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The Dividing Line - Canteen

Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

There is a half frown on his face as he replies, "no, it's my fault, a moment of unobservedness. Do you mind if I join you?" He indicates a seat relatively near by.
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

Nadia grins under her hood. "I don't know. You ordered your steak well done. Maybe I'll shoot you instead." She somehow manages to wave it off and point at the chair at the same time. "Never mind, go ahead."
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

There is a slight chuckle as he replies, "well I'm pretty sure if I sat here and ate a still dripping piece of steak that it would churn your stomach, even though I could without trouble." He pauses for a moment, calming himself before sitting down.

After several moments he finally adds, "sorry, it's just my mind is sort of elsewhere. Translated something from that database on the ship I told you about that has me a little.... well, unnerved actually."
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

The sizzling noises ceased, and Williams came out with a 12 ounce ribeye sprinkled judiciously with rosemary, thyme, and a pinch of garlic.
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

((Get out of my brain Chibi, lol.))

Draven took the plate of steak from Williams when it was offered to him, thanking him before cutting one piece off and beginning to eat. There was a long moment pause while he chewed and then swallowed it, then he looked up. "Very very nice there. Just perfect. Definitely going to be glad we have you here on the station."
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

Williams inclines head, "Thank you sir." before heading back around to the range.

((LOL i just posted what I like to eat)))
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

"Whatever happened to medium?" Nadia focuses mostly on enjoying her goulash, adjusting her hood now and then.
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

Draven shrugs. "Not as much flavor when it's medium. Anyway, I'll fill you in on a few things in a bit, after we eat though."

Something is obviously bugging him, though he's trying not to show it.
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

Nadia takes a long look at Draven before nodding. "Sure thing." She tilts her head downwards again to keep the hood in her face as she eats. Now and then a mmm leaves her lips. "All out of a sudden I feel like home. I'm really glad that Krysta brought her cook along."
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

Draven nods before replying. "As am I."

He returns to eating, and soon he has finished, sitting back in the chair he's in and waiting for Nadia to finish patiently.
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

After Nadia has savored every last bite of her food she sighs and pushes her plate away slightly. "Well then. What is it that you want to talk about?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

"First, Senkek has several of his bots working I believe, so he said not to worry if you ran across them. Secondly, that fungal creature we killed and had Caitlin run test on, it seems to have bits of human tissues inside of it. Specifically, brain tissue. She's running a full genome analysis just to be certain, but preliminary results suggest this thing may not be a natural evolution. It also seemed to still be holding a residual electrical charge."

There is a long pause before he adds, "and I just checked the translator device for the Ashotur language matrix that Thall and I set up, just before coming here. We have a full sentence, the translation to which bothers me, not sure why."

He proceeds to rattle off as best he can the words in their native tongue, which may or may not be correct since he really has no basis to test it on, but he does his best. When he finishes he adds, "it translated to, 'they will drown in our flood', whatever the hell that is supposed to mean."
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Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

Nadia uses a napkin to wipe away residue sauce. "I wouldn't worry too much about the Ashotur text. Maybe it's just their way to talk. It's probably like wishing somebody luck. Now, the spore thing is much more bothersome. Let's see what the test tells us."
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

"I'm thinking it's some kind of pre-battle quote they use, such as the human phrase, 'remember the Alamo', but I may be wrong."

He pauses, considering about the test on the spore creature. "Agreed, that does have me troubled as well. I'm quite curious to know HOW human brain tissue got into that damn thing, and what purpose it could have served. My guess is that test will take several hours to complete at the very least, so I think we all have some time to kill with that."

He stares out one of the windows (if there are any). "I wonder if the planet bound team found anything of interest down there?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

((There are windows now. Because I say so.))

Nadia follows his stare and shrugs after a moment. "They've not been gone that long yet. But you're right, I could go for some diversion myself. What to do though?" The Garik gets up and stretches.
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

He shakes his head. "Not really sure. The amount of things to do is finite because this is a station and not a planet. For you, I suppose you could rest if you wanted to, but for me, since I don't require it..."

He trails off, seemingly surprised to realize, he's actually faced with possible boredom.
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

"Boredom? I'm not going to have any of that! I didn't sign up for this to be bored.. Agh, but somebody has to man the command center." Nadia falls back on her chair in a huff. "And right back to the pencil pusher job. How did I maneuver myself into this. . . WAIT! I have an idea!" The Garik jumps up again and strikes a dramatic pose. "We could make a copy of the AI you found! Computers don't get bored."
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

He blinks slowly. "Let me get this straight. You want to make a copy of the same AI, to put in charge of the command center for now, the same one that pretty well threatened to blow me up? If we're going to do that, I'd want to write out that particular subroutine."

He stops for a moment, then thinks of something. "Actually, it might not be all that hard to write one based off of you even. We'd have to set it to default critical decisions to you, since we can't always predict everything, but in theory, it shouldn't take more than an hour to come up with something like that with your help, and I can easily bring the needed supplies for that up to command."
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

Caitlin rolls into the canteen, surprised to find an actual chef on board. She heads on over and parks herself by Draven and Nadia, happy to see that she at least doesn't have to wait for Krysta to have a conversation.

"Hi Draven, hi Nadia. What's going on?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

Nadia drops her pose to shrug. "Basically I need something that can make minor decisions and relays the important stuff to me. An electronic assistant."