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The Dividing Line - Research Dept.

Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

Draven's only reply to that as he walks out is a string of something in his own language, too fast spoken to allow for anyone to even attempt a translation. He figured the damn AI was set to notice when he left, and hadn't been responding to his actual words.

With an irritated growl, he exited the area and made his way toward command, wanting a bit of input from Nadia now before trying anything else.
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

Umbral makes his way into Experimentation, and with Mara's help, eases the inactive Zachery into a chair, before pulling up a terminal to do a quick check. "I doubt it, but let's see if there's anything in here that might give a clue..."
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

The search proves fruitless - most of the files on Zachery are encrypted. Mara looks over to Zachery and hmms. "Maybe we can find some data on his own hard drive?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

Umbral shrugs. "We might. But I do have some concerns about that...I, at least, am somewhat out of my league here. Haven't dealt with any manner of full human replication androids before."

He runs a hand across his forehead, then adds, "He's sentient, that much is clear. So I think that the same concerns about care with lives would apply to him."
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

"So we can't just screw off his head. Makes sense." Mara crosses her arms as she thinks. "I heard there is an AI that protects the files as well. We can't just copy them."
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

Umbral pauses suddenly, blinking. "Wait...Aren't there some cybernetic replacements that are installed in a human's brain?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

"There are, actually. But the more of the brain is replaced, the more machine-like they become. . . Why, what are you thinking?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

There is a brief pause as Umbral sorts out the wording, then he responds. "Might it be possible to pull a variation of that to access Zachery's internal memory, assuming that he's set up like a human?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

Mara stares at him for a moment. "Are you suggesting we should perform open brain surgery? We'd need the implant first. . . And I don't know if we'd need Zachery's consent for an operation like this. I mean, he's not human and this is an emergency, but. . ." The Telarin pauses for a moment. "Maybe we should contact Krysta about this."
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

"You're right, Krysta would be a help. But we shouldn't need the implant. If it looks like it would be safe to do, all we would need to do would be to go through a surgical procedure to find the memory core. If it's like most others, then there should be a direct access port."
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

Mara nods and activates the commlink. "Krysta, are you there? We may need you for an operation."
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

Draven enters the room after what seems like only seconds after he spoke to Umbral, but it had been closer to three minutes in actuality.

"Alright, what the hell happened to him? And where are the others you were with?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

Umbral shrugs. "I suspect that the other two are still planetside, trying to figure out a way around or through the rest of that pirate group we encountered upon arrival. Zachery managed to get surprised by an EMP grenade. He appeared to have a limited ability to act after such a blast, though."
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

Draven pauses for a moment before finally he speaks. "I'm afraid helping Zachery is beyond me. The Ingrali have never bothered working with sentient androids before, so anything I try would be just as likely to further damage him than it would be to repair him. In most cases though, electronic equipment usually returns back to normal after a while, so we may only have to wait for him to repair himself. As for those pirates, maybe it's time we got a closer look then. Do you think they would be able to detect a cloaked ship?"

It's evident he has some kind of idea up his sleeve by now, as if the semi grin on his features wasn't proof and unnerving enough.
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

Mara chimes in. "Well, they are Garik, but we don't know their equipment. I think they don't, though." The Telarin tilts her head. "Are you sure you want to risk that? They almost shot down Umbral. . ."
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

"Of course, I was flying in something that has no shields, and no manner of EMP-hardening...Really need to correct at least the latter, but there's still a handful of things I don't fully know about its systems yet."
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

Draven nods and looks at Mara. "Don't have much of a choice really, we can't let them gather force and group together with a plan or they become more formidable. As long as they can't detect a cloaked ship I can fly high enough they won't hear my engines, and can look for them. Once I do I can either relay their position to our people on the ground, or I can de-cloak and bombard them with plasma bombs before they know what hit them."

He pauses as he considers Umbral's words. "There is that too. The armor on my ship is fairly dense for her size, and I DO have shields which should at least help cushion an EMP field. They'd need a generator to really hurt it, a grenade would have almost no effect I think. Either way, we can't afford to let them gain the upper hand right now, and if we're going to gather anything from the planet, we need them out of the picture in any way possible. The only other alternative is I go in myself in full mist form and take them out one by one, but that's risky. I can take a hell of a lot of shots from weaponry in mist form, but I'm not invincible. Eventually if there are enough of them, they CAN put me down."

He doesn't need to add that before then he'd likely have dealt major damage to their ranks, though it is definitely crossing his mind.

"I guess I might have to wake Nadia early after all..."
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

Umbral pulls out a datapad, and hands it over to Draven. "Here's the in-flight recordings of what they used against me. The grenades were being used as ground level traps."
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

Draven looks over the readings, noting they would be consistent with an EMP Cannon or something of comparable size, frowning slightly. "That might get through the hull with that size in a couple shots, meaning I'd have to avoid getting hit. Unless I stayed high enough to allow it to weaken, then it may take more shots."

He runs through mental calculations for a few moments, grinning as he finally says, "if I stay at exactly optimal bombing height, I should be alright. Thank you Umbral. I think I shall go speak to Nadia now then. After I swing by my ship to prepare in case. Good luck with Zachery, I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help."

He heads off quickly, moving with a purpose.
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

Vance walks into Experimentation, looking around "Where's the robot?" he asks, adjusting his sunglasses once again from his slight jog down from the Medical bay