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The Dividing Line - OOC

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
The Juris Sector has been rather peaceful in the last years. The Nnyarthall have been forced back and the Ashotur have been extinguished for their crimes. Save for a bunch of Space Pirates here and there the sector has found a frail stability.

Until now.

Once more the hordes of the Nnyarthall are pushing against the Sector's borders, the Garik have pulled back into the darkness of their homeworld to brew up lord-knows-what, and the Telarin are more interested in their research than the Sector's fate. To make matters worse a race of ship-eating giant lifeforms have made attacks on outposts. Just the Human Directorate seems to stand between the civilizations of Juris and total obliteration. In their desparation they have reached out in every direction, promising quick wealth and fame - everything to keep up the order.

Will you answer the call?

This is a Sci-Fi RP, set in my own little version of the universe and roughly in the vein of Stargate or Star Trek. The races are mine - but don't let that stop you from bringing in your own creations. The players will form a task force based on the space station The Dividing Line, on the outskirts of the sector. They can go on missions, explore the ruins on the nearby planets or just hang out at the station and interact.

Race details etc. will come later. For now, is there any interest?

EDIT: Forgot the most important part! Every player gets his OWN SHIP! Ain't that awesome?
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Re: The Dividing Line

Interest shown!
Re: The Dividing Line

I hope you saved my old character, because I didn't. Well, I remember everything about him, just not his name.

And yeah, I'd love to get this started up again.
Re: The Dividing Line

Alas, no. Sorry. I only have my own data and a few big posts on my HDD.
Re: The Dividing Line

I wonder... interest expressed. I might steal the character from that "Rapture" chick. Was it Vix?

Re: The Dividing Line

Why don't you ask her? She's chained up in your basement after all, isn't she?
Re: The Dividing Line

I might be interested if i like the races ^^;
Re: The Dividing Line

I might be interested if i like the races ^^;

Remember: If you don't like them you can bring in your own. PM them to me first though - it is, after all, my universe and I want to know what's crawling around in it.

Speaking of races - here they are:


The Juris Alliance are the governing force in the Juris Sector and the "good guys".


The human race has reached it's top of evolution ages ago. They stand at averagely 6 feet and generally have dark hair.
The humans, even more than other races, have started to rely on cybernetic implants for medicinic purposes. It's not rare to meet soldiers that have their arms, legs or even part of the skull replaced by robotic appendages. The Directorate uses rather conventional weapons, but have advanced pretty far in regards to magnetic propulsion devices - coil- and railguns.


The Garikian sun system has lost it's sun eons ago. Now it's planets are rotating around a black hole - not big enough to draw them in, but heavy enough to keep them in orbit. As such the Garik had to evolve to survive. Garik look mostly human, but are a bit taller and thinner. The quickest way to really distinguish the Garik from the humans are their hands: They only have three fingers and an opposable thumb. The most common skin color is of a dark grey with a slightly blue tinge.
This skin reacts to even the least bit to UV radiation, and as such the Garik have to take measures to protect it. These range from simple rags wrapped all around their body to complete bodysuits, and are mostly a choice of fashion. All Garik that take up interstellar travel are required to wear ocular modules to even out their inherent night vision. In space combat the Garik rely on guerilla strategies; Their ships are small and quick, designed to attack and vanish.
Even though the Garik are not especially aggressive they are not that well-liked by most races, especially by humans who are notoriously quick to judge. Names like "Shadowdwellers" follow them wherever they go. The Garik usually retort with humor or not at all. They work as mercenaries, pirates or join the Garikian Imperium as soldiers and pilots.
In the recent years the majority of the Imperium's forces have withdrawn into their home system and shut down any communication. It seems they are working on a project so secret not even the Alliance is trusted.


The Telarin are possibly the most advanced race in the universe. They don't have a homeworld - instead they travel in homungous fleets, called Multitudes, across the galaxies.
The Telarin themselves are physically rather weak, even though they are taller than humans. They have a fragile humanoid body with thin arms and legs. Their necks are equally thin, and their faces seem to consist almost exclusively out of almond-shaped eyes. Their noses have devolved into breathing slits, and their mouths are rather small. The eyes are featureless pools of silver. Their hands and legs sport three appendages with bulbous ends. The Telarin don't have any feet to speak of: Their legs split directly into their toes, on which they rest - two in the front, one in the back.

At some point the Telarin physique has devolved so much that they could no longer take full gravity - their bones would break under the strain. To even out that effect these aliens have constructed what has come to be known as Gravity Suits - a body armor that supports their physique and gives them strength levels equal or even surpassing a human. It constantly feeds them with data via the display integrated into the visor. The design of the suits are mostly a choice of fashion, and one of the only cases where the Telarin show any individualism.


The Ar Gora Pact was a union of alien races bent on gaining control over the Juris sector by invasion. They were ultimately defeated in the First War. (You can not play as a race of the Ar Gora Pact)


The Nnyarthall are closely related to the Telarin. As a matter of fact both races used to be one.
This aggressive race shares the Telarin's tall and thin build, but their skin is pale brown instead of grey, their eyes are black and they sprout a mass of thick, tentacle-like appendages from the back of their head - probably the result of genetic engineering. These appendages have been known to create electricity and can be used like whips. Like their brethren the Nnyarthall have taken up a life between the stars and travel in big groups they call Hordes.

The Nnyarthall have sacrificed the Telarin's advanced technology for their indepence. Instead they have produced some of the most unorthodox weaponry: From metal scraps that are propelled by magnetic fields over lightning weapons to robotic tendrils, the Nnyarthall's seemingly archaic arsenal is designed to damage the enemy in the most cruel way possible. This fits the Nnyarthall's sense of superiority over the other races - even their brethren, the Telarin.
The Nnyarthall's ships as well as their Grav Suits have a distinctive look: almost organic, with shimmering carapaces, transparent wings and weapons growing out of tails or claws. This design has given the race the nickname "Bugs", even though they are mammals.


In short, the Ashotur were fish. They had bodies like sharks, with roughly humanoid faces and very muscular arms and legs. Webs underneath the arms took the role of fins. They travelled in big swarms, both in water and in space. When on land the Ashotur wore a kind of water-filled collar to prevent them from suffocating. However, they mostly used walkers when forced into ground battle.
The Ashotur were as aggressive as the Nnyarthall, if not worse. But where the Nnyarthall interrogated and tortured the Ashotur went even further - slavery, genetic experiments on prisoners and deliberate terraforming of entire worlds were only part of the Allied Government's list of accusations against them. The Ashotur were punished in the most severe way imaginable - their entire species was executed, extinguished from the face of the universe. Not everybody was happy with that solution of course, many of the Telarin among them. They would have preferred to study the Ashotur and their methods, but in the end the Directorate had it's will.


---WENDIGO (not playable)---

The true name of this race is unknown - and it's likely that they don't know it themselves. They have been dubbed Wendigo after a human mythological creature that comes into existence when a human cannibalizes his kin. It is a fitting name as the Wendigo is a carnivore and will eat anything and everything.
This race is two steps above a primate. Many thick bony ridges run over their face and hulking body. A strip of grey fur runs down their spine. Tusk-like spikes grow from their jaws and jut forth left and right of their mouth. The older a Wendigo is, the longer the tusks are. The brows of the Wendigo are thick, throwing a shadow over their yellow eyes.

The Ashotur used enslaved Wendigo as shock troops - cannon fodder. Stuck into cheap armor and equipped with Shredder Rifles Wendigo troops were deployed against space stations and battleships, often sent in drop pods. Because of their fierce attitude and physical superiority they are rather effective in close quarter combat.
After the Ashotur's defeat the Wendigo have been stripped of technology and have been settled on an uninhabited jungle planet.


Andaar are not a natural race - they have been force-evolved out of humanoid races by the Ashotur. Their white skin shows red, tattoo-like marks that are individual for every Andaar. They look much like humans, but are a good foot taller and slimmer. A fine webbing grows between their long fingers and toes, and three gills show on their neck. The Andaar have two breathing systems - meaning they also have lungs.
Andaar are cunning and intelligent and served as commanders over Wendigos and other slave races of the Ashotur. After their master's defeat the Andaar have been offered a home on an aquatic planet. They accepted.

---VAKAURI (not playable)---

There is no set description for a Vakauri. It is more of a collective term for the Ashotur's robotic servants, controlled by a Tactical Artifical Intelligence - TAI. The system was housed in a massive construction on the Ashotur homeworld, in essence a humongous server. The construct was destroyed in the final attack on the homeworld, effectively deactivating the Vakauri. Many of them have been found and disassembled - but who knows how many of them still float out there.


This includes any race that isn't member of the Alliance - either by choice or because they don't have a military fleet to speak of.


The Marsora are maybe the least aggressive race in the universe. These merchants have a humanoid body with a high amount of fat. Their legs have completely degenerated, and as such they use technological means of all kinds to move. Their skin is of a dark green, and their mouth resembles a turtle's beak. Marsoran clothing is brightly colored and festive. They generally have a jovial attitude towards other races - some consider them obnoxious.
Don't be misguided though. The Marsora may be many things, naive is not one of them. During the war they offered their services to both sides and dealt with weapons and technology alike.

The Am'Arum are insects. They seem to have evolved out of some kind of centipede, as their body resembles that creature. The lower third rests on 8 legs before it arches up and backwards, giving the whole creature a S shape. The rest of the body is without legs - however the Am'Arum have none less than six insectoid arms with pincer-like hands. Their jaw features a pair of sturdy mandibles akin to an ant's, and their bites are venomous. Their carapace has drab colors, most commonly a greyish brown or rust red. Am'Arum, in difference to most centipedes, have facetted eyes. The most interesting trait of the Am'Arum is that they reproduce by parthenogenesis - they produce a single egg that doesn't require male fertilization. As such, all Am'Arum are females.
Am'Arum are intelligent and skilled hunters without the human concept of ethics or mercy, which makes them excellent mercenaries.
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Re: The Dividing Line

You know full well I'm bringing my Ingrali, Draven back into things Rule. You didn't even have to ask if I was coming back.
Re: The Dividing Line

Yeah, I'll be back as well. Not going to use the same character, though. I've got some other ideas.

EDIT: You know...I just had a thought. What is the restriction on ship size?
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Re: The Dividing Line

I remembered Cyrus' first name at least.

I'm bringing back my Tiberion. For all purposes, they're the same as humans, only with slightly differing technology.
Re: The Dividing Line

Yeah, I'll be back as well. Not going to use the same character, though. I've got some other ideas.

EDIT: You know...I just had a thought. What is the restriction on ship size?

The same as last time - between 30 and 80 metres (roughly 100 and 260 feet respectively). That's Gunship size. Anything below is a fighter, and above are cruisers and then battleships (the biggest ships).
Re: The Dividing Line

Hrm...Might need to do a little re-working on the ship, then. Slightly over on the length.
Re: The Dividing Line

By the way, Rule: Are you going to use the old character 'sheet' format, or something new?
Re: The Dividing Line

By the way, Rule: Are you going to use the old character 'sheet' format, or something new?

Did I hear character sheet? I wanted to open sign up anyway.





Crew members (if any):




Weaponry and shields:

Unique Technology:
Re: The Dividing Line

The races use differing technology and styles for their ships. A listing of the military's current models can be found below.


Dagger F7
Length: ~13 m

The Dagger deserves it's name - it's slender and quick, generally used as an interceptor by the Warhammer Carriers of the Directorate. The form of the Dagger has evolved from atmospheric jets of the 20th and 21st century, and the design has barely changed, although the Dagger is a bit smaller and more compact.
When on the ground or in a spaceship's hangar the wings of the Dagger can retract almost completely into the ship's body to save space.

The Dagger carries a Rapid Fire Cannon underneath it's bow. It can carry heavier weaponry under it's wings, like rockets or Coilguns - which drain the energy rather quick.
The Dagger holds weaker shields than most fighters as it's not meant for longer space battles.

Unique Technology:

Sword F72
Length: ~18 m

The Sword is the bigger brother of the Dagger. It looks much the same, but has a bigger body and wider wings. It is the standard fighter of the Terra Prime Directorate.

The bigger generators allow the Sword to carry Coilguns both under each wing and as a main gun. These guns accelerate a projectile by magnetic coils and can bring them to a higher speed, but they have a slower fire rate than the RFCs of the Daggers.
The Sword carries average shields.

Unique Technology:

Mace MAC1
Length: ~22 m

While the classic weaponry has proven effective against the weaker ships, the Directorate was in dire need of a weapon against the heavier cruisers and battleships of their enemies. Their engineers quickly came up with a concept: They developed a Mobile Artillery Cannon, fittingly named Mace. The Mace is basically a huge cannon with wings and a cockpit on top. A recangular funnel is carried by thick wings, the cockpit is stationed to the rear end. Two heavy gas tanks rest under each wings, close to the body.

The Mace is the first ship of the Directorate to carry a Plasma Cannon. The two tanks fill the funnel with a gas which is then ionised into plasma, ignited and launched by electrical fields as a massive fireball. Of course the two tanks are the vulnerable point of the Mace.
This weaponry leaves the Mace practically helpless against quicker ships, and as such the Mace has stronger shields. However the weaken briefly every time the Plasma Cannon is fired. Also the Plasma Cannon is still in research, so the Maces are prone to malfunction.

Unique Technology:
None - other than the Plasma Cannon.

Warhammer HC3
Width: ~6 km

The Warhammer is a Heavy Carrier, several dozen stories high, surpassed in size only by the human's Paladin Battle Cruiser. The Warhammer is based on Flying Wing aircrafts. The front of it's wide wings are almost entirely occupied by the hangar, allowing to launch multiple battalions at once. While very effective the Warhammer is also very costly, and only few of them are employed by the Directorate.

The Warhammer forfeits weaponry in favor of stronger shields.

Unique Technology:

Paladin BC2
Length: ~7 km

The Paladin is the flagship of the Terra Prime Directorate. This ship has an elegant form - a long rhombus with slightly arched top and bottom as well as rounded vertices. In the center the Paladin carries a metallic sphere, the source of it's unique ability. The construct is even bigger than the Warhammer, making it the biggest ship in the TPD's entire fleet.

The Paladin carries - next to several defense turrets - an impressive amount of missiles as well as Stellar Torpedos. These heavy missiles are rather slow, but deal a high amount of damage.

Unique Technology:

Paladin Shield - The most important function of the Paladin is it's special shield. When leading an attack the Paladin can modify it's shield to form an almost solid wall in front of it, reaching several hundred meters further than it's original shield to protect other ships. Of course this leaves the ship's sides and rear with only minimal shield power.


TG51 "Hornet"
Length: ~3 m

The TG51 are small interceptors and not designed for deep-space travelling. They are usually started from space stations or planetary bases.
The Hornet is a fighter that looks much like a race bike of Human 20th century, fully encased and with a toned glass roof. The G1 Jet Engine, placed where the rear wheel would be, propel the TG51 to almost unparalleled speed. Where the front wheel would be sits a rotatable disk that holds the weapon system. Due to it's form the pilot has to lie rather than sit in the cockpit.

The Hornet houses a Rapid Fire Cannon on it's disk, the equal to a machine gun. These weapons require a small amount of energy and thus are fitting for the small ship. The shield of the Hornet is rather weak, and the pilots have to even that out by utilizing the TG51's speed.

Unique Technology:
Stealth- The Garik are familiar with the darkness. It should come as no surprise that they are able to cloak their ships.

TG51-2 "Raider"
Length: ~3 m

This is a modified version of the Hornet. Due to it's special equipment the Raider is infamous for it's use by Garik pirates.

The Raider holds an EMP generator where the weapon disk of the Hornet would be, designed to quickly disable a ship's shields. The generator looks like a spinning disk of blueish light while the ship is active. Once through the shields the EMP qickly fries a ship's circuits.

Unique Technology:
None - the EMP takes too much energy to provide a cloaking device.

TG52 "Comet"
Length: ~ 15 m

The Comet is an updated version of the Hornet and has replaced it as the Imperium's main fighter. Most of the length of the Comet is it's wing that is mounted left of the rear and sweeps backwards in a curve rather than stick out to the side. The Comet has been designed that way to even out the additional weight of it's main weapon system.

The TG52 has a slot for standard weaponry under the wing. Additionally it features a rocket launcher for two heavy rockets mounted on the right side of the disk to deliver most kinds of ballistic weapons. The shields have average power.

Unique Technology:
Mirage Generator- With the Comet the engineers have taken a more creative approach. As it's name suggests, the Mirage Generator creates a distraction on the enemy's radar as well as visually - it makes the fighter appear as an asteroid or a wreck. Thus, the Comet can hide itself in a debris field to launch itself with a start, making it look on the radar like one of the asteroids starts an attack.

TG53 "Sharktooth"
Height: ~ 20 m

This fighter model has only recently shown up on the map. Rather than basing it off the Hornet the Imperium has developed a completely new model. The Sharktooth has the shape of a triangle with it's lines slightly curved inward and the tips bent downwards. Rather than with the tip facing forward like one would expect it the ship flies with the plane first, the dome of the cockpit aligned in the center and a single vertex facing downward. While this presents a wider area to the enemy it also allows the use of the Sharktooth's superior weaponry.

The TG53 holds three Short Period Lasers on it's vertexes. When fired, the beams concentrate in front of the Sharktooth into one big ray, amplifying the firepower. The rays last for 5 seconds and need 10 seconds of cooldown. This weapon predestines the Sharktooth for the fight against bigger, slower ships.
The shield of the TG53 focus on the front and back as these are the most prone areas. This leaves their sides somewhat vulnerable.

Unique Technology:
Quantal Jump - Next to the weapon this is the most dangerous ability of the TG53. The Imperium is testing it's new Quantal Jump Engines that allow ships to "shift" from one position to another. The Sharktooth carries a small version that allows it to shift a few yards from it's current position in a blink of an eye - not much, but enough to escape a potentially fatal hit or break through an opponent's defense.

TG 107 "Wyvern"
Length: ~5 km

The Wyvern is the Imperium's current battleship. It does resemble a dragon in a certain way, with it's wide wings and a tail of long antennas behind. Several automatic turrets cover it's skin, and the hangar is positioned on the ship's "belly." Several round openings on the front are aligned to resemble a mouth. They house the rocket launchers.

The turrets are mostly serving as defensive measures. What makes the Wyvern really dangerous are the rocket launchers on the front of the ship. With them the TG107 can literally unleash a hailstorm upon an enemy fleet. Some of the modern Wyverns carry Quantal Missiles that are able to shift right past defensive measures. However these are rather expensive.

Unique Technology:
Stealth- The Wyvern can create a massive cloaking field to hide itself and any closeby escorting ships. It pays the price in form of weaker shields than most other battleships.


Path Of Light Laser (POLL) - One reason the Telarin are not often messed with is this very special technology. The Path Of Light Laser is one continuous ray of high energy light. If it hits an energy shield, it sends information about it back to the weapon. The module then modifies the ray in a way that it punches straight through the shield and hits the ship directly. This process takes a little while, though, and takes up quite a bit of energy. Any pilot witnessing a Telarin ray firing through a completely intact energy shield describes it as the most horrifying thing they have ever seen - the blue flickering of the shield around the golden ray that punched a hole through it creates a lightshow that burns itself into the pilot's brain forever.


Telarin Alpha - Fighter
Diameter: ~ 10 m

The Alpha is a perfect example of Telarin spaceship technology. It is completely spherical and has a matt silvery outer hull. Little lines and dots are worked into this surface to form a geometrical pattern. Although they look much the same, this surface is unique for every ship, making them easy to identify for Telarin scanners. Another typical feature on this ship is The Ring, which is pretty much what it sound like, a ring of metal that glides and turns freely around the ship. It holds the weapons of the Alpha.
The fighter is propelled by a Telarin Class 1 Engine, which does not have a visible exhaust. As the Alpha is constructed for space combat only it is not able to fight within a planet's atmosphere. For that the Alpha has to dock onto a Telarin Gamma Carrier, described below.

The Alpha comes with three BRLCs (Burst Ray Laser Cannon) on The Ring. They are housed in small hemispheric turrets and can turn and fire in any direction.
Alternatively The Ring can be equipped with grappling beams to transport smaller objects. The Alpha has average shields.

Unique Technology:
None - the Alpha is the most basic Telarin model... if there is something basic to anything the Telarin do.

Telarin Beta - Unseen
Length: ~ 10 m

The Beta Fighters are frail yet deadly, sacrificing shield technology completely for a short-ranged P.O.L.L. and their stealth technology. Unfortunately their generators don't hold enough energy to run both.
These fighters are shaped like a tear, with the cockpit on the round end. A hemispheric weapon platform holds the Beta's deadly weapon. Like the Alpha the Unseen uses a Telarin Class 1 Engine, and like the Alpha it has to rely on a Gamma Carrier to enter atmosphere. In Space combat the Unseen attack in small shock groups - uncloaking, attacking and cloaking before the enemy has a chance to react.

The weapon platform holds a small-calibered P.O.L.L. and can attack a target within a few hundred feet. Even though conventional laser weapons have a much higher range, the shield-busting P.O.L.L. easily evens that out.
The Unseen does not have shields.

Unique Technology:
Stealth - The Beta has visual cloaking as well as disruptors that disables most common locating devices.

Telarin Gamma - Carrier
Diameter: ~ 25 m

The Gamma is a modification of the Alpha Fighter. It is bigger than it's predecessor, and the ring holds two docking stations rather than weaponry, which allows Alphas and Betas to dock onto the Carrier. The most important innovation is the gravity-tolerant Class 2 Engine.

The Carrier itself does not hold weapons, but the docked on fighters can still fire their weapons. The Carrier has average shields.

Unique Technology:

Telarin Delta - Gunship
Length: ~ 35 m

The Delta Gunship is more impressive than the simple fighters. The ship has an elliptic form with two hemispheric turrets at each end, mounted on the side. Each of the turrets holds a Ring comparable to the Alpha's, with two weapon slots each. They can be equipped with most conventional weapons and act independently - which adds up to eight weapons firing every which way at once.

The Delta can hold BRLCs, EMP weapons or Swipe Lasers - short ranged laser beams that, as their name suggests, swipe in a half-circle.
The Delta have shields that range slightly above average.

Unique Technology:

Telarin Ypsilon - Battleship
Length: ~8 km

Those ships are real behemoths, built to transport hundreds of Telarin, including equipment and fighters. The Ypsilons can best be described as a cubold with three short cylinders sprouting from it's center, angled backwards. These are the hangars, where Alphas, Betas and even more deadly fighters start from.

The outer hull of the Ypsilon is equipped with turrets, including smaller P.O.L.L.s. Other weaponry has not been seen.

Unique Technology:
IF the Ypsilon has any gadgets they have yet to be witnessed.

Those are the ships that have been witnessed up to now. There are probably a lot more Telarin models than that, but they have not been seen - or nobody lived to tell about them.