EMP generator where the weapon disk of the Hornet would be, designed to quickly disable a ship's shields. The generator looks like a spinning disk of blueish light while the ship is active. Once through the shields the EMP qickly fries a ship's circuits.

Unique Technology:
None - the EMP takes too much energy to provide a cloaking device.

TG52 "Comet"
Length: ~ 15 m

The Comet is an updated version of the Hornet and has replaced it as the Imperium's main fighter. Most of the length of the Comet is its wing that is mounted left of the rear and sweeps backwards in a curve rather than stick out to the side. The Comet has been designed that way to even out the additional weight of it's main weapon system.

The TG52 has a slot for standard weaponry under the wing. Additionally it features a rocket launcher for two heavy rockets mounted on the right side of the disk to deliver most kinds of ballistic weapons. The shields have average power.

Unique Technology:
Mirage Generator- With the Comet the Garik engineers have taken a more creative approch. As its name suggests, the Mirage Generator creates a distraction on the enemy's radar as well as visually - it makes the fighter appear as an asteroid or a wreck. Thus, the Comet can hide itself in a debris field to launch itself with a start, making it look on the radar like one of the asteroids (or the entire asteroid belt) starts an attack.

TG53 "Shark Tooth"
Height: ~ 20 m

This fighter model has only recently shown up on the map. Rather than basing it off the Hornet, the Imperium has developed a completely new model. The Shark Tooth has the shape of a triangle with its lines slightly curved inward and the tips bent downwards. Rather than with the tip facing forward like one would expect it the ship flies with the plane first, the dome of the cockpit aligned in the center and a single corner facing downward. While this presents a wider area to the enemy it also allows the use of the Sharktooth's superior weaponry.

The TG53 holds three Short Period Lasers on its vertexes. When fired, the beams concentrate in front of the Sharktooth into one big ray, amplifying the firepower. The rays last for 5 seconds and need 10 seconds of cooldown. This weapon predestines the Sharktooth for the fight against bigger, slower ships.
The shield of the TG53 focus on the front and back as these are the most prone areas. This leaves their sides somewhat vulnerable.

Unique Technology:
Quantum Jump - Next to the weapon this is the most dangerous ability of the TG53. The Imperium is testing it's new Quantum Jump Engines that allow ships to "shift" from one position to another. The Sharktooth carries a small version that allows it to shift a few yards from its current position in a blink of an eye - not much, but enough to escape a potentially fatal hit or break through an opponent's defense.

TG 107 "Wyvern"
Length: ~5 km

The Wyvern is the Imperium's current dreadnought. It does resemble a dragon in a certain way, with its wide wings and a tail of long antennas behind. Several automatic turrets cover its skin, and the hangar is positioned on the ship's "belly." Several round openings on the front are aligned to resemble a tooth-filled maw. They house the rocket launchers.

The turrets are mostly serving as defensive measures. What makes the Wyvern really dangerous are the rocket launchers on the front of the ship. With them the TG107 can literally unleash a hailstorm upon an enemy fleet. Some of the modern Wyverns carry Quantum Missiles that are able to shift right past defensive measures. However these are rather expensive.

Unique Technology:
Stealth- The Wyvern can create a massive cloaking field to hide itself and any closeby escorting ships. It pays the price in form of weaker shields than most other dreadnoughts.
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Re: The Database



The Telarin are possibly the most advanced race in the universe. Their homeworld is unknown, and the Telarin don't bother claiming colonies - instead they travel in homungous fleets, called Multitudes, across the galaxy.
The Telarin themselves are physically rather weak, even though they are taller than humans. They have a fragile humanoid body with thin arms and legs. Their necks are equally thin, and their faces seem to consist almost exclusively out of almond-shaped eyes. Their noses have devolved into breathing slits, and their mouths are rather small. The eyes are featureless pools of silver. Their hands and legs sport three appendages with bulbous ends. Telarin don't have any feet to speak of - their legs split directly into their toes, two in the front, one in the back.

At some point the Telarin physique had devolved so much that their bodies could no longer take full gravity - their bones would break under the strain. To counter this, these aliens constructed what has come to be known as Gravity Suits – an exoskeleton that supports their physique and gives them strength levels equal or even surpassing a human. It constantly feeds them with data via the display integrated into the visor. The design of the suits are mostly a choice of fashion, and one of the only cases where the Telarin show any individualism.

Telarin society is difficult to pin down within the Terran way of thinking. Each Telarin is largely independent, yet works towards enhancing the Multitude dilligently. They readily subjugate themselves to people of superior intellect, yet they despise those who artificially increase their intelligence. The Telarin are not driven by a thirst for power, but for knowledge. The laws and rules guiding them are written down in a document called the Veda, which they regard with almost spiritual reverence. And yet, if the Veda is proven wrong, the Telarin do not moan, nor do they get up in arms – they simply change the Veda.

Telarin are well known for creating mutation strains of their own race, suited for specific tasks. Phi Telarin, for instance, were modified to act as diplomats. This strain forms more distinct fat and muscle deposits to mimic classic male and female figures. This prevents confusion and uncertainty on what to call them. Additionally, their brains were changed to adapt more easily to concepts like humor, irony and sarcasm. Omega Telarin, on the other hand, are the stealthy, deadly defenders of the Veda. Outfitted with the most advanced technology possible, there is next to no force able to take on an Omega Telarin.

Path Of Light Laser (POLL) - One reason for the Telarin superiority is this very special technology. The Path Of Light Laser is one continuous ray of high energy light. If it hits an energy shield, it sends information about it back to the weapon. The module then modifies the ray in a way that it punches straight through the shield and hits the ship directly. This process takes a little while, though, and takes up quite a bit of energy. Any pilot witnessing a Telarin ray firing through a completely intact energy shield describes it as the most horrifying thing they have ever seen - the blue flickering of the shield around the golden ray that punched a hole through it creates a lightshow that burns itself into the pilot's brain forever.


Telarin Alpha - Fighter
Diameter: ~ 10 m

The Alpha is a perfect example of Telarin spaceship technology. It is completely spherical and has a matt silvery outer hull. Minute lines and dots are worked into its surface to form a geometrical pattern. Although they look much the same, this pattern is unique for every ship, making them easy to identify for Telarin scanners. Another feature on this ship that is typical for Telarin is The Ring, which is pretty much what it sounds like - a ring of metal that glides and turns freely around the ship. It holds the weapons of the Alpha.
The fighter is propelled by a Telarin Class 1 Engine, which does not have a visible exhaust. As the Alpha is constructed for space combat only it is not able to fight within a planet's atmosphere. For that the Alpha has to dock onto a Telarin Gamma Carrier, described below.

The Alpha comes with three PLCs (Pulse Laser Cannon) on The Ring. They are housed in small hemispheric turrets and can turn and fire in any direction.
Alternatively The Ring can be equipped with grappling beams to transport smaller objects. The Alpha has average shields.

Unique Technology:
None - the Alpha is the most basic Telarin model... if there is something basic to anything the Telarin do.

Telarin Beta - Unseen
Length: ~ 10 m

The Beta Fighters are frail yet deadly, sacrificing shield technology completely for a short-ranged P.O.L.L. and their stealth technology. Unfortunately their generators don't hold enough energy to run both.
These fighters are shaped like a tear, with the cockpit on the round end. A hemispheric weapon platform holds the Beta's deadly weapon. Like the Alpha the Unseen uses a Telarin Class 1 Engine, and like the Alpha it has to rely on a Gamma Carrier to enter atmosphere. In Space combat the Unseen attack in small shock groups - uncloaking, attacking and cloaking before the enemy has a chance to react.

The weapon platform holds a small-calibered P.O.L.L. and can attack a target within a few hundred feet. Even though conventional laser weapons have a much higher range, the shield-busting P.O.L.L. easily evens that out.
The Unseen does not have shields.

Unique Technology:
Stealth - The Beta has visual cloaking as well as disruptors that disables most common locating devices.

Telarin Gamma - Carrier
Diameter: ~ 25 m

The Gamma is a modification of the Alpha Fighter. It is bigger than its predecessor, and the ring holds two docking stations rather than weaponry, which allows Alphas and Betas to dock onto the Carrier. The most important innovation is the gravity-tolerant Class 2 Engine.

The Carrier itself does not hold weapons, but the docked fighters can still fire their weapons. The Carrier has average shields.

Unique Technology:

Telarin Delta - Gunship
Length: ~ 35 m

The Delta Gunship is more impressive than the simple fighters. The ship has an elliptic form with two hemispheric turrets at each end, mounted on the side. Each of the turrets holds a ring comparable to the Alpha's, with two weapon slots each. They can be equipped with most conventional weapons and act independently - which adds up to eight weapons firing every which way at once.

The Delta can hold BRLCs, EMP weapons or conventional laser weapons.
The Delta have shields that range slightly above average.

Unique Technology:

Telarin Ypsilon - Battleship
Length: ~8 km

Those ships are real behemoths, built to transport hundreds of Telarin, including equipment and fighters. The Ypsilons can best be described as a cuboid with three short cylinders sprouting from its center, angled backwards. These are the hangars, where Alphas, Betas and even more deadly fighters start from.

The outer hull of the Ypsilon is equipped with turrets, including smaller P.O.L.L.s. Other weaponry has not been witnessed.

Unique Technology:
IF the Ypsilon has any gadgets they have yet to be witnessed.

Those are the ships that have been witnessed up to now. There are probably a lot more Telarin models than that, but they have not been seen - or nobody lived to tell about them.
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Re: The Database



The Nnyarthall are closely related to the Telarin. As a matter of fact both races used to be one.
This aggressive race shares the Telarin's tall and thin build, but their skin is pale brown instead of grey, their eyes are black and they sprout a mass of thick, tentacle-like appendages from the back of their head - probably the result of genetic engineering. These appendages have been known to create electricity and can be used like whips. Like their brethren the Nnyarthall have taken up a life between the stars and travel in big groups they call Hordes.

The Nnyarthall have sacrificed the Telarin's advanced technology for their indepence. Instead they have produced some of the most unorthodox weaponry: From metal scraps that are propelled by magnetic fields over lightning weapons to robotic tendrils, the Nnyarthall's seemingly archaic arsenal is designed to damage the enemy in the most cruel way possible. This fits the Nnyarthall's sense of superiority over the other races - even their brethren, the Telarin.
The Nnyarthall's ships as well as their Grav Suits have a distinctive look: almost organic, with shimmering carapaces, transparent wings and weapons growing out of tails or claws. This design has given the race the nickname "Bugs", even though they are mammals.
As one of the few races the Nnyarthall have designed shields with rotating frequences, which make them immune to the P.O.L.L. of Telarin ships. As a side effect however these shields are weaker than most others. They easily equalize that by sheer number though - the Nnyarthall avidly practice cloning.


Length: ~ 13 m with stretched tail

The Stinger is the basic fighter of the Hordes, designed for ship-to-ship combat against other fighters. It resembles a winged scorpion: A segmented tail rises from the slender main body and ending in a blade a few feet long. Two short arms close to the bow carry the Stinger's main weapons. Its wings are transparent.

The tail is the Stinger's most cruel feature, designed to cut into a ship's hull and tear it in two. The arms usually carry Shredder Guns - Railguns that propel a cartridge filled with metal scraps. On launch the cartridge explodes, emptying it's sharp content onto the enemy - a system very similar to a shotgun.

Unique Technology:

Length: ~3 m

Mantis Suits are the Nnyarthall's smallest and fastest unit. These heavily armored and upgraded gravity suits are equipped with a jetpack-like engine on their back that allows them to travel at speeds similar to a fighter jet. The Mantis has two sets of insectoid wings to propel its body in gravity settings.

While a single Mantis is no significant threat to a ship, even a fighter, the Nnyarthall use them in massive swarms most of the time. Ships with an auto-lock feature or no explosive ammunition are often overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of Mantisses. As they are also able to wing out of the sky and engage infantry in ground combat, even a single Mantis can pose a significant threat to a small unit of soldiers.

Parts of the bulky suit's forearm armour can snap forward, transforming into a jagged blade that gave that suit its nickname among the Nnyarthall's enemies. Additionally, Mantis troopers are able to carry weapons that are normally too large for infantry to use, ranging from Shredder Rifles with a massive spread to RFCs to a Maggot's L.A.C. or Net launcher.

Unique Technology:

Length: ~ 17 m

The Maggots are just what they sound like- Fat, wormlike fighters without wings, but with a mouthlike opening at the front that houses their weapon system. They often form the second line of offense - their job is to collect destroyed or disabled fighters and to take them back to a Mothership. The Maggots are a lot slower than the Stingers, mostly resulting from the fact that they carry heavier generators.

The Maggot carries a Lighting Arc Cannon (L.A.C.) in their "mouth." It loads the surrounding atoms with a negative electric charge until it reacts with the enemy ship's shields, which have a positive charge. The result is a massive decrease in the shield's energy, visible in form of a lightning. An unshielded ship suffers severe damage to it's electronic system. However this weapon needs a lot of energy itself, and as such has a very low firing rate.
The secondary weapon is a Net Gun, propelled by miniature rockets and connected to the Maggot via a titanium cord. Once a ship is disabled or destroyed it is captured. The Maggot usually drags the ship back to a Mothership, where the crew is interrogated and the ship is confiscated. Most metal parts will be turned into Shredder Ammunition.

Unique Technology:
Magnetic field - The Maggot is surrounded by a minor magnetic field that attracts and holds smaller metal parts. After a won battle one could see hordes of Maggots filtering the battlefield for ressources.

Length: Single unit ~ 7 m

Individually the Centipede ship is nothing to worry about. This fighter has a round form with a little inward curve at the back. One tendril on each side holds the weaponry. It's the ship's special ability that makes it so dangerous.
Via simple mechanic links the Centipede is able to dock onto another Centipede ship - and another one behind it, and another one, and another one. In theory the length of a Centipede is limitless. Each ship keeps it's own shields, but the navigation is the task of the leading link. It controls the individual ships' engines and draws a part of it's shield power, making the head the best protected part of the Centipede.

The Centipede's "legs" can hold a variety of common weapons - Shredder or Laser Guns or EMP cannons, even L.A.C.s.
The individual parts' shields are a bit weaker than most.

Unique Technology:
None, except their linking ability.

Length: ~7 km

The Nnyarthall Arachnid is a sight to behold - because it may very well be the last thing you see.
This ship has the form of a spider, with a bloated body and it's legs folded underneath it's body. It's body, next to the hangars, is almost entirely used as a generator, both for it's heavy shields and it's prime weapon.

When the Arachnid prepares its prime weapon all other ships are well advised to either hide inside the battleship's shields or get the hell away from it. The Arachnid's body opens at the bottom and a system of antennas lower until they touch the shield. After a few seconds the entire shield turns into a weapon.
Lightning arcs will shoot out against anything that is within the reach of the Arachnid - which can be up to three miles. Like a plasma ball it produces flaming tendrils, instantly frying any smaller ship and even causing severe damage to big battleships after a few seconds. The storm can only be kept up for about 30 seconds and the ship's weapon as well as shield energy are on a critical low afterwards, but that doesn't really matter - the damage caused is severe. Scientists throughout the galaxies are still trying to figure out how the ship's weapon functions.

Unique Technology:
None - as if the lightning antennaes aren't enough.
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Re: The Database



In short, the Ashotur were fish. They had bodies like sharks with very muscular arms and legs. Webs underneath the arms took the role of fins. They travelled in big swarms, both in water and in space. When on land the Ashotur wore a kind of water-filled collar to prevent them from suffocating. However, they mostly used Walker Mechs when forced into ground battle.

The Ashotur were as aggressive as the Nnyarthall, if not worse. But where the Nnyarthall interrogated and tortured, the Ashotur went even further - slavery, genetic experiments on prisoners and deliberate terraforming of entire worlds were only part of the Allied Government's list of accusations against them. They slaughtered innocents, they ate prisoners and tortured the weak. The Ashotur were punished in the most severe way imaginable - their entire species was executed, erased from the face of the universe. Not everybody was happy with that solution of course, many of the Telarin among them. They would have preferred to study the Ashotur and their methods, but in the end the Directorate had its will.


Length: ~14 m

The Mako was the Ashotur's main fighter. It had been modelled after a shark and was able to bend its body for even greater mobility.

The Mako were equipped with rapid-firing Dart Cannons under their "fins", able to fire a variety of arrow-like projectiles. Solid steel darts, explosive tips or electrically charged arrows were only a few options.
The Mako had average shields for a fighter.

Unique Technology:

Manta Ray
Length: ~16 m

The Manta Ray looks just like that - like a manta ray. They are a bit bigger than Makos and serve as light bombers.

The Manta Ray carries two Remora torpedoes under its wings. These missiles are heatseeking and are rather slow, but effective.

Unique Technology:

Torpedo Ray
Length: ~ 16 m

The Torpedo Ray shares most of its attributes with the Manta. However it has a unique technology that sets it apart from its predecessor. As such the Torpedo Ray has become synonymous for Slaver Ship, as entire Swarms of Torpedo Rays used to fly up on ships and disable them to be captured.

Unique Technology:
Electroplaques - The Torpedo Ray is able to produce electricity that can be used as a passive weapon, meaning any ship that comes close to the Torpedo Ray suffers an electric shock.

Length: ~80 m

The Megalodon was one of the most fearsome ships in all of the Swarms. Based on the Mako fighter and sharing its unparalleled mobility, the Megalodon gunship was almost 6 times as big.

Like the Mako the Megalodon used rapid-firing Dart Cannons - however, just like the ship itself the darts were six times as big, enabling the gunship to lay waste to entire groups of fighters within minutes. Even worse was the Megalodon's secondary weapon - its jaw. The gunship would grab an unshielded ship and either crush it or drag it back to a Kraken.

Unique Technology:

Length: ~11 km including arms

The Kraken was a colossus of a ship, surpassing even the greatest battleships of the Allied Government with ease. It had the form of an octopus with exceptionally long arms. The Kraken wasn't developed until late in the war and as such only a few were built - which is a good thing. Who knows what would have happened if more of them would have been used.

The "eyes" of the Kraken were high powered laser beams, designed to destroy enemy battleships. The arms themselves were deadly weapons: Not only did the huge limbs cause desastrous damage when they struck, but they were able to wrap around asteroids or other debris of substantial size and hurl them at the enemy.

Unique Technology:
Terraforming - The Kraken carried the Ashotur's terraforming technology. In the center of it's arms rested a device that either rapidly heated up the atmosphere of a planet to melt any ice, thus flooding the planet, or to cool it down, thus making it habitable. The Kraken can also launch algae filled pods that help creating breathable air- or in their case, water.
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Re: The Database


---Ardetzki Fungoid Organism (AFOs or Ardez)---

The Ardez are mindless and aggressive; Frightening organisms the size of ships. They can best be described as a type of sentient, deep-space travelling fungus. In their most common form they have a brown, long body covered in lumps and dragging several long, thin tentacles behind them. Quite often these tentacles are wrapped around a ship that the Ardez devour on their travels to produce their "fuel", an explosive gas.
Few know where the Ardez come from. Most people speculate that they are either a Telarin experiment gone wrong or that they have devoured all of the life on their home planet and then launched their spores into space, searching for more land to infest, more creatures to feast on.


Length: ~4 m

The Spore is the basic form of the Ardez. A brown, sack-like body houses the nervous centre as well as the fuel production. Long, thread-like tentacles - the fungus' roots - are dragged behind the body.

The roots are remarkably tough. The Spore uses these to batter against a ship's shield. Once they are depleted the Spore lodges itself in the ship and starts to spill out its digestive slime. The roots hold the ship, gather nutrition and search for crew to transport into the fungus, where they are digested and transformed into fuel. A small fighter is usually devoured within a day.

Unique Technology:
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Re: The Database



Name: Nadia Hrrrthu
Gender: Female
Race: Garik
Age: 28
Height: 5'11"
Eyes: green
Hair: black

The young Garik has a slender build. Underneath her protective clothes her skin is as black as obsidian. Her face, when unconcealed, is fine-featured and attractive. She has stunning green eyes - which one could only see in complete darkness of course. Other than that they are hidden behind the ocular modules. Her hair is equally black and done in a myriad of braids.
Nadia wears a blue robe with a hood big enough to cast a shadow over almost her entire face, as well as a cloth to protect her face up to her eyes.
For combat Nadia wears a rather tight-fitting black bodysuit that covers her entire body, added by black boots and gloves. A sleek helmet with a pitch black visor covering the entire front helps her gather intel, scan and manage.

Nadia is an ambassador of the Garikian Imperium and a skilled pilot. She is the daughter of a high ranked politician, but doesn't brag about it. Like many members of the Imperium, Nadia had served in the military for some time. Not much else is known about her, her personal files remarkably well encrypted even for a Garikian politician.

Position: De-facto commander of The Dividing Line, liaison officer to the TPD Admiralty.

Crew members: None.

Personal Stealth Generator – An advanced piece of military hardware integrated into Nadia's combat suit. As the name suggests, the stealth generator creates a visual cloaking field around her body, hiding her and any equipment she may carry.

GIPAS013 Wyvern's Maw – The Garikian Imperium Pump Action Shotgun Mark 13 is a slender, long weapon with a sleek black design and flowing curves. All the more shocking is its primary ammunition – magnesium pellet cartridges that create a very short-ranged, but incredibly hot flame for a few seconds. Combined with her cloak, this allows Nadia to get close to an enemy and set them on fire out of nowhere. However, the weapon is prone to overheating and needs to cool down after every cartridge, limiting its use.


Name: Black Wind
Length: ~70 m

The Black Wind looks much like an antique ship – including decorative masts. It's a custom ship, built after the plans of Nadia herself. The hull is painted in a shimmering black.
Even though the Black Wind is rather big, most of that room is taken up by a storage room. At the moment it only holds Nadia's exploration vehicle/buggy, as well as ammunition for the turrets. A crane system automatically transports the ammo to the weapons.

The Black Wind has two hatches in the front that conceal four-barreled rocket launchers for light missiles. They can be fired either seperately or all at once in a spiraling motion. Furthermore, three hatches on each side can be opened to reveal Rapid Fire Cannon turrets. The shields of the Black Wind are average for a gunship.

Unique Technology:
Stealth - like any Garik ship that has a decent size the Black Wind carries a Stealth Field generator.
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The true name of this race is unknown - and it's likely that they don't know it themselves. They have been dubbed Wendigo after a human mythological creature that comes into existence when a human cannibalizes his kin. It is a fitting name as the Wendigo is a carnivore and will eat anything and everything.
This race is two steps above a primate. Many thick bony ridges run over their face and hulking body. A strip of grey fur runs down their spine. Tusk-like spikes grow from their jaws and jut forth left and right of their mouth. The older a Wendigo is, the longer the tusks are. The brows of the Wendigo are thick, throwing a shadow over their yellow eyes.

The Ashotur used enslaved Wendigo as shock troops - cannon fodder. Stuck into cheap armor and equipped with Shredder Rifles Wendigo troops were deployed against space stations and battleships, often sent in drop pods. Because of their fierce attitude and physical superiority they are rather effective in close quarter combat.
After the Ashotur's defeat the Wendigo have been stripped of technology and have been settled on an uninhabited jungle planet.


Andaar are not a natural race - they have been force-evolved out of humanoid races by the Ashotur. Their white skin shows red, tattoo-like marks that are individual for every Andaar. They look much like humans, but are a good foot taller and slimmer. A fine webbing grows between their long fingers and toes, and three gills show on their neck. The Andaar have two breathing systems - meaning they also have lungs.
Andaar are cunning and intelligent and served as commanders over Wendigos and other slave races of the Ashotur. After their master's defeat the Andaar have been offered a home on an aquatic planet. They accepted.


There is no set description for a Vakauri. It is more of a collective term for the Ashotur's robotic servants, controlled by a Tactical Artifical Intelligence - TAI. The system was housed in a massive construction on the Ashotur homeworld, in essence a humongous server. The construct was destroyed in the final attack on the homeworld, effectively deactivating the Vakauri. Many of them have been found and disassembled - but who knows how many of them still float out there.



This includes any race that isn't member of the Alliance - either by choice or because they don't have a military fleet to speak of.


The Marsora are maybe the least aggressive race in the universe. These merchants have a humanoid body with a high amount of fat. Their legs have completely degenerated, and as such they use technological means of all kinds to move. Their skin is of a dark green, and their mouth resembles a turtle's beak. Marsoran clothing is brightly colored and festive. They generally have a jovial attitude towards other races - some consider them obnoxious.
Don't be misguided though. The Marsora may be many things, naive is not one of them. During the war they offered their services to both sides and dealt with weapons and technology alike.

The Am'Arum are insects. They seem to have evolved out of some kind of centipede, as their body resembles that creature. The lower third rests on 8 legs before it arches up and backwards, giving the whole creature a S shape. The rest of the body is without legs - however the Am'Arum have none less than six insectoid arms with pincer-like hands. Their jaw features a pair of sturdy mandibles akin to an ant's, and their bites are venomous. Their carapace has drab colors, most commonly a greyish brown or rust red. Am'Arum, in difference to most centipedes, have facetted eyes. The most interesting trait of the Am'Arum is that they reproduce by parthenogenesis - they produce a single egg that doesn't require male fertilization. As such, all Am'Arum are females.
Am'Arum are intelligent and skilled hunters without the human concept of ethics or mercy, which makes them excellent mercenaries.


The Ittaax (pronounced Ihtax) have descended from a line of large, flightless birds of prey. Their most common feather pattern is a brindle pattern of brown, though depending on their subspecies they can have a wide variety of patterns. Their long necks are covered in a thin down. The beaks of those birds are very massive, being almost as big as the skull itself. The males of their species have a tuft of feathers on their head they can erect into a crest to show interest. Formerly this was a purely sexual sign, but it has evolved beyond that together with the Ittaax' brain capacity.
The most drastic step in the evolution of the Ittaax was the change of their wing-bones into arms and thin fingers, covered in the same kind of scales as their legs. Their eyes are of a golden to orange tone. Ittaax are extremely fast runners and can outrun almost any known race.

The Ittaax were pack hunters and as such, very social animals. They have evolved into very social people. Their families are tightly-knit up to when the young Ittaax leave the nest. Their intelligence gave them the deciding advantage in survival on their forest homeworld, and they generally don't form alliances outside of their race. In recent years, however, they have seen themselves forced to cooperate with a race known as the Pan Kor to fend off the Ashotur. Their technology is largely sonic-based. A specifically-formed tongue, quite like a parrot's, allows them to communicate with other species, should the need arise. However, as their language is so dependent on subtle tones and inflections, trying to say words in their language and mispronouncing them could lead to very undesirable outcomes.

The Ittaax are newcomers to the galactic community. First contact with them happened on accident during an expedition. So far, they have been unable to invent true FTL drives and as such have to rely on the ships of “older” races for long-distance transportation. Their home planet lies within the space formerly occupied by the Ashotur.

---PAN KOR---

The Pan Kor are a race of ungulates akin to the rhinoceros of Terran past. These hulking creatures have a body that broadens significantly towards the shoulders. They have no visible neck to speak of, rather their body simply narrows towards the nose. Their heavy physique makes them walk hunched over. Rows of blunt, bony potrusions run along their back, possibly a remnant of earlier evolutionary stages. Several ridges, reinforced with cartilage run along their bodies, giving them a "layered" appearance.
The top most of these ridges contains their nostrils. Their eyes lie left and right of their skull rather than in front like with most other humanoid races. The Pan Kor's jaw is very broad and powerful, probably to be able to crush even thicker branches. Their ears on the other hand are mostly internal. On their chin the male Pan Kor sprout a pair of fleshy potrusions, looking like a goatee. When agitated they fill with blood as a warning.
The legs of the Pan Kor are sturdy pillars with toes that can be described as rudimentary at best. Their hands sport three rather short fingers with thick, blunt nails.

The history of the Pan Kor is filled with violence. Solitary by nature and fiercely territorial they spent the majority of their existence fighting each other. It took an impending invasion of the Ashotur to unite them - and even that didn't last long. The systems under their control are currently forming and breaking alliances at a rapid pace.
The Wyrian Republic is somewhat of an exception to this. For 20 years now they have managed to fight off the other Pan Kor systems and established the closest thing to peace that their race has known.

While contact with the Wyrian Republic has been made during the events that lead to the discovery of the Ittaax, the race at large is seen as a threat. Pan Kor outside their home territory are often mercenaries, valued for their enormous srength and hardiness. As such, they are often treated with a mix of curiosity and suspicion.

((In short, imagine walking upright and wearing bulky armor.))



Hrrshak is a Garik word that translates to "runner." Stemming from the Garik homeworld, these large carnivores took on the same role that dogs had in Human history. Their pitch black fur is short and smooth so it doesn't catch on the thick underbrush that cover much of the Garikian savannahs. Powerful legs and broad shoulders make Hrrshak durable runners, giving them their name. Their tail is short and stubby, making Hrrshak less than perfect climbers. As Garik Prime had to make do with what little light got caught in the black hole that once was their sun, Hrrshak slowly lost use of their eyes over the eons before finally losing them entirely. At this point, their skull doesn't even have the sockets remaining. It smoothly and elegantly curves from the dome towards the jaw. Their lower jaw is actually split in two and can extend both down and outwards, allowing them to devour massive chunks of meat quickly. The third set of pointed teeth between their two lower jaws helps them tear into prey.

In stead of their sight, Hrrshak find their way with keen hearing and a refined kind of echolocation. Curiously, this draws Hrrshak towards sources of constant "background noise" like engines or settlements of any size as the echoing sound waves help them "see" without being overwhelming.
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The Juris sector

The Juris sector is the part of the Galaxy under control by the three ruling races. It contains about one sixth of the Cyria galaxy (formerly known as the Milky Way). It borders on the former Ashotur territory and its core now renamed "The Great Void" (even though some pilots call it "the big fat nothing") as well as the Nnyarthall Dominion - those two are side by side. On its far side it reaches the outer rim of the galaxy.

Forbidden Technology

The following technologies have been outlawed by the Juris Alliance.

- Time Travel
- Teleportation
- Artificial Black Holes
- Planetary-based particle accelerators ("Hadrons")
- Wormhole travel
- Bio-organic weapons
- Self-replicating nanobots

((The above list is open for suggestions))
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Xyranocapra are another relatively recent addition to the intergalactic community. They were discovered by the Marsora shortly before the Great War, and the crafty merchants managed to channel the Xyranocapra's inherent aggression against intruders and their relentless will to fight into making them the Marsora's fist. From the moment the luxurious Marsoran freighters first entered Xyran's atmosphere, Xyrs were their way of “continuing business with different methods,” an army of thugs at the rotund aliens' command. It was not until after the war that the Xyr shook off their masters' greasy grip and gained independence.

Xyr are two-legged humanoid ungulates with a wiry physique and a short, shaggy fur. Their head features a short snout and at least one pair of short, pointed horns, earning them the nickname “Goatlings” within the TPD. Originally being a prey species, they have horizontally slitted eyes to help them recognize attacking predators. Instead of the usual two eyes that most species have, the Xyr have four, a pair on either side. Scientists assume that this was beneficial to survive in an environment as hostile as Xyran and helped the race develop into their planet's most advanced species. It was that environment that gave the Xyr their underlying aggression – they often had to fight tooth and nail just to not be eaten by one of the many predators that roam their home planet. As such, it is in their blood to be hostile towards predatory species as the Garik, who primarily feed on meat, or the Am'Arum – who have taken over the role as the Marsora's pet soldiers.

The Xyr have a strange quirk when it comes to their firearms. Unless they modified it or even built it themselves from scratch, they don't trust it. As such, many weapon manufacturers have a hard time selling their product to Xyranocapra. Every Xyr mercenary only carries the guns they built themselves – and they tend to compensate for their comparatively shortness with very heavy firepower. Make no mistake, even if their guns look rough and unpolished, they can often hang with the best of them.
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Many ship weapons are also available for ground troops, others have scaled down versions available.
Availability tiers from Common to Restricted to Rare. Restricted weapons are usually military-issue and as such are not that uncommon to be found in the hands of soldiers or on the black market.
This list is neither complete nor finished. It only serves to exhibit the level of tech available and is not meant to limit your choice in armaments.


---Coilgun (Terran Directorate)---
Machine gun with a slower than average firing rate, but much higher overall damage output due to higher bullet velocity.
Versions: Ship and infantry.
Availability: Restricted.

---Dart Cannons (Ashotur)---
Flechette-firing machine guns with a variety of modified ammunition available.
Versions: Ship and infantry.
Availability: Originals none. Replicas exist and are common.

---EMP Generators (Garikian Imperium)---
Ship and shield-disabling weapon that fires in a cone.
Versions: Ship.
Availability: Restricted.

---Hailstorm Missile Launchers (Garikian Imperium)---
Rapid-firing missile launcher firing smaller, but faster rockets.
Versions: Ship and infantry.
Availability: Rare.

---Harpoon Cannons (Ashotur)---
Like Dart Cannons, but massively increased in size.
Versions: Ship
Availability: Originals none. Replicas exist, but are rare.

---Laser (General)---
Sustained ray of light with a high energy draw. Can cut through armor.
Versions: Ship and infantry.
Availability: Restricted.

---Lightning Arc Cannon/LAC (Nnyarthall)
Electric weapon that discharges an enemy's shields.
Versions: Ship
Availability: Restricted.

---Net Launcher (Nnyarthall)---
Subduing weapon for capturing ships or escape pods.
Versions: Ship.
Availability: Rare

---Path of Light Laser/POLL (Telarin)---
Advanced direct energy weapon designed to bypass shields.
Versions: Ship and infantry
Availability: Rare.

---Plasma Cannons (Terran Directorate)---
Slow firing anti-ship weapon. Fires massive balls of ignited plasma.
Versions: Ship.
Availability: Rare.

---Pulse Laser Cannon/PLC (General)---
Rapid-firing direct energy weapon. Shorter beams reduce energy draw, but cause less damage overall.
Versions: Ship and infantry.
Availability: Restricted.

---Railgun (Terran Directorate)---
Slow-firing weapon similar in concept to a coilgun. Can be built to a much larger scale.
Versions: Ship and infantry, as a sniper rifle or semi-auto rifle.
Availability: Restricted.

---Rapid Fire Cannons/RFCs (General)---
Heavy Machine guns with rotating barrels that fire standard ammunition.
Versions: Ship and infantry.
Availability: Common as a ship weapon. Rare as an infantry weapon.

---Remora Torpedoes (Ashotur)---
Heat-seeking, slow anti-ship missiles.
Versions: Ship.
Availability: None.

---Rocket Launcher (General)---
Slow-firing weapon with a low ammo supply. Holds a large explosive charge to cause massive damage.
Versions: Ship and infantry.
Availability: Restricted.

---Short Period Lasers/SPLs (Garikian Imperium)---
High-powered direct energy weapon able to reflect off certain surfaces. Can be bundled with other SPLs to create a larger beam. Long range, long cooldown between shots.
Versions: Ship.
Availability: Rare.

---Shredder Gun (Nnyarthall)---
Shotgun-like weapon that fires sharp metal scraps instead of pellets.
Versions: Ship and infantry
Availability: Outlawed in Juris space.


---Breach Laser (Nnyarthall)---
Shotgun-like weapon that creates a hollow cone of lasers, designed to cut holes into floors, walls and ceilings for dynamic entries. Very short effective reach.

---Electrolauncher (Nnyarthall)---
Scaled-down version of LAC, size comparable to minigun. Long charging time, excessive heat output, enormous damage to shields.
Availability: Rare.

---Harpoon Launcher (Ashotur)---
Launches massive metal spikes. Slow-firing, extremely high impact.
Availability: Originals none. Replicas rare.

---Hydrogen Lance (Terran)---
Two-tank weapon system for heavy infantry. One tank holds supercooled hydrogen, the other a pressurized aerosol. Produces a lethal stream of hydrogen and is employed similarly to a flamethrower.
Availability: Restricted.

---Shredder Launcher (Nnyarthall)---
Grenade launcher that uses shredder ammunition, peppering a large area with sharp metal scrap.
Availability: Outlawed in Juris space.

---Wyvern's Maw (Garikian Imperium)---
Shotgun-like weapon. Uses magnesium pellets to create a burst of flame from its muzzle. Only effective at short range. Semi-automatic versions expensive, require additional mechanisms due to low kickback of bullet.
Availability: Restricted, semi-automatic versions rare.
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Re: The Database



-Terrans: they are human.
-Garik: Stealthy humanoids, burn up in direct sunlight.
-Telarin: Grey, most advanced species this side of the void.
-Andaar: Former Ashotur slaves, mutated humans.
-Marsora: Rotund amphibians. Cunning merchants.
-Am'Arum: Cold insectoids. Will do anything to continue their species.
-Ittaax: Bird people, do not have own FTL ships.
-Pan Kor: Massive brutes, often mercenaries.
-Xyr: Small, goatlike humanoids. Ferocious fighters.
-Musran: Small, fast, hardy, fuzzy.
-Arogok: Hallucinogenic toads. Matriarchal culture.


-Nnyarthall: Evil Telarin, bug-like outfits.
-Ashotur: Shark people. Extinct.
-Ardez: Space-travelling fungi. Eat ships.
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The following is an OOC explanation provided by one of our forum members. [3 Minutes Ago 00:30] Hentaispider: Also, I've been toying with an idea of 4-dimensional hyperspace lately. The 3-dimensions would correlate to realspace while the 4th would correlate to the distance from real space. The farther you go, the more distances compress, but the more energy it takes and the more hostile it is to baryonic matter.

Subspace is a parallel plane of existance that allows ships to travel large distances quickly. Though properly explaining subspace is taxing even for theoretical physicists, it can be said that the distance between realspace points is a significant factor. The farther you travel in subspace, the better your shields and drive have to be. If you travel too far, or your shields break down during subspace travel, your ship will either be lost or crushed by its 4th dimension. Always make sure your FTL drive is properly maintained.

To enter subspace, a vessel needs to be equipped with an FTL drive. This device needs quite a bit of power and as such is rare (however, not completely unheard of) on small ships. When activated, the FTL drive basically creates a pocket dimension around the vessel that acts as a gateway to subspace – the so-called Buffer Zone. Buffer zones don't discriminate in what they encapsule, and as such proper distance to other ships, planets and other large objects has to be maintained.

When the vessel exits subspace, the Buffer Zone distends, moving aside any objects in the place the ship will exit. Once enough space for the ship has been made, the bubble "pops", releasing the ship back into realspace. Due to this, warping straight into a hangar or even onto a planet is incredibly dangerous, and many core worlds have taken precautions to prevent this from happening.
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A kinetic amplifier is any melee weapon that uses repulsion shield technology to strengthen its impact. KinAmps constantly gather data about their moving speed and adjust accordingly – the faster a KinAmp is swung, the harder it hits. Any amplifier worth its salt features a blocker for low speeds to prevent them from going off at the slightest movement.
Like all shield technology, KinAmps require an energy source. While some KinAmps, especially those used for personal security, feature a significant amplifying rate, this drains their energy source extremely fast, often allowing only a single use. Most KinAmps prefer a lower amp rate in favor of more sustained use.
KinAmps come in many shapes and forms, ranging from knuckle dusters to large warhammers. They also commonly find use outside of conflict as tools, drastically decreasing the necessary weight of hammers and similar objects. Currently, the smallest known KinAmp is a self-defense weapon hidden in a jewelry ring, designed for upper-class women.

KinAmp ammunition exists, but is extremely rare and incredibly expensive as each bullet is a complete, working shield emitter. However, even a low-caliber KinAmp bullet can absolutely pulverize an unshielded hostile and can even stop an angry, fully armored Pan Kor.


The unique properties of energy shields allow for some interesting offensive properties. Shield bubble weaponry makes up the second major group of direct energy weapons, the other obviously being lasers. A repulsor shield bubble is created when a rare high-density molecule called Telarium is fired through a modified repulsion shield. Most Bubble Guns, as they are commonly called, simply create a rigid force field around the object they hit, effectively locking them into their current position for a short time. In this form, Bubble Guns are often employed by security guards and policemen.
Alternatively, the shield bubble can be used to deliver an otherwise volatile payload safely – for instance, a bubble filled with a gas that reacts violently with air could be launched safely into a group of hostiles. Once the bubble bursts, the payload detonates.
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Behind the deceptively harmless name of Station Nu lies one of the most ambitious project of the TPD and, indeed, of the entire Alliance. The inhabitants of this space station, hidden somewhere in the Local Spur, are recruited from the brightest minds humanity has to offer. These beacons of the scientific community are then introduced into a think tank that is lead by Telarin. While their Veda prohibits them from sharing their technology, they help the Terrans by teaching them their way of thinking and behaviour. Essentially, the goal of Station Nu is to eventually turn its inhabitants into something similar to Human Telarin. A first few successes have been made by artificial means, suppressing the emotional centers of willing test subjects with hormonal implants, resulting in cold, calculating, but brilliant scientists.
Station Nu is heavily funded by the TPD, and its inhabitants are fiercely loyal to the Directorate. Without their funding, their experiments would be effectively impossible. Part of that money is made possible by the station's output of innovations and improvements being auctioned off to the highest bidder. The more interesting pieces of technology, however, remain firmly in the iron grasp of the Directorate.


The name of this ragtag group of rebels named themselves Bugbiters because they believe they can wear the TPD down with guerrilla tactics, small surprise attacks on key elements of the Directorate's supply chain. Originally starting out on Vox, the 'biters have slowly, but surely carved up a niche within the galaxy for themselves. The small star cluster under their control is a safe haven for fugitives and malcontents, but also attracts smugglers, thieves, killers and all kinds of other scum. The head of the 'biters is a charismatic man going by the name of Fitzroy.
Strangely, the TPD is largely ignoring the Bugbiters' efforts within their sector, apparently content to let them be – a strategy that infuriates both the hardliners within the Admiralty and the 'biters. Perhaps the TPD is merely bidding its time, waiting until the system is saturated with low-life criminals before crushing them all at the same time. Perhaps they think the Nnyarthall are a more pressing issue.



The Garik are largely splintered as it is, their fear of the Imperium's enforcers and superior weaponry the only thing that keeps them from overthrowing their largely ineffectual government. Not all groups, however, are as lenient. The Knightly Order of the Black Sun, a Garikian organization, is slowly, but surely gaining influence. Their declared goal is to cast out the Court and the Imperial Family and install a military regime under the rule of their enigmatic Archknight. Ultimately, they wish to unite all Garik under their banner by infiltrating every aspect of the (then former) Imperium, turning the freedom-loving Garik into a totalitarian military power. To break the Alliance. And to conquer Terran space.



As the Telarin are homogenized and united in their search for knowledge, there are not really factions within the Multitudes per se. Their different groups are diverse on a genetic level, each engineered specifically to serve their function, more subspecies than faction. The Alpha Strain was the first modification, and the only one remaining unchanged during the untold eons the Telarin have traveled the stars. Alpha Telarin are the guardians of the Veda, veritable paladins of knowledge. They make sure the word of the scripture is being followed and hunt down those Telarin that would overstep the boundaries set within it. During direct military confrontation, Alpha Telarin serve as officers and frontline examples of bravery. Alphas will not put down their weapon until their foes are dead or they are slain. Stemming from the time before the Nnyarthall separated themselves from the Telarin, Alpha Telarin consider the entire twin race as traitors to the Veda and are their sworn enemies.


Omega Telarin are, at the same time, very similar to Alphas and completely different from them. Where Alphas police the Telarin themselves, Omegas hunt down those that would steal Telarin technology. Clad in sleek black armor, Omegas are terrifyingly efficient killers, practicing the art of slaying a foe with the same dedication that the rest of their race puts into scientific discovery. Omega Telarin know no law but the Veda, no mercy but death and no failure but their own demise. They will shoot people with shards of arsenic crystals just as quickly as they would blow up an entire building if it was more efficient.


While both Alpha and Omega strains are warlike strains, the Phi were designed specifically to serve as diplomats. As the Telarin's androgynous appearance can often confuse other races with more distinct genders, Phi Telarin have an increased hormone output that helps them gather muscle and fat masses, giving them more distinct masculine or feminine silhouettes. Additionally, their brain structure and behaviour has been altered to seek out and adapt social patterns instead of scientific facts. As such, Phi strains are less predictable than normal Telarin, considered strange even by their own people.
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Direx is a Terran weapons and munitions manufacturer with a seat in Russia's District Vlad. Direx has been around for next to a hundred years at this point, flooding the market with its "affordable" weapons with a lot of "character" and "history," fancy words masking the fact that Direx guns are dirt-cheap and horrendously outdated. Still they managed to land government contracts with several of the Pacific Asian Republics, and in the founding times of the TPD every Space Marine carried a Direx rifle. It's generally agreed that those times are best forgotten.
These days, Direx is noted for sending representatives to "First Settler" colonists about to head out, offering to support them with free ammunition if they buy their equipment from them. These long-term contracts have managed to earn them both a major profit and the scorn of a dozen colonies. Direx's name is often used to describe something in a degrading manner, like "shoddy as a Direx" or "who built this piece of junk, Direx?"

Product Sample:
Direx AR5
Weapons by Direx are cheap and plainly designed, intended for the use of low-rate private security forces. Their assault rifle is no different. The design has barely evolved from prespace times, looking much like something Kalashnikov would construct, and it doesn't even sport a display to show an ammunition counter.


As The TPD formed alliances and trade agreements with more and more races, Terran companies often found themselves threatened by their new competitors, their exotic components and often ruthless marketing. Some companies went extinct, others had to join forces to battle the incoming flood of products. Two of those companies were Pepsi and Cola, fusioning together into Pepoca to reclaim the soda market from a major influx of Marsoran companies. Sometimes quite literally reclaiming markets, as in storming a plaza with private armed troops to fend off the Marsoran's private armed troops. The Soda Wars – they were a thing that happened.

Product Sample:
Pepoca Zero G
All the taste of a normal Pepoca Cola, actually NEGATIVE calories thanks to our patented Zero G formula. Try it today at a vendor near you.
(If no vendor near you sells Pepoca, move to civilized lands. You are surrounded by brutes.)

While Direx weapons are cheap and generally low quality, Robin represents the other end of the spectrum in Terran space. Every single weapon that leaves Robin's facilities has been hand-crafted by experienced weaponsmiths, tested thoroughly and comes with a lifelong warranty – the gun's lifetime, not yours. Some Robin rifles are now wielded by the third generation of soldiers, as the European company has a government contract for the TPD's special units and higher-ranked officers.
Robin designs its weapon with clear lines and minimalistic design, wanting their weaponry to be instantly distinguishable from anything else on the battlefield.

Product Sample:
Robin CGAR1
This weapon has an unusual design, forgoing the usual front pistol-like grip on assault rifles for a bracket-like handle underneath the plain steel cylindric casing. Robin Corp stands for accuracy and resiliency, and this Coilgun lives up to these standards. While the rate of fire is nothing to write home about, you are almost guaranteed to hit your target.
The name stands for Coilgun Assault Rifle, but is often shortened to "Cigar" amongst soldiers due to the cylindrical, polished steel casing.

In a pragmatic move, GIA has decided to sell its sorted out weapons and excess produce to those that are able to afford them. The Garikian weapons are meant to take out an opponent quickly and silently, almost universally equipped with built-in silencers or, if the weapon design makes them impossible, aural cloaking fields. Most of their guns are going for a "one shot, one kill" approach that is able to put down next to anything short of an armored Pan Kor, put are lacking in firing rate.

Product Sample:
GIA03 (Garikian Imperial Armoury Trivolver)
This mean piece of technology has a long-standing tradition within the Garikian Imperium. Its pronounced three-chamber cylinder (equipped with a sonic dampening field) and overly long muzzle give this revolver-like heavy pistol an exotic look. It's not very exact and not meant to be used for long distances, but in close quarters the Trivolver punches through pretty much everything. It is also known for being easily moddable – enthusiasts often add visual cloaking, blades or decorations to the Trivolver.
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Re: The Database



Chibi's orange lizard people race.


The Klarr are a race of Humanoids with scaled skin in varying shades of orange. They exist in a caste system with a ruling council of "Mothers" and "Fathers." A Klarrin's caste is determined by the darkness of his skin, the darker the orange the higher your caste and the more training you receive. The eyes are yellow or green, and slit pupiled, like a terran cat. They don’t have hair, instead they have a myriad of dreadlock like tentacles in a variety of shades from red to green. This hair can be cut and will round it's end back off within a day or two. Their external body plan is very similar to Terrans and their genetic structure is similar enough that with minor manipulation they could produce hybrids.

Their planet does not have much water on it, so they are well adapted for desert conditions.

Their clothes are flashy and well suited for space, having been spacefarers for nearly two millennia before Terrans began their first spaceflights.

The Klarr made first contact with the Terrans shortly after the latter developed their first FTL drive as the Klarr were on the lookout for another advanced species in the cluster housing both their sun systems. Upon being made familiar with the Terran's rich history of killing things that look different from them by checking transmissions and old radio signals they snatched up, they decided that a preemptive alliance would probably benefit both races the most. The alternative would probably have been extermination or the attempt thereof.

They have three varieties of ships. Huge space dreadnoughts, shaped similar to Terran whales that act as colony ships; small, one man fighters shaped sort of like a terran manta ray; and a "midship" shaped sort of like an earth shrimp that's had tentacles replace its feet and teeth for mouthparts (a Gorchak Fish, one of their few fish species). This last one can handle a crew as small as one or as large as six.

The Klarr are very much averse to killing their opponents, a fact that the Terrans have ridiculed on occasion. During the First War, very few of them served on the frontlines, instead doing supply runs and using their large ships to defend important positions like space ports and wharves. Their ships are using mostly direct energy weapons to disable a ship's shields and force them to retreat. They were actually the first race to discover the Shield Bubble effect and so far are the only ones that were able to build ship-sized weaponry based upon it, enabling them to encase entire ships in stasis bubbles and taking them out of the fight for some time.

Tavaak ~10 km long, 1 km wide, 0.5 km deep
Fellan ~2.5 m long, 5 m wide wings, and 1 m deep (Pilot is laying down the while time)
Gorchak ~30 m long, 15 m wide, 18 m deep
Re: The Database


Name: The Dividing Line
Diameter: ~3 km

The Dividing Line is an Alliance “Providence” Space Station, an older but still reliable model.
Most of the station is housed in the big central sphere - generators, command, storage and everything else. The staff housing is in a separate sector of the Dividing Line - a quadrant that is connected to the main body by a 50 m long tunnel of glass and steel. Another quadrant, running in the opposite direction, holds the solar panels.
Due to its form that line of space stations has been dubbed "Wheat Thresher" by Terran pilots.

Its time of disregard after the war has treated the station poorly. Its hull has been breached by debris and vandals alike at several spots, and the scars of gunshots indicate that questionable elements used it as a base for some time after the Directorate abandoned it. Parts of its hull have been stripped entirely for spare parts, revealing the steel girders and levels underneath.

The Line's weaponry is rather poor, featuring only about a dozen Rapid Fire Cannons and a few Rocket Launchers mounted on turrets. The shields, even though outdated, are still very strong.

Unique Technology:
The Dividing Line has no unique technology... yet. It was constructed with the thought of constantly enhancing it though, so expanding it should not be too difficult once it's fixed back up.
Re: The Database



Name: Hiram Breaks-Walls
Gender: Male
Race: Xyranocapra
Age: 42
Height: 4'3"
Eyes: Gold/robotic
Hair: white
Hiram stands at average height for a Xyr, and he shares his race's bony build. At some point during his illustrious mercenary career, somebody managed to blow off almost half his face – his left two eyes were replaced by robotic implants, and a sizable metal plate surrounds them. Several more scars grace the veteran's face, each one of them carried with pride. His beard, envy of any male Xyranocapra (and should be the envy of any male PERIOD), is well-groomed and decorated with peculiarly-formed golden ornaments.

Like many Xyr, Hiram was a "security officer" in a Marsoran "private security" company. Born on Xyran, he joined Starquake at a young age – and from then on he did not spend many days where he did not have to kill, murder or destroy something. Hiram slaughtered his way through the Ashotur conflict, became rich, became poor again and became a freelancer, helping his race in the fight against the Marsoran mercenaries for their independence. Declaring himself to be the "best star-damned Goatling mercenary in the entire galaxy," he only accepts the best-paid and most dangerous jobs there are.

Position: Gunnery Seargeant

Crew members (if any):


Xyranian Assault Armor - Most of Hiram's body is hidden by his bulky armor, which he next to never takes off. It really does look like a mixture of medieval armor and a space suit, with its large, plain metal plates over a red synthetic weave. The armor looks worn and scratched, bearing witness to the many fights that Hiram got himself into – or rather, that other people paid Hiram to get into. The helmet is a stylized version of a goat's head, probably to mock terrans for the nickname they gave Hiram's race. When in a social setting (or in a fight on a planet), Hiram also wears a red tabard depicting a white Xyr skull with an enormous beard.
The left gauntlet of the Assault Armor holds a modified version of a shield emitter. With a certain gesture, Hiram can create a small, but powerful force field, large enough to grant himself full cover if he kneels. The shield moves with his arm, allowing for some versatility.

GIA03 Trivolver – Hiram's sidearm is a long-standing favourite among many armed troops. This originally Garikian weapon looks very similar to an old-school revolver, but its cylinder only has three very prominent chambers, holding large-caliber bullets. Hiram also carries flare ammunition that can serve to illuminate dark spots or ignite an enemy. Also, the Xyr welded a titanium switchblade to the underside of the barrel, turning the Trivolver into a dangerous melee weapon within a split-second.

Pharanoth – Hiram decided to name his gun after a Marsoran deity of gluttony. Anybody that sees Pharanoth in action quickly understands why – the gun eats through ammo supply like a Marsora through a cake buffet. The reason for this is the gun's three barrels, aligned in a circle and all firing at the same time. This is made possible by no less than three belt magazines, one for each barrel – a brute-force approach typical to Xyranian weaponsmiths. "By the time you have to reload, all your enemies will be long dead anyway." The weapon is meant to be wielded like a minigun and as such lacks a stock, instead featuring two handle-like grips - like a mounted turret gun - and a sturdy shoulder strap. Additionally, the Pharanoth features a pair of pair of legs that can be unfolded at the push of a button, allowing it to be used as a turret.



Name: Vlado Brrtak
Gender: Male
Race: Garik
Age: 30
Height: 6'4"
Eyes: amber
Hair: black
Vlado is dressed in a plain white coat reaching down past his knees, high black boots poking out underneath them. His hands are covered in white gloves, extending up under the coat's sleeves. Finally, his head is protected by an almost gas-mask like getup, the ocular models glowing green over plain steel and black synth-weave.

His appearance underneath the suit is currently unknown and, given his race's aversion to light, is unlikely to ever be discovered.

Vlado served as a combat medic in the Knightly Order Of The Black Sun and was part of their attempt at overthrowing the Garikian Imperator. He has since severed ties with them, but held on to their concept of discipline and order over individualism.

Position: Combat Medic

Crew members (if any):


GIHC197 – The Garikian Imperium Heavy Crossbow 197 takes an ancient concept and updates it to a menacing new form. Looking much like a pitch-black rifle while sheathed, the bow unfolds with the flip of a switch. Featuring an auto-draw mechanism and notches for holding bolts, the 197 can reach a firing rate similar to a semi-automatic rifle in the hand of a skilled wielder like Vlado, while its heavy-duty steel string can deliver massive kinetic force. The 197 is completely silent, extremely deadly, resistant to jammer gadgets and can cover great distances. The only downside is its excessively long "reload time," as it were, which consists out of refilling the notches along the crossbow by hand. Also, its ammunition is quite heavy, limiting its total amount.

Vlado prefers to use bolts with a "monomolecular" point, meaning the bolts are sharp enough to pierce most infantry armour plating. The 197 is able to deliver other payloads, but most of them are too noisy for Vlado's tastes. With his extensive knowledge of xenoanatomy, he rarely needs more than one shot to put down a target.

Visual Cloak – Vlado has a cloaking field generator built into his suit. However, it only hides him from enemy eyes and the usual spectrum scanners (heat trackers, for example). Aural scanners and echolocation devices can still pick him up. It is meant for combat situations, not infiltration.
Re: The Database




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