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The Dividing Line - OOC

Re: The Dividing Line - Signup and OOC

Good show. I'll have to clean out the lounge/kitchen area (it's filled w/ live ammo currently).
Re: The Dividing Line - Signup and OOC

Sorry for dragging my heels on this, everybody. It's all Shrike's fault for introducing me to Warframe. Any and all blame goes to her.
Re: The Dividing Line - Signup and OOC

And then i never even get to play with him. It‘s like he doesn‘t like me, or something. <3
Re: The Dividing Line - Signup and OOC

((Moved this here due to ramblingness))

Yeah, a secure channel is essentially the same thing as talking in a different language in front of someone. They don't have the code to be able to de-encrypt it, but there's nothing to stop them hearing it or knowing something was said. Genuinely secure and stealthed communication would require either being sent via a non broadcast method that can't be detected, such as direct laser transmission, or sent via a medium that the opposition doesn't have detection gear for. Which also requires everyone have matching communications tech installed.

That said, we did kind of just jump out of hyperspace. A radio/coms transmission is probably pretty subtle in comparison anyway.
Re: The Dividing Line - OOC

Sorry for not posting for a while; I just spent the last few days moving :p
Re: The Dividing Line - OOC

Oh shit what? I posted?

Roll for initiative, suckers!

EDIT: As Squid pointed out, you wouldn't necessarily FALL in zero G. But I am assuming that most of you are wearing mag boots, not floating around.
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Re: The Dividing Line - OOC

Sorry for the major delay, folks. Adjusting to a new work schedule. Finally getting the hang of it :p
Re: The Dividing Line - OOC

Just wanted to make a quick list of who's where and with who. Easy enough to get a little lost during moments like this. Take a moment to try and picture each gang doing a silly team pose. It's fun.

Command Team

Mayhem/Distraction/Clean-out Team

Engineering Team

Space Ladies

Re: The Dividing Line - OOC

You're absolutely right. Silly team pose is Hilarious. XD

I'm picturing a team rocket scene centered on Krell for his group.
Re: The Dividing Line - OOC

What he said, mhmm.
Re: The Dividing Line - OOC

The good news is I'll be able to update more frequently :/
Re: The Dividing Line - OOC


Come on people. We had a stall or two and the momentum died for a bit, but there's no sense in letting this game fade out so easily. In a multiple player game like this we need to try to encourage and nudge each other when we notice things getting stuck. Otherwise an exponential curve of "I can probably post tomorow" or "There's probably nothing to respond to yet..." will grow.

It's far easier to remain enthusiastic about your characters and post well for them when the pace remains warm.

Posting status...

Command Team


Mayhem/Distraction/Clean-out Team


Engineering Team

Space Ladies


FuzzyPawsMcBomber - - - Waiting to enter
Re: The Dividing Line - OOC

I'll try to get something going in short order myself, I've been down sick pretty bad and haven't been doing much of anything the past few days, so I have some catching up to do.
Re: The Dividing Line - OOC

And Chibi is excused for the moment as well, having stuff of her own to deal with. We can probably continue the space stuff without her, Cait's request notwithstanding. Either assume co-operation, or just ignore the request for now, and move on without it.
Re: The Dividing Line - OOC

Ah yes, I hadn't noticed that Announcement Thread post of hers. Can't help that much then.

Unless Rule had intended to send something more for the space goers to deal with, the stuff going on there currently probably won't disrupt the station board scenes if it's timeline diverges a little.

Regarding poking Aust, Tomato, or what to do about Chibs two fellows aboard the station... well that's kind of Rule34's call. I'm just trying to be a bit proactive in keeping the game warm. I played in SBS long enough to know that "politely waiting" for a response can be virtually the same as leaving the game unannounced, even if it's not at all your intention. Friendly pokes and/or a bit of OOC chat are a good/essential thing for this kind of RP in my eyes.