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The Dividing Line - Research Dept.

Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

Zachery thinks briefly. "I suppose it's possible, but I wouldn't put money on it. We'll just have to see."
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

"Can't hurt to look eh?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

"I guess...I was only ever aware of the additions being discussed, so there may not be anything to find." Zachery shrugs.
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

Draven shrugs, unsure of what to say to that. "Guess we look, if nothing, then what's the next step?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

"Haven't the foggiest, really. Perhaps find some quarters, or the like."
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

"Sounds like a plan. Guess we should go do that now then?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

"Might as well..." Zachery pauses by the armor capsule. "If there was a good way to move this, I'd have it shifted to wherever my quarters are...Ah well."
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

"Maybe there is, between us two we should be able to move this appropriately. Just needs to be balanced right."

He shifts into a much more massive form, the form of a Bentari once more, and then speaks. "I think this form ought to do it, what about you?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

Zachery looks at Draven, then appears to think for a moment. "I suppose that could work..."
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

Draven lifts one end of the locker up with barely a grunt, though he does add, "you'll need to be on the other side for this to work."
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

Zachery grabs the other end, then remarks. "Uh, great...Just realized that I don't know where the quarters are..."
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

Draven nods. "Lucky for us someone gave me directions earlier. I'll direct us there."

And so he would eventually, once they got moving.
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

((Double postage can't be helped here. Also going by idea, correct me if need be Rule.))

Draven made his way back to the experimentation room, slipping into his natural form once more. Heading over to one of the panels, he began attempting to access some of the files regarding what went on down here, also trying to find references to the NOVA as well as anything regarding Zachery and his armors. If he had to, he would try subtle hacking into the systems, though he hoped he wouldn't have to.
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

Draven can find the general data about all kinds of projects - including NOVA - but the details and technical plans are all encrypted.
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

Draven sits for a moment, debating on if he should try to hack and crack the encryption or not. His main worry is if this was so protected, attempting to hack into it might result in data deletion. Ultimately, he decides he needs another opinion on this.

"Thall, this is Draven, could you meet me down in experimentation for a few moments please? Found some stuff in the systems that is encrypted, and my main concern is, while I think I can crack it, I'm a bit worried of it having a protocol to be erased if such an attempt were made. Could use the second hand here for help."
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

"I'm not proficient at human en- and decryption. I doubt I will be much help."
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

"Fair enough. Alright I'm going to try working around here some and back this information up elsewhere, then run it through a decryption program on my own ship later then. My concern is there may be a fail safe to this."

He pulled out one of his pads and attempted to load the information contained in the files to it.
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

Instead, the screen on the PDA flickers for a moment - before going black. But that's not all. After a moment a female voice comes over the room's speakers. "Greetings and welcome. I am SEPIA, your Sentient Protection Interactive Assistant. I am sorry to inform you that you do not have the clearance to copy these files. Please contact Dr. Elliot Rosario for clearance. If you continue to try and copy these files, or try to use other invasive measures, I am forced to activate this department's internal defense systems."
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

Draven lets loose a hiss that would make even a Wraith pee itself in fear at this. "And I don't suppose your even aware this Dr. isn't even on this station anymore, and we don't even know if he's alive. Not that you would care or understand anyway."

He pauses for a moment then thinks well at least we know this thing can't be hacked, not going to chance it now.

He did the only thing he could at this point, he turned and left, unless the thing actually answered him back for whatever reason. He would return later, after he had had a chance to speak to Nadia about potentially tracking down this Dr. Rosario. If he had to, he'd drag the little bastard here if he was still alive.

"Vembrosh nalus tembah nektoral ventus," he muttered as he walked out.
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

"Have a nice day!" SEPIA calls out.