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The Dividing Line - Canteen

Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

Krysta blinked and blatantly stared at Caitlin, "Where does all that food go?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

"See, I'm no biologist, but I still know how stuff works." Kars says setting down his now empty bowl, picking up his helmet and inspecting the inside some, "Spare human bellies, I don't quite get those. Hmm. Passion. Adversity works too. Or mix both together even. That's fun. I'm waiting for someone to come give me the chance to test out my adjustments on the Hell Strafer. I thought this sector was dangerous. I can only build and fix for so long. Think I might actually need someone to shoot at me soon or I might snap, know what I mean? No?"

'Hmm, a medic and a scientist. Doubt it...'
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Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

Krysta grinned, "I know what you mean. If i have to administer one more dose of antibiotics..."
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

Kars returns the grin with added teeth. "Ah, so I see we all appreciate the inner workings of the body in our own ways. Say doc, you ever cut open one of my kind before? Replacement parts are hard to come by in my size, so I normally make an effort to keep my original organs in one piece. So far so good, considering. But you know how hard it is to argue with flying shrapnel..." he says shrugging toward the end.
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

"I can understand the need to get out and fly," Càitlin says, missing the shift of conversation. "But I don't enjoy getting shot at at all. It happens pretty much everytime I actually get to do a demonstration for prospective investors, they always want a live-fire thing to see how well the ship works, but I hate it."
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

"Hmm. It's just I've never worked with other people for this long without someone figuring I'm an easy target and trying to steal my cut. It's like when the artillery stops on a battlefield, that's when you know something's about to happen. Feels weird. Even surrounded by allies, I can't help but watch every trigger finger. Do you pilot the demonstrations yourself?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

Caitlin nods. "I have to. One of the things I haven't figured out yet, is how to make a 'generic breed', of my ship. So faran every one I've made, which has only been my two so far, have to be custom grown to recognize the genetic make-up of a single person. Makes for an amazing security system though. So yes, I pilot the demonstrations. I never do too well, but I hold my own against trained pilots, which really is amazing in itself, as I've never had any formal training." She explains, and then fineshes off her meal, staring at the empty dish for a second or two before shaking her head and looking apologetically at Krysta. "Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot to answer your question. All the food goes to my suit, in a way." She explains, piching a bit of the living flight suit under her lab coat. "Since it doesn't have a direct connection to the source of energy the ships feed off of, it has to store as much as it can while I'm on the ship. Unfortunately, that's few and far between, so it takes reserve energy from me. So I have to eat more to cover my own reserves, which usually means carbohydrate packs, but this is much better!" She says with a smile, taking a sip from her drink.
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

Krysta blinked rapidly, "You... eat for your ship?" her voice was a little lower, "So that's why you're so sleepy all the time. That... ship is doing this to you..." worry crept into her voice.
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

Caitlin shook her head a bit. "Not the ship, just the suit. I couldn't metabolize food fast enough to even keep Albert, my smaller ship, from starving. And the suit itself doesn't take any energy for the first five or six hours, it runs off it's own stores during that time. Don't sound so worried, I'm an expert, remember?" She says with a grin.
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

"Well that's different. I just plug in an energy cell and a few fuel rods for the jet pack. How does the energy get to the suit then?" He says putting on his helmet, a faint hiss as it seals, and the voice transferring to speakers as he does so. "It absorb it from you somehow, or are you plugged into it somewhere?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

"Direct biological connection, it's effectively paet of me while I'm wearing it. There is a small energy cell, which is how it stores the original few hour's energy, but I don't want to carry around too much, I'm not very mobile." She says with a smile, holding up her arms in a 'whatcha gonna do?' gesture.
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

Krysta smiled a little, "Can't help but worry... But a part of you? Does that mean if someone damages the suit it hurts you as well?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

Caitlin shrugged. "Honestly, I've been too afraid to find out fully, but I'm pretty sure that yes, I would. The ships treat pain differently than we do, but I don't know how well the suit does, integrated into a person like it is. I know I can feel every other sense from it, though it feels dull, as if there's a layer of rubber between me and the world." She explains carefully, speaking slower than she had discussing the rest of her creations.
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

"Like squishy cybernetics. Or something, ish." Kars says standing up and hopping off his chair, "Which brings me back to what I said earlier. Before I go doc, in case I ever happen to get ventilated by a few supersonic shards of crap, you know which organs go where for my kind? Like I said, finding cybernetic replacements in my size is a real pain."

He didn't at all expect Krysta's other species knowledge to be quite that extensive/obscure, but if he planed on shooting stuff for these people it was a relevant question. Not that lack of medical support had ever stopped his lifestyle so far, but it would be a nice perk to have insurance for once.
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

Krysta nodded. "Plus I've got medical texts for various others as well."
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

"Ok then. As long as you remember that I need both hearts. I won't last long on just one, and I've seen the mistake made before. An honest mistake, but a troublesome one all the same. Anyway, it's been nice talking to you lovely ladies. I'm off to find something fun." Kars says with a cheesy two handed point, then spinning around and beginning to push his heavy tool cart towards the door.
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

Caitlin gives him a wave as he leaves, then turns to Krysta. "So, uh, who exactly was that, again?" She asks slowly.
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

"He's one of our small crew that was sent out here first, before you showed up..." Krysta sounded a bit distracted as she slowly ate her food. "We had some trouble when we first showed up, i wonder why we haven't had any since then. It's making me a bit nervous."
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

"Oh, I see." Caitlin said slowly, before shrugging and likely forgetting all about it. "So, what now? Back to work?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

Krysta sipped slowly at her coffee, "Lets take a few more minutes. Tell me some more about yourself." she smiled behind her cup.