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The Dividing Line - Command

Re: The Dividing Line - Command

The lights in Nadia's office come on, revealing the Garik sitting behind her desk clad in the dark blue robe. "Come in."
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Draven enters, closing the door behind him. He is silent for a moment, obviously composing himself. During this moment she would note the flare in his eyes, realizing he was highly pissed about something.

Finally he spoke. "It seems that the Ashotur ship has been removed from the station, this after I discover an anomaly regarding it's power generating capabilities. I suspect it may have a higher than normal power generator, and it may be rigged to explode after a time. I am NOT happy about this, and neither is Thall. I also have a request of you."
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

As Kerry approached the strange looking humanoid, lights flicked on in an office and doors slid open. The mist like man stepped into the room and the doors shut behind him just as Kerry got there.

"Well... shit," she muttered, repositioning the duffel on her shoulder.
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Nadia shakes her head. As she speaks an amused undertone is in her voice. "I'm afraid you're wrong. The Mako hasn't left the station. It's in our Research Department for a thorough examination. There's no reason to be upset. Dr. Ritter has everything under control." Now who is that? Could that be the "bitch" that Thall was referring to?
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Kerry leaned against the wall beside the door, hoping whoever was inside would finish quickly. She was tired, and that was making her impatient.
Crossing her arms over her chest she scanned the room, looking for something, anything, to bide her time.
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Draven lets loose a sound that might be an audible sound of relief. "Ah, good. I'd hate to have been right about an explosive and had it be moved and blow up something on the other station or even Earth. I'll have to swing down past research later and speak with this Dr. Ritter and let them know what's come up on my end, make sure they know what they may be dealing with. Now as for my other thing...."

He pauses a moment, thinking probably how best to say it, hen just decides to come out with it. "I'd like some time in the near future here to head off for a few days and do a fly through and scan of the old Ashotur star system. I doubt anyone has done a search through it since they were wiped out, and it would be prudent to do so. Perhaps eventually we can gather enough information to convince Pkaric his people are indeed dead.... or not dead."
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

If Nadia's eyebrows could be seen, they would definitely shoot up by now. "Are you sure? You know that region is out of Juris' protection, right? You'll be all on your own." As the Garik looks past Draven she notices Kerry. "Hm. Have you seen her before?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

"I am aware of that. Luckily I can remain cloaked the entire time, so I shouldn't need to worry too awful much. Who's juristiction does it fall under at this time, if any?"

He pauses at her question, looking out. "No, I haven't seen her here yet, perhaps she's with the new influx of personnel we got? Oh, I almost forgot to mention, I have a feeling if you give a go to me on this request that Thall is going to want to join. He would likely be.... quite excited for the opportunity."
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Kerry looked down at her watch, time was ticking by so damn slow. She hated standing around doing nothing. She would have been finding her quarters right now, but she didn't even know where she was staying, much less what her job was here.

One of her contacts had gotten hold of her, telling her there was work aplenty for the likes of her ilk out here. She needed the money, so here she was.

As she thought all this to herself, the hairs on her neck stood on end. She turned to see the two figures inside looking at her. In response she simply cocked an eyebrow.
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Nadia smirks under her cloth and raises a finger - one moment please - before returning her attention to Draven. "A few days ago the whole situation wouldn't have allowed me to let you to fly off. . . But as it is I guess I could give you a few days. Be safe and farewell", she adds, dismissing him with a gesture and calling in Kerry with another.
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Draven nods. "Thank you, I will be back within a few days."

He turned and headed out, pausing only long enough to hold the door open for Kerry and shift his features enough to smile warmly and welcoming to her.

He then headed out for the hangar bay to get ready for departure.
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Kerry didn't show much of any form of expression on her face as she walked in the door... and completely forgetting what Krysta had asked her to do. She stepped into the office and stood in front of the alien, letting her duffel bag slide off her arm and down to the floor.

"I assume you are in charge here."
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Nadia would have been rather confused by the term alien. The Garik and humans know each other for a while now, do they not? "Yes, yes I am. My name is Commander Nadia Hrrrthu, Nadia will suffice", she adds with a smile in her voice. It's very much the only thing the Garik can convey emotion with - the upper part of her face lies in the shadow of her hood, the lower part is hidden by a thick cloth that muffles her voice a bit. Her ocular modules give off a green glow that illuminates the obsidian black skin around them.
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

"I see. Well Nadia, someone's told me that this place has plenty of jobs for someone with limited interior moral struggles," Kerry said, only a little emotion showing on her own face. She was professional, business like... only a hint of eagerness showed.
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

"Of course", Nadia replies as she picks up a data pad and hands it to Kerry. "Read that thing, press your thumb into the field at the bottom and say your full name. The gist is that you work for the Alliance", she adds. "But you pretty much get to do whatever you want. Lots of credits as well."
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Raising an eyebrow, the woman did as she was told. "Kerry Haze," she said into the device, not entirely familiar with it, and wondering what it would show or tell her.
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

The device just beeps a confirmation. A smile plays in Nadia's voice. "Wonderful. Welcome aboard. If you have any general questions or have problems finding anything, just look for one of those", she explains with a point to one of the holographic projectors that Draven set up. "Our A.I. is probably able to help you out." One of her slender hands is reaching out towards Kerry, palm upwards. Maybe she wants the data pad back.
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Not entirely certain of any customs the apparent commander of this station may have within her species, Kerry gently placed the data pad back into her out stretched hand.

With only interactions and dealings with other humans before today, she realized some studying into where she was going to end up would have been helpful. She cursed herself for assuming it was going to be all humans here.
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Nadia places the data pad in a department in her desk before standing up behind it and reaching out her hand again, this time for a hand shake. Her hand looks mostly normal, though the "only three fingers" deal may throw Kerry off a bit. "I'm sure you're going to get along great with the others once you have settled in."
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Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Kerry would have been thrown off by the fingers, but having done business and shaken hands with a man that only had two remaining after a run-in with some certain people he didn't like anymore, it was hard to creep Kerry out through a hand shake.

Besides, this was business, and professionalism always made more credits. So Kerry took the offered hand and gave it a good firm shake, offering a smile.

"I'm sure I will," she said.