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The Dividing Line - Research Dept.

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
The Experimentation district is one of the safest areas in the entire space station. The walls are reinforced, and the entire area is fireproof. A heavy door is the only entrance and exit. The department features several small rooms, all with sight to one central space.
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

Viper had fully suited up on the elevator, and was carefully entering and checking out the Experimentation area, heading through the heavy door with his rifle ready.

This area should be safe, but after all of the earlier surprises this mission's had... "Command, Umbral. Are there any other lifesigns, or any sensor anomalies in this area?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

"The internal sensors show nothing, infrared shows... Hm. Some large cold spots in the very last room to the left. Could be cryo tubes."
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

"Cold zone, possibly cryo tubes. Understood." Here's to hoping they're empty...

With that thought, Viper switched to thermal scanning, and began slowly making his way towards the nearest cold signature, likely a ways off.
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Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

The room that Nadia talked about is indeed very cold. Several cryo tubes are integrated into the far wall. 3 of them are empty, but the other 3 are filled with something... The frost on the outside of the plexiglass prevents Viper from looking inside.
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

"Command, Viper. I've got company down here...Six cryo tubes, three in use. I'm thinking that it might be a good idea to seal at least this room off again, for now." While he's talking, Viper moves back out of the room, and takes up a position outside of the door.
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

A moment of silence before the answer. "I don't think that will be necessary. Whatever it is, they ARE frozen. Can you tell me what's in there?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

"I'll try..." Viper moves back in, and starts looking more carefully at the occupied tubes. "I can't really tell...Wait."

He moves closer to one of the tubes. "I think we've got a human male in one of them. How should this be handled?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

"Well crap." A short pause. "Alright. Look if there's a control panel somewhere. All I know is that we have to defrost him slowly so he won't die from the shock."
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

"Right. Hopefully it will have some kind of automated programming..." Viper comments, as he looks for the control panel. "Found the panel...Huh, odd."

After double-checking the tube, he looks again at the control panel. "I think I've found it. Wait, I've got an idea. Mara, Thall, do either of you have a moment? I've found an occupied cryo tube in the Experimentation area, and we're going to try to revive the guy. Any special directions that you know of, or is the process entirely automated?"

((I'll leave it up to you as to the response.))
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

"Well, depends if the cryo tube is a newer model. Is there a serial number on the control panel?" Indeed, a few numbers are showing up on the upper right corner.
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

"Yes. Here's the number." Viper then proceeds to relay the numbers from the panel.
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

"Good. Let me check it." A few moments of silence follow. "Ah yes. Just click the field labeled 'End Stasis' and confirm the message in the next field. He will be awake in a few minutes."
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

"Copy that...Standby. Okay, let's hope this works...End stasis...Confirm, and..." Viper stands back, then removes his helmet, as the revival sequence starts.

After a few minutes, the figure in the tube stirs, then his eyes open. He is awake. And apparently, quite well, since he extracts himself from the tube before Umbral can even move.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" The man's tone is completely flat, although it seems that he may have been expecting someone armed to have been present when he revived.

"James Umbral. I'm currently serving the Terra Prime Directorate as part of a team sent to reactivate this station."

"I see...So, the station is being reactivated...Why?"

"I'll speak with those in the Command section about this. First, why don't we get you up to the Medbay, just to make certain you'll be fine?"

The man paused, then responded, "I suppose that it wouldn't hurt to know that everything did in fact make it through intact. Lead on."

Umbral put his helmet back on, then gestured towards the doorway leading to the elevator. "Looks like everything worked. We're on our way up to have the occupant of the tube checked out by Medical, just to make sure."
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Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

"Affirmative. I'll enlist Mara to assist Krysta in the medical bay. We haven't even really started yet and already we have three patients."
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

After a quick stop by his ship to pick up tools, and some cable, Umbral returns to the Experimentation sector, and begins looking for the main server unit.
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

Umbral finds the server in the first room to the right. A big block of metal with several interfaces for all kinds of cables on it's back side.
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

Okay...Now to find the correct interface... Umbral begins carefully checking the various interfaces, looking for any kind of identifying marks. If he couldn't figure it out...Well, he could try calling for support.
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

That one looks like it could fit.
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

Umbral carefully connects the cable. Hotswapping interfaces like this could potentially lead to shocks, and Medical was busy enough as things stood. No need to add to the workload if it could be avoided. Now, where is the other connection point? Umbral begins to look around.
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