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The Dividing Line - Security Cells

Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

"Long as you don't bite me I can walk it off." Vance says, a cocky tone in his voice "I'm more worried about those teeth than your punches."
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

"I'll better wear my mouthpiece then", Pkaric calmly replies as he musters the human intently.
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

Caitlin doesn't say a word during the whole exchange, glad of the distraction and content to listen. Once it looks like the converstion is winding down however, she speaks up. "Right, well, you two play nice, I'll be in the security room." And true to her words, she turns and rolls back to where she was before, suddenly very interested in whatever she called up on her datapad.
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

"Now that she's gone, I can say what I wanna say. I want to fight you, you probably want to try and escape and see your homeland. Or what's left of it. Just know this, you get free, you have to fight me. And the Bentari. We'll both put you back in this cell with a busted jaw" he says, his attitude changed from earlier, glad Caitlin isn't around to see who he really is "Trust me, you stay in that cell, you might walk out of this mildly unharmed one day. You try to escape, you're going to get hurt." he says, chuckling as he tilts his head to the right and grins "Take that advice, and you may be able to see your homeworld."
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

"But I thought you blew up my homeworld. Or didn't you after all?" Pkaric hisses once more - probably his only way to show any emotion. "Make no mistake. If I can get out of here I'll use any trick in the book to make it to the ship. There'll be no way for you to stop me."
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

"Trust me. Not a single one of my prey has gotten away when I put my mind to it. I just can't be bothered to do it all the time, but you're special." he says, his left hand twitching with excitement "Just the fact that you beat a Bentari makes me want to fight you."
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

Another hiss. "I'll be more than glad to show you just how it is to be prey then, Blubber."
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

"Oh, don't worry. I've been hunted before." Vance says, smiling as he reaches his right hand inside his coat and pulls out a pair of orange sunglasses, putting them on and turning away from the Ashotur "Here's hoping we don't have to fight. You're just like me. Fighting as ordered by your leader. A veritable killing machine." he says, walking towards the exit "Behave yourself." he says, his right hand up and waving as he exits and heads back to the medical bay
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

((Felt like I should post something, at least, I feel like I've been neglecting this RP))

While still hunched over her datapad, Caitlin's hands have stopped moving some time ago. The steady rise and fall of her breathing say she has most likely fallen asleep, though her eyes are still open and staring straight at the datapad.
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

After a bit, Pkaric calls out into the empty hallway. "Hey, Weak Legs, are you still there?" He either forgot her name or didn't bother to memorize it, obviously. At least he made the effort to give her an individual nickname other than Blubber, which seems to be a catch-all for humans.
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

Caitlin blinks a couple of times, then looks up and reaches for the intercom in the security room. Not bothering to correct his name for her, she replies. "Yes, is there something you needed?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

"Nah, I was just getting lonely after the guy that wants to fight me left."
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

"yeah, he's quite a character. Nice guy though, although it may just be because he doesn't want to fight me I guess."
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

((Clearly, the concept of people bugging me with my permission doesn't work that well.))

"So, you didn't eavesdrop? Somehow I find that hardly believable", Pkaric says with a chuckle in his voice.
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

"Now now, that would be rude." Caitlin replies easily. "But it did come through the master intercom here too, and I don't know how to turn it off, so there wasn't much I could do about it, was there? Sounded mostly like men talk to me, all that useless posturing and strutting around."
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

"I did not strut. There is not enough room in here for strutting. If you let me out though, I could strut for a bit." His tone makes it clear that he's jesting.
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

"So you admit to useless posturing then?" Caitlin teases. "You men are all the same, doesn't matter what species you are."
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

"Posturing is not useless as long as somebody is around to see it", Pkaric replies. "Helps to keep the weaker males in line."
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

"I can understand that, but I'd like to think sentience has reduced the need for it. Obviously not, but I like to hope." She says, only slightly more seriously.

Its a long time before either of them spoke again, and when Caitlin finally spoke up again, her tone of voice was sad and serious, and very quiet.

"Hey Pkaric? I think I have one more question for you."
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Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

"What's with the sad voice, Weak Legs?" Pkaric leans against the bars and looks up at the guard room. He puts a jesting tone to the less than polite nickname.