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The Dividing Line - Security Cells

Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

"It's just..." Caitlin hesitates a moment before continuing. "Do you think your culture could survive without violence? Live in peace with the other races? I know you donkt believe it, but as far as I know, you and your ship are the last of your kind. I think I could, using you as the template, get the Ashotur up and alive again, and introduce enough genetic diversity to keep the gene pool viable, but I couldn't do it if all that would do would be to start another war, so... I would have to effectively remove your propensity for violence, at least down to the level of a human's. I just don't know if I should. I mean, would you consider that a fate worse than death for your entire species? I just, don't know who else to ask."
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

"Kraken, woman. I didn't expect something so deep. I'm just a soldier." Pkaric hisses and shifts his position. "Question is of course how much of this is genetic, and how much is behavior. I told you about the tribes that were against the war, right? Those were mostly the ones on the outer rim of our territory, where they had plenty of space and enough resources. They were unlike us, unlike the core around the High Empress, in constant fight about food and. . . stuff." The Ashotur grows quiet. "If we were to start again, would we make the same mistakes?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

"I think you mentioned something about competition between Swarms, but I think that was it. I find genetics have a lot to do with aggression, though you are right, not everything. Space was a problem at the core of your worlds? maybe a drop in birth rate... I'm sorry, I'm treating the revival of your species like some science fair project, I need to learn to be more tactful. I just cant bear to see such diversity as an entire planet laid to waste like that."
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

"Oh well, I'm a prisoner right? Not like I could say no." Pkaric hisses, obviously amused.
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

Caitlin looks a little offended at his tone of voice, but a beeping comes from the datapad in her hand before she can say anything. She looks down to check it, and her face lights up. "Ooh, the gene sequencing of that spore creature is finished down in the lab, I have to go look!" She exclaims, before realizing she's still on guard duty. "Oh, well. Let's see if anyone else wants to take a shift, Mara, Maria? Whatever, captain lady said it was just during the spare time, there shouldn't be a problem." She goes over and fiddles with the broadcast device used for comms throughout the station for a moment.
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

For several minutes nobody answers Caitlin's call. When somebody does, it's Mara. "Hey there. Sorry, I was just starting to rest when you called out. We need a moment to boot up", she says with the faintest of smiles in her voice.
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

Oh, I should probably let you rest then... Caitlin says uneasily.
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

"No, it's okay. I can delay rest for a while longer. Just need to sleep longer then. So what did you call out for?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

Well, it's just that I'm here guarding the Ashotur, and my pad just told me that the sequencing I started for that spore creature is finished. The captain lady said that this guard thing was just until I needed to be in the med lab again, so... I guess I'm kinda looking for a replacement.
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Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

"Well, If Nadia said so. . ." A stifled yawn can be heard over the link. "I'll be right over."
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

Oh, alright. Caitlin says quietly, sitting back and waiting for Mara to show up.
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

After a bit Mara walks into the guard room, nodding at Caitlin. "Well, how is he behaving? Any trouble?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

"Not at all, he's been a perfect gentleman." Caitlin replied with a smile. "Are you sure you don't need to rest?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

"I should be fine for a few more hours. Don't worry. As long as I don't fall asleep and hit the open cell button with my head", she adds with a short whistle.
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

Caitlin laughs a little as she pictures that happenning. "Alright then, thanks again!" She says, then heads out of the security cells, giving Pkaric a wave as she leaves.
Re: The Dividing Line - Security Cells

The Ashotur gives a brief nod to Caitlin as she passes him. Mara sighs and sits down onto a chair in the guard room.