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The Dividing Line - Canteen

Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

"Well," Caitlin says slowly, leaning back in her chair. "I was born on a rather large colony in the Orion arm. My father was up there in the military, and my mother was a physics professor, so I guess you could say I was fairly advantaged, though I never felt so. I kinda blazed through school, I don't remember if I was three or four years ahead by the end of it, and I ended up going to university pretty much the year after. I majored in biology, with a minor in spacial physics, to keep my mother happy. Graduated up there, but not the top, and got a grant from the government to start building Albert and the Pillar. I couldn't make results fast enough for them though, so I ended up losing the funding and the staff that came with it. I've been plugging away at it since then, the paycheck involved with coming here should be enough to get my research really going again." She explains hurredly, in her usual excited manner.
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

Krysta nodded, "So you are a genius. That's what I thought." A conflicted look appeared on her face, like she wanted to ask a question, but was afraid of the response.
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

"I don't know about that..." Caitlin says uncomfortably, either ignoring Krysta's look, or unaware of it. Knowing her, most likely the latter. "Living in a house with an overacheiving, dedicated father, and a professor as a mother, made it kinda easy to learn stuff, you know?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

"Yes, but just because the resources are there doesn't mean just anyone could learn." Krysta pointed out. "Seems you hit the genetic lottery."
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

Caitlin blushes a litlle. "Well, I don't know if I'd say that either..." She says softly...
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

Krysta looked her up and down, "I would. You're super smart, and very pretty..."
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

Caitlin chuckled. "Okay, now you're just bugging me. I can't remember what I ate for breakfast, I'm not sure if your name has an 'L' at the end or not, and I'm covered neck down with a green living spacesuit." She says sarcastically, emphasizing her point by giving the table a shove, rolling backwards in her wheelchair a bit so Krysta can see her better.
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

"You didn't eat breakfast if i recall, no it doesn't end in an l, and the spacesuit just adds to you." Krysta blushed, and hid behind her coffee mug again.
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

"You see! Now who's the geniu-Wait, what?" Caitlin said, throwing her hands up at first, but stopping dead, thinking she misheard Krysta's last comment.
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

Krysta tipped the coffee mug up, as if to drink, but the mug was long empty now, she was just stalling for time. "I... I um... I said that the suit doesn't look bad it... looks really good on you..."
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

Caitlin looked rather stunned by Krysta's comment. "Oh! Well, Um... Thanks..." She muttered, looking just as uncomfortable.
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

Krysta set the mug down, her face flaming, "Sorry..." she muttered and turned to flee the Canteen.
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

"No, wait!" Caitlin says, trying to call the woman back. "It's okay..."
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

Krysta sank back into the seat and stared at her lap, "I shouldn't have said anything..."
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

"No, it's okay, really. I'm just not... used to being called attractive, alright? Most people don't see past the chair." Caitlin explained, then in a desperate bid to change the subject. "So, uh, all this talk about me... What about you?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

"Past the chair?" Krysta was a little confused, "You'd think people would have moved on from staring in this day and age..." then she cleared her throat, "Well, I grew up on the Shining Star with my parents." she smiled fondly at the memories, "I lost both of my arms and parents in the war..." She wiggled the fingers of her implants, "So I decided to become a medic and help rather than hinder the lives of others." then she motioned to Williams, "He's been with my family since I was a kid, and i don't have the heart to tell him to retire. Besides, his cooking is divine."
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

Caitlin shrugged at the first comment, then listened intently to Krysta's story. "I'm sorry for your loss..." She says quietly, then brightens up again when Williams is mentioned. "Mmm, no kidding! I've never eaten as good as I have these past couple weeks!" She says with a grin.
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

Pain flickered across Krysta's face before it was replaced with a smile, "I know the best thing i can do for them is to keep moving forward, and Williams helps me with that. When i eat his meals I forget everything but the food." she said with a small giggle.
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

Caitlin giggled and smiled as well, trying to think of some way to change the subject. Finally, her mind hit on something. "Here's a question. Have you seen Pkaric lately? I'd like to talk to him some more, but they won't let me in to see him..."
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

Krysta grinned wryly, "They won't even let Thall in to see him from what I've heard. Forgive the pun, but it smells a little fishy."