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The Dividing Line - Command

Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Draven stops in mid sentence to Nadia, and pauses. "Oh really? I'll be right down then. You may wish to contact Thall then if you haven't already done so."

He turns to Nadia and shifts back into Bentari form. "I apologize, it appears my idea will have to wait for now. I apologize for taking up your time."

He bows his head to her, then quietly retreats towards the Medical Facility, his feet clanging against the floor rather heavily.
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Draven makes his way back after some time, pausing long enough to knock and alert Nadia to him being there. At some point between the cells and here, he has changed back into his natural form, having already scared Nadia once, he wasn't too keen on pissing her off again. "Nadia, you have a moment?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

"For my favourite shape-shifting crew member? Always." Nadia leans back in her chair and focusses her ocular modules on Draven.
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

He nods for a moment then speaks. "Thall had asked me to come and let you know that Pkaric, our Ashotur prisoner has been moved to the holding cells now. He's taking first watch, though he wanted you to set up a rotation for guard duty, minus Vance. To be honest, I don't think he trusts Vance to not try and fight him. Frankly, given the way he has spoken about it, I have to agree with Thall there, no offense intended."

After he has gotten the needed parts said, he thinks for a moment then grins slightly. "I also happen to be your only shape-shifting crew member." It is said with a hint of a smile on his face and in his voice. Seems that he isn't completely without a sense of humor after all.
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Nadia shrugs. "How am I supposed to know? You could be somebody else right now posing for Draven." She giggles behind her cloth and waves it off. "I'll keep Thall in mind."
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

His eye raises slightly at her comment, which he knows is made in jest, but it still catches him off guard for a moment. "Not sure how you figure that one, but alright."

He nods again when she mentions Thall. "Great, I'm sure if he could thank you right now he would, so I'll do it for him, thank you. Now, there was one final thing I wanted to go over with you on. Regarding the data stored in those computer systems, do you want me to try cracking into it with a different method, or just leave it alone for now?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

"Best leave it be. If I recall correctly, we still have a connection to the outside. With access to the entire station, who knows what that AI could do." Nadia shudders for a moment. "I don't want to be the one telling the General that his entire crew got sucked out the window."
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Draven apparently hadn't considered that, and for a moment his entire body seems to shift, and phase slightly. It may have been a mist's version of a small shudder, but it was hard to tell, although he didn't seem to be worried much about whatever had just happened, so that probably was a good thing. "Ouch, yes I can see where that would be bad for us. I'll leave things where they are for now then. The question now is, with things left somewhat open, is there anything specific you need for me to do? Right now it would appear that I have a bit of free time so to speak, and since I don't really sleep..."

He trails off, the line of thought fairly clear. Since he doesn't sleep, it would seem as if for the first time in a while, he might be in a position to suffer from boredom, and he really wasn't looking forward to that, so he was checking to see if she had anything she wanted him to do, or anywhere he should be.
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Nadia smiles. "I could send you to check up on Senkek in SnR. Have you been there before?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

He shook his head. "I haven't yet, but I have the map layout of the station fairly well memorized by now, I'm fairly certain I can find it easily enough."
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Nadia nods. "Well then. Please make sure he doesn't build a doomsday machine in there, or time travelling robots... though that would be interesting, even if time travel is a forbidden technology."
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

He nods, grinning for a moment. "Doomsday, bad. Time traveling robots though? I think I'll pass on those too, been through a few instances with others trying to perfect the technology, and I'd rather not see it again. Alright, off I go then, will check in with you later on then."

Unless she stops him, he heads on out.
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Krysta hurries into the command Office, "Nadia? I have a cargo bay full of food, where would you like it to get stored?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Nadia shoots forward in her chair - it looks like she took a little nap. As she speaks her voice sounds drowsy. "Hm? Wha... food? There is a canteen on... Level 3 - 3 levels above the hangar that is." She punches a few buttons and looks at the map for a moment. "From the elevator, turn... left and immediately left again, then head down the corridor to the big double door. The cooler and freezer are in the kitchen, behind the counter."
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

"I think I can remember that..." she blinked for a moment, committing it to memory, "Thanks Nadia." and then out the door she went.
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Krysta saunters in a sneaky grin on her face, "Nadia, I have a rather excellent cook as a part of my crew, and if anyone's hungry I'm sure he can whip out something delicious for us. Would you mind if I stationed him in the Canteen? I don't want him to think he's going to be a useless lump on board my ship." She picked at the cuticle of one finger.
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Nadia tilts her head. "Why are you grinning like that? Is there something I should know?" Her voice shows a bit of humor, but she seems interested at least.
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

"Oh nothing, just that if I tell him to be creative he'll probably cook us a five course meal." she chuckled, "I have to put restrictions on the dear old man when I ask him to make me dinner."
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

"Ah." Nadia relaxes a bit. "Is there something else to know? Because I, for once, wouldn't mind a good meal now and then."
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

"I don't think so, he's human, pretty old, and his name is Williams. I never got told the rest of his name." She shrugged, "I'll send him over right now if you want me too."