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The Deciever and the Black Feathered Weaver (Azure;Copper)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
After sneaking away from her clan of lamia, hopefully after saying goodbye to her mother and father, Azure was off on her own to fend for herself, an aspect her parents actually favored. Her mother even wished her luck on finding someone special to come home with. Whether or not she actually intended to was another deal, however. Despite all of that, she did fairly well for a monster out on her own. Sure, she had a few encounters with intimidating monsters, such as deadly arachne, powerful oni, antagonizing trolls, and of course the ever curious and ever annoying to lamia harpies. Likely just due to the relationship before their change, harpies just always seem to enjoy swooping down and giving a snake a bad day. Or maybe it's the other way around, as some lamia seem to go out of their way to lunge at, and squeeze harpies for fun. Whoever started it, Azure was on the receiving end of harassment in the rivalry.

But despite all of that, Azure made it by. Her natural strengths allowed her to hunt effectively so as not to starve. And when she began to learn how to play tricks on humans by hiding her lower half, she found herself with a few stolen goods, sometimes some pretty jewelry to wear, like a sapphire bracelet, and other times some food. And with the human in question some times as well, a man once, and a woman the other time, they were at her mercy. Though eventually she did end up losing them, either from them slipping away or if she just let them go. Neither were marriage worthy (Or perhaps even just sex worthy if Azure were a more aggressive lamia). After some time, Azure found herself near a beach with a home inside a little warm cave, out of sight of any larger predators. She still wasn't entirely safe though, as one day, she was sexually harassed by a drunk red Oni who picked her up, and toyed with her a bit before Azure was able to slip away.

The adventure out of common lands was certainly eventful to say the least. But one fact remained about whether she should eventually return. Her parents expected her to bring home someone to marry, and have children with. This fact remained, despite Azures views on it, for good or ill. However, after some time, Azure would discover her newest hunting grounds, the beach where she often posed as a mermaid, was becoming more populated as time went on. This was the complete opposite of what normally happened when she found a spot to ambush humans, as normally, a group of armed humans would come to likely take revenge for whatever attacked their kin, meaning Azure would have to relocate before she was found.

The case was different with her new situation. More, and more, and more people continued to appear... Sometimes even making it hard to find a chance to hurry over to the water to hide her snake half. The reason for this began to reveal itself to Azure one day, as when she tried to catch the attention of a passing human, he paid her no heed. He only continued to walk forward like some kind of zombie towards a distant musical sound. A strange magical sensation was carried along with the music, even working it's way into Azure a bit. She was strong enough to endure the magic when it was weakened at such lengths, but if she got closer, it might turn into a different story. No matter the case, it seemed that once again, something was happening to affect Azure's hunting grounds. And it was up to her whether or not to pursue the sound of the music, or simply repeat what she was forced to do in the past, and find new hunting grounds.
Re: Competition (Azure)

Though she had been grateful to her parents for understanding, Azure couldn't help but think they had sent her off with the notion of not coming back until she'd found herself a suitable mate. Granted, if she did return without one, it wouldn't be a tragedy, but she might as well come home defanged were that the case. It wasn't as though she hadn't thought about it, it's just that no one really struck her as anyone she'd particularly want to settle down with. They were either just fun for a while or not interested in her and that just didn't scream "mate material" to her.

Of course, if this new problem kept up, she wouldn't have much to choose from either. But she wasn't about to give up her new home. She'd finally found a place that she felt safe settling down, with plentiful hunting, not to mention the nearby beach for that and simply for basking. Maybe whomever was doing this didn't realize the effect they were having. Or if they did, well, she might not be the only one that they were poaching from.

Any attempts that she made to try to distract or dissuade the ones charmed by the song fell rather short of success. It's lure was just too compelling. And having fought it off once, she didn't truly have a desire to go where it might be stronger unprotected. Before setting out, she spent time rummaging around in her cave and the nearby area, looking for something that might help, even if it was as simple as something to muffle her ears. That done, she packed up a few supplies to take with her and then it was just a matter of following the latest victim or doing her best to pinpoint the source of the music herself.
Re: Competition (Azure)

Making her way home, there wasn't much available to her, other than crudely shoving a pair of mushroom stems into her ears, which fit rather snug. Once she was outside, all she had to do was go back where she was, and there was yet more humans, a man and a woman, seemingly close to each other, walking towards the music. They did well enough to lead Azure to the origin of the music, which she would begin to hear once she got very close to the source. The magics started to swirl in her again, making her feel slightly lightheaded before she saw a dozen people gathered around a wagon with a Siren standing on top of it, singing to them. Thanks to her earplugs, Azure could not hear what she was saying, but amidst all of her words, she heard clear commands. "Come here," Azure heard again. "Inside," Azure heard next, before the humans gathered, and began filtering into the wagon as the Siren herded them like sheep.

Once everyone was inside, she hopped down, before a dark elf stepped out into Azure's view, and placed a large bag that gave a loud jingle noise as it hit the beach sands, as if there were thousands of coins inside. "Well done," the dark elf congratulated the harpy, who giggled and nodded. "All in a day's work! Thanks so much for being a fan!" she replied to the elf who walked back to the wagon. It seemed that the underhanded kin of the noble elves were about to make off with the catch the Siren provided, while the siren herself hoisted the bag over her shoulder, and whistled merrily upon laying claim to her pay.
Re: Competition (Azure)

Keeping to the shadows that the trees provided, Az also kept as low to the ground as she could manage, not wanting to tip off to either of the other two women that she was there. It didn't take long to figure out what the two were up to, and while she would admit to the cleverness of their little deal, if something like this kept up, the dark elves, or at the very least, this dark elf might wind up cornering the market on humans and powers knew what else the siren might be able to charm for her. And as for the little mercenary, well, she was all for using your gifts to get what you wanted, but this...something seemed rotten about all of this.

Of course, confronting the two of them outright would be a foolish move on her part, especially if they decided one trouble-making lamia would make a nice addition to that wagon. Hopefully, the 'customer' would be slow going, since she imagined guiding a wagon along this area would be difficult. For the time being, she decided she'd follow the siren for a little ways and see what she couldn't wring out of her when she couldn't call to the other woman for help.
Re: Competition (Azure)

After the wagon and harpy departed from each other, the wagon going down a path into the forest, and the harpy going further down the beach, Azure would see that the harpy was headed towards the mountains, where the southern beach line ended and the mountain began. She couldn't fly due to the heavy bag she was carrying with her, but given her humming and happy walking pace, she wasn't too bothered.

"Rich, rich, I'm rich!" the Siren giggled. "I knew my talent wouldn't go to waste! Now I can buy a nice house in Undine's temple and live the good life! Maybe I'll use my beautiful voice again to pick out a nice little partner for myself! Hehehe! Everyone's going to be so jealousy of me!" the harpy said aloud, loud enough for Azure to hear provided she pulled the shrooms out of her ears to hear what she was saying.

Where she stood... Azure was sure that it was just her, and the harpy now.
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Re: Competition (Azure)

It was good to know that greed would likely keep the siren grounded. And while she could appreciate her wanting to make a better life for herself - wasn't she doing that, too? - using her talents to wrangle up unsuspecting folk and selling them off to dark elves was a pretty underhanded way of doing it. Not to mention, Azure figured, she was stealing from her, given the fact that she hadn't a chance with any of the charmed victims.

Making sure she had her earplugs fit in again, since getting up close and personal with a siren was a risky venture, she moved along parallel to the bird-woman until she found a good opportunity to dart out and ambush her with a quick wrap. If she were lucky, she'd be able to muffle her at the same time, but the important thing was to stop her, then silence her, at least temporarily.
Re: Competition (Azure)

The Siren hadn't even heard a thing as Azure came along, and lunged at her. The Siren let out an audible 'squawk!' upon finding Azure suddenly attacking her. In that instant, all within one second, Azure had captured, wrapped around, and silenced the Siren with the end of her tail conveniently curling over the bird's mouth. Her legs momentarily free, Azure felt the Siren kick, before one of her talons scraped along her snake flesh, drawing a bit of blood before her legs were squeezed together as well, completely wrapped in Azure's embrace as she let out muffled screams of protest.
Re: Competition (Azure)

Feeling the rake of a talon, Azure lets out a hiss that isn't exactly akin to her nature. It also served to remind her to not stick the end of her tail in the siren's mouth as a gag, lest she bite her in addition to the scrapes.

"Shh shh shh." Azure brought a finger up and gently laid it against the portion of her tail that was covering the mouth of the other girl. "Easy now. I'm not angling to hurt you. I just want to talk, okay? Think we could do that?" She'd start with the calm approach and see if that worked for her. A flailing harpy wasn't much fun to deal with, but one that was willing to cooperate, well...
Re: Competition (Azure)

Upon being shushed by Azure, the harpy did go quiet, though the bird was glaring at her despite her stopping. She granted her second request too, as it was rather obvious that she couldn't escape from Azure's tail. Quiet, and unmoving, the Siren glared at Azure. It didn't seem Azure was quite trusted yet.
Re: Competition (Azure)

Which was only natural, of course. Here was a harpy, laden with gold, and, well, all by herself out here. If Azure were in her position, she'd be pretty distrustful, too. But for the time being, she had the upper hand and she wasn't going to let that fact go unnoticed.

"Well, well, what have we here? A poor grounded little birdie? Why is that, I wonder? You didn't seem to be in any pain while you were skipping along, so it must be something else. But what might that be?" Drawing her coils a little tighter around the other girl, she started to let her hands play back and forth at her shoulders. "I'll let you answer, but if you draw breath to scream," there's a pause, maybe a hint to the harpy that Az was in the know about some thing, "or to sing and I'm going to squeeze. Understand?" To help emphasize that, she brings her hands to settle on either side of the harpy's throat, thumbs resting just in the hollow. Provided she gets a nod or affirmative answer, she'll lower her tail to hear the story, hopefully, paying more attention to the girl's lips, given the muffles in her ears.
Re: Competition (Azure)

Getting the nod she desired, the Harpy seemed now to just be angry towards Azure. Once her mouth was free, the harpy was loud, but she didn't scream. "It's just business! And it's my gold!" she announced. "You can't have any of what I earned! The Dark Elves wanted slaves, and I had the means to get them! That's all! Now let me go, you slimy snake!"
Re: Competition (Azure)

Azure seems to perk up and the harpy just might realize her 'mistake' when the lamia purrs out "Gold? Well, that explains a few things." Her thumbs rub a little at the harpy's collarbone. She does curl her tail just a shade tighter, not wanting the other girl to get any ideas. "Though, you do realize you were poaching, right? This 'slimy snake' has a vested interest in the area you were stealing those slaves from. So the way I see it, little birdie, you owe me for what you took." She'll bring one of her hands up to brush the backs of her fingers down along the harpy's cheek. "I suppose it's all up to you how you intend to pay the toll."
Re: Competition (Azure)

The harpy winced as Azure's tail got a little tighter, and snarled at Azure as the lamia seemed to get an idea of receiving compensation for what she was denied. "My money...! Not yours...!" she announced despite the increased pressure. "Negotiating with those dark elves was hard enough... Without reptiles like you slithering away with MY earned cash!"
Re: Competition (Azure)

"Then maybe you should have been a little more careful who you were stealing from in the first place." Azure's hand turns and she lightly drags a nail along the harpy's jaw, her eyes very much meeting the other girl's, golden, wide, and very intense on the little bird she has in her grasp, there being a slight shift and sway to her upper body while she does so. Her coils shift again, but it's not quite a squeeze this time, more of a rasp of her scales against the harpy's body. "Last chance to decide how you're going to make it up to me before I wring it out of you...one way or another."
Re: Competition (Azure)

The Siren gritted her teeth when Azure became more pushy, her eyes shooting daggers into the reptilian woman's own pupils. "Anything but the money... I can get you what you want..." the harpy announced, seeming to budge a little mentally. "You want a mate? Food? I can use my voice to get those things, easy, but if you get rid of me, those elves will make you pay dearly, rest assured!" the Harpy threatened with her own consequences.
Re: Competition (Azure)

"I can already get those things if I want them," Azure countered. "A little challenge makes things all the more rewarding. Rather than taking the easy way out, that is." The shifting of her lower half was turning into more of a graze against the harpy's body than a squeeze. "Who said anything about getting rid of you, little birdie? That would be a waste." Fingers started trailing along the line of the harpy's shoulder and back, an absent gesture. "Though I find it kind of amusing you value your gold over your...pride."
Re: Competition (Azure)

The harpy squirmed some more in Azure's tail, her movements and expression becoming frustrated, even though she did react to Azure's fingers trailing along her back. "T-then what the hell do you want!? Don't you dare try to eat me!" she shouted in defiance.
Re: Competition (Azure)

"Eat you? Perish the thought, little birdie. That'd be a waste." The lamia's eyes lid slightly, still that faint sway in her upper body. "No, I might just try and find a better use for that mouth that you keep running. Relax. If I really were aiming to get rid of you, I'd have done it when I first got hold of you." Not exactly comforting words, but perhaps a reassurance to the harpy that it wasn't her life that was in danger, at the very least.
Re: Competition (Azure)

The harpy twisted in Azure's tail, always a pleasurable sensation to any lamia when wrapped around a victim, like getting a good massage. "D-Damn snake..." the siren cursed at Azure, her face turning slightly crimson when Azure suggested putting her mouth to better use. "I hope you just want me to sing..."
Re: Competition (Azure)

"Well, you could always go back to trying to bribe me," Azure replies with a bit of a smirk. "But unless you really strike my interest, I think," she trails off a little, the coils of her lower half starting to flex again, still in that same rhythmic manner as before, "we're going to have a bit of fun." She brings a hand up, lightly stroking fingertips at the harpy's face, her other hand reaching up to pick at the tie around her neck that kept her current top up.