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The Dividing Line - Storage and Repair

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
The SnR is more than just a depot. This is where all the broken equipment goes to be repaired. The department takes up two levels and is rather spacious. Huge racks take up most of the space, though here and there lies a stray part - junk that probably was beyond repair to begin with. A big metallic grabber hangs menacingly from the roof like the claw of a strange creature.
Re: The Dividing Line - Storage and Repair

Senkek walks in before taking a look around. Now, where would the robotics section be? He asks to himself before deciding that finding the control tower for the claw would probably result in finding a map of some sort. How else would its operator know where to find stuff?
Re: The Dividing Line - Storage and Repair

Right next to the entrance is a square marked with red tape - probably the loading zone. Right next to it is a sturdy-looking control unit.
Re: The Dividing Line - Storage and Repair

Let's see here. Senkek mutters as he goes over to the control unit. Once there he checks the area and the controls themselves to see if there is any description of what is where.
Re: The Dividing Line - Storage and Repair

Well, that's no good. The previous warehouse clerk must have run this system on memory - there is no pattern to speak of. One half of a repair droid here, a pile of arms there. Not to mention the chaos from turning gravity off and on again.
Re: The Dividing Line - Storage and Repair

Damn. Senkek mutters as he begins to take the hard route. He begins to move around the nearby area and gather any damaged robots as well as human sized weapons and shielding near the entrance in separate piles. As he does this, he sends a small electronic signal back to his ship ordering a half dozen of his spider-bots to his position.
Re: The Dividing Line - Storage and Repair

As soon as the 'bots arrive, Senkek delegates the task of part retrieval to them and switches over to using the retrieved parts and broken droids to make new sipderbots. This time, however, he sticks a salvaged weapon on each one. I'm hoping I have this channel right. Well, if you all can here this, I'm throwing together a bunch of lightly armed droids to do a small sweep of the station and see if there are any surprises still waiting for us like that one from earlier. He transmits over the radio.
Re: The Dividing Line - Storage and Repair

Kars follows the last droid in and glances about the room. 'So he found it huh. Crap. What a mess.' He fires his jetpack and rockets further into the centre of the room, latching his grapple tether onto an upper shelf and reeling up to take a look. He moves from one rack to another, having a brief look at what was on offer. There was no point in picking anything up right now, unless he saw something especially interesting.

After a short bit of exploring he tethers onto the ceiling above Senkek and slides down. Coming to hang upside down a meter or so above the salvager, feet either side of the tether to hold him steady in a very 'spider' like manner. "Sup scrapper. Why legs? Wouldn't wheels be easier and get around the station faster?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Storage and Repair

Legs can get over broken terrain. If I gave the bots I'm setting up for patrols wheels they wouldn't be able to get everywhere. Besides I'll probably use them after this as well. Senkek replies without looking up from his work.
Re: The Dividing Line - Storage and Repair

Nadia's summon echoes through the storage department, and Kars looks about for a second trying to spot the speakers. He casually hums before letting of a small short blast from his pack, and releasing the tether as he swings away from Senkek. He walks through the station, humming a tune of some kind, and twirling one of his pistols as he draws and reholsters it a few times.
Re: The Dividing Line - Storage and Repair

Tch, right when I'm in the middle of something. Senkek thinks before standing up. He then commands the bots with him to start ferrying the parts he found as well as his bag of spares and the partially built combat spiders back to his ship. Annoyingly he had only really managed to get one together and hadn't actually put the casing back on. As it was, one shot and the thing would be fried. To remedy this, he picked up some metal plates that he was planning to use as a casing and simply carried as he moved off towards the command area with the bot in tow.
Re: The Dividing Line - Storage and Repair

Arriving back in the repair center, Senkek once again organizes parts and has his basic retrieval spider-bots bring back his unfinished combat models from his ship. Given an hour or two he should have a lively amount of them. In the mean time he sends his one finished 'bot to start exploring the maintenance tunnels he had located from the schematics earlier.
Re: The Dividing Line - Storage and Repair

Draven takes his time to reach SnR, walking to the doors and entering quietly. "Senkek, it's Draven, ya home?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Storage and Repair

Over here. A voice calls out from behind a small mound of parts. Senkek's robots can be scene constantly skittering across the floor and bringing new parts to the pile. I sent out one of these buggers a while back to take a look around the station, but I think it got lost somewhere because it hasn't pinged in it's position yet. Do you need something?
Re: The Dividing Line - Storage and Repair

"Nothing in particular, just checking in per Nadia's request to see what you were up to and how you were doing, maybe if you need anything. Hmm, one of your bots is lost? Any idea where it last was, maybe I can find it if I go look for it."
Re: The Dividing Line - Storage and Repair

I sent the thing out to do a check of the maintenance tunnels. It should be in there somewhere. Senkek says is response.
Re: The Dividing Line - Storage and Repair

"Alright, I will see if I can find it then."

He heads off.

((Not sure what thread that would be, or if either you or Rule wants to set anything special up for this, so will leave that to the two of you. LMK.))
Re: The Dividing Line - Storage and Repair

((Maintenance tunnels = main thread))
Re: The Dividing Line - Storage and Repair

((Held it up long enough on my part lol.))

Draven eventually returns with the bot Senkek was looking for. "Hey, found you bot. He was just sitting there in one of the tunnels, not moving. Doesn't appear to be damaged or anything, it just wasn't moving at all."

He sets it down on a table nearby, shrugging what passed for his shoulders.
Re: The Dividing Line - Storage and Repair

Damn prototypes. Senkek says before getting taking the bot apart and attempting to fix the thing.