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The Dividing Line - Security Cells

Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

Caitlin tries and fails to suppress a snicker as the visual of a dozen Ashotur in a gigantic fish tank crosses her mind, then you see the metaphorical light bulb over her head as she goes for the intercom once more. "You mean your ship is full of specimens from your world!? Those are probably the last remnants of your planet in the galaxy! I have to take samples!"
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

The Ashotur shakes his head."Again with that extinction story? But yeah. I don't think I have any fish left, but there should be a Seaweed filter installed. And some plankton can be found in the water."
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

Caitlin writes a note to get some samples from Pkaric's ship after she finishes guard duty, but stops halfway and looks back at the Ashotur with a look of confusion on her face. "Uhh... Extinction Story?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

Pkaric hisses again. "That stupid story about our home sector being blown up. I don't buy it, so don't even bother."
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

"But... Um, alright then, how about your system of government? Who do you trust with the big decisions?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

"Didn't I say that we serve the females in every aspect? They hold every high position in the swarms. At the time of the war the Ashotur were under the rule of High Empress Zssha. She ordered us to go to war as soon as she took the crown from the previous Empress. Some of the swarms disagreed with that decision, but they were dealt with."
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

"Oh yeah, I guess you did." Caitlin replies slowly, then waits for Pkaric to finish before continuing. "Well, umm... I don't think I can think of much else to ask you about then, or at least for now. I'm a geneticist, so I'm not really used to asking all these culture and history related questions. Is there anything you want to know before I head on back to the security room?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

Pkaric thinks for a moment. "Just one thing. . . Why don't you get your legs fixed? I've seen the robotics on your soldiers, so. . ."
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

Caitlin responds quickly and shrugs. "Don't really need them in my line of work, and its more comfortable roaming around in a chair than walking everywhere." She smiles, but it looks forced, its easy to tell she's lying, or at least not telling the whole truth.
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

Pkaric musters Caitlin for a while after that. "So you're just lazy? I refuse to believe that."
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

Vance, after wandering aimlessly around the station, walks into the security cells, his hands behind his head as he sighs and notices Caitlin, but before being able to speak, he notices the Ashotur "This is..........I can't believe I'm seeing one of these in the flesh." he says, his arms falling to his sides as his jaw drops "Is it true what they say? You have enough strength to stand up to a Bentari? I'd very much like to see how strong you are, but I can't perform my own personal experiments on prisoners."
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

Pkaric turns his head towards Vance, but given that he can't hear him he has no clue what he is saying. He points at the commlink before using it himself. "Have I seen you before?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

Vance walks over to the device and sighs "I'm just here to see if what they say is true." he says, his right index finger on the button "I came to see who beat the crap out of my friend."
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

Pkaric's face doesn't move - but then again it never does. "He looked fine when I saw him. But I had extensive fighting training, and I used my experience against the Pan Kor. They're big and ugly as well."
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

"I'd like to see your strength at it's maximum potential. But, I'm not supposed to let you out. Plus, I don't want to be bitten by those big chompers of yours." Vance says, a smirk on his face "Maybe I'm not as weak as I think I am" he thinks, chuckling and shaking his head "If we ever get the chance........I'll show you how powerful a human is at it's full potential."
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

Pkaric tilts his head. "Eager to fight, are you. Why don't you spar with the Bentari?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

"I want to, but he's busy." Vance says into the comm "Plus, I really want to gauge your strength. Are you stronger than the average Ashotur? Or just average?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

The Ashotur releases an amused hiss. "Warlord Vashkur himself picked me for a special mission. What does that tell you?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

"Tells me you're the exact opponent I need to get stronger." Vance says, smiling as he begins to laugh "If they ever decide to set you free. I'll be waiting for a bit of sparring."
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

"We don't normally fight to train, human. I can't guarantee you won't be hurt." Pkaric's eyes glimmer in bloodlust for a moment.