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The Domestication of Ashlyn (KitsuneKinomi)

HP: 30/41, PP: 56/56, EP: 47/47 Orgasms: 3 Status: Post climax, fertilized, Weakness x1.
"Ohhh, what a polite girly you are." Seeing that Ash was amicable, the plant girl steps even closer and links her arm with Ash's. Being so close to the Alraune, Ash now notices that mixed in her scent of various flowers was one that smells alot like a now familiar blue syrup, a reminder that Shorn Weeds were the first phase in Alraune reproduction! She had a very knowing look and smile on her face as well, as if she already had intimate knowledge of what had went down in this room! "Hmmmm, Eden? Does your village have two protectors now?" She giggled and lead Ash by the arm over to a nearby rock that was covered in more soft moss, sitting her down before sitting next to her... very close next to her. She would listen to Ash's explanation and when she finally got to asking for the plant women's name, the alraune would bubbly giggle again before replying. "Hehe, nice to meet you Ash. You can call me Nami, and I actually already have an agreement with your other protector. I'm surprised she hasn't told you about it. Kendra made a deal with me that I would keep my kin from using your women as breeding stock and would do what I could to keep nature from attacking you all in return that she helped the plants and animals of the forest grow more numerous.~" She purred. "which you seem to already be doing for me."

"Oh your such a sweet girl! He's more than happy right now after getting to fill you up till your bursting twice now. In fact I should thank you now that you're going to carry another generation of my kin in your womb."
Nami seemed very at ease with being touchy as she reached over and placed a hand onto Ash's tummy, right where her bloated womb was! She hummed and then giggled to herself before her hand softly glowed green. Ash would feel her womb slightly warm up even more, but most noticeably was her womb twitching under the effect of what ever the plant women just did to her! "I hope you don't mind since you were already pregnant, I just made you ovulate just a little more so I would have an even bigger family than before~ With all those swimmers in there its a surety those eggs wont go to waste~"
"Ah do you mean those pests? They are most certainly pests but they aren't that big of a problem. They mostly just eat the moss around here but if they ever get the chance they will devour any of my shorn weeds around here"
She pouted as she talked about the shorn weeds. "But no they aren't a problem as long as you dont provoke them, and even then the workers will just try to impregnate you with their eggs and jelly rather than do harm to you~"

"Hmmmm do you want to stay here until you give birth? It'll only be half a day at most till your nice and ripe with seedlings~"
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sample_4581d83fb129ef8670e6f28aa42643ee.jpg Trying to be rather friendly with her new Alurane friend Ash would give her tail a quick flick as the she was linked and guided over to a seating area. The alluring scent of the girl tickling her fox nose. "W-well it's easier to catch flies with honey after all..." She said, not really minding the Alurane sitting so close to her. She was still feeling excitable from getting pumped full of Syrup, and being this close to another girl was reminding her a bit of her time with Fay. She missed having a close friend like that. "Oh. Mom, Kendra, got captured by raiders a while ago... we've not been able to launch any attempts to save her, and she hasn't come home yet either... Though I'm sure she'll come back! I'm just filling in while she's gone!" She tried to keep a happy face on, even though she did miss her mom quite dearly.
When Nami explained the agreement, "I-I see... s-so mom d-did it with those s-shorn weeds too? w-was it just her?... I-I'd be happy t-to keep up her end of the bargin." She twitched a little when Nami touched her womb, the sudden warmth spreading around her body. "Y-You mean I'm going to h-have more seedlings? I don't mind" She blushed as she thought it was a bit lewd that she was going to have kids with some plant before her prince.... but since she's already lost her maidenhood to Fay's experiments it probably didn't matter so much. Her prince would love her no matter what after all!
"Well, if the bug's aren't bothering you, then I'll leave them alone. Just let me know if I need to do anything about them in the future!" She nodded before looking a bit torn, the touchy plant had proven to be quite hospitable, and she wanted to get to know Nami a bit better, but she was worried about not coming back to the village and how that might worry the elders...
"I-I'll stay here, i-if you don't mind having a kitsune in your grove for a few hours. It would be better for the seedlings too right?" She asked, scooting a bit closer to Nami, secretly hoping that the Alurane might touch her a bit more if she got close.
HP: 35/41, PP: 56/56, EP: 47/47 Orgasms: 3 Status: Post climax, fertilized, Weakness x1.
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Ash didn't know why, but when she thought back to Fay once again, missing her best friend, her heart skipped a beat and she suddenly really missed her best friend. How they seemed to do everything together and how Fay seemed to know exactly how to cheer up Ash, whether it was with her words or with her hands. "Awwwww, Kendra's gone? Well I guess that would make sense why she hasn't been around in forever. I just thought she might have gotten pregnant again so she couldn't come visit. Well she is quite powerful and quite good at everything she seems to try so shes probably got a good chance of making it out of the trouble shes found herself in!" Nami pouted at the news and did seem genuinely sad for a moment before she popped right back to her bubbly mood.

"She did! There's a few whole generations of Kin that she birthed just by herself! Of course she didn't help with just Alraune. There are a few more beasts out there as well as other things thanks to your mum!" Nami seemed to get really excited as Ash agrees to fulfill her mother's end of the deal. "Ohhh, you will!? Yay! Ive been missing having a fluffy tail to play with~" As she says that, she shifts and turns her body so shes facing Ash, the arm that was linked with Ash's lets go and she reaches over and both hands grab onto the giant fluff ball that made up Ash's tail! She starts running her fingers through it and brings it up to rub against her face against the excessive fluff! She continues to touch and play with Ash's tail as she continues to talk with the Fox, having a good enough grip on it that Ash would probably have to ask to get her tail back from the plant women! A big grin comes over her as she watches Ash's reaction to her tail being touched and Nami starts to play with it even more in response, brushing it and lightly pulling it and doing other things to it! "Yeah, even more seedlings than normal! Maybe two times, or maybe even three times the amount after I made you ovulate!" Even as Ash considered what her Prince would think now that she had kids before they even met, it might be hard to recognize these seedlings as her children in the same way that she might recognize a child born from her prince! After all she would only have them in her womb for about half a day and it might be a while till she even saw them once they found good homes to grow! Fay had also assured Ash when she was taking the fox's virginity that her Prince wouldn't mind if she wasn't a virgin. How Fay knew that was a mystery to the Fox but she had no reason to doubt her best friend! She seemed so knowledgeable about this kind of stuff!

"Id be able to find proper places for the seedlings to grow rather than having them try to drag themselves to somewhere suitable if you gave birth to them here~" Nami seemed to be able to sense or just recognize the thoughts going through Ash's head when she hoped to be touched even more! She grinned and took one hand off of Ash's tail and placed it onto Ash's thigh, right below where her skirt ended and very lightly started to tease her way up towards the skirt, brushing her fingers very lightly against Ash's pale flesh, sending pleasant tingles up her spine and into her head! Her other hand would be wrapping Ash's tail around its wrist and then would strongly grip the tail as if it was a leash. "Maaaayyybeee, little foxxie here would be willing to spend some time with me while we wait for the seedlings to grow in your belly?~" She sat up and got as close as she could from a sitting position to one of the big fluffy triangle's on Ash's head before she whispered that sultrily into it!

Suddenly a green vine like tentacle emerges from behind Nami's back and slowly snakes its way through the air towards Ash's head. "I'll be a good host and feed you lots while we wait~"
c7785fae4f1cc28579d0e03d06ec10cd.png Ashlyn blushed at the revelation that it was way more then just the Alurane that her mom had been letting knock her up... had she been keeping this from everyone, or just her? Ash didn't mind letting a few seeds grow inside her, but... she thought about letting those insects lay a brood inside her and shivered. "W-what other monsters?" she asked with clear caution in her voice, "I'd be happy to help whenever you need... even if it's just to pet my tail," Ashlyn smiled wagging her blond tail over to the Alurane. The forceful yet loving movements bringing a blush to the fox's face as her tail was brushed and played with. Feeling not unlike having her breasts fondled. Something she normally wouldn't let the villagers do.... but it was ok if it was Nami right? Ashe would moan softly as Nami tugged it slightly, giving the plant girl a hint that her tail was a pretty big weakness. One that Fay had learned and capitalized on often, especially if Ash seemed hesitant to do anything.
"That makes sense... much better for them. I guess in the future I'll just plan on spending the day here if I need to carry a few seedlings." She reasoned, feeling Nami gently tug her tail again. This time thought the plant girl had wrapped that fluffy tail all the way around, and was tugging the fox. Exicteing the fox into giving a lewd moan and falling on Nami. "N-no so rough," She panted, looking up at Nami, clearly more aroused then in pain. "H-ha... w-would you I-I've been k-kinda lonely" She blushed a bit, "I use t-to do this kinda stuff with my friend, but she got taken in a raid too..." She would press her body a little closer to the Alurane, "So I would like that..."
The vine came pretty close to Ash's head now, the fox keeping an eye on it, unsure what it was for though she could only guess it had an effect similar to Shorn syrup. "D-Don't mind if I do..." She would open her mouth, letting Nami put the vine in at her own pace.
HP: 35/41, PP: 56/56, EP: 47/47 Orgasms: 4 Status: Post climax, fertilized, Weakness x2.
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"Hmmm, off the top of my head I remember her with wolves, some slimes, tentacle beasts, and I think there were some giant spiders at one point... Oh! And she pacified a clan of goblins as well by letting them use her!" Nami pats Ash's tail as if to reassure her before continuing. "Your mother was quite adventurous, you don't need to help out with as many species as she did... though it would be a big help to grow the forest if you did." Nami giggles as Ash promises the use of her tail. "Mmmhhh, Ill take you up on that, but why not have more fun than with just a tail?~"

As Ash moans from the tugs, Nami smiles almost cruelly as if she was a wolf that just found a new toy to play with! "I think Ill be the one to help you out next time you want to be full of seedlings. We can have so much fun putting them inside of you!" She tugs on Ash's tail. "Don't" Another tug. "You" And another. "Think" A harder tug, "So?" She tugs hard again, letting the pleasure overwhelm the pain from the tug! "Hehehe, why should I stop when you look like your enjoying it so much foxie? If you really want me to stop, you'll have to beg for it~." She tilted her head and smiled as Ash admitted to being lonely. "Well then lets get that fixed!" She releases Ash's tail and puts both hands under Ash's arms and lifts her quite easily! At the same time, multiple other tentacles appear from Nami's back, with one going and intertwining itself with the fluffy blonde tail, trapping it and letting Nami tug and play with it with just a thought! Ash is lifted and placed onto Nami's lap, facing her while the rest of the tentacles not already with a purpose go and start rubbing themselves all across Ash's body. More blue syrup starts to leak from the tips of these tentacles and they start rubbing it onto Ash, seemingly uncaring that they were getting it all over her clothing and her hair! Ash's senses would soon be filled with the steadily growing stench of the syrup! The vine that Ash allows into her mouth coats itself in a thicker version of what the other tentacles are spewing, allowing Ash to lick and suckle the surprisingly delicious syrup!

Nami starts to undo the fox's top, reaching around to untie it and then pulling it down to reveal her pale breasts! She cups both of them, pushing them up and leans forward, slipping on her Ash's hardening nipples between her plush green lips, gently sucking on it while using her tongue to flick at it. She timed it so that each flick of the nipple happen at the same time as she tugged on Ash's tail. The combination was actually as good as fucking herself on the shorn weed's dildo, giving Ash a toe curling pleasure! She does this over a dozen times before she pulls back for moment and says, "I'm going to prove that you're your mother's daughter. Cum for me! Cum from just having your tits and tail played with!" And with a renewed energy she switches nipples she was toying with and continues to assault the fox until the combined waves of masochistic pleasure force Ash across the line for the fourth time in such a small time frame!
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c7785fae4f1cc28579d0e03d06ec10cd.png Ash's blush would grow until she looked like a beat. Her mom letting plants populate was one thing, but wolves? How does even work? Slimes and tentacle beasts, can they be reasoned with? A s-spider! No... no, no, no. That had to be Nami playing a joke on her, there was no way that Kendra was like that. No way her mom was so, so, so depraved! "I-I see," She said simple, glad that Nami was at least patting her sensitive tail for comfort.
"But aren't you a girl?" Ash asked, honestly confused as the anatomy of Alurane. But, as soon as Nami tugged her tail, making the fox give helpless little yipping moans each time she could help be agree, "Y-ya, t-that would be more f-fun" She admitted, leaning toward Nami before bring easily drawn into the air by the powerful plant creature. Her fluffy blond tail soon enveloped in a green vine appendage that came off Nami's back. Letting the girl continue to pet, tug, and play with the sensative member while still holding Ashlyn in her lap. Ashlyn closed her eyes and fell toward Nami's veloputous chest, resting her weary head on those massive green tits. Her delicate little fox ears, tickling Nami's neck as they flicked about. Soon her whole body was being molested by vines, each one leaking the blue syrup. Running down her modest cleevage, up her cute skirt. Rubbing her belly, her thighs, her ears, her tail. Ash's open mouth is greeted by a tendril oozing a thick concentraited form of the syrup. Letting it touch her tongue for the first time, as she's overwhelmed with the powerful sweet flavor of it. Her taste bud's soaking up the rich flavor and demanding that the fox have more! She would close her lips around the tendril, softly starting to suckle on it. Letting it's syrup coat her mouth, keeping her pacified and content while Nami is free to toy with her.
The robes which Ashlyn had been wearing where a form of armored robe, able to protect her from some attacks, but light and breezy, very easy for Nami to free those two delicate blossum's on Ash's chest. The fox girl started to moan softly suckling harder as Nami begins to suckle her. Her nipples being extra sensative, but unused. Her body, going through all the process's of being pregnant would have singled that she should begin milk production.
Ash's eyes rolled a bit as she got toyed with, over and over. The Alurane switching to the other nipple, just in time to get a few squirts of milk from the tiny fox. Her body have accelerated the production do to how fast the seedlings where developing in her womb. Al the while Ash continued sucking down that sweet syrup helplessly. As a fourth orgasm took her, her creamy fox filling spilling out onto Nami's thighs.
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HP: 35/41, PP: 56/56, EP: 47/47 Orgasms: 4 Status: Post climax, fertilized, Weakness x2.
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“Hehehe, of course I’m a girl! We alraune just have a few extra bits than some other girls have that let us put some babies in others." Nami giggled again as Ash yipped and moaned. "Hehehe, I'll make sure to make it something you remember for a loooooong time!” Seeing Ash being so receptive to her, Nami reaches up and grabs Ash’s chin now that she leaned forward and the plant girl pulls Ash forward lightly while leaning forward to close that small gap and suddenly kisses Ash! For a plant, Nami’s lips are surprisingly plump and soft and through skill and surprise, Nami rapidly works Ash’s lips open enough to slip her tongue into her mouth! The surprise french kiss doesn't last long and Nami stops it as suddenly as it started. As she pulls back, she slowly licks her lips, making sure Ash gets a view of her doing it. “Hehe, sorry you just looked like you wanted to be kissed all of the sudden! Here.” And with that she continues to lift Ash onto her lap and starts the tentacle massage!

When Ash leans forward and rests her head against Nami’s large green tits, the Alraune smiles and one of her hands comes up and starts to pet Ash’s head, making sure to focus on the sensitive bases of her furry triangles. “Awwww, what a cutie you are~. We are going to have so much fun together!” As her tentacles start to lather sweet plant cum all over Ash, Nami leans down and gently nips one of Ash’s fox ears while the tail tentacle gives it another nice pull and then she whispers with her voice growing slightly husky, “Mmmhhhh, maybe I should keep you down here with me~...” If Ash offered any denial or seemed shocked Nami would promptly giggle and say, “Just kidding! You’ve got an important job after all!” Afterwards, Nami offers a tentacle for Ash’s mouth which is accepted by the kit! The more Ash suckles and licks at the thick tentacle, the more it twitches and she is rewarded with more of the delicious ‘Syrup'. But the more she drinks and allows this thick juice to coat the inside of her mouth, the greater the taste and a pleasant heat starts to build in her stomach. She just feels so warm and fuzzy drinking this sweet treat!

With Ash being a cute and docile little toy for Nami, she soon got a nice coat of syrup staining her clothing and soaking into her hair and skin, marking her with Nami’s scent and making her tingle with arousal! Finished with their job, Nami retracts her tentacles for now except for the one she was using to feed cum to Ash and the other she was using to constantly play with the fluffy fox tail! “Mhhhh, Kendra was never this easy, but I think I could get used to this~” There was a clear arousal in her voice before she finishes disrobing Ash and starts enjoying her time with her cute breasts, switching from flicking Ash’s nipples to suckling on them as the foxxie starts to produce sweet mothers milk! She sucked particularly hard as Ash cummed, squeezing and milking Ash’s filling tits in order to prolong Ash’s climax while she enjoyed some of the extra milk that ! She could only prolong it for a short time by playing only with Ash's tits and tail, and so when Ash finally started to come down from her peak, Nami slips Ash’s hard nipple from her mouth with an audible ‘pop’! “Mhhh, yummy!” She leans back and gets a look at the tired kitsune as she was held up by Nami. The plant girl hummed before saying, “Looks like being a mother is taking more out of you than I expected it would. Is this your first time?” She tenderly reaches up and starts to play with Ash’s ear between her fingers, rubbing them but and down and lightly scratching them. “Lets get some place to take a nap before those seedlings pop out of you~” She stands up and brings Ash with her, shifting her around until Ash is held princess style in Nami’s arms.

She walks towards a tunnel leaving the room from the opposite direction that Ash had entered from. After a short walk they end up in what could only be described as a garden! The roof of this cave is completely missing, either purposely removed or it had simply collapsed at some point in time. Either way, it bathed the room in plenty of light, illuminating the huge variety of plants and colorfully vivid flowers that all seemed placed in such a way that it gave an impression that the room was one giant multicolored flower that bloomed outward from the center of the room where a large pink flower dominated. The flower was tall and beautiful with a super thick stem which held up the giant pink petals that reached much higher than Ash when she was standing. “Hehehe, welcome to my personal grove~”

Nami carried her through the garden and wherever she walked, the plants and flowers just seemed more vibrant and alive just from her passage alone. They approached the flower in the middle and as they got close, the flower started to bend down in an almost impossible manner for a flower till its petals were practically hqdefault.jpg down on the ground and the petals started to bloom outwards. Nami causally stepped onto a petal and walked into the flower. Inside was like a little personal room and as Nami carried Ash inside, the flower lifted back upwards into the air! Nami kept her balance and once the flower stopped moving she fell backwards and landed on her back with Ash on top of her! “We can sleep in here while you carry more of my kin in your belly, Nothing will disturb you~”

The flower petals were slightly see through enough for rays of pink light to tint the flower room. Threw was also the overpowering scent of just flowers in the air as well, and Ash may have noticed that the scent was the exact same as Nami’s. If Ash decided to sleep then and there, cuddling up to Nami, she would find it an astonishingly easy task, though she could spend some time talking with the flower girl before she passed out and let her body change and ripen
c7785fae4f1cc28579d0e03d06ec10cd.png Ash didn't really know all that much about humanoid biology, let alone alurane biology. So maybe this was normal for Nami to be a girl, but still have the capability of reproducing with her. She seemed to ponder for a moment while Nami held her. "Well, I'll look forward to it," she smiled softly before being grabbed and pulled into the kiss suddenly. The girl meeting with Nami's lips suddenly, but eagerly. Their plump lips slipping and and around each other, as the plant quickly wrestle the fox's tongue for dominance and won. Ashlyn melting into the kiss for only a moment before it stops suddenly. A string of honeyed drool connecting between the girls as Nami pulled back. "I-I did?" Ash blushes, she had been thinking about kissing, but it was embarrassing to be seen through so easily!
Ash nuzzled into the soft rubbing of her ears. A very sensitive part of a kitsune! But Nami was being so gently and tender with them Ash just wanted to enjoy it for a bit longer. Of course the tempting offer of being Nami's little plant slut, coated in pleasure and breeding for her was surprisingly tempting... "No, I'm suppose to protect everyone. They'll worry if I'm gone and hurt you," She explained nuzzling into Nami some more.
Getting marked by the sweet floral scent Nami gave off was quite nice. In fact Ash didn't think of any possible repercussions of letting herself enjoy the tentacles roving all over her body as she softly suckled on the addictive nectar cum coming out of the tentacle in her mouth. Using her tongue as best she could to playful tease the tip of the tendril. Letting out soft animalistic moans as her tail continued to be played with.
After the climax Ash would cuddle with Nami, getting princess carried away from their starting location toward Nami's sacred grove. Ash being mostly helpless after multiple climaxes couldn't fight even if she wanted to. Now she just wanted to spend some more time with her new plant friend though. "This is beautiful" Ash cooed looking around at the massive flower room. gently touching one of the petal walls. She would rest her head on Nami's breasts, getting comphy for her upcoming nap. "I'm glad I came down this way," She yawned softly, "I'll make sure to come back to give you more babies" she was getting sleepy already, surronded by the smell of Nami, getting cuddled softly in the pink flower room.
HP: 41/41, PP: 56/56, EP: 47/47 Orgasms: 0 Status: Pregnant.
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In addition to making sure Ash got a good look of Nami licking her lips, the plant girl would go on to lick up as much of the delicious strand of mixed saliva as she could! "Ehehehe, your eyes got all doey and cute when you looked up at me! Of course I couldn't hold back at such an invitation!" Nami stared down into the eyes of the cute and soft kistune, paying huge amounts of attention to Ash's reaction to Nami's offer, allowing her to just catch the hesitation in Ash before the eventual denial. She hugged the nuzzling fox close. "Hmmmm? Are you sure~" Nami's sweet voice purrs, her breath brushing across the fluffy fox ear of Ash. "You could stay here with me and I'll keep you nice and round all the time and feed you lot and lots of syrup! You wont need to worry about anything! We could make love all the time~" Nami promises and if Ash studies Nami's eyes she would see a hunger and lust in her eyes for Ash!

Ash's efforts to please the plant tentacle in her mouth saw the flow of delicious plant cum increase with just how much she was receiving being based on her efforts with her mouth and tongue! A steady and almost addictive warmth built in her tummy as she drank more and more 'syrup'!

Nami giggles and stands tall with pride as she carries her prey Ash off towards her personal sanctuary. "Thanks! I used quite a bit of power to grow all of this!" When they got inside of Nami's giant flower and Ash rests her head on one of Nami's pillowy breasts, the plant girl reaches up and slowly and sensually rubs one of Ash's ears between her fingers, aiming to help the pregnant girl relax and fall asleep easier from the constant pleasurable tingles! "Oh, I'm so glad you came down here to find me as well! You're so much cuter and innocent than your mother that its amazing! I'll make good use of your womb to grow this forest, so get a good rest and we'll get your first ever batch of babies birthed!" Nami raises a hand and places it over Ash's eyes before it starts to glow with many relaxing and pretty colors. They were soooooo pretty and soooooo relaxing that the little foxxie quickly lost herself staring into the swirl before a wave of tiredness crashes into her mind and she falls into the darkness of sleep. It was time for her body to change and bloat with her first ever children while she slept!


"Wakey, wakey! Its time to wake up cutey! Your belly looks perfectly ripe so its time we get you in position!" Nami's ever joyous voice calls Ash's consciousness back to her body after an indeterminate amount of time. Blinking the sleep away from her eyes, Ash would see they were still in Nami's flower but it was just a tad darker than it had been when she had first entered it. Her body felt heavy, especially her breasts and belly! Looking down at herself, with this being her first pregnancy, prehaps she would be startled with just how large of a difference there was with her body before and after she had gone to sleep! Her clothing had been moved around to expose her breasts which were slightly larger than before, her nipples a darker color then the light pink they had been before while small and thin rivulets of pearly white mother milk leaked constantly from her uncomfortably full breasts! Her belly was huge as well! She hadn't even seen a bump in it when she had first slept, but now it was a huge melon! Nami hadn't been lieing that she looked ripe, as she was already as large as a women in her ninth month of pregnancy!

Nami placed a hand on Ash's exposed belly, rubbing it gently. "Are you excited to bring some new life into this world? There will be even more of my sisters in this forest thanks to you~"
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c7785fae4f1cc28579d0e03d06ec10cd.png Ash didn't exactly want to become a breeding facility for alurane's... but the idea of having another person so close, on that would love and take care of her did sound quite appealing in it's own way... she'd had Fey so long ago, could Nami be a new friend for her? "I'm sorry, but I'm quite sure" She frowned a little bit. In her weakened state it was hard to move, but she leaned up and kissed Nami softly. "You're very pretty and I want to help, but I can do so much more then just birth young for you. So we'll have to keep it part time," She giggled softly and rested back into Nami's loving grip.
With the tentacle in her mouth Ash tried a few ways to experiment. Suckling the tip happily, enjoying the building warm in her tummy. One that she would come to miss in time, but now she felt a deep satisfaction and desire for more! Each of her techniques were talented and creative, despite Ash being reletivly innocent. None of them knowing that some of Ash's succubus heritage was starting to show through as she pleasured the tenta-cock!
Ash would have drifted off peacefully in Nami's lair. Having a most sound and restful sleep then she'd had in ages! But non the less she woke up when Nami pulled her out of sleep! Her body have changed from a lean thin mage to that of a swollen cow! Her breasts having gone up a full cup size as well as dribbling a bit of milk in anticipation of her first batch of children. Her belly swollen and full with a brood of alurane children. The young fox was shocked with the changes she'd undergone while asleep, half wondering if Nami had done something more to her while she was defenseless! "Y-yes, it feels kinda nice... not what I expected" The sleep fox yawned and nuzzled into Nami. "W-what should I do now?" She asked, placing her faith in the plant girl one more time.
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Nami pouted cutely as she was rejected for the second time but with her cute new toy friend leaning up and kissing her softly, Nami very quickly bounced back to her excitable self! "Ehehehe, thanks! You're just as beautiful~ And part time is still better than nothing~ We can accomplish a lot together even then!"


With Ash's inherent skills starting to show themselves in her constantly shifting blowjob technique, Ash would be rewarded with thicker and thicker globs and rivers of the syrup, leaving her mouth painted blue from the syrup flooding her mouth and covering her taste buds! Her stomach was quickly filling with the addictive plant cum! She did such an impressive job for a first timer that Nami would break off her suckling for a moment so she could giggle and reach up to Ash's head and scratch right at the base of the girl's fuzzy ears, saying "Mhhhh, Good Girl! You're a natural!"


If Nami had done something to her while she was asleep, the young kitsune couldn't tell what it would have been! "Ohhh it will feel even better soon enough~ And don't worry, you'll come to learn what to expect with your pregnancies with them being your part time job!~" Nami's hand that was softly rubbing Ash's bloated tummy in circular patterns wasn't doing anything to help the sleepy fox to stay awake. The constant rhythm was so soothing and relaxing. Nami would hug Ash tighter to her with her free hand as she nuzzled into the plant girl, softly smiling at how cute Ash was! "Well since you're so close to giving birth, we better get you to the birthing plants. I know, not the greatest of names, but I grew them specifically to help your mother give birth easier!" Contrary to her words, Nami doesn't seem in a rush. Nami's hand that hugged Ash closer lets her go and starts to softly run her fingers through Ash's silky soft hair, slowly and gently giving her ear scratches while she petted the fox. A few minutes of Nami just enjoying playing with Ash would go by before she eventually decided it was time to go.

"All righty, come here my cute round foxxy~" She maneuvers around and picks Ash up in a Princess carry once more, still seemingly having no trouble lifting the girl even with her changed body. As she did so, the flower room started to move, lowering back down to the ground and opening up for Nami to step out with her prize in hand. The first thing Ash would notice was that it wasn't just darker in the flower room, but the light had faded a bit from when she had first entered! It was definitely much later in the day than when she had left the village!

Nami takes a path through her vibrant garden, heading towards one of the walls of the room where vines and other plants completely cover the rocky surface. "Now these little friends will help you safely and comfortably give birth." Even as Nami said that, Ash couldn't make out anything other than just the vines covering the wall, but when they got closer, the vines reacted and started to move! Not fast, but neither slowly, a large number of them started to reach out from the wall and head towards Ash. Nami lifted her up and outwards like she was some offering to the plants! Multiple of them started to wrap around her legs and arms, and just like Nami, they were stronger than they seemed as they lifted Ash straight out of Nami's arms! They held her aloft in the air, just a couple feet above the ground while more grabbed her till she was comfortably held in place. Ash's legs were spread wide open and two special looking vines came out of the vine wall and headed for her breasts. They each had large bulbous sacks that were transparent and were close to the tips of the vine. As they reached Ash, their tips split open before wrapping around her nipples like they were a mouth! It took barely a moment for the fox girl to feel them sucking her nipples, while another pair of vines spiraled around her large breasts so they could start squeezing them, milking them! "Hehe, those one will collect your milk and save it for me to drink later~" Nami added as she went and sat on a nearby boulder. With each squeeze of her breasts, Ash could quite literally watch as her milk shot out of her breasts and accumulated in the transparent sacs before being gulped down further into the vine!
85902381_p0 - Copy.png As Nami reached up to scratch the girl behind the ears, the fluffy triangles would lightly flick. Soon though Nami would be able to scratch them softly as the fox girl shifted needily. It had been so long since she felt this lewd... on one hand she thought it was odd how quickly she was adapting to this... on the other, "Y-you think?" She panted feeling an oddly satisfied tingle as she was told what a good girl she was. Like a pet... Blue plant cum still dribbling down her mouth and off her chin.
Feeling both tired, and comfortable Ash didn't make any large moved to stop Nami. Her full body felt satisfied, so it wasn't so bad that she was letting Nami treat her like a play thing right? It wouldn't be like this forever since they were equals! Both protectors of the forest! Ash's tail was swinging to the same beat that her tummy was getting rubbed in. Betraying just how happy she was to be here, getting loved and pampered by this plant girl. Even if she was about to give birth it felt so right!
"A-ah... y-your going to p-princess carry me again?" Ash asked, nuzzling into Nami's large breasts, definetly happy with the development. It seemed that this guardian fox would be fairly easy to manipulate with just a bit of honey if Nami was the unsavory sort! Of course she'd never do such a thing to her new fox friend. Even as she was offered up to the vine wall, Ashlyn seemed to have faith in Nami not to do anything too mischvious. Letting the vines curl around her, spreading her legs wide. Showing off that still engordged slit, leaking some foxy juices down her thighs. Her tail softly wagging behind her as she reach out to pet the two vines which approached her exposed breasts. "What cute little fellows" She sighed as they attached themselves to her nipples. It felt shockingly good getting suckled by those plants, each moment her white mothers milk spurting out of her breasts into the awaiting sack. She would squirm and move as the vines held her still. "H-ha.... y-you're going to drink it? n-not the baby?" She asked curiously.... "I wouldn't mind i-if you took some directly... some time." She panted, wagging her tail thinking about her new lesbian lover suckling her tits directly. It's surly something that she and Fay would have tried... so there was no harm in living out the fantasy!
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"Ehehe, of course! It fits, after all if you do properly become a protector and breeder of the forest then you might as well be considered a princess of it as well!" Nami tried to further plant the idea that being a breeder was a good thing by associating it with such pretty titles like protector and princess! She hummed as she started to carry Ash away, absentmindedly wondering what beast or plant she was going to make Ash breed with next time!

If Ash would look down at Nami after making her cute comment, she would be met with the sight of Nami beaming and nodding with approval for Ash's treatment of the sucker vines! "Of course! Alraune Seeds are basically just mindless plants until they are able to properly find a place to grow and bloom into young women. We can just use water with them instead of wasting such a delicious drink on them!" Nami giggled as Ash gave permission for Nami to personally drink from the source. "Mhhhh, be careful being that adorable, my cutie or else I might just have to snatch you up and make this your new home~!" She teases, clearly aroused herself by the offer. By now, the very efficient and pleasurable sucker vines have extracted a good amount of Ash's mother's milk already with each 'suck' coaxing a big strong spurt from Ash's tits! "Though for now I'll just have to make due with what Ive already saved up~" She gestures towards the vine wall and a vine appears holding a wooden chalice it got from somewhere. Nami accepts it and a second vine appears, this one lowering its tip into the chalice to start filling it with milk. Ash's Milk! Nami waits till she makes sure she has Ash's attention even through the pleasure and slowly brings it to her lips and takes a sip from it!

Nami grins afterwords, her tongue running over her lips to collect any stray drops of the precious liquid. "Mhhh, I think we just found my new favorite drink~" Another teasing giggle follows before she continues. "But enough stalling, let us get this truely started." As if waiting for those words, the vines lower Ash slightly and lean her backwards while an especially large tentacle emerges from the wall and starts to rub and poke at the entrance to Ash's still tight as a virgin flower! Coming to explain before Ash could worry, Nami says "The birther is going to help your pussy relax now so the birth goes quicker and easier on you. Its got some special liquid that will help with that!" She didnt notice it at first, but Ash could now actively feel the tentacle using its tip to coat the entrance of her pussy with something!

"Be a good girl and try to relax for it my cutie." She take another sip from her milk after saying that. Even if she didnt actively try, she would feel her lower body start to relax slightly as the tentacle's liquid started to take effect. It started to very slowly push its head into Ash's pussy before pulling out again, each time it did so, it inched its way in deeper to Ash!
85902381_p0 - Copy.png Nami seemed to have guessed a weakness of Ashlyn, either that or been very insightful as once she mentioned the possibility of being the princess of the forest the fox girl suddenly got much more eager! Her ears perking up, her tails wagging to the point that Nami was having a harder time holding her. "Princess!" She giggled, imagining herself with a crown of flowers, her beloved prince by her side as she ruled over the forest, a benevolent and loving ruler. Of course, that came from the less glamours activity of being a breeder for the alurane, and the animals, and who knew what else! "I... I think that I can try my best to make sure we have lot's of protection" She giggled softly, trying not to think to hard about the actual activities that would lead to that, but focus on how great it would be to be a princess!

The reasoning for saving the milk seemed to make enough sense. It wouldn't due to waste something so nutrient rich if it wasn't needed... She squirmed a little as another gout of milk shot from her breasts, getting sucked down the vine and collecting in some unknown place. This was all part of helping the forest so it didn't bother the innocent fox too much. "Ehehe, you'd not be so selfish" She giggled, Nami's comments were definitely jokes. There was nothing to fear from her! In fact Ash was oddly feeling very trusting of the plant friend, maybe a bit more trusting then she should be.

As the vines crept around her, prying and poking at her sex, Ash would shift a bit uncertain and uncomfortable. They where clearly to help in the birthing process, but that didn't change the foxes hesitance to this new creature trying to get near her most precious area. Once Nami explained their purpose Ash would softly nod, keeping her eyes locked on the tentacle circling her entrance, which she could feel relaxing, easing. They didn't seem to be entering her right now, though Ash honestly didn't have the best view with her slightly engorged breasts blocking the way. "O-ok," She nodded, trying to focus on relaxing... which was usually the best way to not relax. Soon enough though, she could feel her sex, then her thighs relaxing. Not going numb, but more the tension in her muscles was just loosening. Even if she tried to tense them back up she'd find her body not responding in the way she expected... Just in time too! As the vine began to actually enter her boy. As it inched it's way in Ashlyn would let out a deep pleasurable moan.

Nami beamed at Ash's reaction to being called a Princess. Oh ho, she couldn't wait till she made this adorable snack into the forest's bitch! She giggled along with the pregnant Breeder Princess as she carried her off to fulfill the new duties Nami was forcing her into! As Ash laughed off Nami's teasing warning, Nami giggled with her letting her believe that wasnt a real warning~. She had plenty of uses for a cute, helpless, and fertile kitsune~.


The vine had no problem with Ash’s nervous shifting, shifting itself with any big movements from the foxxo. "Good girl~ Just let that vine fuck, I mean relax you." Nami cooed and at the same time that she said 'fuck', as if the vine had a mind of its own or it was under the control of Nami, it stopped its slow inch by inch movements and suddenly plunged itself deep into Ash’s almost virgin cunt! She had been forcibly relaxed enough by whatever the vine was excreting that there was no pain at all for Ash! With this first thrust, the vine made it to about the halfway point of Ash’s love tunnel, finishing the thrust by poking its tip right against one of the sensitive spots hidden along her pussy walls! The next thrust got it two thirds of the way in, and the third ended with the tip of the self lubricating vine knocking on Ash’s occupied womb! The sudden blitzkrieg of pleasure would catch Ash off guard and would almost immediately send her close to an orgasm! ...and she stayed right there at that edge as the vine refused to move with her being so close to her bliss, only pulling out slowly to thrust back in once she was far away enough from the edge for it to not cause her to cum! Nami meanwhile stayed between her new pet's friend's legs ready and waiting for Ash to give birth. "Now we just got to wait till your body is ready to give birth~" Nami purred as she watched Ash being teased.

It would take almost 5 minutes of torturous pleasure before Ash would feel something change and her water break. Almost immediately the tentacle fucking her pulled all the way out of her tight pussy and she was lowered till she was right next to Nami. By then, Ash’s lower body was totally relaxed. "Are you ready to meet your first ever babies?" Nami giggled and was ready to catch the seedlings. Slowly but painlessly she gave birth to multiple seedlings. Feeling the first coming, Ash was finally pushed over the edge by the feeling of giving birth! She's not allowed to stop her orgasm either as each of the remaining 4 seedlings being birthed just egged her on and sustained that orgasm until the last seedling popped out of her and into Nami's waiting arms!

Its only as the inexperienced breeder is recovering from her orgasms that the vines slowly lower her full to the ground that she gets a sight of her babies in Nami’s arms. They were large seed cores, each one with two vine tentacles on opposite sides of their bodies. “Ehehe, they might not look like much, but in a month your daughters will be all grown up and be like me rather than just these seeds~”
84157796_p0_master1200.png Ashlyn was fairly innocent of Nami's machinations. Being strong willed, but mostly innocent she didn't think anything other then how she'd be a great princess for the forest! How much that would help the village as well! Certianly nothing that Nami had done so far made her seem mean or evil so Ash was beginning to trust most of what she said and did even though they had only just met. Maybe that was because Ash had been feeling a bit lonely as well...
Her ears twitched when Nami had to correct herself, had she said 'fuck' it was so fast that Ash wasn't really sure. She could feel the green vine traveling up her birth canal, so it wasn't like it was *just* trying to make her feel good... and whatever coating it was spreading on her sure made it easy to relax... Even if the fox didn't understand, it was polite just to go along with the culture, right? "If you say so!" She giggled softly, reaching out to gently squeeze Nami's hand as her snatch was invaded once more. As the vine made her sacred place its home. She would squirm pleasurably while it wad doing it's work, thinking that maybe she was going to orgasm again! Today had already been such a full day, the tired fox wasn't sure if she could manage another! However the vine was teasing her, edging her, not letting her climax, but stay at the height of pleasure. All she could do with was moan cutely, seductively, and hold Nami's hand tightly.
Her mind was little more then mush for those five minutes, giving simple 'Uh huh' when Nami spoke to her. Her body giving into orgasm only as she begins to push the seedlings out from her womb and into Nami's waiting arms. The mother fox performing perfectly even as she orgasmed while giving birth to her offspring. Out of breath and panting now, she would look at each of the five of them, not a single shred of fox about them.... but still she felt a maternal attachment to them. "Ha.... s-so cu.. cute" She panted, gently stroking one of the seeds softly. Her body still weak from giving birth.
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Although Nami definitely was willing to play and be with Ash, the fox still couldn't help but feel a pang for Fay. They had always had a sort of special bond and it felt like even Nami wouldn't be able to fully take Fay's place... Nami would accept Ash's hand, giving it a squeeze and another "Good girl~" Nami would smirk top herself as Ash started to moan cutely and her mind went to mush from the teasing. Ash's wagging tail would catch her eye and with her free hand she would reach over and grab it by the base, pausing for a moment to give Ash time to process the feel of her tail being grabbed. She would then start to brush her fingers through the silky fur, keeping a good hold on the tail as she did so, all while Ash continued to be 'relaxed'.

Even with Nami probably calming the seeds down, they still slightly flailed about in her arms with their tentacles. "Mhhhh, the little ones are eager to find a place to be planted already. Take a while to rest while I go deal with them, I bet your tired even with the help of the birther~" Nami would make sure Ash was resting comfortable on the plush moss that covered three ground before quickly disappearing into one of the side caves of her grove. It would take almost 8 minutes before the Alraune would return, now with out Ash's baby seedlings. "There we go! The seedlings are on their way to some fertile grounds for them to grow upon!" She walks over to Ash and would help pull her up from the ground if she was still laying there recovering from her orgasm. Nami looks up at the sky through one of the holes in the cave roof. Its pretty obvious its late in the day already and Nami turns back to her foxxo. "Mhhh, wanna stay the night with me? I assure you, my grove is even more beautiful at night, especially if I had such a beautiful fox to share it with~"
86978272_p0_master1200.png It wasn't so much that Ash wanted to replace Fey, more that she's felt so utterly alone since both her mother and friend were taken that it was nice to have a new companion. Especially one as playful as Nami... There was a new bond that could be formed between plant and fox, Ashlyn was sure of that! It was easy to relax and enjoy the flower girls company after all. The birthing was still a little uncomfortable, but she knew that it was for the protection of not just the village, but the entire forest!"Ok," Ash hummed softly, wrapping her tail around her leg as she tried to relax. The the birthing wasn't painful, it was actually quite nice. Not exactly what she was expecting from her first birth, but that was ok, right? These were going to be cute little Alurane's that would help Nami protecting the forest!
Ash would greatfully take the hand up, holding on tightly to Nami as she did so. It had been a long tiring day for her, and the thought of traveling back to town was not an enjoyable one. "I-I'd love to... but I'm worried about the village. The elders, I told them I'd be back and they're probably worried without their protector there" She panted softly, leaning on Nami for support. "Not... not that I could really help much in this state."
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Nami would dramatically sigh with sadness... for a moment before her grin returned. "Ohhh, very well. I'll take you back to your village, but first... What would be your favorite color sweetie?" After hearing how Ash was indecisive between purple and pink, Nami would lean down to one of the nearby flowerbeds and easily plucks a flower from the bed. It was a rose that was some how half purple and half pink! She picks a few more and while her hands glow green, she deftly weaves them into a flower crown! The unique flower sits in the middle like a large jewel would in an actual crown while surrounded by a mix of pink and purple flowers. "Nature magics can be quite useful for a variety of things~" She remarked as she leaned back up, and placed the crown softly on her new toy's friend's head! The soft fragrent scent of the flowers which smelled surprisingly just like Nami enveloped Ash's head! "Ehehe, one last gift... actually..." She cups Ash's cheek and suddenly leans in, stealing a short kiss with her soft lips! She giggles as she leans back, "There we go, a proper last gift~ And don't worry, you'll recover from your pregnancy by morning! Alruane don't take too much out of their mothers and my magics also helped with that~"

Unless Ash had anything else to say or do, Nami would help her dress and gather her things before taking her by the hand and leading her back through the path she had taken to find Nami in the first place, passing by the shorn weed that had impregnated her as they went! They would encounter no trouble and Nami would stop when the exit to the mines became visible to them. "Now remember sweetie, don't be a stranger! There is still so much for us to do together!" Nami brushed her fingers across Ash's cheek, her touch sending shivers through the foxxo. She would give Ash a slap on the butt and turn and started heading back towards her own domain.

As soon as Ash would step out of the mine, she would hear a rustle of movement through the vegetation before someone burst through it and out into the open! "M-Miss Ash! You'er back!" A young hunter exclaimed as he jumped out of the surrounding forest. "The Elders got nervous when you didnt return and told me to watch for you returning, but you didnt return for so long, a-and then I was starting to get nervous because it was getting late in the day, b-but then you showed up! A-are you ok?" The young hunter was one of the Su-ka-ta villagers and one of the newer hunters which showed with how loud he was being in the forest!
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85707684_p0_master1200.png Ash blinked a few times, and then smiled brightly. She wasn't exactly expecting to be shown back to the village, though after the day of birthing she wasn't positive if she'd be able to stand or not anyways! "Thank you~" She beamed, her tail eagerly wagging behind her. "Favorite color?" She'd not really thought to much about it before to be honest. She'd always liked some of the soft pink dresses that she's worn growing up, but on the other hand the deep purple hues made her feel comforted somehow.... "Pink and purple both!" She decided with a dramatic nod!
The fox would watch on with amazement as Nami picked the multi colored flowers from her bed, "Wow, you must have every color ever," She giggled softly and leaned her head down, being crowned princess of the flowers... at least in her mind! Her sensitive fox nose picking up the delicate smell of Nami from the crown. Enjoying it's sweet scent, distracting her from Nami's advances before the second gift was delivered. One which Ash was surprised by, but grateful for, gently leaning into the kiss, but letting it end as suddenly as it started. "Mmm, you are quite the kisser" She giggled happily.
Once dressed she promised to visit Nami regularly, maybe not to give birth every time, but at least to keep the Allurane company. With that she was on her way back to the village. Greeting the hunter as she approached. "Sorry about the delay, I wanted to send word but I was caught up visiting with one of our neibors" Her ear flicked softly, "The mines are fine, there's some bugs up in there, but they should be safe so long as we don't mess with them. Make sure the kid's don't go near the shaft though." She thought about bringing up Nami with the hunter, but decided to hold for now. "I'm doing fine, is the elder still up? Let's go see him."