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The East Gate

Re: The East Gate

Orma shook her head at the antics. "I don't pretend to understand what these blessings of theirs are, but it definitely seems to be important to them, and if it helps us out, I'm all for it. Besides, we should respect their ways, much as we would another government. We may not understand them, we may not know what they mean, but we should respect them and let them do what they do best."

She watched the Slyph go, watching her curiously, but trying to be respectful while doing so.
Re: The East Gate

Kua stared at the ground and shook his head.
"Magic.. I'll never understand the stuff."
Re: The East Gate

Jess says her part nonchalantly, idly spinning a dagger point up on her fingertip as she does so. "Well let's see, born and raised in Fairfield, it's a little town on my race's continent, and left when I was old enough to be considered an adult. I wandered around for a while 'till I decided to leave for here. Made landfall at the Eastern Sanctum, but they decided they didn't like me there, so I came here. Anything else?"
Re: The East Gate

"Wow, I guess not to many have good experiences in their homelands. Anyone else have some questions, I don't want to be the only one asking things." Maithgen says.
Re: The East Gate

"Well," Saul adds cautiously, "we could have a look at a few of those maps you two acquired. We might spend time figuring out our route. Also we should probably go ahead and divvy up our supplies and whatnot amongst ourselves and our beasts of burden."

Always the pragmatist, Saul begins figuring out how everything will be carried. He leans the tall white walking stick against the living rock of the gate, freeing both hands up for the task at hand.
Re: The East Gate

"That's fine by me the route was actually more what I was thinking of when I asked our plan earlier." Maithgen says as he busies himself helping Saul seperate their supplies for easier carrying.
Re: The East Gate

Kua hands over the maps he retrieved with a polite smile and without a word
Re: The East Gate

With the gear divvied between the group, Saul crouches and opens the maps on a bone-dry patch of ground. "So what's our weather going to be like for the journey?" He smiles up at Kua and Orma expectantly.
Re: The East Gate

It would be Orma who answered him, having been the one to gather that information. "Since we'll be traveling through a jungle we can expect frequent, short duration thunderstorms. They tend to pop up without any warning, and typically last ten to fifteen minutes at a time. Luckily they aren't very powerful as far as the lightning goes, but the wind speed and the heavy rain will send us for cover easily. So be prepared to get wet. A lot."
Re: The East Gate

The look on Jess' face says she is not pleased at this information, but then she shrugs and says nothing, just waits as patiently as she can for the time to leave, which isn't very well. If it were up to her, she would have just stuck the essentials in a backpack and climbed over the wall by now.
Re: The East Gate

"Sounds like lovely weather to me," smirks Maithgen as he listens to the weather report.
Re: The East Gate

There was a shimmer to the air and a young elf with jet black hair and black eyes, with thick bushy eyebrows appeared, staring at them with a sneer stamped on his face. “You think you can stop me? HA!” His black cape swirled dramatically around him, though there was no wind, and he eyed them all with a cold stare.

The members of the party could feel pressure building around them, and Lazaro pulled out a strange object and pointed it at the group. “Now all of you will die.”
Re: The East Gate

"First you'll answer to ME!" Saul's staff is twirled into readiness, and he nimbly charges at the enemy, leaping through the air. His staff swings upward, ready to descend and cleave Lazaro's hateful skull in two.
Re: The East Gate

Lazaro sneered and concentrated on the were bear, and struck him with the spell mid air, and watched him crumple to the ground. “You’ll regret that worms!” And poofed.
Re: The East Gate

The lycan instinctively rolls back onto his hands and knees, using the staff for support. He looks down at his chest, feeling the magic course through him, trying to assess the damage.
Re: The East Gate

Orma reacted quickly, but seemingly not fast enough. As the other elf attacked, she unleashed a charged lightning bolt, aiming between the ears themselves in an attempt to push the bolt into the ear drum itself. "Crap, I think I missed."
Re: The East Gate

Misha stared in horror at the spot where the Elf used to be, "That... that was HIM!" she then rushed over to Saul.
Re: The East Gate

When the stranger appeared, Jess thought he was just someone new who wanted to make a flashy entrance, she turned from her seat on top of the pile of stuff in the cart to make a snarky comment and actually got a good look at him just as he pulled out whatever the thing was and aimed it at them. She froze solid with fear, not even able to breathe as Saul jumped at the person they were all trying to stop. All she could think was what he'd do if he sensed her magic. He hit Saul and disappeared wothout looking in her direction, and she breathed a sigh of relief, then realized that Saul was injured, probably badly. She crawled down from the cart and walked over to him, still shaking from the close encounter. "A-a-are you alright, Mum?"
Re: The East Gate

The werebear can feel a burning sensation spreading from his chest to his extremities, a burning that intensifies and then begins to die out. He can feel his heartbeat beginning to fail, the full effect of the spell being all too mortal. His vision begins to blur and his limbs grow too weak to support him.
Re: The East Gate

'Mum' tries to flash a reassuring smile back at Jess, barely turning his head and grinning before he pitches forward, sprawling face-first into the dirt. He rolls painfully onto his back, his eyesight failing him rapidly.

"I think... I think I might die of the plague after all." Saul chuckles as blood trickles out of the corner of his mouth. His words grow more forced. "Gotta say I appreciate... the irony."