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The Eastern Tentaberry Field

Pheonix Alugere

New member
Former Moderator
Nov 15, 2008
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This field is the east most of the three Tentaberry irrigation systems. The well here is starting to go dry.
Re: The Eastern Tentaberry Field

Trundling down to the eastern field with his wheelbarrow of gear, Pheonix moves all the way over to the northern edge instead of going in. No point in going in a risking wasting the next few hours if I can dig a well near the northeast corner. He thinks. Of course, once the well is dug, he'll have to go in anyway to disconnect the old one, which is why he is wearing what he currently is. No point in wearing underwear which might just gain an extra hole, and the pair of pants he chose already had a hole in the ass. At the north corner, he rests the wheelbarrow and pulls out the shovel begins to spend the next few hours shoveling.
Re: The Eastern Tentaberry Field

The main reason I'm asking is that the manager is a cat person, or cat-boy if you will, and you look to be part dog. You may want to be careful so that that doesn't cause problems. Selene says. Although she doesn't notice because she is distracted. A light bluish mist hangs in the northeast corner of the field and trees seem to be encroaching on the field in that area as well.
Re: The Eastern Tentaberry Field

"Well I won't bark at him, if that's what you mean. He'll be alright." James says, noticing the strange blue mist "What in the name of god is that?"
Re: The Eastern Tentaberry Field

What, that...? Oh fuck! That looks like a mana cloud. The manager must have hit a contaminated area when digging. Come on, I need to see if he's ok. Selene says, taking of at a sprint.
Re: The Eastern Tentaberry Field

James nods, then takes off in a run behind Selene with a smile "I encountered mana before. Damn near got me killed." he says, thinking back "Made me drunk for a week."
Re: The Eastern Tentaberry Field

Yeah, liquid mana is pretty dangerous, much more powerful than the ambient stuff mages cast with. Stack that on top of the fact that the manager is weak against any form of magic and it means we have a problem. Selene says, running up to the cloud. Mr. Alugere, are you in there? Are you alright? Do you need us to get you out? She calls out.

A strange voice replies seemingly distorted, although checking around, that's probably because it comes from the hole dug into the ground nearby. Unnnggghhh.

Crap, that doesn't sound good. James, could you climb into the hole and hand the manager up to me, we need to get him away from here before the mana effects him too much. Selene says.

(In case you ever get confused, mana is the term I use for the energy used to perform magic. It's a fairly common term for it, but not everyone has encountered it before)
Re: The Eastern Tentaberry Field

"Yes, Ma'am." James says, running to the hole and grasping the edges, then sliding down the side "Manager! Are you alright?" he asks, looking at the manager laying on the ground
Re: The Eastern Tentaberry Field

Lying in the faintly glowing water at the bottom of the hole is some who looks rather different than the person that James expected. On the whole, the person looked decidedly more female than male, especially giving the breasts tenting out the fabric of the person's shirt. Still, the person at least had the cat tail and ears that were indicative of the manager's race, so the rest might just have been a symptom of exposure to the magic. In response to his question, all the figure does is moan slightly.

Is he ok? Can you get him up out of the hole from there? Selene calls down to James.
Re: The Eastern Tentaberry Field

James grunts as he picks up the manager, then tosses him/her out of the hole in one throw, then begins to climb up the side of the well and eventually out into the daylight "Does that answer your question?" he says, rubbing his hands together to get the dirt off "Looks like something happened down there."
Re: The Eastern Tentaberry Field

...Oh... oh my... Selene mumbles, startled by the circumstances. Um, guh... Let's, uh... taking him back to the house. Could you carry him while I get bring the tools. Selens asks before starting to pick up the tools and put them in the wheelbarrow in order to get her mind off of what had happened to her manager.
Re: The Eastern Tentaberry Field

"Up we go, Manager." James says, picking up the manager in his arms and walking back towards the road, his eyes darting back and forth through the fields as he walks, keeping a close eye on the tentaberry bushes "Best be staying down, boys." he says, arriving at the road and then walking towards the farmhouse
Re: The Eastern Tentaberry Field

When you get there, just go inside and up the stairs to the second floor. Follow the left wall and he's the first door. I'll be there in a bit. Selene calls out to James as he moves off before pushing the now loaded wheel barrow in the same direction, although she was headed to the tool shed first.

The rough layout of the second floor is like this: (B=bathroom, r=bedroom, *=Pheonix's room, '-'=second floor hallway, and '|'=stairs)
