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The Dividing Line - Station

Rule 34

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Nadia's eyes widened as Victor mentioned the explosives expert. "Oh stars, he's with you? I've been... informed beforehand that Admiral Finster would be so 'kind' to 'reinforce' our troops with that curiosity. Still I figured I had more time." She shook her head. "Between you and the Marsora, that would make the THIRD new arrival today." She motioned towards a stout-looking ship to the side, it's rounded shapes and gold trim easily making it identifiable as a Marsoran freighter. "She arrived a bit earlier, actually. Wonder where she went off to. She seemed to be in no hurry to start working." Nadia pondered it for a moment before giving a shrug. "Ah well. Might as well bring your acquaintance out then, no?"
The door to the med bay suddenly hissed open... and a couple of metallic tendrils wormed their way into the room, attaching to the floor with suckers. They tensed, drawing something in. More and more of them appeared, writhing this way and that... until they were revealed to carry a round, silvery disk with a white cushion on its top. And on that cushion sat a massive, rotund figure clad from head to toe in a verdant robe with silver trimmings. Her arms were buried in each other's sleeves, and the only skin visible was a patch of pale green, leathery skin around a pair of golden, slightly bulging eyes. The figure turned its head slightly and looked straight at Maria. Slowly her seat followed her head's movement and turned towards the medic, moving forward with a sound that was a mixture of drumming and the plopping of the suckers. As she came within a respectable distance to her, the seat stopped... and then folded its front tentacles, making the entire figure bow to the medic. "Pfith's breath, Terran," she spoke with a deep, melodic voice. "My name is Phtaluth. Nadia invited me on to this station to allow me to practice the art of healing here... Wait." With a sudden move she pulled a hand from her sleeve, revealing a fleshy claw with blunt, short talons clutching an elegantly-shaped PDA. "You... you are the one I was sent to replace." She threw her hands up in an exasperated gesture. "Well now I feel stupid. My grand entrance, gone to waste! Wait." She motioned towards the door. "Would you mind if I left and came back in?" It was not entirely clear if the obese figure was kidding or not.
The Telarin gave a brief whistling noise from within his helmet. "It would be a fight everybody would be guaranteed to lose decisively, I am absolutely sure of this fact." He bowed his head in a polite gesture and turned halfway towards the door. "You inform your Commanding Officer then when you next have the opportunity to encounter her." 'Your,' not 'our commanding officer.' "I will return to my ship and keep my eyes open for activity regarding our common enemy, the Nnyarthall. It has been a pleasure to be fortunate enough to have this conversation."
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Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

At the time of the announcement from medical, Kars had been outside the hull continuing ongoing work on the stations auto-guns. He wanted to make sure that if any cocky bastards just flew straight up to the station unannounced again, that they'd get a more suitable greeting. He was still quietly cranky about having been doing all this tedious repair work, but at least the ageing station still posed some creative challenges for him as he worked. It somewhat reminded him of his old space hulk hideout, and the hours upon hours spent turning it into a fun-house death trap. Damn he missed that old hulk. Regarding the announcement, he shrugged and told himself he'd pop in some time later. Free regrown organs did sound kinda good. Normally had to contract with a fairly upmarket merc corp to get that kind of perk.

Ko meanwhile was inside, pushing a cargo trolley around the hangar, delivering replacement auto-gun components and large crates of ammo to a spot where Kars could pick them up and get them outside the gravity more easily. She'd built up a fair pile of the stuff now though, waiting to be needed, with Kars' work taking some time. Hearing the announcement she stops and turns her head in a casual reaction of trying to spot the announcement system speakers. Casting a glance back at the pile, she reckoned she'd probably gathered plenty enough to keep Kars' busy for a while. It probably broke some kind of regulation regarding storage of munitions, to be frank. "Neh." she mutters a meaningless sound to herself, turning and deciding to head for the med bay. Good a time for a break as any. As she crossed the hangar she casually looks over the various new and recently arrived ships. More people were gradually turning up.

She exits the hangar and continues on.


Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Maria goggled for a moment at the huge figure before she grinned, "A thousand pardons, great lady. I don't think anyone expected me to be back in action anytime soon." She frowned for a moment piecing the woman's name together, "Phaluth, You are more than welcome to try again. I'm happy there is someone here to help, after all. I've heard the crew isgetting bigger."


Sex Demon
May 24, 2013
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Just then, the door to the med bay opened again. This time, Talen and Reno walked in. Talen gave a polite nod in greeting, while Reno smiled and gave a cheerful wave. "Maria." "Hi!" Talen turned to address the newcomer. "Ah, that must be your ship in the hangar. Greetings. I'm Talen, this is Reno."

After exchanging greetings, Talen turned his attention back to Maria. "Got your message. I figured we could use a break, stretch our legs a bit." Reno adds, "Yeah. The Rogue is by no means small, but it gets kind of claustrophobic being in there for so long." Talen's eyes briefly scanned the room. "Looks like we're the first ones here."


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

"Slowly. your race shows an incredible resilience to outside influence, it's causing issues." Caitlin remarked in response to the Pan Kor, not slowing her travel. He was more than capable of keeping up, if he wished.

"Not by very long, it would seem." Caitlin added to the discussion in the med bay, pausing at the door to examine the newcomer. That chair was interesting, certainly capable of reaching more places than her own, though it seemed large and ungainly at the same time. "Seems the med bay is going to be full for some time, I didn't expect the crew to start showing up so quickly."
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Rule 34

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Phtaluth had actually turned towards the door to re-enter when people already started pouring into the med bay. "Ah. Goooood. GOOOOOOD." She melodramatically laid her fingers against each other. Once more her chair leaned forward in an approximation of a bow. "Pfith's Breath to all of you. My name is Phtaluth, Marsora Prime's Eleventh Priestess of Pfith, God of Applying Medical Knowledge." She scanned the gathered crowd. "Are all of you here to donate your genetic material? My child," she said, head turning towards Maria. "Would you prefer blood..." One of the tentacles out of the cluster underneath her chair rose, showing a slender needle at its tip. "Or bone marrow?" Another tentacle rose, this one with an absolutely enormous needle, designed to be rammed into a bone and suck the marrow out of it. It gleamed dangerously underneath the sterile light of the med bay.

Phtaluth had a sense for showmanship, it seemed.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Arriving the medbay, Ko would find the door way rather occupied. Coming up behind the wheelchair bound Human and the towering Pan-Kor that had been following her. Trying to get past Krell for a moment, she then thinks better of squeezing between the brute and the door frame. A simple unwitting turn or step would be all it would take for an accident to happen.

Leaning side to side a bit instead, as they mob gradually filters in, Ko peers round to see who was talking inside. Looked like Talen and Reno were in there. And whatever that Telarin had done had certainly seemed to help Maria. But what the hell was that robed robot octopus thing in there? Phtaluth had turned away from the door at the moment Ko had peered in.

Realising it was the "robot octopus" that was the source of the unrecognised voice, Ko's expression turns a little puzzled. When the theatrical display of large needles and the talk of bone marrow occurred, the puzzled expression turned to one of nervous hesitation. She was now unsure of quite whether she was trying to peer round Krell, or rather hiding behind him.


Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Maria couldn't help the giggle, "I was more thinking a cheek swab, Phtaluth." Then she turnedto Talen. "You dont look like you need my help. I'm willing to wager Fletch would be able to help you better than me." Then she shook her head with some amusement. "Alright, can you line up outside the door and come in one at the time? A physical is a dreadfully private thing."


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

"Which is what the room with the bed in the back is for." Caitlin added, working her way further into the med bay, and moving into one of the side lanes, where most of her research was, starting to get back to work.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Draven nodded to him.

"You as well."

As the Telarin left, the announcement came over, and Draven inwardly groaned. For now, he'd ignore this, as the place would be swarmed with people. Two people in one day, it was a bit much to ask of him but he didn't see he'd have much choice eventually. He could only stall for now. Spotting Nadia outside in the hangar bay, along with Fletch and at least one other person, he sighed. He'd step out into the open where they could spot him, but remain away, waiting for Nadia to be available to speak with.


Sex Demon
May 24, 2013
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Talen made a sound somewhere between snort and a grunt. "You won't find any privacy on this station, not with all the security cameras. They're everywhere; and most of them are back online. Strange how the ones in that... "safe" aren't working, though. Either way, I came looking for someone, not for the physical." Talen looks at the Pan Kor. More specifically, at the person cowering in his shadow. "Where's your boss?"

Meanwhile, Reno was busy looking at all of the medical devices and instruments. Thus far, she had restrained herself from touching anything. Who knows how much longer that would last.
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Dec 14, 2008
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

"Don't touch that." Caitlin said suddenly as Reno passed a little too close to a piece of lab equipment he was examining, her tone surprisingly intimidating, coming from a slim woman in a wheelchair.

Setting the datapad on her lap, she turned and moved towards another set on a table. She tapped a few commands onto the interface on it, watching the results with a critical eye before glancing at Reno again, then the rest of the others around, making sure they weren't fiddling with her experiments, or the med bay at large.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Quietly listening in to the conversations, Ko takes a second to realise she was being addressed when Talen spoke to her. Blinking inside her helmet and then flicking her gaze over to him, "Huh? Oh! He's uh... outside, working on the auto guns." She answers, "Should probably still be doing the ones around the hangar."

With Caitlin and her wheel chair out of the doorway, as soon as Krell had stepped forward also, Ko would slip round and into the room properly. She was still uncertain and a little wary of the unrecognised figure composed of robes and needle tipped robo tentacles, though Maria was much more reassuring. Additionally she couldn't help but watch curiously as Reno went about being... curious. Poking the side of her helmet a few times, Ko couldn't help but feel the need to check her Thermal and Electrosense view modes to confirm again that there were no conventional organs or bits of person in there.


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Victor sighed as he turned to head back into the transport he arrived on. "Hopefully, that included the safety precautions... If not, I've got those as well."

After a few moments, filled with sounds that were suspiciously similar to assorted heavy restraints being released, and a few power tools, a HIT suit emerged, followed by Victor, who was now holding a fairly good sized wrench almost like it was a club.

"Alright! Something new to blow up!" As soon as the newcomer's voice started, Victor swung the wrench at the back of the suit's helmet, sending it flying off, and bouncing across the hangar. The "open" neck of the HIT suit revealed a mass of connectors for some kind of controls, while the bottom of the helmet, visible during flight and bounces, seemed sealed off.

Once the helmet skidded to a stop, a panel on the top flew open and a small creature, roughly the size and shape of a Terran housecat - albeit one with ears more in line with some manner of rabbit - popped halfway out from it, bracing itself as if it was sitting in the hatch of some kind of tank. Orange fur almost blazing, it yelled at Victor. "HEY, YO-"

"We're supposed to get this station running again, not blow it up, you fuzz-brained idiot!" Victor snapped, tone going into a more commanding one.
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Sex Demon
May 24, 2013
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Reno flinched when Caitlin snapped at her. Much to her credit, Reno only sulked for a few moments before something shiny on the other side of the lab caught her attention. She tiptoed over to it in a comical attempt at sneaking.

Talen nodded at Ko. "I should have guessed. Tell him I have something that may interest him. He should stop by my ship later." Talen turned to Reno. "Come on, I want to stop by the Com Cen before we head back. See if we can't get those last few cameras back online."

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Looking from Talen to Reno, and back again, Ko nods in return. "Alright then. Will do." She replies. Watching them both go. She was curious about what this thing was, but would probably get a chance to find out later.

Reno's suspicious tip-toeing antics were both perplexing and oddly adorable. No robot or AI that Ko had seen before came close. From what she'd learned, Ko had been under the impression that AI's that advanced were illegal, but she'd probably misunderstood some arcane detail about either the law or the technology.

Turning her attention back to the doctors again, she'd shuffle into line as Caitlin had suggested, and wait for her turn beside the towering Pan-Kor. She'd never actually dared stand quite so close to one before, though here in this station, she didn't feel like she needed to be as wary as normal. There was that small sense that they were here as a team. Kars of course did always warn that was the time you needed to be most wary. Enemies were predictable, whilst supposed allies might do just about anything. At present she wasn't carrying any shells that would be able to defeat that heavy armour and thick hide he was wearing. And even if she was, she reckoned that he'd take a good dozen of them before slowing down much, unless she pulled off a really good shot. But now she was beginning to feel just a little rude, pondering over such things.

So she waits in line whilst the doc prepares the back room. Krell had arrived before her, so she guessed he'd probably go in first.
Rule 34

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Nadia raised her hand and resisted her urge to apply it firmly to her forehead. Instead, she simply grasped the bridge of her nose, rubbing it firmly for a moment. "Yes, if you could NOT do that I'm sure we all would be very grateful." She took a few steps towards the feline and lowered herself, sitting down on her heels, her robe forming a midnight blue puddle around her. "You must be Paddy. I am Nadia. I will be the one sending you out to blow stuff up. In return, all that I ask is that you only blow up our enemies. As long as you can handle that, we'll give you as many explosives as you could possibly want. You think you could handle that?" She reached out with a gloved hand, offering it to the feline, palm turned upwards. She hoped the creature would accept her offer, otherwise she would be at a loss at what to do with it. Her eyes also twitched over to the pile of ammunition that Ko had dumped into a corner of the hangar behind her oculars. That was... inopportune.
"Yes, please form a line. If any of the males are uncomfortable getting checked by a female, they will have to wait until... what was his name? Valok? Volt?" "It was Vlado, Marsora." From behind the gathered crowd, the stern Garik coldly replied as he pushed himself through the crowd. "You must be the priestess of Pfith. Good. We can get to work then." He came to a halt before her and gave her a very stiff bow before extending his hand, only to find it occupied by another robotic tentacle. "The pleasure is all mine, Vlado," the amphibian growled from behind her veil in an unsettingly flirty voice, her hands once more hidden inside her sleeves. "I am Phtaluth." The Garik stared up at her for a long moment before clearing his throat behind his mask and spinning towards the gathered crowd. "Yes. Well. Let's start the checkups."


Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Maria watched the exchange and stifled a giggle behind her hand. "I'm starting to feel a bit redundant," she grinned, "Anyway, let's get started. Ko, can you come with me?"

((oh god guys I am so sorry. Lack of internet and the con and everything -flailing- ))

and I figured I'd change it because Earth to Burr, come in Burr? XD
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Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

"Yeah, I guess so..." Rather than make any kind of other acknowledgement, or making any kind of contact with Nadia, Paddy's fur shifted to a violet-ish color as he hid himself back inside the helmet, closing the "hatch" behind him.

Victor stopped at that and pulled out a datapad, reading through its contents with a puzzled look. "I think he's pouting..."

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Ko looks to Maria when addressed, then side to side, and back again. "Ok." she says simply, stepping forward to follow. If that Marsoran began extending any unnecessarily large needles again though, she was going to get antsy. She'd never been that keen on the Marsoran she'd met so far. Granted the last one was an arms dealer with some kind of drug habit, but even Phtaluth here kind of gave her the creeps. Was it the robotic needle tipped tentacles perhaps? Yeah... It was probably the robotic needle tipped tentacles.