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The Dead Queens Palace(Open, Open, Open)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
The Dead Queens Palace.

Level 1 dungeon for 2 level 1 characters, or 3 level 0 characters.

Centuries ago, a young noblewoman, barely sixteen, inherited control of her small fiefdom when her father died in battle and her mother died of disease. Completely unprepared for rule and supposedly advised by a necromancer, the young woman ran her fiefdom practically into the ground, holding onto her rule with an iron hand using hired orcs and summoned undead for nearly a decade while the peasants who served her suffered under complete oppression. She allegedly underwent dark rituals that involved bathing in the blood of a hundred virgins that were meant to grant her immortality, but when the ritual went wrong, she was turned into an undead abomination. Now a vampire, she continued her dark practices, now including feasts of blood, until the church discovered her and sent knights Templar to destroy her and her lackeys.

Now, centuries later, the Dead Queen, her true name lost to legends, has allegedly risen from the grave once more. Lights can be seen from within and around the keep at night, and the orcs and Minotaur that have often lived in the keep as bandits have begun raiding the nearby town with greater organization, and supposedly backed up by undead allies. No one knows why the dead queen has risen again, but it surely bodes ill for the region, especially because the church that destroyed her all those years ago is now in disarray.

The call has gone out by the local baron for adventurers to aid in clearing the tower of its evil infestation, and the locals offer a great reward for proof of the vampires final destruction. Willing adventurers are to go to the barons mansion and sign up there.

The town crier, a portly man in a rich blue-red outfit, shouted from within the center of the town square; "Hear ye! Hear ye! All who would attempt to deliver us from the evil that has beset us, and in so doing, earn our lords rich reward, should go to his mansion!" Then, he points down the street, toward a large walled in compound. There, a grizzled young man sits at a desk, looking uncomfortable in his full suit chainmail, and taking the names of adventurers who would attempt to defeat the dead queen.

"Form small groups, if you don't mind. We don't want to be sending anyone into the slaughterhouse, after all. No one goes to the dead ladys keep on their own. There's plenty enough reward for two or three of you to spread amongst yourselves. Names on the page, if you please." He recites, as though he'd been doing this for a while now, and points to a piece of parchment with a lot of writing on it, a long list of names written next to one another, indicating other groups that had gone to try and defeat the dead queen.

Fetishes: Monster rape and very light blood.
Re: The Dead Queens Palace(Open, Open, Open)

Name: Saara Jagta
Description and Basic Backstory: In her base form, Saara is a lightly-built, tan-skinned girl of around 20, with short brown hair and completely flawless skin. Her eyes are a fairly shocking green, and sometimes flash to other colours during moments of strong emotion.

Saara never knew her parents. Growing up in a convent, she led a sheltered, dull life, always feeling that she was somehow missing something.

In fact, she was. Running an errand one day, she was attacked by bandits, and in terror, accidentally unlocked a part of her heritage: her ability to shapeshift. Dispatching her assailants with ease, she left the convent a few days later to try and learn more of her gift and what strange part of her ancestry might have given it to her...

(Bracketed stats for Lvl 1, if necessary)
Level - 0 (1)
Willpower - 18/18 (24/24)
Combat and HP - 10 20/20 (11 30/30)
Explore and Stam - 4 20/20 (5 30/30)
Spirit and Magic - 4 20/20 (6 30/30)
Naughty and Lewd - 2 10/10 (3 20/20)

Although she was never particularly trained, raw instinct and the brute power of her shapeshifting talents make her a mean fighter.
Saara's life was relatively sheltered in the convent, but she has become more canny in recent times - and her basic hardiness and determination make her a reasonable explorer.
Although never taught, her shapeshifter blood also gives her some basic magical talent, although she is still learning to use it.
Convent. Low naughty. Little else to say about that :p

Skills and Fetishes - Saara can shapeshift into a variety of forms, and she is still exploring her limits. Occasionally she loses control and shapeshifts at random when under great stress. These randomised shapes tend to be fairly horrific, Pan's Labyrinth-esque nature/fairy tale-gone-wrong critters.
Fetish-wise, the girl is still a virgin, and thus is fairly clueless on the whole matter...

Saara looks over the notice board thoughtfully, pondering the wisdom of joining up with this endeavour. On the one hand, she wasn't exactly overflowing with money, and it'd be a good chance to really put her talents to use. On the other... it's a gods-knew-how-old vampire.

She fumbles in her money pouch, and finds it empty. "Great," she mutters. "That's all I need. Completely broke."

She looks at the man at the desk, agonising over the decision, then sighs and ambles over. "All right, I'm in. Saara Jagta." Then she slinks away again before she can change her mind, sitting down on a low wall in the sun. A good dose of sunshine always cheers her up, and she resists the urge to shift into a cat. People tended to freak out if she shapeshifted around them without warning, so she kept it mostly to herself. Besides, recovering her loose brown clothing afterward could be awkward.

So she just leans back, enjoying the warmth and cheering herself up with fantasies of tearing vampires to bits effortlessly. It wasn't like she'd be going out there alone, after all. Just a case of waiting for a partner...