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The Dividing Line - Station

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Much like the exterior of the station, the corridors and halls that make up the infrastructure of The Dividing Line used to be clad in sleek, cold white steel, underlining the positive light the TDP liked to paint itself in. Now, large parts of the station were depressurized, and many corridors had holes punched into them just as much as the exterior, making moving a much more dangerous venture.

The Black Wind pulled up sideways to the open hangar bay and did a sweep with a spotlight. Nothing but a few old, forsaken crates were torn out of the darkness, likely left behind by the station's previous crew or one of the interim squatters. "Alright, hangar bay seems clear. Hiram, you're up." "Fucking fina-ally," can be heard from behind Nadia, together with stomping footsteps rapidly getting quieter. The large, black Garikian vessel turns, pointing its rear at the station. And as it opened its own hangar door, it became clear just what Hiram needed all the .50 cal ammunition for.

What the diminutive Xyr wielded was some unholy amalgam the likes of which only his kind could produce. Three machine guns welded together, fed by a monstrosity made up of three individual belt magazines. It was as big as he was - how he could lug that gun around was anybody's guess. Hiram jumped out into the hangar bay and activated his mag boots to pull himself towards the floor. "Go ahead and land," he broadcasted towards the others. "I'll cover ya-a."
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Knowing the Pan Kor was eager to get started, Caitlin took her shuttle in in as soon as the clear was given, opening the back half for Krell to exit. “try not to break anything you don‘t have to, i‘d love to get a look at their tech.“ She offered as he left, then left again, headed for the Concordance.
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Krell pushes himself out of the shuttle, turning on his own mag-boots to lock to the floor, before hunching over and looking at the viewscreen on his grenade launcher as he thumped forward. "As if we'll be needing anything more than the two of us. I could clear this station by myself." he says over the communicator built into the hood he had pulled over his head a short while ago. "Though I suppose moral support goes a long way." he follows this up with a laugh as he scans the room, the hexagon pattern on his armor glowing as his shield stirs to life.
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Landing just above the hanger bay opening, Kars proceeds to slink round over the ledge and move into the hanger. Prefering to stay on the roof, he brings his railgun into a position ready to fire and moves to take cover against some of the crane machinery or any other typical hanger ceiling structures. The sight of such a small person shouldering a gun this size like a common small arms rifle would look quite absurd normally, but this was just one of the many perks of zero gravity.

Whilst he waits for the rest of the team to touch down he naturally goes about scanning over the hanger and it's entrances, switching several times between thermal, electrosense and basic light amp in turn. Ko meanwhile drifts forward in the Hell Strafer along with the other craft coming in to land, and would hover nearby the hanger opening, with all guns waiting and watching for anything that might show.
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

The two Klarr touched down lightly from their own ship, which had wrapped it's tentacle feet around any support it could grab on the derelict. "This place is bigger than I thought."

"Its going to take a lot of work to repair. How is the directorate paying for all of this?" They stayed close to each other, circling around back to back until they were satisfied with the emptiness of the place. Then they stood shoulder to shoulder and advanced out towards the hallway.
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

The Ingrali ship decloaked, coming in to a soft landing far enough away from the others so that they wouldn't be hit by the ship. The entire backing of the ship opened up, Draven stepping out with a look of anger on his face. He said nothing however, simply hoisting the rifle he carried, which was lit up with green and red lighting, checked his pistol which looked the same, and stepped down into view. With a motion of his head, the doors to his ship closed again, shutting it once more. He then leaned against his own ship, waiting for Nadia to show up. It seemed the hulk of an Ingrali was no longer in the mood for speech, and from the look on his face, it seemed pretty clear he was more focused on killing everything not of their group on this station as quickly as possible.
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Finding just enough space for her fighter to fit into, Annika reached into the back of her ship (Slightly modified for storage use) and retrieved a proper weapon, a standard issue laser rifle she found and repaired with the rest of her ship. Thing was a treasure trove of used military goods. However, she kept her pilot suit on, not fully knowing just what to expect from the hazards of the stations condition. She would remain with her ship, much like the Ingrali, waiting for Nadia to arrive. She chose to keep silent, knowing talking could muck things up worse.
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

The Mighty Quinn swooped in and lowered itself on one of the spots indicated by long since faded lines. "The Directorate has all the money in the Galaxy. We're only here because they need every man for the Bugs. And yet, here they are," he grumbles over the comm as he got up. Lemmy jumped to his feet next to him and followed the stout man as he headed into the back. Opening a closet-like door, a sightly battered-looking HIT suit came into view, its open back allowing Fletch to enter it at a moment's notice. The suit's own reactor came to life with a quiet hum, and the panels along the back snapped shut, screws tightening by motors. As the hum got louder, the exhaust ports at the back started to glow.

Fletch flexed the robotic fingers of his gauntlets, grunting in approval. Of course they worked. Fletch took care of his equipment. After a final check of the systems gauge (everything green) he dark red suit backed out of the closet, Lemmy keeping a respectful distance. The runner knew better than to try and follow Fletch into the airlock when he wore the suit. Sheathing the massive wrench and various bits and bolts, Fletch headed out.

Behind his visor, Fletch raised his eyebrows at the trend of small people with big guns, mumbling something about overcompensation to himself as he walked over to the group just as the Black Wind came in over their heads, sailing quietly towards a free spot. When Nadia emerged, she had clearly shrugged off the heavy robe she had worn. Instead, she now wore a form-fitting black bodysuit with kevlar pads sown into it. Her face remained obscured by a visor taking up the entire front of her helmet. In her back sheath stuck a sleek weapon, easily identifiable as a shotgun. "So, is everybody here," she greeted the group.
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Krell relaxes, lowering his weapon and looking around the hangar "Anyone who isn't here better hurry up or I'm liable to take all the fun." he says through his communicator, thumping towards one of the doors. "Anyone got any idea just how many bugs there are?" He follows this by checking his weapon and leaning up against the door frame, almost casually, as if he were just relaxing, his weapon still at ease.
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

"Kars here." the ceiling dwelling Kopak answers simply, blinking his helmet mounted flash light down towards the others a few times. Proceeding to release from the hanger ceiling and push himself over to near the door that Krell had stationed at. "My ship is patrolling outside. This station have any internal security systems to be concerned with?"

This was not quite a conventional operation for Kars. His normal basic routine would be to kill the gravity and life support as soon as possible. Didn't help when that had already been done, and the enemy were all in power suits.

((I've neglected to think of and include earlier, that Kars would have asked for full schematics of the station before intending to do anything inside. A bit blind.))
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Two small dropshuttles launched out of the port side of the "Laughing Rogue" and quickly maneuvered their way in to the hangar. Both of them popped open with a hiss and their riders climbed out. Talen was the first on his feet. Gone were his normal sunglasses, replaced with an advanced rebreather. Other changes included the fact that he seemed a bit taller and broader than normal, and seemed to shimmer slightly. His left arm from the elbow down had also been swapped out with a laser minigun. "Anya" was slung over his right shoulder. Lastly, the skin tone of his right arm no longer matched that of his face. Through the visor, it was easy to tell that he was not pleased in the slightest.

Speaking directly to Reno, he said "Remind me to run a full diagnostic on you as soon as we get a chance. It shouldn't have taken that long to swap out parts." Reno, having gotten out of her dropshuttle as well refused to meet his eyes, and instead stared sheepishly at the ground. She, too, looked different. No longer wearing an admin uniform, she instead wore form-hugging red bodyarmor the same color as her hair. She also wielded a laser SMG and had two batons strapped to the small of her back. Being an android, she had no need for a rebreather.

Talen then addressed the group in front of him. "Minor delay, but we're ready to go."
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

"Alright then, I guess we're... wait, where's the medic?" Nadia looked at Fletch, who frowned behind his visor. "Shit, I forgot about him. He didn't leave the ship with me-" "Not to worry, Mister Fletcher," Vlado commented as he decloaked right next to Nadia, who gave a jump. "I found the way off your ship alright," he added dryly, seemingly unfazed by the shotgun that was now leveled his way. "You pull a joke like this again, knight," their CO hissed at the medic, "your ass is toast." The only answer Nadia got was a cold stare out of Vlado's gas mask. After a moment, Nadia cursed and lowered her gun. "Alright, fine. This is what we're gonna do. Fletch, head to the engine core. I've taken the liberty to upload the plans to your suit. Take two people with you. Forester, you're with us, we may need you. Also, I'm thinking that Krell won't fit into the maintenance tunnels." Fletch nodded and pointed towards Kars and Hiram. "I'm taking Grumpy and Dopey there then." The Xyr scoffed and shouldered his massive weapon. "I am NOT dopey."

"Alright, the rest of us split up into two teams. I'll lead one of them towards the Control Room. If we want to take over the station, we need to know where they are, and for that we need power. The other half will be led by..." slowly she raised her finger and let it wander over the assembled crew before it stopped on Krell, out of all people. "The Wrecking Ball gets to live up to his name. Your group is to stomp around the station and kill anything and everything they come across. Give us a nice, big distraction. And take Vlado with you if you get hit." I don't want him around me, her tone said.
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Krell growls, more of a quiet roar than anything, as he looked at who hadn't been taken yet. "I'll take the two tentacle heads and anyone who isn't going with the boss lady." he says over the comms, pointing his left hand at Taavan and Deelin as he speaks. "How about it? Ready to raise some hell?" he asks with a smirk beneath his hood, turning to face the door and aiming his weapon, waiting for the others to form up on him "We'll go first and lead the bugs on a chase. Have fun getting to the control room."
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Talen looked at Nadia. "Reno and I will go with you. Probably won't be too much help with the power off, but once it's back on we should be able to take control of the station's systems easily. And, no offense, but you could probably use the firepower as well." He held up his minigun-arm for emphasis.
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

"Rodger. Engineering." Kars responds, kicking off to drift in the relevant direction to join up with his new comrades. The walking tank and the bearded gun on legs. He raises a hairless eyebrow at the name, but doesn't get the reference and doesn't dwell on it, having been called plenty of bizarre things in his time. On the way there, he gets a quiet notification ping in his helmet from the Hell Strafer, and then a further one sent by Ko. Tapping at the buttons on his fore arm he checks over the sensor information that was being relayed to him. Not much to go on. Ko seemed to be responding cautiously so far.

"Just got some kind of new sensor ping from outside. My minion is investigating." He informs the team in passing.
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

The clear visors of their helmets gave Krell a glimpse of their grins before the materiel went opaque. "I'm always ready for a little... action."

"I swear to Grnaak, if you don't stop that..."

"My dear, you knew I was like this when you married me."

"I... yes. I suppose I did." Taavan straightened and turned back to face Krell, "Lead on, oh Wrecking Ball. Lets make some noise." his comm voice was tinged with a kind of boyish excitement.
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Draven was silent for a long moment, weighing options. He figured the Pan Kor would be fine on his own with the others, and the mission NEEDED it's commander in one piece. Right, it was settled then. He stepped forward, half shrugging.

"I'm with you then skipper."

As he stepped forward, anyone paying enough attention would note his attire seemed to have changed. His armor was an almost black color, and seemed almost polished. Another look would reveal it was suited for maximum protection, but also for good mobility. His face didn't give much away, but his body posture indicated he was pissed beyond belief, and his eyes seemed to say "let's crush some skulls already!"
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Krell chuckles as the two form up behind him "What's the phrase in Terran? Party Time?" he asks, opening the door and stomping forward in an awkward sort of waddle that looked more like a trainwreck in motion than anything, his species' manner of running. "Keep up, small fry! I don't stop for anything once I get going!" he follows this up with a loud laugh, his mag boots thundering on the floor as he runs.
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Both of the Klarr laughed and followed him. Deelin felt a rush of energy and a laughed bubbled up from somewhere deep inside. He hadn't felt this good since he took command. This was what he needed! The pulse pounding excitement of a mission.

Taavan felt a little differently. While this was exciting, to be sure, he did not like the sick feeling in his gut that something was going to happen to Deelin. His lover, however, was more than capable of handling himself and Taavan's worry decreased with each step they took through the halls. This was going to be fun.
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Annika made one last check of her weapons as she made her way over to Nadia and her crew. "I take it you're going to need me for some quick fixes or some? Don't mean I'm a slouch in a fight though. Just point me in the right direction and I'll follow." One final check she made before giving a thumbs up was her tool pouch, ready to change the attachments on her hand when needed.