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The Deciever and the Black Feathered Weaver (Azure;Copper)

Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Feasibly, the division could also be Azure and Capri in one and Tabith in the other, but somehow the lamia figured that wouldn't go over too well with the dark elf. Still, the lamia seemed be giving the matter some thought. Unless Capri chose to interject, the offer would be that she and Tabith could share and give Capri a single on his own.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Capri thought for a moment when Azure mentioned who'd share a bed with who. Whispering to Tabith, she seemed to like the idea before they both worked together to push the bed across the room to join with the other. Once together, Capri smiled. "Solution!" he declared, causing both beds to end up being one giant bed. "Now Tabith can be in the middle!" he said, a slight look of hunger in his eyes to enjoy both the interesting Tabith and Azure at once.
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Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Since Capri seems all right with it, Azure actually seems amused. "That will work, then." She does, though, take in the time. If it's still early, she'll profess to wanting to finish getting cleaned up and perhaps wander around the town a little, since a visit to such a place doesn't exactly happen very often. Otherwise, it can wait until morning. She also seems a bit amused--and curious--at how Capri seems to have taken to Tabith. She keeps her thoughts to herself for the time being, more willing to watch their interaction than intrude on it. There's also a part of her that is comparing his interactions with her to those with Francis. Granted, the two women have decidedly different approaches (and personalities) but aside from the obvious, she wonders if there's more to the difference than that. Something to maybe talk to him about later.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Tabith confessed to having walked with very little sleep from her tribe not far away, and wanted rest. She laid in the bed to await their return, while Capri joined Azure's side to explore the town. "I'm having second thoughts, Azure." he said with a smile. "I had no idea such a thing could be so fun! It's like all the little things I worried about ceased to matter. I wasn't worried about you changing how you feel about me, or what would happen. It was just... Pure, friendly fun!" he chuckled like a boy.

Just then, Marth would be seen walking with a large book in the clutches of both arms, seemingly having just used the restroom. Capri rushed to greet the mage, who gave a startled reaction. "Howdy, Marth! Me and Azure were thinking about going on a walk. Wanna come with?" he inquired.

Flustered, and shocked by the unexpected invitation, Marth seemed to look reminded of what he was told about Azure desiring him. His face went flush and he glanced at Azure, waiting to see her thoughts on the matter.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"Rest well, then," Azure tells Tabith in parting, blinking a little in surprise at Capri's new outlook regarding their relationship and sharing. She'll catch his hand and bring it to her lips. "So, no real worries, then?" If he saw the situation as something fun and enjoyable and lacking any threat to their own bond, then that meant they were headed in the right direction. Of course, she fully intended to keep boundaries in mind, but knowing that he was growing more comfortable with his--and her--new lifestyle was definitely a weight off of her shoulders.

She'll give the mage a little wave in greeting. "Just going to explore the town, see what it has to offer." Given his startled expression, she keeps her own welcoming. "Maybe get a feel for what's going on or just...enjoy the notion of co-habitation." If he does want to come along, she'll wait for him to return his book to his room, since he probably doesn't want to lug it around with him while they're out sight-seeing.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"Just one." Capri replied. "If things go in this direction, I will have to give you over to Francis eventually." he stated, letting Azure be at the mercy of the lecherous fish woman, who oh so dearly seemed to have a crush on her.

"Oh... Okay... Uh..." Marth began walking back to his room at that. "A-a moment." he said, going inside the room, before Azure heard Zidane's voice. Then she heard his voice again, more pronounced. "Tell her no!" he said, before more whispering occurred.

Marth soon was emerging from the room book free, and walking slowly up to Azure. "Zidane... Said to explode myself if you try to... Touch me..." he said under a low tone.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"We'll see. Since I know how fond of her you seem to be." She speaks more of how uncomfortable Frances seems to make him than anything else. and unfortunately for the merrow, it seems to be an unrequited crush, given Az's taste in women is rather particular.

"Well, since I won't have you exploding, since I'm not sure you'd be in any condition to put yourself back together after that, I don't think you have to worry. And honestly, it's just a walk. You men sometimes." She shakes her head and makes for the stairs, heading down and for the front of the inn, letting the other two catch up to her.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Capri shook his head. "I-I don't dislike her at all! She's been nothing but kind to us, truly! I'm just not used to someone like her so I do not know how to carry myself. She looks like someone who can analyze anything and understand it with startling intelligence. I always felt like she knew what I was thinking, so I was never sure what to say." he shrugged.

Marth smiled a bit. "Oh, you don't have to worry about me. It's a spell I've woven around myself after Capri suggested I weave a countermeasure against women who try to assault me like Metal's friend did." he refers back to their fight, while they both came out with Azure. "I was actually going to go visit someone I knew when I was in school." Marth declared. "You guys don't have to wait for me..."

Capri interjected before Azure could choose to keep her distance. "We don't mind! We had no objective anyway. Who's your friend?" Capri inquired with a friendly smile.

"His name's Bishop... He's a mage like me, and I heard long ago that he came to live in Waymeet before I heard it was attacked by demons. I'm hoping to see if he's okay."
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"All right. Though you know I've got no intentions of sharing you with someone who makes you feel uncomfortable. You're certainly adapting but I also don't want you throwing yourself headlong into something that doesn't feel right to you."

When Marth joins them again, she'll leave the conversation go. "Sort of like a...dormant shield? Something you activate at will?" she asks, looking to get a grasp on the spell. "And Capri's right. We really don't have a destination and if you want to make sure he's okay, by all means."

She'll let the young mage lead the way, since he probably has a better notion of where they need to go than she or Capri. As they're walking, she'll bring up the idea of her learning some magic, since this is the first time she's had a chance to speak with Marth at length. That, and it's a good, distracting topic so he hopefully won't be nervous walking with her.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Capri shakes his head. "Do not worry about me. Besides the one Francis really wants is you. She told me verbatim, if I got you to agree to a threeway, then she'd let me do whatever I wanted." he stated, before having to hush due to Marth's presence.

Marth would nod at Azure's question, "Yeah, though It's most like... I suppose It's like having an explosive around me ready to pop. Though I made weaves to absorb the backlash."

Outside, they walked with Marth in the lead. Marth seemed to want to head right out of the main town and further into the woods, though the direction he chose was towards the beach it seemed. And indeed it was. They came into a clearing that had the beach on display, with a single individual sitting with legs folded and a dozen orbs of water floating in a circle around him. Suddenly, Marth waved his hand and went running towards this men Azure hadn't met before. "Bishop!" Marth called out, before the water orbs were suddenly tossed aside and thrown into the ocean as the man stood up, beholding long silver hair and pointy elven ears, before hugging the little mage in an embrace. "I can't believe you're safe!" Marth declared.

"The feeling is mutual." Bishop said calmly. "I'll admit, a hundred demons suddenly swooping down is a but tough to deal with. But how did a little man like you make it?" he inquired with a smile. The way he smiled at Marth was as if the two had known each other for a long time, and seemed to have a deep connection.

"I met with another group of guys and we all stuck together to make it in the world! Then, I met Azure, and she's been helping us too!" Marth praised Azure.

That's when Bishop looked to Azure while picking up his staff.

"Bishop, these are my latest friends, Capri and Azure!" Marth introduced the two of them who were off to the side till now.

"Pleasure to meet you, Capri." Bishop greeted Capri, who gave an awkward nod and reply of acknowledgement, before Capri seemed to note that Bishop wasn't greeting Azure.
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Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"To her, to me or to both?" She's willing to let the conversation drop for now, especially given Marth's walking with the two of them, even if he is in the lead.

Azure will sight-see a little as they cut through the town, mostly making note of landmarks they pass in case they need to get back to the inn without the young mage. As they approach, Azure winces a little at Marth's greeting but seems relieved at Bishop's control over his magic in that they didn't explode or drop directly to the ground. Then again, if he's bragging about dealing with a hundred demons, then he likely possesses a great deal of magical power.

"Recent acquaintances," Azure remarks, the fact that he's ignoring her not lost on the lamia. Listening to their conversation, though, at least had her thinking. "So how is it you two know each other? Did you study magic together?"
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Capri simply grinned at Azure's question when Marth came.

Asking her question, it wasn't Bishop who replied, but Marth. "Yeah, I met him after I ventured forth from my home and academy, and we practiced weaving together! We broke off temporarily to go help different areas, and said we'd meet back up together."

"Now that we have, we can journey together again, right Marth?" Bishop inquired with a smile at his comrade.

"Yeah!" Marth agreed. "Azure is the manager of our mercenary group we got going on. You're more than welcome aboard!" he declared, and to that, Bishop seemed like he was absolutely repulsed at the idea, his gaze of contempt directed so fiercely at Azure that it almost felt like he was trying to burn a hole through her.

"You don't need some mercenary group, Marth. We only need each other, as friends. You're not bound by some contract are you?" he inquired.

Marth blinked in confusion. "No... But-"

"Then it's not a problem. Come, let's talk about it." he invited Marth, who looked back at Azure and a befuddled Capri, before trotting along after the elf who spun around to walk down the beach with one last searing glare, with one arm wrapping around Marth's shoulders.

Unless Azure tried to stop it or do something about it, Capri would hum. "That man's interest in Marth goes beyond friendship in my opinion."
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Azure chuckles a little at Marth’s immediate offer to the other man, though it’s definitely not a mocking sound. Manager indeed, with her employees making the suggestions.

“Actually, Marth and the others work very well together. I’ve seen his magic support them – and us – several times over,” she interjects when Bishop makes the comment about him not needing the group. “And you are still technically on a job right now,” she reminds him, a subtle way of saying ‘No contract, but no running off either.’ “But, visit with your friend. I’ll be around.”

She keeps the two of them in sight, easing a little closer to the water. “Marth seems to have that effect on people. If they were as close before, it doesn’t surprise me. No doubt he doesn’t want Marth around my corrupting influence.” She chuckle-snorts. “Wonder what he’s going to think if he meets Tabith.” Her attention is divided between the two men and the water before her. “I miss the ocean,” she remarks quietly.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

With Azure adding in her information to the mix, she got one last look from Bishop, one full of annoyance, as if he wished her erased from the world.

Capri then nodded at Azure's note of Marth just seeming to charm everyone he meets. "He doesn't seem to have a single inch of ill will in him. That being said, it's always the nice ones that snap the hardest." Capri figured, and he was right as far as Ragna told them of the time Marth actually went berserk against Metal and actually hit her so hard with his magic that she was buried into rubble. "Though you corrupting him... That's a reasonable fear, if you ask me. You might as well introduce yourself as Evil Dutchess Azure, eater of men. Then maybe you might earn a little more respect from people such as Bishop." he chuckled in jest. "In all seriousness however, it seems like my gut is telling me this Bishop individual will seek to become a problem. How will you handle it if he tries to take Marth from you before you can have him?" he inquired with a grin, still riding on his bet that Bishop had impure desires for his comrade.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"I should be mindful of that, shouldn't I?" she remarks about Marth snapping. "Granted, I'm certain he'd have his reasons, he'd probably also come down hard on himself for doing so." She waves her hand. "Duchess sounds so...pretentious. Though I suppose it's a little more grounded than 'Empress' or something like that." She flashes him a grin, just playing along for the moment. As he poses his question, her attention trails to the two men once again. "Honestly, I'd be more worried about Marth overall than...losing my stake, so to speak. He's sweet and...naive. Somehow I'd doubt he'd even realize Bishop was trying to seduce him until he had his pants off and even then he might not believe it." She shakes her head. "I don't want to see him abuse Marth's trust that way." Her tail-tip flicks back and forth. "I think I'd be more upset than jealous, if that makes sense at all. Completely running him off doesn't seem a good way to endear myself to Marth, not to mention he seems to have considerable magical ability. Suppose I'll just have to make a nuisance of myself and look for an opportunity to beat him to the punch."
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"Well, at least you're being honest about your final objective." Capri chuckled. "Would you be jealous at all though? Or does the idea of a Bishop enjoying Marth from the back excite you?" he inquired with a chuckle.

Once she answered that, Capri would raise his arms up and stretch. "What shall you do now?" he inquired.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

She stretches along with him, hands laced over her head and her back arching. There's actually a couple of cracks from her arms as she does so, letting out a rather content sound after the stretch.

"I won't deny that Bishop intrigues me. Hells, he'd intrigue anyone with eyes. And if that's the way he," there's a pause, "and Marth lean, I'm not about to tell them its wrong." There goes that tail tip again. "Would I be jealous?" Another pause, her tail still flicking. "Yeah," she admits. "Marth's sweet and you're right, he does have that air about him. Doesn't help that I've started thinking of him as mine." There actually isn't a sexual overtone to the word, despite the conversation. Undertone, maybe, but it's not the focus. As he brings up the notion of the two of them together, it actually gets him a nose wrinkle. "Honest answer? No. I can't exactly pinpoint why but...no."

She'll stretch again, this time the action running down along her tail. "Start making a nuisance of myself so Bishop doesn't run off with my mage and corrupt him," is the reply that comes out with a chuckle. She'll hold out a hand. "Walk with me?" And if they happen to be wandering in the same direction as the elf and the human, well, isn't that a coincidence?
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

These are some Long overdue logs

RJ: "I like how quickly you've become direct and honest about telling me your angle in all this. Is it because I changed my stance on you wanting to involve me in this polygamous relationship?" Capri replied to Azure stating that she already considered Marth her own. He took her hand gently, joining her by her side. "Did you also pick a random direction to walk?" he inquired, though didn't seem to need nor want an answer to that question. He seemed to be aware of where she wanted to go when Marth was concerned.

Copper: "It's because you deserve honesty," is her reply, threading her fingers between his. "And, if you are intending on staying in this relationship with me, you should know where I stand, how I feel." His hand gets a gentle squeeze. "That, and you tend to be honest with me, too, so I think it's only fair." At his question regarding the random direction, he simply gets a 'too innocent' hum. "Can I help it if I want to stick close to the shore?"

RJ: "The shore doesn't go in many directions, but it goes in more than one. And the one direction you choose indeed can't be helped." he replied. "I am honest with you because I am still technically in your captivity. We could argue the details all day though."

Copper: "You said it yourself, you're getting the feeling that Bishop might have designs on Marth. I want to make sure that isn't true." As he mentions being her captive, she'll glance over at him. "But you could also tell me things you think I want to hear instead of speaking your mind and arguing with me. You could simply accept your fate and your new life and yet, you don't. You question. You protest. You want to learn." There's a pause. "I don't know that there would be many who'd do what you do, especially in the face of those," meaning mamono, "who often don't take kindly to slaves and pets having an opinion."

RJ: "I can't help that my captor is lenient any more than you can the direction you choose to go along a beach." he retorted. "I'm not on a leash, nor disciplined. I'm treated kindly while under the pretense of being captured by you. Am I wrong for abusing that just a little?" he asked.

Copper: “Shh.” She gave his hand a bit of a squeeze. “I wasn’t harping on you for what it is that you do. If I thought you were wrong, you can be sure that you’d know it. I’m simply saying that there are mamono out there who wouldn’t let you get away with it in the first place and I’m certain that there are men who would rather sacrifice their opinions and ideals in order to ingratiate themselves to some of us. You, my dear, are not one of those men. I…just ask that if I need to put on a pretense of keeping you on a shorter leash, go along with it. Some mamono only respect strength and if I’m lenient with you, it could be a sign of weakness.”

RJ: "Are you strong to begin with? I don't know what counts for strength here." Capri replied simply in question.

RJ: "Stronger than me, to be sure, but we've established that such a milestone is hardly much to say you passed in this world. It's more of a requirement for survival of a species it seems."

Copper: "Comparatively," is her reply to that. "Like with anything, it depends on who or what I might be facing against. Am I stronger than an elf or a goblin? Certainly. An oni or a dragon? Not so much. I'm also lacking when it comes to magical ability, or at least at the moment, I am. Which is why there are times I need to look stronger than I am. Especially if I don't want to give other mamono the wrong ideas about things."

RJ: "Weaker than an oni you say? What if an Oni was taking me away, would you fight her, or accept your role as a lesser creature?" he inquired, seeming to be rather keen on prying

Copper: "Not directly. I'd probably wait until I could get the drop on her or use tactics that wouldn't involve fighting her head on. Or I might find a way to distract her--booze works good for that--and then slip in and steal you back while she was otherwise occupied." She'll glance over at him. "If I had to, though, I'd face off against one, yes."

RJ: Capri stopped, and pulled Azure around before the snake girl suddenly found Capri embracing her by her shoulder and kissing her directly on the lips. The contact lasted a few seconds, before he broke off with a light smack of gentle parting. "So, shall we go thwart Bishop's attempts to turn Marth to the dark side?" he asked, as if nothing before just happened.

Copper: ((All I can think of is "Relationship: Level Up!"))

RJ: And so they walked along the beach, until they found the pair of men sitting on the beach and looking out into the ocean. Luckily, they found a place to hide and not be noticed. "Marth, you know what women like her will do to you. You've already been ruined by a woman before, why let it happen again?" Bishop inquired to Marth. "Why are you worrying so much?" Marth inquired. "Azure has no power over me. You're sounding like Zidane."

Copper: Azure cocks her head to the side at Bishop's words. Clearly something happened in Marth's past, something the elf was privy to. Maybe at some point she might get him to talk about it, but for the time being, she'd let it go, since she wasn't supposed to know about it anyway. The young wizard's words do make her smile a little, though. Seems he's got a grasp of the situation, at any rate. For now, more eavesdropping seemed to be in order.

RJ: "Zidane also knows the evils of women. You're a gem, Marth. Innocent and brilliant. A master tactician and weaver, the brains of your team and you know it." he played up Marth's strengths before the elven man put his hand on Marth's shoulder. "You know what that woman wants from you. You do. She wants to violate you, destroy you. Turn you into nothing more than a slave to her will, using love to make you bring her happiness while holding no affection for you. See it, Marth." he insisted. "Azure isn't seducing me!" Marth argued. "She was on your heels the moment I saw you! Stalking you!" Bishop replied, their conversation turning to shouts. "She was just going for a walk with Capri!" Marth countered back. "How convenient for her!" Bishop snapped.

RJ: Marth shook his head. "Besides, she already has Capri. She wouldn't try to come after me." Marth argued logic. Bishop only narrowed his eyes. "How naive of you. Though that's just because you have no actual experience." he said, before Marth cut him off. "I'm not a fucking child! Enough! I don't know what on Gaea has gotten into you, but you've gone mental! Azure isn't going to do anything to me! She's only here to help us, and she has! People like you and Zidane need to stop with this paranoia! Not all mamono are the same!" Marth said in defense. "Yes they are!" Bishop replied. "Marth, as your best friend, I'm telling you that you need to abandon that woman and return to where you know you'll be safe. Don't let yourself fall into the fate of having their life decided by others! Or are you aching to repeat your days in the academy, only without ME to protect you!?"

RJ: The argument fell silent, Marth seeming deeply affected, yet very angry, while Bishop looked rather stern in his beliefs. The two sat there, staring into the water while their words sank in like their feet did into the sand.

Copper: Given that the conversation-cum-shouting match had fallen silent, Azure will quietly retreat from the hiding spot that she and Capri have found, intent on doubling around and approaching along the shoreline, actually making their presence known. Time to see how Bishop would handle the intrusion.

RJ: With Azure coming around and back again, Bishop would give the same stare of disapproval while Marth looked outright infuriated. "Azure, what is it?" Marth inquired, trying to remain civil while the conversation beforehand clearly had him agitated.

RJ: One slight change in Bishop's demeanor was that he looked quite aggressive. As if ready to pounce and attack, wishing he had any reason to attack Azure at all.

Copper: "Nothing, truly. Just continuing on down the shore. We'll be out of your hair before you know it." There's a slight cock of her head and her brows furrow just a bit. "Everything all right?" Though she's spared a glance in Bishop's direction, picking up on his mood, her attention is more on Marth.

RJ: "Yeah, just... It's nothing." he said, deciding not to involve Azure in the issue. "I'm actually going to return to my room and rest a bit." he said, his anger subsiding and fatigue setting in. Marth walked with all intents and purposes to go alone, the moment Bishop made a movement to seek to join him Marth just looked at him and shook his head. "Later... Okay?" he said. To that, Bishop wasn't happy, but he didn't argue. Letting his friend go. If Azure did the same, Bishop would direct his stare at Azure, looking at her more directly now. "So, Azure. Marth tells me you're in a loving relationship with mister Capri there. Any plans on getting married soon? I happen to know a sea bishop."

RJ: Rather than being helpful, given the previous conversation, he was clearly prying for her answers.

Copper: Azure has no reason to keep Marth from heading back. Her gaze settles back on Bishop as he speaks to her. "So do we." She gives him a cute smile. "But Capri's not certain he's ready for that yet, so we're holding off until he feels he wants to make that commitment." There'll be a glance toward the man in question in case he has anything to add to that.

RJ: "I've kind of been looking around for a bit among other couples to kind of get a feel for what might be best for me, you see." Capri followed up. "I actually brought up the topic of you and Marth." he said, making the elven man raise a brow. "What?" was all he could reply with. Capri just kept going. "I don't know, to me, it seems like you two seem made for each other." Capri stated, causing the elven man to be taken aback, not quite expecting such a question. "W-what!? You do!?" he exclaimed, a bit shock to hear Capri claim that, and in front of Azure. "Oh, are you not like that?" Capri inquired, and Bishop cleared his throat, shifting his stance as if trying to figure out what body language to use.

RJ: "Uh... Well, would it be so strange?" Bishop said with flushed cheeks, a bit of shame mixed with his surprise. "No, not at all!" Capri replied with a smile. "Actually, I was wondering... As a man, how attractive do I look to you? I'm new to the land of mamono, so I think your opinion could be useful!" Capri inquired curiously. Bishop was aghast, and speechless, allowing Azure a moment to speak.

Copper: And Azure was actually trying very hard to keep her expression neutral. "Capri, that's a rather sudden question, isn't it? You've just met the man, after all." She's more studying Bishop's reaction to being outed. Given the fact, too, that her reaction is mostly neutral, it's probably safe for him to assume she isn't taking offense to his situation.

Copper: ((What *is* the general stance on male homosexuality in MGI? I mean, female doesn't seem like there's much problem but male? Different kettle that.))

RJ: (In the normal human lands governed by the Order, homosexuality is only a step above fucking a monster. It's bad. In the lands of Mamono, where it's always okay to get sexy, nobody cares about lesbians. However, male homosexuality is disliked when it concerns someone of desirable qualities. It's not unusual for homosexual men to be raped.)

RJ: "Well, I can think of nothing else to say in the given situation." Capri replied. "I told Azure once, that I thought I'd test the waters, see what's out there before I find out if she's really the one for me." he lied. "So, and I hope I don't sound too forward, mister Bishop..." Capri was suddenly cut off as Bishop looked to the sky. "H-hold that thought, it's noon! I have business to attend to, sorry to leave suddenly, but I must go!" Bishop said in a rush, before making quick steps back to town to escape Capri.

RJ: Capri simply adjusted his hat calmly, and glanced to Azure.

Copper: "I'd say you've quite already started testing the waters," Azure remarks with a bit of a chuckle, though she will allow Bishop to retreat, not making any attempts to stop him. She'll continue her and Capri's walk, perhaps turning them back around and heading for the path that will take them back to town, though she keeps mostly to the shoreline. "So, either you're not his type, you're wrong about his orientation--though I doubt it--or he's worried about having himself outed like that, especially in front of me."

Copper: ((Yeah, kinda figured it was the double standard of "lesbianism is okay, gay sex is not.))

RJ: (yeah, this is one of the things that are consistent sorta. Though for different reasons. Lesbianism means you're fucking women and reducing the number of competitors out there. Gay dudes double up on the losses of available men, who are already an uncommon resource.)

RJ: "I think you're wrong on both accounts." Capri claimed. "I think he's trying to remain loyal to Marth."

Copper: ((yeah, figured it had to do with the whole 'we need the men' sort of thing))

Copper: "Hadn't thought of that." He might catch the tip of her tail swishing back and forth, usually a sign she was thinking. Or aggitated, but right now, definitely the former. "I wonder if Marth might return his affections. Doesn't seem like it, but stranger things have happened. Shame if he did, though." The last remark is said more absently than anything else.

RJ: "I think it might be more of a race. Marth is like a rabbit in my eyes. He's a bit skittish and prefers to run away when the wolves and snakes come for him, but whoever catches him first gets to enjoy their meal." Capri stated. "Wonder if I should have worded that differently."

RJ: "I definitely see him as the type to wake you up in the morning with tea and breakfast as well. Just that thought alone makes me want to try to steal him from under your nose if only to get an obedient little servant."

Copper: "Now who's turning into the maneater?" She arches a brow at him, particularly at his last remark. "Although that is something of an apt analogy, especially given the way we are." He'll feel a very light swat at his backside. "Are we looking to be pampered, Capri, dear? Am I going to have to start providing a life of luxury for you as well as Zidane?" she teases.

RJ: "I feel as if you are putting Zidane and I in the same basket together for a reason." he mumbled. "Anyway, I'm not becoming a maneater. It's just that Marth... Well, he's small, well-mannered, and has such an innocent and happy smile that I doubt anyone could mimic easily. He's damned adorable. Though I can't explain why that would make me want to seduce him. I have no clue. He just seems to incite that desire within people."

Copper: His first comment just gets a chuckle out of her. "Maybe there's something to that." She grows thoughtfully quiet. "I mean, that slaver back at Undine's temple. You. Bishop. Myself. Plus there's something about him that makes the others want to protect him. Maybe there is something about him that invokes such a reaction in people." Her shoulders roll in a shrug after a heartbeat or so. "Or I could just be coming up with wild theories."

RJ: Capri's smile faded with that as he sank into thought. "... Did Marth ever mention what Academy he came from? I just thought about it now, I feel a bit foolish about not thinking of it sooner. If he went there with an elf... It wasn't an Order governed Academy."

Copper: She shakes her head. "No, he didn't. At least not to me. And obviously not to you. Curious, too, what Bishop said before. About 'repeating what happened at the academy, without me there.' I wonder if this is something that's...always been like this for him."

RJ: "Seems like it. He seems to invite both the good and the bad within people. So naturally anything bad happens, he'd be at the center of it." Capri stated, just as the pair would hear the sound of a window breaking in the distance within the town.

Copper: "You were saying?" That will cause Azure to pick up her pace and head into town to hopefully locate the source of the crash.

RJ: "I'll take the side route." Capri said, opting to quickly head off on a detour without waiting for Azure's say. Leaving Azure to return to town to see the most scummy and brutal mortal race seemingly trying to occupy Waymeet. A large group of about twenty well-equipped orcs were striding into town, and were met with sour response. However, they were oddly tolerated instead of chased off immediately. All seemingly due to Crystal Claire standing before them. It seemed a conversation was going on between her and the orcs, with Crystal Claire seemingly trying to plead with them. Once Azure came within earshot, she heard the orc laugh. "Wut, you want us to 'elp you!?" she inquired with an exclamatory shout. "Yes, the temple of Undine is facing dire times. We are prepared to pay you with whatever you desire for your aid in combat." she said, folding her hands in front of herself in a diplomatic stance.

RJ: The orc laughed again, the pig-like woman snorting with amusement. "How I know you ain't gonna put us on da front line then gut us once we win? You want orc help, you gotta pay up front!" she demanded, raising her arms in an aggressive gesture to rouse her troops behind her, who all let out a savage roar of approval. "You have my word." Claire promised. "Yer word means NOTHIN' to us!" the orc replied with a rough gesture at Claire, actually strong enough of a monster to shove Claire back to make her fall into the dirt, despite being quite a heavy creature herself given the material she was made of. As Crystal Claire regained her composure, Azure soon heard Marth's muffled voice cry out from the orc crowd. The mage brought out from apparent hiding behind a building. "I thought I smelled some meat back here! You's a cute one!" the orc who found him laughed as Marth was held by his arms and surrounded by a crowd.

RJ: "Wait!" Claire called out. "Please, let the boy go. I invited you on terms of peace, do not let this become unfavorable for either of us! We all have something to benefit from!" she pleaded with reason. Unfortunately, orcs were too savage for reason, as Lamia knew all too well. Azure and her sisters all having heard tales of how orcs will rape anything and anyone if it means proving their strength. The orc before Claire grinned sadistically. "Wut, we decided our payment! Give us dat boy and I'll be sendin' the good word to da war boss! How 'bout it? Dat benefit for all you'z talkin' about! Or wuz ya lyin? In fact, to prove yah faith further," she said, before undoing her buckle and revealing equipment similar, but far larger than Tabith's before Claire. "Least ya can do is suck it to prove you really want our help. Second thoughts and I guess you ain't wantin' our help after all!" the orc laughed ceremoniously. With Claire begging for their aid for their desperate defense against the angels, the crystal woman looked at Marth with distraught helplessness, torn between two objectives.

RJ: Uttering a small gesture of apology, Claire's head was grabbed by the orc before she began being violently moved to suck the monster off. Meanwhile, Marth was grunting and struggling midst a crowd of orcs, unseen behind their literal wall of flesh blocking Azure's view.

Copper: Hopefully Capri will have sense enough to get the others and keep well away from the orcs in the meantime. Granted, watching them, the thought of letting the orcs be cannon fodder was looking pretty good at the moment. Not to mention the fact that Marth was smack dab in the middle of them. Azure would push her way as close to the orcs as she could get and, chances are, since no one wanted to get close to them, it hopefully wouldn't be to difficult a task. Coming up on the ones surrounding her charge, there was a moment when she was going to strike out at the closest one, then she remembered something that might even the odds just a bit. "Marth! Your weave! Use it!" If that wouldn't get the orcs attention, nothing would. If he was able to, it meant the orcs hadn't gotten the better of him yet. If not, then she'd work on getting him loose. Of course, taking on a pack of orcs wasn't really how she planned on spending her day, especially if Clare actually invited them here, but orcs respected one thing and one thing only. Clare's pacifist nature wouldn't work. Hopefully this would.

Copper: (Was going to have Azure attack but if we can knock some of the orcs on their ass *first* more's the better.)

RJ: Charging in, Azure got their attention long enough for her to see them look at her, revealing Marth in the middle with the coat she bought him in tatters as they were in the process of destroying it to get at what was underneath. Rather than his situation, Marth seemed more bothered that Azure's present was destroyed before he brought his hand over his face and caused what seemed to be electrical bolts to release from his form, zapping the orcs around them and blowing them backwards in the shock. In his moment of freedom, Marth stepped up to his feet and ran, ducking into the alley and using his small size to escape through while the orcs quickly realized they were too fat to easily get between the areas he ran through.

RJ: In a fury, the orcs turned on Azure, one coming forth and slamming her wrist against Azure's neck, pinning her against the ground while slamming herself against the snake, and another orc grabbed, and slammed her foot painfully down upon her tail, swarming Azure with their numbers even if she fought back and knocked another on her ass. "Ya fucking bitch, you! You let him get away! I oughta gut ya and hang ya to dry like jerky!"

Copper: Good boy. "Like ta see a fat fuck like you try," Azure growls out, certainly not making it easy on the orcs to keep her pinned. There's a lot of snake there, even if they are trying to stomp on her tail. Any time she can get it loose, she whips it out at them, in the meantime striving to get her hands up and near the orcs face being mindful of the tusks but at the same time, going for eyes or nostrils, something painful to make the piggish woman let the hell go.

RJ: Orcs, while stupid in pen and parchment as well as military strategy, were incredibly admirable fighters. As such, as Azure tried to fight back, her arms were grabbed before the orc slammed down her head upon Azure's painfully. It wasn't enough to knock Azure out, and against just this orc, truly she had a chance, but not against all of them, who began punching and kicking Azure on the ground, injuring her all over and securing her tail from going anywhere, effectively capturing her movement with incredible strength to match her power when they worked together. Pinned to the ground, her arms held by another orc, the one orc on top of her, who was grabbed by Azure amidst the chaos and had one eye shoved in such that it caused her to scream in pain, now sat on Azure's waist, growling down at the snake woman. "You'z a strong and feisty one! But I'd have to call yer plan Fuckin' Stupid. I named it after ya!" she laughed. "Ya really pissed me off right good. In fact, I owe ya for me eye."

RJ: With that, she delivered a firm punch to Azure's stomach, knocking all the air out of her lungs with pure powerful force. Then, she pulled her knife out with a flip, catching it in her hand before shoving it to Azure's throat. "Shall I kill ya? Give ya a warrior's death? Or do ya wanna convince me that yer worth lettin' live?" she inquired with a grin, doing to Azure as the other orc did to Claire, unbuckling her armor below to reveal her member.

Copper: There's a remark to be made about 'fucking' and 'stupid' but given Azure's only able to cough at the moment, it simply rolls around in her head, giving her a small bit of amusement. Watching the orc, a grin spreads across the lamia's lips. "Yer girlfriends are gonna have ta let me loose for that." Given how close the blade is to her neck, the lamia relaxes her jaw some and lets her tongue slide suggestively along the flat of the blade. "If ya really want me ta make it up to ya." There's a rather lewd flick of her tongue before she lets it slip back into her mouth, hopefully working on putting that idea in the orc's head.
Copper: (and letting the negotiations start)
Copper: (because lamia tongues and blowjobs...)
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Part 2:

RJ: "Heh, looks like ya ain't so stupid after all. Guess da warboss won't have to raze this village down after all." she said, before giving a gesture to her fellows. They drew their weapons while letting Azure adjust herself, though their weapons were trained on her. Possible would be a dash, but deadly. Behind the orc's head, where Azure was looking, the troop of men rose their head, with one extra with fluffy and short black hair that she didn't recognize. Capri as well, holding a crossbow in his hand and slowly training it at the orcs over the roof. "Respect orc strength." the orc said, standing tall while a pair of orcs still held Azure by her shoulders, and back of her head, forcing her to bow. "We protect temple and village," she nodded slowly. "You want in on a secret, pet?" she inquired towards Azure while Claire was still busy. "We was gonna just kill everyone, warboss' orders. Attack while the angels burned, and take what we could. But, guess you like orc allies better den enemies, eh?"

Copper: The orcs are definitely going to have to force the bow out of Azure, though she's not fighting it, not wanting the undue pressure on her neck. Her eyes, though, turn up to the orc. "So, that's true? Allies now? You gonna protect the temple or should I worry about you going back on your word once you get what you want?"

RJ: "Oi, oi, ya already let the fine meat escape and I grant ya the kindness of life! Saint among orcs is I!" she claimed. "Right now, holdin' yer life in my hands~! Show me some respect, eh!?" she demanded from Azure for doubting her. Even the very townspeople looked hesitant, but ready to act if they went so far as to try to rape Azure. Centaurs holding spears and slings, various humanoid citizens holding rakes, kitchen knives, and what not in fear of the orcs amidst them. Though none looked ready to take the first step to face the orcs. Though there were four, plus one and a Capri who were certainly ready to initiate.

Copper: The orcs holding her arms can feel Azure actively working to shrug them off. "You didn't answer my question. You gonna protect the temple or does your word mean nothing?" Why yes, she is throwing the orc's words back in their faces. And trying to pull her arms free of the other two, still.

RJ: Azure questioning the orc's honor seemed to enrage the creature, who stepped forth to butt heads with Azure, right where their skulls collided. "A saint and honorbound warrior is I! Question my qualities once more and I'll have those fish fins ya call ears!" Then she ripped away to look at her troops. "Have I ever gone back on me word!?" she questioned, and her troops shouted no loyally, both in fear and respect for the powerful fighter. The orcs holding Azure's arms refused to let go without a fight, not willing to let her swing herself about.

Copper: That gets a grunt from the lamia and it's actually probably a good thing they're holding her as it helps keep her up. Shaking her head, the lamia watches the orc once again. "Then we have your word as a saint and honor-bound warrior that you're going to help Undine's temple?" The question is spoken loudly, basically so everyone that's standing around can hear it. And the orc's answer.

RJ: "Once our respects have been paid for. We don't work for free." she stated, while Claire was swallowing a load in the meanwhile. Due to her nature, it was visible inside of her body as it slowly vanished over time from within, until her body looked just as clear as before. "Following our satisfaction, yeah, we'll help yer little pathetic temple, and CRUSH the golden birds!" she shouted, pounding her chest with zeal.

Copper: Given that the two of them aren't trying to kill each other (or rather, the orc isn't trying to kill Azure and the lamia isn't trying to do something unpleasant to the orc), Azure will try pulling her arms free of the other two once again, since they've dropped down into what probably passes for sensible conversation for the orcs. Her attention, for the moment, will settle on Claire, looking to see how the other woman was doing, also gauging whether or not she was going to have to follow through with this particular orc or if the other would call a halt since she got what she wanted.

RJ: With another firm yank, she pulled her arms free, though the orcs weren't relaxing, a few of them looking like they perhaps fought a lamia before and were carefully watching that tail of hers. Right now it wasn't curled up to pounce, but they were paying close attention to what she was doing with it. Looking over at Claire, the woman was looking composed despite what happened, as she stood up on her feet. "Azure... I'm sorry you ended up involved in all this." the crystal woman apologized. "Are you all satisfied now?" Claire inquired, before the orc grinned. "Yer act if faith is noted. But we still haven't gotten our right payment." she noted. And her demand had Claire sinking her head in frustration when she said it. "We want men."

Copper: For the time being, all that was moving was the tip, tapping against the ground, seeming more like a thoughtful or nervous tic than anything they needed to be worried about. Since the other orc didn't seem to be demanding her attention at the moment, Azure will (at least attempt to) ease over to Claire, keeping her movements slow so as not to make the orcs twitchy. She'll even offer her arm to the crystal woman, in case she needs something to help keep her steady on her feet. "It's all right. My boy is a trouble magnet, it seems." Her tail keeps tapping, as she's giving thought to the orc's demands. "Could we see if there's anyone in town willing to accomodate them?" She's not offering anyone up, but if certain services were offered in town, then perhaps they might have their answer that. "I doubt they'd be satisfied with spoils of war, since they're not guaranteed." That, and she didn't like the idea of actually turning anyone over to the orcs, enemies or no.

RJ: Claire seemed to think for a moment about Azure's words. Thankfully the woman was as durable as she looked, seemingly unphased by the violation. She stood up to her feet, and made an offering. "Would a woman be fine too? I offer myself to you, in hopes that such will satisfy you." she declared. The orcs looked at her, and grinned. "Ah, well, we'd certainly have to consider it. We were thinkin' one man fer every three orcs, but if you'z wants to accommodate well..." the orcs seemed to get together to speak to one another. Azure now without blades pointed at her and free to go. "Three women for one man you ain't wanna give. And da spawn goes to us." she offered Claire.

Copper: If Claire's fine to stand on her own, Azure will relax, though she's not leaving the other woman to the orcs for the time being. "I might have someone I can talk to about that," she says to Claire. "Though I'm not entirely sure. Unless you have someone in mind already?"

RJ: "Right now, the situation is dire. I have no one in mind and I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel for options." Claire admitted. "But the orcs are superb fighters, and we need all the help we can get. If all I must do is entertain them, then it shall be done."

Copper: "Let me see if a...new friend knows anyone who might be able to help out. I'm taking a gamble here and it's not definite, but I'll at least ask." She'll put her attention on the orc that's been negotiating with Claire. "We'll need to get them, of course. But you'll have them before you're expected to head out." She'll glance to Claire to see if that's acceptable. She's also not specifically addressing Claire's part in this, since, well, she doesn't like the thought of her and the orcs.

RJ: "Please, hurry. Orcs are not known for their patience." she said, allowing Azure to go.

Copper: "That's painfully obvious," the lamia mutters. She'll head off, taking something of a roundabout route away from the area but intending to head back to the inn. She'll shoot a glance in the direction of where the others are hiding and hopefully they'll realize that's where she's intending to retreat to. The objective is to find Tabith at the moment but she'll allow herself to get waylaid by the others when they join her.

RJ: Making her way back to the Inn, the others signaled Azure that they intended to stay put in case things go south. Back at the Inn, Azure found Tabith in the crowd onlooking the scene instead of inside the building. "Oh, you made it out." Tabith noted. "I had already made plans to rescue you from their camp. Sorry if you wished me to jump into the fray and kill them all effortlessly. Orcs take a lot of hits to take down."

Copper: They'll receive a subtle nod from the lamia, showing she got the message. At the elf's remark, Azure actually laughs. "Sad as it is, we need them. And breathing, too. But the thought is appreciated. I do need to talk to you, though." She'll draw Tabith aside. "Did you hear Claire's negotiations? And their demands?"

RJ: "Yes. And I assume you're here to ask me for help. Unfortunately, the only men I know are yours. The woman I know is myself. Asking my tribe for assistance would be difficult, as they too would expect payment for their services. It'd become a vicious cycle."

RJ: "Which leads me to the alternative, slavery. We go out, capture men, and sell them to the orcs."

Copper: "Somehow I don't think Claire would like that idea." There's something in Azure's tone that suggests that she doesn't like that idea, either. "Besides, I don't know that we have time for that." A sigh. "You answered my question, at the very least. I'll...think of something." Given the heavier sigh she lets out, nothing comes to mind, at least not immediately.

RJ: "Someone has to bite the bullet, given what the orcs are demanding. As for who? Well, take your pick. Us, you, the townspeople, random passerbys, the men, your men, or the orcs themselves. Either way, trying to ally with the orcs will almost never leave a comfortable taste in your mouth."

Copper: "There's a remark to be made there," Azure mutters. Her eyes close and Tabith might catch a set to the lamia's jaw. "There's got to be another way." There's that flicking thump of Azure's tail again as she sort of sags back onto herself, arms crossed. "Doubt I'm strong enough to take on the warboss, if that's even how their band is organized." There's a slight rock to her movements as she continues to think.

RJ: "Well, sure, you could beat the warboss in a fight. That's how they establish dominance anyway."

RJ: "But even that will make you responsible for a large group of rapists."

Copper: ("Qualifications?" "Rape, murder, arson, and rape." "You said 'rape' twice." "I like rape.")

RJ: (Gotta be big and strong)

Copper: (could not get away with that shit today in the movies. god bless hollywood back in the day.)

Copper: "Who are not going to stop doing that just because I say so. Even if I did step down after the fight at the temple was over." Tabith hears a few under the breath mutterings about 'pig-headed.' "And that's the thing. Claire's hoping there won't even be a fight. It might be foolish but she thinks it's a numbers game. I hope she's right but I don't like the idea of," there's a quick glance around to make sure none of the orcs have decided to follow her or take in the sights. "Paying them for looks alone."

Copper: She waves a hand. "Don't mind me. I'm just venting. If Claire's idea works, more's the better."

RJ: "My dear Azure. If it's angels, there will be a fight." Tabith speaks from experience.

Copper: She lets out a frustrated sound. "I'll be back. I'm going to go beat my head against a wall somewhere. It's about as effective as I feel at the moment." She'll uncoil and unless Tabith stops her, she is going to head off a little ways. It's mostly just to clear her head, weigh her options. The notion of catching a slave or two and turning them over the orcs doesn't set well. Yes, it's a greater good situation, but it contradicts with her beliefs and practices. If she just up and sold random people into slavery, what sort of a message was that saying to her boys? Not a good one, that was for sure. "This is what I get for having a conscience," she mutters to herself.

RJ: "I think you're having problems. Perhaps I can help?" inquired a male voice before Azure could leave town. If Azure looked, she'd spot a normal looking man with short fluffy black hair walk up to her, similar to the one she saw before with her boys. "Or, do you feel like you need no help?"

Copper: There's a flash of recognition but at the same time, she doesn't know him. "Depends on what you're here to help with," is the reply, considering she was just talking about having a conscience.

RJ: "Basically, I'm going to make your problem disappear." he offered. "Doesn't that sound good enough? Of course, I do expect payment, but to be honest, I'm not sure what to charge you yet. Though I promise, it won't be too unreasonable."

Copper: "I'd say it sounds a little too good to be true." She gives him a smile but there's a bit of teeth behind it. "How?" Her posture shifts a little, going from her annoyed-at-the-world slump to something a little more intent. And intense.

Copper: (because while I appreciate the sentiment, Az is suspicious)

RJ: "It's not too good to be true. Shall I produce results?" he offered, extending his arms out non-chalantly.

Copper: He gets a bit of a headcock at that. "And just how do you intend to do that?"

RJ: "You keep asking, but I'll be honest, I have no intention of telling you. That being said, I feel I can safely say that since well... From my point of view, you have exactly zero options to count." he said with a cocky smile. "Or, do you?"

Copper: "Oh, I have options, just not ones I'm particularly fond of. Sort of like this conversation at the moment." He gets a tight smile at that. "If I accept the offer, it's between you and I. I saw you before, with the orcs. My boys aren't part of this. Not now, not regarding the payment, at least not without negotiation with them as well. You produce results, I'm willing to talk payment for services rendered."

RJ: "Perfect." he said with a wide smile. "So, we have a deal." he said without much wait for her nod or handshake. "Unless you want to take me out to lunch, I'll hurry up and solve that problem before it gets worse. I'll be seeing you tonight, Azure." he said, before turning and heading back the way he came.

Copper: Or her agreement, technically. They'd likely be arguing about that later. And since lunch doesn't seem to be the sort of payment he's looking for, she lets him go. Time to find out a little more about this one. And to do that, she'd have to head back. She'll detour back to Tabith, informing her that, for better or worse, the problem was being handled. Then it was back to where the boys were, since he was with them. Hopefully they might have some idea about him.

RJ: "One man planning to handle a squad of orcs alone using his sex appeal I assume. He must have been around the block more than anyone to think he can do something like that and not die." Tabith chuckled.

RJ: Then, returning to the boys, she'd find the orcs all walking off on their own, leaving the town as the five of them came forth. "The orcs seemed to become interested in something else and just walked off." Capri said.

Copper: "I'm not entirely sure what his plan is. If that's it, then may the powers grant him the strength and fortitude to pull it off." Joining the others, she'll first see to Marth, though she pays attention to Capri. "Wonder if he beguiled them. So long as they still remember their part of the agreement." Marth first, questions after.

RJ: Checking on Marth, he was wearing his old robe, and the coat Azure got him was gone. "Sorry, Azure... It was destroyed."

Copper: "Better the coat than you, sweetness," she tells him softly, gently ruffling his hair. "It can be replaced. What the orcs were planning wouldn't have been able to be undone." She rests her hands on his shoulders, giving him a once-over. "Just the coat, though? No other damage?"

RJ: "I'm fine..." he sighed. "Sorry, I really tried to hide when they suddenly came into town, but..." Ragna shrugged. "Orcs are basically master hunters. He was sniffed out."

Copper: "I know you did. I'm just glad you had your weave in place and were able to get away." She pauses. "Did you replace that yet? With them being around, even if they're pacified, you might want to take some precautions." It might be a little telling to the others, too, that she's encouraging him to replace the spell. Granted, they could argue it's for her own reasons, but that she knows about it and wants him to have it might count for something.

RJ: "I need quite a while to weave it just right." Marth stated needing a few hours at least to do it. He usually does it when everyone settles in to eventually go to bed.

Copper: "All right. Hopefully the orcs will be occupied that long." Which brings her around to the other situation. She'll look at the group of them. "I saw someone with you earlier. A man with black hair. He looked to have been with you when you were scoping out the orcs during our scuffle."

RJ: "Oh right. I didn't catch his name. He acted like he and you already met." Ragna stated. Marth nodded. "He said he came because you needed his help."

Copper: "Interesting. No, we hadn't met, unless he was disguised somehow the first time. He might be around later this evening. We spoke about the orcs. If I had to hazard a guess, that was his doing. Have you checked on Claire?"

RJ: "Claire is currently checking up on the townsfolk and helping undo the collateral damage that the orcs caused by merely being here." Capri announced. Then Zidane followed up with the previous topic. "Maybe he's one of your broken hearts you left behind?" he said with accusation in his tone, assuming Azure fucked him then left him.

Copper: "All right. If she needs a hand, consider lending it to her, if you would. I know the job was to just get here here, but looks like we're getting into the thick of things." Her attention settles on Zidane and at the accusation, she does seem to be giving it some thought. "I don't think so. He's got a very distinct look to him. I'd like to think I'd remember someone like him and I just...don't." There's a pause. "He also seems like a silver-tongued charmer. He could have seen us together then used that to approach you. It's the only reason I talked with him, myself. I'd seen him with you."

RJ: "Huh..." Ragna put his hand to his chin. "What a clever one. Gotta say, I admire his planning skills." the half-demon nodded in respect. Zwei let out a hum after a while. "It might be mere paranoia on my part, but... I sensed a different aura about him. It was a bit like Ragna's ki, but different." the tall amazonian man claimed. "My mother never told me I had a long lost brother." Ragna commented. "I didn't mean in that fashion." Zwei replied. Marth gave a worried look to Azure. "Azure... If that man perhaps means to do you harm... Do you think I should place my weave on you?" he inquired.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Part 3:

Copper: "Well, your mother is a dulahan, right, Ragna? That makes you part...demon? In a way. Maybe that's the case with him. Just...different type of mother." She puts her attention on Marth. "I don't feel that's quite his intention but a little extra security couldn't help. So long as you'll be able to make another for yourself as well. I'd feel a lot better if you had the means to do that instead of me."

RJ: "I-I could start with you, and then work on me..." Marth offered, unable to really process exactly what Azure wanted, while being more inclined to offer help than to help himself.

Copper: "All right. So long as you're not running around without that protection in place again for too long." It's really up to Marth when and where they do this, given he'll be the one working the spell. She's also curious to see the casting in action and maybe ask him a few questions about it in the meantime.

RJ: Marth nodded. "Um... We'll need to be somewhere I can concentrate..." he said. Eventually he'd say. "... My room." while Zidane would immediately announce. "You do anything funny and it'll be the end of you." he warned her.

Copper: "Perish the thought. Marth does need to concentrate, after all." She'll give a smile to the young wizard. "Anything you need before we get started, Marth?"

Copper: (Link:

RJ: (This is?)

Copper: (pic of a lamia I found while browsing a thread. thought I'd share.)

RJ: (oh, was about to call bullshit on that being azure, so far off from my visual interpretation)

Copper: (eheh yeah, mine, too)

RJ: "No, just... You'll have to remain still for a long while as I put it on you, and be careful not to accidentally activate it." he instructed. "How much energy does that take?" Ragna inquired. "Well... A lot of it... I'll have to rest once I'm done helping Azure, and eat." he stated.

Copper: "I think that I can manage that, as long as we're not talking hours upon hours upon hours," she says with a chuckle. "And you'll at least be in your room to rest afterward and we can have something sent up for you afterward. It won't take too much out of you, will it, Marth?"

RJ: "T-two?" Marth seemed to inquire as Azure seemed to fuss about the time, and it seemed Marth was seemingly torn between choosing a safe time and a fast one to meet her seeming interest in cutting short on time. Just the mere look Marth was giving Azure was befitting a canine who is feeling guilty and is partially avoiding looking at you because of that guilt while also looking at you to try and communicate that they're sorry. "Dog ears would fit you so well," Ragna commented, causing Marth to look to him in surprise. "... W-what? Why?" Marth asked in confusion.

RJ: "I'll be fine too, so stop worrying about me." He instructed Azure, his angry expression easily a candidate for the cutest thing ever. The cute little mage not wanting to be coddled, while having the inverse effect on everyone around him.

Copper: "Oh, that's fine. Here I was afraid you were going to say something like six or the like, since I have a feeling that, at least, would cut in to when our mysterious stranger was going to show up." Azure shoots Ragna a look but it's more amused than anything else. Marth, in turn, gets a smile. “All right. I’m just feeling a little unsettled with that band of orcs so close. But, if we’re going to get this done, we likely should get to it.”

RJ: With that said, the group disbanded a bit, though kept relatively close, within eye distance, in case the orcs came back and their comrades needed help with a rowdy pig or two. Or twenty. Either way, Marth would bring Azure up, into the room he and Zidane were sharing. "A-alright, um... Could you... Turn around? I can't concentrate when I'm being looked at." He seemed to imply that in general, though it was clearly that being alone with a woman in his room was making him nervous.

Copper: Azure's a little surprised Zidane isn't insisting on being in the room with them, but then, if it makes things difficult for Marth, that's understandable. Knowing the werecat, he's probably sitting just outside the door, waiting for her to pull something. "I can do that." There's a pause. "Am I making you nervous at all, Marth?" Let's get that elephant right out and into the middle of the room.

RJ: "Y-you're not doing anything wrong!" Marth stated, ironically sounding even more nervous after she asked the question. Once she did turn around, Azure would feel her right arm being wrapped in an odd sensation of warm vibration as Marth was no doubt weaving around it. The boy was silent unless Azure chose to speak.

Copper: That gets a soft chuckle out of her and she will oblige by turning around. "I didn't think so." And he didn't exactly answer the question. Best to leave that be until he was done. "Now, I saw the effects of this on the orcs and they're fairly hardy. What about our friend, do you think? He might be part demon but he's still human."

RJ: "W-well, I didn't invent this weave to really hurt people... Since I learned how tough mamono can be... I found that it was a lot easier to fight them if I could somehow incapacitate them first, or weaken them." he explained. "So, the shock from this weave is supposed to hit your nerve system, scrambling it and causing you to lose control of your body. It's to help me escape more than anything else." He said, before Azure felt a tingling prickle that she'd react to instinctually before Marth let out a gasp of his own surprise. "S-sorry!"

Copper: (what sort of tingling prickle? are we talking a happy tingling? a zappy tingling? or just like a skitter across the skin?)

RJ: (skitter)

Copper: "All right. Well, that's good to know, then." Feeling the energy will get something of a shiver out of her, one that runs from shoulders and down through her tail. There'll be a slight shake of her head as she dismisses the feeling. "It's okay, Marth." She grins a little. "I didn't know magic could be so tingly."

RJ: "W-well, it can be a lot of things!" he said, sounding more excited talking about a subject he was intimately familiar with. "I could make all kinds of feelings with magic." He said, before Azure felt a sourceless vibration erupt on the back of her neck, right on the muscle. A unique and relaxing feeling that the snake woman would never have felt before. "Does that feel good?" he inquired.

Copper: Probably the best way to get the boy to relax. Get him talking about magic. So long as he didn’t get too animated. Or forget what he was supposed to be weaving. She’ll shift just a little, rolling her head a bit, getting familiar with the feeling. As long as it doesn’t stay there for a terribly long time, she does enjoy it. “Very good, Marth. Relaxing.” She’ll give him a bit of a smile.

RJ: Rolling her head, she'd see Marth blush a bit and look down at her smile. "... Thank you..." he said shyly, all other words either lost or caught in his throat as just the mere corner of her eye spotting him made Marth flustered.

Copper: And since we don't want a flustered mage while he's working on the weave, he might catch a gentler smile before she turns back around, making certain to not watch him while he works. "Is it difficult to learn to use magic if you've never done so before?" Time to distract him in a different, more comfortable for him way.

RJ: "Oh, certainly." he said without hesitation nor desire to soften the truth. "It's like operating on a whole new level of existence. The best way to think about it is to think of the whole world as yarn woven together."

Copper: "Hence the term 'weave,' I'd imagine," she comments. "I gather it's a matter of seeing how the different threads relate to one another and how pulling on one affects the others?"

RJ: "Pulling is dangerous. If I were to teach you anything about weaving, it would start from just creating new threads instead of bothering what's already there. The people who start with pulling at the threads that make up their own body... Typically they only get hurt... Usually...."

RJ: "Weaving is basically messing with what makes the existence we can see with our own eyes. It's very easy for someone to think they're god and mess with it as they please. Those kinds of people are... Well, they're the Magi."

Copper: "Would you?" She'll glance back at him at the question, then put her attention elsewhere. "Teach me about weaving? That's definitely one area I'm not very knowledgable."

RJ: This time, Marth's expression would be shock. "Um... M-me? Teach you? S-someone like that... Someone like Bishop might be better at it than me. I don't know how good I'd be at teaching someone how to weave who never did it before..." he stated, the aspect of the task seeming very intimidating to him.

RJ: Then, he seemed to get an idea. "Maybe... I could ask Bishop to teach you? You could get to know each other!" he suggested ignorantly.

RJ: Ignorantly, as in he spoke without knowing a thing about the situation between them that transpired.

Copper: "I don't think Bishop likes me very much, Marth. Though from what I've seen, I don't think he likes mamono very much in general." Or women, but she doesn't say that. Probably just confuse the boy. "Besides, I'd much prefer trying to learn from you first."

RJ: Marth frowns a bit, but not at her. "I know. I know he's got some kind of problem. He's an idiot who doesn't know anything sometimes." he sighed, before Azure stated her preference, and Marth seemed to recall what a certain someone told him about Azure desiring him. His face turned deep red. "Um... Am I... Really... Do I really seem that competent to you?" he asked.

Copper: His words make her chuckle softly but she doesn't say anything in response. “I think that you’d be a good teacher for a beginner, that’s for sure. Someone as intense as Bishop might scare me off learning. And you seem interested in theory, too, as much as what the spells can do.” She focuses the conversation more on the magic than him, hopefully helping him to grow a little more relaxed while thinking about that, not her.

RJ: Marth still went silent as Azure threw him compliments. He seemed to be in thought. FIfteen minutes passed of Marth being silent while working on his weaving, before he finally spoke. "Um... Azure..." he seemed highly hesitant to ask this question. "Don't take this the wrong way, it's just conversation... But... Well, you probably hear the things Zidane says and... What is... W-what is your relationship truly, with Capri?"

Copper: She lets him work and stew over her words. The way he starts the question does have her glancing back at him with one of her brows arched slightly but she's willing to hear him out. "My relationship with Capri?" She grows quiet while she thinks of her answer to that. "We're partners. To shorten the story, I claimed him after he'd been captured by some dark elf slavers and was escaping. When I caught him, he said he didn't want to be abandoned. So I made him the offer to stay with me. We talked about going to a sea bishop but he's not ready to take a step like that. So, we're partners. I'm trying to help him with his dream, which is to study mamono, and," she draws that last bit out, trying to find a good way to explain it. "I have a partner."

RJ: "Oh... I see." Marth said, seeming to have a tone of relief as if fully understanding the situation. The amount of comfort Marth had seemed to increase exponentially after that conversation, and Marth was content to just finish his work unless Azure spoke further.

Copper: She'll let him get most of the work done, especially since he seems to be very much focused on the task at hand. As he's winding down, she will pipe up with "So what brought that question on? About Capri?"

RJ: Marth seemed to go right back to being flustered when questioned. "Uh...! No... No reason?" he replied, revealing himself once again as a bad liar.

Copper: Which amuses her a little. "You seem to have had some reason. Are you curious?" There's a pause. "Jealous?" She's not looking at him, so he can't see the smile that she's got on her face, knowing she's teasing him horribly with that one.

RJ: "Jealous!?" Marth exclaimed, as Azure felt a sharp prick as if a needle poked her. Whether that was on purpose or not wasn't clear. "Azure, you could be a little more humble!" Marth scolded her. "I was only asking because Zidane seems to think you an offender to men. And when you talk like that I can see his point a little."

Copper: "Ouch!" She got poked. Natural reaction. "Not really in my nature." She's resisting the urge to reach around to the spot where she felt the jab and rub it. "Besides, Marth, I was just teasing. I didn't think you would be. Though I'm curious what you think about his and my relationship."

RJ: "Well..." More time spent thinking. "I think it's a good thing for people to fall in love." he gave a generic reply.

Copper: "I'm not entirely sure we're there yet. So you see it as...romantic?"

RJ: Marth blinked. "... I don't understand, why wouldn't it be romantic?"

Copper: "My and Capri's relationship isn't exactly what you'd consider traditional romance, Marth. I care for him, certainly, but," there's a pause, "at least right now," another pause, "we're still figuring things out."

RJ: Marth went silent at that, finishing the weave before leaning back, going flat on the floor. "Whew... That was tiring..."

Copper: "But it is complete." Azure will turn around slowly, keeping a bit of distance between them still. "Just don't fall asleep on me before you tell me how to make it work," she says with a bit of a laugh.

RJ: "Oh... Can you feel like something's wrapped around your arm?" he inquired. "Put your other hand on your arm and grasp as if grabbing your sleeve, then pull." he instructed.

Copper: At his direction, she'll reach over and lay a hand on the opposite arm, though she doesn't pull yet, since, well, that sounds like a trigger. She wants to make sure that she can feel it at the very least.

RJ: She most certainly can!

Copper: Then she'll confirm with him. "And the pull is the trigger? Like...ripping it off?"

RJ: "Yeah, the spell is contained in something like a package, and I wrapped you in some protection so you should be good for a couple days."

Copper: "Well, here's hoping I won't actually have to use it, but...thank you, Marth. For doing this."

RJ: "No problem..." he said, yawning. "I just wanna lay in bed for a while." he said, almost crawling over to bed and crawling on the sheets, getting comfy rather quick.

Copper: "All right." She lets out a soft bit of a chuckle as she catches him crawling, moving over and gently scooping him up to place him on the bed and gather the covers around him. "I'll send Zidane up with something to eat later for you."

Copper: (time to make Marth panic briefly)

RJ: Marth let out a panic as he was picked up like a princess, when Azure felt an odd surge flow through her. A pleasant and unforseen sensation came from Marth that would make her feel light headed and send her heart aflutter. A feeling that would pass the moment she broke physical contact with him. "Y-you shouldn't... Touch me." Marth warned her a little too late after she already suffered the apparent effects.

Copper: Once he's on the bed, her hand comes up to massage her temple and she's taking slow, deep breaths to help clear the fog. Whatever the hells that was, it certainly goes along with what she and Capri were talking about earlier. "Marth, what...is that? Another weave?" She hasn't moved off but she's keeping to herself and it looks like she's going to, so he needn't worry about that.

RJ: "Yes." Marth said quickly, not wanting to go in further. "It's been around for a long time. It's better if you don't come into direct contact with me at all." he said to her. Again, the sensation would be far from unpleasant. In fact, it would have been easy for Azure to keep him in close contact and just be absorbed in the magic as it wer.e

Copper: She doesn't press, at least not on the initial question. "Is it like that with anyone? Or just mamono?" The questions aren't asked to pry but to understand. In fact, she might even look a little worried.

RJ: "W-why do you want to know so much?" Marth said defensively. "It's just a weird thing about me. It's better if you don't know anything. Okay?"

Copper: "Well, for one thing, if we're going to be working together, I'd like to avoid surprises like that. What if you hadn't actually been awake to tell me that." There's a pause. "And for that matter, why didn't that happen when I carried you out of the slaver's back at the temple? I don't remember feeling anything like that when I carried you back to the house. Does it only happen when you're awake? Or aware? I'm not honestly intending to pry, Marth, but I want to at least understand. If you don't know, then that's fine. Tell me. There's nothing wrong with saying that you don't. And if you do but there's things you don't want to share, I understand that, too, but please, at least tell me enough so that I can understand the boundaries of it."

RJ: Marth took a moment, but he finally turned around and seemingly had intent on addressing Azure directly. His expression was serious. "Azure, if you stay too close to me, you may end up losing who you are. Something very bad happens to those who come too close to me. It's a very long, and complicated story, but trust me when I say that you don't want anything to do with what I am." he said flatly, before rolling back over in the bed. "It builds up over time, and seemingly only through physical contact. So... It's best if you treat me like I'm diseased, for your own sake." he stated simply.

Copper: She settled, listening to him. "Even if it is long and complicated, I'm willing to listen. When you're ready to share," she adds, since it's clear this doesn't seem to be something he wants to talk about right now. "I'll keep what you said in mind, Marth, but it's not going to stop my working with you. Or the fact that I'd still like for you to teach me to use magic." He'll feel the covers of the bed drawn up and draped over him, Azure taking care not to come in contact with him again. "What you described sounds frightening for someone to have to carry. And lonely. Just remember that it doesn't have to be, not with us here with you." That said, she'll leave him to rest, heading back to join the others, if they're around, still half expecting to find Zidane standing guard outside of the room.

RJ: "That's what I was afraid you'd say." Marth said as Azure left to join the others. And indeed, Zidane was standing guard directly outside of the room, his ears twitching as a feline's would. "You're being way too nosy." Zidane commented. "Marth has us, and that's all he needs. His curse doesn't affect the same sex like it does to someone like you. We're the ones who protect him from it becoming a problem. And I'll tell you now, the more you help him the worse it'll get. Once you fall into the curse, it'll be too late for you. After all, we confirmed that you weren't the first manager we've had that was a woman right?" he reminded Azure. "We had to kill the other one because she lost her mind. Think about that." Zidane said, before standing up from where he was leaning against the wall and turning to leave.

Copper: Azure's brow goes up at Zidane's words. "Actually, I'm afraid you neglected that little bit of information." He'll find his way blocked by her tail stretching across the hall in front of him. "That at least answers one question, which was whether you all were aware of it or not. I'm presuming you've looked into the cause? Or how to get it lifted?"

RJ: Blocked, Zidane looked angry that Azure continued to push despite his warnings. "It's for his sake that I'm going to tell you absolutely nothing! If you want to dig further, it's your tombstone! Marth himself is looking into it every day." he'd mention, as Azure would no doubt recall Marth in that small library hiding books from Azure. "So, your assistance is not wanted. The last thing he'd want is another victim of his condition."

Copper: "That I can understand." There's a pause. "Are you sure it only affects women or is it people who might be attracted to him? Sexually speaking."

RJ: Zidane raised his brow. "What? Why would you ask that?"