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The Domestication of Ashlyn (KitsuneKinomi)


Amusement danced in Nami's eyes as they followed Ash’s wagging tail as it went back and forth. Seeing such a fluffy tail move that fast was too cute even for the Alraune! And after Nami's second gift, she would also giggle and compliment the kitsune. "Mhhh, and you're not half bad either… though I'm sure with plenty of practice you could be even better~" There was no doubt about who Nami wanted Ash to practice with but would leave her flirting there for now.


“N-neighbors? W-we have neighbors?” Whether Ash wanted to elaborate to the hunter or not was up to her, but the young hunter would tilt his head and the triangular ears atop his head would flick back and forth before he nodded along with Ash’s orders to keep the kids away from the entrance to the mine. “...Do you mean Elder Lorn? Rumor is that he's the one you're closest with! He's one of my favorite Elders! He should still be awake!” He would turn and start to lead Ash back to the village and with how close the mine was to Eden, it wasn't long before they were back at the nearest gate. The hunter would stop and turn to Ash. “You know how to get the Elder Lorn’s house right? I'm going to go let the other hunters know about the mines! See ya!” And with that, the energetic young man would head off towards a house the hunters usually gathered at between hunts.

Ash indeed did know her way around the village and to where Elder Lorn’s personal house was. It was close to the center of the village and what was effectively the Village hall. Another short journey through the now much more awake village would see quite a few of the villagers that she passed waving and smiling at her. Ash was held aloft in her special position of Protector of the village and was respected for it… though still not as much as her mother had been respected for it… it was a large set of shoes to fill still.

Eventually arriving at the Elder’s door, she would only have to wait a few moments after knocking for her sensitive hearing to hear movement inside and then the door Village Elder.jpg opened to reveal one of the few pure blooded humans in the village. “Young Ashlynn! There you are! I had grown worried after you disappeared into the mines and did not reappear soon after! Come, come inside! I hope you have good news?” If Ash accepted the invitation into his small cottage, she would be lead into the kitchen to sit at a table where Elder Lorn would sit across from her, looking at her with expectation.
85707684_p0_master1200.png Walking along with the huntress Ash would clarify that she met with an Alurane, but she didn't want any harm to come to her, but at the same time the young should be kept away from her territory. Along with a mention of the bugs which she'd seen much deeper in the mines. After which she would make her way to the elders house alone."Good evening Elder," She bowed slightly, as she entered the door way. Taking a moment to adjust her tail. "The inside of the mine should be considered off limits. I the shadow was naught but an injured wolf, however deeper within the mines are some large bug creatures that I didn't recognize. There is also an Alurane, Nami, who seems friendly to our cause. She's met with mother before as well... I spent my time talking with her." She'd give the brief run down of events leading to now. "I don't think the bug's pose a serious threat to us right now, though I worry about their movements in the future. Additionally Nami should be given her space."
Village Elder.jpg

"Hmmmm..." Elder Lorn's fingers brushed through the beard on his chin as he took in this information. "The wolf is gone I take it? And I shall let the other elders know to spread word that everyone should stay away from the mines from now on. Best be as safe as we can." He nodded along to his own statement. One of the reasons the village relied so heavily on their protector was their adverstion to violence and harm. Living lifes of slaves and other unfortunate situations had left their mark on the residents of Eden. "As for this Nami... Hmmmm, your mother never directly mentioned her, but she did disappear into the surrounding forest quite often, so maybe she visited this Nami quite often... what do you say? Do you think she will be a concern to us at all?"

Once they had finished the discussion on what Ash discovered, Lorn would start to switch topics. Lorn was one of Elders Ash was closest with in the village and he was usually the one in charge of keeping her up to date on what was happening with the Elders, though she did have the option to go sit in on their meetings if she wanted, its just that it was full of dusty old people and Ash usually had better uses of her time. She had sat in when she had first gotten her new position of protector after her mother had been taken away but that had quickly turned not only boring, but depressing due to the village's atmosphere after the final raid. "Some, potentially disturbing news came in recently and this morning's meeting of the Elders was called to discuss it..." Lorn shifted in his seat looking a tad uneasy. "Vien made the travel to one of the local cities to grab supplies for the village as he normally does, and learned that local nobles are finally starting to send out people to survey the land for them, and if one of those teams stumble across the village, the nobles will quickly learn about a village full of demi-humans on their land... its unlikely that will be good for Eden..." Years ago, the old noble house of the region had been replaced with an entirely new one, and the secluded nature of Eden and the carefulness of her people they sent out to the cities meant they learned very little of this new noble house. The cities had been restructured over the past few years, cleaned up, and now it looks like that was about to happen to the country side next!
85707684_p0_master1200.png Ash would nod, confirming that the wolf had been dispatched. "We're lucky it was something so simple... it feels bad to have to put him down, but it's for the safety of the young ones... Strange she never mentioned a powerful creature so near the village, not even to you or me." This did make Ash doubt Nami's story if only slightly... it wasn't as though her mother never kept secrets, but the young fox was sure that something so important would surly be shared with the elders.... "For now, I think we should be fine, however I'll make sure to keep an eye on her."
It was quite comforting talking to Lorn. There were few in the village that Ash truly felt close to any more, and in some ways her role as protector did make her close to the elders, Lorn in particular. That didn't mean she had much patience for their droning, only that she respected the wisdom they could offer... if only they'd hurry up and say it!
"I see," Ash frown, with her ears drawing forward as well. "The possibility of a raid is one we might have to be ready for... some nobel might be able to mount a much larger force then simple slavers..." She though back to the offer that Nami had mad, populating their guardian by breeding.... i-it was lewd, but maybe that would provide them a bit of an edge?.... No, of course not! After all her prince charming was suppose to come save her, so it's not like she really needed to worry... "We'll take extra precautions, but I think it will be ok." She smiled, trying to ease Lorn's fears without explaining her confidence.
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