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The East Gate

Re: The East Gate

Orma just smiles and adds, "I haven't known you very long Saul, but I definitely see you as being a great leader for us. You have my support for you as well and will hear no complaint from me about it. Lead on."
Re: The East Gate

"Same here, I just met you but I already know you'll be a great leader, Saul." Maithgen adds as he laughs at the halfling's antics.

After he finishes laughing, "Not meaning to take away from your moment, Saul. I'm sure we all have our part to play whatever it may be, but shouldn't we all make sure we know what our plan is. Nature forbid anything happens to someone, but it could happen."
Re: The East Gate

"I appreciate the confidence you guys are putting in me. I'll do my best." The were-bear surveys his companions, having turned a rather bright shade of crimson as the halfling scaled him for the second or third time that day. "We really don't have too much of a plan at the moment, unfortunately. We're going to head eastward, to the aptly-named East Sanctum area. Upon our arrival we'll attempt to find their head of Genmagika to discuss possible methods of curing the disease."

He grins. "Of course, my mother would tell me, 'If you want to hear the gods laugh, tell someone your plans.' I think we really need to be prepared for anything to happen."

"But time's a-wasting. Can anyone else think of anything we might need to do here before we start out into the wilderness?"
Re: The East Gate

Once the matter was settled, jess does a flying leap from Saul's shoulders onto the stack of supplies her and Misha brought, then settles herself into them, looking quite comfortable.

"I can't think of anything we don't have, and we can find anything else we need on the way anyways."
Re: The East Gate

Orma shakes her head this time. "I have everything I need now with me. I'm good."
Re: The East Gate

"Yeah I have everything I need as well. So I guess we just relax a little before we set out then." Maithgen adds.

((Good god, how does a centaur lie down. Some questions are just better if never asked.))
Re: The East Gate

Misha laid a hand on the gate, "So why haven't we left yet guys?" She went to walk out of the gate and slammed facefirst into an invisible barrier. "Oh ow my nose..."

"The time has not yet come..." a soft voice whispered through the air, "The blessings have not occured... they are waiting on the others. Do not try to pass again air creature."

"Oookay." Misha skittered back to the cart. "Crazy Sylph with too much alone time. How are we going to deal with her?"
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Re: The East Gate

"What blessings?" Jess replies to the disembodied voice, not too worried but kind of irritated. "For that matter, what 'Others'? We're all here!"
Re: The East Gate

"They will bless your journey when the others reach their gate. My sister will make sure they do not leave until the blessings occur."
Re: The East Gate

Jess gives a snort, and replies. "Well why do we hafta wait for them? We're going in completely separate directions!"
Re: The East Gate

"The blessings must occur. Simple earth child does not understand. There is a rythm to the fallings of curses and blessings..."
Re: The East Gate

"Earth Child! Is that a short joke? And what rhythm can be had from two synchronous actions?" Jess asks, then starts tossing two blades in an up-down pattern, never crossing the two and never changing hands. "two at a time are at best a beat, if you want a rhythm you have to go further than that." A third knife appears and she starts juggling them asynchronously, creating almost a waltz pattern from the throws. "Its when you start changing things that rhythm occurs."
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Re: The East Gate

"Again, the child of the earth does not understand the world beyond hers. You must look beyond... beyond what you can see..." There is a sigh, "James knows, he knows... he sees the wait..." a brief wind flows through the area, "And you will see too, Earth child. You will see..."
Re: The East Gate

Kua scratched his head.
"...Anyone getting this?"
Re: The East Gate

Jess harrumphs as the sylph assumedly leaves then tosses the knives behind her. She speaks up as they hit the ground one by one. "Bah, with sylphs like that, its a wonder wind instruments can work at all." She harrumphs again, then crosses her arms and stays silent.
Re: The East Gate

Saul maintains a respectful demeanor towards the fey creature. "Seems to me that they want to send us off properly. Don't worry, Kua, we'll get to see the jungle soon enough. Give it two weeks and you'll miss this place more than you can guess."
Re: The East Gate

After watching the the interaction of the others with the sylph, Maithgen adds. "Yeah I guarantee you we'll be missing this place in a week or two. So since we should get to know each other. Where are the rest of you from? I already know a little about Saul from our conversation earlier, but I don't know the rest of you yet."
Re: The East Gate

Misha looked hesitant a moment, and then spoke up, "I ran away from home and changed my surname... My mother didn't want me to come to this school..."
Re: The East Gate

"Oh, uh sorry. I didn't mean to touch on a sore subject. It just seemed like an obvious question." Maithgen apologizes.
Re: The East Gate

"It's alright." She assured him, "You need to know this in case we have to go to the birdfolk kingdom. I'll have to stay somewhere else, and wait for you. If I even step foot in the kingdom my mother will be able to find me."