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The Dividing Line - Station

Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Ko rolls her shoulders whilst waiting. Always took a while to feel comfortable again after taking the suit off.

Kars taps one foot against the ceiling and crosses his arms. Attached with only one mag boot.
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Draven didn't say a word, he just simply stood, leaning the two stasis bubbles slightly against the wall, and semi-relaxing. He'd be ready to go on a moments notice, and unless Nadia asked something specific of him that required a verbal response, he would remain silent.
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Maria scooted in a little closer to Fletch when he appeared in the hangar and gave him a small smile, "I'm sure things are fairly important. Besides, you'll be fine in whatever you're doing. You fixed my old tub up, after all."
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Victor let something of an amused snort out, noticing the medic's arrival and closeness to Fletch, then stopped and looked over the Hrrshak sitting nearby. That's probably the 'Lemmy' he mentioned.

In all, his checking up on his former comrade took less than a second. After that, he was back to keeping an eye on the suit containing the resident mad bomber he'd been volunteered to watch over.
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

"Well, I fixed it up the first time," Fletch grumbled under his breath, looking over to Maria's busted Axe. "And we're running out of scrap metal. We're gonna have to go scavenging pretty soon. As soon as I'm done with what I'm working on." Speaking up a bit, he went on. "Seriously, I enjoy the waiting game as much as everybody else. Back in the war, I was fuckin' 3rd Division Champion of Waiting. But I'm pretty sure we've all got stuff to do, so-" "Gentlemen, please apologize the delay. We may begin."

As everybody turned towards the entrance, they would be met by the sight of Draven's lumbering form carrying in Reno and Talen, one on each shoulder. Both were sheathed in the blue, glowing aura of a stasis bubble, being emitted by the pair of Klarr pistols in Nadia's hands. More than a few people broke out into unsettled murmurs, but Nadia kept her eyes straight ahead, directing Draven towards the airlock. "Throw them in, please. And if you could take the guns off my hands, then. Just keep on holding down the trigger."

Next to Maria, Fletch shifted uncomfortably. "What the hell is she doing? She's not actually going to space them, right? I'm not sure they have thrusters built into their frames."
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

"I don't know," she murmured, "But I don't think they'd be happy if they knew what their stasis guns were being used for. What happened, I wonder."
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Seeing the unexpected sight, Ko raises an eyebrow and pulls a face of uncertainty, whilst Kars grins. "Someone got in trouble...~"

He had to wonder the details of exactly what for, but naturally assumed some kind of snooping or breach of authority. The diminutive freelancer could smell a demonstrative punishment from a mile away, having seen a life times supply of everything from lesser mercenary squabbles to full blown mutinies. The method being used here was an amusing one, given how he was certain Nadia knew it wouldn't harm them. A more tactful example than some perhaps, by the standards Kars was accustomed to at least. He hadn't quite expected Talen to be the first to ruffle Nadia's feathers, though maybe he should have. The ones motivated purely by money are the predictable ones. Knowing what kind of thing drives a full cyborg, isn't remotely as obvious.

Locking both feet firmly to the ceiling again, Kars waits and watches, casually swinging to and fro a little for fun, whilst continuing to grin at anticipation of how funny it should look to see them launch.

The impending show raised a tiny trace of hidden nervousness in Ko, although she was confidently reassuring herself they'd be fine. She was mainly trying to figure out what ever could have gone wrong.
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

"We're about to find out, certainly." Caitlin answered maria, the humour from her conversation with Krell leaving her voice as she watched the commander walk in, Draven following with the pair in bubbles.
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Victor gave a brief snort after recognizing the markings of the pair of bubbled troublemakers.

Which was followed almost immediately by a glare directed at the HIT suit currently ambling around near the Mighty Quinn. That glare was enough, apparently, to make the occupant of the suit very blatantly direct full attention to what was going on at the airlock.
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Tossing the pair inside the airlock, Draven carefully moved his way about and took the guns from Nadia, making sure to keep the triggers depressed. As he did, he used his bulk to block the view of everyone else, for a reason only Nadia would be able to see, or already knew about. It was a subtle thing, one she might not have even noticed had it not been for their earlier conversation.

((Sorry, thought I had replied to this. Draven is ready!))