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The Domestication of Ashlyn (KitsuneKinomi)


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2015
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The hidden village of Eden had once been a peaceful village full of demi-humans and others who needed to start a new life somewhere away from the rest of Badaria. The founders were freed and escaped slaves who had ran from one place to the next, hiding from prosecution and the potential of being enslaved once again in the humanist Badarian empire. They were practically nomadic until they would find the county of Ulsha, located in the north-west of the empire, very close to the border with the deserts of Andur. The county was practically lawless because the 'noble' family in charge had made some very bad financial decisions over a long period of time, and with each decision, more and more of their power and influence over their own territory was flushed away until it got to the point most of the county's residents hated the Count and his family and openly ignored any attempts to rule by the family. The nomadic founders would find that they could hide deep within the county's largest and thickest forest, the Pellen forest, without fear of the nearby nobility hunting them down for easy slaves! It was in that forest that Eden was founded. Of course it wasn't totally safe, and shortly after Eden was founded, it's Guardian would appear in need of a place to give birth to the daughter that had been planted in her!

Kendra, the 5 tailed kitsune and Guardian that protected Eden would give birth to Ashlyn shortly after arrival. She raised her daughter in mostly peace, with only the occasional monster attack she needed to defend the others from. That is until a member of the village was caught in a tribal raid from Andur while they were out discretely buying supplies for the village! It seemed like the beginning of the end for the village when the tribal raiders attack, but thankfully Kendra fought them off... only for them to eagerly come again and again over the next few years, and Kendra wasn't perfect. Some raids were successful and villagers were taken away, and then the worst happened. Kendra was defeated in combat by a large, dark skinned warrioress who lead the raid! She was dragged off with many others that night, leaving the village with no Guardian and Ashlyn without her mother for the first time in her life...

It would only be Ashlyn stepping up to the title of Guardian that her mother had just left empty that had prevented total panic among the villagers. There was a strange pause in raids before the next came and in defiance to what some thought, it was not some giant attack that would finally finish off the village and put the rest of them in chains. No, this raid was strangely many times weaker than the last that had seen the defeat of their Guardian. Weak enough that even young Ash would be able to fend it off, calming much of the panic. Since then there has been no other raids and its been almost a whole half year since the last raid...


ACT 1, Defiance
Village Elder.jpg
Early in the day, shortly after Ash had gotten up and eaten, she heard a loud knock coming from the door that sounded like wood on wood. When she opened it, she was greeted by the sight of one of the village elders, Lorn, his walking stick in one hand and the presumed source of the wood on wood knock. In a deep and worn voice that could only come with time, he spoke. "Ahhhhh, young Ashlyn. I am terribly sorry to bother you so early in the day, but... there is a problem you see that we need your help with." The old man stepped to the side, giving Ash a look out into the village and towards the wooden walls that did their best to protect the village. Using his staff, Lorn would point off past the walls and into the forest, and after a second Ash would realize he was pointing towards the abandoned mine that was near the village. "One of the young un's spotted something moving moving in the entrance to the mine, and we were hoping you would check it out and make sure nothin nasty took up root in there..."
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c7785fae4f1cc28579d0e03d06ec10cd.png Ashlyn, Ash to most, had grown up an energetic and happy girl. Surrounded by the lush natural beauty of the forest in the peaceful village of Eden. She had never been allowed to leave the forests surrounding Eden before, her mother keeping a close eye on her. Her first taste of the world came when a elder sage was attacked by a monster, saved only by Kendra's quick actions. The man was heavily injured and nursed back to health by the village. Leaving Kendra and Ashlyn with a parting word. 'When flames fail, when darkness abounds, in the depths of her despair, she will meet her greatest ally' which Ash took to mean that her prince would one day come to save her!

However the day came that the raids started. Raiders and slavers trying to attack and haul off the villagers, seemingly growing in power and strength. One of the earliest raids saw Ash's childhood friend Fay being carted off, the first loss the Kitsune had experienced. This only served to embolden her, allowing her to focus deeply on her fire magic, planning to on day join her mother in defending the village. Though being a one tailed kitsune she was was certainly no match... Even still she would ask her mother to let her help, and every time she would be denied. Until finally, the large raid happened. Once more Ash suffered a loss as her mother was beaten and carried off, Ash being devastated by the loss wanting to try to launch a rescue effort to get her mother back... but it was no use. Without Kendra the village was defenseless, if Ash left to get her mother she would doom the village for sure. Besides, Kendra would escape with time! But she didn't Ash has been defending the village ever since, waiting for her mother to return, but also focusing on keeping her home safe.

Ash woke early in the morning, taking a light breakfast to greet the day in the simple house she now occupied. She planned on doing some rounds to make sure nothing was prowling too close the village at dawn, a task she would repeat again at dusk like she had every day. However today she instead heard a knock, "Ah, good morning elder Lorn" She grinned brightly at the older man, stepping aside to invite him inside. "Oh, all business today? That's ok... Oh! I thougtht they knew better than to play near the mines..." She signed, trying to repress all the memories of her and Fay sneaking to the very same mines, "I'll go check it out!" She said, packing a few of her things before heading out towards the mines.
Tracking/Woodworking = 3 successes
Village Elder.jpg

Old Lorn would chuckle and say, "I'm afraid so Young Ash. There was a meeting called for us old people that I need to go find out what its about." Lorn was one of the elders that talked with Ash the most and so she knew that when he said 'old people', he specifically was referring to the Elders. "Thankfully the young uns seem to be somewhat learning. This particular one spotted what ever he saw while out learning from one of the hunters." He would sigh after that though. "It is a sad time when even the little one's know such caution..." His negative aura disappeared as fast as it had appeared. People were too used to sorrow around here. Unfortunately for Ash she couldn't quite repress everything as the the mines were actually the first place the two young and curious girls had kissed. "Mhhh, thank you Ash. Be safe." And with that Lorn turned and started to hobbled down the slight hill her house was placed on, towards the large town hall/sanctuary that was in the middle of the village. After grabbing some things, you head to one of the village gates, the lightly armed guards, which were more hunters than guards, greeted Ash as she headed into the forest. The mine wasn't far and it was a quick trip to get to it.

The forrest was fully wild after leaving the man made clearing, but the path was familiar, letting Ash travel quickly and safely. The canopy of the forest cast shadows everywhere and they seemed especially thick around the entrance to the mine.
Mine entrance.PNG
It was built into the side of a tall hill. What ever structures might have laid directly outside of the old mine have been rotted away and the space reclaimed by nature. The dark hole in the ground that seemed to swallow all light was supported by more durable, but still old, wooden logs. Noticing something up with the ground, Ash kneels and investigates. The dust and dirt have been disturbed right at the entrance, and it looks recently. Unless someone came over to investigate themselves, then the kid definitely did see something over here. Looking even more carefully, your able to find what looks like a paw print, but you cant tell what animal it would have even come from. The disturbance leads further into the mine...
c7785fae4f1cc28579d0e03d06ec10cd.png Ashlyn would shift a little uncomfortably as she recalled back to the time that she and Fay and snuck off to the times. Fay promising to show her something cool, only for the cat to want to 'practice' kissing with her. Back then she didn't mind, it was exciting to think that she would be a skilled kisser by the time her prince charming arrive, and if she kissed a girl it didn't count right? Now, years later she looked back at the village elder, "We should still exersize caution. Mom was able to dispatch the monsters with ease, but I still have a way's to go before I'm at her level."
Ash would wave off the old man, making her way toward the mine. Tracking whatever it was that was lurking inside the abandoned mine. She was able to notice something, and set of paw prints in the dusty earth. A clue, but not one the kitsune recognized. She would follow the tracks deeper into the mine, keeping her guard up.
1 success for stealth, 2 successes for perception
Lorn would sadly agree with Ash before heading out. Her mother had been quite strong and it still caused some sadness for Ash when ever she thought back to how even her strong mother had been beaten. Heading into the mine, Ash is temporarily swallowed by the darkness before she uses her magic to light the area up. Inside, its even dustier than outside, letting Ash follow the trail quite easily, though she still couldn't make out what animal she was following. The walls around her are barren of any ore or what ever used to be mined here. The village had poked around in the upper levels of the mine when they first got here, but it was the same all over. Nothing valuable for them and so they left it alone, not exploring it nor actually using it. It was quite a large mine from what they could tell. Looked like it had been a serious operation at one time.

The track go on for a little while until they turn down one of the branches of the main mine shaft. And as Ash turns the corner, her light just barely makes out what she has been tracking!
Old wolf.png

A large wolf turns its head towards Ash as she comes around the corner. Before that, it had its head between its legs, licking at something that the innocent Ash didnt quite recognize and then it suddenly lets out a rumbling growl. It's growl echos slightly in mine shaft as it stands up from sitting down on the ground. Its an old wolf and still looks quite dangerous for its age enough so that it might have even been an alpha of a pack at one point! Thankfully for Ash it looks quite hurt as well, as if it had been in some intense fight very recently! The beast stands and growls again, getting ready to pounce on the obviously small and weak prey that had just walked into its makeshift lair!
Ashe proceeded into the mines, lighting up a spell so that she could see her way, making sure that she wouldn't tumble her way into anything. She did try to maintain some degree of stealth on her way though, creeping into the cave quietly. Her floofy fox tail would swish back and forth as she tracked the paw prints deeper and deeper into the cave. She was trying to decide just what sort of beast she was tracking, but couldn't quite make up her mind. That was until she turned the corner and saw the large, dominate looking wolf. Her own canine blood quickly reacting, telling her this was an alpha... though she was still a bit to innocent to understand what that meant nor why it made her exicited!
She would she would scramble a bit seeing that the wolf was ready to pounce, "I'm sorry mr. wolf, but you're a bit to dangerous around the children!~" She would say before pointing her finger at the wolf a sphere of fire forming at the tip, shooting toward the wolf before he could pounce! Her fire magic being quite potent, as it was her primary form of defense!
Casting, 5 successes. 31 to hit (Auto hit), with 28 damage
Old wolf.png
As her Mother (who was also her mentor in magic) always said, sometimes the best defense was overwhelming fire. And that proved itself once again as Ash's ball of flame shoots off the tip of her finger and catches the old injured alpha mid pounce, creating a beautiful bloom of colorful fire that almost reached Ashlyn herself! The old wolf fared a lot worse than the heat wave Ash had to deal with, as the old beast drops to the floor covered in burns. He probably died from the force of the blast alone.

Behind the cooked corpse and where the wolf had been laying was a bedding of soft moss. it looked like something other than the wolf had been chewing on it. There was other mossy vegetation around that also looked like they had been mostly consumed by something but Ash didn't know of anything that would be eating plants all the way down here...

She now had a choice. It had been quite a while since she had last been down here and she could explore a little, maybe visit the spot she and Fay had hanged out in and it was still quite early in the day. Otherwise she could head back to the village and find something else to do with her day. Maybe the Elders were talking about something interesting in their meeting? Hey, was wolf edible? She could try to bring the wolf back for the village...
c7785fae4f1cc28579d0e03d06ec10cd.png The blot of fire that she had produced was targeted, but with the thick stone of the carved tunnel all around her Ash still felt some of the blow back of the sudden hear burst, drying out her hair and ruffling the skirting of her robes as the wolf was taken down with a single short. The fox girl looked back over the singed corpse, glad that she had defeated her foe, but wishing that the aggressive wolf had stayed away from the village entirely. "I we'll try to see what we can do with you Mr. wolf," She sighed not liking the idea of leaving the dead animal in the depths of the cave, even if they couldn't use any of the remains due to her fire, it was at least less likely to attract a bigger beast if she buried it.

Knowing that she could take the wolf with her on the way out she turned her attention back to the strange moss that was growing on the wall. The one that the wolf had been laying on, one that showed patches of be being eaten. "What's this about," She wondered aloud, taking a closer look at the moss seeing if there was any sort of indication as to what might be eating it, if she could see any tracks of the animal leading further in, or out. Even whatever this was only ate moss Ash didn't feel comfortable not knowing what was hanging around the mines.
If she was unable to get any indication on what was was eating the moss, nor where it had gone she would instead turn to head deeper into the mines. Using the light source to guide her way, but trying to keep up a degree of stealth in her movements. She would keep her soft pointed ears directed toward what laid ahead of her, trying to her any rustling or scratching.
Woodland/tracking, no successes.
Taking a look at the vegetation that had been gnawed on, Ash cant really tell what did this. In fact the moss is even unfamiliar to her. It doesn't really look like any of the moss above ground in her forest as now that she had a moment to really inspect it, there was the slightest of glows coming from it that was hard to make out with her light spell still active! It had indeed been a while since she had last come down here, but even then she didn't see any of this glowing moss in her previous adventures down here and yet there were colonies of it all over this path!

Ash walks down this branch of the mine, farther and farther, seeing more and more of this moss showing up on all sides of the tunnel. Alot of it is partially eaten as well but there are a few colonies, particulalry the ones of the roof of the tunnel that are undamaged. These ones glow the brightest of all the moss colonies shes seen so far. Continuing on, she sees that the path branches once again, just like how this path orgionally branched off of the main tunnel, and right as she starts heading towards the T intersection, she sees some movement! Four puppy sized bugs walk from the right path and head into the left side, disappearing around the corner! If she decides to continue on, once she reaches the intersection she looks down both ways. On the left she catches a glance of the bugs rounding another corner, while on the right, further down that tunnel is some white... sac?
c7785fae4f1cc28579d0e03d06ec10cd.png Walking along the path Ashlyn noticed that the moss had a very faint glow to it, and curiously, turned off her own magical light source for a moment to confirm that the moss seemed to have a luminescence that she wasn't familiar with. "Probably no good for eating" She reasoned, having thought before that if the wolf and some other creature was noming on it, maybe it was worth a try? However if it glowed she knew better then to eat something like that. With a little flick of her blond tail she summoned the ball of light that accompanied her back to and continued on down. Noticing that the moss was getting more and more dense and she continued. She thought that maybe she should take a sample for later. She walked over to the side of the wall and carved off a little bit of the moss, wrapping it up in some leather before sticking it in her travel bag. There where better herbalists in the village, but Ash had a bit of practice in mixtures as well. But, that would have to come later. For now, she pressed on.
She catches sight of 4 large bugs, all of which seemed foreign to her. They didn't seem to notice her, but they had left the area with the white sacs heading deeper in... Ash would carefully approach the path with the white sacs, investigating what she assumed to be large eggs.
Ignoring the small group of bugs that went down the other path, Ash approached the large white sac down the other path. Only when she got closer to it would she realize that this sac indeed looked like it used to hold some eggs. Its an old sac that has been opened up and the young inside of it having left it after growing to term. Further down the path, the old wooden beams are covered with some more white substance probably reinforcing it. Going even further down the path, Ash would see that more and more white egg sacs and reinforcing stuff covered the ground and the walls. Eventually she would see an egg sac that was colored slightly different than the others, this one seeming somehow more vibrant and alive, yet between her and the sac was two more bugs!

These bugs were pretty different to the four she saw before. They were almost twice the size and shells that looked sturdier, their pincers were menacingly sharp looking as well! They chitterd nervously as they spotted Ash, and if she attempted to get any closer, the chitters would turn threateningly, but they did not appear hostile to her at the moment! Unless she wanted to attack these two bugs that appeared to be guarding the rest of the path, she would have to turn back, either exploring the other path or head back to the main tunnel and entrance to the mine...
Carefully examining the walls she would see obvious signs that some sort of bug colloney was living her, though what sort she wasn't sure. If it was anything dangerous she'd have to take care of it now, but hopefully she could leave them in peace and just give a firm warning to the elders about their presence and keep the kids away from the mines. She would lightly run her fingers over one of the empty white sacs, wondering what such a big sac of eggs felt like. But she was quick to get back to her path as well.
"Oh, uh, I didn't mean to intrude" She said, seeing the two bugs guarding the egg sac that was full. They seemed armored and dangerous, though not so much so that she wouldn't be able to defend herself should they attack. Her ears flattened as the chittering turned aggressive, taking several slow mesured steps backwards, still facing the insects. "I'll just be going, no threats here," She affirmed to the two bugs. Only turning her back on them once she was well away from the egg sac. Being so deep it was unlikely they would pose much threat even if territorial, though she'd have to keep them in mind should anything strange start happening.
This left only the path the 4 bugs traveled down before. Ash would return to that path and follow it to see where they lead, as the mystery of the glowing moss still hadn't been solved either.
The egg sac seemed to be made of some kind of dried out resin that grew hard after it some time passed. Now that she was actually inspecting it as well, it looks like the bugs had to dig out the eggs when they were finished incubating, evidenced by how the hole in the sac was created on the outside and dug into it.

Before she can turn and fully leave the path the 2 guard bugs are defending but after she has backed off a bit, something catches her eye in the distance of the tunnel. Its another group of those puppy sized bugs and they quickly approach the sac right behind the guard bugs and start to climb all over it. The two guard bugs seem to grow even more protective with the small bugs now around, making it clear they would not let her get anywhere near the smaller ones without a fight! She watches as long pink oviposters extend from their lower abdomens and are inserted into the resin of the egg sac. From this distance she can just barely make out that some of them have round bulges travel down their length while others had white-ish abdomens who's oviposters seem inflate as they pump some sort of liquid into the sac, but if she understood what these bugs were doing was to be seen!

They seemed locked in the resin as they deposited their different loads. When one finished, another took its place and if she stayed and watched this happen, it would take a few minutes until the group of smaller bugs finished whatever they were doing, turning and heading back into their territory and disappearing once again. Although these bugs didn't seem dangerous to the village at this point, they were still unknown. She might have to keep track of them if she didn't want to just up and deal with them once and for all.

Turning and back tracking a somewhat short distance, she would arrive at the intersection once again, this time taking the left path towards the direction the four little bugs had originally gone. She would have to travel down this path for a longer distance than the other before she would see anything new. Though she did notice something as she traveled. The moss she had first seen had grown sparser when she traveled towards the bug's territory and now that she was presumably walking away from it, it was growing denser once more... and continued to do so till it was much denser than when she had first found the moss and wolf! There was soon enough moss to be a patchy carpet of the moss on the floor! The mine shaft she was in even started to noticeably turn upwards and head closer to the surface! After a little while longer of walking on the surprisingly soft glowing moss, the shaft would level out once more and Ash would find the bugs she had been looking for.

She actually steps into the first proper room she's found in the mines. There are some cracks and holes in the roof that let patches of light through and bathe the plants below in sunlight. The room itself was greatly covered in moss and even some vines, but even then Ash didn't see any particular source for this sudden infestation of plants in the mines. It was probably close. That or these plants had been spreading for quite sometime and they they only just recently got into the main part of the mine! The bugs were surrounding a patch of weeds that were distinctly different from the moss they were growing in. They were also the main recipients of the sunlight, sitting right below the largest patch of light!

What ever these were, the bugs were mowing down on them, with each weed having at least one bite taken out of them! From what she saw, there was no sign of another one of those guard bugs around the smaller ones. This could be her chance to get closer to them if she wanted to investigate them some more!
c7785fae4f1cc28579d0e03d06ec10cd.png The curious fox would stick around for a little while looking at the group of bugs filling up the sac. She was not so naive as to not understand that this was part of the bugs reproductive cycle, that the bigger bugs were some sort of guards or tenders, while the smaller ones filled some other purpose. Having spent much of her time in the wilderness around Eden she she understood the basics of most animal, even if these larger bugs where beyond her. It was clear that they were building a nest, and even if they weren't much of a threat now, she'd only seen the edge of their territory, and without identifying them there was not way to tell if they were truly going to keep to themselves... however she didn't want to fight this battle today, not without proper preparations.
She cautiously followed the path back, noticing that the glowing moss was getting thicker now that she was traveling away from the bugs. Given that they seemed to eat it, she reasoned that it made enough sense. However those four scout bugs could prove interesting none the less. Finally she arrived at a open room covered in the glowing moss, light trickling down from a hole in the ceiling shinning down onto some weeds, with the four bugs from before each making a meal out of the plant. "Looks like you little creepy crawly's are all alone," She would smile, dismissing her light spell as she approached the four of them. Wanting to get a closer look at both the bugs and weeds. She planned to simple walk up and grab one of the small bugs provided that nothing stopped her.
Willpower Vs. Pollen Blast. 18 v. 32. Ash gains the Horny status effect!

Ash easily is able to approach the weeds that are being swarmed by the bugs with no difficulties. Either the bugs were starving, or these weeds were a delicacy to the bugs with how greedily they were being about eating it! Before she reached the bugs, she sees a few things now that shes closer. The first is that all four of these particular bugs have the same white-ish abdomens of the liquid bearing bugs from before. The second thing that she would notice would be that these weeds were not what they had first seemed to be. It was hard to notice it from afar due to how damaged they were and how the bugs swarmed over it, but upon getting closer, she can actually see that they are all connected to one larger plant spread out on the floor. They were like... appendages of some sort. Ash reaches the nearest bug and its chewing on one of the vine like tentacles.

She bends down and reaches for the bug, and right as she starts to pick it up, the vine suddenly twitches, and the tip of it opens up right next to her head and a big cloud of pollen is sudden blasted right into her face! In that split moment, Ash suddenly recognizes what this plant was! Her mother had warned her about Shorn Weeds as they liked to use their pollen to lure in and forcible arouse women until they were willing to use the plant to satisfy their needs! During this time they would usually impregnate the women with a new generation of Alrunea in their bellies! Backing up coughing while still holding the bug, the kitsune feels the pollen quickly taking affect on her! Her body heats up very quickly, especially her erogenous zones, and her nethers start to grow wet with a sudden arousal that is forced upon her! An incredible need starts to over take the foxxie as well. She absolutely needs to satisfy this itch in her right now! It didn't matter how she did it, but her pussy needed some attention right now! There was one 'weed' the bugs seemed to be saving for last. It sat in the middle of the plant and looked particularly phallic. It had a long and large stamen with a fat head at the top of it that was leaking a light blueish fluid!

At the same time Ash is forcibly aroused, neither the bug in her hands or the ones still eating the plant seemed bothered by her, nor did they threaten her at all. Completely passive to her with the one in her hands only wriggling in an attempt to be let down so it could go back to her meal! Though after a moment, the bug in her hand seemed to sense the arousal in the one holding her, and its pink oviposter slowly exits it's abdomen! It was powerless in her hands and wouldn't be forcing itself upon her currently but the arousal in Ash's mind say both the stamen and the bug as potential ways to satisfy her needs!
c7785fae4f1cc28579d0e03d06ec10cd.png With great confidence Ashlyn strolled over to be bugs, observing how they would much on the plants. Which seemed like they were not many plants, but all part of just one big plant. Did that worry Ash? Not really. She knew that some plants could be dangerous but was always under the impression that danger would present itself readily to all things. So these bugs making a lunch of the weed like stalks of the plant clearly meant the plant was little threat to her. And so she grabbed on of the creepy crawlies, getting a face full of aphrodisiac pollen for her troubles! "W-what" She stumbled back, bug wriggling a bit in her hand as she started to feel the growing burning between her legs, centered in her lower a body. Dim recognition would fall over her, as she knew the plant for what it was now, a Shorn Weed. A dangerous creature that... that...
Ash would drop the little bug taking a step closer to the plant again. Looking at the last unmolested weed. It's large penis like head dripping a strange blue liquid that did... something? "H-Ha...." The fox would pant a little bit. Her breaths getting quite heavy as the lustful poison was making it so hard to think about anything. Just focusing on how empty she felt... how she needed something anything. W-would her prince come to save her? "H-ha... t-that's it" She got a crooked lewd smile as she pulled up her skirting to reveal the girly pink panties underneath. She closed her eyes, and started masturbating in front of that plant, in front of the bugs. Running her fingers over her swollen vulva, grinding her middle and index fingers hard against her lips. Letting herself try to imagine that they weren't her fingers but the fingers of her prince.... but she hadn't met a princes before.... so it was hard to concentrate. It was better to think of Fay, the way the cat had expertly touched her, given her soft kisses while making her cum over and over again in this mine shaft.... b-but she was a girl... T-this wouldn't d-do she needed something harder, something long... a bit more phallic.
Ash opened her eyes, once more looking at that long thick weed. I-it looked kinda of like a dildo now that she thought about it... e-even if it had a bit of b-blue liquid, it was probably just syrup right? Syrup was sweet and sweet things were good, so her lower lips would love some sweet blue syrup along with some satisfaction for this burning heat! Ash had already walked over to the plant while thinking all of this. Her girlish panties slipping down her legs and eventually being left on the ground behind her. "W-will you b-be my prince?" She asked lustfully, squatting over the stamen of the plant. Spreading her lower pussy open and lowering herself down over top of the Shorn Weed's top. Giving herself one firm pump down onto it, letting another hand travel up her dress to start massaging her B cup breasts.
HP: 38/41, PP: 40/56, EP: 47/47 Orgasms: 2 Status: Post climax, fertilized.
The plant seemed to somehow understand that there was a mate nearby and that she was rabidly becoming a willing partner. The dick like stamen twitched and swayed, and the production of the blue 'syrup' noticeably increased, filling the air directly around it with a sweet smell. It twitched constantly as Ash kneeled down before it, touching herself through one of her favorite panties, grinding her fingers into her cunny and letting her love juices soak into the fabric! The bug who she had dropped after being forcibly aroused came around and inspected Ash trying to accept her need to be filled but couldn't see a way past her panties, and Ash already had her mind set on another partner, so after a little, the small bug went back to greedily consuming the shorn weed before its compatriots eat it all without it!

Without a reliable mental imagine of what her Prince would look like when he would come to save her, Ash falls back on her memories of her time with Fay. Back to all the time they had spent running away from the village so they could find a safe place to 'experiment' and 'practice' as Fay used to say. Ash's lust conjurers the memory of the red headed kitty pressing her against the wall before sealing her lips with her own soft lips while her hand slipped under Ash's panties to finger her and play with her clit once it slid out of its hiding place! Unfortunately for the horny foxxo, her masturbating to the memory of her best friend's actions was only slightly helping the heat that ran through her, but it did nothing to satisfy that void that was inside of her! Dropping her panties in this cave felt so lewd but natural in her current state. Why did she need to wear panties right now if they were simply going to stop something from filling her void!

The dildo like stamen in front of her towered at about 8-9 inches of fake penis and although it couldn't answer, horny Ash saw no reason this nice plant couldn't be her prince in disguise! Perhaps it was saving her from having to let the bugs be the ones to fill her up! Spreading her pussy lips open so she could easily aim the dildo plant towards her pussy, Ash lines the thick blue juice covered head up with her pussy and then immediately sinks herself down onto it! Whatever the blue juice was, it acts as the perfect lube and Ash is able to painlessly take the majority of plant dick into her pussy before she had to stop because it was getting to tight! Fay's dildo's had never been this big and Ash felt places never stimulated before being pressed and rubbed against by the fat head of this cock! As Ash starts to bounce herself up and down the plant, the most intense pleasure shes ever felt starts to hit her with each bounce, as the cock was slowly stretching out her tight cunt, going deeper and deeper into virgin territory until it was tapping against her sensitive womb! She had always been very sensitive to pleasure, a fact Fay loved to use against her! It was intense enough to make her legs shake and only Fay's most skillful 'experiments' could even come close to this pleasure! Just these few thrusts were already getting her close to climax, and each trust that taps against her womb seems to make her womb warm up and twitch! Blue juice started to splash out of her pussy as she bounced up and down, running down her thighs as she got a sense that they were both about to cum! And Ash had never needed a climax as badly as right now! A strong, lovely, and sweet smell fills the air as the plant's strong pheromones are released without holding back!

Close! So close! And then it finally hit her like a crashing wave and Ash is swept up in one of the best climax's shes ever had as she cums all over this Shorn weed's impregnating dick! The way her pussy tightens and spasms, milking the plant inside of her for it's seed seems to be the final straw that pushes it over the edge as well! It trembles and twitches against her spasming walls, before is swells up and then the first blast of seed is shot into her womb! Long and thick ropes of blue seed are shot into Ash's virgin and ovulating womb! It just doesn't seem to stop as her womb is soon filled up and claimed! It still it continues until Ash has a small waterfall of the blue seed seeping from her used cunt! Shes so full of the plant's little swimmers, there's a small bulge in her lower tummy from her packed womb!

Even being so filled doesn't fully fulfill her needs, and so Ash goes right back to bouncing her ass on the hard plant dick that didnt even get softer after releasing such a deluge of cum! She cums again before her hornyness finally wears off! Though she can already feel herself getting on her way towards a third one if she decides to try and go for three after she regains control! Other wise, she could slide herself off of the dick and managed a few step before she collapses on her back next to the plant, panting as seed continues to pour from her flower.
sample_11f24363e8b9b14b58ab7425a60eac0f.jpg With her mind so drawn up in lustful need Ashlyn couldn't even feel shame in loosing her panties in a cave like this. Thankfully there was no one here but the bugs and weeds to see her in this lustful display, but it hardly mattered. She would thrust herself down onto that shaft, letting her body take as much of it as she could comfortably. The blue syrup coating the warm wet walls of her pussy as she burried herself in 7 inches of plant cock. The fox's tail giving a drunken flick as she raised herself up, before dropping herself down once more. Feeling so satisfied as she availed herself of the nice little plant dildo. Letting that thick bulging head bury deeper then she'd let anything penetrate her before. She would bounce herself up and down excitedly on the plants stamen, her tight fox pussy splitting and letting the plant deeper and deeper into her with each mind meltingly pleasurable thrust. Nothing that she had ever experianced even came close to the feeling of thrusting herself down over and over again on this shorn weed. Letting the blue syrup run down out of her pussy, and onto her thighs. Her eyes had glossed over as her body took full control, the blond fox pumping herself over and over again.
Several thrusts in she could already feel the stamen hitting the depths of her womb, letting a few drops of relief ease her mind, though she knew it wouldn't be satisfied until she's been filled with the sweet fertile syrup. Letting her Pistil enjoy every drop of the plant cum. Finally she came, lewdly mewling and moaning as her tongue drooped out of her mouth. Her lower body squeezing on the head, causing it to burst forth with impregnating seed. She couldn't fight it, the desperation had over taken her fully. Yet even that one round was not enough, her mind still in full mating more she continued to milk the stamen, her mind now thinking more like a plant then a fox, pushing her to orgasm again, shivering and weakening, but still driving on. It wasn't until the plant had given her a second full batch of lewd plant seed that she felt fully satisfied. Sliding off of the plant, and stumbling backwards. She would pant heavily and curl up for a minute trying to catch her breath as the blue syrup dripped out of her pussy.
Some time later the fox would finally catch her breath. With a red tint she headed over to her panties, picking them up and cleaning herself up a bit before sliding them back on... T-That was probably enough adventuring for today.... She would decided to head back to her home. Provided nothing stopped her. The shorn weed, and bugs could wait for another day, they posed no immediate threat to the village of eden.
HP: 30/41, PP: 56/56, EP: 47/47 Orgasms: 3 Status: Post climax, fertilized, Weakness x1.
Giving into her own lust in order to reach that third orgasm, Ash shares one last orgasm with the plant, with it filling her with another deluge of sperm as she cummed, which egged on that climax for a while! Eventually, now with a larger tummy than when she came down here, Ash collapses onto the ground next to the shorn weed, packed full of blue cum, most of which was now packed into her slightly inflated womb! There was a primal satisfaction there from being so full, on top of the bliss she had felt fucking herself on the weed's cock! Her inner beast purred at feeling the heat now radiating from her core to the rest of her body.

When she was next able to rouse herself from post cumming bliss, she would find that even after resting her legs still felt shaky and there was just a general tiredness and weakness to her body after being forced to cum so many times in such a short time! Even with her best attempts to clean herself up, thick, syrupy blue cum would continue to leak from her used cunt and she would have to either decide to dirty her panties by putting them on, or to go commando so one of her favorite panties wasn't soaked in cum! If she chose to put them on anyways, they would do their best to collect any cum that leaked, coloring them blue while also staining them with that strong sweet scent of the shorn cum!

Deciding she had enough adventure for the day, Ash is able to take a few unsteady steps towards the way she had first come form when she hears something or someone running towards her position from another passage that lead out of this room, in the opposite direction that she had first come from!

A beautiful green plant lady, which can only be an Alraune from her mother's tales, runs into the room and immediately punts one of the bugs eating the shorn plant! "Get away you pests!" Sensing actual danger, the other three quickly scuttle away while the one that was punted across the room lands on its back, before tipping and turning to get back up right and follows the other three out of the room! "Oh you poor baby" She coons over the half eaten shorn weed, still ignoring Ash for the moment. She leans down and places both hands onto the injured plant, her hands glowing green as Ash could see the plant start to heal its wounds!

Sighing in what was probably relief, the Alraune finally turns to Ash. "Oh my, Im sorry you had to see that. Its good to finally meet you, young Plant Mother. The little one told me all about how eager you were." She purred and slides up next Ash, a slightly sultry grin on her lips as she did so. Now that she had a moment to actually process what was happening, Ash would notice the Alraune had a large amount of colorful and beautiful blossoms growing over her body. From her mother's teachings, she would know that Alraune were protectors of nature... at least most of them. Some of them did have a problem with taking women and using them to breed more and more alraune but she hadnt heard of any villagers go missing recently... "Mhhh, and whats a fertile girl like you doing down in part of my grove?"
sample_4581d83fb129ef8670e6f28aa42643ee.jpg Ash's tongue was hanging loose as she wildly thrust herself down over and over on the plants stamen. Her body having never experienced something like the lust attack which shorn weeds where capable of. It was only proper to fill her little pistol full of as much of that sweet syrupy goodness as possible. So the fox had gone on bouncing herself up and down for a while longer, waiting until she had hit her third orgasm, and the head spurting a second full load into her tight cunny. She would fall over at this point, laying on the ground softly wagging her tail with the blue liquid spilling out from between her lips and trailing down her thighs. She was a mess, but she had never felt so full and statisfied in her life.... it made sense since normally she was only touching herself occationally, and even then not very hard.... This was even more lewd then anything that Fey had done with her... It would take some time before Ashlyn would be able to do more then lay on the ground, soaking in the post orgasm glow. Eventually though, she would stand herself up. Her tummy giving a bit of a giggle as more liquid poured out of her tightly packed sex. "T-that's n-no good" She panted, taking a cloth out of her travel bag and trying to clean herself up a bit, setting her bottom on the ground and spreading her legs to get a bit of better angle. Meaning a bit of the syrup would dribble down into her tail as well! Even with a bit of effort it was clear that she was going to be leaking some of the sweet sticky syrup for some time... So even though the frilly pink panties where her favorite she quickly retrieved them, and put them back on, not wanting to return to the village, a; without her panties, and b; obviously having been stuffed by a shorn weed. The plan was likely not a threat to the village, though would be something to keep in mind not unlike the bugs from before.
Before Ashlyn turned to leave the Alraune would enter the room, nursing and caring for some of the injured shorn weed heads, seemingly oblivious to the fox who was still feeling a bit weak kneed from her lewd engagement with the plant. "G-greetings" Ashlyn would grab the edges of her skirt and bend her knees a bit, though she would stumble forward, more of the syrup leaking out from her pussy as well. "H-ha... My name is Ashlyn, protector of the human settlement near here, Eden. Y-you can call me Ash, or whatever pleases you." She was actually grateful for running into the Alraune, since it meant that she's have something to reason and talk with rather then having to decide if bugs or plants where a threat based purely on their own instincts. "Some of the people of the village saw something at this mineshaft, and I needed to see if everything was ok... It was just and old wolf, but I was trying to see if anything else had made a home down here. I found you and those weird bugs." She explained, adopting an excited grin, as though she were talking to a potential new friend, not a monster. "A-Actually I was wondering... I-I've not really heard of any disappearing villagers so I'm assuming you've been content leaving us alone so far... is there any way that I can help you? I might be the Protector of Eden, but I don't see why that can't extend to your grove as well Ms..." She didn't actually know if Alurane had names or not. But it seemed just as likely as not. "I know I... I w-was a bit eager with your Shorn Weed, c-can you tell it thank you? It was very gentle... Do you know what those bugs where? If they are hurting your plants are they dangerous? I was going to ask the villagers about them, but I doubt they know what they are either."