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The Deciever and the Black Feathered Weaver (Azure;Copper)

Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Copper: "Consider it a warning of sorts," Azure replies. "Or, well, a promise." That sly grin plays across her lips. "While I don't doubt this might be a good training exercise, shouldn't we focus on our primary task first? Get me to Cynthia, deal with that, then we'll see about expanding my repitoire. Besides, I might get jealous if she starts making eyes at Capri and don't think he'd want to be on the receiving end of my possessiveness. Not right now, anyway." She has to fight hard to not grin at Bishop while she says that.
RJ: Both Capri and Francis glanced at Azure when she said the last bit. Well, Francis didn't glance because somehow her eyes were never open, but it if she was able to glance she would be doing so. Then they looked at each other. Then somehow Azure knew they were thinking about Tabith. Then they both looked at Marth, who seemed really confused. Then, they moved on as if nothing happened. "Very well then," Francis nodded. "To Cynthia's then. We're not that far after all." she said, picking herself up and waiting for the others to get their things ready, Marth handing things to Azure for her to help carry. Far less than what he had before, now just the bare essentials plus a few books. He hardly stuck with one at a time, continuously switching. So the trip with so few books seems to have left him frustrated.
Copper: Tabith was an agreed upon situation. Someone trying to steal one of her boys is going to be an entirely different matter. She'll shoulder the bag Marth passes to her and given his boredom, that's part of the reason she strives to engage the mage in conversation. Something to keep his mind occupied. Be it theories of weaving, spells, or just idle chatter. The others are more than welcome to chime in, especially Bishop when it comes to magic, but she also seems to be using the time to get to know Marth a little better.
RJ: Chatting with Marth a bit, he seemed readily eager to speak of his time learning magic and trying to replicate his tutoring to Azure, while seemingly hasty to dodge any actual information of the background he was taught in. She learned much of his life though how he was taught, apparently thought to be something sacred, learning how to control his magic and even make his threads blend in to the environment so only a direct probe would identify him. Taught how to deal with mamono stronger than him, taught many tricks to overcome odds that are far beyond his league as a man. Although he was weak, both in body and in spirit, Marth was taught to be crafty so that he could survive in a world that would see him subjugated. He only mentioned that he was at a school, and absolutely avoided speaking of his tutor.
Copper: Something to ask Bishop about, perhaps, but away from Marth because that would be rude. Though given what she'd overheard between the two of them, she can make a few assumptions. Whether they're right or not is another story. His style seems to suit the way Azure thinks, prefering to fight first with her head than her fists, so to speak, so him teaching her in that manner means he has a rather eager student in the lamia. She might inquire after the weave he'd done previously for her, thinking to duplicate it herself, though perhaps a bit wary, given they're on the road and not wanting to do something so draining while they're traveling, despite having Bishop and Capri here with her.
RJ: The weave was something he was proud of, to the point that Marth claimed that if she could do it on her own, then she already had no more to learn from him. With that being said, he advised her not to try such a spring loaded weave like that. One wrong move and you could kill yourself. Bishop on the side, nodded. Marth took time well to praise the elven man. Apparently, after unknown events, the elven mage became a second tutor to the little half-alice mage. Marth boasted his ability, and pointed to Marth's weave. "If you can do that, then you can move on to my advanced classes."
Copper: (mind the proper nouns in the last sentence there? Bishop or Marth?)
RJ: (Bishop)
Copper: "I'll keep that in mind. Though you should be proud of it. Saved both of us." That might lead to conversations on other protective types of weaves, not necessarily as explosive as the one Marth designed but she knows it's possible to make armor, which, if there's fighting to be had, is a good thing to have. She does recall Bishop mentioned his rescue of Marth, but, again, something to discuss with the elf in a more private manner. "Got a ways to go, then. I understand the principle behind it. Marth and I talked about it while he put it around me the first time. But theory and practice are two different things."
RJ: "Speaking of," Francis began, halting the group. "We have company incoming." She said. It took Bishop a moment, but he seemed to focus, and gasp. "Indeed, how did..." Francis only smirked. "And that, my dear, is why Azure shall come to me for her masters training once she's done stepping over you~" Francis declared, before looking ahead. "It's your old friends, Azure. Though fear not, they're outmatched, such as it is." she said, and soon enough, familiar faces were caught in ambush ahead. Metal, the shinobi, the long red haired warrior, and a seething looking Lizard warrior, who seemed to be staring Azure down harder than Metal was.
RJ: No words, Metal made her intention clear, as mere instinct alone saved her. Her head dodging a lethal bolt of unknown conjure flowing from Metal's staff. "Damn, I missed your eyes, chosen one~" she chuckled.
Copper: "Was wondering when they were going to show up," the lamia mutters once Francis mentions 'old friends.' The fact that Metal calls her 'chosen one' doesn't sit right with her. Time to worry about that later. Right now, she has to play muscle. For the ones who weren't involved in the fight before, she points, in order, to the shinobi, the amazon, the lizard woman, and lastly Metal. "She's fast. She's strong. She's stronger. She's a bitch." She might have been meaning to say something else, but then again, given her history with Metal, probably not. And with that, the blades come off her back and she makes ready to keep the combatants away from the mages so they can provide support to her and Bella. "Walk away, Metal. Only chance." Not that she thinks it's going to work, but hey. Can't say she didn't try.
RJ: "Walk away? Do you honestly believe..." she chuckled at first, before her smile faded. "That the suffering I'd face from my boss can even compare to any threat you can give me?" she asked, her tone serious, and her real reason for being here showing itself. "Besides, you can go sit on a dildo, I'm not even the one that's going to kill you." she said, before the lizard woman intercepted anything Azure wished to do. Her eyes burning with fury. "I don't care about the ambitions of either of you, all I know is that you stood there while men fought the battle you should have. Now seeking to make them your lovers. You." She delivered a kick so hard it actually managed to send Azure sprawling back. She saw it, now she felt the dreadful powerhouse that Ragna and Zwei barely won against, with Marth's aid. "You are a disgusting creature. Honorless. Pathetic. Now die." she announced, coming at Azure with full intent on slaying her.
Copper: And that comment sat even less comfortably with Azure. Chances are, Francis might have an idea of what was going on but now wasn't the time to ask, especially with the lizard woman coming at her full bore. The plan actually wasn't to attack, so she's at least slightly prepared for the onslaught, despite the other woman getting the kick in. Some small part hoped she wouldn't let the others interfere, same as Azure wouldn't let any of her allies jump in, at least for this one. The kick makes her grunt and she'll twist around, righting herself, taking a swipe at the woman with her tail. "Did it occur to you they didn't want me to?" she counters. "So they could prove their worth without me stepping in?" Taking a defensive route with the powerhouse was only going to get her bruised but she did seem to have a code she followed. Appealing to that, while returning the onslaught, juuuust might be the way to get through to this one. Hopefully she doesn't have the same boss as Metal.
RJ: "Men are not fighters. They are husbands, tenders of the home. Further, I displayed to you full well what I could do. You risked their lives, their safety, on the excuse that you honor their wishes? As a woman, you should have known better. Through my mercy alone, the cat boy lived. If I was so less inclined." She dodged the tail, and struck Azure's guard with a clean sweep, moving so fast and so skillfully that Azure knew immediately that this woman possessed skills from a hundred battles. "He would be dead." she claimed. Then, the fighting broke out as some rushed to aid Azure and vice versa. With Azure reeling, the lizard warrior pointed her blade at Metal, who was weaving a spell to kill Azure in the confusion, and threatened her. "Interfere and you will die next, witch!" she announced. Then, Capri, of all people, tried to stop the woman from coming in for what he believed was a killing blow. Clearly pressured, he saw that Azure was about to be severely hurt. With her tail, she reeled it in, and delivered a hit to Capri's core, sending him sliding along the ground on his back to collapse into a heap. "THE NEXT TO DARE STEP FORTH WILL DIE!" she roared.
RJ: "It sickens me, how you need men like him to come save you." The lizard woman growled, making purchase on the limited time Capri gave, along with Metal, accidentally. Allowing Azure to recover.
Copper: ((Link: )
"Mine. Are," Azure hisses when the woman says that men aren't fighters. It's a declaration. Not of an order but of a fact. Having had time to catch her breath, she forces herself not to be distracted by Capri. "No handouts. No pity." She starts to take a page from Bella's book, using her blades and her tail to force the woman to fight on three fronts. "They knew you were stronger. They knew the risk. But they knew they'd never make it if they didn't beat you. Without me." In fact, Azure's definitely getting worked up, the evidence of that coming when the blade in her gloved hand seems to ignite. "Now it's my turn. No sidelines. Not this time." She's being careful, not wanting to leave herself open, but she's definitely pressing the attack rather than going the defensive route.
RJ: Her blades are met with blocks and parries, dodging what Azure tried to overwhelm her with in sheer number of attacks. Though one backpedal and her glowing blade grew bright with a blue energy, before the air grew cold and with one slash from afar, a torrent of what seemed to be hardened snow hit Azure, making her body tremble from the element. Further assaults were met with frustration. Azure, never having fought with such weaponry, was facing a duelist of profession. Though one chance came through in the midst of the duel to strike her vital neck. However, she ended up blocking it using her own arm. Azure cleaved along the flesh of her scaled limb. A blood splatter followed, but no more. Weaves seemed to instantly form and tighten around the wound, she held the wound shut in an instant and without blinking. In the meantime, her purchase was met with a followup. She reached forth, snaring Azure's neck and slamming her head first to the dirt. "You're an AMATEUR." she growled. "You offer nothing."
RJ: Azure's head spun, and the lizard woman rose her blade to impale it through Azure's neck. With brute force and skill alone, she was trumped. Though, despite facing similar odds, she saw Marth off to the side, actually having won against the shinobi. She looked unharmed, though she was laying on the ground, holding her face. He overcame the odds, and he shouted to Azure as such. "Azure! T-try to remember what I told you!" he said nervously. Francis, meanwhile, had Metal utterly defeated, bound in seaweed. "It's your turn to impress, Azure. Don't worry, if you die I'll take care of everything for you~"
Copper: Remembering anything was a bit difficult, but what stood out was to fight smart, not strong. Use your opponent's strength against them. And this one had a lot of strength. And a really big sword. A really big metal sword. Bringing a hand up, it looks like a last ditch effort to deflect the blow in some way. Instead, there's a crackle and the smell of ozone as she sends a current of lightning up along the length of the blade, letting it conduct upward and through her opponent. Probably not enough to kill her but hopefully it'll put her down for the count. If not, well, not like it's going to matter after this.
RJ: An unexpected effect. The electricity charged, and went into the sword. Or more appropriately, into the runes inscribed in the sword. "What are you doing!?" she exclaimed, whatever magics she had in there clearly weren't meant to mix as the sword became a lightshow. It started to spray magic everywhere. Ice, lightning, even ripping itself from her hands and spinning wildly as the weaving unraveled with such force that it put torque on the blade. The lizard woman dodged back as the sword went wild, hitting the ground, hitting trees, everyone stopping their fight to scramble out of the way of the wild blade. A red faced lizard woman, shocked, taking a knee with one claw on the ground, grolwed at Azure. "You idiot! Did you just learn how to weave yesterday!? How foolish!" she growled.
Copper: (Not to step on the moment, but, um, where's the Amazon?)
RJ: (It was sort of an unmentioned brawl in the background. But Bishop is in the back with her. Wink wink nudge nudge thwack shlap ting swish)
Copper: (hhehe. Just that you mentioned the shinobi was down, so was Metal. Just keeping tabs on my enemies)
Copper: Azure laughs. More of a manic cackle and she rolls, pushing herself up enough to get away from the lizard woman and closer to Capri. If he's too far, she concentrates on putting up a pair of shields, one over him and one over herself. "Day before!" comes out in that same, mildly hysterical tone. The aim is to stay covered until the sword burns itself out or gets lodged somewhere.
RJ: Making her way over to Capri, she'd find him comfortably laying on the ground. He seemed fine, as he chose to play possom. "Well, that was my first and last attempt to be useful in a fight. You worried me when you just started losing like that." he said.
RJ: Meanwhile, the sword seemingly... Flew off somewhere. And in her efforts to shield Capri, Azure would note that the lizard woman left. Francis merely giggled, her voice coming from the three women she now had strung up by their ankles on a tree branch like a trio of bananas, with Metal being the short banana.
Copper: "Second. Sort of," she corrects, since, well, he was present when Bella attacked, too. "And you worry me when you confront women who can do irrepairable damage to you." She's content to not chase after her opponent and willing to let her retrieve her sword, too. Given it was safe to be upright, Azure will straighten up, pick the leaves out of her hair, and offer a hand to Capri, hauling him back up to his feet as well. Approaching the merrow, she eyes Metal in particular. "What was she talking about? This boss of hers?" The question is more directed toward Francis than Metal, since, well, they probably won't get an answer out of the witch. At least not without a lot of cursing.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

RJ: And she was right. "Fuck you, shota bitch." she degraded Azure as being a pathetic little boy. She seemed highly bitter. It was also apparent that she enjoyed wearing red laced underwear given her skirt was now inneffectual. A sight that Capri seemed to take in for a moment. Francis merely hummed. "Probably a Cardinal Sin looking to take advantage of the situation." she theorized. "Jezebel, no doubt." she chuckled. "Normally, the best one to defeat a Cardinal Sin is someone compatible to the nature of the beast. I wonder if Fate had you in mind, thusly selecting you? I feel like we're being steered in that direction, since Jezebel continues to be a nuisance."
Copper: "Not happening," is Azure's counter to Metal's vitrol. "Well, she did call me an...agent of fate, was it?" She scratches the back of her head, wincing a little. "Chosen one." There's a bit of a chuckle. "Some chosen one." She sighs. "So what do we do with them? Doubt asking nicely will get them to back off."
RJ: "Drain her energy." Francis said flatly, and with a grin full of malice. "What!?" Metal exclaimed. "Another mamono's energy will make you sick, but this whelp is pretty human." she said, giving Metal's bare belly a slap as she wiggled in response. "Empty her and she'll be a threat to nobody. You can even have fun while doing it~" Francis cooed, smoothing her hand over Metal's thigh intentfully, making the witch much more stressed. "Leave me alone you fish freak!" Metal growled, before Metal let out an unknown pained noise when Francis pinched the skin over her ribcage.
Copper: Azure snorts a little. "If it means not having her come after us again, I'm all for it." There's a pause. "What about the other two?" Doesn't seem like she's being greedy, just cautious. They're mamono, so no draining, but she doesn't want to leave potential threats at their back. Then again, she's not bloodthirsty enough to end them outright. Punish them some, yes, since, well, payback for the boys and to take the fight out of them, but cutting them down when they're helpless isn't her style.
RJ: "No, fuck off!" Metal swung back and forth in an amusing manner. The other two were mostly dealing with Metal bouncing against them. "Uh, we're just sort of... Associates of... Profit, so..." The amazonian spoke haphazardly. "I'm tired of losing to the snake's friends. And metal is just obsessing over her lately. So I honestly don't care anymore. I just wanted the score from killing the snake then retiring."
RJ: Capri was inspecting Metal's body further, eying her bare back. "The fuck do you want?" she exclaimed. "You don't work out much." he noted. "Yes I do! And fuck you for that matter!"
Copper: "That's not happening either," is Azure's response to Metal's snarl to Capri. "What do you think?" she asks Francis. "Think they'll give us any more trouble?" If the merrow seems to think letting them go is a safe option, Azure will, though one at a time. She'll cut the shinobi down first and let her get clear and then the amazon. Metal, though, remains trussed up. Which sets Azure humming. Capri knows that hum. That's the 'I'm thinking evil thoughts' hum.
RJ: The merror agreed, though she whispered something to each as they were set free. The looks on their faces made it seem like the promise to never be a problem again seemed well and good. Metal meanwhile, swung about on her lonesome. "What are you waiting for!? Cut me down too!"
RJ: "Did you pick out a bra to match the panties?" Capri seemed curious. "The black strap IS the bra, you dumbass!" Capri hummed with a raised brow. "Really? You wear really revealing clothing. Though you could use some work in finding a middle ground between attractive and evil." he advised her. "Are you REALLY having this conversation!?" she growled.
Copper: "He's a mamono scholar, you know," Azure helpfully informs the witch, as if that completely explains Capri's line of question. "Very curious about us. And, well, now he's going to get to see something else first hand." She slithers around behind Metal, hooking her fingers beneath the waist of the witch's underwear and sliding them up her legs to get them out of the way. "You," she states, her tone having a punctuated quality to it, "have been quite the little pain in the ass. And somehow I don't think you're going to stop. So I'm going to make you, per Frances' suggestion." Metal then feels the trail of the lamia's tongue along the back of her thigh, sliding up from just under the curve of her ass to her knee.
RJ: When she slid the panties up, Metal squirmed. "W-wait, you're serious..." she seemed more pacified now. "Wait, I'm sorry. I'm helpless without my energy, I might not be able to survive. I'm sorry. Don't..." she let out a moan, and Azure felt a trickle of energy flow in from her tongue gracing the witch's flesh.
RJ: Her legs clamped together, thighs hiding the womanhood between them. But not from the front. "Come on!" she begged. "What did I ever do to you!?" she demanded to know. "You tried to kill her." Capri replied. "I meant recently!" She said back. "That was half an hour ago." he said flatly. "Semantics!"
Copper: (Damn. Sudden downpour up around here.)
Copper: Azure has to fight very hard not to snort out a laugh at the two of them. "I also seem to recall threats being made toward my boys." Metal can feel her lipping and nibbling at the backs of her thighs, swirling her tongue around the back of her knees. And while she might have closed herself off from behind, there's still one spot she hasn't quite. After Azure seems like she's done playing at the witch's legs, she drags her tongue down again, letting it swipe at the curves of her backside, trailing over to between her cheeks.
Copper: (Definitely have plans for upside down Metal. Evil, evil plans. But later. Since I really should head to bed.)
RJ: The small trickle continued, Metal's energy delicious and full of good, selfish feelings as Azure slowly savored her. "I was just playing! I-I just happen to play a little rough! Don't... H-hey! DON'T!" she gasped as the tongue went between her cheeks. Capri smiled, and Azure tasted a bit of it. Metal's excitement, spilling over from her womanhood up top. "Sorry, but I can't resist. You're a lot more pleasant to be around when you're all tied up and scared." Capri chuckled, as Azure saw a pair of hands fasten around Metal's hips, and Metal start squirming much more as Capri put his face right on her crotch. The only noises from Metal's mouth were moans and gasps, wiggling in place as Capri did something to her. His efforts were doing wonders with making her draining work better, loosening up Metal's soul for draining.
RJ: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I'm sorry alright!" she insisted as the two licked her. "Please, I need that energy to live! I'll do anything! I can make a pact with you! A pact! I'd rather serve than go empty!"
Copper: (Define 'pact')
RJ: (Witches basically making deals with people)
RJ: (person gets what they want from witch/demon, demon/witch getting something they want back)
RJ: (In the case of a cornered demon/witch, servitude)
Copper: (And now we walk the fine line between Az, well, really hating Metal and the fact that Az is probably CG and therefore not a complete and utter bitch at heart.)
RJ: (Hmm)
Copper: (Oh, just debating what I should do about Metal.)
RJ: (Clearly you should peel off her skin and eat it)
Copper: (ahno)
Copper: Azure will pause in her attentions, having an idea on what Capri's up to, especially with Metal being on the cusp of losing her energy. "See, the problem, Metal, is one, I don't trust you and two, you pissed me off three times. Why should I give you another chance?" Azure boosts herself up on her tail, giving herself some height. Given the way she's running her hangs up and down Metal's legs, she's clearly got something in mind for the suspended witch.
Copper: (And, on that note, bed for the time being.)
Copper: (Hands, too, btw. Not hangs, even if it fits with the suspension bit.)
RJ: (When you're about to get decked by Francis (Link: )
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

RJ: "B-because I'm good for it! Please! I'm offering you as much as I can to just... Spare me!" she insisted, before Capri chuckled at her words, her voice sounding childish as things went on. "Well, I don't mind someone dedicated to the cause. Plus, despite your absolutely rotten personality, you're good to look at. So, suffice it to say, I'm torn." he said. "So how about a trust exercise? I'll allow you the opportunity to drain me. But, it's up to Azure in the end to decide if you are given mercy, after she is done draining you. If you can resist the urge to sustain yourself, and trust us... I might see hope in you." he said, before doing just that, as Azure saw him let 'it' hang before Metal, obviously aroused. Metal's demeanor became predatory for a moment, before she winced... Showing restraint. And as Azure moved up, she'd find Metal gingerly letting her legs part, as much as she could given she was hanging by her ankles and bound.
RJ: With that, Capri rose his head to Azure and grinned. He looked proud that he made Metal behave.
Copper: "I don't know. There was that comment about not doing worse to you than your boss could. Personally, I still don't trust you not to stab us in the back first chance you get." True, he had, but with those words, it's very clear Az doesn't trust the witch, pact or no pact, exercise or not. Still, if she is going to go along with observing Metal's trust, well, the witch isn't going to drain herself. She seems a little disappointed she can't manipulate Metal overmuch, given how bound she is, but thankfully, Az possesses a very limber tongue. Even with Metal only able to part her legs slightly, she'll feel the slide of it along her crease and then back, which enables Azure to wriggle the tip of it between Metal's folds, teasing her with the motion of it, including dips inside of her, that draw of her energy still constant.
RJ: "W-wait, listen!" she declared. "If we... If we team up, she won't have a chance, right? Y-you're strong, have strong friends... Jezebel is just a punk anyway! Plus, she has... Over a hundred, beautiful, attractive male slaves. With my knowledge of her lair, you could knock her over and take it all for yourself! I can be useful to you!" she insisted, before twitching a bit as Azure gently tongued her. "Oi, lets make this a little easier." Capri said, taking her bonds, and adjusting them, such that her legs were strapped to two odd ends of the branch, spread out. "Be good, and allow my wife to be here to drain your soul." he said. "Also, I find I cannot remain idle either, so don't take anything." He said, introducing his length into her mouth. Metal was clearly struggling against the instinct that possessed both her and Azure now as well, to feed. "Take... As much as you'd like." she said, before her cheeks were bulging with each motion they made together. This was it's own form of torture, like experiencing pleasure while being starved and forced to ignore a feast before you.
Copper: Not that Metal can see it, but at that offer, Azure shoots a look over to Francis, arching a brow in the merrow's direction. While the bribe about the slaves doesn't quite do it as far as sweetening the pot, the inside information might be handy. In the meantime, in addition to having Capri in front of her, Metal can feel Azure's tongue wriggling inside of her, plunging in and out in a steady rhythm, the lamia's lips close enough to allow her to suck on the witch's clit every so often on top of the full sensation that's coming from Azure's attentions. And though she is allowing the sensation of feeding and drawing from Metal to fill her senses, she's keeping in mind that there's the potential for the witch to draw off of Capri and even if he was the one to put himself in that situation, she wants to make sure he's not at risk.
Copper: (Also, Capri is a brave man. Last I remember, Metal has pointy teeth.)
RJ: (That's more scary but even so, teeth are teeth)
RJ: Observing, Azure noted Metal was still behaving. Capri as well showed no signs that he was being drained. "Oh!" Capri gasped. "Shorry...!" Metal insisted. "Forgot about the teeth... Wow, those could bite through steel." he observed. Metal didn't comment further, just moaning as Azure steadily massaged her insides and toyed with her clit, Capri moving in mid session to kiss Azure and take a turn playing with her button, wagging his tongue back and forth like a tail along her point. Azure felt no resistance, able to drink Metal's soul like a treat. Like that, all of Metal's emotions flowed into her. As to be expected, the pleasure of selfish desires entered her. All of the precious things in life that made Metal happy, Azure felt as if she was taking those good feelings. Light headed, happy, and content. Metal's spirit filled her and made her giddy.
RJ: Slowly, Metal became more limp, her legs trembling as the pair seemed to be working her towards something. The meat of Metal's soul becoming available. The time to devour Metal was nearing, as she did with Bishop. The barriers of her soul weakening. Tempting Azure to dig in, and absorb Metal's essence. Meanwhile, Francis just smirked in response. Capri was the first to go despite it all. Holding Metal's head to his crotch with both hands, moaning as he closed his eyes, and sounds of Metal swallowing came forth.
RJ: "By the way, you can thank me later for preemptively removing Marth to go fetch berries with Bishop. Poor boy might think you evil~" Francis chuckled.
RJ: "Mmm, yes. Wouldn't want to be in the same boat as Francis." Capri chuckled. Francis' smile faded. "Pardon?" Capri just chuckled.
Copper: What might make matters worse for Metal is Azure draws back, keeping her right on that edge, not giving her a physical release and allowing that sensation to linger while she talks to the merrow. "What'cha think about the info?" That's not to say she doesn't keep teasing Metal while she's doing it, but the witch isn't getting the other woman's full attention Not yet. "Think it's worth it?" Francis is the one that seems to know the most about their adversaries. If she thinks Metal's deal is worth it, there's a good chance the witch is going to get spared. Otherwise, Azure looks like she's going to dive right back in, so to speak.
RJ: Metal was panting with Capri going for round two. Her body twitching and squirming as she was being devoured by Azure, kept close to release so that she was full of life only to lose most of it. Francis hummed. Though her response was delayed, it seemed she was lost for a moment watching Azure dominate Metal. "That depends on you I think. This beast looks like she could be tamed."
Copper: "Not interested." Seems having Tabith around was enough for Azure. Not to mention she'd already expressed her displeasure with the witch overall. Seems that unless Francis intends to intervene, Azure's going to finish what she started, plunging that tongue of hers back inside of Metal and letting it wriggle, actually curling to hit sensitive spots inside of her, there being enough pressure behind it to tip Metal over that final edge.
RJ: Metal's eyes went wide and her whole body twitched, as Azure took a massive chunk of her remaining soul, devouring it until she felt overflowing again, rich with pleasurable energies from the now drained witch. Now mostly limp, it seemed Metal was hanging on an inch of power. Capri groaned. "Well, I wouldn't mind the extra information, or a tamed witch for that matter." he said on the side. "She's like a dog, willing to do her best for her master when encouraged proper." he chuckled. Hearing Capri side with her, weakly, she moved her mouth, tears flowing as it were. "Still hasn't taken a drop. Honestly her determination is endearing."
Copper: (Okay, Az is not taking Capri's comments into account. If *Francis* who is apparently spearheading this whole 'chosen one' campaign wants to chime in with 'sure, we could use the intel' then Az will stop. Otherwise, Metal is going to learn the same lesson Bishop did: Don't rattle the snake.)
RJ: (Francis' answer was in the vein of, the intel would be good if you think you can take it)
Copper: (Okay, you never really said that.)
Copper: (She's not interested in keeping Metal around, which is what I got from the last comment from Francis)
RJ: (I was not completely clear, no.)
Copper: If it seems like Metal's bound and determined to hold on to that thread, Azure will draw back. "You really think that info you have is worth resisting me for, Metal?" Granted, she knows it's also a matter of survival for the witch, but if she's that set, then Azure seems willing to hear her out.
RJ: At that point, Metal had no power to resist. It was simply a matter of having enough left over after Azure swallowed a figurative mouthful. All the same, Capri dislodged his length and allowed her to speak, which came in a whimpered weak voice. "I promise... I promise... I... B-be good... Jezebel..."
RJ: The name Jezebel rolled off her tongue not as if she thought she was talking to the person, but rather trying to mention.
Copper: That did cause a brief arch of the lamia's brow, but after the minute or two it takes to process the witch's tone, she settles. "What about her?"
RJ: It takes her a moment. "I... Baphomet... Portal... Fortress..."
Copper: That will get a glance over to Francis. There's a few things that can be put together with that, but there's still a lot of blanks.
RJ: Francis nodded. "There was an attack against Jezebel's fortress a while ago after the destruction of Waymeet initially. Though the portal that was used was gained through Baphomet's doing in her favor. Those associated with demons almost always know a way back to their realm in case things get too hot. I'd imagine she knows where a different portal is."
Copper: (doing in her favor?)
RJ: (Baphomet acting in Jezebel's favor)
Copper: (doing her a favor, then? Sorry, the phrase seems weird to me.)
RJ: (Yeah, Baphomet in ye lore is often opening portals for demons and allowing them to be safe just by being there. In exchange, she basically runs a toll booth for all the energy she could ask for.)
Copper: (oh, okay. Now the sentence makes sense. it's still weird. The portal used was Baph's doing in her (either Baph's or the one who attaced Jez's) favor. Yes?)
RJ: (In the counterattack, they made a desperate attempt to save them, which would have ended horribly if Baphomet was actually there. Thanks to Cynthia, the counterattack happened the moment Baphomet went to go fight a chosen and eat them.)
RJ: (So they stormed through the portal and returned the citizens, causing waymeet to rebuild.)
RJ: (It's an entire arc that never saw the day of light because both players involved dropped)
Copper: "I'll give you a deal, Metal. If the information on the portal is good, I'll let you take a little back before I cut you loose. Then I never want to see you again." She knows better than to mention the other two. Metal likely won't have much sway with them after this. Not to mention they didn't exactly seem interested in fighting with her in the first place. The lizard, maybe, but not the amazon. "But you bother me again and your soul won't be the only thing I devour. Do you understand me?"
RJ: She nodded, and Capri looked a little disappointed. "I'll do whatever you ask, and answer any question! J-Just please, mercy..."
Copper: She'll right the witch, so she's not upside-down any more, though she doesn't undo any bindings around her arms or torso. "So tell me about this portal, Metal. Where is it? How's it open?" She's not exactly letting her off the hook, either, curling her tailtip around, letting that slide back and forth between the other woman's legs while she questions her.
RJ: She squirms, in a most appealingly helpless kind of way to the motions of her tail. "T-the mountain! South of the Magi lair! Where the dark clouds gather, y-you can't miss it! Just search for Baphomet's energy!" she declared. "It opens as Baphomet gathers men and women she's captured together and performs an orgy en masse during the black sabbath. All the witches of her coven commit acts of great debauchery to drain the souls of the captive humans, turning the men into slaves, branding them with heretical marks, and trying to convert the women into fellow witches. With all the energy they gather Baphomet breeches a hole through our dimensions, and reaches Hell, where she allows more demons to come into this world after paying her toll."
Copper: Azure listens to what the witch has to say, raising a brow at her words, though it's more in question to Francis. "Worthwhile information, would you say?" Azure seems willing enough to let her go after this one, but if Francis can think of anything else to ask, then she's willing to field the merrow's questions.
RJ: Francis shrugs. "About as worthwhile as we're going to get if we let her loose here. I can understand where both you and Capri are coming from with those expressions on your faces. You're both correct in your own way, naturally." She said, Capri rose his hands at that. "Come on now, the neutral approach?" he whined. "Keeping Metal around is just as risky as it is valuable. You know that."
Copper: "It's a lead. Whether we take it or not or just use the information later on, I'm willing to concede that Metal kept up her end of the deal." As such, she'll allow the witch to draw from Capri, but she's keeping a close eye on her. She's only allowing her to take enough so that she won't be completely helpless out here.
RJ: Capri went to her, getting Metal loose and allowing her to get the blood in her body flowing somewhere other than her head. Then he decided to let the energy sharing happen through a sudden embrace. His mouth went to her ear, and Metal looked at him, as is shocked, before she moaned as he took a bite at her earlobe, and let her go after she took a bit from the embrace.
RJ: After that, Metal looked to and fro, sparing a longer glance at Capri, before picking herself up and clothing herself once more to walk away from the scene, her head hanging a bit, often sparing glances back at the group until she was out of sight.
RJ: "You're a cruel woman, Azure." Capri stated. "I wanted to bully her more, but you instead hogged all the fun."
Copper: Azure will watch the witch go but there's no indication the lamia is going to call her back. "She's lucky I didn't eat her after everything she pulled," comes her response to Capri's remark, her gaze sliding over to him. Might be one of the first indications he gets that Azure actually does have a breaking point. It's just not something she lets others see all that often.
RJ: Capri was standing with a bit of weight on one leg, his arms crossed. A bit of a cool stance that seemed to ignore the fact that the man was pitching a tent that he apparently accepted wholeheartedly as something he couldn't prevent. And so he stood with his manhood more pointed than his nose.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

RJ: "Well, I'm not sure which was more dangerous. Keeping her close or letting her go. I would have liked to keep a direct eye on her while making her useful."
Copper: "It wasn't your call to make. It was mine." Azure somehow manages to mimic his stance, despite not having defined legs, her arms crossed as well. "In any event, she won't be a problem for us right now and if she does cross us again, I'll make good on my threat. I've got too much else going on to have to worry if she's going to stab me in the back."
RJ: "Hopefully you won't have to worry about that." he said, looking to Francis. "Francis, shall we carry on?" he inquired. "Hah, well," Francis rose her right shoulder. "I would have preferred to remain here to offer my guidance on preferential questions further, but I suppose we can continue our wonderful treck~" she offered with a smirk.
Copper: "Yes, the ones you were being rather vague in answering." Azure shakes her head. Hopefully the others will wander back soon, then they can really get going. In the meantime, Az will work on breaking down the camp.
RJ: "Honestly the correct decision relies on morality," she said, packing up her own things. "Unless you were asking me personally how I would handle it? I doubt you'd have found it correct, given the company you wish to keep."
Copper: "You'd have kept her, then?" It's just a question.
RJ: "I'd have killed her. The matters of demons are unimportant to me."
Copper: Azure simply lets out a "Huh" sort of sound and puts her attention back on her task. Doesn't look like she feels a need to argue with the merrow. Nothing, it seems, to discuss further. Once the camp's broke down, she simply waits for the others to return.
RJ: And they did, with Marth and Belle in the back, suddenly very talkative together. It wasn't always clear what the conversation was, but it was apparent they were sharing weave techniques and various tricks, the occasional flare of rainbow colored light came as they showed each other light shows of small splendor. Giving various "wow!" and laughters aplenty. Then a moment of silence as the two of them walked, playing the equivalent of thumb wrestling with their weaves to try and beat the other. Marth apparently lost a lot to Belle. But he took his losses gracefully and the two of them were constantly smiling.
RJ: Meanwhile, Bishop looked with eyes full of daggers at Belle.
Copper: Of course he is. Because someone other than him holds Marth's attention. Likely too much to hope that bonding with the others would make Belle give up her insane idea to duel Azure again but she wasn't about to discourage it, either. By now, the evidence of their conversation with Metal would likely be cleared up along with the camp. "You two done playing?" Azure teases the two youths. "Or do we have to postpone leaving for a bit longer?"
RJ: The two broke up their conversation just enough to say in unison, "We're waiting on you!" they said, before both laughing about how in sync they were. The joy they took in that revelation made everyone else visibly cringe.
Copper: Including Azure. "Go on, then. Get going." She'll make a shooing motion with her tail. "Probably not good to keep an old crow waiting. Even if she doesn't know we're coming. Or does she?" That last bit is directed toward Francis. Meanwhile, Azure will shoulder her bag and make ready to head off.
RJ: Francis took note of the comment on the crow. "It's... Best not to talk ill on those who might be listening." Francis declared as Azure lifted her bag, and found a tear in it causing some items to fall out. A repair that Marth could fix quickly. Francis said nothing further on the topic and continued to lead the way.
Copper: "I'm sorry, was that ill?" Azure's brows go up, maybe a little more annoyed at the 'convenience' of the accident than repentent on her comment about Cynthia. She'll let Marth patch the thing up, if only for the sake of speed and once her things are back in, she'll make ready to set off again, following Francis' lead, since she's the one who seems to know where the tengu's tower is.
RJ: Marth decided to chip in, "Because many species don't have too much difference in obvious appearance to outsiders, rare species that are not often scene are thought to be the same person over and over again. So in such a case it's an insult to assume one of such species' age. When people were thinking the daughter was the mother, I suppose someone got angry."
RJ: With that being said, they continued onwards. On the way, it became increasingly apparent that Francis was starting to have difficulties. Belle in particular seemed to notice. "Hey, are you trying to get us lost? You keep turning and I'm losing track of which way to go." she criticized. Francis merely kept facing forward. "Be silent until we reach the tower." she said. "We won't find it if you keep zig zagging and-" Belle came to a stop, as did everyone else, as they looked up to behold, with the shifting of the sun, and a cast of shadow, the tower seemed to magically appear before their eyes. Made of strange white marble and painted glass, it was like the sun's reflections managed to completely hide it. As the sun slowly moved, Azure saw it slowly fading away. Twas as if they needed to stand in such a specific spot for the light's rays to show them the tower. "... Woah..." Marth marveled at the sight.
RJ: Though, for what they all saw, Capri seemed to spot something else. Looking away from the astonishing sight of the tower, his vision attracted Azure's by pure instinct. His gaze was locked on a single figure with a crow's legs, perched on a brown oak's branch while holding one of her own feathers. (Link:
RJ: "Azure." the woman spoke. "Suffice it to say... You arrived later than expected." she spoke in a most calm and controlled voice, as if speaking indoors when people were sleeping. Such a tone she carried that was well enough to help one sleep. "Francis... Thank you." she said, and while suddenly looking subdued, grin and all, Francis gave a respectful nod to the crow, whose human arms and small wings, as she seemed to fall from the branch but at a light hover, transformed into a full set of bird wings alone, much like traditional harpies. "You're here to learn, and I have been waiting to teach, chosen. Please, speak to me. My name is Cynthia Fyre, and I worship the goddess that gave you your power."
RJ: Cynthia's eyes, when they looked upon her, made Azure feel stripped of secrets and all. Such a gaze had such a piercing look to them that Azure would feel ethereal to such intense observational eyes. The blood red iris coloration was almost as if it was Azure's own blood flowing in her veins reflecting in her eyes.
Copper: Azure had no doubt that the difficulty in finding Cynthia's tower wasn't all on Francis, despite Belle's lamentations. Given Cynthia was a powerful weaver, the lamia had no doubt there were protections put in place to keep the unwanted out. Regardless, she finds the tower itself rather beautiful, when she can keep an eye on it.
The tengu is a little easier to watch and despite her similarities to the other avians, none of Azure's instincts seem to kick in. It's probably due to Cynthia's presence. "If you're talking about today, we had a bit of a detour," Azure replies with a bit of a chuckle at the comment about being late. "If you're talking just in general, well, this is the first I've been informed of the special nature of, well, myself." Referring, of course, to Francis' comments about her soul which sparked this whole journey. "I appreciate that you're willing to take the time to help, though if rumors be true, not sure how much time we'll have for it." Given all the trouble at Undine's temple and the like.
RJ: The crow tengu nodded. "You will be able to return in time to protect those you care for," she stated, despite never having met Azure before. Then, she walked toward the tower, which had a set of grand double doors. Great might would be required to move them, but with two threads, the crow interacted with something, and they opened slowly, and easily. There was no feasible way Azure could see to replicate what she did, only that she did it with virtually no loss in power. "Come inside, there is much to discuss..." she said, as Azure would note first that the first floor was about two stories high, and held a pair of archways leading floors up and below. The first floor didn't have much to behold, other than a gathering of statues that all looked like carbon copies of Cynthia's likeness. But upon closer evaluation, they were honorable statues dedicated to her predecessors. Each held a name, and a date. There seemed to be space for one more, but the pedastle was without a crow tengu. It's name beheld, "Cynthia Fyre" as the title holder. All the other statues had Fyre as the last name as well.
RJ: Everyone else funneled inside, all but Francis were amazed at the sight. "T-that's... There's already a statue prepared for you? Isn't that... Morbid?" Marth said in a bit of shock. Cynthia glanced back at him. "No, it's just destny. I'm not worried, I will leave behind a successor to carry on my work. I have nothing to fear."
RJ: "By the way, shouldn't we close the doors?" Marth inquired. "There will be another arrival soon." Cynthia declared, and if Azure looked, there was far in the distance, a singular, tiny looking blonde girl coming forth from afar, wearing pink, white, and brown attire. She looked a bit like a sweet flavored pastry dish.
Copper: Azure doesn't question Cynthia's knowledge. For all she knew, she could've been the one to direct Francis to the boys. She finds the statues interesting in a way, and not at all morbid, though she doesn't voice that fact. "Should we wait, then? Give her a chance to catch up?" The newcomer was definitely a source of interest, especially since, at least from a distance, she didn't appear to be a mamono. Which might mean another witch. Or a human. A damn lucky human.
RJ: Bell seemed fixated on the approaching figure, as if they caught their eye substantially. "I think... I think I know that person... And I think they're... Incredibly stupid for following me." Bellezza stated flatly.
RJ: "Someone you know?" Marth asked in place of Azure. "Yeah... And since they followed me, that only means that their chastity is in danger around this woman." Bellezza indicated towards no one in particular.
Copper: Azure has a brief look on her face like "Oh good. Another one." Though it's a suffering-matron look rather than delight. After the explanation, her lips quirk into a bit of a grin. "If it hasn't already been compromised. So, who is that, Belle? Another hero come to rescue you?"
RJ: Belle turned to her. "They're not like me. Far from a hero. They're more... Nobility. How they've lasted alone in the world of mamono while searching for me, I won't guess, but I'm sure they've got it stuck in their head that they're going to rescue me. If you hurt Charlotte at all, I will skin your scales." Bell warned her.
RJ: Marth nervously butted in, "B-Belle, it's fine, Azure respects your duel, s-so why don't we all be friends?" he asked. Belle softened a bit at Marth's charm. "... It's hard to trust a mamono."
Copper: Azure has this look on her face as though she were going to say something, but Marth's interruption obviously prompts her to keep it to herself. "Well, you're not wrong in that line of thinking," she says instead. "We are lusty, duplicitious, greedy creatures after all. Some of us just keep it in check better than others."
RJ: "I suppose that's true." Bell said. "But keep in mind I don't judge you based on blind malice, but because I remember the... Suggestions you made at me should I fail to beat you in our next duel." Bell visibly shivered. "You're a wicked woman."
RJ: "I don't think joining us would be that bad?" Marth said, totally confused. Belle just adopted a pained face. Marth's obliviousness sticking needles into Belle.
Copper: The lamia's lips just curled up into that lacivious smile of hers as Belle mentioned their upcoming duel. "Marth, let's worry about that when the time comes. Though I think dear Bellezza is having naughty thoughts that are going hand-in-hand with joining us." Never mind that Az was the one who put them into the hero's head. It's the fact that Belle seems to still be thinking about the situation that amuses her.
RJ: Bell seemed highly irritated at that accusation. "I'm not having any such thoughts of impurity! Stop mocking me or I'll kickstart the duel to today!"
RJ: Marth seemed to be at a loss. "W-why can't you two stop jabbing each other..."
Copper: "And go back on your word?" Azure looks taken aback, making a 'tsk'ing noise, which is impressive with the forked tongue and all. "So, Charlotte, hmm? She's very...colorful." Best to change the subject before she gets Belle too worked up.
RJ: As if a red aura of flame erupted around Bell, Azure felt the air itself become ten degrees warmer from Belle's seething anger. Marth seemed inclined to agree with the topic change. "She looks cute, like a pink glazed cream horn!" He chuckled. At the words he chose to use, Bishop, Belle, and Francis all blinked and stared wide eyed at Marth.
Copper: Azure had a feeling starting something in Cynthia's tower would probably be a bad idea, but that was up to the tengu to regulate, since the lamia was already for the subject change. Still, learning a few more of Belle's buttons was potentially useful. "I was going to say that she looked like a three-cream toffee. You know the ones, right?" Seems she's having more fun with Marth than gigging Belle.
RJ: "Oooh, that sounds delicious too." Marth replied, though it seemed he lost all thought process of Charlotte at that point and was just thinking about eating sweets.
Copper: That makes Az giggle a little and she'll shoot a glance toward Belle out of the corner of her eye. The hero can only imagine the 'delicious' comparisons that might be running through the lamia's head, especially with that grin. Instead of saying anything, she'll put her attention on Marth. "Bit of a sweet tooth, hmm?"
RJ: Marth nodded, "I'd fight someone over a strawberry birthday cake, with iced cream and sugar frosting..." Marth seemed to squirm with delight, overcome with sweet sugary joy. Then, once Charlotte got closer, she seemed to hit the point where the tower came into view fully, and hid behind a tree. As if she were fooling everyone. "Charlotte..." Belle said with a sigh.
RJ: Marth looked to Azure, "Want to go make a good first impression?" he asked her.
Copper: That bit of information gets filed away for later. "Just yelling out 'Come on in' probably wouldn't do it, huh?" Azure chuckles. "Maybe Belle and I should go. So long as Cynthia keeps the door open for us. Hate for the place to wink out while we were going to get her."
RJ: Cynthia stood to the side, and shook her head. "Take your time." she said, closing her eyes and nodding her head with an old fashioned sense of respect. Belle meanwhile seemed torn between greeting Charlotte and chasing them off.
Copper: Azure will give the tengu a nod of thanks. "Shall we go? You can introduce me to your cute little friend." Whether Belle goes with her or not, Azure's heading out to go say hello to Charlotte.
RJ: Belle grimaced at Azure, before following along, moving forth....
Re: The Deciever and the Black Feathered Weaver (Azure;Copper)

Chapter 2: The Deciever and the Black Feathered Weaver

RJ: Charlotte, who hid away trying to remain incognito, found the group she was looking at approaching, Belle, the lamia, and the mage all coming forth. The mage outright called out. "Hello? Miss Charlotte? My name is Marth, we're not scary. We heard you're a friend of Miss Bellezza's?"
Copper: "Might as well come on out, dear. We saw you coming up."
Fmokou: Charlotte felt a shiver going down her spine, when the elven mage woman suddenly called out to her. She stepped away from the bush she was hiding in, and in front of the group. Her dress looked tattered, and her hair was messy. ‘’A-Ah, I suppose there is no reason to hide then. Indeed, I’m Bellezza’s friend, Charlotte Foleo. Excuse my manners for eavesdropping.’’
RJ: (Elven mage man. Marth isn't some cross dressing deviant!)
RJ: (Wait, the hell, not elven at all)
Copper: (Was going to say...)
RJ: (Youuuu)
Fmokou: (ah my bad)
RJ: (The other mage was an elven man, Bishop, if you've read the thread.)
Copper: (Besides, even if Marth were a girl, it wouldn't change anything. Just like it doesn't change anything that Belle and Char are boys *weg*)
RJ: Bellezza was the first to speak up. "What are you doing out here, Charlotte? Do you even have an inkling of an idea of how dangerous it is outside the estate? There's a reason why the church has a military. You're lucky you even made it to me at all, and not a chew toy for some creature in the wilderness."
Copper: "Sometimes it's that ignorance--pardon the term--that can be a blessing," Azure remarks. "Though Belle does have a point. You're an incredibly lucky young lady."
RJ: (Figure I might as well construct some order here. if the last two posts made were not yours, it's your turn to post)
Copper: (Fair enough. Esp. since it doesn't show when others are typing.)
Fmokou: (Sounds good.)
RJ: (I'm allowed to post more though because I'm the GM. Neener Neener.)
Copper: (Mutiny!)
Fmokou: Charlotte looked downcast at the floor, she knew that going for Belle was dangerous, but when she didn’t hear anything from Belle for several months, she couldn’t sit back and wait. “I came to find you, of course! We haven’t heard anything from you at home. I was worried that something terrible had happened to you.” Charlotte said rather emotionally. “What was I supposed to do? Stay home and hope nothing bad happened to you?’’
Copper: Azure glanced over at Belle, still grinning a bit. "Well, well. You've got yourself a champion."
RJ: Bell took a deep breath as Azure spoke, twisting her lips. "I can handle myself. I'm a proud warrior, who seeks to die in duty to our lord and chief god over our realm. Do you understand the weight of that duty?" Bell inquired. "It's not some ball room dance or play in the Opera, it's the hardcore reality of life as a champion of God's army. To slay mamono and demons in her name!" Bell spoke with enthusiasm. Even while such a mamono stood right behind them, unslain.
Copper: Charlotte might catch the twitch of the lamia's tail while Belle speaks. "Marth...you understand humans more. Why is the dying thing so important? Or should I go ask Capri?"
RJ: Marth replied. "When a proven hero or warrior of the order dies, their spirit is taken by the Valkyrie to become an angel in heaven."
Fmokou: Charlotte put her hand in front her mouth while looking amused at Belle. “The great and honorable warrior, that got her ass beaten and currently is traveling with a mamono.’’ Charlotte retorted with a small giggle. “If you’re the champion of the God’s army, then why are you traveling with her?” Charlotte said, while rudely pointing and glaring at Azure. “At least I’m good at my job.’’ Charlotte said puffing out her cheeks.
RJ: Bell took a moment, clearing her throat, stepping forth, and putting her hands on Charlotte's shoulders, leaning forward to place her forehead against Charlotte's. "You're my friend, right? And friends understand that, if their friend punishes them severely for speaking out of tone, then it's only for their good right? Because I really, really did not need you to remind me of current circumstances."
Copper: "Now, Belle, that is no way to treat your friend who clearly risked an awful lot to come and make sure you were all right and not, say, in the thrall of some sex-crazed spawn of a demon."
RJ: "The only part I know for certain is not, is the thrall part." Bell replied.
RJ: "What does sex crazed mean." Marth inquired.
Copper: "My mother is a very nice lady and not a demon, thank you. Maybe I'll bring you to meet her someday. And my sisters. All five of them." She'll turn her attention to the mage. "Means I like sex. A lot, sweetness. Some might say to the point of not being able to control oneself." Time to do a little magic of her own and turn the mage pink.
Fmokou: Charlotte pulls herself away from Belle, both slightly embarrassed and annoyed. “Humph, I see you haven’t lost that attitude yet.’’ Charlotte said. “I’m sorry. I know I shouldn’t tease you when you’re obviously in trouble, now on to business.” Charlotte said clearing her throat, before facing the lamia that stole Belle from her. “Is there something I can offer for you to let Belle go?”
RJ: Marth looked up at her, entirely focused on her. Turn pink, he did not. Instead, Marth gave her such a smile of confidence that made him seem like the angel more than Bell ever did. "It's okay, Azure, I know you'll control yourself. I have faith that you'd never hurt us." Marth said, with stunning faith in the lamia. Even if he seemed the miss the mark on what she was talking about.
RJ: Meanwhile, Bell just shuddered. "Damned snake... Deviant...!"
RJ: In the midst of all this, a charming looking man that seemed to be from a wealthy family appeared before Charlotte. (Link: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/album.php?a...org/bbs/album.php?albumid=863&pictureid=12648
RJ: "If there were such a device that could measure innocence and purity, you'd have popped it, Marth." he chuckled, the man known as Capri. "Another one, huh?" he inquired at Charlotte. "Name is Capri. Welcome to the fun."
Copper: And that is why she adores him. "You're very right, Marth," she says, giving him a smile. At Charlotte's question, Azure cants her head to the side. "Actually, if you want the truth, I'm not keeping Belle." There's a pause and a very slight grin as her gaze slides over the hero. "Yet. She has this...well, it's the hero thing. She won't leave me alone until we've dueled again and I'm not about to let her run around loose where someone less understanding that I am can get at her. She's actually free to leave me and mine alone whenever she wants. She just doesn't seem to want." At Capri's approach, she smiles, moving over to hook him around the waist. "Another one, dear?"
RJ: Capri made finger motions at Belle and Charlotte. "That, and that, makes two."
Copper: Capri, being closer to the lamia, might catch the couple of sniffs she does, her brow furrowing a little, and then the deep breath she draws in. "Ah, there it is," she breathes out quietly. "You, my darling, are very observant."
RJ: "Tis my craft."
Fmokou: All the perverted comments and jokes went right above Charlotte’s head. She was almost as inexperienced in those matters as the mage. She raised her eyebrow at Capri’s assessment, did he know about their secret. Not that it mattered after hearing what Azure had to say. Hopefully Belle would leave together with her. “Ah, pleased to meet you.” Charlotte said politely, making a little bow. “Belle, why are you sticking around if she didn’t capture you? You should come back to the estate with me, and tell everyone you’re fine.”
RJ: Belle adopted a serious look, and pointed at Azure. "I gave this snake time. Once that time is up, then I will kill her in a duel. This time was given due to my initial failure, and her sparing me. But it will be different next time, next time I will-" Marth cut in, "Lose, and then we can read books together all the time!" Marth said, derailing Bell again. "You know what, fuck it. Oh boy, this tower sure looks mysterious." Belle said, marching into the tower.
Copper: "When I'm not keeping her busy," Azure chirps after Marth's comment about reading with Belle. She lets the hero go, putting her attention on Charlotte. "Did you really come all this way just to try and find Belle and bring her home?"
Fmokou: ““Belle!” Charlotte called out. “Stop being so careless, you don’t have to prove yourself against everyone, you know!” Charlotte said, though she shouldn’t be the one to talk, considering she wasn’t being particularly careful either. “Can you for once not be so stubborn, and accept your defeat gracefully!’’ Charlotte yelled at Belle, when she stepped into the tower. “O-Of course not, I am just worried sick about her. She has always been this reckless. I just wanted to know if she was alright or not.” Charlotte explained to the lamia. “I would love for Belle to come back with me though. Her parents are worried about her, and I have something important to ask her.”
Copper: "All this way. Past powers know how many mamono. For a question." Azure shakes her head. "Children and fools truly are blessed with protection," she murmurs. "Well," she states a little louder, "can't have you running off back where you came from without getting it answered. Come on." She'll nod back toward the tower. "Best to bring you in, too, before you attract more attention than you want to have right now."
Fmokou: “I don’t think I have much choice but to travel with you, this forest is very confusing and I have no idea how to get back from here. My question can wait until Belle returns from her journey, and knowing she’s safe is the most important part.” Charlotte said to Azure. “Besides, you don’t have to worry about me, mamono usually ignore ladies like me.’’ Charlotte said with a smile, following the lamia into the tower. “I hope I am not rude by asking this, but what’s your name?”
Copper: "I've a feeling there are very few ladies like you." Azure's tone might actually be construed as flirty, though it's a bit hard to tell. At the question, she'll glance over to the human. "I'm sorry, I'd have sworn Marth called me by name. I guess not. I'm Azure. That's Marth and this is Capri." She'll indicate each of the men respectively. "This tower belongs to Cynthia Fyre, a very distinguished mage and scholar. There's also a couple more of my travelling companions inside."
Fmokou: That comment made Charlotte blush a little, she had a feeling that they indeed knew about her secret. “I know. I just wanted to be sure. It would be improper of me to call you by a nickname or something.” Charlotte said, making a courteous bow when Azure introduced the men. She had heard the name Cythnia Fyre in passing, but wasn’t too familiar with her, though she was curious what Belle wanted from her. “I see. You’ve made quite the collection for yourself. I hope Belle hasn’t been too problematic, that girl can be extremely reckless.” Charlotte sighed. “A-And… y-you haven’t done anything… strange to her right?’’ Charlotte asked with a furious blush.
RJ: Francis, who was watching from the side, decided to quietly chuckle. "Well, you'll find her physical form unharmed, but Azure subjected her to... Many curious visual stimuli~"
RJ: (Francis is the Merrow, pink, curly hair, and a creepy smile)
Copper: They’d been around Belle for obviously an extended period of time and given Capri’s words, they’d figured it out. Still, Belle was still Belle, so they seem fine with the two of them keeping up their guises, it would seem. “Well, we haven’t known each other long enough for nicknames, it would seem. Or for you to start using ‘Mistress.’” The last bit seems an off-handed joke on the lamia’s part. As she calls her group a ‘collection,’ Azure chuckles. “Well, these are just the ones who came with me, too.” She’ll let that sink in for a minute or two before there’s a sort of stunted, disbelieving laugh that seems to come from the lamia’s nose. “She did try to kill us.
Copper: Well, me, specifically. And then there’s that whole dying in battle thing she won’t let go of. If that falls into your definition of problematic, then maybe a little. And while we’re on the subject of definitions, what constitutes ‘strange’?” From the smile on the red-head’s face, she has an idea but hearing it from Charlotte seemed to be the goal.
Fmokou: Charlotte had no idea what Francis meant with visual stimuli, and when Azure asked what she would define as strange, her face turned completely red. “Y-You know, things you mamono like to do. Things like…” Charlotte tried her best to mutter out something, but before she could finish what she wanted to say, she suddenly threw her hands into the air. “N-Nothing really, I was just curious if you did something bad to Belle, but it looks like you didn’t” Charlotte said, trying her best to hide her embarrassment for thinking about such naughty thoughts.
RJ: Capri hummed. "Well... If this conversation is finished, shall we go see what the crow desires?"
RJ: Cynthia shook her head from the side lines, one wing at her side and the other covering her lips. "It is fine. Tis best to let such colorful characters interact on their own."
RJ: After some silenced followed, Cynthia would turn, and step inside of the tower, her talons clicking on the marble floor. "Suffice it to say, this journey was made to satisfy multiple goals. As much as it was originally intended to be for you alone, Azure, it has become a situation where I will address three Chosen at once. A first, for me." she said in her usual hushed whisper of a tone.
Copper: "A first, but is that so strange? Are there always that many Chosen scattered around?" She shakes her head. "And, I mean, I'll admit to having heard stories, but this 'Chosen' business is...I mean, I can see her understanding it." She waves a hand in Belle's direction. "Though I don't know if this is quite the 'chosen' she's on about. I imagine you're talking things slightly different than being hand picked by an angel."
RJ: "Indeed, hand picked by a goddess of Fate instead, the deity of my worship, who influences the events of the world by taking pieces of herself and imbuing them into certain individuals to give them influence they normally would never have. All towards the end of disrupting the unending balance of chaos in the world, to create a new fate, other than the repeat of history."
Copper: "I'd ask 'What chaos?' but Undine's temple is enough to answer that. So...how do we avoid letting history repeat itself? I'm not even going to ask why. That answer's probably above the pay-grade, as it were."
Fmokou: Charlotte had heard bits and piece of the things they were talking about. However, she wasn’t very familiar with it. She was more familiar with the chosen by the god herself, rather than those chosen by random. As far as Charlotte knew, this had very little to do with her, so held her tongue and let the two speak.
RJ: "To put it simply... There are forces that cause the chaos, and to eliminate them is to cause the opposition and collision of powers to cease. To that end... Fate has given powers to all. Even those among the angels and demons. But only those with a choice... To change the world as they each see fit, and collide with one another, outside of the protection of their realms, such that a winner will ultimately be concluded. And the eternal conflict that's waged since creation, to finally come to it's end."
Copper: "That's simply." Azure shakes her head. "So we have all these opposing forces...how do we know which one is the right one? What's to say my idea of what's fit for the world agrees with, say, Belle's? I mean, we don't really see eye to eye now."
RJ: Her wing hid a little more of her face. "It's my understanding that you two have already found a way to resolve this issue."
Copper: "Well, according to her, that's supposed to end up with one of us dead. Until I win, of course. But even with my terms, that's not going to change how Belle thinks. It's only going to change on how much acting out she can do. That's not change. That's...control."
RJ: "... While I can understand how you feel, I have no solution to give, as it is a solution your heart desires, not mine. Only by asking yourself, will you find an answer to your desires." she said. "Be that as it may... You are here for more than that. Rather, you're here to obtain something that will help you obtain what it is you desire. Ask."
Copper: "Well, Francis' notion was to have you teach me to weave, though I probably should add 'better' to that. Seems something I'm going to need, with all that's looming on the horizon."
RJ: Cynthia nodded. "First, you need to picture yourself as a weaver. If you have an idea or goal, it's more inspiring to work towards that ideal. For instances..." she looked to Charlotte. "You might be a weaver such that you are just like a weaver of fabric, dressing wool and magic alike to deceive the eyes of others..." she looked to Belle. "You might see yourself as a puppeteer, manipulating objects, and even combatant golems to do your bidding..." Then, she looked to Capri. "Or... A master of the tongue, threads woven into sound to make sweet words, bewitching those around you."
RJ: "Or..." she looked to Marth. "An entity capable of manipulating life itself."
Copper: "Oh, I do," Azure will remark after giving some thought to the tengu's words. "It's just that apparently my goals and ideas don't seem to be very popular ones."
RJ: "All you need do, is succeed. If you triumph, especially over other Chosen... You could even become a tyrant."
RJ: She used both her wings, to weave forth a small shape with horns and a long, deadly scythe. To anyone, it'd be immediately recognizable as the form of Baphomet. A demon otherwise known as the Elder Beast of Hell, given this new form with the corruption set upon their kind. (Link:
RJ: It was as if Cynthia was trying to say, this was such a tyrant.
Copper: "Is that all it is, then? Be strong enough to...exert your will over others? Or is that what makes a tyrant?"
RJ: "Even heroes, in the eyes of some, are seen as tyrants at times. The moral compass of your actions is best discarded in light of doing what you believe is correct, as that was what the shard of fate was meant to enable you to do."
Copper: "There's a lot of arguing I could do about a statement like that but it all boils down to not what's good or right for the world but what I feel is good and right for me? Or from my perspective, I probably should say."
RJ: "Indeed. After all, the moral compass is a weapon employed by the angels. Their words hold facts: your existences aids in the ultimate destruction of the human race. The men you seduce will seed children of your race, not theirs, mind a rare occasion. Their method... Of your utter destruction, is for the future. But, is that correct? Or, are you correct in stopping them? It's... Rhetoric. In the end, everyone will do as they please. Tis a meaningful discussion, ultimately neglected in the end."
Re: The Deciever and the Black Feathered Weaver (Azure;Copper)

The Crow's Training
RJ: While wishing for a world safe for her boys, Cynthia hummed at her. "There may be many more of these... Boys... In your life, beyond who you've met now. I predict... That your survival will depend on the aid of the talented young men... and women, who lie along your destined path. As a creature of passion, you being selected by Fate can mean many things, but to be but a whisper in the wind, a murmur of safety in a chaotic world? I'm afraid it cannot be so unless you make it so. To that end... Both you, and the boys in your company are not enough to protect yourselves. Your home is currently caught in a state of war, to abandon it is to abandon the young men who rely on you, and as such you are forced into their fight. This... is a fact you cannot run from."
RJ: "With danger being inevitable, how far are you willing to go to protect them? The more you love them, the more they will love you in return. The more they love you, the more you will be hated. This hatred will congregate into a cacophony of zealous and wicked intent, that you couldn't hope to stop, with or without that fragment inside of you. But... If you just chose one... Then you would find the fate you seek." she said, looking at Capri.
RJ: As Azure thought about how to answer, Capri spoke, "So... More cute boys are to be added to this little harem she has going, if she wishes to protect the one she's already got?" Capri inquired. "I'm guessing the 'women' part is to include those with tried and true combative ability." he hummed, then turned to Azure. "I think the general message here, Azure, is that you must seduce everyone who looks strong." he stated. Francis chuckled. "I do not think that's what that means, but I am not opposed to being seduced."
copper: "Oh, please, Francis," Azure says with a bit of a chuckle. It seems more directed at the fact that the marrow is a lot more take charge than the statement lets on. "I can see how gathering a harem, as you both put it, would put a target on my back but what I question is that you said choosing one would help me find my fate? Wouldn't that help me avoid it?"
RJ: "One is easier to protect, than many. And... one attracts less ire, than many. In addition... The boys you care for carry heavy pasts. Pasts that will come to haunt them. Through banding together they saw kindred spirits of misfortune. But they are each doomed to their own stories, without your intervention. It will take someone... Truly great... to save so many." she hummed. "I cannot reveal more to you, that is for them to do. But know... The world has a way of balancing itself, and the closer you get to true happiness, your life will also become more miserable. You are likely even to see some of them vanish before your eyes."
RJ: "If you wish to avoid all of this, you can find a quiet place, with one boy alone, and leave the rest of the world to sort itself out. That is all I can assure to you. But this path you are on... Will test your soul and body."
RJ: Capri inquired. "The one boy is me, right?" but no one answered.
copper: "You'd be the most likely candidate, sweet." Azure reaches over and gives his hand a squeeze and then lets it go. "It would be very easy to just bury my head in the sand and let the world continue to turn along it's own path." A wry grin turns up her lips. "But that's not me. I'd hate myself if I didn't try. I know, with some of them, what I risk, but even still, I'm not going to abandon them. Part of love is heartache. But it's through pain--and love--that we grow."
RJ: "Then, you know what your first trial will be, don't you?" she inquired, before holding her wings out, as Azure was witness to a thousand slow moving threads, all moving so intricately and so full of purpose that it was impossible to follow.... Until a shape was revealed to her, as if an illusion of shadows. A thin figure with long hair, and many swords floating around them, with angelic wings and glowing golden eyes was before her, filling Azure with a chill as if the illusion meant to do her great harm. "... Do you understand? If you do, then that is what I will train you for in the time we have. Nothing more."
copper: The lamia takes in a breath against the vision and then lets it out in a bit of a sigh. "Belle's angel." If not Belle herself. Because one simply didn't just stop being a hero, at least not without repircussions. If she wanted to actually keep the noble warrior around, they couldn't have that specter looming in the background.
RJ: "I hope you understand just how frightening an angel can be. They are the original creators of this world, and only the truly most deserving in God's Eyes are welcomed into Heaven. Their zeal and power is legend. And... There is a process all go through to become an angel." she said, before twisting the image, showing Belle on both knees, soaked in blood, and countless mamono dead behind her. "To your perspective, it'd be abandoning all sympathy for mamono. Apparent innocence or not, once someone has cast all of that away, they are ready to become an angel. Like this, angels have no kindness for non humans. Their final test... Is to kill someone close to them, who is a mamono. To prove that God's Intentions weigh heaviest in their hearts." she explained. Then, the phantom display she managed moved, and the one mamono who was still alive was an indiscreet lamia, who seemed to be making bodily motions to appeal, as if wanting to be their friend... While Belle seemed to hold intentions to kill, flutters of angelic feathers surrounding them.
RJ: Capri's eyes widened when he heard this. His mind seemed to run rampant, looking over to see... Before noticing that everyone not in their little huddle seemed to be unaware of the conversation. As if Cynthia had made this conversation private. "... Belle didn't want to complete the test. Belle wanted to lose." Capri reminded Azure of how Belle wished to be killed.
RJ: Cynthia nodded. "There is someone like me among the angels, who can read the weaves of fate. She predicted Azure would invite Belle into her midst, and that if not Azure, then others would welcome Belle... Causing Belle to chose between emotion, and God."
RJ: One final weave... And it was a display of a Belle with head lowered, and not just Azure, but Marth, dead next to her, as a council of shining yet unknown angels surrounded them like those watching a coliseum battle. Marth in particular, was dead at Belle's feet, one hand clutching Belle's boot. "This, I've decided, is the inevitable result of not just your failure, but 'his' failure as well, to reach Belle's heart before God claims it."
RJ: Capri immediately asked. "... What if Azure cannot reach the heart, but refuses to lose?" he asked. Cynthia did not weave, but let it fade. "... Do you honestly need ask?" she replied.
copper: "Are you talking about Marth or Charlotte?" is Azure's question when Cynthia speaks of the 'him' who needs to reach her heart. "Frankly, getting Belle to come around frightens me more than the thought of facing an angel. Probably shouldn't, but the emotional battlefield is a lot more perilous than the physical one. But," her gaze turns up to the tengu, "that's what we're here for, isn't it?"
RJ: "The bridge between your world and his. Naturally." she said, without mentioning who.
RJ: Capri shrugged. "Marth it is." he replied.
RJ: Francis smiled after a moment of silence. "Let us waste no more time then. War is at the brink, and before it all Azure has her own battle to fight, apparently with emotional support." she declared. "Azure... I will supervise the boys. You go with Cynthia, and train. Take it not lightly, as this training will determine whether you find a happy ending or not, you know?" she reminded. "If you do well, I'll treat you. Look forward to it~" she cooed, before moving forth, taking a somewhat reluctant Capri with her. Leaving Azure with Cynthia, who quickly turned to head to one of the archways, to go upstairs.
copper: "Seems like. But, we won't reach our goal by standing around. And if there's an angel in my future, I'm definitely going to need to be prepared for that."
RJ: She nodded, before holding out her wings. "First... We must determine what kind of weaving you are most comfortable with. Having a style is important, as other styles will develop over time once you have learned one way completely. Given that weaving is a careful process of manipulating the threads of existence, how do you see yourself performing this precise artform?"
copper: "Right now? To protect. I want to be able to be vanguard. To keep the enemy focused on me, both to protect the others and to give them opportunities I might not be able to take. Not to mention keeping those who probably shouldn't be fighting," Capri will get a little nudge, since his track record in combat hasn't exactly been the best, "safe from harm."
RJ: Cynthia hummed. "... Interesting... Then, let me teach you something..." she began, before giving a display of weaves that seemed to move like a coccoon. "To protect, is to do more than create a shield. Though, having a shield will always be useful... So why don't we focus on creating a barrier? Ice is a good element, draw your weaves, and make them slow... Blue is a common color people see." she instructed.
RJ: Then, Cynthia waited, looking to see Cynthia weave, before getting an idea. "Tis also better to know the threat coming your way, I suppose." she said, before lifting some water from a vase, and condensing it into a ball. "Protect yourself from this water. If a droplet hits you, you must try again."
copper: (Presuming you mean 'looking to see Azure weave' so going with that.)
The lamia listens to the lecture, taking in the tengu's words, though some of what she was saying she already saw the wisdom in, especially regarding shields. The notion of deflecting the water made things a bit tricky. True, she could just make something for it to shatter against, but that wouldn't protect her from the 'splash' damage. Thus the 'shield' Azure comes up with is a little unorthodox, something convex rather than concave, so that when the ball hit, it would be caught and deflect any splash back to the direction it had come from. She hoped it'd work, but if not, she thought it a good first attempt at any rate.
RJ: Forming her mental shield... Azure found the water passing right through it, she made a shield with her weaving, but didn't define substance. As if Cynthia was somehow cheating, her liquid weave simply showed itself passing right through her weave, and Azure was then wet... For one second, as she was dry a moment later as Cynthia pulled all the water back into the vase. "You know how to weave, but you didn't give your weaves purpose. You didn't define them. When you weave a ball, is it fire? When you wove your shield, was it air? You simply showed me the essence of your soul. It was like an unseen ghost was trying to protect you, but was powerless to do so. Thus... I believe you must focus on truly manipulating the matter of reality. And remember, all you were doing just now is using your own soul to create a shield..." she indicated towards her own weaves. "Despite being weaker than you, I can use my threads to manipulate light, and water. I don't need to create it if it already exists. Do you understand?"
RJ: "You are lucky... You can create a shield from nothing but yourself. It might seem complicated, but I only need you to focus. Weave, and define..."
RJ: Whenever Azure was ready, Cynthia would throw the water again.
copper: "Define, huh?" There's a bit of a snort in the lamia's voice. She'll indicate she's ready again, given she also wants to practice the defensive aspect and your opponent isn't going to wait on you to get things set before they attack. The shape and concept of the shield is the same: curved inward to catch and deflect the splash backward. Only this time there is a definite barrier there, a force, for lack of a better term, between her and Cynthia. It's hard to pinpoint the exact definition of it, but it's solid enough for the lamia. There is definition there, even if it's just in Azure's own head.
RJ: This time, when she splashes, the water goes into the barrier, out and around, and instead of hitting Cynthia it goes straight back into the vase. Cynthia nodded. "Good. It is... A unique thing, you're doing. WIth the air still, the water couldn't flow through this time. How facinating... I wonder if even you understand what happened with your weave. It is a matter of science, and... Well, the Magi would probably explain it better than I." she said with a smile. "So... Controlling equilibrium, is it comfortable for you? Some would call that psychic, but... Well, psychic might be the best way to describe it."
copper: Her aim wasn't quite to deflect it completely back at the tengu, but away from her, which happened to be the same direction as Cynthia. Azure scratches the back of her head as she's question. "If that's the word for it. You asked what I wanted to do with my magic and that's primarily to protect. I just...for me, it seems more manifesting the solution to the problem rather than anything else. And sometimes that manifestation is a shield. Other times, it's a lightning bolt applied liberally to the head and shoulders."
RJ: "Well, a good offense is a great defense, as they say. Do not worry, practice as much as you'd like, create new weaves, increase your performance. Soon... You will be able to weave all kinds of spells." she said with encouragement. "If it's any consolation to your prior discouragement, Francis was one of my deciples, and she took six months to get where you are now after a week. She studied since youth mind, so she has great time and experience over you, but your potential is far beyond hers, and mine. Never forget that." she encouraged. "Now, let us continue. Show me some more weaves, I will help you construct them when needed. But ultimately, you must discover what works for you." she said. They worked together throughout the day, Cynthia probing Azure for more weaves. Cynthia showed Azure how lightning was hard to control, and how her method of force was a better option, especially in water. Cynthia took the time to mix the unnatural art of weaving with interactions with the real world.
RJ: In one example, Cynthia took Azure to a large rock the size of her mother's small house. She asked Azure to move it, but without exerting great effort. Cynthia took the lead, showing Azure how someone as weak as the crow tengu did it. Using the hill nearby, Cynthia began forming another rock, while also shaping a unique rope to go around both. Cynthia, ever so slowly, kept adding to the size of her boulder by taking all the small rocks nearby and seemingly molding them into it, until it was heavy enough to pull the one she indicated. She then revealed that she could easily do that many times, with no loss in energy nearly. Wheras a direct movement would cause a great loss in power. "Always learning the best way to save your energy can be the difference of a loss or win in battle. The one who spends all of their energy first will lose if you do not die."
RJ: "So..." Cynthia stared at Azure intently. "Now that you know all of this, you should easily defeat any zealous opponent that attacks wildly and recklessly, and simply find victory when they have nothing left to flail at you." she said with great intent, as almost immediately, Azure heard Marth, Bishop, Belle, and Charlotte approaching.
copper: "Honestly, am I that good or is it the whole Fate thing?" Not that Azure wasn't applying herself but being compared, in that way, was actually more intimidating than flattering. While they're working on lightning, Azure will share the story of what happened with the lizard-woman's sword. When it comes to the boulder, pending on whether it would work, Azure's initial solution is leverage. Similar to what Cynthia was doing but more from below or behind rather than across, but adding to a pillar that would push it eventually. "Marth and I have had that discussion," she says with a bit of a chuckle, perhaps in that he can hear her. "Fight smarter, not harder."
RJ: "... Yes, it is Fate's doing that your potential is so great, but look at where it has led you? Would you have won all the fights you had and met the people you did if you were not chosen? Could you protect those you wished to protect? Don't forget, without this blessing... Like many mamono in this world, you'd have met your end a long time ago. It was by Fate's decree that your story continues. A lamia would simply be out of her league against what you have faced." Cynthia revealed. "I hope it will all be clear to you, in time. I do not ask you to worship the goddess of fate as I do. She has no such desires to be worshipped, but silently observe the world and give it gentle nudges in the right direction. I simply believe in her judgement, for all the miracles and plagues it brings. Because of that, she is both worshiped and scorned."
RJ: "But... Fate's shard is not a miracle of immortality. If you fail... You will lose your shard to another." she revealed, as through her threads, the mental image of Belle holding a strange glowing red power in her hand was shown, as Belle is overlooked by a singular foggy vision of a beautiful angelic woman with platinum blond hair and shimmering blue eyes, holding her hands over Belle as if a puppet master holding strings. "And their story will continue in place of yours. Inversely... The same holds true for the opposite. If you slay another chosen... Their shard is yours to take." The image inversed, with Azure standing over Belle's corpse, holding Belle's shard. "Such is how the world is handling these shards. Killing other chosen for the most part, and taking their power to pretend that they are gods."
RJ: "... The world is a sea of dreams, each person with their own idealization and goals in their heart. Through the fires of conflict, will dreams be realized, only when the dreams of others are burned away. To that end, do not falter when compared to the likes of those you deem evil. Despite it all, you too will have to snuff out the dreams of others to realize your own. Otherwise, your dream of being together and safe with those you care for will be snuffed in turn, and someone else's ideals will be realized... You will only see the light of your dream in this world through the chaos of Competition between dreams. I hope you will find the perfect balance between good and evil moralities, and not be faced with death in the shade of your own indecision, as many have before you. Faces of mamono and human... Never to be seen again. Their stories have ended, and so have their lives."
Re: The Deciever and the Black Feathered Weaver (Azure;Copper)

From Tower to River
RJ: With the others waiting, Cynthia had one final piece of advice to give. "God will be watching you, when Belle is ready to fight you. Your words will not reach someone who is filled with God's Love, and your death will be a testament to Belle's final test. Know, that when a human being grows wings, they are no longer who they once were."
RJ: As the pair of Marth and Belle talked together, Marth said something that reached Azure. "Azure can make something pretty with weaving too, want to see it?" he inquired. Then, Belle hesitated. "... I'll have to pass for now." Marth just shrugged. "Oh... Well, then after you two work out your differences? I'll be so happy once that's done and over with, since then we can share all kinds of weaves and stories together!" Marth cheered. And the only expression on Belle's face, was plain and clear: Pain.
copper: Cynthia might hear a sigh from Azure as she listens to the young wizard. Marth's innocence was both a blessing and a curse at times. "Work out our differences," she murmurs quietly. "That's one way of putting it." More to the others, though, she let a smile tilt her lips. "Not looking forward to spending more time with me and mine, Belle? You and Marth seem to be getting along well enough. I'd almost be jealous."
RJ: When Azure made herself known to the group, Azure would quickly receive a death glare from Belle. "... All that training, did all you learn was more quips?" Belle inquired, before pointing at Azure. "The time to settle this draws near. And I plan to hit you with everything I physically can... Because in the end, you brought this upon yourself, by choosing to spare me."
RJ: Marth looked a bit worried, before he looked to Belle. "So... I guess what Belle is saying, is that she'll spare you too?" Marth inquired. Belle looked a bit pricked. "No. N-no Marth, that's not-" Belle tried to correct. Then Marth looked confused. "But that's not fair?" he asked. Belle looked irritated. "None of us have time for this! Everyone! Snake! Let's get moving!"
copper: "Given I bested you once, that's all I seemed to need, really." Of course, that's not true, though whether Belle had come to believe that or not was still up in the air. She does, though, seem amused at the hero's take charge attitude. "Have a destination in mind? Or are you saying you want to duel right now?"
RJ: Belle crossed their arms, her back to Azure as it seemed leaving was what they wanted. "The sooner the better." Belle replied only to that, before motioning for the exit.
copper: Provided the others are, in fact, ready to go, Azure will gather up her things and pass by Belle, ghosting a hand across her shoulders on the way by. "That eager are you, Bellezza? You know, we could just skip all this dancing around and courtship. Unless you're the type of girl who likes to be wooed." There's a very sultry look in the lamia's gaze as she glances at the other girl over her shoulder, tail flicking absently, the way it usually does when she's having naughty thoughts.
RJ: Belle seemed to pull away at first, but by Azure's knowledge or not her grip was a bit stronger than she gave herself credit for, holding onto Belle somewhat, before Belle planted her feet, and suddenly faced Belle directly, face to face. Despite being flushed a bit, obvious from being so close to Azure, a mamono and creature meant to instill lust, Belle seemed to challenge the Lamia right there. "I think... You're full of it." Belle declared. "You plan to take my shard, don't you? To add to your own power. Trying to seduce me before ripping it out of my soul! Admit it..." Belle grinned. "All this sweet talking... It's all a facade before you kill me."
copper: Azure shifts around, coming face to face with the other woman. "Belle, if I wanted you dead, you'd have been dead the first time we fought. I wasn't even thinking about the shard. Hells, I'm not even thinking about it now." She gets 'personal space invasion' close to her, bringing her lips close to the other's ear. "I think about riding that hard little dick of yours while you've got Capri behind you, filling that sweet ass." Said ass gets a bit of a swat from the lamia's tail tip before she pulls back. "Why would I want to kill you?"
RJ: Azure learned something of Belle's sensitivity when Azure's personal space invasion was met with 'something' poking her upon filling Belle's head with that mental image. Eyes were wide, filled with shock, while hands went to cover that area. "H-how did... N-no, I don't know what you're talking about! A-and further more... You're... Lying! Not only a liar, but a obscene woman! How could you utter such filth!?" Belle criticized her. While Marth pondered. "What did Azure say to you...?" he inquired. While backtracking, Belle backed right into Capri, who caught the little hero by the shoulders. "You okay?" he inquired, before Belle looked horrified at the position they were in with Capri behind. Making an unheard of noise of protest to Capri being behind them, resisting with all their might.
RJ: While hyperventilating, Belle recovered enough while holding their chest to speak to Azure and co. "I... Am... Going to... purge the fuck out of you....!"
RJ: Capri asked as Marth did. "What DID Azure say to you?"
RJ: "STAY AWAY FROM ME!" Belle seemed to grow an intense aversion to Capri. "But I like you." Capri said flatly, his eye shimmered as if he quickly understood what was said. "ALL THE MORE REASON!" Belle yelled.
copper: "Capri, leave her be for now. I think Belle's gotten the point." That bit about her shard was troubling, though. And tempting. However, if what Cynthia said was true, Belle would be better with it than without, so long as she was on Azure's side. Which, hopefully, the result of their duel would bring about. Still, without the fate shard, there's a good chance the angels would lose interest in Belle, which would be a good thing all around. "Shall we get going?" Azure continues as though nothing out of the ordinary had just happened. "I'm a bit eager to head back to Undine's and see what's going on there and if we need to do anything about it."
RJ: Heading back... Somewhere along the way, they lost sight of Charlotte. Belle revealed nothing on the matter, simply pretending they had no idea while they definitely had some idea. And, while traveling, Marth and Belle snuck off in the night to talk. Belle made sure Azure heard nothing, before they returned... And those in the camp saw Belle looking stern, but with head lowered with guilt, and Marth with tears in his eyes. Neither showed any desire to speak of their private conversation... As Undine's temple came into view...
RJ: Inquiring to Marth if everything was fine.... Only resulted in Marth disobeying the rule of no touching just this once, to hug Azure and cry against her chest. He did say one thing though... "I know you'd spare her... You have to win, Azure! You have to win..." he begged... Before Undine's Temple loomed, and Belle would depart from the group. "Tomorrow... At the Apex of the ground above the temple. I'll be waiting." was all Belle said, allowing Azure one opportunity to sort things before going to face Bellezza
RJ: Meanwhile... It was up to Azure's heart what she felt when Marth hugged her. Either an invasion feeling of love... Or a warm, tingling feeling that only had a lasting feeling that slowly faded.
RJ: Capri in the meanwhile, decided to give Azure some advice. "So, I've been learning to weave." he began, before removing a thread from Azure's neck where he kissed her once. "And it turns out I know how to transmit sound. I heard all of your conversations, sorry, but I want to help you, and I think that as your essential majordomo, I should be in the know." he declared. "I think... Taking Marth along with you when you go face Belle, is essential. Nothing will pluck his heartstring quite like his new best friend. Oh... And maybe sexual harassment is effective. I mean... After a bit of research, it's how mamono fight men, and often women too. I've reason to believe you're unnaturally good at fighting with that... Unusual style of combat. Plus, you steal energy now. So..." he gave Azure a thumbs up and a wink. "Ride that little hard cock of his while I fill him from behind, my love~!"
RJ: Bishop slow clapped from the side.
copper: He surprises her with the hug but what fills her is concern for the mage rather than anything lustful or invasive, so the feeling of having him close is warm, if brief. There is desire there, but it’s to comfort him, not anything sexual. Her hand soothes in circles at his back to help still his tears and calm his breathing, moving up to stroke his hair. “I will, sweet. I can’t say I’m going to go easy on her, but no. I’m not planning on killing Belle during this. I know she’s becoming dear to you, too. I won’t take that away. Not as long as I can help it.” When he’s ready, she’ll let him draw back. “Will you come with me? Like Capri suggests? Seeing you might give Belle pause, which would help me.” She gives him a little smile. “And you always seem to manage to encourage me from the sidelines.” As she speaks with Capri, likely after Marth’s calmed and settled. “That’s an interesting talent to have. Though what are you stealing there, hmm?” It’s more of a tease as he manipulates the thread but she’s also curious. As for Bishop, he’s going to have a role in this, too. With Belle wanting a fight, Azure’s going to want to be at her best. And that includes being full up on energy. She will, though, ask him rather than just pounce on the elf.
RJ: Marth adapted a determined look on his face. "If there's anything I can do to help... I'll do it." he replied. Capri just shrugged. "I wish I could steal hearts instead of words, then I could become a king." he chuckled. Later on, asking the elf, Bishop looked both surprised and deadpan. "... At what point, did this become that kind of relationship? I don't even think those in a relationship just walk up to each other and ask for sex. And so casually too. You really are..." he faced his gaze to the side, before letting out a sigh. "And so he tells himself, it's to make Marth happy. Just don't put anything else into my ass, okay?" he asked, before taking Azure's hand and leading her to a glade to hide them via the trees and grass. In the shade, she could feel her body hunger for warmth, which the Elf seemed to be generating a lot of. Without much ceremony, he would strip himself of his shirt at first.
RJ: "So... In the end, you really are that kind of woman." he stated. "You're highly likely to die along the way, trying to hold onto what you have. But if someone like you actually succeeds? Shit..." he put a hand on one hip. "I don't think being called 'one of her first concubines' is something I'd take as a compliment. I don't think anyone would."
copper: "I'll make sure Belle knows it's just the two of us but having you there will be good for the morale situation." A boost for Azure and a blow toward Belle. At least that's what she's hoping. "Is that what you're doing?" There's still a bit of a tease in her question, but she is curious. "The point at which I can't take it from Belle, won't take it from Marth, and Capri's ill-suited for it, that's when." She sighs. "Like before, I wouldn't ask if I didn't have to but I'm not going into this duel half-empty. Not if..." There's a pause. "Not if I want to keep Belle from hurting all of you." Then a chuckle. "And killing me. That would be unpleasant." Though there's that part of her that wants the contact with him, especially in the shade as they are, she's still keeping her distance, knowing Bishop's feelings in the matter. "Could always call you 'Lord High Concubine' if you prefer. Sounds a lot better than 'favorite snack,' doesn't it?" Now she's just screwing with him.
RJ: He stared at her with half-lidded eyes. "... Your sense of humor is becoming too akin to that fish woman's. That sort of... Dark, and malicious kind of humor." he said, before taking a seat in the grass, propping himself up on his arms behind himself, and leaving his left leg folded over his right. "I'd prefer favorite snack, if that makes sense to you. The former sounds like I've submitted to you. And this doesn't count as submitting. I'm just helping."
copper: "Actually, it's always kind of been like that." She chuckles. "Guess it shows more now that there's two of us doing it." She'll slither over to him, settling behind him but mindful of his hands. "You are. And I appreciate it." The position that they're in prompts her to let her hands slide up his back, thumbs draging along his spine while her fingers work the muscles on either side.
RJ: "You appreciate it in multiple ways, I presume." he replied. She'd feel his steady but somewhat quickened breathing with her hands on his back. Lean, but not thick and powerful. Rather, he was very thin, but healthy. Some would call it perfection, while others would call him scrawny. The daylight allowed for a better look at his physique. "You know, for a moment I didn't think you had it in you. I thought, you were just a kind of pervert that didn't have the guts to just..." He went silent as the memory of the river came to mind. "But, don't ever pretend that anything you can do will take precedence in my heart. My number one will always be... Marth..." there was some hesitation, as Azure felt her succubus curse seeping into him. Such that her hands on his back felt like they were getting closer and closer... Until Azure found herself holding Bishop with his head against her chest, and his face somewhat squished between her breasts. Without resistance, and in addition to something else, Azure felt like it was easier this time, to get Bishop roused to the idea.
RJ: Harkening back to a lesson Azure would recall Francis teaching her, as far as using her sexuality as a weapon: "In the end, the Curse wins. Even against the most stubborn, or even outright gay man. All you need to do, is touch them. A lot. Hold your victim to your body, and devour them with your curse. This is how you make a human submit to you."
RJ: "... Just so you know." Bishop began after the silence, as he resed his head against Azure's bosom. "I didn't do this on purpose."
Re: The Deciever and the Black Feathered Weaver (Azure;Copper)

Sexytimes ensue
copper:payn: He hears a bit of a hum as he touches on their previous encounter. "A snake is patient and lies in wait until the time is right to strike," is what he gets when he refers to his change of opinion. "I'm not asking you to love me, Bishop. But I will ask you to help me. I need you right now, so I can be strong enough to protect the others. I know that sounds like I'm using you. Maybe I am. But I've strived to be honest with you." He'll feel the press of her lips against his shoulder, kisses moving to the side of his neck. "It's the least that you deserve. That, and pleasure shared. While we're afforded the luxury of it." Seems she's hoping to not have to fight him for her meal this time around since it doesn't seem like there's a need to. Unless he wants to. Then that's a whole different story.
RJ: When she mentioned love, his face turned to her a bit. "Are you not? Was I never apart of your future plan, the same that you had for Marth, and the others." he mentioned as if the latter was an afterthought of his. "Your words and actions..." he shuddered a bit, the small shiver of energy going from him and right to Azure, making her shudder as well as the energy transferred to her. "... Tell two stories, as your lips act like I'm yours." he stated. Though, as he spoke, one hand went to his undergarments, unbuckling them and leaving them loose, but leaving Azure to do the honors. "You behave in an odd way. You say such reasonable things, but I feel as if one conclusion was already decided. A choice, but you know which one you want picked. No demands to be loved, and yet... I can feel your desire digging into my mind. I fear that the choice will not exist in my mind if I allow you to embrace me like this. And that, is a unique kind of evil. Sweet and sultry, but ultimately dominant." he said, before looking at her directly, as her kissing lips reached his mouth, or would if she continued.
RJ: "That's just it then, isn't it?" he asked. "You don't like to forcibly take, you prefer your prey to submit to you." he concluded. "Unless I'm wrong. What poor lost soul I'd be if I was seduced by you and left to dry. Such wicked creatures, mamono are..."
copper:payn: She draws her lips away from him, not completing the kiss, though there's likely lingering threads between the two of them. "You're not entirely wrong. We mamono are wicked, greedy creatures. I could very easily say that I want you for mine. Could let that desire fill you until choice no longer mattered. But it does. When we're apart, you don't want me, do you? Believe--or not--that such feelings matter to me. You're not a conquest, Bishop. You doing this doesn't mean I've 'won.' That said, though, your submission doesn't have to mean giving up your self. You just have to let go for a while." She's careful not to touch him while she talks, not deliberately, anyway, but he can almost see the motions in her gaze while she faces him. Fingers trailing up his arm to his throat, one fingertip trailing up to beneath his chin, holding it up to meet her gaze. Her hands at his waist, finishing what he started, leaving him exposed to her. Wrists seized, pinned, enough give to struggle but freedom just beyond his reach. There was promise there, that she would undeniably make him submit, but beyond that, outside of that, his choices were his own.
RJ: Asking her question, Bishop seemed to hesitate. He let her talk for that time, before she seized his wrists. Not truly answering nor avoiding her questions, Bishop just looked forward, as she feels him offer a hint of struggle against her grip, which is met with sheer and utter futility against her grasp. "Whether or not it means you've won, why does it feel like you already have?" he asked, as she peeled off his remaining clothes to brandish his length, which stood at attention.
RJ: Despite the lack of grabbing, Bishop's disposition seemed much the same. "... You just seem to... Frustratingly enough, have everything fall into place for you just right. Marth... After this fight, will no doubt listen to anything you say. That noble will belong to you too. No matter what I say, do, if I deny you sex or not... The truth is, it's like there's some grand force that keeps my fate twined with yours. No matter how much I made myself hate you, loathe you, and no matter how much I told Marth of how wicked you were... 'She's different' he told me." he said finally. "If you aren't a conqueror, then why are you so good at it?" he asked another question, before sinking against her, and moving his lips to take one of her nipples into his mouth, sucking and licking on it tenderly. "I will stay with Marth. That means... The best way to protect him from you, is to satisfy you to the point of not having enough desire to seek him. I will even love you, since the thought of my detest makes him sad. If you cannot fathom my actions, then you don't know the slightest thing about love." he stated, moving a hand to stroke her genitals with precision as he continued to nurse on her breast.
copper:payn: "Dumb luck. Or forces beyond my control," is her response to his questioning how she manages it. "And if Cynthia is to be believed, it won't last. At least not without cost." Her fingers move to his hair, combing through it as he tends to her breast. “Do you believe him?” she asks as he tells her of Marth’s assessment. Her breathing picks up as he touches her and that’s about when her hands start to drift lower on his body, working to skim him out of his remaining garments. Whether Bishop is going to be able to make good on his plan in the future will have to remain to be seen. For now, he can feel some anticipation on her end of things, her hips shifting to match pace with his stroking. Her hand, in turn, finds his length and starts to stroke and squeeze, working him up with a slow milk.
RJ: Either by instinct or by nature of her curse, when she gripped his length, she could feel threads not of her own design shooting forth, and snaring his cock, as if working into the very nerves of the organ as Bishop gave a deep intake of air when she touched him and began stroking, his hips soon dancing to the orchestra of her hand. "... I'll admit that your different. But you're still a wicked woman. The love Marth deserves, is only the kind of pure love I can give him. Without worry of his curse... If you turn because your heart wasn't prepared to love him, why would you put him through the sheer suffering that is knowing another person died because of his curse?" he asked, maintaining some composure as she milked him, but that was soon waning, as she slowly felt his weight shift against her. His lips on her tip, when his tip graced her soft scales of her lower body he let out a moan that vibrated his throat, and thusly her breast, giving her a sensation that was no doubt pleasing. In close, Bishop whispered into her fin.
RJ: "I asked Capri what your weakness was. He was kind enough to oblige." he said, before Copper felt a tongue grace her neck, and her sensitive fin that amounted to her ear. Such a powerful and important organ was it that the highly concentrated nerves sent out shockwaves of pleasure through her, thanks to Capri finding out about it earlier and sharing it with Bishop. This close, Bishop let his length grace her folds as she felt the hunger rise, supernatural curses taking root and removing control, making her mind shock a bit when he dexterously avoids her entrance, causing his length to simply slide along her slit, against her clit, to rest against her body. "Capri seems to know a lot about you. And about us. Strange, how he's fine knowing you're here, lusting after my essence and body. Though... I guess I shouldn't wonder, while he's no doubt getting milked by Francis at this very moment~" Bishop lets slip in. A bit of sadism on his face, as if trying to see how Azure felt about that.
copper:payn: His lips against her ear definitely causes a tremble in her, something he can feel down to her core. Pressed against her as he is, he can feel the subtle rock of her hips, sliding her against his length, letting the lewd contact turn the tables on him somewhat, building up more of that tension and letting those threads tangle around him further. “Knowledge and secrets are his passion. Only seems right it’s where his strengths lie.” Her hand comes up and tease-tangles in his hair. “He’s not my husband yet. And it’s not the first time I’ve shared him.” She snorts. “Besides, if he’s with Francis, she’s probably dishing out worse than I could do to him as punishment.”
RJ: Bishop chuckles, as if amused at her thoughts. "Is that what you think is going on?" he inquired. "It seems more like rewarding to me... Licking his lower lip like this..." he leans up, his tongue caressing first her chin and then her lip. "Then, a gentle bite." He takes Azure's lip into his, holding it carefully between his teeth, before letting it snap back into place. "Then... Leaning back for him, and letting him do as he pleases while... As I can see it, listening to his every request." He said, leaning Azure back, and returning the motions, giving her physical stimuli to add to the story, as if mimicking what Capri was doing with Francis. "Are you jealous? Would you like me to ensure you aren't missing out on any fun?" he inquired, with an almost devilish smirk. "Though, he's just as much a victim as you are of this circumstance of debauchery. I know the face of a woman just using a man. She plans on using his mind for herself." he stated. Then, he sank down, his breath felt in warm waves against her private area. "I can be fun too~" he said, before Azure would feel him ensnare her point in his lips, caressing it with his mouth as he sucked and licked on it.
copper:payn: She lets him guide her, leaning back, listening to his words. Her fingers slip back into his hair and he can taste that their actions and some of his words have been having an effect on her. "I've no doubt Francis has her own agenda," is all she'll say on the matter. "I'd say trying to copy them would be the sign of jealousy. I just want to think about being with you." He can feel her tail trailing up the back of his leg.
RJ: He let her point go with a soft parting of lips. "You don't waver much, do you? You're truly sinful." he said. "But what's most dangerous about you is how reasonable you are. You and that man are like two peas in a pod it seems. Both seemingly... Nefarious thinkers." he hummed, before rising up, and bringing his arms around her back, her breasts flattening against his chest. "You can utter sweet words though, that's a surprise." he chuckled, looking a bit amused. "Then, let the good feelings from my soul fill yours. Then we'll be one in the same, unable to think about anything but one another, since we'll be sufficiently intertwined." he stated, before adjusting, his length pressing against her folds once again, only she felt his tip against her entrance. When the tip slipped in, Bishop's eyes shut as her folds seemed to clamp with supernatural decree. Azure could feel both instinct of the body and soul crave it. And the initial taste... Was like a wholesome feeling of nature, a soft and fluttering feeling in the core of her body, tranquility. Bishop's Soul, in a finer form. Azure felt her vision waver, and if she could form a single word in her mind, the curse took hold of it, and forced it to be: "More."
RJ: Despite it, looking at Azure, Bishop smiled as Azure felt the curse try to take the front seat. "You... Don't... Look too half bad, wearing your true intentions like that on your face." he said, as if observing something she couldn't see.
copper:payn: "Is it that obvious I want you?" There’s a soft chuckle in her tone, since the question seems hypothetical at this point. Having him actually give himself to her was almost more of a rush than feeding during a moment of lust. As their bodies move together, she drinks deep, letting herself be filled both physically and magically. This also isn’t the more athletic coupling of their first time but something easy. Given the sensation she’s getting from drawing on him, she does her best to keep at least some small measure of control. The last thing she wants to do is drain him too much, despite the definite temptation to do so.
RJ: Bishop seems silenced somewhat by her question. The 'I want you' part seeming to dig deep into his mind. "To be completely honest, if you are truly honest about that, then I'd have nothing to worry about. It's what you could want that makes me afraid." he said. "But yes, it's somewhat obvious." he said. "I say somewhat, because you haven't taken me yet. I couldn't be offering it more. Did you want my heart and spirit too? That, you'll have to work for." he said, holding her around her torso with his hands and kissing her neck, giving it gentle swirls with his tongue
copper:payn: He can feel her hands on his back, both holding him to her and digging in a little as tension starts to build for her. "Mmm, that I desire you, then, might have been a better phrase." She'll turn her head as he works at her neck, lips dusting as she can reach, mostly his cheek and possibly near his ear. "Oh, that I know," she says as he speaks of heart and spirit. "Especially since I'll always be second in your eyes."
RJ: The last part seems to lighten his mood as he actually chuckles against her. "You're already second huh? You think highly of yourself, if you believe you've gone through the ranks that quickly, with my number one as the final step." he said. He took to returning the embrace, simply talking until she showed she wanted more. Even then, he seemed to take no interest in committing the final act himself. That was her pleasure. "I don't know... Would Capri or Zidane make for a nice second? Zidane... Has the body, but Capri has the mind. Not that either are lacking, for sure. They're quite delicious looking men. Zidane in particular looks like he could wear anything and make it look sexy, even women's clothing. Capri... I'd love to kiss the mouth that utters such carefully crafted wisdom."
RJ: Always poking, always testing her limits. In his mind, Azure could sense he thought all women were fickle. Words and dedication to them were different things. Letting Azure know, that she had a mountain to climb, would test those limits. "I hope that's not too intimidating. But I honestly never even considered you as a romantic partner, given my preferences. You aren't without merit though, you are the only woman who was capable of exciting me. Albeit in a... Unique way." he cleared his throat.
copper:payn: She'll nip lightly at his ear, a touch of a laugh peppering her words. "Would you expect anything less?" She seems to simply be playing off of her confidence, though her tone grows a little more serious. "Don't chase Zidane." It's not a possessive statement, there actually being some concern there for the werecat. "I think affection from you might frighten him. Though I think Capri might fancy you as well." There's a pause. "Capri's starting to fancy a lot lately." Her attention will go back to Bishop, himself. "I'm starting to warm up to the idea," she says of the two of them being romantic partners. "And for that," remarking on his statement about her being able to excite him, "I'm flattered. If you want to try. If you want us to be more than this," given as how this did start out as her drawing from him, "then I will try, too."
RJ: Her statement about Zidane draws an arched eyebrow, though the concern is dashed away immediately. "Oh, you poor thing, you don't understand the heart of a boy. His fear is towards women. A gentle touch is required, not the voracious approach. All the same, he is a feline. Demanding, and sometimes cold. But you'll find that for all that, he can be fuzzy and delightful~" he cooed. "Don't be jealous if you see us hand in hand~" he warned her. Then, at the mention of Capri, Bishop replied with a flat tone. "I know." was all he said on the entire matter. Then, romantic partners. Bishop looked a bit shocked at the direction she took. "This... W-wait, I said that as a maybe. I didn't... I mean you have some things good about you, sure. You can be..." then he trailed off, realized he was looking more meek now than jabbing. His eyes narrowed, and he looked like confidence was taken. "... Just fuck me already."
copper:payn: She choose to let go of the fact that Zidane also doesn't seem to like things in or near his ass, but that is neither here nor there at the moment. His reaction to Capri almost makes her giggle. "I know. I was talking in maybes, too." Her hand comes up, fingers sliding into his hair, her lips drawing close to his in a dust of a kiss as her hips start to move a little more earnestly. "Is this all you want, Bishop?" While her body moves against his, he can feel the drag of her tail-tip moving up the back of his leg. Seems she's keeping to his request but the offer is there if he changes his mind.
RJ: As if in reaction to both questions, Bishop seemed to tense up a bit, and his eyes wandered a bit, his face growing red. "... Well then... Maybe?" he replied, as if unsure what else could possibly be a better reply.
copper:payn: She seems amused by his blush, if the smile on her lips as she kisses him again is any indication. He can feel her hands skim down his back to his ass, gripping there and kneading gently. Concentrating, she'll sacrifice a bit of what she's drawn to lube her tail, making sure she's slick as she presses against him, letting the tip ease in slow, unless he's got other plans in mind.
RJ: His hug around her got tighter as she pushed in slow, lips pursing together as she made like before, but gentler. Tight was he, such that her tail got a squeeze. His cock was throbbing at that point, and leaking some from the tip, as she felt a bit of pleasure flow, but a mass of it just seemed to congregate in his length, as if doing what she did set him up for pleasure, rather than enable it. Sometimes he'd gasp, seemingly to catch a breath of air as he seemed to be holding the air tight in his lungs. All the while, her cursed threads worked on their own, offering him a tingling sensation that made Bishop's hips start to move, gyrating against her with need. "Why does your... Stupid tail... Feel sooo goood?" Bishop inquired with a moan.
copper:payn: It takes her a bit, but she'll eventually find a rhythm between her hips and her tail that’s got her both riding Bishop and fucking him at the same time, eventually working to a point where she’s also steadily flicking against that knot inside of him, letting that and the curse drive him closer and closer to that edge. She doesn’t seem inclined to keep him there long; just long enough to get, perhaps, a few more long, wanting moans out of him, before she’ll start to move in earnest, driving him over and chasing the sensation with her own release.
RJ: Azure felt him clinging in earnest at first, then harder later when she increased her motions. Bishop's body truthful to desire as he moved with her, eventually erupting inside of her folds, releasing semen to be delivered or denied all the same as he let out a moan that was attempted to be muffled. Then, he let out a gasp of air. "... Based on how drained I feel, I hope you had your fill..." Bishop said. Indeed, Azure felt as right as rain, as if the day couldn't get better. Her head felt light, and her attitude giddy.
copper:payn: Opposite him, she doesn't seem tired at all, though he can feel her fingers kneading lightly at his back as she helps him ease down, withdrawing her tail and letting him ease out as well. She does puzzle a little at the difference in the feeling, but at the same time seems to be taking a mental stock of her energy. "Hopefully more than enough to help me deal with Belle." She'll make sure he has bone in his legs before she lets him go, likely to wash up somewhere, since that seems to be her next order of business.
RJ: He had noodles for lack of bones, or so it seemed. Meaning she was essentially carrying him. Given her mamono born strength, she naturally didn't know to start. "Marth will no doubt try to intervene. I'm counting on you to not let him get hurt. Understand?" he inquired towards her. "I'll skin you if he gets hurt. So take his protection very seriously. But if he returns safely..." Bishop let out a sigh, before Azure found herself hugged as Bishop made their lips meet for a moment. "I'll consider rewarding you. Doesn't that sound nice?" he said.
copper:payn: Just holding him for the time being, rubbing back and shoulders and occasionally his legs to help get the bone back into them. Likely the last thing he'd want would be to be carried back into camp naked. "I'll keep him safe. I don't intend to let him get in the middle of things, but I know he's fond of Belle." The kiss surprises her, evidenced by her brows raising. "I may take a rain check on the reward, since I'll probably have my hands full with Belle, but it does, yes." She'll brush some of his hair away from his face. Priorities after that involve the two of them getting cleaned up and likely something to eat back at camp. And then a lot of contemplation on the lamia's part, given her upcoming duel in the very near future.
RJ: "Well, there will be an expiration date on it so don't expect me to be all ready and raring to go with a surprise one year later." he said flatly. Then, with some help he got clean and dressed, able to walk back to camp on his own after much rest. "You two were gone for quite a while." Capri noted. "Given that, I'm surprised Bishop doesn't look more pale." he said. Francis merely chuckled.
Re: The Deciever and the Black Feathered Weaver (Azure;Copper)

The Birds and the Mages
copper: That gets a chuckle out of her. "Oh, I've a feeling I'd collect a lot sooner than that." She'll head back to camp with him, giving a bit of a shrug at Capri's comment. "Little talk, little action. Can take time." Then comes a sigh. "Not looking forward to tomorrow."
RJ: "To be honest, I tried slipping some muscle relaxers into Belle's drink. Belle was too cautious and avoided it. I wish I could be doing something to help you, but I'm afraid that someone like that is beyond my mere power." Capri sighed too.
copper: "Not surprising, since Belle doesn't trust either one of us. Marth's probably the only one she does." She doesn't really want to know where he got something like that, but given they just left Cynthia's, anything's possible. "I just have to remember that I still managed to kick her ass before I had any sort of training. Then again, her attention was divided. I'll have to see if I can manage to do that again."
RJ: "No!" Marth yelled, standing up in a fit. "Nobody's fighting anybody! This is stupid!" he said in a fury, face was red and attitude distraught. "I'll talk Belle down, this whole thing is so pointless! O-over what, pride!? God? And why..." his eyes turned to Azure, looking betrayed. "Why have you only antagonized her!? C-couldn't you have done something differently!?" he inquired with intensity.
copper: Azure lets out another sigh, this one sounding a bit tired. "I am going to give Belle the option to surrender. But Marth, you have to understand, if I don't stop Belle, she's going to kill me." She doesn't sugar-coat it. It's a statement of fact. "And she might not stop at me. She probably won't. And the reason I kept antagonizing her is because I knew the two of us were going to wind up fighting again. I need her to be unsettled around me. You said it yourself. The magic she weilds needs concentration. If she's thinking more about me than she is about her magic, then I stand a better chance at beating her."
RJ: "Yeah, but..." Marth looks frightened, as if the mere nature of this conversation was intimidating him. "... Can't you just, not show up?" he inquires, eyes looking down, seemingly unable to keep his eyes to Azure's.
copper: "No, sweetness," she replies softly. "I have to do this. Belle's...a Hero. That means there's an angel guiding her actions. And they are not very tolerant beings. I want to try and sever that connection. So Belle doesn't have to fight against us any more. I don't know if I actually can but I think what I'm doing is the first step."
RJ: Marth was silent for a time. His head was hanging, he looked defeated. Then, he rose his head, to speak up. "I... Decided a while ago, I'm definitely coming with you. I'm not going to give up on Belle. I believe she's a good person deep down, and that she feels sorry for the people she hurt in the name of God, despite it all. I just can't think of someone as nice as her being a murderer by trade. Because I have faith, I cannot just watch."
copper: Azure listens, giving a nod as he declares his intentions. "I know I asked you to come with me, to help. But I want you to promise me, Marth, that at least from the beginning, you let this be between Belle and me. Say anything you want to her but I have a feeling she won't accept defeat unless it's by me. Then she won't have to fight any more. At least not anyone who isn't trying to fight with us first."
RJ: That second part seemed to hit Marth. Apparently he wished to be like Capri and meddle. "B-but... You've only just learned the basics of weaving. Belle is extremely skilled. E-even if you're strong, Azure..." Marth fidgeted, looking distressed. "... She's better than you..." he said slowly. He seemed to not want to say it for Azure's feelings, but he seemed to find reason to say it anyway. "Way to boost her morale." Capri sighed. "I'm sorry! I just don't think this is a good idea at all! Belle was given elite training by the Church! W-we only just started training Azure not even a week ago! Of course I'm scared for her!" Marth argued.
copper: "And I appreciate the concern, Marth, don't think that I don't. And believe me, I'm well aware of my shortcomings. But Belle's not going to let this go. She wouldn't when I beat her the first time. Now, I have to do it again. At least she won't have the group of you to hold over me this time." She sighs. "Belle's not going to listen to reason. I wish she would. But the only way she's going to understand that she's wrong is if I make her see it. And I can't do that if she's still crusading against us."
RJ: Marth approached Azure, determination in his eyes. "I don't believe that she can't see reason. I want just one chance. I want to talk to her. I can see that she's hesitating, that she doesn't want to do what the angels want. It's the same feeling I had when I was in her position in the Order Orphanage, back when I was young. Raised to believe that all monsters should die, even if they begged for mercy... She's human, Azure. And her heart is in pain."
RJ: "We just need to save her before she becomes an angel, and loses her heart entirely."
RJ: Capri hummed. "That reminds me, Belle acted like she's been a hero a long time running now. It would help to remind ourselves she's made a career performing god's will. Azure was almost next on her list, along with the rest of us."
RJ: Francis merely added her piece calmly after much silence. "Azure, among everything you have learned, I think now is a good time to give you a crash course in angels." she announced. "I have done plenty of research, more so now that I must soon defend my homeland from them. One particular article is of interest here, and that is the hero. A hero is one who is blessed with what is essentially divine genetics. The angels take the fault and flaw of man, and replaces what was made imperfect into their idea of perfection. As it so turns out, the human mind as well as an angel's mind can be beset with choice and emotion. If allowed to stir and fester, sometimes leads to heresy. This is why, for the sake of recruiting more angels, prospects are named Heroes so that the angels can perform a thorough examination. If Capri is correct, then Belle should be nearing the end of her examination. If so, then I would not doubt if angelic presence would be there to spectate your execution."
RJ: She then faced the path ahead. "I will follow as well, in the shadows. I will deal with any interlopers during your date with the hero~" she promised, cooing sensually.
copper: Listening to Marth and now with Francis' interjection, a lot of what she and Cynthia spoke of seems to be coming to fruition. "One chance, Marth. Out of all of us, you seem to be the one that connected with her the best. Just...be on your guard, all right? I don't need her lashing out at you. Or someone interrupting you while you're trying to reason with her." Her attention drifts to Capri. "And yet, at the same time, she still seems rather naive. Unless that's all an act." She sighs. "And does that mean the angel will step in to try and save Belle? They didn't before. Not when she wanted me to kill her." A pause. "I know the whole 'take the soul to Heaven' thing but would that have worked, if I'd killed her back then? Or do you think that was her trying to get away from all that? And you just be careful, too," she'll tell Francis. "Don't need you getting smacked around by an angel who's trying to crash the party."
RJ: With that, Francis' eyes slowly opened, and the sight was like seeing the horrors of one's nightmares unfold, as her gaze was enough to make Azure's skin tremble. "I've trained my entire life to kill winged abominations that seek ill to me and my home. There is no one more prepared to kill an angel here than I." she said with lethal response. Meanwhile, Marth nodded. "I will not approach recklessly." Then, Capri answered the bit about her dying. "Who knows. It'd be up to her angelic supervisor if they took her soul or not, since she would have perished early. I doubt she was acting rationally though. If Marth is right, then people with that degree of guilt do not act rationally."
RJ: Hearing that, Marth sighed, before looking to Azure with sad eyes full of worry and despair, but shined in the sunlight with undeterred focus. "No matter what happens, Azure, I want you to trust me. Even if... The worst happens. I couldn't possibly be so wrong when I felt that kind of light coming from her heart. I have no fear of Belle. I told her, that we're friends, and she nodded. Belle is not the kind of person who would hurt someone she calls her friend. I just... I don't know how to prove that to you, but I'm really good at understanding people's feelings." he professed. "... But I also know that Belle feels obligated to the life she's lived this far. I don't know why, but Belle... Is victim to her own destiny. This angel, her supervisor or whatever... It's her fault, not Belle's!"
copper: Best not to tell the young mage what's going on in her head. No need to worry him. Though she is still thinking back to what she saw at Cynthia's. Time to make sure that doesn't happen. "I just hope we can manage to make Belle see that. That their way isn't the only way, nor is it necessarily the right way. One more step onward toward destiny, I suppose."
RJ: Francis nodded. "There are many key players in this battle. Despite your aversion, you are one of them, Azure. I'm certain the sudden nature of Belle arriving before us was to enlist her as a powerful angel before this battle, to combat the presence of other chosens of fate in the field. If you win, this might just be the first victory we will have." she stated. "And if you lose... Then they will take Belle, and your shard."
RJ: Capri put his hand on Azure's shoulder. "Naturally, I'm going to sit this one out. No lying this time. Seeing Belle in action once was enough. I don't need to go accidentally becoming a dullahan, you know?"
copper: "Well, I like my shard where it is. And Belle's, too, for that matter...provided it's on our side." She'll rest a hand over Capri's. "That's fine, sweetness. I know you're much more a lover and tactician than a fighter." She chafes his hand gently. "Just be sure to be cheering me on, all right? With those weighty words of yours." She'll lean over and give him a peck on the cheek.
RJ: He'd turn just as she moved in, meeting her peck with his own lips. "Bring everyone back, including yourself, and I'll have a surprise waiting for you." he replied. "I hope that's incentive." he cooed, a hand petting along the back of her head and down the length of her hair. Marth was seen in the corner of her eye looking sharply away, shamed by viewing their intimacy.
copper: By her grin, she doesn't mind his making it into a proper kiss. His promise gets a low chuckle out of her. "So many surprises waiting for me. Maybe I'll see about getting them both together." Marth will get a curious look from her but she won't call him on it, at least not in front of any of the others.
RJ: Marth just cocked his head to the side. He looked confused. Either way, everyone looked ready to carry on... Until the time for battle would arrive.
copper: (What's Bishop up to?)
RJ: Bishop, meanwhile, would say he has some things to do, while being vague about the details, before wandering off.
copper: She agrees with Marth, as that will give her a chance to check in on the others and see how they're doing since the rest of them have been gone. So long as Capri seems fine with his arrangement with Francis, she doesn't say anything to the contrary, especially since the merrow is going to need to be on the top of her game as well. As she walks with the young mage, she'll wait to see if there's a good spot to interrupt him, as it were. "Can I ask you something, Marth?" Because it's not fair to spring certain questions on someone without at least asking first.
RJ: Marth seems to snap back to reality as he whips to her. "O-oh. Yes?" he replied, looking like he seemed to think her question very important, considering what event was coming.
copper: Hopefully she's not bursting his bubble with what she's actually going to ask him. Or fluster him too much. "Does it bother you when I show affection so freely? Or receive it?" She's also going to have to take this into account because Marth will be there to witness the duel and if she's using all assets at her disposal to battle Belle, let's be honest, there's going to be molestation if she can manage it.
RJ: Marth's eyes went wide, not the question he apparently expected. "Uh... Bother me?" he asked a question back. "I... No, it doesn't bother me. It's just... I mean... It's hard to look at..."
RJ: "Not that it's something that I think is bad, or... Or anything like that. But... Well..." he chuckled. "It's something I don't ever see myself doing anyways, considering what I am. You know?" he plays it off at his expense. "So... Just a bit of a... Well, it's best if you don't mind me, I think."
RJ: Then, it occurred to him. "Uh... W-why are you asking me this?" he inquired with a tilt of his head, a slightly agape mouth, eyes of attention on Azure's face and a slight flush due to the topic.
copper: She listens to him babble, holding in her smile so as not to fluster him even further. "I'm just curious as to what makes it hard to look at. Is it because of...lack of experience?" She seems to think that the safest way to comment on his 'condition.' "I can understand how some things might be," she pauses, thoughtful, "quite risque, but a kiss? Is that hard to watch, too?" It's clear she's talking the mostly chaste kiss she and Capri shared regarding their promise, not some of the tongue-wrestling ones she's gotten into with him.
RJ: Her first question was one that seemed to draw a great reaction, his eyes looked up at her as if aghast that she asked such a thing. "A-Azure, I-I-I don't think that's a v-very nice question for a gentlewoman to ask!" he stuttered. "And yes, a kiss is hard to watch too. I don't know, but I just... Can't. Anyway, you still didn't give a very good answer. You're bringing up a strange topic, aren't you?"
RJ: He seemed to think about it for a bit, before looking at Azure with a frown, as if she did something bad. "If... If you're trying to ask me to do that with you, the answer is *no*!" he said stoutly. "N-no matter the timing, we're still not sure if you're in love yet. If you try to do anything before you're in love, I'm going to be very mad at you." he said, offering a limited warning, considering his nature. The worst thing that came to her mind on instinct was that he'd get everyone iced cream and get her none. That kind of punishment.
copper: "Who says I'm a gentlewoman?" She shoots him an exaggerated wink and sways her hips once, stopping, though, since she knows things like that can make the young mage uncomfortable. "No, Marth, that's not what I'm asking," she assures him. "I'm asking..." She'll trail off, thoughtful. "Well, I can't say so I can avoid things like that completely in the future, but so I can, at the very least, be mindful if you're with me." Another pause as she debates her thoughts. "I also want you to know that when...if," she corrects, even though she has a feeling it's not right, "I fight with Belle, I am probably going to do things to make her uncomfortable. To distract her. So I can win. I'd like you to be prepared for that possibility."
RJ: Marth frowned, then glanced down at the ground. Then to the side over one of the pillar foundations, to look at how nobody was playing and having fun in the temple anymore. "... I get it... Like when that girl kissed me, right?" he said. "Stuff like that... It's only okay if you care about the other person, otherwise it's just rape." he said. "How much could you possibly care about Belle? She's been nothing but mean to you. If you hurt her like that she may never forgive you... I... May never forgive you either. So I want to know..." he looked up at her. "Is everything Zidane said about you true? Are you planning to make a harem of us? And... V... V-violate our bodies...?"
RJ: His arms crossed over his chest, as if defending himself from the phantom Azure trying to violate him.
RJ: "If so... Make sure you're in love with me first, okay?" he reminded her, a blush on his face as he said that. His flushed expression making her mind tingle a bit, the leftover threads of charming making a momentary lewd thought flash in her mind in regards to Marth. "And do not be cruel to Belle. Once you win, that is... She's my friend, and I won't forgive you if you make her suffer. Past that..." he let out a sigh. "I think you're a lewd... But reliable person. You have some things about you that make it hard for me to talk to you, or even look at you, but... Francis I think chose you because she knew you were someone we could trust. Someone I could trust... Please... Save us from the Angels, Azure. We don't want to lose our home." Marth begged, looking at Azure as if she were the only hope he had, or the only one he could see.
copper: Given the way Marth was, though the curse might have some effect on her, there really wasn't a need for it, given how she felt toward him. As he asks his questions, she's quiet, considering all of them and the statements he's making, too. "I still have to do something to something to distract Belle. And given how I gather she feels about my attention, that could be the distraction I need." As he questions her about Zidane's comments, she sighs. "Marth, I won't do anything to any of you that you don't want and you're not my harem. That likely would be the simpliest way to describe our relationship but all of you are so much more to me than that." As he pleads with her about the angels, her head bows slightly, then her gaze will lift to him. "I'll do my best, Marth. I want you to have somewhere you can feel safe."
RJ: Hearing her say that seemed to comfort him somewhat, though her answer about Belle didn't seem to make him happier. Though, he seemed to think, and then chuckle. "You do sound like we're your harem though. Heh. It's fine if you're a naughty person, I think. As long as you're a good person most of all. I won't mind if such a person falls in love with me." he said with conclusion, before turning. "... Shall we go meet Belle while I'm in good spirits? We'll need to go find Francis first."
copper: "I try to be, Marth. I try to be," she remarks quietly when he comments about her being a good person. "All right. Let's get your books dropped off, then see if Francis is at home. Seems the most logical palce to find her. Outside of possibly being with Undine at the moment, given the craziness right now."
RJ: Marth, while still moving forward, spins around and chuckles, winking at her while trotting backwards. "You try to be naughty? Or good?" he asked a teasing question, before spinning back around. "Just kidding!" he said in a cheerful voice. Before they went home, and found Ragna and Zwei inside, arm wrestling so intensely that they didn't stop to say hello. They both stared at each other intensely, trying with all their might. Ragna fought with a ferocious expression, and Zwei with a sweating but calm face. "Hey, guys!" Marth cheered. Ragna glanced over, smiling. "Hey Mar-" his hand was slammed down by Zwei. "Ooooow!" he cried out. "You still lack focus. You never focus." Zwei said, standing up and nodding to the two. "Our unique training." Zwei explained to the two.
copper: That gets a slightly laughed "Yes" out of her when he questions which she's trying to be. She won't interrupt the two of them, watching the match with interest until its sudden conclusion. "How's it going?" she'll inquire of Zwei as he speaks of training. "And for that matter, how have things been here?"
RJ: "Bad." Zwei declared. "We were cast out of the temple temporarily when humans and men for that matter were not trusted under suspect of bombing attacks and plotting with demons." he explained. Ragna was wagging his hand as he stood up too. "If you'd believe it, some friggin' pirates showed up, saved a bunch of mermaids, and revealed that they were demons and humans working together, and pushed a statement forward that the prejudice the people were tossing about was wrong. It opened the doors again and we got to NOT sleep in the woods again."
copper: "I remember the bombing. I'm just glad you're all right and you got to come back inside. So...these pirates. Are they still here? And how true has their declaration about working together been?"
RJ: "Not sure, they just got back about six hours before you." Ragna said. "We last saw them meeting with Undine and Kala, the latter being the declared war leader that was selected to lead Undine's Defense."
copper: "New here. I don't know Kala. Though chances are, if Francis is anywhere, that's probably where she is. Scheming." There's a bit of a grin at that statement. "Need to pick her up before I go find Belle and get this duel over with."
RJ: "Wrong, she is at her home, with your man." Tabith announced, standing in the doorway and leaning against the arch with a sultry pose. Ever the woman to always look like a temptress. "Apparently with quite a spell over her, as she is much more subdued than normal. Nevermind that though... Welcome back, friend." she said with a smile.
copper: "Well, Capri does have a way with words, apparently. Good to see you, too, Tabith." Azure will greet the dark elf with a nod. "Well, let's not interrupt, at least for a little while. Unless they're interrupt-able," she inquires of the other woman. Round-about-not-freaking-Marth-out way of asking if they're having sex.
RJ: "If this is your reaction, better not until they're done." She said. Marth looked back and forth, before looking a bit upset as he seemed to understand what was being thrown over his head. "You're talking about something naughty, aren't you?" he inquired. "His mind is more corrupted since last I saw him." Tabith noted, a brow rising. "Considering his difference in company... Azure, you devil~"
copper: "Francis might be dealing with an angel. That, and she and Capri seem to have come to an accord while we were on the road." She still remembers what she and Bishop talked about regarding the merrow, but that's not something to air out. "Something like that," she'll say to Marth, which isn't quite as good as a 'yes' but it's pretty close. The lamia's tail will flick back and forth as Tabith calls her a devil. "Capri's coming into his own a bit. I think I made a good choice when I decided to keep him." She grins a little.
RJ: "I think the credit goes to the trainer more than the pet." Tabith suggested, grinning back. "But alas... I have some prep to do. I just wanted to say hi to the woman I'd call my sister at this point, considering what we have shared. It's a dark elf thing." she said. "Don't die, Azure. There's much fun to be had." she said, before quickly picking up and leaving.
copper: She seems a little curious about the 'sister' remark but then again, the two of them had been through quite a bit together in more ways than one. "Same goes for you, Tabith. I look forward to having more of it with you."