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The Dead Queens Palace(Archer, Termite, Open)

Re: The Dead Queens Palace(Archer, Termite, Open)

"But what if it didn't" *PZZZT* "YEOWCH! put you down?! I didn't wanna see" *PZZZT* "AAH! someone get ripped in half doing that!" *PZZZT* "ARGH! FUCKING HELL, WHERE IS THAT SHIT COMING FROM!" No matter where she stood, be it in front of that pedestal, to the side, behind, or even off when she managed to put the last piece in with a lucky toss, that blasted shock managed to catch Maria every single frickin time. Putting aside the fact that it was heading INTO the ceiling there had to be some kind of conductor to generate that arc, but there was nothing! Nada! Jackshit! The frustration of trying to figure out this problem was starting to get on her nerves, so much so that she didn't care about the shocks anymore, she just wanted to solve something before her mind snapped!

For what seemed like hours on end every combination Maria tried ended in another zap that left her body aching just a bit more. Her muscles were starting to randomly spasm on their own, and after that last attempt she simply slumped over the puzzle and hung there wondering why she didn't just go over to that snickering orc and give him a BJ. Mercifully the door finally opened, and with it the woman managed to jump into the air in triumph! She could finally get on with this mess! As she was getting ready to pass into the bedchamber a quick look to her side revealed that orc still snickering at her foolishness. She stopped for a second, sauntered her way over to him, and stood within arm's reach while her hand started opening an as of yet untouched satchel attached to her waste. When she thought she had his full attention the hand behind her back calmly came around, a rather odd looking object with two metal prongs at the end steadily reaching out until those ends were mere hairs from his skin. A large spark caught him by surprise, this time causing him to nearly fall onto his ass at receiving a surprise shock. When he recovered he looked to see his attacker walking through the open door, the taser being swung by the small chord connecting it to its power source. Before the doors finally closed he heard her say one last thing, "Shut up, piggy."

While waiting for the vampire to make her appearance Maria was busy planning her return. After they were done here she'd come back and tear this place apart to figure out just how that stupid trap in the other room worked...and...maybe play with the tentacle thing downstairs...wait, what? The woman started cursing herself. Why was her libido still acting up after all this time? Whatever was pumped into her should have cleared her system hours ago. Her mind was too busy wrestling itself to pay much heed to Lisa's warning, but once that red mist started crawling over her skin she could feel the hairs on her neck standing on end. She swore she felt someone caressing her neck, but when she turned all she found was more of that mist gliding past her face.

The vampires greeting caused the young girl to spin her head around, but it was only after she had already focused on those creepy glowing eyes that Lisa told her to NOT do just that. Maria's eyes immediately shifted South a bit, but instead of staring at those hypnotic eyes she was now intently focused on a pair of impossibly pale breasts. NO, DON'T LOOK AT THAT! her mind practically screamed at her, and her eyes started fidgeting trying to find somewhere to focus. If she looked up her mind would be stripped. If she looked down the libido that had been bothering her ever since her basement adventure would kick in. That inner turmoil plagued her for a couple seconds until her ego finally screamed. Just shock the bitch and see what happens.
Re: The Dead Queens Palace(Archer, Termite, Open)

1) 13 + 2 = 15 vs 19 - 1 = 18 == Loses 3 HP and 3 Spirit.
2) 13 + 7 = 20 vs 18 - 1 = 17 == Pass.
3) 6 + 8 = 14 vs 20 - 1 = 19 == Loses 5 Spirit.
1) 11 + 2 = 13 vs 19 - 1 = 18 == Loses 5 HP and 5 Spirit.
2) 17 + 6 = 23 vs 18 - 1 = 17 == Pass.
3) 13 + 11 = 24 vs 20 - 1 = 19 == Pass.

Both women manage to resist the urge to look up, into the vampires eyes, but the undead abomination only laughs at them despite their resistance. Before either of them can attempt any kind of attack, however, the woman is upon them, moving as quick as a lightning bolt. When Maria tries to give her a shock, she slaps the device out of her hands almost playfully. And, even at the slight touch of their fingers brushing against one another, Maria feels a bit of her life force slip out of her. The vampire was apparently capable of draining them from her very touch, and not just her bite. Recoiling in horror, Maria subconsciously makes a holy symbol with her hands, and, to her surprise, the vampire cringes, and takes a step back.

Unfortunately, all it does is turn toward Lisa, who was about to unleash a spell upon the vampire. The vampire slaps Lisa across the face, a blow that would have done little more than sting had it come from a normal person sending Lisa tumbling to her knees, slightly dazed by the powerful blow. The vampire then tackles her, forcing her to the ground, and Lisa feels a sense of weakness as the vampires touch drains some of her life force, finding out the same thing that Maria had. Unfortunately, Lisa is unable to force the vampire off of her, and the undead woman slowly drags herself up Lisas body toward her neck, licking her skin and sending shivers up her spine. In the process, the vampires gown tears, falling off of her in pieces, and revealing her entire sculpted, pale body.

Level - 1
Willpower - 12/12
Combat and HP - 2 17/20
Explore and Stam - 8 30/30
Spirit and Magic - 8 22/40
Naughty and Lewd - 7 27/40

Level - 1
Willpower - 23/30
Combat and HP - 2 and 15/20
Explore and Stam - 6 and 22/30
Spirit and Magic - 11 and 0/10
Naughty and Lewd - 6 and 28/40
Re: The Dead Queens Palace(Archer, Termite, Open)

There were so many thing that were just wrong. The whole mist-forming-into-a-person charade, a human infected with porphyria managing to move so fast, the touch that drained the very life from your skin, the vampire cringing at simply having two fingers crossed in its direction, none of this made any sense. Nothing in this damned castle made any sense.

But there was no time to dwell on this. Lisa had already been slapped across the room, and the vampire followed her prey to the ground, the gown dissolving to show a pale example of human perfection. Maria couldn't stop herself from watching that tongue trace a path along the mage's body. The vampires ample bosom was mashed against Lisa's oh so smooth stomach, the very sight of it stoking a fire in the young girl that she couldn't believe was smoldering between her legs.

But it was that ass. The way it rose invitingly into the air, how it slightly swayed back and forth as one body slid along another, that's what was catching the brunt of Maria's attention. Whether she had meant to or not the girl found herself falling to her knees behind the Queen. Her hands slowly rose to touch those cheeks, the moment her palms made contact her action becoming more bold as she began to massage and knead the present before her. She couldn't help but marvel at the vampire's perfection, the strong muscles underneath those exploring hands in no way hindering how well the flesh of that rump yielded to her inexperienced yet somewhat eager touch. Maria's thumbs started to act on their own. With each passing swipe they inched inward until the girl was practically the lips mere inches from her face.

If Lisa was paying attention she may notice the lustful stare evident in Maria's eyes, but when those eyes rose to find her friend she would immediately notice something else. A fierce determination lay in that half-lidded gaze, the girl's mouth forming a word that only the sorceress should notice before her ally's attention returned to the body before her. Even if she was genuinely intrigued by the luscious body before her Maria had a purpose. In a straight assault of body against body she could never hope to keep up with the inhuman prowess of this creature of the night. She needed to be smart, cunning, distracting, and since she herself was distracted by her own increasing lust why not do the same to the mistress? Once she felt sure the vampire would be caught off guard one hand would quickly flip down to the satchel still at her side, grab the wire that was still connected to the power supply, and yank in one fluid motion. The taser should come flying into view a moment later, and with that ass and pussy begging for attention she would receive the shock of an undead lifetime.

This little plan was dangerous. There was no telling how much feedback she'd get from being so close as well as how it might affect Miss Lisa, but right now this was all she could come up with to land a solid hit. She just had to hope her companion would take her advise.

Re: The Dead Queens Palace(Archer, Termite, Open)

"Maria, try and keep her-Guh!" Lisa couldn't finish her sentence before the vampire backhanded her hard and sent her head spinning, before she could even react the vampiress was on top of her and licking her body sending a shiver up her spine. "Ngh....why do monsters always have to ruin the mood?" She grins sarcastically grappling with the vampiress trying to keep her distracted long enough for Maria to strike and give her a chance to slip free from the queen.
Re: The Dead Queens Palace(Archer, Termite, Open)

1) 5 + 2 = 7 vs 19 - 3 = 16 == Loses 9 HP and 9 Spirit.
2) 8 + 7 = 15 vs 18 - 3 = 15 == Pass.
3) 17 + 8 = 25 vs 20 - 3 = 17 == Pass.
1) 10 + 2 = 12 vs 19 - 3 = 16 == Loses 4 HP and 4 Spirit.
2) 11 + 6 = 17 vs 18 - 3 = 15 == Pass.
3) 9 + 11 = 20 vs 20 - 3 = 17 == Pass.

The vampire drags herself up towards Lisas throat, the mage very nearly looking the abomination in the eyes, and falling under its spell, before she hurriedly looks away. Unfortunately, this leaves her throat vulnerable, and Lisa very nearly screams in terror as she feels the undead creatures icy cold breath against her exposed neck. She feels more of her life force being taken from her as the vampire rubs up against her body, practically grinding her lithe body against Lisas trembling form. And then, despite not having fallen under the vampires spell, Lisa felt her body go rigged, the undead beings mere touch being enough to very nearly paralyze her for an instant.

Maria, meanwhile, is practically ignored as she toys with the Dead Queens rear, receiving nothing more than a pleased coo, which might just as easily have come from the monsters pleasure at having Lisa so non-resistant as she closed in on her meal. Despite the undead abomination being so thin, her rear was still pleasantly soft, and just as well formed as Marias own. Had she not been trying to kill them, Maria might have compared the womans body to that of a goddess, so perfectly sculpted was her body, the tatters of the red dress revealing her perfectly white and unblemished skin, and muscular curves. Her flesh yields perfectly under Marias touch, revealing the vampires pink flower and rosebud asshole.

Unfortunately for them, the vampire doesn't seem very much distracted by Marias attention to her rear, as she continues to writhe atop Lisa, right up until her lips find Lisa throat, at which point the rest of her body stops moving entirely, becoming as still and tense as a coiled snake in an instant. Maria takes this as her opportunity to strike, pulling up her taser in preparation to give the undead woman a shock. Unfortunately, the creature seemed more aware than Maria gave her credit for, because she suddenly lashed out with one powerful leg, and Maria felt a powerful impact on her torso, and went flying several feet, gasping to regain the breath that had been knocked out of her. The vampire, meanwhile, kissed along Lisas neck gently, the practically paralyzed sorceress unable to do more than widen her eyes in horror as the Dead Queen teased her prey briefly. Then, however, Lisa felt those fangs against her throat, not enough to break the skin yet, but enough to snap Lisa out of her trance, and hopefully push the vampire off of her before those teeth sunk in....

Level - 1
Willpower - 12/12
Combat and HP - 2 8/20
Explore and Stam - 8 30/30
Spirit and Magic - 8 13/40
Naughty and Lewd - 7 27/40

Level - 1
Willpower - 19/30
Combat and HP - 2 and 11/20
Explore and Stam - 6 and 22/30
Spirit and Magic - 11 and 0/10
Naughty and Lewd - 6 and 28/40
Re: The Dead Queens Palace(Archer, Termite, Open)

"L...Li..." Maria couldn't manage more than a slight whisper. The Mistress's kick that sent the girl flying had effectively pushed the air right out of her lungs, and now the poor thing was desperately trying to refill them. She could only manage a few short gasps before more air found its way out, each passing second feeling like some eternity while her body felt like it was going to die. Even worse was the fact that she could only flop around like some landed fish while the Mistress was continuing her toe-curling assault on the mage.

The girl felt helpless. She couldn't help her friend, she couldn't even stand, and for some reason her mind kept referring to that slutty vampire as her 'Mistress.' That just wasn't right! God dammit, nothing was going right! She couldn't get close to that thing, it either sucked out her life just be touching you, or it smacked you across the room and through a precariously placed chair. She couldn't do much from afar, either. All her little gizmos and doodads weren't exactly precise, and the only things she had that wouldn't harm Lisa were some stupid smoke bombs and...

"Li..sa!" Her body was beginning to respond again, her breath finally returning once she realized what she could do. The taser was out for now. It still worked, but catching the Mis...vampire unawares looked impossible. She had something else in her pockets, something Lisa herself had already seen and could probably give the mage room to escape from her captor. Her hand found it, and as she crooked her arm and threw she yelled one word, "Minotaur!" Hopefully Lisa would notice the small object and recognize it as the blinding flashbomb Maria had used at the entrance of the castle, and unless the blood sucker had somehow been watching it was about to have its eyes burned clear out of her head. Metaphorically speaking, of course.
Re: The Dead Queens Palace(Archer, Termite, Open)

"H-Hurry Maria.....I.....I can't take much more." Lisa shuddered and gasped as she suddenly went rigid, her heart sank when she saw Maria's gambit was unsuccessful as she was kicked aside. Her body cried out for her to give in to the vampire queen in more ways than one. When she heard Maria's warning she took her momentary freedom to do a risky move. She looked at the vampiress' eyes knowing that to exert her control she would have to keep her eyes open and be blinded by the flash. Hopefully the bomb would go off before it took effect.
Re: The Dead Queens Palace(Archer, Termite, Open)

1) 15 + 2 = 17 vs 19 - 5 = 14 == Pass.
2) 16 + 7 = 23 vs 18 - 5 = 13 == Pass.
3) 10 + 8 = 18 vs 20 - 5 = 15 == Pass.
1) 8 + 2 = 10 vs 19 - 5 = 14 == Loses 4 HP and 4 Spirit.
2) 16 + 6 = 22 vs 18 - 5 = 13 == Pass.
3) 11 + 11 = 22 vs 20 - 5 = 15 == Pass.

Maria just as Lisa attempts to look into the vampires eyes, and the sorceress finds herself just as affected as the monster they fight. Luckily, her blindness seems to protect her mind from the vampires power. Maria, who had closed her eyes before the blast, is still able to see after she blinks a few spots form her eyes. She almost wished that she hadn't. After the flash bomb goes off, the Dead Queen emits an ear splitting inhuman howl, and jumps off of Lisa as fast as a lightning bolt.

As she opens her eyes, Maria sees why. The half of her body which had been hit by the flash bomb had been burnt to a crisp, the skin blackening sickeningly. It fades in an instant, being replaced once more by the vampires pale flesh, though now it was bright red, as if she'd been badly sun burned. The undead abomination spins toward Maria and lunges at her, her fingers lengthening into razor sharp claws. Maria dives backwards in an attempt to avoid it, but is only partially successful, as the claws draw bloody lines across her cheek. The wound is only minor, but the sight of Maria seems to drive the undead woman into a frenzy,as she emits another scream and prepares to pounce onto the now prone Maria.

(Lisa passed, so she doesn't have to make any more challenges, but Maria still has to win before the dungeon completes.)

Level - 1
Willpower - 12/12
Combat and HP - 2 8/20
Explore and Stam - 8 30/30
Spirit and Magic - 8 13/40
Naughty and Lewd - 7 27/40

Level - 1
Willpower - 15/30
Combat and HP - 2 and 7/20
Explore and Stam - 6 and 22/30
Spirit and Magic - 11 and 0/10
Naughty and Lewd - 6 and 28/40
Re: The Dead Queens Palace(Archer, Termite, Open)

"Holy..." That was just sickening. The girl swore she could smell burnt hair and flesh as she looked at the charcoaled half of the vampire. She swore she could feel the burnt flesh crunching as it moved, ashy flakes falling away as the thing howled in complete and utter agony. Maria had to cover her ears. That shrill shriek was painful just by itself. Even with this assault on her senses she knew her distraction had worked. The vamp was no longer crawling along Lisa. She should be safe for now.

But the vampire wasn't dead. In fact her body seemed to restore itself in an instant, the fried body just breaking away to reveal that pale skin that only looked as if it had spent too long under the sun. When the less than human creature spun in place Maria could see the murderous intent on that things face without even having to look into those eyes. The lunge that followed nearly caught her by surprise. Her instincts kicked in and made her dive back before she had even noticed those nails turning into claws. The scratches on her cheek were a welcome alternative to having her face torn off.

When Maria lands she feels pieces of wood rolling under her body, the remnants of that chair she had been thrown through scattering while she came to rest. The bits of furniture digging into her back were ignored when she heard that monster scream once again. The girl was stuck on her back. The vampire was far too fast. She could already feel it approaching to pounce once again. She couldn't think straight, so her instincts took over once again and grabbed whatever was nearby to protect her body. The two things she caught just happened to be the legs of that chair, and to keep herself from being caught she had formed a cross to absorb whatever impact the creature would make. Her mind suddenly caught up with her, the memory of the finger cross at the beginning of this fight forcing her to hope that beast would shrink away from this as well.
Re: The Dead Queens Palace(Archer, Termite, Open)

1) 18 + 2 = 20 vs 19 - 7 = 12 == Pass.
2) 10 + 6 = 16 vs 18 - 7 = 11 == Pass.
3) 5 + 11 = 16 vs 20 - 7 = 13 == Pass.

The vampire shrinks away form her as Maria forms the cross in front of her, her skin blackening once more as though she was being burned again, despite the lack of any heat source. Maria back her undead assailant up against a wall as Lisa came to her feet, still blinded by the flash bomb Maria had set off. Then, suddenly, both women recoil, Maria almost dropping the two pieces of wood as the vampire issues a blood curdling scream, and spontaneously bursts into bright blue flames. The scream tapers off after only a few seconds as the vampires body crumbles into a pile of black ashes on the floor.

The Dead Queen is no more. Lisa and Maria, their mission complete, are free to leave and collect their reward from the baron.

Lisa: (Won!)
Level - 1
Willpower - 12/12
Combat and HP - 2 8/20
Explore and Stam - 8 30/30
Spirit and Magic - 8 13/40
Naughty and Lewd - 7 27/40

Maria: (Won!)
Level - 1
Willpower - 15/30
Combat and HP - 2 and 7/20
Explore and Stam - 6 and 22/30
Spirit and Magic - 11 and 0/10
Naughty and Lewd - 6 and 28/40

(Short post is short.)

Game Over.