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The East Gate


Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
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The gate is a huge stone archway carved from the living rock hundreds of years ago.
Re: The East Gate

Saul didn't need to be a telepath to tell the young centaur was pondering something hard, but at the same time he didn't want to pry too deeply. He was deeply impressed by Maithgen's ability to deal with a new culture in the midst of a crisis, so he decided to hold off on questions until the centaur had had a chance to absorb more of this information.

"Well, if you do have anything else you'd like to know, it's no trouble at all." The grizzled lycan looked up at the enormous gate as the pair neared it. "Seems we're the first ones here. The sheer size and composition of this structure never fails to impress me."
Re: The East Gate

"How exac...." Maithgen realizes he's thinking out loud and stops himself.

"Yeah I guess we're the first ones here alright. The arch is indeed amazing. I think I was told that it has stood for hundreds of years." Maithgen says looking at the huge arch before them.

"Do you think the others will be very long?"
Re: The East Gate

"Well, we won't be." Jess says with a grin as she and Misha round the nearest corner, horse and cart full of supplies in tow. "Hi mum, are we having fun yet?"
Re: The East Gate

"I guess that answers my question. Jess and Misha, right?" Maithgen says in surprise.
Re: The East Gate

"Yep, that's right, and you are... Wrathgen, no, Wriathgen, right? Nice to meet ya!" Jess answers, extenting her hand up to the centaur.
Re: The East Gate

"I think we found everything alright. Maithgen, Jess and Misha. Jess and Misha, Maithgen." Saul gives the other three a small smile, then scans around, looking for the elf and the shark lycan. "Hopefully you got those pots and pans I requested? I know a lot of good meals I can make from what we'll find in the jungle. Plus those coneys need seasoning and roasting."

Saul pulls up a small sack from around his belt with a rune on it, which was keeping the rabbits cold until they could be cooked.
Re: The East Gate

"Er, right. Maithgen (pronounced Ma-heen). Nice to meet you." The centaur says as he accepts the halflings hand.

"I guess we might as well relax a little, well we wait for the others. Don't know how long it will be before we can rest in relative safety, again." Maithgen says as he sets the heavy bag of food down on the cart.
Re: The East Gate

"Roght, Maithgen, sorry 'bout that." Jess says with an apologetic smile before rurning to Saul. "Of course I got pots and pans, good sturdy cast iron ones too, you could probably even use them as a weapon if you wanted to, they'd make a nice, satisfying clang when you connect." She makes a ghost swing when she says that, and giggles at the picture it makes.
Re: The East Gate

Misha lets out a small smile and says, "With my transmutation i can turn any poisonous fruit into something delicious..."
Re: The East Gate

Orma and Kua finally arrive, likely not long after Jess and Misha had, maps and weather information in hand. "I hope you folks didn't have to wait long for us," she said with an apologetic look on her face.

She paused for a moment, seeming to debate on something then added, "and Misha, do you mind if I borrow your partner Jess for a moment? I need to go over something with her privately. It won't take more than a minute."
Re: The East Gate

"I think the partner thing was pretty temporary anyway," Jess replies quickly, walking with Orma a short ways away. "What's up?"
Re: The East Gate

After making sure that they were far enough away to not be directly overheard, Orma turned to Jess and hesitated for only a short moment.

"First let me apologize in advance if you feel that I have pried into your business. As a telepath and magic user, I can't help but know your a reservoir. I didn't want to just say it amongst the group and embarrass you or anything, so I felt this was the only way I should go about speaking to you about it, since you can't reply back to me telepathically. What I really want to say is, if you find yourself in need of... what is the appropriate term, drained?"

She stops for a moment, obviously not sure what the best term to use here is before continuing.

"If you find yourself needing to lose the overflow, if you feel comfortable with it, let me know and I'll help you out. Again, I'm sorry if you feel I invaded your privacy."
Re: The East Gate

Jess looks surprised, but not hurt or angry. "Well, you're the third person in our group to know that now, and I could use your help now and again, I'm sure. Don't hesitate to ask if you need a boost yourself, as well, I don't use it for much 'cept the knives. try to keep it to yourself, though, it doesn't take much to take it by force, so the less the better, right?" She shifts from foot to foot, and takes a quick glance back to the main group.
Re: The East Gate

Orma blinks for a moment, obviously stunned to learn there were two others besides her who knew. "I'm definitely not telling anyone else of this, you can be assured of that. I'm actually glad that your not going with the group searching for the elf responsible for this, chances are he would have been able to sense it, and I shudder to think what he could draw from you."

She stops, a chill running up her spine. Finally she adds, "alright, you ready to head back to the others?"
Re: The East Gate

Jess shudders as well, suddenly glad she got stuck on the boring half of the adventure. "Yeah, let's go back, thanks again." She says, and turns to walk back to the main group. "So, are we missing anyone? It was just the six of us, right?" She asks with a smile.
Re: The East Gate

Saul smiles back, "Yup, 'Jess' the six of us." He ignores the groans.

"I do, however, have one rather important matter to bring up. We haven't yet decided on a leader. Oh, I know what James and the secretary said," he clarifies hastily, "but this isn't a party of gods. This is a party of mortals. While I would be extremely honored to serve as the party's leader, I feel it only appropriate, and necessary, to ask if anyone else has any objections, or believes themselves better suited to the post. It's important we are led with our consent, not the consent of the gods."

The tall lycan looks around the group.
Re: The East Gate

Jess leaps up onto Saul again, grinning as she climbed up his side to stand on his shoulders, in order to be seen and heard by the entire group.

She clears her throat, then continues in the loudest announcers voice her tiny frame can muster.
"In recognition of his wisdom, bravery, experience, and most importantly, size, I herby nominate Mum here(she puts her finger down on top of Saul's head to coincide with the 'Mum' in her speech) to lead our motley crew of..." She stops here and looks around, not quite sure what to call the collection of student she sees before her. "...Adventurers, on our noble quest to rid this land of evil!" She throws her hands up in the air at the end, hoping to look dramatic and silly but most likely looking just silly.
Re: The East Gate

Misha chuckled at their antics, "I don't know you very well Saul, but if Jess vouches for you, then why not?"
Re: The East Gate

"no objection"