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The Dead Queens Palace(Archer, Termite, Open)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
The Dead Queens Palace.

Level 1 dungeon for 2 level 1 characters, or 3 level 0 characters.

Centuries ago, a young noblewoman, barely sixteen, inherited control of her small fiefdom when her father died in battle and her mother died of disease. Completely unprepared for rule and supposedly advised by a necromancer, the young woman ran her fiefdom practically into the ground, holding onto her rule with an iron hand using hired orcs and summoned undead for nearly a decade while the peasants who served her suffered under complete oppression. She allegedly underwent dark rituals that involved bathing in the blood of a hundred virgins that were meant to grant her immortality, but when the ritual went wrong, she was turned into an undead abomination. Now a vampire, she continued her dark practices, now including feasts of blood, until the church discovered her and sent knights Templar to destroy her and her lackeys.

Now, centuries later, the Dead Queen, her true name lost to legends, has allegedly risen from the grave once more. Lights can be seen from within and around the keep at night, and the orcs and Minotaur that have often lived in the keep as bandits have begun raiding the nearby town with greater organization, and supposedly backed up by undead allies. No one knows why the dead queen has risen again, but it surely bodes ill for the region, especially because the church that destroyed her all those years ago is now in disarray.

The call has gone out by the local baron for adventurers to aid in clearing the tower of its evil infestation, and the locals offer a great reward for proof of the vampires final destruction. Willing adventurers are to go to the barons mansion and sign up there.

The town crier, a portly man in a rich blue-red outfit, shouted from within the center of the town square; "Hear ye! Hear ye! All who would attempt to deliver us from the evil that has beset us, and in so doing, earn our lords rich reward, should go to his mansion!" Then, he points down the street, toward a large walled in compound. There, a grizzled young man sits at a desk, looking uncomfortable in his full suit chainmail, and taking the names of adventurers who would attempt to defeat the dead queen.

"Form small groups, if you don't mind. We don't want to be sending anyone into the slaughterhouse, after all. No one goes to the dead ladys keep on their own. There's plenty enough reward for two or three of you to spread amongst yourselves. Names on the page, if you please." He recites, as though he'd been doing this for a while now, and points to a piece of parchment with a lot of writing on it, a long list of names written next to one another, indicating other groups that had gone to try and defeat the dead queen.

Fetishes: Monster rape and very light blood.
Re: The Dead Queens Palace(Archer, Termite, Open)

Name: Maria Caidella
Description: 5' 9" with dark red waist-length hair tied into a ponytail, a fit body, and an ass most people would die for. Her rack, on the other hand, is something she wishes were a little bigger. Her perky yet modest B-bordering-on-C cups don't seem to grab much attention in a world filled with Double-D's and greater. Still, she does her best and wears an almost too tight leather ensemble that leaves very little to the imagination.
Backstory: Born and raised in a rather different corner of the world, Maria left to see the sights only to learn her beliefs aren't all that well liked, mostly by mages and the people who depend on them. This has left her having to deal with some serious backlash from most everyone she meets, but she perseveres as best she can. If people can't handle the truth then they can take a stick and fuck themselves right up the ass.

Posting Speed: One a day, but anything's fine with me.
Posting Length: Whatever makes you feel comfortable.

Level - 0
Willpower - 18/18
Combat and HP - 2 and 10/10
Explore and Stam - 5 and 20/20
Spirit and Magic - 8 and 10/10
Naughty and Lewd - 5 and 30/30
-- Tech K-H and Knowledge - replaces Spirit and Magic when applicable

Skills and Fetishes
Light spanking (Not too rough, ya pervert!)
Breast play
we'll see how things develop...
(Adjusted Stats for Level 1)
Level - 1
Willpower - 30/30
Combat and HP - 2 and 20/20
Explore and Stam - 6 and 30/30
Spirit and Magic - 11 and 10/10
Naughty and Lewd - 6 and 40/40

"Team? Nobody said anything about team. Dammit..." The woman that said this stopped her advance to that sign in sheet. The few people behind her all came to a stop at different times, and as the few bumps and crashes came to a stop the group parted and walked around her. A few of the angrier folks dared to offer a push or shove even while what remained of the town guards kept watch on the scene, and with all that joy coming her way the woman though it best to execute a tactical retreat for now.

A few moments later found Maria watching the herd of adventurers as they made their way to that all important desk. Her glances kept jumping from place to place, her attention staying on a person so long as they looked like they weren't already paired with someone else they made their way forward. A few interesting prospects did manage to catch her eye, but it seemed those few were there more to see who would be foolish enough to take up such a quest instead of actually DOING something.

For a moment she considered just walking out to try again tomorrow, but with a rather fateful parting in the crowd Maria managed to catch sight of someone hidden behind a rather large group of muscle heads talking to each other. A voice in her head practically screamed "Go for it!" and next she knew she was wading through this sea of people approaching someone she hoped she could recruit for this little excursion. The target probably wouldn't notice her approach until a deceptively pretty young girl suddenly popped out of the crowd dressed head to toe in some skin-tight leather ensemble that left very little to the imagination without showing a hint of her exquisitely tanned skin. A quick "Hello." would be followed by a gloved hand reaching up to tuck a strand of incredibly dark red hair back over her ear before getting back to the matter at hand. "Going after the queen? If so I could probably give you a hand..."


With her new friend(s) in tow Maria returned to that sheet of names so she could add her own. As she bent down for better leverage a perfectly sculpted ass put itself on display for any and everyone standing behind her. She made it halfway through writing "Caidella" before a couple whistles and howls caught her ear. Most people would probably take offense to that, but when she finished and stood upright a small smirk was playing across her face before she started to slowly turn and make room for her comrade(s). When she finally addressed the crowd she found everyone looking over to her side, and a glance further that way found a waitress in some sort of rabbit suit strutting around with breasts larger than her head. For a moment Maria stared as well, and a short while later the inevitable comparison between the waitress's Gigantor twins and her own humble mounds left the girl feeling like the head of the Itty Bitty Titty Committee. A loud huff was all she gave before slamming the pen back on the table and stepping to the side to wait for everyone to sign in.
Re: The Dead Queens Palace(Archer, Termite, Open)

Name: Lisa Mason
(updated her look)

Lisa is a mage gifted with an odd affinity for the light even though she has no connections to a diety or the like. Her unbound curiousity leads her to want to learn more and more about the world and solve mysteries whose answers are hidden in the shadows. She will not hesitate to pause her search for mystery to try and help those not as fortunate as her.

Desired posting speed: A couple times a day is fine I'm pretty easygoing about it
Desired description size: Moderate paragraphs, I like knowing whats around me but I understand sometimes there just isn't that much to see

Level - 1
Willpower - 12/12
Combat and HP - 2 20/20
Explore and Stam - 8 30/30
Spirit and Magic - 8 40/40
Naughty and Lewd -7 40/40

(Decided to bring back my classic)

Lisa sighed and put a finger to her head as the young girl proudly presented herself to the gathered crowd. "This is going to be a complicated trip, I can tell already." She shook her head and spun her staff a bit before walking forward to sign her name. "Focus child, we're fighting a vampire sorceress, if you get flustered by a waitress' cleavage you're already doomed." She raps on Maria's head lightly with the head of her staff trying to get the young girl to concentrate on the danger they were about to venture into.
Re: The Dead Queens Palace(Archer, Termite, Open)

(Moving along. Sorry it took so long I've been busy as hell.)

The guard doesn't give either of the women more than a passing glance as they sign up together, unfortunately not on the receiving end of Marias exposition, and occupied by his constant droning litany of instructions. She does receive more than a few catcalls for her show while she signs, however, enough to make some of the guards around the mansions gates glance inward, wondering what was going on, and catching sight of Marias voluptuous rear in the process.

The two women, now a team, head out toward the long abandoned keep of the Dead Queen. Thankfully, it is still early afternoon, and the keep is only a few miles from the gates of the town, so the two arrive with energy and daylight to spare. The keep lies on top of a large hill, the massive castle surrounding it and the tower itself are visible from miles away, the stone crumbling but still strong despite the years of disuse. The duo are forced to leave the road, the dirt path leading to the castle having been long covered by the spreading underbrush and erased, and proceed through the forest. Despite the rumors of bandits and undead surrounding the place, the two find no opposition right up until they clear the woods near the castle itself.

They come out on the edge of the ruins of the village that had stood around the keep back when it had been a place for the living. The mostly wood buildings hadn't weathered the test of time nearly as well as the stone keep had, and all of the ancient hovels were in a state of collapse. The two women could see the castle gates from where they stood, the ancient rusted portcullis having been torn down and laid against the side of the castle.

They could also easily spot the trio of minotaur guards milling about the entrance to the keep, each of them tied with heavy chains to the entryway of the castle, and holding large, heavy looking clubs. The creatures were also completely naked, save for the collars tying them to their guard duty, and even from as far away as they were, Lisa and Maria could spot the beast-mens cocks hanging from between their legs. Remembering what they'd learned about such creatures, the minotaurs would be incredibly strong and dangerous in combat, though the monsters chains might make things a little bit easier.

Knowing that the beasts strength was matched by their lechery, Lisa and Maria both had a very good idea of what might happen to them if they got into a fight and lost. They weren't very smart, or resistant to magic, however, which might allow them to pass by without a fight. Still, it might also be a good idea to just bypass the creatures entirely, and try to find an alternative way into the castle. The creatures couldn't go very far from the gate, so if they managed to get past them, the minotaurs couldn't follow them.

(Options: Fight past the guards (Combat[Naughty]) Find another way in (Explore[Harder as a Team]) Magic your way past the minotaurs (Spirit[Combat].) )

Level - 1
Willpower - 12/12
Combat and HP - 2 20/20
Explore and Stam - 8 30/30
Spirit and Magic - 8 40/40
Naughty and Lewd - 7 40/40

Level - 1
Willpower - 30/30
Combat and HP - 2 and 20/20
Explore and Stam - 6 and 30/30
Spirit and Magic - 11 and 10/10
Naughty and Lewd - 6 and 40/40
Re: The Dead Queens Palace(Archer, Termite, Open)

"I've run into a minotaur once on my travels, the experience was....harrowing."I would suggest we use our magic to bypass this obstacle, neither of us can match a minotaur, or three in close combat." Lisa looks to the girl with her awaiting to see how she decides to progress.

(Magic past the guards)
Re: The Dead Queens Palace(Archer, Termite, Open)

For a moment Maria sorta sits there staring at the Minotaurs for longer than was actually necessary. The sight of those clubs were nothing to the real weapons they held, and this left the girl wondering how anyone could take even one of those monsters let alone three and manage to walk away. That question eventually does break through that haze of intrigue. "'Magic', huh? Sounds good. Really don't wanna get too close to those things."

Even though 'magic' at this point and time seemed incredibly stupid for reasons she has yet to divulge Maria instantly goes reaching into a couple of pouches at her side. A number of odd little devices and powders and other such trinkets were kept inside, and after rummaging around for a bit she eventually pulls out a small canister. "Don't look directly at this thing until it blows, okay?" With that warning the small object gets thrown into the midst of the creatures. The slight shine to its casing should catch the beasts' attention just before a bright flash hopefully blinded them. That should make it easier for Miss Wizard to do her thing. At the very least it'll be easier to sneak by.

('Magic' through those guards.)
Re: The Dead Queens Palace(Archer, Termite, Open)

(I was wondering how you were going to work in using magic to do things, Termite. Lets see if your creativity keeps up.)

Lisa: 20 + 8 = 28 vs 16 - 1 = 15 == Pass.
Maria: 9 + 11 = 20 vs 16 - 1 = 15 == Pass.

The minotaurs, making good their reputation for stupidity, look directly into Marias bright light. All three of the beasts are blinded, and drop their clubs to rub at their eyes, giving the duo a golden opportunity to get by the creatures. Making good on it, the creatures seem about to recover just as they are about to pass, but Lisa creates a burst of light similar to the one Maria had used, though hers was magical in nature, allowing them to get by freely.

After getting past the minotaurs, the women find themselves in the courtyard of the castle. The castle proper, a massive stone block with the tower jutting up into the sky in the center, sits before them, the two large oaken doors rotten and wide open before them, allowing them easy access into the building. Besides the minotaurs, which now pull on their chains toward the two women helplessly, the area is completely unguarded.

Stepping into the foyer of the castle, the massive room is supported by a series of stone columns that support the ceiling, which is over thirty feet above their heads. Numerous hallways branch off from the main hall, and the pair both have the sinking feeling that getting to the "Dead Queen" herself will be much more difficult than they first thought. They are distracted, suddenly, by the sound of grunting coming form one of the corners of the hall, the source of which is blocked by one of the columns. Peeking around, they see an orc sitting on a cheap wooden chair, his pants around his ankles and his fist rapidly pumping his large, bumpy cock. For the moment, he seemed too preoccupied to notice them watching him, and could probably slip by him fairly easily.

The orc, likely one of the keeps guards, could probably tell them how to get to the dead queens room. He had even given them an easy way of getting information out of him, though the idea of helping the beast-man finish was more than a little dirty. Alternatively, the could just search the castle for clues, though that would likely mean splitting up, as the bottom floor alone was huge. Also, an undead creature like their intended target would probably give off quite the magical signature, which Lisa could probably pick up on if she tried hard enough.

(Options: Search the castle (Explore[Harder as a Team]) Scry for the Dead Queens Location (Spirit[Hidden]) Try to get some information out of the orc (Naughty[Hidden]) )

Level - 1
Willpower - 12/12
Combat and HP - 2 20/20
Explore and Stam - 8 30/30
Spirit and Magic - 8 40/40
Naughty and Lewd - 7 40/40

Level - 1
Willpower - 30/30
Combat and HP - 2 and 20/20
Explore and Stam - 6 and 30/30
Spirit and Magic - 11 and 10/10
Naughty and Lewd - 6 and 40/40
Re: The Dead Queens Palace(Archer, Termite, Open)

"You handled the guards, allow me to find the queen for us..." Lisa smiled impressed by the young girl now and planted her staff, placing both hands on the top of it. "Anything the orc says is shaky at best and this castle is far too dangerous for us to simply split up and explore it. An all powerful undead lich queen should give off more than enough magic for me to scry her location. Normally I would assume an evil ruler to be in the highest point, but since she's a lich some kind of deep tomb filled with undead servants and evil is also likely..."

(Scry for the Lich Queen)
Re: The Dead Queens Palace(Archer, Termite, Open)

"...Vampire." For all the other points this Lisa lady made a good argument. Of course she immediately called upon her faith to try and 'scry' or whatever-it's-called the Queen's location. Then again Maria couldn't immediately think of a better way to go searching, and random knocking on doors would probably get them captured and turned into life-sized orc play dolls. There should be some way to track some blood-sucking parasite, but for right now nothing came to Maria's mind. All she could do now was stand watch and make sure they weren't caught with their metaphorical pants down.

(Let Lisa do her thing.)
Re: The Dead Queens Palace(Archer, Termite, Open)

(Yeah, she's a vampire, not a lich. I never said it explicitly, but it was implied.)

Rolls (.....Pwned.)
Lisa: 6 + 8 = 14 vs 18 == Lisa loses 4 Magic points.
1 + 7 = 8 vs 22 - 1 = 21 == Lisa loses 13 Lewd points.
Maria: No roll. Follows Maria. Loses 4 Magic.
3 + 6 = 9 vs 22 - 1 = 21 == Maria loses 12 Lewd points.

Lisa closes her eyes and concentrates for a moment, searching with her mind for a font of dark magic, and her senses quickly center on a source of power a ways off and below them. She moves toward it through the corridors, taking a winding path that becomes quickly too confusing to remember. Maria finds herself becoming increasingly uncertain, her lack of belief in magic making her believe that her companion is simply wandering aimlessly through the castle. After a few minutes of winding stone corridors, the decrepit castle dark due to its lack of windows in most places, the duo find themselves in a large room with a set of stairs leading down. The two make their way down the stairs thoughtlessly, expecting to find their intended target waiting for them at the bottom.

Which is why it comes as quite the surprise when, rather than an undead monstrosity, the pair find themselves face to appendage with a massive ball of slimy green tentacles. The creature, some kind of demon most likely, has a spherical body the size of a small shack, blank except for the places where tentacles jut out form its body. The tentacles, of which there are far too many to count, are all easily forty feet long and end in distressingly familiar tips that leak thick white fluid. The things entire body is covered in thick transparent slime.

Before they can turn and run back up the stairs, the monster seems to notice them, and a split second later, Maria and Lisa find themselves wrapped fully in slimy tentacles. They are dragged, struggling wildly, toward the demons body, and their clothes and equipment are both casually torn from their bodies and tossed aside, luckily toward the stairs. Within seconds, and with no chance to resist, both adventurers find all of their holes filled with slimy writhing tentacles, the foul appendages lubricating themselves more than enough for penetration, and the aphrodisiacs in the slime ensuring that the pairs resistance didn't hold up for very long.

The lower level of the castle is filled with Marias and Lisas moans of pleasure, their minds and bodies possessed fully by the lust demon as it pounded into their holes. Every movement in their pussies and asses sent a shiver of pleasure up their spine that culminated in a scream of pleasure forcing itself from their lips around the tentacles in their mouths. The creatures wild movements continue for little more than a few minutes, both women being stuffed to bursting with tentacles, the slimy things sliding into them, and across their nude bodies. Then, the knots of pleasure that had been growing within them burst, almost at the exact same time. Simultaneously, a dam seemed to burst, and both Maria and Lisa were covered and filled with a deluge of thick, smelly, demon cum. The demon, untiring, continues for another hour before Lisa passes out, and another ten minutes after that before Maria gives in as well.

Hours later, when the sun had very nearly set, both women awakened to find themselves lying on the floor near the stairs. They were both filthy, their bodies covered in the creatures dried juices, mixed with some of their own between their legs. They were sore and tired, their legs were wobbly and weak, but they were strong enough to move. The creature was in the far corner of what they now knew was a very large room, seemingly preoccupied with something else, so they made good on their freedom, grabbed what was left of their things, and rushed back up the stairs.

A hallway leading off form the large room caught their eye after Maria and Lisa had taken a moment to recover from their ordeal, which seemed to lead to a set of stairs leading up. As they watched, a skeletal warrior, all bones save for a few scraps of armor and a sword in its hand, descended down the bottom step and into their view. Both of them could hear the bony clink of the undead monsters feet on the stone floors, and neither had any doubt about where the Dead Queen might be now.

(Options: Search for an alternate route up the tower (Explore[Hidden]) Fight your way up the stairs (Combat[Combat]) Use magic to bypass the undead guards (Spirit[Combat]) )

Level - 1
Willpower - 12/12
Combat and HP - 2 20/20
Explore and Stam - 8 30/30
Spirit and Magic - 8 36/40
Naughty and Lewd - 7 27/40

Level - 1
Willpower - 30/30
Combat and HP - 2 and 20/20
Explore and Stam - 6 and 30/30
Spirit and Magic - 11 and 6/10
Naughty and Lewd - 6 and 28/40
Re: The Dead Queens Palace(Archer, Termite, Open)

(Ouch, pwned indeed.)

Running through the castle, heading deeper and deeper into some unknown abyss, following someone relying on nothing more than pure instinct to find some supposedly undead creature, this was all starting to wear on Maria's patience. A few times she almost voiced her concerns, but Lisa was entirely convinced. When a mage was this deluded it was best to let them do whatever they hell they wanted.

It was only when reaching the bottom of those stairs that she had finally had it, but before she could turn around and slap some sense into her ally the sound of something slick and wet sliding across the floor caused her to turn once again. The dozens of cocks writhing around that black mass had her frozen in disgusted fascination, and it was only when they started darting toward they women that Maria finally had the sense to try and push the both of them back of those stairs. That brief escape was cut extremely short when one tentacle wrapped around her leg and effectively tripped her, causing the tan girl to fall forward and knock bring Lisa down with her before a second and third wrapped around her leg and torso. "I KNEW-GLGH" was all she got to say before one managed to stuff itself in her mouth.

From that point on everything fell out of focus, Maria only knowing that whatever was in her mouth tasted wonderful, and whatever was tearing at her clothes needed to do it a lot faster. Her body was quickly succumbing to a haze of lust the likes of which she had never felt in her life, and right now she needed someone to stuff something up her pussy before she went insane. Someone happily obliged, and her muffled moan of complete and utter joy became a frantic scream when another quite easily entered her ass. Normally she would have sucker-punched whoever dared enter her rear, but today it was just another delicious sensation sliding in and out of her body while she desperately tried to grind herself into an orgasm. The cock in her mouth received its fair share of attention, her tongue sliding up and down and all around to milk more of that wonderful slime from its length.

Relief came quickly enough when a white-hot flash exploded in her eyes and she faintly felt her inner walls quivering while she was so utterly stuffed from head to toe with cock and cum, but it wasn't enough. Her body was still aching for release, and she cried when the tentacle stretching her pussy slowly eased itself out. The gush of fluids rushing from that now empty hole made her feel more empty than she'd ever felt in her life. She heard herself scream for more, the beast quickly answering with another burying itself within her as fast as it could. She came again, her mind nearly breaking as the other tentacles were replaced with fresh once before she was rode again and again, each orgasm burning through her until she was left as nothing more than a limp mass of pure pleasure.

She didn't remember passing out, but when she came to she found herself sticky and used. Her body itself still moaned in blissful aftershocks as slick skin slid across slick skin. When her mind finally found focus she realized she had been pawing at a very nude Lisa. That sudden shock made her sit up straight and search around for anyone who might have spied the small lesbian act. All she found was that lewd creature doing God knows what over in a corner of the room. Maria found herself taking an involuntary step in its direction, the aphrodisiac still lingering in her system. A quick pinch to her thigh brought her focus back to reality, and she quickly gathered Lisa's belongings as well as her own before getting the mage to her feet and quietly getting the both of them out of there.

Once free from that mess of a room and returned to a somewhat more modest state Maria kept mostly to herself as they continued. She had just been raped by some creature the likes of which she could never have imagined, and part of her was wanting to turn right around for Round 2. And if that wasn't enough she had been cuddling right up to another woman and wasn't all that bothered by it! She knew she wasn't some dyke. She loved a hard throbbing member between her legs, maybe even more so now than in the past, so why the hell was she stealing little glances and peeks through what remained of her comrade's robes?!

Thankfully the sudden appearance of the skeletal warrior let her mind focus on something other than her growing insecurities. The walking bones in and of themselves should be impossible, so it had to be some kind of puppet. Maybe it was some kind of puppet with strings holding it together, or maybe there was some mechanism or creature laced through the bones themselves that kept the whole thing connected and upright. Either way a small explosion should scatter the pieces quite nicely, and whatever contraption was keeping the whole thing held together would certainly be broken. With her mind made up Maria once again reached into one of the pouches by her side. This time she took out a couple containers of powder, a small amount of each getting mixed into another small container. She shook the small device once, then twice, then chucked the thing over the skeleton's head before grabbing her new friend and taking a few hurried steps back. The concussion from her little grenade should scatter the bones easily enough, but there was no telling what kind of shrapnel the skeleton would make. Best to get some distance.

(Use magic to bypass the undead guards)
Re: The Dead Queens Palace(Archer, Termite, Open)

Lisa leans on her staff after the two escape the slime covered tentacle monster, "Not a word...." She grumbled to herself embarrassed that she led them right into a trap like that, "And please stop staring at my ass, we have more pressing matters...." Lisa wiped some slime off herself and held her staff upwards, the orb on top glowing brightly. "A much more straightfoward challenge, light magic versus dark arts, let's see how well these skeletons burn...." She was eager to vent a bit on these undead constructs and hopefully their mistress at the top.

(Supporting Maria)
Re: The Dead Queens Palace(Archer, Termite, Open)

Lisa: 17 + 8 = 25 vs 18 - 1 = 17 == Pass.
Maria: 7 + 11 = 18 vs 18 - 1 = 17 == Pass.

Marias explosive device shatters the skeleton, revealing no obvious way in which it was being animated, but she was swiftly distracted by the appearance of more of the undead filtering down the stairs. Lisa uses her magical talents to toss a fireball toward the undead, Maria easily convincing herself that it was a device just like hers, despite the fact that it had come form the end of her staff. Lisas blast burns through several of the undead, and the two women take the opportunity to rush toward the stairs.

Unfortunately, there are more of the skeletons coming down the stairs, the undead monsters branding low quality weapons. The two are forced to fight their way up the stairs, destroying dozens of the undead before they reach the top of the tower. The two women alternate their attacks, Maria using more of her explosives while Lisa throws more balls of flame. By the time they reach the top, both are tired form the constant fighting and having to run up so many stairs. The undead still press against them, coming through every hallway in small groups, but one door just ahead of them is closed. Taking their chances, they rush through the door, closing it behind them.

The room is clear, as far as they can tell, so they're able to breath a sigh of relief. Their relaxation is short lived, however, as a pair of thunderous growls sound out from deeper within the room. Spinning around, the women find themselves in a large, well-lit chamber with a single door on the far end. Standing on either side of the door are a pair of massive, bestial, demonic creatures. The creatures looked more or less like massive gorillas, except with longer legs. They were covered in red and black hair, had powerful muscular arms, and both Maria and Lisa could easily spot the creatures huge members hanging from between their legs. They weren't chained like the minotaurs had been, so it would be impossible for the women to just rush by the pair of demons, meaning they'd have to deal with them swiftly before the demons got hold of them. And, since there were two of them, they would have to deal with each of the demons separately, one on one.

(Options: Different Objectives(Each adventurer must take separate paths.) Fight one of the Demons (Combat[]) Magically attack one of the demons(Spirit[]) Offer yourself to one of the demons(Naughty[]) )

Level - 1
Willpower - 12/12
Combat and HP - 2 20/20
Explore and Stam - 8 30/30
Spirit and Magic - 8 36/40
Naughty and Lewd - 7 27/40

Level - 1
Willpower - 30/30
Combat and HP - 2 and 20/20
Explore and Stam - 6 and 30/30
Spirit and Magic - 11 and 6/10
Naughty and Lewd - 6 and 28/40
Re: The Dead Queens Palace(Archer, Termite, Open)

"Ha! Maria one, Fake Skeleton ze..." Hey wait, how was it...? Maria's thoughts are immediately interrupted by clattering bones making their way down the stairs. Apparently this Undead Queen was trying to live up to her name. A ball of fire engulfing the next warrior interrupted those thoughts, and she immediately began wondering how Lisa managed to stuff a fuel system as well as an ignition source in that tiny little-

*march march march*

"God dammit." At that point she just didn't care anymore and started mixing her explosive concoction inside another canister, the blast creating openings that allowed Lisa to burn a path up those steps while Maria continued building and chucking grenades. It was only when they'd entered that final door that Maria finally had a chance to collapse and breath. At this point she realized she chucked both vials at that last group and probably damaged some of the stairs, but that should keep the skull heads from the lower levels from following them up here.

A moment later a deafening roar practically made the girl jump out of her skin. Her naturally bronzed complexion paled to a deathly white as her back slammed against the door she had just come through, the eyes that nearly popped out of her head finding the source in two massive creatures guarding the only other exit. For a moment she wondered if this was the day she'd be eaten, but when those monstrous pricks peaked out of their sheaths and grew to a size that dwarfed even the Minotaurs she knew she'd be fucked until she quite literally split down the middle.

The one of the right seemed to focus its attention on the pale woman who was just now having some color return to her face, and she started inching away from her friend hoping it may just lose interest and focus its attention on the other warm body in the room. That hope was dashed when its head turned to follow the slight movement, and once it started bending down to prepare a charge she immediately yelped. "A-a-a-a-acidic, uh, thermal, eeelectricAAAHHH!" To try and keep focus she started rolling through the different things she kept in her bags of science, but as soon as she said electric the thing started bounding toward her, a single small leap on its part cutting their distance in half. At that point she panicked and grabbed something, anything from her pack and left it to fly in the behemoth's face while she threw herself out of the way. In her haste she hadn't realized she chucked her one and only freeze bomb. Once the vacuum seal on that thing broke the air would immediately start a chain reaction that quickly absorbed the heat from the area, and if all went well Maria would turn just in time to see a gorilla-thing frozen from the waste up.

(Magically attack one of the demons)
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Re: The Dead Queens Palace(Archer, Termite, Open)

Lisa panted as both reached the top of the stairs and grimaced, it was going to have to be a one on one fight. Maria wasn't in any shape to take them on up close and she was already rummaging through her items so Lisa took the lull and dropped her gear and walking into the room naked and up to one of the demons. "Greetings mighty demons, I offer my body to you and your vices." Hopefully they'd both be way too distracted by the naked grown woman to notice the stammering and paniced younger girl.....and hopefully Maria wouldn't end up blowing Lisa up in her frenzy.

(Offer yourself to one of the demons)
Re: The Dead Queens Palace(Archer, Termite, Open)

Maria: 14 + 11 = 25 vs 17 == Pass.
Lisa: 10 + 7 = 17 vs 17 == Pass.

Marias magical bomb falls short of its mark, and lands just beneath the approaching demons feet. She can't argue with the results, however, as Maria opens her eyes after a loud bang, immediately spotting the large demon standing perfectly still, the creature having been frozen solid by her bomb.

On Lisas side of the room, meanwhile, the demon seems to understand her offer of her body, as the creature rushes forward and grabs the nude sorceress by the waist. Handling her with incredible strength, though the creature was also somewhat clumsy, its large body making its movements a little awkward. Regardless of whatever Lisa had intended to do with it, she finds herself lifted off her feet, and placed over the demons massive, erect cock.

Despite the creatures bestial appearance, it only slides her down onto its member, rather than hammering it into her. A shiver of pleasure went up her spine as the demons cock slid into her already moist womanhood, and Lisa couldn't help but let out a moan of pleasure. It slid into her up until it reached her cervix, before the bestial demon pulled her back up, so that only the tip remained inside her, before slowly pulling her back down. Despite the demons massive size, which should have been painful regardless of how gentle it was, Lisa only felt pleasure from the monsters penetration of her soft folds, likely due to its supernatural nature. Maria could only watch as Lisa was practically impaled on the demons cock, and listen as she moaned in bliss at being so full of hard, powerful demon-cock.

The demon gradually sped up its thrusts into Lisa, the womans mind going blank due to the demons subtle magic. She moaned and thrust her hips back into its cock like a common whore, driving the demons cock into her womb in the process. Her body suddenly tensed up, and Lisas moans turned into an ear splitting scream as she orgasmed all over the demons huge throbbing cock. In the back of her mind, she felt her stomach swell as the demon, emitting a roar of pleasure, started filling her womb with its potent cum. Her feet collapsed beneath her a moment later as the demon pulled her off of its cock and lowered her back to the ground. Demon seed leaked onto the floor from out of Lisas womanhood in vast globs, her belly slowly deflating back down to its normal flat shape as she recovered, though she had a sinking feeling that its sperm had already done its work within her. The demon stepped back, away from Lisa, and then sat down, seemingly waiting. The doors ahead of them opened up, revealing another large chamber.

The two women stepped through to find themselves in another large room, though this one wasn't quite as big as the one that had contained the demons. An orc sat in a chair, grinning at the two women as they entered, not hostile, but apparently not helpful either. A large stone pedestal sat in front of the doors, with two dozen stones with a single rune drawn on each. Four slots sat in the stone, each the size of one of the stones, indicating that this was some kind of puzzle. The door glowed a dark red color, indicating to Lisa that the door was magically sealed. The orc says, in a voice filled with laughter; "You want to see the queen, you've got to know the password. If you don't know it, you've gotta guess. Though, you probably won't like what happens if you pick the wrong combination. Of course, I know the combination to open the door, but you're going to have to do some convincing if you want it from me." He finished, with a lewd smile, making it clear just what they'd have to do in order to get the password from the foul creature.

Regardless, only one of them could work on the puzzle at once, so they might as well try two different things at once, to double their chances.

(Options: Try to solve the puzzle(Explore[Spirit]) Try to force the door open(Spirit[Spirit]) Try to get the combination from the orc(Naughty[Spirit]) )

Level - 1
Willpower - 12/12
Combat and HP - 2 20/20
Explore and Stam - 8 30/30
Spirit and Magic - 8 36/40
Naughty and Lewd - 7 27/40

Level - 1
Willpower - 30/30
Combat and HP - 2 and 20/20
Explore and Stam - 6 and 30/30
Spirit and Magic - 11 and 6/10
Naughty and Lewd - 6 and 28/40
Re: The Dead Queens Palace(Archer, Termite, Open)

Lisa grimaced when she spotted the challenge, "Puzzles...why does every damn dungeon have to have a puzzle in it?! Idiotic masochist arcitects..... You are welcome to try and solve the puzzle, I'm going to go for the more direct approach." Lisa twirled her staff about and pointed it at the door, a stream of green magic shooting forth into the door as she began trying to open the door with sheer force of will.

(Force the door open)
Re: The Dead Queens Palace(Archer, Termite, Open)

The loud pop followed by a blast of chilled wind was enough to get Maria to turn and face the now frozen threat. A sigh of relief ran through her entire body until she remembered she thought she heard Lisa say something from her side of the room. The ice sculpture was blocking the first woman's view, but when she started pulling herself off the floor the sound of something far too big entering something far too wet caught her just before she heard a slightly familiar moan of pleasure.
Greetings mighty demons, I offer my body to you and your vices.
Maria could only stand and watch her ally and her new lover, the absurdity of someone willingly offering themselves to these things crashing cruelly against the very real fact that Lisa was loving it. The mage was coaxing the enormous creature and its enormous cock with every passing second, and the young grenadier was completely dumbfounded by the lewd display, her hands no longer reaching for her equipment and absentmindedly creeping up her legs. It was only when the pair was done that Maria realized she was slowly rubbing against the apex of her inner thighs.

In a fit of shocked embarrassment the young girl quickly shot to her feet and threw her hands behind her back as the monster laid its prize against the floor. Before Lisa had deflated and those doors finally opened Maria was left wondering if the aphrodisiac from that tentacle thing downstairs was still running through her system, but that all stopped when she saw Lisa pick herself off the floor and start heading into the next room. Maria wanted to grab her sated friend and shake some sense into her, but the orc and the glowing door squelched that urge quite nicely.

After the orc's rather simple explanation and incredibly suggestive smirk that slight twinge Maria had felt ever since waking in the basement started bothering her once again. This whole sex with creatures business was starting to get to her, more so that she was beginning to get into it instead of the repulsion she knew she should feel. For a moment she considered servicing the orc, but her ego flew in and beat her growing libido down until she could think rationally once more. Lisa said she was going to bust that door down, how she was going to do that with a green light was beyond reason. Without any other choice she wanted to take Maria immediately moved to that pedestal. With that she began inspecting each tablet looking for any discernible patterns or marking that set one rune apart from the rest. Without understanding what they meant she abandoned that method to instead inspect the tablets themselves, her hands bringing it closer to her face as she ran the edge of her fingers along each side. While inspecting the back she found some slight ridges and bumps, little indentations that were slightly different between each slab. A thought crossed her mind, and she felt along each facet on the pedestal and found similar indentations there. She started trying to match the ridges to the grooves, eventually deciding on the four she felt best fit into the pedestal and locking them in. Hopefully her hunch was correct and it wasn't just some random scratches that happened to match. She really didn't want to know what would happen if she got this wrong.

(Try to solve the puzzle)
Re: The Dead Queens Palace(Archer, Termite, Open)

Lisa: 6 + 8 = 14 vs 20 == Fails by 6. Loses 6 Spirit.
Maria: 3 + 6 = 9 + 2 = 11 vs 19 == Fails by 8. Loses 8 Stamina and 8 Spirit.

The energy field around the door seems to absorb Lisas bolt of green magic, and, without warning, shoots it right back at her. The bolt strikes her like lightning, sending pain rocking through her body and dropping her to her knees. The field doesn't seem at all disrupted by Lisas attempt to disrupt it.

Maria, meanwhile, goes to work on the tablet. She finds that the stones do in fact have grooves of some sort on them, which match similar ones on the various slots. Unfortunately, it becomes readily apparent from her examinations that all of the stones have identical grooves. Back at square one, Maria looks over the symbols briefly, trying to find a pattern, before giving up, and simply trying a combination. At first, nothing happens, but after the stones sit in the holes for a second, a jolt suddenly goes through Marias body. It isn't powerful, only causing her a modest sting, but painful nonetheless. She is also left to wonder where exactly the bolt had come from, since it had originated at the floor, which was where electricity should be going to, not coming from.

The two women go on like that for over an hour, Lisa trying to blast her way through the barrier, while Maria tried in vain to solve the puzzle, the shocks growing gradually more painful as she tries combination after combination, until her entire body aches. Eventually, the barrier fades, though if it's from Marias use of the panel or from Lisas persistent blasting, neither woman can tell. By that time, however, night had fallen in full, leaving the place lit only by a few torches.

Going on through the doors, the two women find themselves in a lavish bedroom, with the usual accessories that one would expect in the room of a rich woman, including a massive four poster bed. On that bed lay an oak coffin, embroidered in gold and fine silks, the top of which slid off as they entered the room. For a moment nothing happened, but then, out of the coffin, a fine red mist wafted out. It flowed around the room, brushing against their skin and sending shivers of unconscious and primal fear through their bodies. The mist gradually coalesced into the form of a woman standing before them, and then solidified, leaving them in the presence of a lone woman garbed in only a dark red gown. Her skin was inhumanly pale, her eyes glowing with an animal-like golden aura, and her dark smile revealed a pair of sharp fangs protruding from her upper lip. "Welcome to my home..... Little morsels..... I have to thank you for delivering yourselves to me...... I'll be sure to savor every last drop."

(It's the final boss, so you have to pass all three. Options: Resist her hypnotic gaze (Naughty[Combat]) Fight the Dead Queen (Combat[Spirit] and banish her back to the underworld (Spirit[]) )

Level - 1
Willpower - 12/12
Combat and HP - 2 20/20
Explore and Stam - 8 30/30
Spirit and Magic - 8 30/40
Naughty and Lewd - 7 27/40

Level - 1
Willpower - 28/30
Combat and HP - 2 and 20/20
Explore and Stam - 6 and 22/30
Spirit and Magic - 11 and 0/10
Naughty and Lewd - 6 and 28/40
Re: The Dead Queens Palace(Archer, Termite, Open)

Lisa picked herself back up and stubbornly continued to try to force the door open. "I see you are disturbed by how I distracted that demon. Sometimes -GWAH!- You must do things like that in order to continue on, do not let your mind linger upon what has happened in the past." She stubbornly kept doing the same thing for hours until the door opened. "Be careful Maria, vampires are not opponents to take lightly..." She stood firm as the red mist moved around them and glared at the queen when she appeared. "We are far more powerful than mere morsels for you to devour and toss aside." She looked towards the floor and turned slightly to Maria, "Do not look into her eyes young one."